SSH and FTP for Remote Administration

Info Level: Intermediate Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy Date Created: 26 Minutes Length of Class: September 21, 2010 Tracks Linux Prerequisites Introduction to Linux Installing Linux Basic Linux Tasks VIM for File Editing Navigation in Linux Users, Groups and Permissions in Linux Linux Network Configuration Purpose of Class This class teaches students how to remotely administer their Linux servers using SSH, and to be able transfer files to and from the server using FTP. Topics Covered Install SSH Connecting to Server Using a Terminal Emulator Installing vsftpd for FTP Connecting to vsftpd using a FTP Client Class Notes SSH -- Secure Shell Install SSH on Server = sudo apt-get install ssh SSH Requires Port 22 Use a Terminal Emulator to Connect to the Server (PuTTy) FTP -- File Transfer Protocol Install FTP Server = sudo apt-get install vsftpd Edit vsftpd Configuration Files = sudo vim /etc/vsftpd.conf Uncoment #local_enable=YES to Allow Local Users to Login Uncomment #write_enable=YES to Allow File Uploads To Restart vsftpd Service = sudo service vsftpd restart Use an FTP Client to Connect to FTP Server (FileZilla) Resources PuTTy FileZilla Ubuntu vstpd Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html

{'title': 'SSH and FTP for Remote Administration', 'heatmap': [{'end': 371.589, 'start': 344.857, 'weight': 0.713}, {'end': 494.722, 'start': 436.507, 'weight': 0.76}, {'end': 586.593, 'start': 560.463, 'weight': 1}, {'end': 1351.602, 'start': 1330.819, 'weight': 0.821}], 'summary': 'Covers using ssh and ftp for remote administration of linux servers, setting up ssh in ubuntu, connecting to an ubuntu server using putty, installing/configuring ftp, and configuring vsftpd on linux, with emphasis on essential steps and practical demonstrations.', 'chapters': [{'end': 136.972, 'segs': [{'end': 58.455, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 27.626, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 34.468, 'text': 'Well, by using SSH and by using FTP, you can remotely administer any Linux server.', 'start': 27.626, 'duration': 6.842}, {'end': 42.91, 'text': 'SSH is something called secure shell, so basically, what you can do is you can open up the CLI, the command line interface,', 'start': 35.088, 'duration': 7.822}, {'end': 49.552, 'text': 'from anywhere using something called a terminal emulator, as long as SSH is installed on your server.', 'start': 42.91, 'duration': 6.642}, {'end': 50.752, 'text': "We're going to show you how to do that.", 'start': 49.572, 'duration': 1.18}, {'end': 58.455, 'text': 'So you open up the little terminal emulator and you can run all the commands as if you were sitting right in front of the computer.', 'start': 51.133, 'duration': 7.322}], 'summary': 'Using ssh and ftp, you can remotely administer any linux server, accessing cli from anywhere.', 'duration': 30.829, 'max_score': 27.626, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY27626.jpg'}, {'end': 94.164, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 72.239, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 80.841, 'text': 'Now, of course, if you need to get files up to the server so you need to you know this is a web server you need to upload new files for the web part.', 'start': 72.239, 'duration': 8.602}, {'end': 84.022, 'text': "if you need to upload a program that you're going to be installing, etc.", 'start': 80.841, 'duration': 3.181}, {'end': 86.762, 'text': 'the easiest way to do that is FTP.', 'start': 84.022, 'duration': 2.74}, {'end': 94.164, 'text': "There are, of course, you know, being Linux, there's 20 ways to skin a cat, but basically today I will show you how to use FTP.", 'start': 87.182, 'duration': 6.982}], 'summary': 'Using ftp to upload files to a web server is the easiest method.', 'duration': 21.925, 'max_score': 72.239, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY72239.jpg'}, {'end': 146.64, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 119.138, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 125.343, 'text': 'I use something called PuTTY to open up a shell environment within the Linux server.', 'start': 119.138, 'duration': 6.205}, {'end': 128.925, 'text': 'So you can do literally anything that you could do locally.', 'start': 125.383, 'duration': 3.542}, {'end': 129.967, 'text': 'anything you know.', 'start': 129.346, 'duration': 0.621}, {'end': 132.208, 'text': 'if you plugged in a keyboard and did that, you can.', 'start': 129.967, 'duration': 2.241}, {'end': 133.009, 'text': 'you can do the same.', 'start': 132.208, 'duration': 0.801}, {'end': 136.972, 'text': 'so you, my servers that are up on the internet I can be, you know,', 'start': 133.009, 'duration': 3.963}, {'end': 142.036, 'text': 'a thousand miles away and administer them just as well as if I was sitting in front of them.', 'start': 136.972, 'duration': 5.064}, {'end': 146.64, 'text': 'now, the first thing for secure shell is you have to install the secure shell server.', 'start': 142.036, 'duration': 4.604}], 'summary': 'Putty allows remote administration of linux servers, mirroring local control.', 'duration': 27.502, 'max_score': 119.138, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY119138.jpg'}], 'start': 5.575, 'title': 'Ssh and ftp for remote admin', 'summary': 'Covers using ssh and ftp for remote administration of linux servers, enabling users to remotely administer servers and transfer files with ease.', 'chapters': [{'end': 136.972, 'start': 5.575, 'title': 'Ssh and ftp for remote admin', 'summary': 'Covers using ssh and ftp for remote administration of linux servers, enabling users to remotely administer servers and transfer files with ease.', 'duration': 131.397, 'highlights': ['Using SSH, users can remotely administer Linux servers by opening a command line interface and running commands from anywhere, as long as SSH is installed on the server.', 'FTP allows users to easily transfer files to the server, making it the preferred method for file uploads and installations on Linux servers.', 'PuTTY can be used to open a shell environment within the Linux server, enabling users to perform any task that can be done locally, providing convenient remote server management.']}], 'duration': 131.397, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY5575.jpg', 'highlights': ['Using SSH, users can remotely administer Linux servers by opening a command line interface and running commands from anywhere, as long as SSH is installed on the server.', 'PuTTY can be used to open a shell environment within the Linux server, enabling users to perform any task that can be done locally, providing convenient remote server management.', 'FTP allows users to easily transfer files to the server, making it the preferred method for file uploads and installations on Linux servers.']}, {'end': 402.567, 'segs': [{'end': 315.433, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 136.972, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 142.036, 'text': 'a thousand miles away and administer them just as well as if I was sitting in front of them.', 'start': 136.972, 'duration': 5.064}, {'end': 146.64, 'text': 'now, the first thing for secure shell is you have to install the secure shell server.', 'start': 142.036, 'duration': 4.604}, {'end': 152.605, 'text': 'so so a lot of people get confused because so many people use secure shell and Linux.', 'start': 146.64, 'duration': 5.965}, {'end': 155.967, 'text': "a lot of a lot of newbies don't realize that you actually have to install it.", 'start': 152.605, 'duration': 3.362}, {'end': 157.528, 'text': "it's not just a component, that's there.", 'start': 155.967, 'duration': 1.561}, {'end': 164.891, 'text': 'Remember for Linux servers the people that create these distributions figure that you know what you want,', 'start': 157.928, 'duration': 6.963}, {'end': 172.694, 'text': "so they're not going to install anything that they don't need to install, because, again, they don't want to give you too much if you don't want it.", 'start': 164.891, 'duration': 7.803}, {'end': 177.156, 'text': "In order to install Secure Shell in Ubuntu, it's just very simple.", 'start': 173.175, 'duration': 3.981}, {'end': 190.99, 'text': "We just use the apt-get install command, and it's sudo apt-get install Can you guess what the command is? Oh yes, it's so complicated.", 'start': 177.196, 'duration': 13.794}, {'end': 193.932, 'text': "SSH And that's it.", 'start': 191.31, 'duration': 2.622}, {'end': 200.439, 'text': 'sudo apt-get install ssh and that will download and install the SSH server.', 'start': 194.513, 'duration': 5.926}, {'end': 203.582, 'text': "Once you do that, It's working.", 'start': 201.38, 'duration': 2.202}, {'end': 210.067, 'text': 'So now any of your users can use SSH to get into that server.', 'start': 203.742, 'duration': 6.325}, {'end': 219.654, 'text': 'If you do not have a firewall up and running, like literally anybody that has a normal user account can get in.', 'start': 210.427, 'duration': 9.227}, {'end': 220.995, 'text': "This doesn't have permissions.", 'start': 219.794, 'duration': 1.201}, {'end': 224.398, 'text': "Linux doesn't have remote access permissions the way Windows does.", 'start': 221.275, 'duration': 3.123}, {'end': 229.642, 'text': 'As soon as you install SSH, any user account is able to use the SSH.', 'start': 224.798, 'duration': 4.844}, {'end': 238.326, 'text': 'Now the big thing with SSH is it is a networking service so it does use port 22.', 'start': 230.322, 'duration': 8.004}, {'end': 248.131, 'text': 'So if you have UFW installed or if you have firewalls or port forwarding or any of that basically You have to make sure that port 22 is open.', 'start': 238.326, 'duration': 9.805}, {'end': 251.794, 'text': "If port 22 is not open, SSA just isn't going to work.", 'start': 248.151, 'duration': 3.643}, {'end': 252.495, 'text': "That's how it is.", 'start': 251.995, 'duration': 0.5}, {'end': 254.877, 'text': 'So port 22 has to be open.', 'start': 252.795, 'duration': 2.082}, {'end': 260.682, 'text': 'And then finally, to connect to the server, you need a terminal emulator.', 'start': 255.217, 'duration': 5.465}, {'end': 262.543, 'text': "So I will show you, we'll go on the computer.", 'start': 260.742, 'duration': 1.801}, {'end': 267.968, 'text': 'I administer from a Windows computer, so I use something called Putty.', 'start': 262.623, 'duration': 5.345}, {'end': 273.491, 'text': 'They have Windows terminal emulators for every type of operating system.', 'start': 268.649, 'duration': 4.842}, {'end': 281.156, 'text': 'My little iPhone, I have a terminal emulator for the iPhone and the iPhone is actually able to connect to my server up on the internet.', 'start': 273.792, 'duration': 7.364}, {'end': 286.459, 'text': "So with that information on Secure Shell, let's go over to the computer and show you how this works.", 'start': 281.576, 'duration': 4.883}, {'end': 291.742, 'text': "Like I say, it's dirt simple but it makes life so much better once you set this up.", 'start': 286.479, 'duration': 5.263}, {'end': 295.344, 'text': 'So here we are sitting back at the Ubuntu server.', 'start': 292.983, 'duration': 2.361}, {'end': 302.244, 'text': 'Now, the first thing that we need to do to be able to use SSH is, of course, install the SSH software.', 'start': 295.799, 'duration': 6.445}, {'end': 309.769, 'text': 'So all we do is we do sudo apt-get install.', 'start': 302.364, 'duration': 7.405}, {'end': 315.433, 'text': 'This is just the normal procedure for installing any type of software out of the software repository.', 'start': 310.35, 'duration': 5.083}], 'summary': 'To set up secure shell on ubuntu, install ssh server using sudo apt-get install ssh, and ensure port 22 is open for networking access.', 'duration': 178.461, 'max_score': 136.972, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY136972.jpg'}, {'end': 388.177, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 344.857, 'weight': 7, 'content': [{'end': 346.298, 'text': 'so we know what we are connecting to.', 'start': 344.857, 'duration': 1.441}, {'end': 347.679, 'text': "So we'll do ifconfig.", 'start': 346.318, 'duration': 1.361}, {'end': 351.04, 'text': 'And now we can look up at f0.', 'start': 349.639, 'duration': 1.401}, {'end': 357.301, 'text': "It says inet address, and it's", 'start': 351.22, 'duration': 6.081}, {'end': 360.604, 'text': 'So that is the IP address that we will plug in when we connect into the server.', 'start': 357.302, 'duration': 3.302}, {'end': 371.589, 'text': 'And then the next thing that we need to make sure since you guys are newbies is to make sure that the firewall is either down or that the rules are correct to allow you to connect to the server.', 'start': 361.044, 'duration': 10.545}, {'end': 374.15, 'text': 'So we do sudo ufw status.', 'start': 371.809, 'duration': 2.341}, {'end': 380.952, 'text': 'And this is the command to show you the status of the UFW firewall.', 'start': 377.83, 'duration': 3.122}, {'end': 388.177, 'text': 'If you are using a different type of firewall, of course, use whatever command is required to take a look at that firewall.', 'start': 381.272, 'duration': 6.905}], 'summary': "The server's ip address is, and newbies should check firewall status using 'sudo ufw status'.", 'duration': 43.32, 'max_score': 344.857, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY344857.jpg'}], 'start': 136.972, 'title': 'Setting up ssh in ubuntu', 'summary': "Covers installing and configuring the secure shell (ssh) server on ubuntu using 'sudo apt-get install ssh', emphasizing the necessity, simplicity, and importance of port 22 open and firewall allowance for ssh connections. it also illustrates the use of terminal emulators for various operating systems.", 'chapters': [{'end': 210.067, 'start': 136.972, 'title': 'Installing secure shell server in ubuntu', 'summary': "Explains how to install the secure shell server on ubuntu using the command 'sudo apt-get install ssh', highlighting the necessity of installation and the simplicity of the process.", 'duration': 73.095, 'highlights': ['The necessity of installing the Secure Shell server on Linux servers as it is not pre-installed, emphasizing the need for the installation process.', "The simplicity of installing the Secure Shell server in Ubuntu using the command 'sudo apt-get install ssh', indicating the straightforward nature of the process.", "The use of the 'apt-get install' command to install the Secure Shell server in Ubuntu, providing a clear and simple method for installation."]}, {'end': 402.567, 'start': 210.427, 'title': 'Setting up ssh for secure server connection', 'summary': 'Explains how to install and configure ssh on an ubuntu server, emphasizing the importance of having port 22 open and ensuring the firewall allows ssh connections. it also demonstrates the use of terminal emulators for different operating systems.', 'duration': 192.14, 'highlights': ['SSH allows any user account to use the service once installed, making it essential to have a firewall up and running to prevent unauthorized access. Any user account can access SSH without permissions.', 'Port 22 is crucial for SSH, requiring it to be open by ensuring UFW or other firewalls allow port 22 connections. SSH uses port 22 for networking.', 'Terminal emulators like Putty for Windows and iPhone allow connecting to the server from different operating systems. Various terminal emulators enable connection to the server from different devices and operating systems.', "The installation process for SSH involves running 'sudo apt-get install SSH' and confirming any prompts to complete the installation. The process involves running 'sudo apt-get install SSH' and confirming prompts.", "Checking the server's IP address using 'ifconfig' and ensuring the firewall allows SSH connections through 'sudo ufw status' are essential steps for connecting to the server. Steps involve checking the server's IP address and firewall status."]}], 'duration': 265.595, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY136972.jpg', 'highlights': ['The necessity of installing the Secure Shell server on Linux servers as it is not pre-installed, emphasizing the need for the installation process.', 'Port 22 is crucial for SSH, requiring it to be open by ensuring UFW or other firewalls allow port 22 connections. SSH uses port 22 for networking.', "The simplicity of installing the Secure Shell server in Ubuntu using the command 'sudo apt-get install ssh', indicating the straightforward nature of the process.", 'Terminal emulators like Putty for Windows and iPhone allow connecting to the server from different operating systems. Various terminal emulators enable connection to the server from different devices and operating systems.', "The use of the 'apt-get install' command to install the Secure Shell server in Ubuntu, providing a clear and simple method for installation.", 'SSH allows any user account to use the service once installed, making it essential to have a firewall up and running to prevent unauthorized access. Any user account can access SSH without permissions.', "The installation process for SSH involves running 'sudo apt-get install SSH' and confirming any prompts to complete the installation. The process involves running 'sudo apt-get install SSH' and confirming prompts.", "Checking the server's IP address using 'ifconfig' and ensuring the firewall allows SSH connections through 'sudo ufw status' are essential steps for connecting to the server. Steps involve checking the server's IP address and firewall status."]}, {'end': 721.551, 'segs': [{'end': 494.722, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 425.15, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 433.465, 'text': "So Putty is just a free program you can download and order That's a terminal client, so it allows you to connect to an SSH server.", 'start': 425.15, 'duration': 8.315}, {'end': 435.026, 'text': 'So we just double click.', 'start': 434.045, 'duration': 0.981}, {'end': 440.17, 'text': 'We get this little box.', 'start': 436.507, 'duration': 3.663}, {'end': 443.733, 'text': "Here we'll plug in the", 'start': 440.33, 'duration': 3.403}, {'end': 445.615, 'text': 'So this is the IP address of the server.', 'start': 443.733, 'duration': 1.882}, {'end': 449.298, 'text': 'PuTTY does give you a lot of configuration possibilities.', 'start': 446.495, 'duration': 2.803}, {'end': 450.519, 'text': "We won't play with that now.", 'start': 449.498, 'duration': 1.021}, {'end': 452.42, 'text': 'And then all you do is you click Open.', 'start': 450.979, 'duration': 1.441}, {'end': 457.249, 'text': 'it may give you a warning message.', 'start': 455.267, 'duration': 1.982}, {'end': 457.889, 'text': 'It may not.', 'start': 457.309, 'duration': 0.58}, {'end': 459.83, 'text': "This time it didn't give me a warning message.", 'start': 458.309, 'duration': 1.521}, {'end': 463.773, 'text': "So it just says, do you want to log in? So yes, I'll do Eli.", 'start': 460.231, 'duration': 3.542}, {'end': 469.076, 'text': "And I'll log in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.", 'start': 465.214, 'duration': 3.862}, {'end': 470.978, 'text': 'And I am now logged into the server.', 'start': 469.076, 'duration': 1.902}, {'end': 472.779, 'text': 'So you can see Eli at server.', 'start': 470.998, 'duration': 1.781}, {'end': 475.941, 'text': 'So this is that Ubuntu server that we were just on.', 'start': 472.959, 'duration': 2.982}, {'end': 479.363, 'text': 'I am remotely controlling it from another computer.', 'start': 476.501, 'duration': 2.862}, {'end': 484.817, 'text': "So if I do sudo top, It'll show me the processes that are running on the server.", 'start': 479.423, 'duration': 5.394}, {'end': 494.722, 'text': "If I do, let's say, lsl, it'll show me the files that are on the server.", 'start': 488.099, 'duration': 6.623}], 'summary': 'Using putty, connected to ssh server at, logged in as eli, remotely controlling ubuntu server, executing commands.', 'duration': 27.27, 'max_score': 425.15, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY425150.jpg'}, {'end': 509.759, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 479.423, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 484.817, 'text': "So if I do sudo top, It'll show me the processes that are running on the server.", 'start': 479.423, 'duration': 5.394}, {'end': 494.722, 'text': "If I do, let's say, lsl, it'll show me the files that are on the server.", 'start': 488.099, 'duration': 6.623}, {'end': 496.964, 'text': 'I can change directory to root.', 'start': 494.763, 'duration': 2.201}, {'end': 498.044, 'text': 'I can make directories.', 'start': 497.024, 'duration': 1.02}, {'end': 499.105, 'text': 'I can remove directories.', 'start': 498.084, 'duration': 1.021}, {'end': 499.865, 'text': 'I can mount drives.', 'start': 499.165, 'duration': 0.7}, {'end': 505.549, 'text': 'Basically, I can do anything using this terminal emulator through SSH.', 'start': 499.986, 'duration': 5.563}, {'end': 509.759, 'text': 'that I could if I was sitting in front of the server itself.', 'start': 506.417, 'duration': 3.342}], 'summary': 'Using sudo top, lsl, and other commands, one can manage processes, files, directories, and drives through the terminal emulator via ssh.', 'duration': 30.336, 'max_score': 479.423, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY479423.jpg'}, {'end': 586.593, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 560.463, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 565.865, 'text': "And then once you do that, you just turn on the terminal emulator software, you plug in the IP address, and you're good to go.", 'start': 560.463, 'duration': 5.402}, {'end': 567.566, 'text': "That's all there is to SSH.", 'start': 565.925, 'duration': 1.641}, {'end': 571.587, 'text': "So now that I've shown you SSH, let's go back out to the real world, and I'll show you FTP.", 'start': 567.966, 'duration': 3.621}, {'end': 586.593, 'text': 'Okay, so now you understand how to install the SSH server software and how to connect to your Linux server using a terminal emulator.', 'start': 578.007, 'duration': 8.586}], 'summary': 'Learn how to install and use ssh and connect to a linux server.', 'duration': 26.13, 'max_score': 560.463, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY560463.jpg'}, {'end': 621.696, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 596.819, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 601.943, 'text': 'you can just connect to your server lickety-split and do whatever maintenance that you need to do.', 'start': 596.819, 'duration': 5.124}, {'end': 607.767, 'text': 'Now the question is how do you upload or download files to the server?', 'start': 602.763, 'duration': 5.004}, {'end': 612.61, 'text': 'Now, you know, by default you cannot upload or download files to your Linux server.', 'start': 607.907, 'duration': 4.703}, {'end': 617.373, 'text': 'You need to install FTP software to allow this to happen.', 'start': 612.91, 'duration': 4.463}, {'end': 621.696, 'text': 'Now, the FTP software I prefer is something called VSF.', 'start': 617.774, 'duration': 3.922}], 'summary': 'To upload/download files to a linux server, install vsf ftp software.', 'duration': 24.877, 'max_score': 596.819, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY596819.jpg'}], 'start': 404.352, 'title': 'Ssh connection and ftp installation on linux', 'summary': 'Details remotely connecting to an ubuntu server using putty on a windows computer, accessing the server with the ip address, logging in with the username eli and password 123456. it also explains using ssh to connect to a linux server and installing/configuring ftp, highlighting the power of ssh and the steps for vsftpd installation and secure file transfer.', 'chapters': [{'end': 479.363, 'start': 404.352, 'title': 'Remote ssh connection setup', 'summary': 'Demonstrates the process of remotely connecting to an ubuntu server using putty on a windows computer, accessing the server with the ip address and logging in with the username eli and password 123456.', 'duration': 75.011, 'highlights': ['The chapter explains the process of remotely connecting to an Ubuntu server using PuTTY on a Windows computer, demonstrating the steps to access the server with the IP address and log in with the username Eli and password 123456.', 'The speaker mentions that PuTTY is a free terminal client program that allows connecting to an SSH server, providing a straightforward method for remote server access.', "The demonstration includes the use of PuTTY to establish a remote connection to the Ubuntu server, showcasing the simplicity of the process by inputting the server's IP address and logging in with specific credentials."]}, {'end': 721.551, 'start': 479.423, 'title': 'Using ssh and installing ftp on linux', 'summary': 'Explains how to use ssh to connect to a linux server and the process of installing and configuring ftp on the server, emphasizing the ease and power of ssh and the steps to install and configure vsftpd for secure file transfer.', 'duration': 242.128, 'highlights': ['The ease and power of SSH allows users to remotely manage a server and perform various tasks, such as checking processes and files, making directories, removing directories, and mounting drives, as if physically in front of the server.', "The process of using SSH involves installing the SSH software onto the server, finding the server's IP address, and ensuring firewall rules allow access to port 22 for SSH connection.", 'To upload or download files to a Linux server, FTP software, such as vsftpd, needs to be installed and configured, with the vsftpd.conf file containing the necessary configurations for the FTP server software.', 'After installing vsftpd, users are required to modify configuration settings in the etcvsftpd.conf file to enable proper functionality for uploading and downloading files from the server.']}], 'duration': 317.199, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY404352.jpg', 'highlights': ["The demonstration includes the use of PuTTY to establish a remote connection to the Ubuntu server, showcasing the simplicity of the process by inputting the server's IP address and logging in with specific credentials.", 'The speaker mentions that PuTTY is a free terminal client program that allows connecting to an SSH server, providing a straightforward method for remote server access.', 'The ease and power of SSH allows users to remotely manage a server and perform various tasks, such as checking processes and files, making directories, removing directories, and mounting drives, as if physically in front of the server.', 'To upload or download files to a Linux server, FTP software, such as vsftpd, needs to be installed and configured, with the vsftpd.conf file containing the necessary configurations for the FTP server software.']}, {'end': 1037.238, 'segs': [{'end': 799.376, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 775.018, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 781.383, 'text': 'This setting right here says that local user accounts are allowed to use FTP.', 'start': 775.018, 'duration': 6.365}, {'end': 789.789, 'text': "So if you install the FTP server and then you try to access it using an FTP client and you haven't uncommented this out,", 'start': 781.803, 'duration': 7.986}, {'end': 791.991, 'text': 'you will not be able to connect to the server.', 'start': 789.789, 'duration': 2.202}, {'end': 795.654, 'text': 'So the first thing you have to make sure is that you uncomment this out.', 'start': 792.331, 'duration': 3.323}, {'end': 799.376, 'text': 'So there may be a pound sign in front of this line of code.', 'start': 795.694, 'duration': 3.682}], 'summary': 'Local user accounts allowed to use ftp. uncomment line to connect to server.', 'duration': 24.358, 'max_score': 775.018, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY775018.jpg'}, {'end': 906.494, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 875.179, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 879.86, 'text': "Because, remember, if you change configuration files for a service and you don't restart the service,", 'start': 875.179, 'duration': 4.681}, {'end': 883.282, 'text': 'the service could keep going along using the old configuration files.', 'start': 879.86, 'duration': 3.422}, {'end': 891.345, 'text': 'So with VSFTPD just being it, Linux being Linux, you do have to restart the service in a slightly different way.', 'start': 883.722, 'duration': 7.623}, {'end': 906.494, 'text': 'So the command to restart the vsftpd service is sudo service vsftpd restart.', 'start': 891.885, 'duration': 14.609}], 'summary': "To apply new configuration for vsftpd, use 'sudo service vsftpd restart'.", 'duration': 31.315, 'max_score': 875.179, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY875179.jpg'}, {'end': 981.036, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 957.244, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 966.329, 'text': 'So once you make sure that the firewall is open, then you can use any client that you want to connect to your FTP server to upload and download files.', 'start': 957.244, 'duration': 9.085}, {'end': 971.892, 'text': 'I prefer a piece of software called filezilla.', 'start': 966.849, 'duration': 5.043}, {'end': 976.934, 'text': 'this is a free ftp client you can, you can download for windows.', 'start': 971.892, 'duration': 5.042}, {'end': 978.235, 'text': 'i use windows for my desktop.', 'start': 976.934, 'duration': 1.301}, {'end': 981.036, 'text': 'so so i like filezilla again.', 'start': 978.235, 'duration': 2.801}], 'summary': 'To connect to the ftp server, open the firewall and use filezilla, a free ftp client for windows.', 'duration': 23.792, 'max_score': 957.244, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY957244.jpg'}], 'start': 721.551, 'title': 'Configuring vsftpd on linux', 'summary': "Explains the configuration process for vsftpd on linux, highlighting the essential steps such as un-commenting 'local_enable' and 'write_enable' settings, and the subsequent use of an ftp client for file transfer.", 'chapters': [{'end': 1037.238, 'start': 721.551, 'title': 'Configuring vsftpd on linux', 'summary': "Explains how to configure vsftpd on linux, emphasizing the importance of un-commenting 'local_enable' and 'write_enable' settings to allow local user accounts to use ftp and enable writing to the server, followed by restarting the vsftpd service and using an ftp client to connect and transfer files.", 'duration': 315.687, 'highlights': ["Un-commenting 'local_enable' and 'write_enable' settings is crucial for allowing local user accounts to use FTP and enabling writing to the server. The 'local_enable' setting allows local user accounts to access the FTP server, while the 'write_enable' setting permits users to upload files. Failure to un-comment these settings could lead to inability to connect or upload to the server.", 'Restarting the VSFTPD service is essential to apply the new configuration files and ensure the changes take effect. Failing to restart the VSFTPD service after modifying the configuration files may result in the server continuing to use the old configuration, potentially leading to functionality issues.', 'Using an FTP client to connect to the server and transfer files, after ensuring firewall settings and opening appropriate ports, facilitates seamless file uploading and downloading. Configuring the firewall to open the necessary FTP ports and using a preferred FTP client, such as FileZilla, allows users to establish connections to the FTP server for file transfer operations.']}], 'duration': 315.687, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY721551.jpg', 'highlights': ["Un-comment 'local_enable' and 'write_enable' for local user FTP access and file upload.", 'Restart VSFTPD service after configuration changes for proper application.', 'Configure firewall and use FTP client for seamless file transfer operations.']}, {'end': 1563.95, 'segs': [{'end': 1066.664, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1037.539, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1041.04, 'text': "So let's go over to the server and I'll show you how this all actually works.", 'start': 1037.539, 'duration': 3.501}, {'end': 1045.53, 'text': 'So here we are again, sitting back at the Ubuntu server screen.', 'start': 1042.406, 'duration': 3.124}, {'end': 1050.996, 'text': 'So now the first thing, of course, that we have to do is install vsftpd.', 'start': 1046.089, 'duration': 4.907}, {'end': 1058.664, 'text': 'So the command for that is sudo apt get install vsftpd, and then enter.', 'start': 1051.356, 'duration': 7.308}, {'end': 1066.664, 'text': "So it's reading the lists, and it's installing the server.", 'start': 1063.021, 'duration': 3.643}], 'summary': 'Demonstration of installing vsftpd on ubuntu server.', 'duration': 29.125, 'max_score': 1037.539, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY1037539.jpg'}, {'end': 1140.432, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1107.935, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 1108.435, 'text': 'and hit enter.', 'start': 1107.935, 'duration': 0.5}, {'end': 1115.079, 'text': 'So we are now in the etcvsftpd.conf file.', 'start': 1108.775, 'duration': 6.304}, {'end': 1120.982, 'text': 'Now the things that we need to see, now here on this installation, we see that they are already correct.', 'start': 1115.139, 'duration': 5.843}, {'end': 1130.246, 'text': 'Down here where it says local underscore enable equals yes, this is, it allows local users to be able to log in to the FTP service.', 'start': 1121.602, 'duration': 8.644}, {'end': 1134.649, 'text': "So especially now that we're new, especially now that we're playing around, this is the easiest thing to do.", 'start': 1130.347, 'duration': 4.302}, {'end': 1140.432, 'text': 'So I can use my Eli account to access the server via FTP.', 'start': 1134.749, 'duration': 5.683}], 'summary': 'Configuring etcvsftpd.conf file to enable local user logins for ftp service.', 'duration': 32.497, 'max_score': 1107.935, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY1107935.jpg'}, {'end': 1283.931, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1221.455, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 1222.235, 'text': 'And then we hit Enter.', 'start': 1221.455, 'duration': 0.78}, {'end': 1229.435, 'text': 'So now the VSFTPD service has been restarted.', 'start': 1224.952, 'duration': 4.483}, {'end': 1231.297, 'text': "It's really that simple.", 'start': 1230.336, 'duration': 0.961}, {'end': 1234.239, 'text': "So we've installed VSFTPD.", 'start': 1231.337, 'duration': 2.902}, {'end': 1239.963, 'text': "We've edited the .conf file, the configuration file, and we've restarted the service.", 'start': 1235.139, 'duration': 4.824}, {'end': 1250.11, 'text': "Now, to show you how this works, let's go over to an FTP client to show you how easy it is to connect to the server now.", 'start': 1240.543, 'duration': 9.567}, {'end': 1253.508, 'text': "So now I'm going to open up FileZilla.", 'start': 1251.246, 'duration': 2.262}, {'end': 1257.071, 'text': 'This is the FTP client that I prefer to use.', 'start': 1253.868, 'duration': 3.203}, {'end': 1262.156, 'text': 'And now I can just log in to the FTP of the server.', 'start': 1257.792, 'duration': 4.364}, {'end': 1269.342, 'text': "So it's is the IP address of the server, like we found out for SSH.", 'start': 1262.336, 'duration': 7.006}, {'end': 1271.344, 'text': 'Then the username is just Eli.', 'start': 1269.843, 'duration': 1.501}, {'end': 1274.847, 'text': 'And the password is 123456.', 'start': 1271.764, 'duration': 3.083}, {'end': 1275.888, 'text': 'And then we hit Quick Connect.', 'start': 1274.847, 'duration': 1.041}, {'end': 1277.63, 'text': 'Say establish.', 'start': 1276.949, 'duration': 0.681}, {'end': 1283.931, 'text': 'And look, if you look right here, you will see we are now inside the FTP server.', 'start': 1278.59, 'duration': 5.341}], 'summary': 'Vsftpd service installed, configured, and restarted, demonstrating ftp connection to server.', 'duration': 62.476, 'max_score': 1221.455, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY1221455.jpg'}, {'end': 1353.963, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 1330.819, 'weight': 0.821, 'content': [{'end': 1337.805, 'text': 'But once you set up the FTP server on your server, then you can access it using any FTP client.', 'start': 1330.819, 'duration': 6.986}, {'end': 1341.168, 'text': "So with that, let's go back out to the real world and have some final thoughts.", 'start': 1338.165, 'duration': 3.003}, {'end': 1351.602, 'text': 'So those are probably the most important concepts for remote administration that you guys need to understand.', 'start': 1346.98, 'duration': 4.622}, {'end': 1353.963, 'text': 'Like I say, SSH and FTP.', 'start': 1351.642, 'duration': 2.321}], 'summary': 'Setting up an ftp server allows access using any ftp client, while ssh is also important for remote administration.', 'duration': 23.144, 'max_score': 1330.819, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY1330819.jpg'}, {'end': 1563.95, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1539.114, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 1541.295, 'text': 'As with everything, I think this is all pretty simple.', 'start': 1539.114, 'duration': 2.181}, {'end': 1550.321, 'text': 'Just remember Secure Shell allows you to administer your server remotely and FTP allows you to upload or download files remotely.', 'start': 1541.335, 'duration': 8.986}, {'end': 1553.483, 'text': "If you understand those two things, it's all pretty simple.", 'start': 1551.001, 'duration': 2.482}, {'end': 1557.826, 'text': "So as you know, I'm Eli the Computer Guy over here for Everyman IT.", 'start': 1553.663, 'duration': 4.163}, {'end': 1563.95, 'text': 'This class was SSH and FTP for remote administration and I look forward to seeing you at the next one.', 'start': 1558.727, 'duration': 5.223}], 'summary': 'Ssh and ftp enable remote server administration and file transfer, making it all pretty simple.', 'duration': 24.836, 'max_score': 1539.114, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY1539114.jpg'}], 'start': 1037.539, 'title': 'Vsftpd installation and remote administration', 'summary': "Covers installing vsftpd on ubuntu, including 'sudo apt get install vsftpd' and vsftpd.conf configuration. it also discusses ssh and ftp for remote server admin, emphasizing service restart, file uploads, and filezilla connection", 'chapters': [{'end': 1164.538, 'start': 1037.539, 'title': 'Installing and configuring vsftpd on ubuntu', 'summary': "Demonstrates the installation of vsftpd on an ubuntu server, including the command 'sudo apt get install vsftpd' and the configuration of vsftpd.conf to enable local user access and file uploads via ftp.", 'duration': 126.999, 'highlights': ["The command 'sudo apt get install vsftpd' is used to install vsftpd on the Ubuntu server, enabling the installation of the server and reading the lists.", "The vsftpd.conf file is configured to allow local users to access the FTP service and upload files, with the parameters 'local_enable=yes' and 'write_enable=yes'.", 'The demonstration emphasizes the ease of using system accounts for FTP access, particularly for beginners, and highlights the basic configurations provided in the Linux world.']}, {'end': 1563.95, 'start': 1165.098, 'title': 'Ssh and ftp for remote administration', 'summary': 'Covers the installation and configuration of vsftpd, including the process of restarting the service, enabling remote file uploads, and connecting to the ftp server using filezilla, as well as the importance of ssh and ftp in remote server administration.', 'duration': 398.852, 'highlights': ["The process of restarting the VSFTPD service involves using the command 'sudo service vsftpd restart', which is crucial after editing the .conf file and allows for remote file uploads. Restarting the VSFTPD service with 'sudo service vsftpd restart' is essential after editing the .conf file and enables remote file uploads.", "Connecting to the FTP server using FileZilla involves entering the server's IP address, username, and password, followed by hitting Quick Connect, demonstrating the ease of accessing the server remotely. Demonstrates the ease of accessing the server remotely by connecting to the FTP server using FileZilla, entering the server's IP address, username, and password, and hitting Quick Connect.", 'The importance of SSH and FTP in remote server administration is emphasized, with SSH allowing interaction with the server as if physically present and FTP enabling file uploads or downloads to or from the server. Emphasizes the importance of SSH and FTP in remote server administration, with SSH allowing interaction with the server as if physically present and FTP enabling file uploads or downloads to or from the server.']}], 'duration': 526.411, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/o-W_mDGX1bY/pics/o-W_mDGX1bY1037539.jpg', 'highlights': ["The command 'sudo apt get install vsftpd' is used to install vsftpd on the Ubuntu server, enabling the installation of the server and reading the lists.", "The vsftpd.conf file is configured to allow local users to access the FTP service and upload files, with the parameters 'local_enable=yes' and 'write_enable=yes'.", "The process of restarting the VSFTPD service involves using the command 'sudo service vsftpd restart', which is crucial after editing the .conf file and allows for remote file uploads.", "Connecting to the FTP server using FileZilla involves entering the server's IP address, username, and password, followed by hitting Quick Connect, demonstrating the ease of accessing the server remotely.", 'The importance of SSH and FTP in remote server administration is emphasized, with SSH allowing interaction with the server as if physically present and FTP enabling file uploads or downloads to or from the server.']}], 'highlights': ['PuTTY can be used to open a shell environment within the Linux server, enabling users to perform any task that can be done locally, providing convenient remote server management.', "The demonstration includes the use of PuTTY to establish a remote connection to the Ubuntu server, showcasing the simplicity of the process by inputting the server's IP address and logging in with specific credentials.", "The vsftpd.conf file is configured to allow local users to access the FTP service and upload files, with the parameters 'local_enable=yes' and 'write_enable=yes'.", "The process of restarting the VSFTPD service involves using the command 'sudo service vsftpd restart', which is crucial after editing the .conf file and allows for remote file uploads.", 'The importance of SSH and FTP in remote server administration is emphasized, with SSH allowing interaction with the server as if physically present and FTP enabling file uploads or downloads to or from the server.']}