Turing: Pioneer of the Information Age

(May 2, 2012) Following a three minute introduction by Steven Ericsson-Zenith, Jack Copeland discusses Alan Turing's impact on information technology. Turing is often considered to be one of the greatest minds in the 20th century, and Copeland looks at how many of Turing's ideas lie behind some of information technology's most fundamental theories. Stanford University: http://www.stanford.edu/ Stanford School of Engineering: http://soe.stanford.edu/ Stanford Computer Systems Colloquium: http://www.stanford.edu/class/ee380/ Stanford University Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/stanford

{'title': 'Turing: Pioneer of the Information Age', 'heatmap': [{'end': 237.883, 'start': 174.399, 'weight': 0.733}, {'end': 3483.247, 'start': 3422.74, 'weight': 0.729}, {'end': 3656.391, 'start': 3527.907, 'weight': 0.884}, {'end': 4762.42, 'start': 4696.105, 'weight': 0.811}], 'summary': "Alan turing's profound impact on stanford university, silicon valley, and the world is highlighted through his crucial role in the development of modern computing machinery, his contribution to shortening the war against hitler, and his pioneering work in computational biology and artificial intelligence. his revolutionary genius, including the invention of the modern computer and breaking the german enigma codes, significantly contributed to the allies' victory in world war ii. turing's ai contributions, code-breaking techniques, and pioneering computers played a pivotal role in shaping computing and technology history, with significant breakthroughs in cryptography and the evolution of stored program computers.", 'chapters': [{'end': 181.019, 'segs': [{'end': 156.574, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 71.336, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 79.118, 'text': 'Alan Turing formalized the concept of the universal machine and enabled the development of modern computing machinery.', 'start': 71.336, 'duration': 7.782}, {'end': 88.434, 'text': 'In the lost war against tyranny, Turing gave his life selflessly to an ungrateful and intolerant society.', 'start': 81.092, 'duration': 7.342}, {'end': 99.058, 'text': 'He cracked the Enigma code that enabled the British Isles to overcome the German U-boat blockade that held Britain hostage.', 'start': 89.675, 'duration': 9.383}, {'end': 104.78, 'text': 'His contribution shortened the war against Hitler and helped to ensure its victory.', 'start': 100.138, 'duration': 4.642}, {'end': 111.758, 'text': "It is difficult to consider Alan Turing's contributions without taking these broader matters into account.", 'start': 106.075, 'duration': 5.683}, {'end': 124.066, 'text': 'Turing was the first computational biologist, the father of what would later become artificial intelligence,', 'start': 113.639, 'duration': 10.427}, {'end': 125.967, 'text': 'and he was a modern philosopher of the mind.', 'start': 124.066, 'duration': 1.901}, {'end': 133.191, 'text': 'We are left to wonder what he would have made of what followed had he lived.', 'start': 127.888, 'duration': 5.303}, {'end': 140.424, 'text': "We are privileged today to have with us Jack Copeland, one of the world's leading Turing scholars.", 'start': 134.98, 'duration': 5.444}, {'end': 150.771, 'text': 'Jack is shortly on his way to England, where I shall join him with others in June to participate in the International Alan Turing Celebrations.', 'start': 141.524, 'duration': 9.247}, {'end': 156.574, 'text': 'Jack is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Cambridge, New Zealand.', 'start': 152.171, 'duration': 4.403}], 'summary': "Alan turing's contributions shortened the war, cracked the enigma code, and laid the foundation for modern computing and artificial intelligence.", 'duration': 85.238, 'max_score': 71.336, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU71336.jpg'}], 'start': 5.017, 'title': "Alan turing's impact on stanford and the world", 'summary': "Highlights alan turing's profound impact on stanford university, silicon valley, and the world. it emphasizes his crucial role in the development of modern computing machinery, his contribution to shortening the war against hitler, and his pioneering work in computational biology and artificial intelligence.", 'chapters': [{'end': 181.019, 'start': 5.017, 'title': "Alan turing's impact on stanford and the world", 'summary': 'Highlights the profound impact of alan turing on stanford university, silicon valley, and the world, emphasizing his crucial role in the development of modern computing machinery, his contribution to shortening the war against hitler, and his pioneering work in computational biology and artificial intelligence.', 'duration': 176.002, 'highlights': ["Alan Turing's formalization of the concept of the universal machine enabled the development of modern computing machinery, marking a pivotal moment in the history of technology.", "Turing's cracking of the Enigma code shortened the war against Hitler and contributed to the victory, demonstrating a quantifiable impact on world history.", "Turing's pioneering work in computational biology and artificial intelligence has had a lasting impact on the field, shaping the development of technology and its applications.", "The chapter introduces Jack Copeland, a leading Turing scholar, and highlights the upcoming International Alan Turing Celebrations, emphasizing the ongoing recognition of Turing's legacy and contributions."]}], 'duration': 176.002, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU5017.jpg', 'highlights': ["Turing's cracking of the Enigma code shortened the war against Hitler and contributed to the victory, demonstrating a quantifiable impact on world history.", "Alan Turing's formalization of the concept of the universal machine enabled the development of modern computing machinery, marking a pivotal moment in the history of technology.", "Turing's pioneering work in computational biology and artificial intelligence has had a lasting impact on the field, shaping the development of technology and its applications.", "The chapter introduces Jack Copeland, a leading Turing scholar, and highlights the upcoming International Alan Turing Celebrations, emphasizing the ongoing recognition of Turing's legacy and contributions."]}, {'end': 976.715, 'segs': [{'end': 341.083, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 312.557, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 316.718, 'text': "That was Turing's invention, the so-called stored program concept.", 'start': 312.557, 'duration': 4.161}, {'end': 321.199, 'text': 'That was the crucial insight that he had in 1936.', 'start': 317.478, 'duration': 3.721}, {'end': 324.78, 'text': 'This was all on paper, of course.', 'start': 321.199, 'duration': 3.581}, {'end': 326.82, 'text': 'There was no actual engineering in those days.', 'start': 324.82, 'duration': 2}, {'end': 328.78, 'text': 'That would come later.', 'start': 327.8, 'duration': 0.98}, {'end': 334.762, 'text': 'Turing showed, though, that, by inserting different programs in memory,', 'start': 329.361, 'duration': 5.401}, {'end': 341.083, 'text': 'what he called his universal Turing machine could be made to carry out any task for which a program could be written.', 'start': 334.762, 'duration': 6.321}], 'summary': "Turing's stored program concept revolutionized computing in 1936.", 'duration': 28.526, 'max_score': 312.557, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU312557.jpg'}, {'end': 507.153, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 478.759, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 483.882, 'text': 'They all had their different ways of using what was fundamentally the same machine.', 'start': 478.759, 'duration': 5.123}, {'end': 488.646, 'text': 'And during 1940, the first full year of the war,', 'start': 485.043, 'duration': 3.603}, {'end': 499.65, 'text': 'The flavor of Enigma used by the German Air Force was being read in large quantities at Bletchley Park, which contributed greatly to the air battles.', 'start': 489.406, 'duration': 10.244}, {'end': 507.153, 'text': 'For example, decrypted Enigma messages gave away the nightly targets of the bombers during the Blitz.', 'start': 499.71, 'duration': 7.443}], 'summary': 'In 1940, enigma machine decryption at bletchley park aided air battles.', 'duration': 28.394, 'max_score': 478.759, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU478759.jpg'}, {'end': 560.811, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 529.606, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 531.067, 'text': 'Turing played an early role.', 'start': 529.606, 'duration': 1.461}, {'end': 534.59, 'text': 'in breaking Air Force Enigma.', 'start': 531.787, 'duration': 2.803}, {'end': 539.374, 'text': 'He broke a version of Air Force Enigma that they called blue at Bletchley Park.', 'start': 534.63, 'duration': 4.744}, {'end': 545.62, 'text': 'They began by using the colors to name the various Enigma keys, blue, green, yellow, red, and so on.', 'start': 539.414, 'duration': 6.206}, {'end': 547.441, 'text': 'They pretty soon ran out of colors.', 'start': 545.92, 'duration': 1.521}, {'end': 549.984, 'text': 'And by the end of the war, there were thousands of keys.', 'start': 547.501, 'duration': 2.483}, {'end': 557.751, 'text': 'And they went through names of flowers and names of fish and practically every systematic naming system that exists in our languages.', 'start': 550.044, 'duration': 7.707}, {'end': 560.811, 'text': 'But that was Air Force Enigma.', 'start': 559.431, 'duration': 1.38}], 'summary': "Turing broke air force enigma, including the 'blue' version, with thousands of keys named after colors, flowers, and fish during the war.", 'duration': 31.205, 'max_score': 529.606, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU529606.jpg'}, {'end': 725.659, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 670.624, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 678.126, 'text': 'And it was in June 1941, that same month, that Churchill heard from his advisers that the end was nigh.', 'start': 670.624, 'duration': 7.502}, {'end': 683.487, 'text': 'it was in June 1941 that Turing first broke into the daily U-boat messages.', 'start': 678.126, 'duration': 5.361}, {'end': 689.209, 'text': "He'd been working on the problem since September 1939.", 'start': 683.927, 'duration': 5.282}, {'end': 692.109, 'text': "So that's about 20 months to crack U-boat enigma.", 'start': 689.209, 'duration': 2.9}, {'end': 697.471, 'text': "So I guess that's some kind of measure of how difficult that particular code was to crack.", 'start': 692.45, 'duration': 5.021}, {'end': 710.528, 'text': 'The intelligence that Turing and his colleagues in Hut 8 were able to supply to the Admiralty had an immediate effect on the North Atlantic position.', 'start': 700.66, 'duration': 9.868}, {'end': 712.329, 'text': 'The convoy.', 'start': 711.228, 'duration': 1.101}, {'end': 721.056, 'text': "reroutings that were made on the basis of Turing's intelligence were so successful that during the first 23 days of June,", 'start': 712.329, 'duration': 8.727}, {'end': 723.838, 'text': 'not a single convoy was sighted by the U-boats.', 'start': 721.056, 'duration': 2.782}, {'end': 725.659, 'text': "I think that's a remarkable statistic.", 'start': 723.918, 'duration': 1.741}], 'summary': 'Turing cracked u-boat enigma in 20 months, leading to 23 days without u-boat sightings in june 1941.', 'duration': 55.035, 'max_score': 670.624, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU670624.jpg'}], 'start': 181.659, 'title': "Alan turing's pivotal contributions", 'summary': "Delves into alan turing's revolutionary genius, highlighting his invention of the modern computer, role in breaking the german enigma codes during world war ii, and the significant impact of his intelligence on rerouting convoys, leading to no sightings for 23 days. turing's pivotal contributions significantly contributed to the allies' victory.", 'chapters': [{'end': 529.246, 'start': 181.659, 'title': 'Alan turing: the revolutionary genius', 'summary': "Introduces alan turing, a shy genius who invented the fundamental principle of the modern computer in 1936, and later played a crucial role in breaking the german enigma codes during world war ii, significantly contributing to the allies' victory.", 'duration': 347.587, 'highlights': ["Alan Turing invented the fundamental principle of the modern computer in 1936, the stored program concept, which allowed a single machine to carry out any task for which a program could be written. Turing's invention of the stored program concept in 1936 revolutionized computing, allowing a single machine to perform various tasks, a concept now ubiquitous in modern computing.", "During 1940, Bletchley Park, where Turing worked, contributed greatly to the air battles by decrypting Enigma messages, leading to the Allies' ability to intercept German bombers during the Blitz. Bletchley Park's decryption of Enigma messages in 1940 significantly aided the Allies in intercepting German bombers during the Blitz, a crucial contribution to the war effort.", "Turing's work at Bletchley Park, breaking the German Enigma codes, played a vital role in the Allies' victory during World War II. Turing's crucial role in breaking the German Enigma codes at Bletchley Park significantly contributed to the Allies' victory during World War II."]}, {'end': 976.715, 'start': 529.606, 'title': "Turing's battle against u-boat enigma", 'summary': "Discusses alan turing's pivotal role in breaking the air force enigma, the challenges faced in cracking the u-boat enigma, and the significant impact of turing's intelligence on rerouting convoys, with a notable statistic of no sightings for 23 days and the successful cover-up of the codebreakers' feat.", 'duration': 447.109, 'highlights': ["Turing's intelligence led to successful convoy reroutings, resulting in no U-boat sightings for 23 days, significantly impacting the North Atlantic position.", 'The chapter highlights the challenges faced in cracking the U-boat Enigma, with Turing taking about 20 months to achieve the breakthrough, emphasizing the difficulty of the code.', "The successful cover-up of the codebreakers' feat is detailed, including the dissemination of a fictitious 'super radar' story and the concealment of the codebreakers' access to U-boat Enigma.", 'The capture of Enigma materials from the U-110, a German vessel, is discussed, with a dramatic picture of the German survivors floating in the Atlantic after the vessel was blown to the surface by depth charges from the British Navy.']}], 'duration': 795.056, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU181659.jpg', 'highlights': ["Turing's intelligence led to successful convoy reroutings, resulting in no U-boat sightings for 23 days, significantly impacting the North Atlantic position.", "Turing's invention of the stored program concept in 1936 revolutionized computing, allowing a single machine to perform various tasks, a concept now ubiquitous in modern computing.", "Turing's work at Bletchley Park, breaking the German Enigma codes, played a vital role in the Allies' victory during World War II.", "During 1940, Bletchley Park, where Turing worked, contributed greatly to the air battles by decrypting Enigma messages, leading to the Allies' ability to intercept German bombers during the Blitz.", 'The chapter highlights the challenges faced in cracking the U-boat Enigma, with Turing taking about 20 months to achieve the breakthrough, emphasizing the difficulty of the code.']}, {'end': 1387.585, 'segs': [{'end': 1005.559, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 977.235, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 979.458, 'text': "He said it in German, of course, but that's what he said.", 'start': 977.235, 'duration': 2.223}, {'end': 982.081, 'text': 'I found that an interesting thought.', 'start': 980.719, 'duration': 1.362}, {'end': 992.056, 'text': 'But anyway, a boarding party from the Aubretia quickly went on board the U110, and they found an Enigma machine still plugged in.', 'start': 983.814, 'duration': 8.242}, {'end': 995.337, 'text': "They'd been in the middle of sending a message when they were depth charged.", 'start': 992.276, 'duration': 3.061}, {'end': 1005.559, 'text': 'So Sub-Lieutenant David Baum and his boys grabbed the Enigma machine, grabbed any other code books that they could find,', 'start': 998.498, 'duration': 7.061}], 'summary': 'A boarding party found an enigma machine still plugged in on u110, in the middle of sending a message when depth charged.', 'duration': 28.324, 'max_score': 977.235, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU977235.jpg'}, {'end': 1078.237, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1021.29, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 1029.836, 'text': 'was under the strictest of instructions to destroy all Enigma materials if the ship was in danger of being boarded.', 'start': 1021.29, 'duration': 8.546}, {'end': 1031.237, 'text': "And he didn't.", 'start': 1030.516, 'duration': 0.721}, {'end': 1032.217, 'text': 'He just left it all there.', 'start': 1031.317, 'duration': 0.9}, {'end': 1038.021, 'text': 'He must have been very certain that his U-boat was going to go down within seconds.', 'start': 1032.538, 'duration': 5.483}, {'end': 1044.525, 'text': 'The thought in his mind must simply have been to get his men off into the sea, and then the ship would be going down straight away.', 'start': 1038.161, 'duration': 6.364}, {'end': 1046.487, 'text': 'But it worked out quite differently.', 'start': 1044.746, 'duration': 1.741}, {'end': 1050.409, 'text': 'And so the Enigma materials were, of course, carried back to Bletchley Park.', 'start': 1046.946, 'duration': 3.463}, {'end': 1057.494, 'text': 'So this is May 1941, just a few weeks before Turing broke into the U-boat Enigma.', 'start': 1050.729, 'duration': 6.765}, {'end': 1071.488, 'text': 'This machine, the bomb, was of great help to Turing in breaking U-boat Enigma and eventually in breaking all the flavors of Enigma.', 'start': 1062.116, 'duration': 9.372}, {'end': 1078.237, 'text': 'Turing invented the bomb in the autumn of 1939.', 'start': 1072.109, 'duration': 6.128}], 'summary': "In may 1941, enigma materials were saved by turing's invention of the bomb, aiding in breaking u-boat enigma and all enigma flavors.", 'duration': 56.947, 'max_score': 1021.29, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU1021290.jpg'}, {'end': 1311.024, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1283.065, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 1286.367, 'text': 'An exhaustive search would have taken too long to have been useful.', 'start': 1283.065, 'duration': 3.302}, {'end': 1291.771, 'text': 'The war would have already been concluded before the machine, before the bomb broke its first message.', 'start': 1286.407, 'duration': 5.364}, {'end': 1297.674, 'text': 'So what the bomb did was speed things up by using heuristic search.', 'start': 1292.951, 'duration': 4.723}, {'end': 1311.024, 'text': 'I was astonished and extremely pleased when I first discovered that the bomb used heuristic search.', 'start': 1302.814, 'duration': 8.21}], 'summary': 'Bomb sped up war with heuristic search.', 'duration': 27.959, 'max_score': 1283.065, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU1283065.jpg'}], 'start': 977.235, 'title': "Enigma machine capture and turing's bomb", 'summary': "Recounts the capture of an enigma machine and code books from the u-110, and details the development and functionality of turing's bomb, crucial in breaking u-boat enigma and other variants.", 'chapters': [{'end': 1044.525, 'start': 977.235, 'title': 'The enigma machine capture', 'summary': "Recounts the capture of an enigma machine and code books from the u-110 by a boarding party from the aubretia, along with german charts and other valuable items, as the u-110 was being depth charged, despite the captain's strict orders to destroy all enigma materials if the ship was in danger of being boarded.", 'duration': 67.29, 'highlights': ['The boarding party from the Aubretia quickly retrieved an Enigma machine and code books from the U-110 while it was being depth charged.', 'The captain of the U-110, Julius Lemp, disregarded strict orders to destroy all Enigma materials, leaving them on board as the ship sank.', 'The capture also included German charts of minefields and other valuable items.', "The U-110 captain's decision to leave the Enigma materials on board suggests his certainty of the ship's impending demise."]}, {'end': 1387.585, 'start': 1044.746, 'title': "Turing's enigma bomb", 'summary': "Details the development and functionality of turing's bomb, which played a crucial role in breaking u-boat enigma and other enigma variants, using heuristic search to speed up the process.", 'duration': 342.839, 'highlights': ["Turing invented the bomb in the autumn of 1939, which was delivered to Bletchley Park in the spring of 1940, and eventually helped in breaking all the flavors of Enigma. Turing's invention of the bomb in 1939 and its subsequent delivery to Bletchley Park in 1940, leading to its role in breaking various Enigma variants.", "The bomb employed heuristic search to speed up the process of searching for crucial settings of the Enigma machine, significantly reducing the exhaustive search time. The bomb's use of heuristic search to expedite the search process for Enigma machine settings, avoiding the impracticality of exhaustive search.", "The bomb's heuristics did not always work, but it still broke enough messages to be useful, similar to the concept of using heuristics in everyday problem-solving. The acknowledgment that the bomb's heuristics were not infallible, yet it still managed to break enough messages to be considered useful, akin to applying heuristics in everyday problem-solving."]}], 'duration': 410.35, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU977235.jpg', 'highlights': ['The boarding party quickly retrieved an Enigma machine and code books from the U-110 while it was being depth charged.', "Turing's invention of the bomb in 1939 and its subsequent delivery to Bletchley Park in 1940, leading to its role in breaking various Enigma variants.", 'The bomb employed heuristic search to speed up the process of searching for crucial settings of the Enigma machine, significantly reducing the exhaustive search time.', "The U-110 captain's decision to leave the Enigma materials on board suggests his certainty of the ship's impending demise."]}, {'end': 2502.98, 'segs': [{'end': 1500.735, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1471.417, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1477.36, 'text': "Turing's earlier name was machine intelligence, and it was machine intelligence that he was investigating at Letchley Park.", 'start': 1471.417, 'duration': 5.943}, {'end': 1487.944, 'text': "And as I view the story, the bomb, Turing's bomb, was the first milestone on the road to modern AI.", 'start': 1478.1, 'duration': 9.844}, {'end': 1498.898, 'text': 'I think one point actually, if you could tell them roughly how many Enigma machines were made and how many Turing bombs as well as colossi.', 'start': 1487.964, 'duration': 10.934}, {'end': 1500.735, 'text': 'These were not onesie-twosies.', 'start': 1499.414, 'duration': 1.321}], 'summary': "Turing's bomb was the first milestone on the road to modern ai, with numerous enigma machines and turing bombs produced at letchley park.", 'duration': 29.318, 'max_score': 1471.417, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU1471417.jpg'}, {'end': 1578.46, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1553.365, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 1560.009, 'text': "Turing's original bomb was not electronic, and it was good as long as the Enigma machines only had three wheels.", 'start': 1553.365, 'duration': 6.644}, {'end': 1561.59, 'text': 'But towards the end.', 'start': 1560.449, 'duration': 1.141}, {'end': 1571.035, 'text': 'well later in the war, a fourth wheel was added to the Enigma machine, which increased the search space considerably,', 'start': 1561.59, 'duration': 9.445}, {'end': 1575.618, 'text': 'and you really needed electronic speeds in order to search through that larger space.', 'start': 1571.035, 'duration': 4.583}, {'end': 1578.46, 'text': 'So that was the drive to build electronic bombs.', 'start': 1575.918, 'duration': 2.542}], 'summary': "Turing's original bomb was good for enigma machines with three wheels, but the addition of a fourth wheel necessitated electronic speeds for searching.", 'duration': 25.095, 'max_score': 1553.365, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU1553365.jpg'}, {'end': 1813.302, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1784.674, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 1790.94, 'text': 'They had so many messages to break that unless they had a message that was particularly crucial,', 'start': 1784.674, 'duration': 6.266}, {'end': 1794.024, 'text': "it's unlikely that they would assign more than one bomb to it.", 'start': 1790.94, 'duration': 3.084}, {'end': 1803.938, 'text': 'They were breaking, by the middle of 1943, they were breaking two Enigma messages every minute at Bletchley Park.', 'start': 1794.994, 'duration': 8.944}, {'end': 1805.719, 'text': 'So that gives you some idea of the volume.', 'start': 1803.978, 'duration': 1.741}, {'end': 1813.302, 'text': "So they wouldn't really want to be, you know, dedicated, giving, you know, several of their limited number of bombs to the same message.", 'start': 1806.439, 'duration': 6.863}], 'summary': 'Bletchley park broke two enigma messages every minute by 1943.', 'duration': 28.628, 'max_score': 1784.674, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU1784674.jpg'}, {'end': 1879.58, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1853.503, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 1863.109, 'text': 'Turing brilliantly introduced a number of the core concepts of artificial intelligence, some of which were subsequently reinvented by other people.', 'start': 1853.503, 'duration': 9.606}, {'end': 1867.012, 'text': 'For example, there was the idea of a genetic algorithm.', 'start': 1864.09, 'duration': 2.922}, {'end': 1869.133, 'text': "That's there in Turing's 1948 report.", 'start': 1867.072, 'duration': 2.061}, {'end': 1872.015, 'text': "There's the idea of logical search.", 'start': 1870.214, 'duration': 1.801}, {'end': 1875.778, 'text': "There's the idea of a form of connectionist learning.", 'start': 1872.976, 'duration': 2.802}, {'end': 1879.58, 'text': 'Sadly, though, Turing never published the 1948 report.', 'start': 1876.919, 'duration': 2.661}], 'summary': 'Turing introduced key ai concepts, including genetic algorithm and logical search in his unpublished 1948 report.', 'duration': 26.077, 'max_score': 1853.503, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU1853503.jpg'}, {'end': 2156.42, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2132.309, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 2138.814, 'text': 'It was a machine designed by the scientists of the Third Reich, specifically for use by the German military.', 'start': 2132.309, 'duration': 6.505}, {'end': 2143.236, 'text': 'And here it is, once inside its case and once outside.', 'start': 2139.915, 'duration': 3.321}, {'end': 2147.798, 'text': 'So on the right-hand side, you can see the wheels of the machine.', 'start': 2143.756, 'duration': 4.042}, {'end': 2151.999, 'text': "As with Enigma, the Tunney's wheels were the heart of the action.", 'start': 2147.938, 'duration': 4.061}, {'end': 2156.42, 'text': 'And there they are, 12 of them, standing side by side like plates in a dish rack.', 'start': 2152.519, 'duration': 3.901}], 'summary': 'Machine designed by third reich with 12 wheels for german military.', 'duration': 24.111, 'max_score': 2132.309, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU2132309.jpg'}], 'start': 1388.066, 'title': "Turing's ai contributions and code breaking", 'summary': "Discusses turing's heuristic search leading to modern ai, with over 200 turing bombs operating at bletchley park and an additional 140 bombs in the country, enigma codebreaking techniques including parallel computing and cribbing, achieving breaking two messages every minute by mid-1943, and turing's ai contributions and involvement in code breaking, notably the tunney machine and its significance and differences from enigma.", 'chapters': [{'end': 1606.29, 'start': 1388.066, 'title': "Turing's heuristic search and the road to modern ai", 'summary': "Discusses how turing's heuristic search through the turing bombs led to the first milestone on the road to modern ai, with over 200 turing bombs operating at bletchley park and an additional 140 bombs in the country, including desch's superior electronic versions.", 'duration': 218.224, 'highlights': ["Turing's heuristic problem solving and the development of machine intelligence was a significant focus of his life, with over 200 Turing bombs operating at Bletchley Park and an additional 140 bombs in the country, leading to the first milestone on the road to modern AI.", "The development of electronic versions of Turing's bomb, particularly Desch's superior electronic bombs, was driven by the need for speed and reliability in searching through the increased search space of Enigma machines with a fourth wheel, leading to the Washington bombs being largely controlled by Bletchley Park with excellent telecommunications.", "The electronic versions of Turing's bomb, including Desch's, were far superior in reliability and speed, as evidenced by the Washington bombs being controlled by Bletchley Park with ease, indicating the significant impact of electronic advancements in the development of machine intelligence.", "The chapter also highlights the significance of over 200 Turing bombs operating at Bletchley Park and an additional 140 bombs in the country, including Desch's superior electronic versions, in driving the development of machine intelligence and the road to modern AI."]}, {'end': 1829.97, 'start': 1606.29, 'title': 'Enigma codebreaking techniques', 'summary': 'Discusses the use of parallel computing and the process of cribbing in breaking enigma messages, with bletchley park breaking two messages every minute by mid-1943, and washington taking over cribbing business from bletchley park in mid-1944.', 'duration': 223.68, 'highlights': ['Bletchley Park was breaking two Enigma messages every minute by the middle of 1943, showcasing the high volume of codebreaking operations.', 'Washington took over the business of cribbing from Bletchley Park in mid-1944, indicating a shift in codebreaking responsibilities.', 'The bomb had numerous cylinders mimicking the three wheels of the Enigma machine, demonstrating the complexity of the codebreaking equipment.', 'The process of cribbing involved guessing a part of the message and wiring the bomb to search for that crib, showcasing the intricate nature of codebreaking techniques.', 'The bomb units at Bletchley Park and the US operated in parallel, with Bletchley Park using limited bombs to maintain high throughput, indicating efficient codebreaking strategies.']}, {'end': 2502.98, 'start': 1829.97, 'title': "Turing's ai contributions and code breaking", 'summary': "Discusses turing's early contributions to artificial intelligence, including the 1948 manifesto 'intelligent machinery', his famous 1950 paper on artificial intelligence and the turing test, as well as his involvement in code breaking, particularly the tunney machine, highlighting its significance and differences from enigma.", 'duration': 673.01, 'highlights': ["Turing's early contributions to artificial intelligence in his 1948 manifesto 'Intelligent Machinery', including concepts such as genetic algorithms, logical search, and connectionist learning. Turing introduced core concepts of artificial intelligence in 1948, such as genetic algorithms, logical search, and connectionist learning, which were later reinvented by others.", "The publication of Turing's famous 1950 paper on artificial intelligence and the introduction of the Turing test, which aimed to determine a computer's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior. Turing's paper in 1950 introduced the concept of the Turing test, where a judge must determine which contestant, a human or a computer, is which, allowing the computer to use tricks to evade identification.", "Turing's involvement in breaking the Tunney machine, a significant German military encryption device, and its differences from the Enigma machine, including the use of 12 wheels and its operational efficiency. Turing's involvement in breaking the Tunney machine, a more sophisticated German military encryption device than the Enigma, with 12 wheels and operational efficiency requiring only one operator at each link."]}], 'duration': 1114.914, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU1388066.jpg', 'highlights': ["Turing's heuristic problem solving and the development of machine intelligence was a significant focus of his life, with over 200 Turing bombs operating at Bletchley Park and an additional 140 bombs in the country, leading to the first milestone on the road to modern AI.", 'Bletchley Park was breaking two Enigma messages every minute by the middle of 1943, showcasing the high volume of codebreaking operations.', "Turing's early contributions to artificial intelligence in his 1948 manifesto 'Intelligent Machinery', including concepts such as genetic algorithms, logical search, and connectionist learning.", "The development of electronic versions of Turing's bomb, particularly Desch's superior electronic bombs, was driven by the need for speed and reliability in searching through the increased search space of Enigma machines with a fourth wheel, leading to the Washington bombs being largely controlled by Bletchley Park with excellent telecommunications.", "Turing's involvement in breaking the Tunney machine, a significant German military encryption device, and its differences from the Enigma machine, including the use of 12 wheels and its operational efficiency."]}, {'end': 3725.753, 'segs': [{'end': 2591.393, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2562.18, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 2564.263, 'text': 'each about 4, 000 characters long.', 'start': 2562.18, 'duration': 2.083}, {'end': 2570.79, 'text': 'So he reverse engineered the Tunney machine on the basis of just two measly intercepts.', 'start': 2564.783, 'duration': 6.007}, {'end': 2576.296, 'text': 'It was the most remarkable feat of cryptanalysis during the whole of the Second World War.', 'start': 2571.45, 'duration': 4.846}, {'end': 2577.757, 'text': "Perhaps ever, I don't know.", 'start': 2576.516, 'duration': 1.241}, {'end': 2582.963, 'text': "We don't really know what they've done since, but Tutte's break must be up there.", 'start': 2577.797, 'duration': 5.166}, {'end': 2588.771, 'text': 'Using the same code.', 'start': 2586.79, 'duration': 1.981}, {'end': 2589.712, 'text': 'They were adept.', 'start': 2588.871, 'duration': 0.841}, {'end': 2591.393, 'text': 'Yes, they were adept.', 'start': 2590.232, 'duration': 1.161}], 'summary': 'Tutte reverse engineered the tunney machine with just two intercepts, a remarkable feat of cryptanalysis during world war ii.', 'duration': 29.213, 'max_score': 2562.18, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU2562180.jpg'}, {'end': 2805.521, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2775.664, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 2782.288, 'text': 'But remarkably, Turing was able to show that delta-ring, in fact, would reveal information that was otherwise hidden.', 'start': 2775.664, 'duration': 6.624}, {'end': 2787.251, 'text': 'And that was his route in to breaking the Tunney messages.', 'start': 2782.868, 'duration': 4.383}, {'end': 2796.315, 'text': "Turing's method wasn't carried out by machine.", 'start': 2791.072, 'duration': 5.243}, {'end': 2801.979, 'text': 'His method, which in the laconic jargon of Bletchley Park was called simply Turingery.', 'start': 2797.036, 'duration': 4.943}, {'end': 2805.521, 'text': 'his method was carried out by the code breakers using paper and pencil.', 'start': 2801.979, 'duration': 3.542}], 'summary': "Turing's method, called turingery, broke tunney messages using paper and pencil.", 'duration': 29.857, 'max_score': 2775.664, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU2775664.jpg'}, {'end': 3483.247, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 3396.569, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 3404.295, 'text': 'Flowers said that he and his team worked until their eyes dropped out, night and day, in order to get Colossus finished.', 'start': 3396.569, 'duration': 7.726}, {'end': 3407.558, 'text': 'And then, one day, early in 1944,', 'start': 3404.656, 'duration': 2.902}, {'end': 3415.565, 'text': "some of Flowers' lads turned up at Bletchley Park with the first large-scale electronic computer on the back of a lorry.", 'start': 3407.558, 'duration': 8.007}, {'end': 3420.778, 'text': 'And here it is, Flowers Colossus.', 'start': 3418.396, 'duration': 2.382}, {'end': 3424.482, 'text': 'The name Colossus was certainly apt.', 'start': 3422.74, 'duration': 1.742}, {'end': 3427.645, 'text': 'It was as big as a room, and it weighed about a ton.', 'start': 3424.582, 'duration': 3.063}, {'end': 3435.073, 'text': 'You can see the message tape here over on the right, similar to the message tape in the Robinson.', 'start': 3428.927, 'duration': 6.146}, {'end': 3440.565, 'text': "Blower's machine caused quite a stir when it arrived at Bletchley Park.", 'start': 3436.664, 'duration': 3.901}, {'end': 3444.287, 'text': "The codebreakers simply couldn't believe the speed of the machine.", 'start': 3440.686, 'duration': 3.601}, {'end': 3453.991, 'text': 'And they were also very surprised to find, according to the wartime accounts, that when Colossus was set the same problem twice,', 'start': 3444.747, 'duration': 9.244}, {'end': 3456.071, 'text': 'it would produce the same answer twice.', 'start': 3453.991, 'duration': 2.08}, {'end': 3460.013, 'text': 'So you can infer that the Robinson did not always do this.', 'start': 3456.592, 'duration': 3.421}, {'end': 3473.384, 'text': 'So D-Day, of course, June 1944,', 'start': 3468.362, 'duration': 5.022}, {'end': 3483.247, 'text': "the first Colossus and also Turing's bombs had been giving the Allies an unparalleled window on the Germans' preparations for the invasion.", 'start': 3473.384, 'duration': 9.863}], 'summary': 'Flowers and team worked tirelessly to finish colossus, the first large-scale electronic computer, which provided invaluable intelligence for the allies during d-day in june 1944.', 'duration': 27.913, 'max_score': 3396.569, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU3396569.jpg'}, {'end': 3504.243, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 3473.384, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 3483.247, 'text': "the first Colossus and also Turing's bombs had been giving the Allies an unparalleled window on the Germans' preparations for the invasion.", 'start': 3473.384, 'duration': 9.863}, {'end': 3490.789, 'text': 'They knew the locations of every German division, thanks to Turing and Tutt, fundamentally.', 'start': 3483.327, 'duration': 7.462}, {'end': 3504.243, 'text': "And then by the end of the war, there were ten colossi in operation in Newman's unit at Bletchley Park, which was called simply the Newmanry.", 'start': 3494.361, 'duration': 9.882}], 'summary': 'Allies had ten colossi at bletchley park, thanks to turing and tutt, providing unparalleled insight into german preparations for invasion.', 'duration': 30.859, 'max_score': 3473.384, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU3473384.jpg'}, {'end': 3656.391, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 3527.907, 'weight': 0.884, 'content': [{'end': 3541.017, 'text': 'Job queues, teams of operators working in shifts, specialized tape punching crews, engineers always on hand to keep the machinery running smoothly.', 'start': 3527.907, 'duration': 13.11}, {'end': 3545.779, 'text': "It wasn't really until the 1960s that anything like this was seen again,", 'start': 3541.777, 'duration': 4.002}, {'end': 3551.841, 'text': 'when the first modern large-scale computing centers started to come into existence.', 'start': 3545.779, 'duration': 6.062}, {'end': 3559.017, 'text': 'But although Flowers had built Colossus.', 'start': 3554.722, 'duration': 4.295}, {'end': 3560.899, 'text': 'Nobody told the historians.', 'start': 3559.398, 'duration': 1.501}, {'end': 3566.725, 'text': 'Colossus was of course kept under the closest wraps until the 1990s, really.', 'start': 3561.219, 'duration': 5.506}, {'end': 3572.41, 'text': 'Some photographs were released in the 1970s, but it was the 1990s before any details came out.', 'start': 3567.005, 'duration': 5.405}, {'end': 3578.498, 'text': 'Sorry? Where Brian Randall wrote his famous paper, yes.', 'start': 3572.691, 'duration': 5.807}, {'end': 3579.699, 'text': 'Flowers was there.', 'start': 3578.598, 'duration': 1.101}, {'end': 3581.04, 'text': 'Flowers was there, yes.', 'start': 3579.719, 'duration': 1.321}, {'end': 3588.145, 'text': 'But very little of the information, very little information about how Colossus worked was released at that time.', 'start': 3581.14, 'duration': 7.005}, {'end': 3593.569, 'text': 'And Flowers wrote a.', 'start': 3588.425, 'duration': 5.144}, {'end': 3600.233, 'text': "During Flowers' talk, he wrote the truth table of the XOR function on board.", 'start': 3593.569, 'duration': 6.664}, {'end': 3610.508, 'text': 'Another man, got up quickly and erased it.', 'start': 3600.634, 'duration': 9.874}, {'end': 3615.89, 'text': 'Not to try and cap your story, but Peter Hilton, one of the tunny breakers at Bletchley Park.', 'start': 3610.568, 'duration': 5.322}, {'end': 3628.535, 'text': 'he told me that he was sent a letter by GCHQ GCHQ forbidding him to tell people that the wheels of the tunny machine were called chi wheels and psi wheels.', 'start': 3615.89, 'duration': 12.645}, {'end': 3640.922, 'text': "They were very kind of capricious about the parts of the information that they would release and the parts of the information that they wouldn't release.", 'start': 3630.856, 'duration': 10.066}, {'end': 3649.527, 'text': 'At that Los Alamos conference, the mere skeleton emerged, but all the details really were still hidden.', 'start': 3641.442, 'duration': 8.085}, {'end': 3656.391, 'text': 'And Flowers wrote up the talk that he gave at Los Alamos and published it in the Annals of the History of Computing.', 'start': 3649.967, 'duration': 6.424}], 'summary': 'Colossus machine kept secret until 1990s, details emerged in 1960s with modern computing centers.', 'duration': 128.484, 'max_score': 3527.907, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU3527907.jpg'}], 'start': 2503.861, 'title': 'World war ii codebreaking breakthroughs', 'summary': "Highlights bill tutte's feat of deciphering the tunny machine, alan turing's delta-ring invention for codebreaking, and tom flowers' creation of the colossus, which significantly contributed to allied efforts in world war ii.", 'chapters': [{'end': 2730.385, 'start': 2503.861, 'title': "Tutte's break: deciphering tunny", 'summary': "Highlights bill tutte's remarkable feat of reverse engineering the tunny machine with just two intercepted messages, leading to the first break in the system during world war ii, and alan turing's subsequent development of a systematic method for breaking into the daily tunny traffic.", 'duration': 226.524, 'highlights': ['Bill Tutte reverse engineered the Tunny machine with just two intercepted messages, each about 4,000 characters long, leading to the first break in the system during World War II. Bill Tutte managed to figure out the entire logical structure of the Tunny machine from just two intercepted messages, each about 4,000 characters long, which was a remarkable feat of cryptanalysis.', "The Tunny materials remained classified until 2000 when GCHQ finally released them, revealing Alan Turing's development of the first systematic method for breaking into the daily Tunny traffic. It wasn't until 2000 that GCHQ finally released the Tunny materials, which contained details of Alan Turing's break into the Tunny traffic, where he devised the first systematic method for breaking into the daily Tunny traffic."]}, {'end': 3049.887, 'start': 2731.445, 'title': "Turing's delta-ring invention and codebreaking method", 'summary': "Explores alan turing's invention of delta-ring, a process of sideways addition, and its application in breaking the tunney messages, later leading to the development of electronic counters and the heath robinson machine for codebreaking at bletchley park.", 'duration': 318.442, 'highlights': ["Turing's invention of delta-ring, a process of sideways addition, was able to reveal hidden information and was used in breaking the Tunney messages.", "The code breakers at Bletchley Park initially carried out Turing's method, known as Turingery, using paper and pencil, but Bill Tutte later extended the method to require electronic counters, leading to the development of the Heath Robinson machine.", "Max Newman's idea to use electronic counters for arithmetic, inspired by his prior exposure to the technology counting radioactive emissions at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge, led to the development of the Heath Robinson machine for codebreaking at Bletchley Park.", 'The Heath Robinson machine, despite its initial technical issues, was a significant advancement in codebreaking technology, eventually leading to the development of the improved Old Robinson machine.']}, {'end': 3374.229, 'start': 3049.887, 'title': "Tom flowers' electronic breakthrough", 'summary': "Highlights tom flowers' revolutionary use of electronic valves to build the world's first large-scale electronic computer, colossus, with 2,000 valves, overcoming the common belief of their unreliability and slowness.", 'duration': 324.342, 'highlights': ["Tom Flowers built the world's first large-scale electronic computer, Colossus, with 2,000 valves, overcoming the common belief of their unreliability and slowness. World's first large-scale electronic computer, Colossus, with 2,000 valves", "Flowers had been working with vacuum tubes since the early 1930s, knowing their capabilities inside out, and had been successful in building massive installations of valves for telephone exchanges, contradicting the common belief of their unreliability. Flowers' extensive experience with vacuum tubes, successful building of massive valve installations for telephone exchanges", 'Flowers discovered that as long as large valve installations were never turned off, they operated more reliably than relays, challenging the belief that electronic valves were too unreliable for large-scale use. Discovery that large valve installations operated more reliably than relays if never turned off']}, {'end': 3725.753, 'start': 3374.83, 'title': 'Flowers and the colossus', 'summary': "Recounts how flowers and his team built the first large-scale electronic computer, the colossus, in 10 months, which significantly contributed to the allied efforts in world war ii, providing unparalleled intelligence and marking the world's first electronic computing facility.", 'duration': 350.923, 'highlights': ['Flowers and his team took 10 months to build the first large-scale electronic computer, the Colossus. The construction of the first large-scale electronic computer, the Colossus, took 10 months.', "The first Colossus, built by Flowers, provided the Allies with unparalleled intelligence on the Germans' preparations for the invasion, knowing the locations of every German division. The first Colossus significantly contributed to the Allied efforts by providing unparalleled intelligence on the Germans' preparations, knowing the locations of every German division.", "By the end of the war, there were ten colossi in operation in Newman's unit at Bletchley Park, marking the world's first electronic computing facility. By the end of the war, there were ten colossi in operation, marking the world's first electronic computing facility."]}], 'duration': 1221.892, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU2503861.jpg', 'highlights': ['Bill Tutte reverse engineered the Tunny machine with just two intercepted messages, each about 4,000 characters long, leading to the first break in the system during World War II.', "Tom Flowers built the world's first large-scale electronic computer, Colossus, with 2,000 valves, overcoming the common belief of their unreliability and slowness.", "The first Colossus, built by Flowers, provided the Allies with unparalleled intelligence on the Germans' preparations for the invasion, knowing the locations of every German division.", "Turing's invention of delta-ring, a process of sideways addition, was able to reveal hidden information and was used in breaking the Tunney messages."]}, {'end': 4159.138, 'segs': [{'end': 3803.515, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 3749.169, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 3760.718, 'text': 'It was called the ENIAC and it first ran in December 1946, a full two years after the first Colossus ran.', 'start': 3749.169, 'duration': 11.549}, {'end': 3762.94, 'text': "but that isn't mentioned in the standard histories.", 'start': 3760.718, 'duration': 2.222}, {'end': 3768.273, 'text': 'The ENIAC was in some ways very similar to Colossus.', 'start': 3765.25, 'duration': 3.023}, {'end': 3771.316, 'text': 'It was a special purpose machine.', 'start': 3768.353, 'duration': 2.963}, {'end': 3773.719, 'text': 'It was dedicated to a particular task.', 'start': 3771.797, 'duration': 1.922}, {'end': 3778.444, 'text': 'They did eventually figure out how to turn it into a rather more general purpose machine,', 'start': 3773.959, 'duration': 4.485}, {'end': 3784.37, 'text': 'but it was originally designed by Eckart and Morkley as a special purpose machine for calculating gunnery tables.', 'start': 3778.444, 'duration': 5.926}, {'end': 3789.772, 'text': "And like Colossus, it didn't incorporate Turing's stored program concept.", 'start': 3785.311, 'duration': 4.461}, {'end': 3798.894, 'text': 'In order to set the ENIAC up for a new job, the operators needed to monkey around with cables and switches.', 'start': 3790.532, 'duration': 8.362}, {'end': 3803.515, 'text': 'They needed to literally rewire the machine, rerouting cables and throwing switches.', 'start': 3798.934, 'duration': 4.581}], 'summary': 'Eniac, designed as a special purpose machine for gunnery tables, required rewiring for new tasks.', 'duration': 54.346, 'max_score': 3749.169, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU3749169.jpg'}, {'end': 3855.792, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 3826.403, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 3834.326, 'text': 'Flowers was quite bitter towards the end of his life about the fact that the ENIAC had got all the glory and his work was unknown.', 'start': 3826.403, 'duration': 7.923}, {'end': 3840.648, 'text': 'And it was, of course the crippling secrecy that the British, for whatever reasons,', 'start': 3834.346, 'duration': 6.302}, {'end': 3847.09, 'text': 'imposed on Colossus that resulted for Flowers being written out of the history of computing for all those decades.', 'start': 3840.648, 'duration': 6.442}, {'end': 3855.792, 'text': 'Flowers said, when after the war ended, I was told that the secret of Colossus was to be kept indefinitely, I was naturally disappointed.', 'start': 3848.43, 'duration': 7.362}], 'summary': 'Flowers was bitter about being written out of computing history due to secrecy.', 'duration': 29.389, 'max_score': 3826.403, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU3826403.jpg'}], 'start': 3725.753, 'title': "Pioneering computers and flowers' legacy", 'summary': "Discusses the eniac and colossus, the first large-scale electronic computers, and highlights flowers' underappreciated contribution to computing history, overshadowed by eniac, potentially altering the course of computing and technology history due to secrecy and lack of recognition.", 'chapters': [{'end': 3824.786, 'start': 3725.753, 'title': 'Eniac vs colossus: pioneering computers', 'summary': 'Discusses the eniac and colossus, highlighting that the first large-scale electronic computer was the eniac, which ran in december 1946, two years after the first colossus, and its original special purpose design and limitations in reprogramming.', 'duration': 99.033, 'highlights': ['The ENIAC was the first large-scale electronic computer, running in December 1946, two years after the first Colossus.', 'Originally designed as a special purpose machine for calculating gunnery tables, the ENIAC required rewiring and reprogramming, taking up to a week to change its program.', "The ENIAC was similar to Colossus in being a special purpose machine and not incorporating Turing's stored program concept, requiring operators to manually reconfigure the machine for different tasks."]}, {'end': 4159.138, 'start': 3826.403, 'title': "Flowers' untold legacy", 'summary': 'Highlights the underappreciated contribution of flowers to computing history, as his work on colossus was overshadowed by the eniac, and the secrecy surrounding colossus prevented him from receiving recognition, potentially altering the course of computing and technology history.', 'duration': 332.735, 'highlights': ['The secrecy surrounding Colossus prevented Flowers from receiving recognition, potentially altering the course of computing and technology history. Flowers was bitter about the fact that the ENIAC got all the glory, and the crippling secrecy imposed on Colossus resulted in Flowers being written out of the history of computing for decades. If Colossus had been made public, it could have led to the rapid development of high-speed electronic computing facilities globally.', "Flowers' anticipation of the ENIAC's success and the lack of credit he received for his work on Colossus. Flowers felt disappointed that the secret of Colossus was to be kept indefinitely, and he endured the acclaim given to ENIAC without being able to disclose that he had anticipated its success. His lack of credit for his work on Colossus is highlighted as one of the saddest stories in the history of computing.", "Flowers' interest in building electronic telephone exchanges and the impact of secrecy on his career. Flowers, a telephone engineer, longed to build electronic telephone exchanges but was restricted from using or mentioning the technology he designed during the war due to secrecy. This impacted his career, leading to underrecognition and a reputation for precociousness."]}], 'duration': 433.385, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU3725753.jpg', 'highlights': ['The ENIAC was the first large-scale electronic computer, running in December 1946, two years after the first Colossus.', 'The secrecy surrounding Colossus prevented Flowers from receiving recognition, potentially altering the course of computing and technology history.', 'Originally designed as a special purpose machine for calculating gunnery tables, the ENIAC required rewiring and reprogramming, taking up to a week to change its program.', "Flowers' anticipation of the ENIAC's success and the lack of credit he received for his work on Colossus.", "The ENIAC was similar to Colossus in being a special purpose machine and not incorporating Turing's stored program concept, requiring operators to manually reconfigure the machine for different tasks.", "Flowers' interest in building electronic telephone exchanges and the impact of secrecy on his career."]}, {'end': 4890.49, 'segs': [{'end': 4238.53, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 4181.662, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 4193.292, 'text': 'And they could have eased his way to building the first all electronic telephone exchange by releasing information that did no damage at all to the core staff that they wanted to keep secret.', 'start': 4181.662, 'duration': 11.63}, {'end': 4194.314, 'text': 'But they chose not to.', 'start': 4193.473, 'duration': 0.841}, {'end': 4197.811, 'text': 'after the war.', 'start': 4196.991, 'duration': 0.82}, {'end': 4202.373, 'text': "What's your explanation for why the British government kept this secret for so long? They were still using it.", 'start': 4197.891, 'duration': 4.482}, {'end': 4205.435, 'text': "It's simple.", 'start': 4204.934, 'duration': 0.501}, {'end': 4213.058, 'text': 'GCHQ does not disclose machinery that it is relying on.', 'start': 4206.755, 'duration': 6.303}, {'end': 4219.881, 'text': 'The tiny machines were captured by the Russians as they moved across Europe.', 'start': 4215.359, 'duration': 4.522}, {'end': 4224.123, 'text': 'And the language changed from German to Russian.', 'start': 4220.141, 'duration': 3.982}, {'end': 4230.406, 'text': 'the messages still flowed and GCHQ were breaking them using two colossi.', 'start': 4225.783, 'duration': 4.623}, {'end': 4238.53, 'text': 'They destroyed eight and another one in Flowers Factory because that was far too much capacity, but they thought two would be enough.', 'start': 4230.706, 'duration': 7.824}], 'summary': 'The british government kept the all-electronic telephone exchange secret, which was captured by the russians, leading to gchq breaking messages using two colossi.', 'duration': 56.868, 'max_score': 4181.662, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU4181662.jpg'}, {'end': 4300.878, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 4265.523, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 4272.246, 'text': 'Rotor machines were used for cryptography until 1990.', 'start': 4265.523, 'duration': 6.723}, {'end': 4273.866, 'text': "Amazing, isn't it? Yeah.", 'start': 4272.246, 'duration': 1.62}, {'end': 4279.429, 'text': "And the East German Stasi were using Enigma until, I don't know, well into the 60s.", 'start': 4274.206, 'duration': 5.223}, {'end': 4286.393, 'text': 'The Washington bombs were kept in mothballs for a long time.', 'start': 4282.472, 'duration': 3.921}, {'end': 4291.395, 'text': 'And they were brought out and readied for use in the 1950s.', 'start': 4286.753, 'duration': 4.642}, {'end': 4294.016, 'text': "Don't quite know why, but there was something going on.", 'start': 4292.055, 'duration': 1.961}, {'end': 4300.878, 'text': 'Cables, like the Yes, switches and cables.', 'start': 4297.617, 'duration': 3.261}], 'summary': 'Rotor machines used for cryptography until 1990, east german stasi used enigma until the 60s, washington bombs readied for use in the 1950s.', 'duration': 35.355, 'max_score': 4265.523, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU4265523.jpg'}, {'end': 4379.618, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 4352.895, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 4361.021, 'text': 'And Turing in the meanwhile went to London where he was hired by the National Physical Laboratory in order to build an electronic stored program computer.', 'start': 4352.895, 'duration': 8.126}, {'end': 4367.611, 'text': 'So a kind of race developed between Newman in Manchester and Turing in London.', 'start': 4362.348, 'duration': 5.263}, {'end': 4373.555, 'text': 'This is Bushy House, part of the campus of the National Physical Laboratory.', 'start': 4367.971, 'duration': 5.584}, {'end': 4379.618, 'text': 'This is where Turing worked, designing his automatic computing engine, as it was called.', 'start': 4373.835, 'duration': 5.783}], 'summary': 'Turing and newman raced to build electronic stored program computers in london and manchester.', 'duration': 26.723, 'max_score': 4352.895, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU4352895.jpg'}, {'end': 4762.42, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 4696.105, 'weight': 0.811, 'content': [{'end': 4704.991, 'text': "very contrary to the line of development here and much more in the American tradition of solving one's difficulties by means of much equipment rather than thought.", 'start': 4696.105, 'duration': 8.886}, {'end': 4709.954, 'text': 'A wonderfully acid comment by Turing.', 'start': 4707.732, 'duration': 2.222}, {'end': 4719.825, 'text': 'So here is the Deuce, the engineered, commercially marketed version of the Pilot Model Ace.', 'start': 4712.901, 'duration': 6.924}, {'end': 4729.13, 'text': 'It was one of the major workhorses of the early decades of the computer age.', 'start': 4722.986, 'duration': 6.144}, {'end': 4731.691, 'text': 'There were many Deuces in operation.', 'start': 4729.23, 'duration': 2.461}, {'end': 4736.233, 'text': "And they didn't, I think the last one went out of service in the 1970s.", 'start': 4732.792, 'duration': 3.441}, {'end': 4743.688, 'text': 'So this is another machine spawned by the ACE design.', 'start': 4739.946, 'duration': 3.742}, {'end': 4750.713, 'text': 'This is the Bendix G15, designed by the American engineer Harry Husky and built by the Bendix Corporation in Detroit.', 'start': 4743.748, 'duration': 6.965}, {'end': 4753.815, 'text': "It's the first personal computer.", 'start': 4751.393, 'duration': 2.422}, {'end': 4762.42, 'text': "Somewhat larger than the personal computers that we're used to nowadays, the Bendix was about the size of a large domestic refrigerator.", 'start': 4755.035, 'duration': 7.385}], 'summary': 'The deuce, a major workhorse, went out of service in the 1970s. the bendix g15, the first personal computer, was the size of a large refrigerator.', 'duration': 66.315, 'max_score': 4696.105, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU4696105.jpg'}, {'end': 4743.688, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 4712.901, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 4719.825, 'text': 'So here is the Deuce, the engineered, commercially marketed version of the Pilot Model Ace.', 'start': 4712.901, 'duration': 6.924}, {'end': 4729.13, 'text': 'It was one of the major workhorses of the early decades of the computer age.', 'start': 4722.986, 'duration': 6.144}, {'end': 4731.691, 'text': 'There were many Deuces in operation.', 'start': 4729.23, 'duration': 2.461}, {'end': 4736.233, 'text': "And they didn't, I think the last one went out of service in the 1970s.", 'start': 4732.792, 'duration': 3.441}, {'end': 4743.688, 'text': 'So this is another machine spawned by the ACE design.', 'start': 4739.946, 'duration': 3.742}], 'summary': 'The deuce, a commercially marketed version of the pilot model ace, was a major workhorse of the early computer age, with many in operation until the 1970s.', 'duration': 30.787, 'max_score': 4712.901, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU4712901.jpg'}], 'start': 4160.939, 'title': "British government's secrecy and cryptography evolution", 'summary': "Discusses the impact of british government's secrecy on code-breaking machines and the evolution of cryptography, including the use of rotor machines, delayed adoption of innovations, and the race between turing and newman in developing stored program computers.", 'chapters': [{'end': 4265.163, 'start': 4160.939, 'title': "The british government's secrecy", 'summary': "Discusses how the british government's secrecy regarding code-breaking machines impacted the career of a key figure, and how they continued to use the technology while keeping it hidden, ultimately resulting in its capture by the russians.", 'duration': 104.224, 'highlights': ["The British government's decision to keep the code-breaking machines secret impacted the career of a key figure, potentially altering the course of history.", 'GCHQ did not disclose the machinery it relied on, leading to the capture of the machines by the Russians as they moved across Europe, changing the language from German to Russian.', 'The British government continued using the technology while keeping it hidden, eventually resulting in its capture by the Russians, leading to the need for new machines to replace the captured ones.']}, {'end': 4890.49, 'start': 4265.523, 'title': 'Evolution of cryptography and early computers', 'summary': 'Explores the evolution of cryptography, highlighting the use of rotor machines until 1990, the delayed adoption of innovations such as the washington bombs and the race between turing and newman in developing stored program computers, leading to the creation of the ace and the deuce.', 'duration': 624.967, 'highlights': ["The delayed adoption of innovations such as the Washington bombs and the race between Turing and Newman in developing stored program computers. The Washington bombs were kept in mothballs for a long time and were readied for use in the 1950s. A race developed between Newman in Manchester and Turing in London to develop stored program computers, with Newman's team successfully creating the first stored program computer in 1948.", 'The use of rotor machines for cryptography until 1990. Rotor machines were used for cryptography until 1990, with the East German Stasi using Enigma until the 1960s, showcasing the prolonged use of these machines for secure communications.', 'The development and impact of the ACE and the Deuce, major workhorses of the early computer age. The ACE, developed by Turing and his team, and the Deuce, commercially marketed based on the ACE design, were significant workhorses of the early computer age, with the Deuce continuing in operation until the 1970s, showcasing the enduring impact of these early innovations.']}], 'duration': 729.551, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU4160939.jpg', 'highlights': ['The delayed adoption of innovations such as the Washington bombs and the race between Turing and Newman in developing stored program computers.', "The British government's decision to keep the code-breaking machines secret impacted the career of a key figure, potentially altering the course of history.", 'The use of rotor machines for cryptography until 1990.', 'The development and impact of the ACE and the Deuce, major workhorses of the early computer age.', 'GCHQ did not disclose the machinery it relied on, leading to the capture of the machines by the Russians as they moved across Europe, changing the language from German to Russian.']}, {'end': 5796.502, 'segs': [{'end': 5096.432, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 5066.156, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 5071.918, 'text': 'He used punch tape technology, and he built them a tape reader for input.', 'start': 5066.156, 'duration': 5.762}, {'end': 5075.379, 'text': 'and various output facilities.', 'start': 5073.638, 'duration': 1.741}, {'end': 5079.382, 'text': 'So the Manchester computer is indebted on all sides to Turing.', 'start': 5075.56, 'duration': 3.822}, {'end': 5083.204, 'text': 'Although up in Manchester, they try and sideline Turing.', 'start': 5079.622, 'duration': 3.582}, {'end': 5089.988, 'text': "And it's heartbreaking to hear that they have hidden away his programming manual and won't show it to visitors such as yourself.", 'start': 5083.685, 'duration': 6.303}, {'end': 5096.432, 'text': 'Yes? Documentation is really, really, really fascinating.', 'start': 5091.97, 'duration': 4.462}], 'summary': "Turing's contributions to the manchester computer were significant, but his programming manual has been hidden away and not shown to visitors.", 'duration': 30.276, 'max_score': 5066.156, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU5066156.jpg'}, {'end': 5144.207, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 5115.204, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 5123.293, 'text': 'What did Turing actually do at Manchester and how did he finish his career? Well, he wrote the first artificial intelligence.', 'start': 5115.204, 'duration': 8.089}, {'end': 5128.664, 'text': 'which was a chess-playing program called Turochamp.', 'start': 5124.818, 'duration': 3.846}, {'end': 5133.031, 'text': 'He wrote it with David Champernell, a mathematical economist he was friendly with.', 'start': 5128.824, 'duration': 4.207}, {'end': 5139.026, 'text': 'They never managed to code Eurochamp for the machine.', 'start': 5135.165, 'duration': 3.861}, {'end': 5142.767, 'text': 'They had the program written, and they could handwork it.', 'start': 5139.086, 'duration': 3.681}, {'end': 5144.207, 'text': 'It played games.', 'start': 5143.167, 'duration': 1.04}], 'summary': 'Turing wrote the first ai, turochamp, with david champernell, but eurochamp was not coded.', 'duration': 29.003, 'max_score': 5115.204, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU5115204.jpg'}, {'end': 5541.548, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 5485.011, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 5497.98, 'text': "And it was Turing's 1936 paper really that enabled Gödel to generalize the incompleteness result beyond Principia Mathematica to formal systems in general containing a bit of arithmetic.", 'start': 5485.011, 'duration': 12.969}, {'end': 5503.557, 'text': 'Yes by describing how few photographs of Turing survived.', 'start': 5499.802, 'duration': 3.755}, {'end': 5508.522, 'text': 'Are there any extant video images like home movies or audio recordings? No.', 'start': 5503.697, 'duration': 4.825}, {'end': 5510.363, 'text': 'There were audio recordings.', 'start': 5508.822, 'duration': 1.541}, {'end': 5514.227, 'text': 'Turing made a number of radio broadcasts with the BBC.', 'start': 5510.864, 'duration': 3.363}, {'end': 5520.273, 'text': 'But unfortunately, the BBC threw away the tapes.', 'start': 5516.309, 'duration': 3.964}, {'end': 5525.819, 'text': "I'd like to line them up and shoot them myself.", 'start': 5522.415, 'duration': 3.404}, {'end': 5535.368, 'text': 'The one hope is that some Commonwealth country that would have been receiving material from London has archived the tapes.', 'start': 5525.959, 'duration': 9.409}, {'end': 5540.107, 'text': "And over the years, I've written to a few likely candidates.", 'start': 5536.366, 'duration': 3.741}, {'end': 5541.548, 'text': "But I've never managed to get anywhere.", 'start': 5540.147, 'duration': 1.401}], 'summary': "Turing's audio recordings with the bbc were discarded, hindering research efforts.", 'duration': 56.537, 'max_score': 5485.011, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU5485011.jpg'}, {'end': 5638.578, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 5607.502, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 5617.644, 'text': "And we'll be here's a plug, and Jerry Roberts will be giving the annual Turing lecture, the King's College Turing lecture,", 'start': 5607.502, 'duration': 10.142}, {'end': 5623.165, 'text': "at Alan Turing's 100th birthday party at King's College, Cambridge, which I'm organizing.", 'start': 5617.644, 'duration': 5.521}, {'end': 5629.307, 'text': "And it will be on the 16th of June, just a few days before Turing's 100th birthday.", 'start': 5623.605, 'duration': 5.702}, {'end': 5638.578, 'text': 'Two days, many star speakers, including, sorry? up on the web.', 'start': 5629.787, 'duration': 8.791}], 'summary': "Jerry roberts will give annual turing lecture at king's college, cambridge for turing's 100th birthday.", 'duration': 31.076, 'max_score': 5607.502, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU5607502.jpg'}], 'start': 4895.743, 'title': "Alan turing's contributions", 'summary': "Discusses alan turing's underappreciated contributions to computer science, including his programming techniques and the creation of the first ai, turochamp, while also exploring his connection with gödel and efforts to preserve his legacy and audio recordings.", 'chapters': [{'end': 5115.104, 'start': 4895.743, 'title': "Alan turing's role in computer science", 'summary': "Discusses how alan turing's foundational contributions to computer science, including his manual on programming techniques and documentation, have been underappreciated at stanford campus and manchester, despite their significant influence on the development of computer technology and programming.", 'duration': 219.361, 'highlights': ["Alan Turing's manual on how to use the Manchester computer, demonstrating fundamental programming techniques and algorithms, remains largely unknown and hidden away at Manchester, despite its significant influence on computer science.", "Turing's contributions to the Manchester computer, including providing input and output facilities and using punch tape technology, were essential in transforming it into a working machine, yet his role is often sidelined and unappreciated at Manchester.", "The importance of documentation in computer science, exemplified by Turing's Manchester Manual, is highlighted as being hugely influential, more so than people imagine, emphasizing the significance of well-documented programming techniques and technologies."]}, {'end': 5365.41, 'start': 5115.204, 'title': "Turing's turochamp: a chess-playing program", 'summary': "Reveals turing's creation of the first artificial intelligence, a chess-playing program called turochamp, his conflict with kilburn, and the pioneering paper on chess programming.", 'duration': 250.206, 'highlights': ["Turing wrote the first artificial intelligence, a chess-playing program called Turochamp, which beat human players. The creation of Turochamp demonstrates Turing's pioneering work in artificial intelligence and its success in defeating human players.", "Kilburn prevented Turing from implementing his chess playing program and restricted his access to the machine, showing considerable hostility towards Turing. The conflict between Turing and Kilburn led to restrictions on Turing's access to the machine and the prevention of implementing his chess program, reflecting the considerable hostility between the two.", 'Turing wrote a pioneering paper on chess programming, although it was published without his name, providing significant details about the Turochamp program. Despite the lack of association with Turing, his pioneering paper on chess programming contains significant details about the Turochamp program, enabling the recreation of his creation.']}, {'end': 5796.502, 'start': 5366.691, 'title': 'Turing-gödel connection', 'summary': "Explores the potential interactions between turing and gödel, the impact of turing's 1936 paper on gödel's work, and the efforts to preserve turing's audio recordings and legacy, while also providing insights into the bletchley park personnel's current status.", 'duration': 429.811, 'highlights': ["Turing's 1936 paper greatly influenced Gödel's ability to generalize the incompleteness result beyond Principia Mathematica to formal systems containing arithmetic, as evidenced by complementary quotes about Turing in Gödel's work.", "Efforts to preserve Turing's audio recordings have been challenging, with the BBC discarding the tapes, but hopes remain for potential archives in Commonwealth countries.", "There are living individuals, such as Jerry Roberts, who worked with Turing at Bletchley Park and continue to contribute to Turing's legacy, including giving the annual Turing lecture at King's College.", 'Flowers, a key figure in the development of the Colossus, missed the declassification of the Tunney Report, expressing regret that the story broke too late for him to fully appreciate its impact.', "The chapter also delves into the potential interactions between Turing and Gödel during Turing's time at Princeton and their differing attitudes towards each other's work and collaboration."]}], 'duration': 900.759, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/p7Lv9GxigYU/pics/p7Lv9GxigYU4895743.jpg', 'highlights': ["Turing's manual on Manchester computer programming techniques remains largely unknown and hidden away at Manchester, despite its significant influence on computer science.", "Turing's contributions to the Manchester computer were essential in transforming it into a working machine, yet his role is often sidelined and unappreciated at Manchester.", 'Turing wrote the first artificial intelligence, a chess-playing program called Turochamp, which beat human players, demonstrating his pioneering work in artificial intelligence.', "Turing's 1936 paper greatly influenced Gödel's ability to generalize the incompleteness result beyond Principia Mathematica to formal systems containing arithmetic.", "Efforts to preserve Turing's audio recordings have been challenging, with the BBC discarding the tapes, but hopes remain for potential archives in Commonwealth countries.", "Living individuals, such as Jerry Roberts, who worked with Turing at Bletchley Park, continue to contribute to Turing's legacy, including giving the annual Turing lecture at King's College."]}], 'highlights': ["Turing's cracking of the Enigma code shortened the war against Hitler and contributed to the victory, demonstrating a quantifiable impact on world history.", "Alan Turing's formalization of the concept of the universal machine enabled the development of modern computing machinery, marking a pivotal moment in the history of technology.", "Turing's pioneering work in computational biology and artificial intelligence has had a lasting impact on the field, shaping the development of technology and its applications.", "Turing's intelligence led to successful convoy reroutings, resulting in no U-boat sightings for 23 days, significantly impacting the North Atlantic position.", "Turing's invention of the stored program concept in 1936 revolutionized computing, allowing a single machine to perform various tasks, a concept now ubiquitous in modern computing.", "Turing's work at Bletchley Park, breaking the German Enigma codes, played a vital role in the Allies' victory during World War II.", "Turing's invention of the bomb in 1939 and its subsequent delivery to Bletchley Park in 1940, leading to its role in breaking various Enigma variants.", "Turing's heuristic problem solving and the development of machine intelligence was a significant focus of his life, with over 200 Turing bombs operating at Bletchley Park and an additional 140 bombs in the country, leading to the first milestone on the road to modern AI.", 'Bill Tutte reverse engineered the Tunny machine with just two intercepted messages, each about 4,000 characters long, leading to the first break in the system during World War II.', "Tom Flowers built the world's first large-scale electronic computer, Colossus, with 2,000 valves, overcoming the common belief of their unreliability and slowness.", 'The ENIAC was the first large-scale electronic computer, running in December 1946, two years after the first Colossus.', "Turing's manual on Manchester computer programming techniques remains largely unknown and hidden away at Manchester, despite its significant influence on computer science.", "Turing's contributions to the Manchester computer were essential in transforming it into a working machine, yet his role is often sidelined and unappreciated at Manchester.", 'Turing wrote the first artificial intelligence, a chess-playing program called Turochamp, which beat human players, demonstrating his pioneering work in artificial intelligence.']}