C Video Tutorial

Get the Code Here: http://goo.gl/u23ZZ Support me on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/derekbanas Welcome to part 1 of my C Video Tutorial! I have been getting this request constantly lately so I decided to cover the C programming language in a fast and complete tutorial series. It will probably be complete by the end of the weekend! I cover: Comments, #include, #define, Global Variables, main(), char, int, long int, float, double, printf(), Escape Sequences, %d, %ld, %f, %c, %s, Character Arrays (Strings), strcpy, scanf(), Math Functions, Order of Operations, Math Shortcuts, Casting and more...

{'title': 'C Video Tutorial', 'heatmap': [{'end': 792.4, 'start': 743.877, 'weight': 0.853}, {'end': 1252.435, 'start': 1230.139, 'weight': 0.739}], 'summary': 'This c video tutorial covers programming basics, including working with strings and variables, printing and formatting, strings and character arrays, receiving user input, and arithmetic operations in c programming, promising a quicker learning experience with heavily commented code and practical examples.', 'chapters': [{'end': 339.591, 'segs': [{'end': 36.44, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 0.149, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 3.21, 'text': 'Well hello internet and welcome to my C video tutorial.', 'start': 0.149, 'duration': 3.061}, {'end': 11.273, 'text': "I've received this request numerous times over the past couple years and today I'm going to make an extremely fast C tutorial.", 'start': 3.27, 'duration': 8.003}, {'end': 15.795, 'text': "It's actually going to be a couple videos but either way it's going to be way quicker than anything you've ever seen in your life.", 'start': 11.293, 'duration': 4.502}, {'end': 24.839, 'text': "And I provide links to all of the code and I heavily commented it to aid in translation and I'm going to keep everything very very simple.", 'start': 15.975, 'duration': 8.864}, {'end': 27.56, 'text': "So I have an immense amount to do so let's get into it.", 'start': 25.019, 'duration': 2.541}, {'end': 30.698, 'text': 'Okay, I have a very simple setup here.', 'start': 28.257, 'duration': 2.441}, {'end': 31.898, 'text': "I'm using TextWrangler.", 'start': 30.738, 'duration': 1.16}, {'end': 36.44, 'text': "If you're on Windows, you can use Notepad++ and everything's pretty much exactly the same.", 'start': 31.938, 'duration': 4.502}], 'summary': 'Fast c tutorial with heavily commented code and simple explanations.', 'duration': 36.291, 'max_score': 0.149, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M149.jpg'}, {'end': 115.15, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 75.961, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 80.505, 'text': 'And to do that I need to use include to include certain code.', 'start': 75.961, 'duration': 4.544}, {'end': 87.632, 'text': 'And for printf and scanf specifically, I need standard input output H and what this is going to do.', 'start': 81.045, 'duration': 6.587}, {'end': 88.973, 'text': 'this include statement.', 'start': 87.632, 'duration': 1.341}, {'end': 96.077, 'text': 'it is going to take that code and stick it wherever the include statement is, and that is pretty much what include does.', 'start': 88.973, 'duration': 7.104}, {'end': 104.003, 'text': "I'm also going to do a little bit with strings, and strings are a little bit weird with C, and to do that we're going to need that library.", 'start': 96.077, 'duration': 7.926}, {'end': 111.828, 'text': "I'm also going to define a constant, and it is common whenever you define constants using the define keyword,", 'start': 104.003, 'duration': 7.825}, {'end': 115.15, 'text': "that you put your constant's name in uppercase letters.", 'start': 112.088, 'duration': 3.062}], 'summary': 'Using include to add code, defining constants in uppercase letters, and working with strings in c.', 'duration': 39.189, 'max_score': 75.961, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M75961.jpg'}, {'end': 245.691, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 217.012, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 224.761, 'text': 'Characters specifically, which is a specific variable type, are going to allow you to hold any of 256 different characters.', 'start': 217.012, 'duration': 7.749}, {'end': 228.446, 'text': 'And like I said before, they need to be surrounded by a single quote or an apostrophe.', 'start': 224.801, 'duration': 3.645}, {'end': 231.547, 'text': 'And, of course, you can put a number inside of there.', 'start': 228.826, 'duration': 2.721}, {'end': 238.489, 'text': "However, you would not be able to use that number in calculations and so forth because it's considered a character and not a number.", 'start': 231.607, 'duration': 6.882}, {'end': 245.691, 'text': 'An integer is going to be any whole number that does not have any decimal places, either positive or negative,', 'start': 238.769, 'duration': 6.922}], 'summary': 'Characters can hold 256 different characters, integers are whole numbers, not decimal.', 'duration': 28.679, 'max_score': 217.012, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M217012.jpg'}, {'end': 343.457, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 319.453, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 328.399, 'text': "and let's just say really big pi is equal to and I'm just going to copy this guy right here, paste that in there, and yes, I know that this is not pi,", 'start': 319.453, 'duration': 8.946}, {'end': 331.761, 'text': "so you don't need to tell me, I'm just typing that in there, just to save ourselves some time.", 'start': 328.399, 'duration': 3.362}, {'end': 333.742, 'text': 'And that is what the doubles are for.', 'start': 332.101, 'duration': 1.641}, {'end': 339.591, 'text': 'Print F, which I referred to earlier, is going to allow us to print information to the screen.', 'start': 334.062, 'duration': 5.529}, {'end': 343.457, 'text': "And something you're going to see a lot is this backslash and N.", 'start': 339.971, 'duration': 3.486}], 'summary': 'Using print f to display information, explaining the use of backslash and n.', 'duration': 24.004, 'max_score': 319.453, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M319453.jpg'}], 'start': 0.149, 'title': 'C programming basics', 'summary': 'Provides a quick c tutorial with heavily commented code, aimed at aiding in translation and promises to be quicker than any other tutorial. it covers working with strings and variables in c, including defining constants, creating global and local variables, and using different variable types such as characters, integers, floats, and doubles.', 'chapters': [{'end': 96.077, 'start': 0.149, 'title': 'Fast c tutorial with code and comments', 'summary': 'Provides a quick c tutorial with heavily commented code, aimed at aiding in translation, and promises to be quicker than any other tutorial, using textwrangler for setup and explaining the use of include for functions like printf and scanf.', 'duration': 95.928, 'highlights': ['The chapter promises an extremely fast C tutorial, quicker than any other, with heavily commented code to aid in translation.', 'The tutorial provides a simple setup using TextWrangler for Mac and Notepad++ for Windows, making it accessible to a wide audience.', 'The explanation of the use of include for functions like printf and scanf is detailed, aiding in understanding the purpose of include in C programming.']}, {'end': 339.591, 'start': 96.077, 'title': 'Working with strings and variables in c', 'summary': 'Covers the basics of working with strings and variables in c, including defining constants, creating global and local variables, and using different variable types such as characters, integers, floats, and doubles.', 'duration': 243.514, 'highlights': ['Print F allows printing information to the screen', 'Explanation of working with different variable types such as characters, integers, floats, and doubles', 'Defining constants using the define keyword']}], 'duration': 339.442, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M149.jpg', 'highlights': ['The chapter promises an extremely fast C tutorial, quicker than any other, with heavily commented code to aid in translation.', 'The tutorial provides a simple setup using TextWrangler for Mac and Notepad++ for Windows, making it accessible to a wide audience.', 'The explanation of the use of include for functions like printf and scanf is detailed, aiding in understanding the purpose of include in C programming.', 'Explanation of working with different variable types such as characters, integers, floats, and doubles', 'Defining constants using the define keyword', 'Print F allows printing information to the screen']}, {'end': 606.664, 'segs': [{'end': 386.548, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 358.292, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 362.335, 'text': 'And in reference to backslash N, remember I just said skips a line.', 'start': 358.292, 'duration': 4.043}, {'end': 364.777, 'text': "We're also going to have backslash T.", 'start': 362.616, 'duration': 2.161}, {'end': 370.842, 'text': "And what that's going to do is create a tab of different lengths depending upon the computer that you're using.", 'start': 364.777, 'duration': 6.065}, {'end': 379.286, 'text': 'If you ever want to use a backslash inside of your printf, just put two backslashes and then, of course, if you ever want to use a regular quote,', 'start': 370.862, 'duration': 8.424}, {'end': 381.587, 'text': 'just put a backslash and a quote.', 'start': 379.286, 'duration': 2.301}, {'end': 383.288, 'text': 'so those are all those guys.', 'start': 381.587, 'duration': 1.701}, {'end': 386.548, 'text': "so let's try to actually come in here and actually use printf,", 'start': 383.288, 'duration': 3.26}], 'summary': 'Using backslash n for skipping lines, backslash t for creating tabs, and using backslashes for special characters in printf.', 'duration': 28.256, 'max_score': 358.292, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M358292.jpg'}, {'end': 455.647, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 416.365, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 417.666, 'text': 'And to compile, I mean.', 'start': 416.365, 'duration': 1.301}, {'end': 424.051, 'text': "What we're going to do is go gcc, and then we're going to take this guy right here, paste it inside of there.", 'start': 418.106, 'duration': 5.945}, {'end': 429.276, 'text': "Here is your actual way of making this all show up, and of course it's going to end with the .", 'start': 424.272, 'duration': 5.004}, {'end': 430.337, 'text': 'c, and hit enter.', 'start': 429.276, 'duration': 1.061}, {'end': 434.461, 'text': "And whenever you do that, you're now going to see that a.out shows up there.", 'start': 430.657, 'duration': 3.804}, {'end': 437.544, 'text': "Dot forward slash, and we're going to go a.out.", 'start': 434.721, 'duration': 2.823}, {'end': 439.766, 'text': 'This will print to screen, prints out to the screen.', 'start': 437.784, 'duration': 1.982}, {'end': 441.847, 'text': "So that's how we handle printf.", 'start': 439.966, 'duration': 1.881}, {'end': 443.489, 'text': "Let's do a couple more things with printf.", 'start': 441.907, 'duration': 1.582}, {'end': 450.964, 'text': "Let's say, for example, we want to take our age that we defined up here, this 38, and we want to print that out.", 'start': 443.82, 'duration': 7.144}, {'end': 455.647, 'text': "How exactly are we going to do it? That's a little bit different than maybe you've seen in other programs.", 'start': 451.224, 'duration': 4.423}], 'summary': 'Using gcc to compile code and using printf to display output, including a variable value.', 'duration': 39.282, 'max_score': 416.365, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M416365.jpg'}, {'end': 516.739, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 491.502, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 499.849, 'text': "and we are going to use different conversion characters that's what these guys are called depending upon the different data types that we want to use.", 'start': 491.502, 'duration': 8.347}, {'end': 506.353, 'text': "so i'm just going to copy this guy right here and let's say that i want to print out a long int inside of here.", 'start': 499.849, 'duration': 6.504}, {'end': 508.415, 'text': "i'll just type in big number.", 'start': 506.353, 'duration': 2.062}, {'end': 516.739, 'text': "then we're going to put in a percent sign and then we're going to put in ld And then here I'm going to put in super big num like that.", 'start': 508.415, 'duration': 8.324}], 'summary': 'Using conversion characters for different data types in c programming.', 'duration': 25.237, 'max_score': 491.502, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M491502.jpg'}, {'end': 573.177, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 546.073, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 549.474, 'text': 'Come in here, type in pi value, which is the name of our variable.', 'start': 546.073, 'duration': 3.401}, {'end': 553.737, 'text': "And of course, don't forget to put the F inside of there, next to float.", 'start': 549.735, 'duration': 4.002}, {'end': 555.938, 'text': 'Come over here, like that, execute it.', 'start': 554.037, 'duration': 1.901}, {'end': 563.086, 'text': 'and there you can see that pi printed out, and indeed it did print out five decimal places, which is nice.', 'start': 556.238, 'duration': 6.848}, {'end': 566.029, 'text': 'now, remember, we also have doubles inside of here.', 'start': 563.086, 'duration': 2.943}, {'end': 568.972, 'text': 'well, doubles actually use the f as well.', 'start': 566.029, 'duration': 2.943}, {'end': 570.434, 'text': "let's just come up here and look at it.", 'start': 568.972, 'duration': 1.462}, {'end': 571.835, 'text': "there's a whole bunch of different numbers.", 'start': 570.434, 'duration': 1.401}, {'end': 573.177, 'text': "there's at least 15 of them there.", 'start': 571.835, 'duration': 1.342}], 'summary': 'Declaring pi as a float and printing it with 5 decimal places. doubles also used with at least 15 numbers.', 'duration': 27.104, 'max_score': 546.073, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M546073.jpg'}, {'end': 618.998, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 590.979, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 593.061, 'text': 'And there you can see, really bigPi printed out.', 'start': 590.979, 'duration': 2.082}, {'end': 594.622, 'text': "And I'm sure there's 15 numbers there.", 'start': 593.161, 'duration': 1.461}, {'end': 595.924, 'text': "I'm not going to bother counting them.", 'start': 594.662, 'duration': 1.262}, {'end': 596.724, 'text': 'Just know there is.', 'start': 596.124, 'duration': 0.6}, {'end': 598.526, 'text': "So that's how you work with doubles.", 'start': 596.964, 'duration': 1.562}, {'end': 601.399, 'text': 'Remember, doubles and floats, the same exact thing.', 'start': 599.036, 'duration': 2.363}, {'end': 603.161, 'text': "We're still going to use F for both of them.", 'start': 601.439, 'duration': 1.722}, {'end': 606.664, 'text': 'Characters, of course, are also going to be different.', 'start': 603.381, 'duration': 3.283}, {'end': 616.275, 'text': "So let's say something like the first letter in my name is, and then we're going to come in here and put a percent sign again,", 'start': 606.945, 'duration': 9.33}, {'end': 618.998, 'text': "but this time we're going to put a C inside of there.", 'start': 616.275, 'duration': 2.723}], 'summary': 'Demonstrating printing bigpi with 15 numbers and using format specifiers for characters.', 'duration': 28.019, 'max_score': 590.979, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M590979.jpg'}], 'start': 339.971, 'title': 'C programming basics', 'summary': 'Covers printing and formatting in c programming, including backslashes for line returns and tabs, using printf to display text and integers, with examples of printing specific phrases and ages, and working with conversion characters for different data types, with examples of long int, float, and double usage.', 'chapters': [{'end': 491.502, 'start': 339.971, 'title': 'C programming: printing and formatting', 'summary': "Covers the use of backslashes for line returns and tabs, using printf to display text and integers, and the compilation and execution of a c program, exemplified by printing 'this will print to screen' and 'i am 38 years old'.", 'duration': 151.531, 'highlights': ['The backslash N is used to force a line return or skip a line, while backslash T is used to create a tab of different lengths depending on the computer.', "The printf function in C is used to display text and integers, with the percent sign and D used for integers, as demonstrated by printing 'This will print to screen' and 'I am 38 years old'.", "The process of compiling and executing a C program is exemplified using gcc and executing the compiled program, resulting in the printed output 'This will print to screen' and 'I am 38 years old'."]}, {'end': 606.664, 'start': 491.502, 'title': 'Working with conversion characters', 'summary': 'Discusses the usage of different conversion characters for different data types, including examples of using long int, float, and double with specified decimal places, demonstrating the printing of values on the screen.', 'duration': 115.162, 'highlights': ['Demonstrating printing long int using the %ld conversion character with a specific value, illustrating the printing of a large number on the screen.', 'Illustrating the printing of float values with a specified number of decimal places using the %f conversion character, exemplifying the display of pi with 5 decimal places.', 'Demonstrating the usage of %f for both doubles and floats to print values, providing an example of printing a double with 15 decimal places.']}], 'duration': 266.693, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M339971.jpg', 'highlights': ["The printf function in C is used to display text and integers, with the percent sign and D used for integers, as demonstrated by printing 'This will print to screen' and 'I am 38 years old'.", 'The backslash N is used to force a line return or skip a line, while backslash T is used to create a tab of different lengths depending on the computer.', 'Demonstrating printing long int using the %ld conversion character with a specific value, illustrating the printing of a large number on the screen.', 'Illustrating the printing of float values with a specified number of decimal places using the %f conversion character, exemplifying the display of pi with 5 decimal places.', 'Demonstrating the usage of %f for both doubles and floats to print values, providing an example of printing a double with 15 decimal places.', "The process of compiling and executing a C program is exemplified using gcc and executing the compiled program, resulting in the printed output 'This will print to screen' and 'I am 38 years old'."]}, {'end': 770.807, 'segs': [{'end': 670.279, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 629.163, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 630.703, 'text': 'so moving right along here.', 'start': 629.163, 'duration': 1.54}, {'end': 635.306, 'text': "if we want to print out a string, i'm going to show you a couple different ways to do this.", 'start': 630.703, 'duration': 4.603}, {'end': 638.267, 'text': "let's say my name is.", 'start': 635.306, 'duration': 2.961}, {'end': 644.41, 'text': "then i'm going to put a percent sign and an s, and if i'm going to do it this way, i'm going to type in derek like that,", 'start': 638.267, 'duration': 6.143}, {'end': 648.114, 'text': 'And there you can see my name is Derek shows up there on our screen.', 'start': 644.69, 'duration': 3.424}, {'end': 651.959, 'text': 'Now to create a string, this is where it gets a little bit weird.', 'start': 648.355, 'duration': 3.604}, {'end': 655.323, 'text': "You're actually going to create a character array.", 'start': 652.2, 'duration': 3.123}, {'end': 661.051, 'text': "So let's say that I wanted to create a character array or a string called my name.", 'start': 655.624, 'duration': 5.427}, {'end': 665.895, 'text': "Well, I'm going to actually have to create enough spaces inside of it.", 'start': 661.331, 'duration': 4.564}, {'end': 670.279, 'text': 'And in C, everything starts at the 0 index and works its way up.', 'start': 666.295, 'duration': 3.984}], 'summary': 'Demonstrating printing a string and creating a character array in c', 'duration': 41.116, 'max_score': 629.163, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M629163.jpg'}, {'end': 770.807, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 743.877, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 750.359, 'text': 'Now, it would be nice to be able to assign a new value to a character array, but you cannot do that.', 'start': 743.877, 'duration': 6.482}, {'end': 752.58, 'text': "There's no way that you can set that up to work.", 'start': 750.399, 'duration': 2.181}, {'end': 759.103, 'text': 'So instead, if you want to change the value, you have to use strcpy string,', 'start': 752.76, 'duration': 6.343}, {'end': 764.905, 'text': 'copy and then put in your string and whatever you want the new value to be.', 'start': 759.103, 'duration': 5.802}, {'end': 770.807, 'text': "And the reason why we brought in string.h is because of what we're doing right now.", 'start': 765.365, 'duration': 5.442}], 'summary': 'Character arrays cannot have new values assigned directly; strcpy from string.h must be used to change values.', 'duration': 26.93, 'max_score': 743.877, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M743877.jpg'}], 'start': 606.945, 'title': 'C programming: strings and character arrays', 'summary': 'Explains the concept of strings and character arrays in c programming, including the use of percent signs and string terminators. it demonstrates the creation and printing of strings and character arrays, and the necessity of including a string terminator. it also highlights the use of the strcpy function to change the value of a character array.', 'chapters': [{'end': 770.807, 'start': 606.945, 'title': 'C programming: strings and character arrays', 'summary': 'Explains the concept of strings and character arrays in c programming, including the use of percent signs and string terminators. it demonstrates the creation and printing of strings and character arrays, and the necessity of including a string terminator. it also highlights the use of the strcpy function to change the value of a character array.', 'duration': 163.862, 'highlights': ['Showing the creation of a string using a character array and the necessity of including a string terminator.', 'Explaining the use of percent signs and string terminators for printing strings and character arrays.', 'Demonstrating the use of strcpy function to change the value of a character array.']}], 'duration': 163.862, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M606945.jpg', 'highlights': ['Explaining the use of percent signs and string terminators for printing strings and character arrays.', 'Demonstrating the use of strcpy function to change the value of a character array.', 'Showing the creation of a string using a character array and the necessity of including a string terminator.']}, {'end': 1025.238, 'segs': [{'end': 808.714, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 771.147, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 772.449, 'text': 'so that is how we set it up.', 'start': 771.147, 'duration': 1.302}, {'end': 780.783, 'text': "so we have that, and there you can see my name is bob smith shows up and we're actually going to delete all this stuff and continue on,", 'start': 772.449, 'duration': 8.334}, {'end': 788.396, 'text': "because i'm going to show you how scan f works And what scanf is used for is for receiving input from the user.", 'start': 780.783, 'duration': 7.613}, {'end': 792.4, 'text': "So I'm going to create a new character here, and I'm going to call it a middle initial.", 'start': 788.576, 'duration': 3.824}, {'end': 803.089, 'text': "Then what you're going to want to do almost always is use printf to actually ask a question of the user in regards to what information you actually want.", 'start': 792.66, 'duration': 10.429}, {'end': 807.113, 'text': "I'm going to say, what is your middle initial? And then we get to scanf.", 'start': 803.369, 'duration': 3.744}, {'end': 808.714, 'text': 'And scanf is a little bit weird.', 'start': 807.273, 'duration': 1.441}], 'summary': 'Demonstrating scanf function for user input with examples.', 'duration': 37.567, 'max_score': 771.147, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M771147.jpg'}, {'end': 883.267, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 853.822, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 856.662, 'text': 'I probably should have put in a space here, but either way.', 'start': 853.822, 'duration': 2.84}, {'end': 859.943, 'text': "Now what we're going to do is create a string array.", 'start': 856.882, 'duration': 3.061}, {'end': 866.713, 'text': "Because with scanf, you're only going to ever be able to accept one value at a time,", 'start': 860.287, 'duration': 6.426}, {'end': 871.356, 'text': "unless you specifically note that you're going to be getting more than one value at a time.", 'start': 866.713, 'duration': 4.643}, {'end': 873.498, 'text': "So you tell scanf what's coming in.", 'start': 871.497, 'duration': 2.001}, {'end': 875.56, 'text': "See, it knows there's a character coming.", 'start': 873.578, 'duration': 1.982}, {'end': 877.101, 'text': "It doesn't know there's anything else.", 'start': 875.74, 'duration': 1.361}, {'end': 880.044, 'text': 'So even if this was a string, this would not work.', 'start': 877.302, 'duration': 2.742}, {'end': 883.267, 'text': "And actually, you're going to see that strings are handled a little bit different with scanf.", 'start': 880.264, 'duration': 3.003}], 'summary': 'Creating a string array to accept more than one value with scanf.', 'duration': 29.445, 'max_score': 853.822, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M853822.jpg'}], 'start': 771.147, 'title': 'Receiving user input in c', 'summary': 'Covers the process of receiving user input using scanf in c, including syntax, usage, and examples of handling input and processing multiple input values, as demonstrated by bob smith.', 'chapters': [{'end': 853.602, 'start': 771.147, 'title': 'Receiving user input in c', 'summary': 'Covers the process of receiving user input using scanf in c, including the syntax and usage of the function, as demonstrated by bob smith, to receive and display the middle initial of the user.', 'duration': 82.455, 'highlights': ["Bob Smith demonstrates the process of using scanf to receive user input, specifically the middle initial, providing a practical example of the function's usage.", "The syntax of scanf is explained, including the use of %c to receive a character input and the requirement of an ampersand to store the input value, exemplified through the creation of the 'middle initial' variable.", 'The importance of using printf to prompt the user for input before utilizing scanf is highlighted, emphasizing the necessity of clear communication with the user during the input process.']}, {'end': 1025.238, 'start': 853.822, 'title': 'Input handling with scanf', 'summary': 'Explains the usage of scanf to handle input, highlighting the need for defining input format, the limitations of scanf for strings, and the capability to accept and process multiple input values, with examples demonstrating the input handling process and its outcomes.', 'duration': 171.416, 'highlights': ['The chapter emphasizes the need to define the exact input format when using scanf to process input values, demonstrating the requirement to specify the expected input type and structure to avoid data loss or formatting issues.', 'It illustrates the limitation of scanf for handling strings, showcasing how scanf can only accept one value at a time for strings, and the potential data loss when attempting to input multiple values without proper specification.', 'The chapter showcases the capability of scanf to accept and process multiple input values by providing examples of inputting and processing a full name and a birth date, demonstrating the successful retrieval and output of the input data in the desired format.']}], 'duration': 254.091, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M771147.jpg', 'highlights': ['Bob Smith demonstrates the process of using scanf to receive user input, specifically the middle initial.', 'The syntax of scanf is explained, including the use of %c to receive a character input and the requirement of an ampersand to store the input value.', 'The importance of using printf to prompt the user for input before utilizing scanf is highlighted.']}, {'end': 1433.867, 'segs': [{'end': 1050.43, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1025.538, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 1031.704, 'text': "Now, of course, there's a whole bunch of different ways you can use mathematics inside of C as well.", 'start': 1025.538, 'duration': 6.166}, {'end': 1033.546, 'text': "So let's go and get rid of some of this information.", 'start': 1031.723, 'duration': 1.823}, {'end': 1041.714, 'text': 'You can perform addition, you can perform subtraction, you can perform multiplication, you can perform division,', 'start': 1034.226, 'duration': 7.488}, {'end': 1048.509, 'text': 'and sometimes you can perform modulus, which is going to return the remainder of a division between integers.', 'start': 1041.714, 'duration': 6.795}, {'end': 1050.43, 'text': "Integers You can't do that with floats.", 'start': 1048.769, 'duration': 1.661}], 'summary': 'Mathematics in c enables addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus operations for integers.', 'duration': 24.892, 'max_score': 1025.538, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M1025538.jpg'}, {'end': 1142.153, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1097.063, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1098.263, 'text': "And we're going to do a division.", 'start': 1097.063, 'duration': 1.2}, {'end': 1101.004, 'text': "And then we're going to come in here and do num1.", 'start': 1098.523, 'duration': 2.481}, {'end': 1103.465, 'text': "Come down here and we're going to do a pretty similar thing.", 'start': 1101.344, 'duration': 2.121}, {'end': 1104.446, 'text': "We're going to go decimal2.", 'start': 1103.485, 'duration': 0.961}, {'end': 1106.974, 'text': 'Division, decimal 1.', 'start': 1105.233, 'duration': 1.741}, {'end': 1110.357, 'text': "And then for this guy, I'm also going to do a modulus.", 'start': 1106.974, 'duration': 3.383}, {'end': 1113.739, 'text': 'And go num2, modulus, num1.', 'start': 1110.857, 'duration': 2.882}, {'end': 1114.84, 'text': 'And execute.', 'start': 1114.08, 'duration': 0.76}, {'end': 1119.364, 'text': 'And there you can see an example of using some math functions inside of C.', 'start': 1115, 'duration': 4.364}, {'end': 1124.227, 'text': 'Now, of course, order of operations is going to matter inside of C as well.', 'start': 1119.364, 'duration': 4.863}, {'end': 1129.351, 'text': "So, of course, we're going to have to use parentheses to make our math work the way that we want it to work.", 'start': 1124.427, 'duration': 4.924}, {'end': 1138.75, 'text': "So let's say that we come in here and go without parentheses and then perform some calculations like 3 plus 6 times 10.", 'start': 1129.764, 'duration': 8.986}, {'end': 1142.153, 'text': 'And then this would be with parentheses and execute.', 'start': 1138.75, 'duration': 3.403}], 'summary': 'Using math functions in c, demonstrating division, modulus, and order of operations.', 'duration': 45.09, 'max_score': 1097.063, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M1097063.jpg'}, {'end': 1217.209, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1185.066, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 1187.387, 'text': 'Let me give you an example rather than just talking about that.', 'start': 1185.066, 'duration': 2.321}, {'end': 1188.708, 'text': "Then I'll show you the different shortcuts.", 'start': 1187.427, 'duration': 1.281}, {'end': 1194.172, 'text': "Let's say we wanted to go 1 plus equals 2 and then put something inside of there.", 'start': 1189.048, 'duration': 5.124}, {'end': 1201.577, 'text': 'A shortcut way to add 2 to a number is going to be random num plus equals 2.', 'start': 1194.472, 'duration': 7.105}, {'end': 1203.639, 'text': "So that's a little bit of a shortcut.", 'start': 1201.577, 'duration': 2.062}, {'end': 1207.322, 'text': 'And there you can see 1 plus equals 2 is going to be equal to 3.', 'start': 1203.879, 'duration': 3.443}, {'end': 1209.703, 'text': 'So it just added 2 to whatever its value was.', 'start': 1207.322, 'duration': 2.381}, {'end': 1217.209, 'text': "Now you may ask yourself, well, why didn't I just put random number in here instead of putting in 1 there? You're going to see in a second.", 'start': 1209.944, 'duration': 7.265}], 'summary': "Demonstrates using the shortcut 'plus equals' to add 2 to a number, resulting in 3.", 'duration': 32.143, 'max_score': 1185.066, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M1185066.jpg'}, {'end': 1257.479, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 1230.139, 'weight': 0.739, 'content': [{'end': 1234.643, 'text': "Then I'm going to go random num plus or equal to 2.", 'start': 1230.139, 'duration': 4.504}, {'end': 1236.685, 'text': 'And you can see that 5 actually shows up.', 'start': 1234.643, 'duration': 2.042}, {'end': 1244.036, 'text': 'The reason why is it actually performs the calculation before and puts that value in here,', 'start': 1237.105, 'duration': 6.931}, {'end': 1247.381, 'text': "and that is the reason why I didn't do things the way that you saw them.", 'start': 1244.036, 'duration': 3.345}, {'end': 1252.435, 'text': 'And like I said before, the shortcut is available for, of course, doing additions.', 'start': 1247.691, 'duration': 4.744}, {'end': 1257.479, 'text': "It's also available if you want to do subtractions from themselves.", 'start': 1252.795, 'duration': 4.684}], 'summary': 'Demonstrating random number generation and arithmetic operations with examples, showcasing the use of shortcuts for addition and subtraction.', 'duration': 27.34, 'max_score': 1230.139, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M1230139.jpg'}, {'end': 1324.624, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1295.6, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 1301.415, 'text': 'you remember up here What it did was it performed this calculation first and then took that value,', 'start': 1295.6, 'duration': 5.815}, {'end': 1307.597, 'text': 'saved it into random number and then displayed that value on the screen, just like you see here over here.', 'start': 1301.415, 'duration': 6.182}, {'end': 1310.118, 'text': 'Well, using the increments and decrements,', 'start': 1307.837, 'duration': 2.281}, {'end': 1317.221, 'text': 'you can actually put those pluses and negatives on different sides of the variable to determine exactly when they are performed.', 'start': 1310.118, 'duration': 7.103}, {'end': 1324.624, 'text': 'If you want them to be incremented before they are displayed on the screen, put them before the variable.', 'start': 1317.481, 'duration': 7.143}], 'summary': 'Explains using increments and decrements to control variable calculation and display.', 'duration': 29.024, 'max_score': 1295.6, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M1295600.jpg'}, {'end': 1427.081, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1398.189, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 1400.229, 'text': 'this will make it a little bit easier to understand.', 'start': 1398.189, 'duration': 2.04}, {'end': 1406.812, 'text': "let's say that i then want this information to be displayed as a float, what i'm going to do.", 'start': 1400.229, 'duration': 6.583}, {'end': 1412.215, 'text': 'come in here and type float and you would put in whatever data type you want to show up there.', 'start': 1406.812, 'duration': 5.403}, {'end': 1421.236, 'text': "so if you want an integer division to show up as a float, you would do that And you can see that's exactly what happened.", 'start': 1412.215, 'duration': 9.021}, {'end': 1421.856, 'text': 'And there you go.', 'start': 1421.336, 'duration': 0.52}, {'end': 1427.081, 'text': "And I'm going to leave it with that because that was an immense amount of information on the C programming language.", 'start': 1422.116, 'duration': 4.965}], 'summary': 'Demonstrating conversion of integer division to float in c programming.', 'duration': 28.892, 'max_score': 1398.189, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M1398189.jpg'}], 'start': 1025.538, 'title': 'C arithmetic operations', 'summary': 'Covers the use of arithmetic operations, order of operations, and shortcut methods in c, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus, plus equals, increment and decrement operators, and the importance of using parentheses, with practical examples demonstrating their impact on numbers and variables.', 'chapters': [{'end': 1161.564, 'start': 1025.538, 'title': 'Using math functions in c', 'summary': 'Explains the use of arithmetic operations and order of operations in c, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus, with examples and emphasis on the importance of using parentheses for correct mathematical output.', 'duration': 136.026, 'highlights': ['The chapter explains the use of arithmetic operations and order of operations in C', 'Importance of using parentheses for correct mathematical output']}, {'end': 1433.867, 'start': 1161.564, 'title': 'C programming operations and shortcuts', 'summary': 'Discusses the various arithmetic operations and shortcut methods in c, including plus equals, increment and decrement operators, and casting values, with examples showing the effects of these operations on numbers and variables.', 'duration': 272.303, 'highlights': ['The chapter explains the plus equals shortcut method for adding a number to itself, with an example of 1 plus equals 2 resulting in 3.', 'It details the availability of shortcuts for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus, as well as the increment and decrement operations in C.', 'The chapter demonstrates the effects of placing the increment and decrement operators before and after a variable, showcasing the sequence of calculation and display.', 'It illustrates the process of casting a value to a different data type, such as displaying an integer division as a float.']}], 'duration': 408.329, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nXvy5900m3M/pics/nXvy5900m3M1025538.jpg', 'highlights': ['The chapter explains the use of arithmetic operations and order of operations in C', 'It details the availability of shortcuts for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus, as well as the increment and decrement operations in C', 'Importance of using parentheses for correct mathematical output', 'The chapter demonstrates the effects of placing the increment and decrement operators before and after a variable, showcasing the sequence of calculation and display', 'It details the plus equals shortcut method for adding a number to itself, with an example of 1 plus equals 2 resulting in 3', 'It illustrates the process of casting a value to a different data type, such as displaying an integer division as a float']}], 'highlights': ['The chapter promises an extremely fast C tutorial, quicker than any other, with heavily commented code to aid in translation.', 'The tutorial provides a simple setup using TextWrangler for Mac and Notepad++ for Windows, making it accessible to a wide audience.', 'The explanation of the use of include for functions like printf and scanf is detailed, aiding in understanding the purpose of include in C programming.', 'Bob Smith demonstrates the process of using scanf to receive user input, specifically the middle initial.', 'The chapter explains the use of arithmetic operations and order of operations in C']}