Full Stack Web App using Vue.js & Express.js: Part 2 - Sequelize

Welcome to part 2 of a new series where I will create a full stack web application using Vue.js and Express.js GitHub repo: https://github.com/codyseibert/tab-tracker Follow Cody on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CodyLSeibert Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.com Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://medium.freecodecamp.com

{'title': 'Full Stack Web App using Vue.js & Express.js: Part 2 - Sequelize', 'heatmap': [{'end': 267.928, 'start': 240.886, 'weight': 0.736}, {'end': 882.184, 'start': 852.688, 'weight': 0.753}, {'end': 1104.61, 'start': 1065.066, 'weight': 0.741}, {'end': 2109.945, 'start': 2082.176, 'weight': 1}], 'summary': 'Learn to build a full stack web app with vue.js & express.js, connecting api to a sql database using sequelize, setting up user models, configuring the database, implementing validation, middleware, and beautifying the project.', 'chapters': [{'end': 312.21, 'segs': [{'end': 47.869, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 24.833, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 35.44, 'text': "And in this case, we're going to be using SQLize, which is an ORM to connect to like SQL related databases, such as like MySQL or Postgres or SQLite.", 'start': 24.833, 'duration': 10.607}, {'end': 44.867, 'text': 'A couple of people asked if we could do MongoDB, but I also, I feel like, you know, SQL databases are still one of the most popular ones.', 'start': 36.121, 'duration': 8.746}, {'end': 47.869, 'text': "So I think it's more important to learn how to use SQL versus MongoDB.", 'start': 44.947, 'duration': 2.922}], 'summary': "Using sqlize orm to connect to sql databases like mysql, postgres, or sqlite. sql databases are still one of the most popular ones, so it's important to learn how to use sql versus mongodb.", 'duration': 23.036, 'max_score': 24.833, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk24833.jpg'}, {'end': 139.713, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 70.886, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 77.91, 'text': "They're not the best, but if you read through these, you can get a good understanding of how you use SQLize, how you define models,", 'start': 70.886, 'duration': 7.024}, {'end': 78.79, 'text': 'how you can use models.', 'start': 77.91, 'duration': 0.88}, {'end': 89.74, 'text': 'but basically, To sum it up, SQLize provides you with data models where each model maps to a table in a database.', 'start': 78.79, 'duration': 10.95}, {'end': 94.364, 'text': 'So, for instance, if you wanted to create a user model that has an email and a password,', 'start': 90.32, 'duration': 4.044}, {'end': 100.815, 'text': "You can just create a SQLized model and then it'll automatically connect to whatever SQL database, such as SQLite.", 'start': 94.912, 'duration': 5.903}, {'end': 103.817, 'text': "It'll create your tables and then create your columns for that table.", 'start': 101.336, 'duration': 2.481}, {'end': 111.821, 'text': 'And then you can use objects inside your node or express server to kind of manipulate that data or add records, remove records, et cetera.', 'start': 104.357, 'duration': 7.464}, {'end': 116.904, 'text': "And that's kind of all I'm going to cover with the SQLized documentation.", 'start': 112.862, 'duration': 4.042}, {'end': 119.206, 'text': "So let's just go ahead and get started using SQLize.", 'start': 117.224, 'duration': 1.982}, {'end': 125.145, 'text': 'So to start off, we want to first install those dependencies.', 'start': 121.383, 'duration': 3.762}, {'end': 129.107, 'text': "So on the right, I'm going to say npm install save sqlize.", 'start': 125.205, 'duration': 3.902}, {'end': 131.529, 'text': 'And then we also want to include SQLite 3.', 'start': 129.127, 'duration': 2.402}, {'end': 139.713, 'text': "And I'm going to do version 1.3.8, just because I ran into an issue in the past with a newer version of SQLite 3.", 'start': 131.529, 'duration': 8.184}], 'summary': 'Sqlize provides data models mapping to tables in a database, facilitating easy manipulation and management of data records.', 'duration': 68.827, 'max_score': 70.886, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk70886.jpg'}, {'end': 216.08, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 173.564, 'weight': 8, 'content': [{'end': 182.971, 'text': "So basically we're assuming that there's a models folder which has an index.js file which returns an object that has a SQLize attribute on here.", 'start': 173.564, 'duration': 9.407}, {'end': 193.159, 'text': 'And what we want to do is just go ahead and do SQLize.sync which will basically connect SQLize to whatever database that you have it configured for.', 'start': 183.792, 'duration': 9.367}, {'end': 197.509, 'text': "then create the tables, if they don't exist,", 'start': 195.288, 'duration': 2.221}, {'end': 204.934, 'text': "and just get everything set up and ready to go and once you're done sqli or syncing sqlize to your database,", 'start': 197.509, 'duration': 7.425}, {'end': 211.097, 'text': "we're going to go ahead and just start our server and to kind of make this more useful.", 'start': 204.934, 'duration': 6.163}, {'end': 214.699, 'text': 'when the server starts, just go ahead and print out a message so we can actually know when it started.', 'start': 211.097, 'duration': 3.602}, {'end': 216.08, 'text': "so i'll say console log,", 'start': 214.699, 'duration': 1.381}], 'summary': 'Sync sqlize to database, create tables, start server, and print message upon server start.', 'duration': 42.516, 'max_score': 173.564, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk173564.jpg'}, {'end': 297.803, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 240.886, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 244.188, 'text': "And I'll create a file inside that folder called config.js.", 'start': 240.886, 'duration': 3.302}, {'end': 251.877, 'text': 'And inside this config.js I want to export something that says port 8081.', 'start': 244.889, 'duration': 6.988}, {'end': 258.041, 'text': "So now app.js can include that file and then kind of use whatever's defined in that config to spin up the application.", 'start': 251.877, 'duration': 6.164}, {'end': 266.227, 'text': "Another refactoring I'm going to do before I actually start working more into SQLize and defining the models is, if you notice,", 'start': 259.721, 'duration': 6.506}, {'end': 267.928, 'text': 'here we have the routes defined.', 'start': 266.227, 'duration': 1.701}, {'end': 274.252, 'text': "It's kind of useful if you have a separate file where all your routes are defined.", 'start': 269.809, 'duration': 4.443}, {'end': 281.217, 'text': "So what I'm going to do is in the source folder I'm going to make a new file called routes.js and that's going to export a function.", 'start': 274.292, 'duration': 6.925}, {'end': 297.803, 'text': "And basically what we're going to do is cut that code out and put it inside that routes.js module.", 'start': 288.618, 'duration': 9.185}], 'summary': 'Creating config.js with port 8081, and moving routes to separate file', 'duration': 56.917, 'max_score': 240.886, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk240886.jpg'}], 'start': 1.698, 'title': 'Building full stack web app with vue.js & express.js', 'summary': "Covers connecting an api to a sql database using sqlize, emphasizing the importance of learning sql and relational data modeling and providing an overview of sqlize's capabilities. it also discusses using sqlize to automatically connect to sql databases, create tables and columns, manipulate data, and set up the project to use sqlize package for database management. additionally, it addresses refactoring the node.js application by creating a separate config file to define the port, organizing routes in a separate file, and using sequelize to define the models.", 'chapters': [{'end': 94.364, 'start': 1.698, 'title': 'Building full stack web app with vue.js & express.js', 'summary': "Covers connecting an api to a sql database using sqlize, emphasizing the importance of learning sql and relational data modeling and providing an overview of sqlize's capabilities.", 'duration': 92.666, 'highlights': ['SQLize provides data models mapping to tables in a database, exemplified by creating a user model with email and password fields.', 'Emphasizing the importance of learning SQL and relational data modeling over MongoDB due to the popularity and relevance of SQL databases.', 'The chapter introduces the use of SQLize, an ORM, to connect to SQL-related databases like MySQL, Postgres, or SQLite for storing relational models.']}, {'end': 216.08, 'start': 94.912, 'title': 'Using sqlize for database management', 'summary': 'Covers using sqlize to automatically connect to sql databases, create tables and columns, manipulate data, and set up the project to use sqlize package for database management.', 'duration': 121.168, 'highlights': ['You can use SQLize to automatically connect to SQL databases, create tables and columns, and manipulate data inside your node or express server.', 'To start using SQLize, you need to install the dependencies including SQLize and SQLite 3 version 1.3.8.', 'You need to set up your project to use the SQLize package by creating a models folder with an index.js file that exports a SQLize object.', 'After setting up, you can use SQLize.sync to connect SQLize to your database, create tables, and get everything set up and ready to go.', 'Once the syncing is done, you can start your server and print out a message to know when it has started.']}, {'end': 312.21, 'start': 216.08, 'title': 'Node.js app refactoring', 'summary': 'Discusses refactoring the node.js application by creating a separate config file to define the port, organizing routes in a separate file, and using sequelize to define the models.', 'duration': 96.13, 'highlights': ['Creating a separate config file with port 8081 defined allows for easier management and configuration of the application.', 'Organizing routes in a separate file enhances code organization and maintainability.', 'Using Sequelize to define the models will streamline database interaction and improve data management.']}], 'duration': 310.512, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk1698.jpg', 'highlights': ['SQLize provides data models mapping to tables in a database, exemplified by creating a user model with email and password fields.', 'Emphasizing the importance of learning SQL and relational data modeling over MongoDB due to the popularity and relevance of SQL databases.', 'The chapter introduces the use of SQLize, an ORM, to connect to SQL-related databases like MySQL, Postgres, or SQLite for storing relational models.', 'You can use SQLize to automatically connect to SQL databases, create tables and columns, and manipulate data inside your node or express server.', 'Creating a separate config file with port 8081 defined allows for easier management and configuration of the application.', 'Organizing routes in a separate file enhances code organization and maintainability.', 'Using Sequelize to define the models will streamline database interaction and improve data management.', 'To start using SQLize, you need to install the dependencies including SQLize and SQLite 3 version 1.3.8.', 'You need to set up your project to use the SQLize package by creating a models folder with an index.js file that exports a SQLize object.', 'After setting up, you can use SQLize.sync to connect SQLize to your database, create tables, and get everything set up and ready to go.', 'Once the syncing is done, you can start your server and print out a message to know when it has started.']}, {'end': 527.12, 'segs': [{'end': 335.289, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 312.21, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 325.101, 'text': "our routes file basically just returns a function for us where we can pass an app and it's going to just go ahead and attach all the different endpoints onto that application or that express application variable.", 'start': 312.21, 'duration': 12.891}, {'end': 332.747, 'text': 'So at this point, SQLize and SQLite 3 should be done installing, which it is.', 'start': 327.783, 'duration': 4.964}, {'end': 335.289, 'text': "I'm going to go ahead and just close out of that tab.", 'start': 332.767, 'duration': 2.522}], 'summary': 'Routes file attaches endpoints to express app. sqlize and sqlite 3 installed.', 'duration': 23.079, 'max_score': 312.21, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk312210.jpg'}, {'end': 395.795, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 357.248, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 365.154, 'text': "So that leads us to the next step of part two, which I'm going to start building up a user SQLized model.", 'start': 357.248, 'duration': 7.906}, {'end': 370.331, 'text': "So to start off, let's just go ahead and make a folder called Models.", 'start': 366.266, 'duration': 4.065}, {'end': 379.023, 'text': "And inside here, I'm going to make a new file called User.js, which is going to be my user model.", 'start': 372.614, 'duration': 6.409}, {'end': 395.795, 'text': 'So the first thing you need to do is if you read through the SQLized documentation, you can kind of figure out how you define SQLized models.', 'start': 388.274, 'duration': 7.521}], 'summary': 'In the next step, the speaker will build a user sqlized model by creating a folder called models and a file called user.js.', 'duration': 38.547, 'max_score': 357.248, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk357248.jpg'}, {'end': 432.057, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 406.297, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 415.099, 'text': "So what I'm going to do is I'm going to say user.js is a file which exports a function which takes SQLized and data types.", 'start': 406.297, 'duration': 8.802}, {'end': 422.811, 'text': "then what this is going to do is we're going to use sqlize to define.", 'start': 419.148, 'duration': 3.663}, {'end': 425.993, 'text': 'so you do sqlize define a new model.', 'start': 422.811, 'duration': 3.182}, {'end': 432.057, 'text': "so the first argument is the name of your model, which is going to be user and it's going to be used for storing user related information.", 'start': 425.993, 'duration': 6.064}], 'summary': 'User.js file exports a function for defining a new model for storing user-related information using sqlize.', 'duration': 25.76, 'max_score': 406.297, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk406297.jpg'}], 'start': 312.21, 'title': 'Express routes, error fixing, and user model setup', 'summary': 'Covers creating routes in an express application, addressing a missing module error, installing sqlize and sqlite 3, setting up a user model using sqlize, creating a user.js file with custom logic, linking it, and creating an index.js file with fs and path modules.', 'chapters': [{'end': 357.128, 'start': 312.21, 'title': 'Express routes and error fixing', 'summary': 'Demonstrates the creation of routes in an express application and addresses an error related to a missing module, while also installing sqlize and sqlite 3.', 'duration': 44.918, 'highlights': ['The routes file attaches different endpoints onto the express application variable. This demonstrates the functionality of the routes file in attaching endpoints to the application.', 'SQLize and SQLite 3 have been successfully installed. This indicates the successful installation of SQLize and SQLite 3.', 'An error occurs due to the absence of a new line at the end of the routes file. This highlights the issue of the missing new line at the end of the routes file leading to an error.', "The 'models' module is not declared, resulting in a 'cannot find module' error. This points out the 'cannot find module' error due to the absence of the 'models' module declaration."]}, {'end': 527.12, 'start': 357.248, 'title': 'Setting up user model with sqlize', 'summary': 'Covers setting up a user model using sqlize, including creating a user.js file with custom logic for defining the model and linking it, and creating an index.js file to declare a db object and include fs and path modules for file system operations.', 'duration': 169.872, 'highlights': ['The chapter covers setting up a user model using SQLize, including creating a user.js file with custom logic for defining the model and linking it.', 'The user.js file exports a function that takes SQLize and data types, defines a user model, and specifies attributes like email and password with their respective types and constraints.', 'The next step involves creating an index.js file that declares a db object, includes the fs module for file system operations, and the path module for dealing with absolute and relative paths.']}], 'duration': 214.91, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk312210.jpg', 'highlights': ['The chapter covers setting up a user model using SQLize, including creating a user.js file with custom logic for defining the model and linking it.', 'The user.js file exports a function that takes SQLize and data types, defines a user model, and specifies attributes like email and password with their respective types and constraints.', 'The routes file attaches different endpoints onto the express application variable. This demonstrates the functionality of the routes file in attaching endpoints to the application.', 'SQLize and SQLite 3 have been successfully installed. This indicates the successful installation of SQLize and SQLite 3.']}, {'end': 943.402, 'segs': [{'end': 557.552, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 528.851, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 536.156, 'text': "We're going to include the SQLize model because we're going to need that to actually create a SQLize object and connect it to a database.", 'start': 528.851, 'duration': 7.305}, {'end': 539.979, 'text': "We're going to include that config file that we created earlier.", 'start': 537.137, 'duration': 2.842}, {'end': 552.288, 'text': "And okay, so at this point, the first step we're going to do is we're going to declare a SQLize object.", 'start': 539.999, 'duration': 12.289}, {'end': 557.552, 'text': 'So we can say const SQLize is equal to new SQLize.', 'start': 553.389, 'duration': 4.163}], 'summary': 'Include sqlize model, declare sqlize object.', 'duration': 28.701, 'max_score': 528.851, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk528851.jpg'}, {'end': 719.603, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 666.102, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 669.503, 'text': "And then finally, when we get to options, there's three things we need to define.", 'start': 666.102, 'duration': 3.401}, {'end': 678.486, 'text': "So first is dialect, and That's a useful option in sequel eyes, to tell it what type of database you're going to be connecting to.", 'start': 669.983, 'duration': 8.503}, {'end': 682.208, 'text': 'So obviously we want to set that to SQLite.', 'start': 678.486, 'duration': 3.722}, {'end': 691.116, 'text': "when we're local, we have host, And that's used for telling SQLize the location of the database that you want to connect to.", 'start': 682.208, 'duration': 8.908}, {'end': 693.297, 'text': "So in this case, we'll say localhost is the default.", 'start': 691.176, 'duration': 2.121}, {'end': 697.6, 'text': 'And then lastly, we want to put storage for sqlite.', 'start': 694.358, 'duration': 3.242}, {'end': 701.443, 'text': 'And that tells you where to store your sqlite file.', 'start': 698.221, 'duration': 3.222}, {'end': 703.104, 'text': "So I'll say tabtracker sqlite.", 'start': 701.503, 'duration': 1.601}, {'end': 712.49, 'text': 'Cool So at this point, we have, again, a config file that declares the port.', 'start': 707.627, 'duration': 4.863}, {'end': 719.603, 'text': "In fact, I'm going to do processenv port or 8081 so we can overwrite that as needed.", 'start': 713.982, 'duration': 5.621}], 'summary': 'Configuring sqlize options: dialect=sqlite, host=localhost, storage=tabtracker sqlite. also setting process.env port to 8081.', 'duration': 53.501, 'max_score': 666.102, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk666102.jpg'}, {'end': 807.976, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 771.061, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 780.684, 'text': 'any file that is equivalent to index.js.', 'start': 771.061, 'duration': 9.623}, {'end': 784.525, 'text': "So we don't want this index file, but we want every other model file.", 'start': 780.844, 'duration': 3.681}, {'end': 794.388, 'text': 'And then, after we do that filter, we can just say for each file that we found we want to go ahead and declare a model.', 'start': 786.586, 'duration': 7.802}, {'end': 799.033, 'text': 'And basically,', 'start': 798.433, 'duration': 0.6}, {'end': 807.976, 'text': 'SQLize has a import method where you can give it a full path to a file and it will go ahead and just import that and set it up to be used with SQLize.', 'start': 799.033, 'duration': 8.943}], 'summary': 'Filter out index.js, import and declare models for each file using sqlize.', 'duration': 36.915, 'max_score': 771.061, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk771061.jpg'}, {'end': 882.184, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 852.688, 'weight': 0.753, 'content': [{'end': 855.429, 'text': 'And then we have access to the actual models.', 'start': 852.688, 'duration': 2.741}, {'end': 863.023, 'text': "All right, so at this point, let's go ahead and make sure that we don't have any linting issues.", 'start': 858.442, 'duration': 4.581}, {'end': 877.408, 'text': 'Okay. so we saw that the server restarted itself when I saved some of the files and then it executed this SQL command and it said create table if none exist users.', 'start': 865.484, 'duration': 11.924}, {'end': 882.184, 'text': 'And then it gave that table a couple of columns such as email and password.', 'start': 878.302, 'duration': 3.882}], 'summary': "Developing server executed sql command to create 'users' table with email and password columns.", 'duration': 29.496, 'max_score': 852.688, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk852688.jpg'}, {'end': 943.402, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 918.719, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 926.844, 'text': 'SQLize is an ORM used at connecting to SQL databases, and SQLite 3 is a local instance of a SQL database.', 'start': 918.719, 'duration': 8.125}, {'end': 930.973, 'text': 'without having to go through all the extra work of setting it up and whatnot.', 'start': 928.331, 'duration': 2.642}, {'end': 936.717, 'text': 'And then, once we installed those, we went ahead and created this models folder,', 'start': 931.974, 'duration': 4.743}, {'end': 943.402, 'text': "which has a SQLized model which we're going to be using for our user accounts, which has an email and has a password.", 'start': 936.717, 'duration': 6.685}], 'summary': 'Sqlize orm connects to sql databases, sqlite 3 is used locally. models folder created for user accounts.', 'duration': 24.683, 'max_score': 918.719, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk918719.jpg'}], 'start': 528.851, 'title': 'Setting up sqlize', 'summary': 'Covers setting up a sqlize object and connecting it to a database with configurations and environment variables, specifying database, user, password, and options. it also explains setting up sqlize models, including reading through model files, importing them, and creating tables with defined columns, and outlines the installation of sqlize and sqlite 3 for connecting to sql databases.', 'chapters': [{'end': 719.603, 'start': 528.851, 'title': 'Setting up sqlize object and database connection', 'summary': 'Covers the process of setting up a sqlize object and connecting it to a database using configurations and environment variables, specifying database, user, password, and options, including dialect, host, and storage for sqlite, and declaring the port.', 'duration': 190.752, 'highlights': ['Setting up a SQLize object and connecting it to a database The chapter explains the steps to declare a SQLize object, passing database, user, password, and additional options, and includes creating a config file with attributes for database, user, password, and options.', 'Specifying database, user, password, and options The process involves specifying the database name, user, and password using environment variables and fallback values, and defining additional options such as dialect, host, and storage for SQLite.', 'Declaring the port and environment variable The chapter includes declaring the port using process.env or defaulting to 8081 and emphasizes the use of environment variables for configuration flexibility.']}, {'end': 943.402, 'start': 720.383, 'title': 'Setting up sqlize models', 'summary': 'Explains the process of setting up sqlize models, including automatically reading through model files, importing them, and creating tables with defined columns. it also outlines the installation of sqlize and sqlite 3 for connecting to sql databases.', 'duration': 223.019, 'highlights': ['The process involves automatically reading through model files, filtering out the index file, and declaring models for each file found, which are then imported and set up to be used with SQLize.', 'SQLize creates tables with defined columns, such as email and password, and can easily add more models without the need for manual setup, simplifying the process of adding models down the road.', 'The installation of SQLize and SQLite 3 in package.json enables the use of SQLize as an ORM for connecting to SQL databases and SQLite 3 as a local instance of a SQL database.']}], 'duration': 414.551, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk528851.jpg', 'highlights': ['Setting up a SQLize object and connecting it to a database The chapter explains the steps to declare a SQLize object, passing database, user, password, and additional options, and includes creating a config file with attributes for database, user, password, and options.', 'The process involves automatically reading through model files, filtering out the index file, and declaring models for each file found, which are then imported and set up to be used with SQLize.', 'SQLize creates tables with defined columns, such as email and password, and can easily add more models without the need for manual setup, simplifying the process of adding models down the road.', 'Specifying database, user, password, and options The process involves specifying the database name, user, and password using environment variables and fallback values, and defining additional options such as dialect, host, and storage for SQLite.', 'The installation of SQLize and SQLite 3 in package.json enables the use of SQLize as an ORM for connecting to SQL databases and SQLite 3 as a local instance of a SQL database.', 'Declaring the port and environment variable The chapter includes declaring the port using process.env or defaulting to 8081 and emphasizes the use of environment variables for configuration flexibility.']}, {'end': 1543.674, 'segs': [{'end': 993.296, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 964.879, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 967.319, 'text': 'And then we just go ahead and return that, which we can use later on.', 'start': 964.879, 'duration': 2.44}, {'end': 980.802, 'text': 'So at this point, we can actually start modifying our route to use this SQLize stuff.', 'start': 968.48, 'duration': 12.322}, {'end': 985.303, 'text': "So another thing I'm going to do, let me just close out of all these tabs.", 'start': 981.122, 'duration': 4.181}, {'end': 989.754, 'text': "So we're acquiring routes here.", 'start': 988.393, 'duration': 1.361}, {'end': 993.296, 'text': "So if I open up the routes file, I think we're done with app.js for a while.", 'start': 989.974, 'duration': 3.322}], 'summary': 'Adjusting routes to integrate sqlize, closing unnecessary tabs.', 'duration': 28.417, 'max_score': 964.879, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk964879.jpg'}, {'end': 1125.821, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 1065.066, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 1075.614, 'text': 'So we can say const authentication controller is equal to require controllers authentication controller.', 'start': 1065.066, 'duration': 10.548}, {'end': 1087.004, 'text': 'So then whenever we hit this register endpoint, we can just say authentication controller dot register.', 'start': 1079.181, 'duration': 7.823}, {'end': 1097.107, 'text': 'So this is a nice way to kind of simplify and keep everything isolated.', 'start': 1090.765, 'duration': 6.342}, {'end': 1104.61, 'text': 'So your controllers again are used for declaring all your endpoints and then your routes are for declaring your routes that point to your controllers.', 'start': 1097.207, 'duration': 7.403}, {'end': 1111.934, 'text': "So again, just to make sure this works, let's go ahead and hit that register endpoint and make sure it returns that message.", 'start': 1106.792, 'duration': 5.142}, {'end': 1114.956, 'text': "And it does, everything's still working as expected.", 'start': 1112.695, 'duration': 2.261}, {'end': 1125.821, 'text': 'So now we can actually start implementing some logic to kind of create a user model and save it to our database when someone hits this register endpoint.', 'start': 1116.677, 'duration': 9.144}], 'summary': 'Using authentication controller simplifies endpoint declaration and isolation, ensuring expected functionality.', 'duration': 46.64, 'max_score': 1065.066, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk1065066.jpg'}, {'end': 1419.845, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1382.694, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 1384.594, 'text': "It's still going to try to create an account with that email.", 'start': 1382.694, 'duration': 1.9}, {'end': 1388.996, 'text': 'So another useful thing to do to have on your back end is validation.', 'start': 1385.335, 'duration': 3.661}, {'end': 1395.918, 'text': "So what we're going to do at this point is go ahead and make or include another framework called Joy.", 'start': 1390.416, 'duration': 5.502}, {'end': 1399.86, 'text': "So I'll do npm install save joy.", 'start': 1398.26, 'duration': 1.6}, {'end': 1407.582, 'text': 'And joy is a framework used for validating the request.body, the request.query, or the request.parameters.', 'start': 1399.96, 'duration': 7.622}, {'end': 1419.845, 'text': "And so as an example of how you set that up, typically in these bigger frameworks, you're going to have another folder called policies.", 'start': 1410.283, 'duration': 9.562}], 'summary': 'Implementing joy framework for request validation in backend, using npm install save joy.', 'duration': 37.151, 'max_score': 1382.694, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk1382694.jpg'}], 'start': 944.002, 'title': 'Database configuration and registration logic', 'summary': 'Covers configuring the database using sqlize, modifying routes, organizing controllers, implementing registration logic, and incorporating validation using the joy framework. it also demonstrates creating a user in a database and handling error messages.', 'chapters': [{'end': 993.296, 'start': 944.002, 'title': 'Database configuration and route modification', 'summary': 'Explains the process of configuring the database using sqlize and modifying routes to utilize the configured sqlize, including loading configurations and files into sqlize.', 'duration': 49.294, 'highlights': ['The index file connects to the database, loads configurations, and reads files in the models folder to load them into SQLize.', 'Routes are being modified to use SQLize for database operations.']}, {'end': 1543.674, 'start': 995.438, 'title': 'Organizing controllers and implementing registration logic', 'summary': 'Discusses organizing endpoints in controllers, implementing a registration endpoint, and incorporating validation using the joy framework, with a demonstration of creating a user in a database and handling error messages.', 'duration': 548.236, 'highlights': ['Organizing endpoints in controllers and defining routes pointing to controllers The controller folder is used to have all the endpoints defined, and the routes folder is used to declare routes that point to the controllers.', 'Implementing the registration endpoint and creating a user in the database Demonstrates the creation of a user in the database when someone hits the register endpoint and handles error messages for existing email accounts.', 'Incorporating validation using the Joy framework for data constraints Introduces the use of the Joy framework for validating request body, query, or parameters and demonstrates the setup of Express Middleware for validation.']}], 'duration': 599.672, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk944002.jpg', 'highlights': ['Routes are being modified to use SQLize for database operations.', 'Incorporating validation using the Joy framework for data constraints.', 'Implementing the registration endpoint and creating a user in the database.', 'Organizing endpoints in controllers and defining routes pointing to controllers.']}, {'end': 2141.17, 'segs': [{'end': 1591.086, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1547.864, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1549.445, 'text': 'So again, this is Express Middleware.', 'start': 1547.864, 'duration': 1.581}, {'end': 1551.547, 'text': 'You can read more about it on their documentation page.', 'start': 1549.545, 'duration': 2.002}, {'end': 1555.651, 'text': "And I think it'll make more sense as we continue making more endpoints down the road.", 'start': 1552.008, 'duration': 3.643}, {'end': 1564.478, 'text': 'So what we want to do inside this middleware function is we need to validate that email and password kind of match a couple of constraints.', 'start': 1557.172, 'duration': 7.306}, {'end': 1572.245, 'text': 'So the first constraint we need to do is we need to const schema is equal to an object.', 'start': 1566.8, 'duration': 5.445}, {'end': 1574.847, 'text': "And in that object, we're going to have email.", 'start': 1573.285, 'duration': 1.562}, {'end': 1575.888, 'text': "We're also going to have password.", 'start': 1574.867, 'duration': 1.021}, {'end': 1585.243, 'text': "And email is going to be required to be a string, and it's also gonna be required to be an email format.", 'start': 1577.06, 'duration': 8.183}, {'end': 1591.086, 'text': 'So JOY has a bunch of different built-in pre-baked validations, and email is one of them.', 'start': 1585.964, 'duration': 5.122}], 'summary': 'Using express middleware to validate email and password constraints.', 'duration': 43.222, 'max_score': 1547.864, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk1547864.jpg'}, {'end': 1702.738, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1670.844, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 1674.945, 'text': "And the first parameter you do for validate is you need to pass it the thing you're trying to validate.", 'start': 1670.844, 'duration': 4.101}, {'end': 1680.186, 'text': 'So in this case, we want to validate the request body and we want to validate against our schema.', 'start': 1675.005, 'duration': 5.181}, {'end': 1684.808, 'text': 'So this will return an error if there was an error.', 'start': 1682.247, 'duration': 2.561}, {'end': 1685.568, 'text': "So I'll say if error.", 'start': 1684.848, 'duration': 0.72}, {'end': 1690.172, 'text': 'else we just go to the next.', 'start': 1687.25, 'duration': 2.922}, {'end': 1692.613, 'text': "so basically, if there's no error, everything's good.", 'start': 1690.172, 'duration': 2.441}, {'end': 1696.435, 'text': 'we just go to the register endpoint and register that user.', 'start': 1692.613, 'duration': 3.822}, {'end': 1702.738, 'text': 'if, for some reason, there was an error, we need to figure out which validation failed.', 'start': 1696.435, 'duration': 6.303}], 'summary': 'Validate request body against schema; register user if no error.', 'duration': 31.894, 'max_score': 1670.844, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk1670844.jpg'}, {'end': 1848.144, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1817.108, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 1831.174, 'text': "And then otherwise we can just say like, I don't know, resident status of 400 send an error saying like invalid registration information.", 'start': 1817.108, 'duration': 14.066}, {'end': 1841.918, 'text': 'So that should make sense.', 'start': 1840.256, 'duration': 1.662}, {'end': 1843.199, 'text': "Let's just, again, do a recap.", 'start': 1841.938, 'duration': 1.261}, {'end': 1848.144, 'text': 'We included the joy framework, which is used for validating different things in express.', 'start': 1844.06, 'duration': 4.084}], 'summary': 'Using joy framework for validating, aiming for resident status of 400 error', 'duration': 31.036, 'max_score': 1817.108, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk1817108.jpg'}, {'end': 1916.444, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1875.976, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 1878.517, 'text': 'We validate the rec.body against the schema here.', 'start': 1875.976, 'duration': 2.541}, {'end': 1884.981, 'text': 'We check the error, we check the key of the error, and return different error messages depending on what failed.', 'start': 1879.658, 'duration': 5.323}, {'end': 1887.922, 'text': 'And then if everything was good, we just go ahead and call next.', 'start': 1885.461, 'duration': 2.461}, {'end': 1895.546, 'text': "So at this point, I'll go ahead and save that file, and I'll double check to make sure that we don't have issues.", 'start': 1890.323, 'duration': 5.223}, {'end': 1899.748, 'text': 'So on the routes, we have no trailing spaces.', 'start': 1896.867, 'duration': 2.881}, {'end': 1900.969, 'text': 'Let me go to the routes file.', 'start': 1899.768, 'duration': 1.201}, {'end': 1916.444, 'text': 'cool, all right.', 'start': 1913.462, 'duration': 2.982}], 'summary': 'Validating rec.body against schema, checking errors, and confirming no trailing spaces on routes.', 'duration': 40.468, 'max_score': 1875.976, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk1875976.jpg'}, {'end': 2018.404, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1989.466, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 1990.906, 'text': 'But we can kind of cover that in a second.', 'start': 1989.466, 'duration': 1.44}, {'end': 1993.167, 'text': "So let's go ahead and move to the UI again.", 'start': 1991.526, 'duration': 1.641}, {'end': 2009.798, 'text': 'So if I go back to that register component up here, just to recap, we had an input for email and input for password, and we had a button to register.', 'start': 1996.448, 'duration': 13.35}, {'end': 2018.404, 'text': 'Okay, so now that the backend is returning different error codes and messages, we want to kind of display that in our user interface.', 'start': 2009.818, 'duration': 8.586}], 'summary': 'Recap of ui components: email, password input, register button; updating ui for displaying backend error codes and messages', 'duration': 28.938, 'max_score': 1989.466, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk1989466.jpg'}, {'end': 2114.874, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 2082.176, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 2083.677, 'text': 'I can just close that off here.', 'start': 2082.176, 'duration': 1.501}, {'end': 2086.137, 'text': 'And again, put a break.', 'start': 2084.956, 'duration': 1.181}, {'end': 2092.339, 'text': "I'm also going to say that this is going to be a class of error.", 'start': 2087.338, 'duration': 5.001}, {'end': 2097.341, 'text': 'So down in the style, I can say error is equal to color of red.', 'start': 2092.899, 'duration': 4.442}, {'end': 2106.084, 'text': 'So if I were to save this file now and then try to register some bogus data, we get you must provide a valid email address.', 'start': 2097.361, 'duration': 8.723}, {'end': 2109.945, 'text': 'Change it to gmail.com.', 'start': 2107.964, 'duration': 1.981}, {'end': 2114.874, 'text': 'Password provided failed to match the following rules.', 'start': 2111.972, 'duration': 2.902}], 'summary': 'Configuring error style to red for class of errors in the file.', 'duration': 32.698, 'max_score': 2082.176, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk2082176.jpg'}], 'start': 1547.864, 'title': 'Express middleware and user registration policy', 'summary': 'Covers the use of express middleware for validating inputs and the implementation of user registration policy and validation process using the joy framework in express, emphasizing the need for data validation and error handling.', 'chapters': [{'end': 1643.882, 'start': 1547.864, 'title': 'Express middleware and data validation', 'summary': 'Introduces express middleware for validating email and password inputs using pre-baked validations and regex expressions, emphasizing the need for data validation in building endpoints.', 'duration': 96.018, 'highlights': ['Express Middleware for validating email and password inputs The chapter emphasizes the use of Express Middleware for validating email and password inputs, crucial for building secure and robust endpoints.', 'Pre-baked validations and regex expressions for data validation The use of pre-baked validations and regex expressions is highlighted as a means to ensure that the email and password inputs match specific constraints, such as email format and regex expression for password strength.', 'Importance of data validation in building endpoints The importance of data validation in building endpoints is emphasized, ensuring that inputs meet specific constraints, such as email format and password strength, to enhance security and reliability.']}, {'end': 2141.17, 'start': 1643.882, 'title': 'User registration policy and validation', 'summary': 'Discusses the implementation of a user registration policy and validation process using the joy framework in express, validating requests against a defined schema, returning specific error messages for failed validations, and integrating error handling in the user interface.', 'duration': 497.288, 'highlights': ['Implementing user registration policy and validation using the Joy framework in Express The chapter discusses the implementation of a user registration policy and validation process using the Joy framework in Express.', 'Validating requests against a defined schema with specific criteria The schema requires character restrictions and a length range of 8 to 32 characters for passwords, as well as an email structure for emails.', "Returning specific error messages for failed validations Specific error messages are returned for failed validations, such as 'you must provide a valid email address' and 'the password provided failed to match the following rules'.", 'Integrating error handling in the user interface for displaying error messages The user interface incorporates error handling to display specific error messages, using a try-catch block to catch and display errors returned from the backend.']}], 'duration': 593.306, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk1547864.jpg', 'highlights': ['Express Middleware for validating email and password inputs', 'Implementing user registration policy and validation using the Joy framework in Express', 'Importance of data validation in building endpoints', 'Pre-baked validations and regex expressions for data validation', 'Validating requests against a defined schema with specific criteria', 'Integrating error handling in the user interface for displaying error messages', 'Returning specific error messages for failed validations']}, {'end': 2665.318, 'segs': [{'end': 2196.12, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2173.41, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 2181.357, 'text': "Cool, so again, as a recap, I didn't really explain view components before, but basically every .vue file is separated into three sections.", 'start': 2173.41, 'duration': 7.947}, {'end': 2184.98, 'text': 'You have your template, which is used to define your HTML template.', 'start': 2181.377, 'duration': 3.603}, {'end': 2192.727, 'text': 'And then inside your HTML, you can have special attributes like vmodel or vhtml, technically anything that has a v hyphen.', 'start': 2185.661, 'duration': 7.066}, {'end': 2196.12, 'text': 'is a view specific attribute.', 'start': 2194.42, 'duration': 1.7}], 'summary': 'Vue files are divided into three sections: template, html, and view-specific attributes like v-model or v-html.', 'duration': 22.71, 'max_score': 2173.41, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk2173410.jpg'}, {'end': 2355.146, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2327.263, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 2331.344, 'text': 'You can go here and view the source code, which gives you the template and they give you the script here.', 'start': 2327.263, 'duration': 4.081}, {'end': 2338.506, 'text': "So again, beautify is just a framework that's used for building really nice material design apps.", 'start': 2334.205, 'duration': 4.301}, {'end': 2341.567, 'text': 'So feel free to check it out.', 'start': 2339.826, 'duration': 1.741}, {'end': 2342.967, 'text': "And that's what we're going to be using.", 'start': 2342.007, 'duration': 0.96}, {'end': 2348.128, 'text': 'So what we want to do to include this in our application.', 'start': 2344.307, 'duration': 3.821}, {'end': 2355.146, 'text': 'is we first want to go over to, again, our terminal and go to our client.', 'start': 2350.663, 'duration': 4.483}], 'summary': 'Beautify is a framework for building material design apps, go to the source code and include in the application.', 'duration': 27.883, 'max_score': 2327.263, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk2327263.jpg'}, {'end': 2662.417, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2635.547, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 2641.289, 'text': 'And again, as a recap, we included the Beautify project, which again, you can find the docs here at beautifyjs.com.', 'start': 2635.547, 'duration': 5.742}, {'end': 2645.954, 'text': 'They have a bunch of different components and styles that are pre-baked.', 'start': 2643.593, 'duration': 2.361}, {'end': 2648.174, 'text': "It's a really awesome library, so check it out.", 'start': 2646.574, 'duration': 1.6}, {'end': 2652.255, 'text': 'And then we use Unify to kind of style this register panel.', 'start': 2649.014, 'duration': 3.241}, {'end': 2659.017, 'text': 'And I think part three, we can just try to fix the styling and do more by adding like a header or side nav or something like that.', 'start': 2652.275, 'duration': 6.742}, {'end': 2662.417, 'text': 'All right, thanks for watching and stay tuned for part three.', 'start': 2659.817, 'duration': 2.6}], 'summary': 'Utilized beautify and unify for styling, aiming to enhance with additional components in part three.', 'duration': 26.87, 'max_score': 2635.547, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk2635547.jpg'}], 'start': 2141.27, 'title': 'Vue component and beautify project', 'summary': 'Covers the use of vue components, highlighting the three sections of a .vue file, and the process of including the beautify project in the front end, with an explanation of its components and styles. it also includes a demonstration of implementing styling using beautify in a vue file.', 'chapters': [{'end': 2665.318, 'start': 2141.27, 'title': 'Vue component and beautify project', 'summary': 'Covers the use of vue components, highlighting the three sections of a .vue file, and the process of including the beautify project in the front end, with an explanation of its components and styles. it also includes a demonstration of implementing styling using beautify in a vue file.', 'duration': 524.048, 'highlights': ['The chapter covers the use of Vue components, highlighting the three sections of a .vue file The .vue file is structured into three sections: template for HTML, script for methods and data, and a scoped style section, providing compartmentalization and isolation.', 'The process of including the Beautify project in the front end, with an explanation of its components and styles The Beautify project, a framework for building material design apps, is demonstrated to include components and styles, with the ability to easily style and do layouts using pre-baked CSS and components.', 'Demonstration of implementing styling using Beautify in a Vue file The process of implementing styling using Beautify in a Vue file is demonstrated, including the use of VLayout, VFlex, VToolbar, and VButton to create a styled panel with register, email, password, and register button.']}], 'duration': 524.048, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/xZMwg5z5VGk/pics/xZMwg5z5VGk2141270.jpg', 'highlights': ['The .vue file is structured into three sections: template for HTML, script for methods and data, and a scoped style section, providing compartmentalization and isolation.', 'The Beautify project, a framework for building material design apps, is demonstrated to include components and styles, with the ability to easily style and do layouts using pre-baked CSS and components.', 'The process of implementing styling using Beautify in a Vue file is demonstrated, including the use of VLayout, VFlex, VToolbar, and VButton to create a styled panel with register, email, password, and register button.']}], 'highlights': ['SQLize provides data models mapping to tables in a database, exemplified by creating a user model with email and password fields.', 'Emphasizing the importance of learning SQL and relational data modeling over MongoDB due to the popularity and relevance of SQL databases.', 'The chapter introduces the use of SQLize, an ORM, to connect to SQL-related databases like MySQL, Postgres, or SQLite for storing relational models.', 'You can use SQLize to automatically connect to SQL databases, create tables and columns, and manipulate data inside your node or express server.', 'Creating a separate config file with port 8081 defined allows for easier management and configuration of the application.', 'Organizing routes in a separate file enhances code organization and maintainability.', 'Using Sequelize to define the models will streamline database interaction and improve data management.', 'To start using SQLize, you need to install the dependencies including SQLize and SQLite 3 version 1.3.8.', 'The chapter covers setting up a user model using SQLize, including creating a user.js file with custom logic for defining the model and linking it.', 'The user.js file exports a function that takes SQLize and data types, defines a user model, and specifies attributes like email and password with their respective types and constraints.', 'The process involves automatically reading through model files, filtering out the index file, and declaring models for each file found, which are then imported and set up to be used with SQLize.', 'SQLize creates tables with defined columns, such as email and password, and can easily add more models without the need for manual setup, simplifying the process of adding models down the road.', 'Specifying database, user, password, and options The process involves specifying the database name, user, and password using environment variables and fallback values, and defining additional options such as dialect, host, and storage for SQLite.', 'The installation of SQLize and SQLite 3 in package.json enables the use of SQLize as an ORM for connecting to SQL databases and SQLite 3 as a local instance of a SQL database.', 'Declaring the port and environment variable The chapter includes declaring the port using process.env or defaulting to 8081 and emphasizes the use of environment variables for configuration flexibility.', 'Routes are being modified to use SQLize for database operations.', 'Incorporating validation using the Joy framework for data constraints.', 'Express Middleware for validating email and password inputs', 'Implementing user registration policy and validation using the Joy framework in Express', 'The .vue file is structured into three sections: template for HTML, script for methods and data, and a scoped style section, providing compartmentalization and isolation.', 'The Beautify project, a framework for building material design apps, is demonstrated to include components and styles, with the ability to easily style and do layouts using pre-baked CSS and components.', 'The process of implementing styling using Beautify in a Vue file is demonstrated, including the use of VLayout, VFlex, VToolbar, and VButton to create a styled panel with register, email, password, and register button.']}