Why I will NEVER get married again... | #grindreel

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{'title': 'Why I will NEVER get married again... | #grindreel', 'heatmap': [{'end': 475.45, 'start': 446.373, 'weight': 1}, {'end': 1340.355, 'start': 1291.2, 'weight': 0.742}, {'end': 1664.214, 'start': 1640.098, 'weight': 0.924}], 'summary': "Delves into the speaker's personal reasons for not wanting to remarry and have kids, discussing challenges in relationships, marriage, intimacy, societal pressures, and divorce, while emphasizing the importance of choice, freedom, and independence in long-term relationships.", 'chapters': [{'end': 42.024, 'segs': [{'end': 42.024, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 0.302, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 2.863, 'text': "Welcome to more content that you didn't subscribe to.", 'start': 0.302, 'duration': 2.561}, {'end': 4.043, 'text': 'Look at this picture right here.', 'start': 3.183, 'duration': 0.86}, {'end': 12.445, 'text': 'This picture is me back in like 2011 or something when I was getting married long, long ago.', 'start': 4.343, 'duration': 8.102}, {'end': 17.007, 'text': 'This guy right here in the in the cheesy tie and the saggy pants.', 'start': 12.465, 'duration': 4.542}, {'end': 19.467, 'text': "And yeah, I'm putting I'm putting on the ring.", 'start': 17.447, 'duration': 2.02}, {'end': 21.808, 'text': 'But the real thing here is you look at that.', 'start': 19.747, 'duration': 2.061}, {'end': 24.354, 'text': 'Look at that chin strap.', 'start': 23.373, 'duration': 0.981}, {'end': 28.776, 'text': "That defines the chin that I don't have in this picture because I was a bigger dude back then.", 'start': 24.394, 'duration': 4.382}, {'end': 31.037, 'text': 'Started getting that comfort weight early on, you know.', 'start': 29.176, 'duration': 1.861}, {'end': 32.197, 'text': 'Look, I got ear piercings.', 'start': 31.077, 'duration': 1.12}, {'end': 34.519, 'text': "All kinds of piercings you can't even see in this picture.", 'start': 32.637, 'duration': 1.882}, {'end': 37.62, 'text': 'But anyways, this was me way back when.', 'start': 34.539, 'duration': 3.081}, {'end': 40.002, 'text': 'I got married.', 'start': 39.501, 'duration': 0.501}, {'end': 42.024, 'text': "I want to talk about why I don't want to get married again,", 'start': 40.202, 'duration': 1.822}], 'summary': "A humorous reflection on the speaker's past, including a 2011 wedding photo, weight gain, and reluctance to marry again.", 'duration': 41.722, 'max_score': 0.302, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM302.jpg'}], 'start': 0.302, 'title': 'Unwanted wedding flashbacks', 'summary': "Recounts a personal anecdote about the narrator's past wedding, including a photo from 2011 and reflections on not wanting to remarry.", 'chapters': [{'end': 42.024, 'start': 0.302, 'title': 'Unwanted wedding flashbacks', 'summary': "Recounts a personal anecdote about the narrator's past wedding, including a photo from 2011, showcasing his appearance and reflections on not wanting to remarry.", 'duration': 41.722, 'highlights': ['The narrator reflects on a past wedding, mentioning a photo from 2011 and expressing his reluctance to remarry.', 'Describes his appearance in the photo, highlighting his weight and piercings from that time.', 'Shares humorous details about his outfit and appearance during the wedding.']}], 'duration': 41.722, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM302.jpg', 'highlights': ['The narrator reflects on a past wedding, mentioning a photo from 2011 and expressing his reluctance to remarry.', 'Describes his appearance in the photo, highlighting his weight and piercings from that time.', 'Shares humorous details about his outfit and appearance during the wedding.']}, {'end': 529.681, 'segs': [{'end': 124.234, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 92.865, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 97.546, 'text': "But I'm not super religious and I don't want kids.", 'start': 92.865, 'duration': 4.681}, {'end': 101.227, 'text': "So here's my thought process behind not wanting to get married then.", 'start': 97.726, 'duration': 3.501}, {'end': 102.307, 'text': 'So it might make more sense.', 'start': 101.347, 'duration': 0.96}, {'end': 104.948, 'text': 'If you are and you want to do those things, great, more power to you.', 'start': 102.527, 'duration': 2.421}, {'end': 108.027, 'text': "But here, here's me And here's my reasoning behind it.", 'start': 104.988, 'duration': 3.039}, {'end': 110.728, 'text': "TLDR for the people that don't want to watch this whole video.", 'start': 108.107, 'duration': 2.621}, {'end': 115.79, 'text': "There's nothing that I get being married that I don't get by just being in a long term relationship.", 'start': 110.908, 'duration': 4.882}, {'end': 117.511, 'text': 'So choice and commitment.', 'start': 115.85, 'duration': 1.661}, {'end': 124.234, 'text': "Number one, when I'm with somebody, I like waking up and I like choosing that person every single day.", 'start': 117.811, 'duration': 6.423}], 'summary': 'Prefers long-term relationship over marriage for choice and commitment.', 'duration': 31.369, 'max_score': 92.865, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM92865.jpg'}, {'end': 155.778, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 127.356, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 133.799, 'text': "Like, I'd like to know that I can freely walk away at any time, but I still choose to wake up and choose that person.", 'start': 127.356, 'duration': 6.443}, {'end': 138.818, 'text': "And to me, that means more than me promising someone because words don't mean anything.", 'start': 134.375, 'duration': 4.443}, {'end': 140.538, 'text': 'Actions mean more than words.', 'start': 138.978, 'duration': 1.56}, {'end': 146.222, 'text': 'And so doing that over and over and over is more of a commitment than just promising a commitment.', 'start': 140.959, 'duration': 5.263}, {'end': 150.874, 'text': "See, marriage, in my opinion, Again, it's all my opinion and my thoughts.", 'start': 147.042, 'duration': 3.832}, {'end': 155.778, 'text': 'Marriage takes away from that choice because you can no longer just freely walk away.', 'start': 151.355, 'duration': 4.423}], 'summary': 'Marriage restricts freedom to walk away, actions speak louder than words, and commitment is demonstrated through choice and actions.', 'duration': 28.422, 'max_score': 127.356, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM127356.jpg'}, {'end': 219.556, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 196.489, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 205.511, 'text': "because it's a bigger pain in the butt to get divorced than it is to just stay married and silently resent this person more and more and more over time,", 'start': 196.489, 'duration': 9.022}, {'end': 209.071, 'text': 'to eventually you become that couple that you see at the store, where they obviously hate each other,', 'start': 205.511, 'duration': 3.56}, {'end': 211.192, 'text': "but you wonder why they're still married after 45 years.", 'start': 209.071, 'duration': 2.121}, {'end': 212.232, 'text': "It's like.", 'start': 211.772, 'duration': 0.46}, {'end': 212.652, 'text': 'why are you?', 'start': 212.232, 'duration': 0.42}, {'end': 214.112, 'text': 'why are you spending your life like this??', 'start': 212.652, 'duration': 1.46}, {'end': 219.556, 'text': 'Like you, owe yourself some joy and some happiness and to like be with someone that actually matches you.', 'start': 214.172, 'duration': 5.384}], 'summary': 'Divorce is a bigger hassle than silently resenting and staying married, leading to a joyless life.', 'duration': 23.067, 'max_score': 196.489, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM196489.jpg'}, {'end': 333.312, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 308.447, 'weight': 6, 'content': [{'end': 314.609, 'text': "And on top of that, I'm banking on the fact that if either of us do change our minds on something that makes us go our own ways,", 'start': 308.447, 'duration': 6.162}, {'end': 318.77, 'text': "I'm going to be held financially responsible for just having a disagreement.", 'start': 314.609, 'duration': 4.161}, {'end': 323.452, 'text': "There's no reason to get into that in the first place and put yourself into that situation.", 'start': 319.23, 'duration': 4.222}, {'end': 331.229, 'text': "I guess people like to use the fire of knowing that it's harder to get divorced and your life's gonna be a big mess as motivation to work things out,", 'start': 324.318, 'duration': 6.911}, {'end': 333.312, 'text': 'but I think very rarely does that work.', 'start': 331.229, 'duration': 2.083}], 'summary': 'Avoiding financial responsibility in disagreements to maintain a successful relationship and preventing divorce.', 'duration': 24.865, 'max_score': 308.447, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM308447.jpg'}, {'end': 367.74, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 341.234, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 345.875, 'text': "And as I said before, promising commitment to somebody does not mean that you're going to be committed.", 'start': 341.234, 'duration': 4.641}, {'end': 346.935, 'text': "That's just not how it works.", 'start': 345.895, 'duration': 1.04}, {'end': 352.496, 'text': "A person left a comment on one of my videos that said, well, if you're not married, what's to stop them from cheating? Oh, I don't know.", 'start': 347.295, 'duration': 5.201}, {'end': 358.117, 'text': "Maybe your word, right? Like maybe the commitment where you said that we were exclusive and that we weren't going to see other people.", 'start': 352.896, 'duration': 5.221}, {'end': 362.699, 'text': "There's no different than marriage, except you just had a big celebration and did it publicly.", 'start': 358.598, 'duration': 4.101}, {'end': 363.999, 'text': "Like, there's no difference there.", 'start': 362.759, 'duration': 1.24}, {'end': 367.74, 'text': "I mean, how about you just don't be a jerk and cheat? You could still cheat if you're married.", 'start': 364.679, 'duration': 3.061}], 'summary': "Commitment is not guaranteed by marriage; it's about keeping one's word and being faithful, as highlighted in the video.", 'duration': 26.506, 'max_score': 341.234, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM341234.jpg'}, {'end': 398.447, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 367.78, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 369.34, 'text': "You can still cheat if you're not married.", 'start': 367.78, 'duration': 1.56}, {'end': 371.12, 'text': "There's really no difference there.", 'start': 369.38, 'duration': 1.74}, {'end': 374.581, 'text': 'When I got married, I thought that something was going to change.', 'start': 371.34, 'duration': 3.241}, {'end': 380.042, 'text': 'I thought that I was going to wake up differently one day, and I thought that I was going to be suddenly this different human being.', 'start': 374.661, 'duration': 5.381}, {'end': 384.343, 'text': 'I was going to be a husband now, and everything in my life was going to be different, but literally nothing changed.', 'start': 380.082, 'duration': 4.261}, {'end': 389.504, 'text': 'Like, there was no way that I could get more invested into that person than I already was.', 'start': 384.843, 'duration': 4.661}, {'end': 391.424, 'text': 'I was already fully committed.', 'start': 389.604, 'duration': 1.82}, {'end': 394.926, 'text': 'So someone saying you are now husband and wife really made no difference.', 'start': 391.464, 'duration': 3.462}, {'end': 398.447, 'text': 'I treated that person to the best of my ability up front even before that.', 'start': 395.206, 'duration': 3.241}], 'summary': "Marriage didn't change anything; commitment was already at its peak.", 'duration': 30.667, 'max_score': 367.78, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM367780.jpg'}, {'end': 475.45, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 446.373, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 451.314, 'text': 'as I realized that I was going to be stuck with this person.', 'start': 446.373, 'duration': 4.941}, {'end': 458.636, 'text': 'Just a few months after we got married, I realized I tried to talk to this person about these changes that she made.', 'start': 452.194, 'duration': 6.442}, {'end': 462.537, 'text': 'One day she just came in and she just shaved her head and dyed her hair purple.', 'start': 459.456, 'duration': 3.081}, {'end': 465.503, 'text': 'without like even saying anything right?', 'start': 463.482, 'duration': 2.021}, {'end': 467.905, 'text': "Like, and she was like, don't you think I'm cute?", 'start': 465.543, 'duration': 2.362}, {'end': 469.806, 'text': 'And I was like.', 'start': 467.985, 'duration': 1.821}, {'end': 470.667, 'text': 'what do you say to that?', 'start': 469.806, 'duration': 0.861}, {'end': 475.45, 'text': "right?. Like, if I wasn't married to that girl, I would have been like all right, all sexual attraction has just been lost.", 'start': 470.667, 'duration': 4.783}], 'summary': "Husband struggles with wife's abrupt changes, feeling loss of attraction.", 'duration': 29.077, 'max_score': 446.373, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM446373.jpg'}], 'start': 42.024, 'title': 'Personal reasons and relationship choices', 'summary': "Discusses the speaker's personal reasons for not wanting to get married and have kids, and compares marriage to long-term relationships, highlighting the importance of choice, freedom, potential consequences, and challenges of commitment.", 'chapters': [{'end': 110.728, 'start': 42.024, 'title': 'Reasons for not getting married and having kids', 'summary': "Discusses the speaker's reasons for not wanting to get married and have kids, highlighting that it is due to not being religious and not wanting kids, and the speaker anticipates criticism for their decision.", 'duration': 68.704, 'highlights': ['The speaker explains the reasoning behind not wanting to get married and have kids, citing not being religious and not wanting kids as the main factors, and anticipates criticism for their decision.', 'The speaker acknowledges the anticipation of criticism and being called selfish for their decision, indicating a sense of preparedness for potential backlash.', 'The speaker highlights their lack of religious inclination and disinterest in having children as the primary factors influencing their decision, providing insight into their perspective.']}, {'end': 529.681, 'start': 110.908, 'title': 'Marriage vs long-term relationship', 'summary': 'Discusses the preference for long-term relationships over marriage, emphasizing the importance of choice and freedom, the potential consequences of marriage, and the challenges of staying committed despite changes in a partner, leading to resentment and lack of genuine commitment.', 'duration': 418.773, 'highlights': ['The speaker values the freedom of choice and commitment in a long-term relationship over marriage, expressing the belief that actions speak louder than words. Preference for choosing a partner every day, emphasizing freedom to walk away, and valuing actions over mere promises.', 'The speaker expresses concerns about the limitations of marriage, such as the potential financial and emotional consequences of divorce, leading to resentment and silent dissatisfaction. Concerns about the difficulty of divorce, financial implications, and the potential buildup of resentment in a failing marriage.', 'The speaker highlights the challenges of staying together in a marriage, suggesting that many couples remain together despite resentment, ultimately leading to unhappiness. Emphasizing the tendency for couples to silently resent each other and remain married, leading to unhappiness and a lack of genuine connection.', 'The speaker argues against the idea of promising lifelong commitment in marriage, citing the inability to predict the future and the potential financial implications of disagreements. Questioning the logic of promising lifelong commitment, highlighting the inability to predict the future, and expressing concerns about financial implications in case of disagreements.', 'The speaker discusses the lack of change and added commitment after marriage, emphasizing that marriage did not significantly alter the existing level of commitment in the relationship. Emphasizing that marriage did not significantly change the level of commitment, highlighting the lack of transformation after getting married.']}], 'duration': 487.657, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM42024.jpg', 'highlights': ['The speaker values the freedom of choice and commitment in a long-term relationship over marriage, expressing the belief that actions speak louder than words. Preference for choosing a partner every day, emphasizing freedom to walk away, and valuing actions over mere promises.', 'The speaker discusses the lack of change and added commitment after marriage, emphasizing that marriage did not significantly alter the existing level of commitment in the relationship. Emphasizing that marriage did not significantly change the level of commitment, highlighting the lack of transformation after getting married.', 'The speaker argues against the idea of promising lifelong commitment in marriage, citing the inability to predict the future and the potential financial implications of disagreements. Questioning the logic of promising lifelong commitment, highlighting the inability to predict the future, and expressing concerns about financial implications in case of disagreements.', 'The speaker highlights the challenges of staying together in a marriage, suggesting that many couples remain together despite resentment, ultimately leading to unhappiness. Emphasizing the tendency for couples to silently resent each other and remain married, leading to unhappiness and a lack of genuine connection.', 'The speaker expresses concerns about the limitations of marriage, such as the potential financial and emotional consequences of divorce, leading to resentment and silent dissatisfaction. Concerns about the difficulty of divorce, financial implications, and the potential buildup of resentment in a failing marriage.', 'The speaker explains the reasoning behind not wanting to get married and have kids, citing not being religious and not wanting kids as the main factors, and anticipates criticism for their decision.', 'The speaker acknowledges the anticipation of criticism and being called selfish for their decision, indicating a sense of preparedness for potential backlash.', 'The speaker highlights their lack of religious inclination and disinterest in having children as the primary factors influencing their decision, providing insight into their perspective.']}, {'end': 897.256, 'segs': [{'end': 578.325, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 549.931, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 555.15, 'text': "And usually when you start getting like family involved, there's always something that families don't like about each other,", 'start': 549.931, 'duration': 5.219}, {'end': 558.372, 'text': "or maybe the dad doesn't approve or the mom doesn't approve on one side,", 'start': 555.15, 'duration': 3.222}, {'end': 565.316, 'text': "and then you know you still have to get them to compromise and you're bringing two families together and it's like you could do all that without getting married anyways.", 'start': 558.372, 'duration': 6.944}, {'end': 572.921, 'text': "but I don't need to have an expensive marriage to showcase my love for this person publicly, because I don't care.", 'start': 565.316, 'duration': 7.605}, {'end': 578.325, 'text': "All that matters is what this person thinks of me, not what her parents think of me and you can't be a people pleaser.", 'start': 572.941, 'duration': 5.384}], 'summary': 'Challenges in bringing two families together for marriage and the value of marriage in showcasing love.', 'duration': 28.394, 'max_score': 549.931, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM549931.jpg'}, {'end': 608.936, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 582.708, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 586.671, 'text': "you just want to get married and do the disney fairy tale thing, it's just it just doesn't make any sense to me.", 'start': 582.708, 'duration': 3.963}, {'end': 593.576, 'text': 'imagine not having a wedding and then spending money that you may or may not have to go have a lifetime experience that you can,', 'start': 586.671, 'duration': 6.905}, {'end': 600.16, 'text': "you can share with that person instead of just having one day that's like six hours long that you only get to do once you know.", 'start': 593.576, 'duration': 6.584}, {'end': 601.841, 'text': "it's just pragmatically.", 'start': 600.16, 'duration': 1.681}, {'end': 603.803, 'text': "again, that didn't make any sense to me.", 'start': 601.841, 'duration': 1.962}, {'end': 607.065, 'text': 'going back to the parents, not liking you, for example, with the ex-girlfriend.', 'start': 603.803, 'duration': 3.262}, {'end': 608.936, 'text': "Her parents didn't like me.", 'start': 607.955, 'duration': 0.981}], 'summary': 'Questioning the value of expensive weddings and emphasizing shared experiences over one-day events.', 'duration': 26.228, 'max_score': 582.708, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM582708.jpg'}, {'end': 676.991, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 649.641, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 652.924, 'text': "They called me cheap and they told her daughter that you could get someone who wasn't so cheap.", 'start': 649.641, 'duration': 3.283}, {'end': 654.145, 'text': 'Never forget that.', 'start': 653.284, 'duration': 0.861}, {'end': 659.209, 'text': "It didn't matter if you were going into debt as long as you looked like you were rich, right? And so, like, you just can't please people, man.", 'start': 654.405, 'duration': 4.804}, {'end': 662.208, 'text': "And so what other people think of me, I don't care.", 'start': 659.847, 'duration': 2.361}, {'end': 663.368, 'text': "I don't care what your parents think of me.", 'start': 662.228, 'duration': 1.14}, {'end': 664.528, 'text': "I don't care what your friends think of me.", 'start': 663.408, 'duration': 1.12}, {'end': 667.169, 'text': 'I should be considerate and try to be nice to them.', 'start': 665.168, 'duration': 2.001}, {'end': 668.269, 'text': 'But you guys get what I mean.', 'start': 667.189, 'duration': 1.08}, {'end': 670.29, 'text': "If you don't like me, that's your problem.", 'start': 668.929, 'duration': 1.361}, {'end': 670.89, 'text': "That's not my problem.", 'start': 670.33, 'duration': 0.56}, {'end': 674.371, 'text': 'And if that gets in the way of the relationship at some point, then we decide all right look,', 'start': 671.19, 'duration': 3.181}, {'end': 676.991, 'text': 'you can either tell them how it is or we can go our own ways.', 'start': 674.371, 'duration': 2.62}], 'summary': 'Dealing with judgment and criticism, prioritizing self-respect and independence.', 'duration': 27.35, 'max_score': 649.641, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM649641.jpg'}, {'end': 706.624, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 678.832, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 682.713, 'text': "All right, here's another thing with marriage that is a huge deal breaker for me.", 'start': 678.832, 'duration': 3.881}, {'end': 685.334, 'text': 'And I experienced this one big time when I was married.', 'start': 682.813, 'duration': 2.521}, {'end': 686.794, 'text': 'Intimacy, right?', 'start': 685.854, 'duration': 0.94}, {'end': 692.289, 'text': "This was hung over my head as a reward, not at first, because when you meet each other and you're,", 'start': 687.624, 'duration': 4.665}, {'end': 699.837, 'text': "you're in that lustful Infatuation stage where you just want to do it all the time, winning it whenever and wherever right, like we did that.", 'start': 692.289, 'duration': 7.548}, {'end': 706.624, 'text': 'But then, as soon as we got married It seemed like as soon as we got married it started becoming a reward for doing things that she wanted.', 'start': 699.837, 'duration': 6.787}], 'summary': 'Marriage: intimacy became a reward, leading to dissatisfaction and strain.', 'duration': 27.792, 'max_score': 678.832, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM678832.jpg'}], 'start': 530.281, 'title': 'Marriage and relationship challenges', 'summary': 'Explores personal love, challenges in relationships, and marriage, emphasizing the significance of intimacy and practicality over societal approval. it discusses familial disapproval, financial constraints, materialism, manipulation of intimacy, and the impact of scheduled intimacy on relationships.', 'chapters': [{'end': 601.841, 'start': 530.281, 'title': 'Marriage and personal love', 'summary': 'Discusses personal love and the viewpoint that expensive marriage ceremonies are unnecessary, highlighting the importance of intimacy and practicality over societal approval, with examples of familial disapproval and financial constraints.', 'duration': 71.56, 'highlights': ["I don't feel like I need to prove or celebrate my love for someone with a bunch of other people, as it's very personal and intimate, emphasizing the one-on-one nature of the relationship.", "The idea of spending all this money that you probably don't have because you're young and dumb, wanting to do the Disney fairy tale thing, just doesn't make any sense, highlighting the impracticality of expensive weddings, especially for young couples.", "Bringing two families together can be complicated, as there's always something that families don't like about each other, emphasizing the potential difficulties in involving families in the marriage process.", 'Imagine not having a wedding and then spending money that you may or may not have to go have a lifetime experience that you can share with that person, highlighting the alternative of investing in a lifetime experience instead of a one-day event.']}, {'end': 897.256, 'start': 601.841, 'title': 'Challenges in relationships and marriage', 'summary': "Discusses the challenges faced in relationships and marriage, including disapproval from the partner's parents based on materialism, and the manipulation of intimacy in a marriage, leading to resentment and sadness, as well as the impact of scheduled intimacy on a relationship.", 'duration': 295.415, 'highlights': ["The partner's parents disapproved of the speaker due to his lack of materialistic display, leading to their labeling him as 'cheap' and emphasizing the importance of appearance over financial responsibility. Disapproval from the partner's parents due to the speaker's lack of materialistic display, leading to labeling as 'cheap' and prioritizing appearance over financial responsibility.", "The manipulation of intimacy in the marriage led to feelings of resentment and sadness for the speaker, as the partner used it as leverage and a manipulation tactic, ultimately impacting the speaker's mental well-being. Manipulation of intimacy in the marriage, leading to feelings of resentment and sadness for the speaker, as the partner used it as leverage and a manipulation tactic, impacting the speaker's mental well-being.", 'The impact of scheduled intimacy on a relationship is discussed, highlighting the potential challenges and inauthenticity of such a practice, leading to a sense of dissatisfaction and unfulfillment. Discussion of the impact of scheduled intimacy on a relationship, emphasizing the potential challenges and inauthenticity of such a practice, leading to a sense of dissatisfaction and unfulfillment.']}], 'duration': 366.975, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM530281.jpg', 'highlights': ["The manipulation of intimacy in the marriage led to feelings of resentment and sadness for the speaker, as the partner used it as leverage and a manipulation tactic, ultimately impacting the speaker's mental well-being.", 'Imagine not having a wedding and then spending money that you may or may not have to go have a lifetime experience that you can share with that person, highlighting the alternative of investing in a lifetime experience instead of a one-day event.', "The idea of spending all this money that you probably don't have because you're young and dumb, wanting to do the Disney fairy tale thing, just doesn't make any sense, highlighting the impracticality of expensive weddings, especially for young couples.", "The partner's parents disapproved of the speaker due to his lack of materialistic display, leading to their labeling him as 'cheap' and emphasizing the importance of appearance over financial responsibility.", "Bringing two families together can be complicated, as there's always something that families don't like about each other, emphasizing the potential difficulties in involving families in the marriage process."]}, {'end': 1403.804, 'segs': [{'end': 1017.989, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 988.795, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 994.18, 'text': "I have to ask my wife or my wife's not letting me do this, or my wife's not letting me do that, and blah, blah, blah,", 'start': 988.795, 'duration': 5.385}, {'end': 995.801, 'text': "like you're just not allowed to do things,", 'start': 994.18, 'duration': 1.621}, {'end': 1001.306, 'text': 'and now suddenly you have to ask permission to be able to do things that you would have just done regardless, or when you first got married.', 'start': 995.801, 'duration': 5.505}, {'end': 1006.183, 'text': "but then over time it becomes this resentful thing uh, that you just can't do anything.", 'start': 1001.306, 'duration': 4.877}, {'end': 1011.185, 'text': "it started off as being considerate for your partner saying oh well, she's my priority, she's my partner.", 'start': 1006.183, 'duration': 5.002}, {'end': 1017.989, 'text': "let me let me make sure she's okay with it to just becoming this controlling, manipulative tactic of oh, i can't do that.", 'start': 1011.185, 'duration': 6.804}], 'summary': 'Marriage dynamics shift from consideration to control over time, resulting in resentment and loss of autonomy.', 'duration': 29.194, 'max_score': 988.795, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM988795.jpg'}, {'end': 1223.592, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1195.75, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1200.294, 'text': "People start saying, oh, we've been together for so long, though, and we did this, this and this together.", 'start': 1195.75, 'duration': 4.544}, {'end': 1203.257, 'text': "And it's just it's just so much to throw away.", 'start': 1200.354, 'duration': 2.903}, {'end': 1207.24, 'text': "And they fall into what's called the sunk cost fallacy.", 'start': 1203.537, 'duration': 3.703}, {'end': 1210.817, 'text': "They've put so much into it that they just could never Let it go.", 'start': 1207.481, 'duration': 3.336}, {'end': 1212.519, 'text': 'And this is what happens to startup founders.', 'start': 1210.877, 'duration': 1.642}, {'end': 1213.861, 'text': "It's a sunk cost fallacy.", 'start': 1212.619, 'duration': 1.242}, {'end': 1219.948, 'text': "They put so much time and effort into their product that has no market demand or it sucks at being marketed or it's just not a good product.", 'start': 1213.881, 'duration': 6.067}, {'end': 1221.149, 'text': 'They refuse to believe it.', 'start': 1220.228, 'duration': 0.921}, {'end': 1223.592, 'text': 'Oh, they put all they put their blood, sweat and tears into this.', 'start': 1221.25, 'duration': 2.342}], 'summary': 'People fall into the sunk cost fallacy, refusing to let go of products despite lack of demand or quality.', 'duration': 27.842, 'max_score': 1195.75, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM1195750.jpg'}, {'end': 1253.883, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1227.336, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 1231.777, 'text': 'sometimes you just got, you got to give that up and you got to move on to the next thing, to something that does work, you know.', 'start': 1227.336, 'duration': 4.441}, {'end': 1234.178, 'text': 'take some lessons learned and just move on to the next thing.', 'start': 1231.777, 'duration': 2.401}, {'end': 1239.799, 'text': "all right, let's move on to finances being shared and prenuptial agreements.", 'start': 1234.178, 'duration': 5.621}, {'end': 1241.88, 'text': "i don't want to share my finances.", 'start': 1239.799, 'duration': 2.081}, {'end': 1243.84, 'text': 'um, the money that i make is for me.', 'start': 1241.88, 'duration': 1.96}, {'end': 1245.04, 'text': "and well, josh, that's selfish.", 'start': 1243.84, 'duration': 1.2}, {'end': 1250.022, 'text': "yeah, i know it's selfish, but i make it for me and if i want to give it to somebody, it's because i care about them, not because i have to do it,", 'start': 1245.04, 'duration': 4.982}, {'end': 1253.883, 'text': "not because i'm in a situation where i want to pay for someone else just because we're married.", 'start': 1250.022, 'duration': 3.861}], 'summary': 'A discussion about finances and prenuptial agreements involving a refusal to share finances and a declaration of selfishness.', 'duration': 26.547, 'max_score': 1227.336, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM1227336.jpg'}, {'end': 1340.355, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 1291.2, 'weight': 0.742, 'content': [{'end': 1297.082, 'text': "I also don't want to suddenly have a bunch of success in life and then have someone come to try and take advantage of that.", 'start': 1291.2, 'duration': 5.882}, {'end': 1306.779, 'text': 'And so you get these people saying well, Josh, Josh, Josh, just get a prenuptial agreement, you know, protect your assets with that prenup.', 'start': 1298.302, 'duration': 8.477}, {'end': 1308.741, 'text': 'okay, well, here prenups are a meme.', 'start': 1306.779, 'duration': 1.962}, {'end': 1314.627, 'text': 'dude prenups get thrown out of court quicker than my girlfriend got put on the streets when she cheated.', 'start': 1308.741, 'duration': 5.886}, {'end': 1315.548, 'text': 'prenups are a joke.', 'start': 1314.627, 'duration': 0.921}, {'end': 1317.75, 'text': 'dude prenups are just not worth anything.', 'start': 1315.548, 'duration': 2.202}, {'end': 1319.492, 'text': 'and because let me tell you why.', 'start': 1317.75, 'duration': 1.742}, {'end': 1322.275, 'text': "there's a couple easy way outs to the prenup.", 'start': 1319.492, 'duration': 2.783}, {'end': 1328.782, 'text': "all the person that signed the prenup has to say is I didn't know what I was signing and I felt pressure to sign it.", 'start': 1322.275, 'duration': 6.507}, {'end': 1331.405, 'text': 'Just that one little magic sentence right there.', 'start': 1329.042, 'duration': 2.363}, {'end': 1333.407, 'text': "It's called signing under duress.", 'start': 1331.765, 'duration': 1.642}, {'end': 1340.355, 'text': 'If you signed a prenuptial agreement and you knew that someone was worth millions of dollars and you were at the divorce court,', 'start': 1333.647, 'duration': 6.708}], 'summary': 'Prenups are not worth it; can be easily overturned.', 'duration': 49.155, 'max_score': 1291.2, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM1291200.jpg'}, {'end': 1376.933, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1349.579, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 1352.92, 'text': "here's another example of how prenups can get thrown out very easily.", 'start': 1349.579, 'duration': 3.341}, {'end': 1355.001, 'text': 'all you got to do is say this one magic sentence.', 'start': 1352.92, 'duration': 2.081}, {'end': 1357.982, 'text': "my lawyer wasn't there when i signed it.", 'start': 1355.001, 'duration': 2.981}, {'end': 1364.785, 'text': 'so the judge may throw out the prenuptial agreement when one person signs it without proper legal representation.', 'start': 1357.982, 'duration': 6.803}, {'end': 1366.366, 'text': 'yeah, yeah, this.', 'start': 1364.785, 'duration': 1.581}, {'end': 1368.982, 'text': 'this is probably Probably one of the easiest ones.', 'start': 1366.366, 'duration': 2.616}, {'end': 1373.428, 'text': "You know, your husband or your wife slaps down the prenup and you sign it and you didn't have a lawyer there.", 'start': 1369.483, 'duration': 3.945}, {'end': 1376.052, 'text': "Hey, now you're in court and you'd be like, oh, my lawyer wasn't there when I signed it.", 'start': 1373.508, 'duration': 2.544}, {'end': 1376.933, 'text': "I didn't know what I was reading.", 'start': 1376.092, 'duration': 0.841}], 'summary': 'Prenups can be invalidated if signed without legal representation, leading to potential court disputes.', 'duration': 27.354, 'max_score': 1349.579, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM1349579.jpg'}], 'start': 897.276, 'title': 'Marriage realities', 'summary': 'Delves into the challenges of marriage, including struggles for intimacy, differences between expectations and realities, issues of control, limitations of counseling, and the inevitability of change and tough decisions. it also addresses financial challenges and the drawbacks of prenuptial agreements, such as reluctance to share earnings and the potential invalidation of prenups in court.', 'chapters': [{'end': 1227.336, 'start': 897.276, 'title': 'The realities of marriage', 'summary': 'Highlights the challenges and realities of marriage, including the struggle for intimacy, the discrepancy between the allure of marriage and its actual difficulties, the issue of control and permission, the limitations of counseling, and the inevitability of change and difficult decisions.', 'duration': 330.06, 'highlights': ['The discrepancy between the allure of marriage and its actual difficulties is emphasized, including the struggle for intimacy and the challenging discussions that arise, overshadowing the initial excitement of planning the wedding (e.g., clean house discussions, infrequent sex, and job-related relocations).', 'The issue of control and permission in marriage is discussed, highlighting the progression from considerate behavior to controlling tactics, leading to the need for permission for various activities, ultimately affecting individual autonomy.', 'The limitations of counseling in addressing marriage issues are outlined, illustrating the biased nature of counseling and the potential for it to exacerbate resentment, leading to a lack of compromise and the decision to end the relationship.', 'The inevitability of change and the difficult decisions associated with marriage are acknowledged, including the recognition that people change, leading to the acceptance that not all relationships are meant to last forever and the acknowledgment of the sunk cost fallacy in maintaining a relationship solely due to past investments.']}, {'end': 1403.804, 'start': 1227.336, 'title': 'Challenges with finances and prenuptial agreements', 'summary': 'Discusses the challenges of sharing finances and the limitations of prenuptial agreements, highlighting the reluctance to share earnings and the ease with which prenups can be invalidated in court.', 'duration': 176.468, 'highlights': ['Prenuptial agreements can be easily invalidated in court by claiming ignorance or lack of legal representation, rendering them ineffective in protecting assets, like in the case of signing under duress or absence of legal counsel.', 'The reluctance to share finances is expressed, emphasizing the desire to maintain autonomy over earnings and assets, leading to a preference for individual financial management rather than shared financial responsibilities in a marriage.', "Concerns about inheriting debt and the potential for someone to take advantage of financial success in the marriage are highlighted, indicating a desire to avoid assuming the financial burdens and risks of a partner's previous choices or opportunistic behaviors."]}], 'duration': 506.528, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM897276.jpg', 'highlights': ['The inevitability of change and the difficult decisions associated with marriage are acknowledged, including the recognition that people change, leading to the acceptance that not all relationships are meant to last forever and the acknowledgment of the sunk cost fallacy in maintaining a relationship solely due to past investments.', 'The issue of control and permission in marriage is discussed, highlighting the progression from considerate behavior to controlling tactics, leading to the need for permission for various activities, ultimately affecting individual autonomy.', 'The reluctance to share finances is expressed, emphasizing the desire to maintain autonomy over earnings and assets, leading to a preference for individual financial management rather than shared financial responsibilities in a marriage.', 'Prenuptial agreements can be easily invalidated in court by claiming ignorance or lack of legal representation, rendering them ineffective in protecting assets, like in the case of signing under duress or absence of legal counsel.']}, {'end': 1657.41, 'segs': [{'end': 1429.472, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1403.804, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1413.85, 'text': 'because, blah, blah, blah right, like, imagine all the people that become millionaires and billionaires just by getting divorced.', 'start': 1403.804, 'duration': 10.046}, {'end': 1420.271, 'text': 'I know first the first example I think of is Jeff Bezos, his ex wife, you know, like billionaire by divorce.', 'start': 1413.93, 'duration': 6.341}, {'end': 1424.151, 'text': "I mean, if that's the case, I am in the wrong business.", 'start': 1420.531, 'duration': 3.62}, {'end': 1427.992, 'text': "I think it's time to become a serial divorcee.", 'start': 1424.931, 'duration': 3.061}, {'end': 1429.472, 'text': "In fact, I'm going to make a new resume.", 'start': 1428.032, 'duration': 1.44}], 'summary': "People becoming millionaires and billionaires through divorce, e.g. jeff bezos' ex-wife. consideration of career change.", 'duration': 25.668, 'max_score': 1403.804, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM1403804.jpg'}, {'end': 1477.21, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1451.108, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 1456.39, 'text': "So what about if you want to have kids, Josh? Well, I don't want to have kids.", 'start': 1451.108, 'duration': 5.282}, {'end': 1457.531, 'text': "That's me.", 'start': 1457.07, 'duration': 0.461}, {'end': 1458.931, 'text': "I've never wanted to have kids.", 'start': 1457.711, 'duration': 1.22}, {'end': 1460.692, 'text': "I don't have a desire to have kids.", 'start': 1459.071, 'duration': 1.621}, {'end': 1463.593, 'text': "Zero Like it's just, I don't want them.", 'start': 1461.532, 'duration': 2.061}, {'end': 1464.513, 'text': 'I have dogs.', 'start': 1463.693, 'duration': 0.82}, {'end': 1467.134, 'text': "I don't have to change diapers with dogs.", 'start': 1465.374, 'duration': 1.76}, {'end': 1470.816, 'text': "They don't talk back as dogs and they are always happy to see me.", 'start': 1467.315, 'duration': 3.501}, {'end': 1477.21, 'text': 'and their college fund is like a $10 bone at the store that keeps them entertained forever.', 'start': 1471.263, 'duration': 5.947}], 'summary': 'Josh does not want kids. he prefers having dogs as they are low-maintenance and bring happiness.', 'duration': 26.102, 'max_score': 1451.108, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM1451108.jpg'}, {'end': 1546.537, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1522.532, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 1528.881, 'text': "If anything, maybe I'll go be a big brother or maybe I'll adopt a kid or I'll be like a foster parent or something like that.", 'start': 1522.532, 'duration': 6.349}, {'end': 1533.707, 'text': "There's a lot of kids out there already without loving parents, without guiding parents,", 'start': 1528.921, 'duration': 4.786}, {'end': 1536.311, 'text': 'without parents that support them and try to teach them and try to help them.', 'start': 1533.707, 'duration': 2.604}, {'end': 1540.114, 'text': "I don't feel the need to have my own genetic blood DNA.", 'start': 1537.392, 'duration': 2.722}, {'end': 1546.537, 'text': "And then you'll get some people in the comments that are like, your own kids that are blood-related are better than kids that you adopt.", 'start': 1540.134, 'duration': 6.403}], 'summary': 'Consider being a foster parent or adopting a kid to support children in need.', 'duration': 24.005, 'max_score': 1522.532, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM1522532.jpg'}, {'end': 1590.102, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1558.703, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 1560.964, 'text': "I recognize that I am because it's my life.", 'start': 1558.703, 'duration': 2.261}, {'end': 1566.527, 'text': "But I think it's better to realize that you're selfish and to not have kids than to be selfish and have kids.", 'start': 1561.084, 'duration': 5.443}, {'end': 1568.161, 'text': "Because then you're just going to resent them.", 'start': 1567.039, 'duration': 1.122}, {'end': 1569.263, 'text': 'And I know people that did that.', 'start': 1568.221, 'duration': 1.042}, {'end': 1571.247, 'text': "They accidentally had kids and they didn't want kids.", 'start': 1569.303, 'duration': 1.944}, {'end': 1573.552, 'text': "And now they're like, I love my kids, but I wish that like..", 'start': 1571.287, 'duration': 2.265}, {'end': 1575.531, 'text': "didn't have kids.", 'start': 1574.89, 'duration': 0.641}, {'end': 1577.892, 'text': 'you know, and like i, i recognize that.', 'start': 1575.531, 'duration': 2.361}, {'end': 1578.853, 'text': "so i'm not gonna have them.", 'start': 1577.892, 'duration': 0.961}, {'end': 1579.954, 'text': 'and then you get the people that are like.', 'start': 1578.853, 'duration': 1.101}, {'end': 1582.336, 'text': "but, josh, what happens when you're old?", 'start': 1579.954, 'duration': 2.382}, {'end': 1585.939, 'text': "when you're, when you're old, josh, and and there's gonna be nobody there to take care of you?", 'start': 1582.336, 'duration': 3.603}, {'end': 1590.102, 'text': "it's like the lonely old man myth just because i'm old and don't have kids.", 'start': 1585.939, 'duration': 4.163}], 'summary': 'Realizing selfishness by not having kids to avoid resentment and regret.', 'duration': 31.399, 'max_score': 1558.703, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM1558703.jpg'}, {'end': 1620.048, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1591.523, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 1594.405, 'text': "you know, i'm gonna be alone and i'm gonna be lonely and i'm gonna be.", 'start': 1591.523, 'duration': 2.882}, {'end': 1601.451, 'text': 'you know, wishing i had kids and a family to surround me, i have news for you you could be put into an old folks home and be forgotten,', 'start': 1594.405, 'duration': 7.046}, {'end': 1605.861, 'text': 'just like plenty of old people that are already in that situation, which is really sad.', 'start': 1601.451, 'duration': 4.41}, {'end': 1608.203, 'text': "So your kids, they don't owe you anything.", 'start': 1606.282, 'duration': 1.921}, {'end': 1610.504, 'text': "Just because you brought them into this world doesn't mean you owe them anything.", 'start': 1608.243, 'duration': 2.261}, {'end': 1612.985, 'text': 'And I think that people that say that are really messed up.', 'start': 1610.524, 'duration': 2.461}, {'end': 1614.285, 'text': "I think that's manipulation.", 'start': 1613.065, 'duration': 1.22}, {'end': 1615.526, 'text': 'Like, I brought you into this world.', 'start': 1614.325, 'duration': 1.201}, {'end': 1616.286, 'text': 'I could take you out.', 'start': 1615.566, 'duration': 0.72}, {'end': 1620.048, 'text': "Okay, well then why did you do that if you're going to be like this? You know, don't be that way.", 'start': 1616.386, 'duration': 3.662}], 'summary': 'Loneliness and family expectations discussed; questioning parental obligations.', 'duration': 28.525, 'max_score': 1591.523, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM1591523.jpg'}], 'start': 1403.804, 'title': 'Divorce and not wanting kids', 'summary': 'Explores the concept of wealth through divorce, citing examples like jeff bezos, and challenges societal pressures and norms related to not wanting kids, while considering alternatives like adoption and fostering.', 'chapters': [{'end': 1451.068, 'start': 1403.804, 'title': 'Divorce: a path to wealth?', 'summary': 'Highlights the idea of becoming wealthy through divorce, referencing examples like jeff bezos and humorously suggesting a new business model based on marrying and divorcing for financial gain.', 'duration': 47.264, 'highlights': ['The concept of becoming wealthy through divorce, illustrated by the example of Jeff Bezos and his ex-wife.', 'Humorous suggestion of starting a business based on marrying and divorcing for financial gain.', "Playful invitation to potential 'sugar mamas' to participate in the proposed business model."]}, {'end': 1657.41, 'start': 1451.108, 'title': 'Not wanting kids: my perspective', 'summary': "Discusses the speaker's decision to not have kids, addressing societal pressures, alternatives like adoption and fostering, and challenging the notion of children as caregivers in old age.", 'duration': 206.302, 'highlights': ['The speaker explains his lack of desire to have kids, citing the ease of caring for dogs and expressing his surprise at facing guilt-tripping for his decision. Lack of desire to have kids, comparison to caring for dogs', 'The speaker challenges the idea of procreation as a life purpose and reflects on potential alternatives like donation, adoption, or fostering, emphasizing the importance of loving and guiding parents for children. Challenging procreation as life purpose, considering alternatives like adoption and fostering', 'The speaker acknowledges being called selfish for not wanting kids, but argues that recognizing and not having kids is better than being selfish and having kids, potentially leading to resentment. Acknowledgment of being called selfish, argument against having kids out of selfishness', 'The speaker challenges the notion that not having children will result in a lonely old age, discussing the potential of being forgotten in an old folks home and criticizing the idea that children owe anything to their parents. Challenging the idea of a lonely old age without kids, criticizing the notion of children owing anything to their parents', 'The speaker addresses the idea of evolution and the continuation of genetic lineage, asserting that his genetic line ends with him and humorously citing personal health concerns as reasons for this decision. Addressing the end of genetic lineage, citing personal health concerns as reasons']}], 'duration': 253.606, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM1403804.jpg', 'highlights': ['The concept of becoming wealthy through divorce, illustrated by the example of Jeff Bezos and his ex-wife.', 'Challenging procreation as life purpose, considering alternatives like adoption and fostering', 'The speaker acknowledges being called selfish for not wanting kids, but argues that recognizing and not having kids is better than being selfish and having kids, potentially leading to resentment.', 'The speaker challenges the notion that not having children will result in a lonely old age, discussing the potential of being forgotten in an old folks home and criticizing the idea that children owe anything to their parents.', 'The speaker explains his lack of desire to have kids, citing the ease of caring for dogs and expressing his surprise at facing guilt-tripping for his decision.']}, {'end': 2028.909, 'segs': [{'end': 1717.76, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1679.463, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 1685.466, 'text': "And it'll be very clear who are the new couples on like a first or second date or that are in that dating phase.", 'start': 1679.463, 'duration': 6.003}, {'end': 1692.949, 'text': "And it will be very clear of the couples that have been married forever and are just doing their shopping because they're both on their phones.", 'start': 1685.986, 'duration': 6.963}, {'end': 1693.95, 'text': "They're not looking at each other.", 'start': 1692.969, 'duration': 0.981}, {'end': 1695.13, 'text': "They're not engaging with each other.", 'start': 1693.99, 'duration': 1.14}, {'end': 1695.951, 'text': "They're not like.", 'start': 1695.15, 'duration': 0.801}, {'end': 1696.991, 'text': 'why even go together then?', 'start': 1695.951, 'duration': 1.04}, {'end': 1698.772, 'text': 'You know, why even do that?', 'start': 1697.011, 'duration': 1.761}, {'end': 1701.914, 'text': 'Or the biggest meme is when you go to the mall.', 'start': 1698.892, 'duration': 3.022}, {'end': 1706.297, 'text': "I couldn't find it for women, but I'm sure this happens.", 'start': 1703.436, 'duration': 2.861}, {'end': 1714.159, 'text': "But there's a bunch of memes on the internet where dudes are just sitting around waiting for their wives to finish shopping and they're just at the mall sleeping.", 'start': 1706.737, 'duration': 7.422}, {'end': 1716.06, 'text': "I'm sure you guys see it without really seeing it.", 'start': 1714.219, 'duration': 1.841}, {'end': 1717.76, 'text': 'Dudes are just constantly waiting.', 'start': 1716.56, 'duration': 1.2}], 'summary': 'Different couple behaviors observed in public spaces, including being engrossed in phones or waiting impatiently.', 'duration': 38.297, 'max_score': 1679.463, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM1679463.jpg'}, {'end': 1878.631, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1850.422, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 1856.244, 'text': "But I will say that I'm open to a long-term relationship and I'm open to doing some of those things that you would do if you were married,", 'start': 1850.422, 'duration': 5.822}, {'end': 1865.146, 'text': "but I'm not open to putting all of it on the line and I'm definitely not open to getting the government involved in my romance, in my dating life,", 'start': 1856.244, 'duration': 8.902}, {'end': 1866.727, 'text': "right?. Here's another thing.", 'start': 1865.146, 'duration': 1.581}, {'end': 1872.429, 'text': "I don't want to be a provider for someone that just stays at home and takes care of the kids because I'm not having kids.", 'start': 1867.307, 'duration': 5.122}, {'end': 1878.631, 'text': "So I'm not just going to be a paycheck to someone and work all day so they can stay at home and raise the kids because that's not what I want.", 'start': 1872.669, 'duration': 5.962}], 'summary': 'Open to long-term relationship, not willing to be a provider for someone who stays at home and takes care of kids.', 'duration': 28.209, 'max_score': 1850.422, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM1850422.jpg'}, {'end': 1914.596, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1883.789, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 1884.529, 'text': 'They have ambition.', 'start': 1883.789, 'duration': 0.74}, {'end': 1885.529, 'text': 'They have goals.', 'start': 1884.749, 'duration': 0.78}, {'end': 1888.371, 'text': 'They are, you know, we have mutual interests.', 'start': 1886.11, 'duration': 2.261}, {'end': 1889.831, 'text': "Like, that's what I like.", 'start': 1888.451, 'duration': 1.38}, {'end': 1897.555, 'text': "Someone who wants to be independent but also wants to share their life with someone without risking everything that they've built for themselves.", 'start': 1889.871, 'duration': 7.684}, {'end': 1899.135, 'text': "And that's totally reasonable to me.", 'start': 1897.595, 'duration': 1.54}, {'end': 1901.156, 'text': "Like, I think that's possible.", 'start': 1899.195, 'duration': 1.961}, {'end': 1905.598, 'text': "I think that, my opinion again, I think that the person that you're with should be a complement to your life.", 'start': 1901.496, 'duration': 4.102}, {'end': 1907.499, 'text': 'It makes your life greater.', 'start': 1905.998, 'duration': 1.501}, {'end': 1910.314, 'text': 'But without it, your life is still pretty great, you know?', 'start': 1907.932, 'duration': 2.382}, {'end': 1914.596, 'text': "I don't think that people should be dependent on each other like oh, without you I would have nothing.", 'start': 1910.854, 'duration': 3.742}], 'summary': 'Seeking a partner with mutual interests and ambition, valuing independence and self-improvement.', 'duration': 30.807, 'max_score': 1883.789, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM1883789.jpg'}, {'end': 1957.197, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1917.638, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1918.198, 'text': "It's really gross.", 'start': 1917.638, 'duration': 0.56}, {'end': 1921.12, 'text': "It's not good, you know? Oh, you make me so happy.", 'start': 1918.979, 'duration': 2.141}, {'end': 1922.141, 'text': 'You should probably be happy.', 'start': 1921.18, 'duration': 0.961}, {'end': 1924.662, 'text': 'Anyways, you should probably be happy on your own.', 'start': 1922.6, 'duration': 2.062}, {'end': 1926.223, 'text': 'You should be self-fulfilling.', 'start': 1924.782, 'duration': 1.441}, {'end': 1927.484, 'text': 'You should.', 'start': 1926.723, 'duration': 0.761}, {'end': 1930.346, 'text': "you know you should be happy with where you're going in life,", 'start': 1927.484, 'duration': 2.862}, {'end': 1934.269, 'text': "and using someone else to make you happy is very like you're just asking to get hurt type deal.", 'start': 1930.346, 'duration': 3.923}, {'end': 1938.993, 'text': "So I want someone who's independent and is doing their own thing, and they want to share with me,", 'start': 1934.73, 'duration': 4.263}, {'end': 1943.737, 'text': "because we have mutual interests and I'm open to going, however long that is.", 'start': 1938.993, 'duration': 4.744}, {'end': 1951.894, 'text': 'I think a lot of us end up falling into that Disney fairy tale of the dream, you know? that happily ever after.', 'start': 1944.037, 'duration': 7.857}, {'end': 1957.197, 'text': "It's like the prince charming and, you know, get married and white picket fence and kids and all that stuff.", 'start': 1952.114, 'duration': 5.083}], 'summary': 'Seek self-fulfillment, mutual interests, and independence in relationships. avoid relying on others for happiness.', 'duration': 39.559, 'max_score': 1917.638, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM1917638.jpg'}], 'start': 1657.57, 'title': 'Perspectives on relationships and marriage', 'summary': "Discusses observations on couples in relationships, including behaviors in new and long-term relationships, dissatisfaction of waiting for partners during shopping, the speaker's views on marriage and commitment, and their perspective on marriage and relationships, emphasizing independence, mutual interests, and the avoidance of dependency, with a preference for a long-term relationship without marriage or children.", 'chapters': [{'end': 1757.771, 'start': 1657.57, 'title': 'Observations on relationships', 'summary': 'Discusses observations on couples in relationships, including behaviors in new and long-term relationships, and the dissatisfaction of waiting for partners during shopping.', 'duration': 100.201, 'highlights': ['The difference in behaviors between new and long-term couples is evident while observing them at the mall or store, with long-term couples being disengaged and absorbed in their phones.', 'The dissatisfaction of waiting for partners during shopping is highlighted, with examples of men waiting and feeling frustrated while their partners shop.', 'The speaker expresses a desire for a different kind of relationship, indicating a preference for more interactive and fulfilling experiences with a partner.', 'The speaker believes that the observed behavior in relationships is not the kind of relationship they desire, emphasizing the lack of engagement and fulfillment in the depicted scenarios.']}, {'end': 1850.022, 'start': 1757.791, 'title': 'Marriage and commitment views', 'summary': "Discusses the speaker's views on marriage and commitment, highlighting the aspects of marriage that don't matter to them and emphasizing the belief that they can have intimacy, commitment, and family without being married.", 'duration': 92.231, 'highlights': ["The speaker emphasizes that they can have kids, intimacy, commitment, co-sign on stuff, cohabitate, and be involved with a partner's family without being married.", "They mention that the two things they don't get being married that don't matter to them are shareable health care and insurance, and they express their opinion on tax breaks and marriage.", "The speaker expresses their belief in the existence of multiple compatible partners rather than a single soulmate, and their lack of belief in the 'one myth' or the soulmate myth."]}, {'end': 2028.909, 'start': 1850.422, 'title': 'Perspective on marriage and relationships', 'summary': "Discusses the speaker's perspective on marriage and relationships, emphasizing independence, mutual interests, and the avoidance of dependency, with a preference for a long-term relationship without marriage or children.", 'duration': 178.487, 'highlights': ['The speaker prefers a long-term relationship without marriage or children, emphasizing independence and mutual interests. The speaker expresses openness to a long-term relationship while avoiding marriage and children, emphasizing the importance of independence and mutual interests.', "The speaker opposes dependency in relationships and believes that each individual should be self-fulfilling and happy on their own. The speaker opposes the idea of dependency in relationships and emphasizes the importance of being self-fulfilling and happy on one's own, without relying on someone else for happiness.", 'The speaker expresses a preference for a partner who is independent, ambitious, and focused on personal growth and career. The speaker values independence, ambition, and personal growth in a partner, expressing a preference for someone who is focused on building their own businesses and pursuing their goals.']}], 'duration': 371.339, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/nGVWhKeDeNM/pics/nGVWhKeDeNM1657570.jpg', 'highlights': ['The speaker opposes dependency in relationships and believes that each individual should be self-fulfilling and happy on their own.', 'The speaker values independence, ambition, and personal growth in a partner, expressing a preference for someone who is focused on building their own businesses and pursuing their goals.', 'The speaker prefers a long-term relationship without marriage or children, emphasizing independence and mutual interests.', 'The difference in behaviors between new and long-term couples is evident while observing them at the mall or store, with long-term couples being disengaged and absorbed in their phones.', 'The dissatisfaction of waiting for partners during shopping is highlighted, with examples of men waiting and feeling frustrated while their partners shop.', 'The speaker expresses a desire for a different kind of relationship, indicating a preference for more interactive and fulfilling experiences with a partner.']}], 'highlights': ['The speaker values the freedom of choice and commitment in a long-term relationship over marriage, expressing the belief that actions speak louder than words.', "The manipulation of intimacy in the marriage led to feelings of resentment and sadness for the speaker, as the partner used it as leverage and a manipulation tactic, ultimately impacting the speaker's mental well-being.", 'The inevitability of change and the difficult decisions associated with marriage are acknowledged, including the recognition that people change, leading to the acceptance that not all relationships are meant to last forever and the acknowledgment of the sunk cost fallacy in maintaining a relationship solely due to past investments.', 'The speaker opposes dependency in relationships and believes that each individual should be self-fulfilling and happy on their own.', 'The concept of becoming wealthy through divorce, illustrated by the example of Jeff Bezos and his ex-wife.', 'The speaker challenges the notion that not having children will result in a lonely old age, discussing the potential of being forgotten in an old folks home and criticizing the idea that children owe anything to their parents.']}