Firebase in Angular Applications | Mosh

🔥Get the COMPLETE COURSE (60% OFF - LIMITED TIME): https://programmingwithmosh.com/courses/angular This tutorial teaches you how to build real-time apps with Firebase and Angular. TABLE OF CONTENT 00:00 Introduction 01:17 What is Firebase 03:37 Your First Firebase Project 04:19 Working with Firebase Databases 09:18 Installing Firebase 14:27 Reading Lists 21:44 A Real-time Database 23:17 Observables and Memory Leaks RELATED VIDEOS Angular 4 Tutorial for Beginners https://youtu.be/k5E2AVpwsko Angular Version History https://youtu.be/9AaRJ8COXdM Angular Material https://youtu.be/wPT3K3w6JtU Angular Animations https://youtu.be/ra5qNKNc95U MY OTHER COURSES I have several other courses on web and mobile application development. You can find them all here: http://programmingwithmosh.com/courses STAY IN TOUCH https://www.facebook.com/programmingwithmosh/ https://twitter.com/moshhamedani

{'title': 'Firebase in Angular Applications | Mosh', 'heatmap': [{'end': 631.163, 'start': 564.863, 'weight': 0.809}, {'end': 678.327, 'start': 642.388, 'weight': 0.809}, {'end': 729.149, 'start': 707.446, 'weight': 0.726}, {'end': 774.976, 'start': 757.992, 'weight': 0.792}, {'end': 855.207, 'start': 834.427, 'weight': 0.756}, {'end': 1089.856, 'start': 1015.651, 'weight': 0.808}, {'end': 1312.369, 'start': 1289.611, 'weight': 0.815}], 'summary': 'Tutorial series covers using firebase as the backend for angular applications, incorporating crud operations, nosql database structures, integrating firebase in angular, reading and modifying firebase databases, and understanding firebase data structure and real-time databases in angular.', 'chapters': [{'end': 291.339, 'segs': [{'end': 66.88, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2.188, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 5.112, 'text': 'So far, our focus has been purely on the front end.', 'start': 2.188, 'duration': 2.924}, {'end': 10.34, 'text': 'But as you know, most if not all Angular applications need a back end.', 'start': 5.753, 'duration': 4.587}, {'end': 18.351, 'text': 'Now, you can build a back end yourself, but that requires learning a different set of technologies and spending a lot of extra time.', 'start': 11.121, 'duration': 7.23}, {'end': 27.537, 'text': 'Another approach is to use Firebase, which is a platform provided by Google for building the backend of web and mobile apps.', 'start': 19.392, 'duration': 8.145}, {'end': 35.703, 'text': "So in this section, I'm going to show you how to use Firebase as the backend of your Angular applications for storing data.", 'start': 28.318, 'duration': 7.385}, {'end': 39.985, 'text': "By the end of this section, you'll be able to perform CRUD operations.", 'start': 36.443, 'duration': 3.542}, {'end': 46.49, 'text': "That means you'll be able to create, read, update, and delete objects in a Firebase database.", 'start': 40.546, 'duration': 5.944}, {'end': 48.391, 'text': 'Now, before we get started,', 'start': 47.23, 'duration': 1.161}, {'end': 56.495, 'text': "I just want to let you know that this section is purely an introduction to Firebase and you're not going to be a Firebase expert by the end of this section.", 'start': 48.391, 'duration': 8.104}, {'end': 62.978, 'text': 'Because in this course, our focus is mostly on the front end, and Firebase is a back end platform.', 'start': 56.955, 'duration': 6.023}, {'end': 66.88, 'text': 'Plus, there is more to Firebase than we can cover in one section.', 'start': 63.598, 'duration': 3.282}], 'summary': 'Introduction to using firebase as the backend for angular applications, enabling crud operations on a database.', 'duration': 64.692, 'max_score': 2.188, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ2188.jpg'}, {'end': 209.969, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 139.107, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 147.152, 'text': 'You get a super-fast, scalable, and real-time database in the cloud, and a library to talk to this database in your Angular apps.', 'start': 139.107, 'duration': 8.045}, {'end': 157.962, 'text': 'on top of that, you also get authentication, cloud messaging for sending notifications, storage for storing your files and analytics.', 'start': 148.032, 'duration': 9.93}, {'end': 163.067, 'text': 'many modern and popular applications out there use firebase as their backend.', 'start': 157.962, 'duration': 5.105}, {'end': 170.314, 'text': 'the beauty of firebase is that it provides libraries for ios, android, javascript and c plus plus.', 'start': 163.067, 'duration': 7.247}, {'end': 178.403, 'text': 'So today you can use it as the backend of your Angular app, but tomorrow you may decide to build a mobile app for iOS or Android.', 'start': 171.135, 'duration': 7.268}, {'end': 184.69, 'text': 'Then all you have to do is to build that new client app and let that app talk to your backend.', 'start': 179.124, 'duration': 5.566}, {'end': 189.655, 'text': 'And with this, you can quickly deliver a cross-platform solution to your users.', 'start': 185.271, 'duration': 4.384}, {'end': 199.326, 'text': 'Now, what about the pricing? You might be thinking all these amazing services, they should come with a big price tag, right? Well, not really.', 'start': 190.563, 'duration': 8.763}, {'end': 201.947, 'text': 'You can get most of these features for free.', 'start': 199.986, 'duration': 1.961}, {'end': 209.969, 'text': 'And if your application grows, you can either pay $25 a month or use their pay as you go subscription model.', 'start': 202.747, 'duration': 7.222}], 'summary': 'Firebase offers fast, scalable cloud database and services for angular apps, with free options and $25/month or pay-as-you-go plans.', 'duration': 70.862, 'max_score': 139.107, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ139107.jpg'}], 'start': 2.188, 'title': 'Using firebase for angular apps', 'summary': "Introduces using firebase as the backend for angular applications, enabling crud operations and emphasizing that it's an introductory section without making the learner a firebase expert. it also highlights how firebase provides a quick and cost-effective solution for building the back-end of angular apps with features like real-time database, authentication, and storage, at a low cost or for free.", 'chapters': [{'end': 66.88, 'start': 2.188, 'title': 'Using firebase as angular backend', 'summary': "Introduces using firebase as the backend for angular applications, enabling crud operations and emphasizing that it's an introductory section without making the learner a firebase expert.", 'duration': 64.692, 'highlights': ["You'll be able to perform CRUD operations in a Firebase database, including creating, reading, updating, and deleting objects.", 'Firebase is a platform provided by Google for building the backend of web and mobile apps, offering an alternative to building the backend from scratch and learning different technologies.', "The section is an introduction to Firebase, and the focus remains primarily on the front end in the course, acknowledging that there's more to Firebase than can be covered in one section."]}, {'end': 291.339, 'start': 67.48, 'title': 'Firebase for angular web apps', 'summary': 'Introduces the architecture of web applications, highlighting the role of front-end and back-end, and explains how firebase provides a quick and cost-effective solution for building the back-end of angular apps with features like real-time database, authentication, and storage, at a low cost or for free.', 'duration': 223.859, 'highlights': ['Firebase allows building a backend for Angular apps in less than a minute, providing a real-time database, authentication, cloud messaging, storage, and analytics. Firebase offers a super-fast, scalable, and real-time database in the cloud, along with authentication, cloud messaging, storage, and analytics, enabling building a backend for Angular apps in less than a minute.', 'Firebase provides libraries for iOS, Android, JavaScript, and C++, offering a cross-platform solution and seamless integration with different client apps. Firebase offers libraries for iOS, Android, JavaScript, and C++, facilitating seamless integration with different client apps and enabling the delivery of a cross-platform solution to users.', 'Most features of Firebase can be obtained for free, with the option to pay $25 a month or use a pay-as-you-go subscription model as the application grows. Firebase offers most of its features for free, with the option to pay $25 a month or use a pay-as-you-go subscription model as the application scales, making it a cost-effective solution for developers.']}], 'duration': 289.151, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ2188.jpg', 'highlights': ['Firebase offers a super-fast, scalable, and real-time database in the cloud, along with authentication, cloud messaging, storage, and analytics, enabling building a backend for Angular apps in less than a minute.', "You'll be able to perform CRUD operations in a Firebase database, including creating, reading, updating, and deleting objects.", 'Firebase provides libraries for iOS, Android, JavaScript, and C++, facilitating seamless integration with different client apps and enabling the delivery of a cross-platform solution to users.', 'Most features of Firebase can be obtained for free, with the option to pay $25 a month or use a pay-as-you-go subscription model as the application scales, making it a cost-effective solution for developers.', 'Firebase is a platform provided by Google for building the backend of web and mobile apps, offering an alternative to building the backend from scratch and learning different technologies.', "The section is an introduction to Firebase, and the focus remains primarily on the front end in the course, acknowledging that there's more to Firebase than can be covered in one section."]}, {'end': 519.628, 'segs': [{'end': 377.208, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 291.98, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 297.396, 'text': 'So on the left side, On the sidebar, we have our database.', 'start': 291.98, 'duration': 5.416}, {'end': 303.041, 'text': 'So this is where all our data will be stored.', 'start': 300.539, 'duration': 2.502}, {'end': 313.691, 'text': 'Now, if you have any experience with databases, you know that, in general, we have two types of databases relational databases and NoSQL databases,', 'start': 303.742, 'duration': 9.949}, {'end': 316.314, 'text': 'which are also called document databases.', 'start': 313.691, 'duration': 2.623}, {'end': 323.936, 'text': 'In relational databases, we have tables and relationships, and each table has one or more records.', 'start': 317.532, 'duration': 6.404}, {'end': 329.78, 'text': 'We refer to the combination of these tables and their structure as the schema of the database.', 'start': 324.557, 'duration': 5.223}, {'end': 333.843, 'text': "In NoSQL databases, we don't have schema.", 'start': 330.621, 'duration': 3.222}, {'end': 335.924, 'text': "In fact, we don't have any tables.", 'start': 334.583, 'duration': 1.341}, {'end': 337.005, 'text': "We don't have any columns.", 'start': 336.024, 'duration': 0.981}, {'end': 340.708, 'text': 'Our database is essentially a tree of nodes.', 'start': 337.645, 'duration': 3.063}, {'end': 343.39, 'text': 'Each node is a key value pair.', 'start': 341.548, 'duration': 1.842}, {'end': 349.058, 'text': 'Now this value can be a simple primitive value or it can be a complex object.', 'start': 344.011, 'duration': 5.047}, {'end': 352.922, 'text': 'MongoDB is an example of a NoSQL database.', 'start': 349.738, 'duration': 3.184}, {'end': 357.027, 'text': 'Firebase databases are also NoSQL databases.', 'start': 353.924, 'duration': 3.103}, {'end': 358.87, 'text': "Let's have a look at an example.", 'start': 357.688, 'duration': 1.182}, {'end': 362.957, 'text': 'So here we have the root node of our database.', 'start': 359.594, 'duration': 3.363}, {'end': 366.38, 'text': "Under this, I'm gonna add a node called courses.", 'start': 363.838, 'duration': 2.542}, {'end': 370.423, 'text': 'So this is for listing all the courses in our application.', 'start': 367.3, 'duration': 3.123}, {'end': 373.766, 'text': 'Now you can see that each node has a name and value.', 'start': 371.123, 'duration': 2.643}, {'end': 377.208, 'text': "Now I don't wanna assign a primitive value to this node.", 'start': 374.546, 'duration': 2.662}], 'summary': 'Comparison of relational databases and nosql databases, describing their structure and examples like mongodb and firebase.', 'duration': 85.228, 'max_score': 291.98, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ291980.jpg'}], 'start': 291.98, 'title': 'Nosql database structures and complex objects', 'summary': 'Explores relational and nosql databases, emphasizing their differences and characteristics, and delves into the creation of complex objects in a nosql database, highlighting its flexibility and scalability while acknowledging limitations in reporting.', 'chapters': [{'end': 377.208, 'start': 291.98, 'title': 'Types of databases and nosql database structure', 'summary': 'Explains the differences between relational and nosql databases, highlighting the characteristics of each, such as the presence of schema in relational databases, and the tree structure of nodes in nosql databases, using mongodb and firebase as examples.', 'duration': 85.228, 'highlights': ['The chapter explains the differences between relational and NoSQL databases It discusses the fundamental differences between relational and NoSQL databases, providing a clear comparison of their structures and functionalities.', 'The presence of schema in relational databases It emphasizes the existence of a schema in relational databases, outlining the concept of tables, relationships, and the structure of the database.', 'The tree structure of nodes in NoSQL databases It details the unique structure of NoSQL databases, highlighting the absence of tables and columns, and instead, presenting the database as a tree of nodes, each consisting of a key-value pair.', 'Using MongoDB and Firebase as examples It provides real-world examples by mentioning MongoDB and Firebase as instances of NoSQL databases, offering practical references to illustrate the concept.']}, {'end': 519.628, 'start': 378.009, 'title': 'Complex object in nosql database', 'summary': 'Discusses the creation of a complex object in a nosql database, highlighting the ability to structure nodes differently, exemplified by creating courses with varying structures and a discussion on the power and scalability of nosql databases, albeit with the downside of not being optimized for reporting.', 'duration': 141.619, 'highlights': ['Creating a complex object in NoSQL database The demonstration illustrates the creation of a complex object in a NoSQL database by adding child nodes with different structures, exemplified by setting the name and value for courses 1, 2, and 3.', 'Diverse structures of nodes in the database The chapter emphasizes that each node in the database can have a different structure, as shown by the variability in the structure of the courses, with the third course being a complex object with multiple properties.', 'Power and scalability of NoSQL databases The discussion underscores the power and scalability of NoSQL databases, portraying them as extremely powerful, super fast and super scalable, providing a compelling argument for their adoption.', 'Downside of NoSQL database structure The downside of the structure is highlighted, mentioning that it is not optimized for reporting, showcasing a trade-off in the use of NoSQL databases.']}], 'duration': 227.648, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ291980.jpg', 'highlights': ['The chapter explains the differences between relational and NoSQL databases, providing a clear comparison of their structures and functionalities.', 'The presence of schema in relational databases is emphasized, outlining the concept of tables, relationships, and the structure of the database.', 'Using MongoDB and Firebase as examples provides real-world references to illustrate the concept of NoSQL databases.', 'Creating a complex object in NoSQL database is demonstrated by adding child nodes with different structures, exemplified by setting the name and value for courses 1, 2, and 3.', 'The discussion underscores the power and scalability of NoSQL databases, portraying them as extremely powerful, super fast and super scalable.', 'The downside of the NoSQL database structure is highlighted, mentioning that it is not optimized for reporting, showcasing a trade-off in the use of NoSQL databases.']}, {'end': 906.735, 'segs': [{'end': 598.355, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 564.863, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 572.192, 'text': "So let's generate a new project using Angular CLI, ng new, and call this firebase-demo.", 'start': 564.863, 'duration': 7.329}, {'end': 579.781, 'text': 'right. our project is ready.', 'start': 578.28, 'duration': 1.501}, {'end': 582.623, 'text': "now let's go to firebase demo.", 'start': 579.781, 'duration': 2.842}, {'end': 588.167, 'text': 'here we need to install a couple of node packages, so npm install.', 'start': 582.623, 'duration': 5.544}, {'end': 598.355, 'text': 'the first one is firebase, which is the standard firebase library written in javascript, and the second one is angular fire 2,', 'start': 588.167, 'duration': 10.188}], 'summary': 'Created firebase-demo project using angular cli, installed firebase and angular fire 2', 'duration': 33.492, 'max_score': 564.863, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ564863.jpg'}, {'end': 631.163, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 564.863, 'weight': 0.809, 'content': [{'end': 572.192, 'text': "So let's generate a new project using Angular CLI, ng new, and call this firebase-demo.", 'start': 564.863, 'duration': 7.329}, {'end': 579.781, 'text': 'right. our project is ready.', 'start': 578.28, 'duration': 1.501}, {'end': 582.623, 'text': "now let's go to firebase demo.", 'start': 579.781, 'duration': 2.842}, {'end': 588.167, 'text': 'here we need to install a couple of node packages, so npm install.', 'start': 582.623, 'duration': 5.544}, {'end': 598.355, 'text': 'the first one is firebase, which is the standard firebase library written in javascript, and the second one is angular fire 2,', 'start': 588.167, 'duration': 10.188}, {'end': 603.839, 'text': 'which is a library for working with firebase in an angular 2 plus app.', 'start': 598.355, 'duration': 5.484}, {'end': 610.309, 'text': 'okay, now add the same flag, Okay.', 'start': 603.839, 'duration': 6.47}, {'end': 612.23, 'text': 'All the packages installed successfully.', 'start': 610.429, 'duration': 1.801}, {'end': 615.653, 'text': "Now let's open this project in VS code.", 'start': 613.511, 'duration': 2.142}, {'end': 619.695, 'text': 'Now here, under the source folder,', 'start': 617.314, 'duration': 2.381}, {'end': 628.801, 'text': 'we have environments and here we have two files or storing our configuration settings for the production and development environment.', 'start': 619.695, 'duration': 9.106}, {'end': 631.163, 'text': 'So open up environment.ts.', 'start': 629.642, 'duration': 1.521}], 'summary': 'Using angular cli, set up a firebase-demo project, install firebase and angularfire2 packages, and configure environment settings in vs code.', 'duration': 66.3, 'max_score': 564.863, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ564863.jpg'}, {'end': 678.327, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 642.388, 'weight': 0.809, 'content': [{'end': 646.171, 'text': 'Here we need to copy some settings about our Firebase project.', 'start': 642.388, 'duration': 3.783}, {'end': 659.803, 'text': 'So back on Firebase console, if you go to the overview page for your project, back here, click this button, add Firebase to your web app.', 'start': 647.773, 'duration': 12.03}, {'end': 670.444, 'text': 'Now here on this config object, you can see a bunch of properties such as API key, auth domain, database URL, and so on.', 'start': 661.96, 'duration': 8.484}, {'end': 676.146, 'text': "We're going to copy all these properties, only the properties, nothing else here.", 'start': 671.204, 'duration': 4.942}, {'end': 678.327, 'text': 'Okay So copy these.', 'start': 676.706, 'duration': 1.621}], 'summary': 'Copy firebase project settings from console, including api key, auth domain, and database url.', 'duration': 35.939, 'max_score': 642.388, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ642388.jpg'}, {'end': 732.392, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 707.446, 'weight': 0.726, 'content': [{'end': 712.768, 'text': 'Then you would copy all these settings in environment.prod.ts.', 'start': 707.446, 'duration': 5.322}, {'end': 718.631, 'text': "So it's a very similar file, but the production property here is set to true.", 'start': 714.549, 'duration': 4.082}, {'end': 725.306, 'text': "Okay Now don't worry about these various environments, we're going to look at them later when it comes to deployment.", 'start': 719.251, 'duration': 6.055}, {'end': 729.149, 'text': "So let's continue adding Firebase to this project.", 'start': 726.187, 'duration': 2.962}, {'end': 732.392, 'text': 'Next we need to go to app.module.', 'start': 730.45, 'duration': 1.942}], 'summary': 'Copying settings to environment.prod.ts and adding firebase to the project.', 'duration': 24.946, 'max_score': 707.446, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ707446.jpg'}, {'end': 780.578, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 757.992, 'weight': 0.792, 'content': [{'end': 769.044, 'text': 'then in the imports array we add angular fire module dot initialize app.', 'start': 757.992, 'duration': 11.052}, {'end': 774.976, 'text': 'Now here we need to pass the configuration object for our Firebase database.', 'start': 770.814, 'duration': 4.162}, {'end': 780.578, 'text': 'So we need to import the environment object that was exported in the other module.', 'start': 775.776, 'duration': 4.802}], 'summary': 'Adding angular fire module and configuring firebase database', 'duration': 22.586, 'max_score': 757.992, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ757992.jpg'}, {'end': 855.207, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 797.986, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 804.506, 'text': 'Now back here in the imports array, this environment object has a property that we just added called Firebase.', 'start': 797.986, 'duration': 6.52}, {'end': 814.931, 'text': 'And this is an object that includes all the settings for Firebase, okay? Now, this AngularFire module is the main module in AngularFire.', 'start': 806.789, 'duration': 8.142}, {'end': 821.613, 'text': 'There are additional modules such as AngularFire database, AngularFire authentication, and so on.', 'start': 815.872, 'duration': 5.741}, {'end': 828.775, 'text': "So here, because we're going to work with the database, we should also import the AngularFire database module.", 'start': 822.274, 'duration': 6.501}, {'end': 834.427, 'text': 'So once again on the top need to import another module.', 'start': 829.296, 'duration': 5.131}, {'end': 844.737, 'text': "this one is called angular fire database module and we're going to import this from angular fire 2 slash database.", 'start': 834.427, 'duration': 10.31}, {'end': 852.885, 'text': 'okay, then we add this to the imports array after initializing the app.', 'start': 844.737, 'duration': 8.148}, {'end': 855.207, 'text': 'so angular fire database module.', 'start': 852.885, 'duration': 2.322}], 'summary': 'The transcript discusses importing firebase and angularfire modules for database work.', 'duration': 57.221, 'max_score': 797.986, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ797986.jpg'}, {'end': 915.278, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 886.647, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 891.049, 'text': 'So you can see that in a NoSQL database, each node can have a different structure.', 'start': 886.647, 'duration': 4.402}, {'end': 897.551, 'text': 'Now, this is powerful because it allows you to quickly build your database without having a schema.', 'start': 891.749, 'duration': 5.802}, {'end': 899.272, 'text': 'It allows you to go faster.', 'start': 898.071, 'duration': 1.201}, {'end': 901.193, 'text': 'It increases your productivity.', 'start': 899.512, 'duration': 1.681}, {'end': 906.735, 'text': "But also on the flip side, if you don't manage it properly, you can run into issues.", 'start': 901.993, 'duration': 4.742}, {'end': 911.236, 'text': "So let's see how we can read these courses and display them on a page.", 'start': 907.595, 'duration': 3.641}, {'end': 915.278, 'text': "Back in the terminal, first, I'm going to serve our application.", 'start': 912.657, 'duration': 2.621}], 'summary': 'Nosql databases offer flexibility but require careful management to avoid issues.', 'duration': 28.631, 'max_score': 886.647, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ886647.jpg'}], 'start': 519.628, 'title': 'Integrating firebase in angular', 'summary': 'Focuses on integrating firebase and angularfire 2 in angular for database management, covering environment configurations, module imports, and data retrieval, highlighting nosql database flexibility and potential challenges.', 'chapters': [{'end': 906.735, 'start': 519.628, 'title': 'Working with firebase in angular', 'summary': 'Discusses integrating firebase and angularfire 2 in an angular project for database management, including setting up environment configurations, importing modules, and retrieving data, emphasizing the flexibility and potential challenges of nosql databases.', 'duration': 387.107, 'highlights': ['Setting up environment configurations for Firebase and AngularFire in an Angular project The chapter details the process of setting up environment configurations for Firebase and AngularFire in an Angular project, including exporting configuration settings for production and development environments and importing these settings into the app.module.', 'Installing Firebase and AngularFire packages using npm install The transcript explains the installation process of Firebase and AngularFire packages using npm install, highlighting the importance of these packages for working with Firebase in an Angular 2+ app.', 'Importing AngularFire and AngularFire database modules for database management The chapter emphasizes the process of importing AngularFire and AngularFire database modules for database management, including the role of AngularFire database module in working with the database.', 'Retrieving data from the Firebase database and discussing the flexibility of NoSQL databases The transcript discusses the process of retrieving data from the Firebase database, highlighting the flexibility of NoSQL databases in allowing different node structures without a fixed schema, as well as the potential productivity benefits and challenges of managing data in a NoSQL database.', "Comparing NoSQL databases' flexibility with potential challenges in managing data The chapter contrasts the flexibility of NoSQL databases, allowing different node structures without a fixed schema, with potential challenges in managing data, emphasizing the need for proper management to avoid issues."]}], 'duration': 387.107, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ519628.jpg', 'highlights': ['Setting up environment configurations for Firebase and AngularFire in an Angular project, including exporting configuration settings for production and development environments and importing these settings into the app.module.', 'Installing Firebase and AngularFire packages using npm install, highlighting the importance of these packages for working with Firebase in an Angular 2+ app.', 'Importing AngularFire and AngularFire database modules for database management, including the role of AngularFire database module in working with the database.', 'Retrieving data from the Firebase database and discussing the flexibility of NoSQL databases, allowing different node structures without a fixed schema, as well as the potential productivity benefits and challenges of managing data in a NoSQL database.', 'Contrasting the flexibility of NoSQL databases, allowing different node structures without a fixed schema, with potential challenges in managing data, emphasizing the need for proper management to avoid issues.']}, {'end': 1165.913, 'segs': [{'end': 1089.856, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 961.828, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 971.079, 'text': 'We only imported the module in app module, okay? Now here we need to import this from AngularFire2 slash database.', 'start': 961.828, 'duration': 9.251}, {'end': 976.566, 'text': "Okay, now let's add this to the constructor.", 'start': 973.122, 'duration': 3.444}, {'end': 981.353, 'text': 'So db of type AngularFire database.', 'start': 977.568, 'duration': 3.785}, {'end': 991.314, 'text': 'Now this object has a couple of methods, list for reading a list of objects, and object for reading one object.', 'start': 983.308, 'duration': 8.006}, {'end': 994.096, 'text': 'Here we want to get a list of objects.', 'start': 992.435, 'duration': 1.661}, {'end': 996.498, 'text': "So let's call this method.", 'start': 994.496, 'duration': 2.002}, {'end': 1002.002, 'text': 'As the first argument, we need to pass the path to our node in Firebase.', 'start': 997.538, 'duration': 4.464}, {'end': 1008.486, 'text': 'So starting from the root, we have another node here called courses.', 'start': 1002.902, 'duration': 5.584}, {'end': 1011.688, 'text': 'So this is the path to our courses node.', 'start': 1008.946, 'duration': 2.742}, {'end': 1014.59, 'text': 'Now look at the return type of this method.', 'start': 1012.809, 'duration': 1.781}, {'end': 1018.833, 'text': 'It returns FirebaseListObservable.', 'start': 1015.651, 'duration': 3.182}, {'end': 1026.699, 'text': "So FirebaseListObservable is like an observable, but it has additional methods that you're going to learn about in this section.", 'start': 1019.714, 'duration': 6.985}, {'end': 1029.481, 'text': "So we're going to treat this like an observable.", 'start': 1027.579, 'duration': 1.902}, {'end': 1031.362, 'text': "You're going to subscribe to it.", 'start': 1030.161, 'duration': 1.201}, {'end': 1034.319, 'text': 'Here we get the courses.', 'start': 1032.877, 'duration': 1.442}, {'end': 1037.781, 'text': 'And we can use this to set a field in this class.', 'start': 1035.179, 'duration': 2.602}, {'end': 1040.041, 'text': 'So let me define courses here.', 'start': 1038.621, 'duration': 1.42}, {'end': 1043.604, 'text': "It's an any array.", 'start': 1042.563, 'duration': 1.041}, {'end': 1054.769, 'text': 'And then in the subscribe method, we can set this.courses to this courses.', 'start': 1047.025, 'duration': 7.744}, {'end': 1057.891, 'text': "But also I'm going to show this in the console.", 'start': 1055.85, 'duration': 2.041}, {'end': 1061.973, 'text': "This.courses That's it.", 'start': 1059.392, 'duration': 2.581}, {'end': 1065.056, 'text': "Now let's test the application up to this point.", 'start': 1063.154, 'duration': 1.902}, {'end': 1066.818, 'text': 'So back in the browser.', 'start': 1065.777, 'duration': 1.041}, {'end': 1069.161, 'text': "Okay, here's our homepage.", 'start': 1066.838, 'duration': 2.323}, {'end': 1071.384, 'text': "Let's take a look at the console.", 'start': 1069.782, 'duration': 1.602}, {'end': 1072.906, 'text': 'We have an error.', 'start': 1072.365, 'duration': 0.541}, {'end': 1075.288, 'text': 'Permission denied at courses.', 'start': 1073.486, 'duration': 1.802}, {'end': 1079.513, 'text': "Client doesn't have permission to access the desired data.", 'start': 1076.149, 'duration': 3.364}, {'end': 1086.235, 'text': 'Because by default, only authenticated users can read from or write to your Firebase database.', 'start': 1080.074, 'duration': 6.161}, {'end': 1089.856, 'text': "Now in this section, we're not going to worry about authentication.", 'start': 1087.195, 'duration': 2.661}], 'summary': 'Imported angularfire2 database module, fetched list of objects from firebase, and encountered permission error.', 'duration': 64.871, 'max_score': 961.828, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ961828.jpg'}, {'end': 1165.913, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1112.81, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 1116.255, 'text': 'So here we have a couple of rules for reading and writing data.', 'start': 1112.81, 'duration': 3.445}, {'end': 1120.181, 'text': 'As you can see, these rules are defined as a JSON object.', 'start': 1117.076, 'duration': 3.105}, {'end': 1126.39, 'text': 'This object has two properties, .read and .write, and their value is an expression.', 'start': 1120.621, 'duration': 5.769}, {'end': 1131.95, 'text': 'Here, Auth not null is something that Firebase understands.', 'start': 1127.386, 'duration': 4.564}, {'end': 1137.696, 'text': 'It means only users who are authenticated can read and write data.', 'start': 1132.791, 'duration': 4.905}, {'end': 1142.24, 'text': "So I'm gonna temporarily change this to true.", 'start': 1138.477, 'duration': 3.763}, {'end': 1145.223, 'text': 'That means anyone can read from this database.', 'start': 1143.061, 'duration': 2.162}, {'end': 1147.725, 'text': 'Now, in a real world scenario,', 'start': 1146.084, 'duration': 1.641}, {'end': 1155.708, 'text': 'you may want to open up read access to certain notes in your database so you can allow anonymous users to read from these notes,', 'start': 1147.725, 'duration': 7.983}, {'end': 1159.49, 'text': 'but you can have other notes that have higher level of security.', 'start': 1155.708, 'duration': 3.782}, {'end': 1165.913, 'text': 'Perhaps only authenticated users or users within a specific role can read from these notes.', 'start': 1160.11, 'duration': 5.803}], 'summary': 'Rules for reading/writing data in firebase: .read/.write = expression; auth not null allows only authenticated users to access data.', 'duration': 53.103, 'max_score': 1112.81, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ1112810.jpg'}], 'start': 907.595, 'title': 'Reading and modifying firebase database', 'summary': 'Demonstrates reading and displaying courses from a firebase database in an angular application using angularfire database, along with modifying firebase database rules to allow access for authenticated and unauthenticated users, emphasizing the importance of authentication and security implications.', 'chapters': [{'end': 1061.973, 'start': 907.595, 'title': 'Reading and displaying courses', 'summary': 'Demonstrates how to read and display courses from a firebase database using angularfire database in an angular application, including importing classes, using methods for reading objects, and subscribing to firebaselistobservable to set and display the courses.', 'duration': 154.378, 'highlights': ['The chapter demonstrates how to read and display courses from a Firebase database using AngularFire database in an Angular application. The focus of the chapter is on reading and displaying courses from a Firebase database using AngularFire database in an Angular application.', 'importing classes, using methods for reading objects, and subscribing to FirebaseListObservable to set and display the courses. The chapter covers the process of importing classes, using methods for reading objects, and subscribing to FirebaseListObservable to set and display the courses.', "FirebaseListObservable is like an observable, but it has additional methods that you're going to learn about in this section. FirebaseListObservable is introduced as an observable with additional methods, providing an overview of its capabilities.", 'db of type AngularFire database. Now this object has a couple of methods, list for reading a list of objects, and object for reading one object. The AngularFire database object is introduced, with a focus on its methods: list for reading a list of objects and object for reading one object.']}, {'end': 1165.913, 'start': 1063.154, 'title': 'Firebase database rules', 'summary': 'Explains how to modify firebase database rules to allow access for authenticated and unauthenticated users, and the implications of these changes, with emphasis on the importance of authentication and the potential for different levels of security.', 'duration': 102.759, 'highlights': ["Firebase rules can be modified to allow anyone to read from the database, by changing the .read property to true, but it's important to consider the implications of opening up read access to unauthenticated users. Modify .read property to true to allow anyone to read from the database temporarily.", 'In a real world scenario, it may be necessary to open up read access to specific notes for anonymous users, while maintaining higher security for other notes, limiting access to authenticated users or users with specific roles. Different notes can have varying levels of security, allowing anonymous users to read from certain notes while restricting access to authenticated users or users with specific roles.', 'The rules for reading and writing data in Firebase are defined as a JSON object with properties .read and .write, where the value is an expression, such as Auth not null, which means only authenticated users can read and write data. Firebase database rules are defined as a JSON object with properties .read and .write, using expressions like Auth not null to restrict access to authenticated users.']}], 'duration': 258.318, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ907595.jpg', 'highlights': ['Demonstrates reading and displaying courses from a Firebase database using AngularFire database in an Angular application.', 'Importing classes, using methods for reading objects, and subscribing to FirebaseListObservable to set and display the courses.', 'FirebaseListObservable is introduced as an observable with additional methods, providing an overview of its capabilities.', 'Introduction of AngularFire database object with a focus on its methods: list for reading a list of objects and object for reading one object.', 'Modify .read property to true to allow anyone to read from the database temporarily.', 'Different notes can have varying levels of security, allowing anonymous users to read from certain notes while restricting access to authenticated users or users with specific roles.', 'Firebase database rules are defined as a JSON object with properties .read and .write, using expressions like Auth not null to restrict access to authenticated users.']}, {'end': 1609.948, 'segs': [{'end': 1251.538, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1220.803, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1226.187, 'text': "So it's not like dollar value is a complex object and that object has these properties.", 'start': 1220.803, 'duration': 5.384}, {'end': 1227.367, 'text': "No, it's not like that.", 'start': 1226.307, 'duration': 1.06}, {'end': 1230.969, 'text': 'These properties are part of our course object.', 'start': 1228.128, 'duration': 2.841}, {'end': 1238.454, 'text': "Now, if I want to display the name of these courses, I'm going to have some difficulty because the title of the first two courses is stored.", 'start': 1232.11, 'duration': 6.344}, {'end': 1245.173, 'text': 'and the dollar value property, but in the third course, the title is stored in the title property.', 'start': 1239.468, 'duration': 5.705}, {'end': 1251.538, 'text': "So that's why I said that if you don't manage your node SQL database properly, you're going to run into issues.", 'start': 1245.833, 'duration': 5.705}], 'summary': 'Inconsistency in course data can cause issues in database management.', 'duration': 30.735, 'max_score': 1220.803, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ1220803.jpg'}, {'end': 1323.395, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 1289.611, 'weight': 0.815, 'content': [{'end': 1291.352, 'text': 'Let course of courses.', 'start': 1289.611, 'duration': 1.741}, {'end': 1293.874, 'text': 'And here we use interpolation.', 'start': 1292.513, 'duration': 1.361}, {'end': 1299.423, 'text': 'Course.dollarValue Back in the browser.', 'start': 1294.754, 'duration': 4.669}, {'end': 1303.657, 'text': 'And we successfully read data from our Firebase database.', 'start': 1300.647, 'duration': 3.01}, {'end': 1312.369, 'text': 'Now let me show you my favorite feature of Firebase.', 'start': 1309.588, 'duration': 2.781}, {'end': 1315.291, 'text': 'Firebase databases are real time.', 'start': 1313.31, 'duration': 1.981}, {'end': 1323.395, 'text': 'That means anytime the data in the database is modified, the changes are reflected in our client apps automatically.', 'start': 1315.831, 'duration': 7.564}], 'summary': 'Firebase database allows real-time data updates for client apps.', 'duration': 33.784, 'max_score': 1289.611, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ1289611.jpg'}, {'end': 1341.987, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1313.31, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 1315.291, 'text': 'Firebase databases are real time.', 'start': 1313.31, 'duration': 1.981}, {'end': 1323.395, 'text': 'That means anytime the data in the database is modified, the changes are reflected in our client apps automatically.', 'start': 1315.831, 'duration': 7.564}, {'end': 1324.976, 'text': "So here's an example.", 'start': 1324.156, 'duration': 0.82}, {'end': 1326.457, 'text': 'Currently we have three courses.', 'start': 1325.096, 'duration': 1.361}, {'end': 1331.82, 'text': "Now I'm going to go back to our Firebase console and add a new course here.", 'start': 1327.297, 'duration': 4.523}, {'end': 1335.101, 'text': 'For course four.', 'start': 1332.82, 'duration': 2.281}, {'end': 1337.923, 'text': 'Now back to our Angular app.', 'start': 1336.982, 'duration': 0.941}, {'end': 1341.987, 'text': "Course four is here, and I didn't even refresh the page.", 'start': 1339.326, 'duration': 2.661}], 'summary': 'Firebase databases are real-time, with changes automatically reflected in client apps. adding a new course instantly updates the app.', 'duration': 28.677, 'max_score': 1313.31, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ1313310.jpg'}, {'end': 1516.417, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1494.364, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 1502.507, 'text': "right now, in a real world application, we're going to have tens or hundreds of components and we're going to have routing and navigation.", 'start': 1494.364, 'duration': 8.143}, {'end': 1509.689, 'text': "so the user may navigate to the courses page and on that page we're going to have a subscription to the courses list in firebase.", 'start': 1502.507, 'duration': 7.182}, {'end': 1516.417, 'text': 'now, if they navigate away from that page, this subscription is still in memory.', 'start': 1510.55, 'duration': 5.867}], 'summary': 'Real world application involves tens or hundreds of components, with routing and navigation. subscriptions to courses list in firebase remain in memory upon page navigation.', 'duration': 22.053, 'max_score': 1494.364, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ1494364.jpg'}], 'start': 1166.793, 'title': 'Firebase data structure and real-time databases in angular', 'summary': 'Explains firebase data structure, highlighting consistency for data retrieval, and discusses integrating real-time firebase databases into an angular app, with a caution about memory leaks and preventing them in an upcoming lecture.', 'chapters': [{'end': 1269.212, 'start': 1166.793, 'title': 'Understanding firebase data structure', 'summary': 'Explains the firebase data structure, emphasizing the importance of maintaining consistency to avoid issues when retrieving and displaying data, using an example of an array of three objects with varying properties.', 'duration': 102.419, 'highlights': ['The importance of maintaining consistency in the data structure to avoid issues when retrieving and displaying data is emphasized, with an example of difficulties in displaying course names due to inconsistent property storage.', 'Explains the structure of an array of three objects received from Firebase, highlighting the presence of varying properties such as $value, $key, author, price, and title.', 'The process of deleting and adding nodes in the Firebase database to ensure consistency and avoid data retrieval issues is demonstrated.']}, {'end': 1609.948, 'start': 1271.539, 'title': 'Real-time firebase databases in angular', 'summary': 'Explores integrating real-time firebase databases into an angular app, demonstrating the automatic reflection of changes in the client app and noting the potential for memory leaks and the upcoming lecture on preventing them.', 'duration': 338.409, 'highlights': ["Firebase databases reflect changes in real time, demonstrated by the automatic addition and deletion of courses in the Angular app without the need for manual refreshing, showcasing the convenience and efficiency of Firebase for real-time applications. Real-time reflection of changes in the client app without manual refreshing, automatic addition and deletion of courses in the Angular app, showcasing Firebase's convenience and efficiency for real-time applications", 'Subscription to Firebase lists in multiple components and pages can lead to memory leaks, as subscriptions remain in memory even when the user navigates away from the page, emphasizing the importance of managing subscriptions to prevent excessive memory consumption. Potential for memory leaks due to subscriptions remaining in memory when the user navigates away from the page, highlighting the need to manage subscriptions to prevent excessive memory consumption', 'Upcoming lecture to cover preventing memory leaks when using Firebase, addressing the potential issues and providing guidance on managing subscriptions to avoid excessive memory consumption in the application. Announcement of an upcoming lecture addressing the prevention of memory leaks when using Firebase, offering guidance on managing subscriptions to avoid excessive memory consumption']}], 'duration': 443.155, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/mqWXRX5fxGQ/pics/mqWXRX5fxGQ1166793.jpg', 'highlights': ['The importance of maintaining consistency in the data structure to avoid issues when retrieving and displaying data is emphasized, with an example of difficulties in displaying course names due to inconsistent property storage.', 'Firebase databases reflect changes in real time, demonstrated by the automatic addition and deletion of courses in the Angular app without the need for manual refreshing, showcasing the convenience and efficiency of Firebase for real-time applications.', 'Subscription to Firebase lists in multiple components and pages can lead to memory leaks, as subscriptions remain in memory even when the user navigates away from the page, emphasizing the importance of managing subscriptions to prevent excessive memory consumption.']}], 'highlights': ['Firebase offers a super-fast, scalable, and real-time database in the cloud, along with authentication, cloud messaging, storage, and analytics, enabling building a backend for Angular apps in less than a minute.', "You'll be able to perform CRUD operations in a Firebase database, including creating, reading, updating, and deleting objects.", 'Firebase provides libraries for iOS, Android, JavaScript, and C++, facilitating seamless integration with different client apps and enabling the delivery of a cross-platform solution to users.', 'Most features of Firebase can be obtained for free, with the option to pay $25 a month or use a pay-as-you-go subscription model as the application scales, making it a cost-effective solution for developers.', 'The chapter explains the differences between relational and NoSQL databases, providing a clear comparison of their structures and functionalities.', 'The presence of schema in relational databases is emphasized, outlining the concept of tables, relationships, and the structure of the database.', 'The chapter explains the differences between relational and NoSQL databases, providing a clear comparison of their structures and functionalities.', 'Setting up environment configurations for Firebase and AngularFire in an Angular project, including exporting configuration settings for production and development environments and importing these settings into the app.module.', 'Installing Firebase and AngularFire packages using npm install, highlighting the importance of these packages for working with Firebase in an Angular 2+ app.', 'Retrieving data from the Firebase database and discussing the flexibility of NoSQL databases, allowing different node structures without a fixed schema, as well as the potential productivity benefits and challenges of managing data in a NoSQL database.', 'Demonstrates reading and displaying courses from a Firebase database using AngularFire database in an Angular application.', 'The importance of maintaining consistency in the data structure to avoid issues when retrieving and displaying data is emphasized, with an example of difficulties in displaying course names due to inconsistent property storage.', 'Firebase databases reflect changes in real time, demonstrated by the automatic addition and deletion of courses in the Angular app without the need for manual refreshing, showcasing the convenience and efficiency of Firebase for real-time applications.']}