10.5: Image Processing with Pixels - Processing Tutorial

Book: Learning Processing A Beginner's Guide to Programming, Images,Animation, and Interaction Chapter: 15 Official book website: http://learningprocessing.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/shiffman This video covers the basics of image processing in Processing. This video needs links to source code examples! This video needs links to other things mentioned! Please write in the comments what is missing and what would be helpful! Help us caption & translate this video! http://amara.org/v/Qbwx/ 📄 Code of Conduct: https://github.com/CodingTrain/Code-of-Conduct

{'title': '10.5: Image Processing with Pixels - Processing Tutorial', 'heatmap': [{'end': 258.064, 'start': 239.792, 'weight': 0.765}, {'end': 312.015, 'start': 297.678, 'weight': 0.845}, {'end': 417.624, 'start': 404.518, 'weight': 1}], 'summary': 'Tutorial covers image processing techniques including creating separate image objects, manipulating pixels, manipulating rgb components, and applying threshold filtering for black-and-white conversion, encouraging the invention of image processing algorithms.', 'chapters': [{'end': 425.054, 'segs': [{'end': 114.98, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 55.049, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 59.254, 'text': "So essentially what we're doing here is learning how to write the guts of this function.", 'start': 55.049, 'duration': 4.205}, {'end': 67.483, 'text': 'How we have an image, we can look at every single pixel, take every single pixel value, and put those pixel values into our processing window.', 'start': 59.554, 'duration': 7.929}, {'end': 72.885, 'text': 'The reason why we might do this without the image function is we want something else to happen right here.', 'start': 68.184, 'duration': 4.701}, {'end': 77.026, 'text': 'In the moment of taking this pixel and transferring it to the screen.', 'start': 73.285, 'duration': 3.741}, {'end': 81.448, 'text': 'maybe we want to make that pixel brighter or darker, or turn it into black and white,', 'start': 77.026, 'duration': 4.422}, {'end': 86.709, 'text': 'or insert your much more creative and interesting idea for image processing right there.', 'start': 81.448, 'duration': 5.261}, {'end': 93.031, 'text': 'So if we can understand this algorithm of looking at the pixels,', 'start': 87.109, 'duration': 5.922}, {'end': 97.592, 'text': 'putting them into the window and doing something to manipulate the colors of those pixels in between,', 'start': 93.031, 'duration': 4.561}, {'end': 105.106, 'text': 'Then we could start building Photoshop from scratch.', 'start': 98.496, 'duration': 6.61}, {'end': 108.851, 'text': "I don't know what I'm saying exactly, but you know what I'm saying.", 'start': 105.206, 'duration': 3.645}, {'end': 110.333, 'text': 'So this is the idea.', 'start': 109.111, 'duration': 1.222}, {'end': 113.277, 'text': "Let's look at how we might do this.", 'start': 110.874, 'duration': 2.403}, {'end': 114.98, 'text': 'But before we do, I want to mention something.', 'start': 113.618, 'duration': 1.362}], 'summary': 'Learning to manipulate pixel values for image processing and algorithm understanding.', 'duration': 59.931, 'max_score': 55.049, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/j-ZLDEnhT3Q/pics/j-ZLDEnhT3Q55049.jpg'}, {'end': 239.352, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 186.036, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 192.12, 'text': "I could be drawing stuff on it, and I don't have to worry so much about having some type of conflict between setting the pixels and drawing stuff.", 'start': 186.036, 'duration': 6.084}, {'end': 195.382, 'text': 'So this is a nice way of working as well in terms of image processing.', 'start': 192.34, 'duration': 3.042}, {'end': 201.145, 'text': 'I should mention that we also could just to give a third option here.', 'start': 195.742, 'duration': 5.403}, {'end': 207.029, 'text': 'if this is my frog and this is my processing window, I could just manipulate the pixels of the frog itself.', 'start': 201.145, 'duration': 5.884}, {'end': 209.77, 'text': 'onto itself and then draw it to the window.', 'start': 207.689, 'duration': 2.081}, {'end': 217.355, 'text': "The reason why this is not the best strategy in all cases is once I've manipulated the pixels of the frog image to draw it into the window,", 'start': 210.03, 'duration': 7.325}, {'end': 219.296, 'text': "I've lost my original frog image.", 'start': 217.355, 'duration': 1.941}, {'end': 222.538, 'text': 'So this scenario saves this frog image.', 'start': 219.636, 'duration': 2.902}, {'end': 223.678, 'text': 'It never changes it.', 'start': 222.578, 'duration': 1.1}, {'end': 229.361, 'text': "If I'm manipulating the pixels, the new pixels are going into a separate image and that separate image is going into the window.", 'start': 223.738, 'duration': 5.623}, {'end': 235.485, 'text': "But again, let's start with this simpler case of just reading the pixels of the frog and putting those pixels into the window.", 'start': 229.582, 'duration': 5.903}, {'end': 237.026, 'text': "And let's take a look at how that might work.", 'start': 235.785, 'duration': 1.241}, {'end': 239.352, 'text': "So I'm back over here.", 'start': 238.471, 'duration': 0.881}], 'summary': 'Exploring different image processing strategies for preserving original image data and manipulating pixels separately.', 'duration': 53.316, 'max_score': 186.036, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/j-ZLDEnhT3Q/pics/j-ZLDEnhT3Q186036.jpg'}, {'end': 265.591, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 239.792, 'weight': 0.765, 'content': [{'end': 245.776, 'text': "And if I run this particular sketch, here's my frog that I just grabbed from the internet.", 'start': 239.792, 'duration': 5.984}, {'end': 248.418, 'text': "And I'm loading the image and drawing the image.", 'start': 246.256, 'duration': 2.162}, {'end': 249.598, 'text': 'And there it is in the screen.', 'start': 248.578, 'duration': 1.02}, {'end': 251.339, 'text': 'Now, notice here the size.', 'start': 249.878, 'duration': 1.461}, {'end': 258.064, 'text': "Why is my size of this window 58 by 536? That's because this image of the frog I downloaded, those of the dimensions of that image.", 'start': 251.399, 'duration': 6.665}, {'end': 265.591, 'text': 'And to make this example work really nicely, without by accident running into a problem with all this math and multiplying by width.', 'start': 258.384, 'duration': 7.207}], 'summary': 'Using downloaded frog image to draw on screen, window size 58x536.', 'duration': 25.799, 'max_score': 239.792, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/j-ZLDEnhT3Q/pics/j-ZLDEnhT3Q239792.jpg'}, {'end': 321.602, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 297.678, 'weight': 0.845, 'content': [{'end': 304.268, 'text': 'So if I comment this back out, in, and run this.', 'start': 297.678, 'duration': 6.59}, {'end': 312.015, 'text': 'I now have oh, I have that weird dark center white edges result right?', 'start': 304.849, 'duration': 7.166}, {'end': 318.34, 'text': "Because I'm setting every pixel according to some arbitrary algorithm, that's coloring the pixels according to their distance from the center.", 'start': 312.035, 'duration': 6.305}, {'end': 319.681, 'text': "But I don't need that here.", 'start': 318.8, 'duration': 0.881}, {'end': 321.602, 'text': 'I can get rid of this line of code.', 'start': 320.081, 'duration': 1.521}], 'summary': 'Removing a line of code will eliminate a visual artifact in the output image.', 'duration': 23.924, 'max_score': 297.678, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/j-ZLDEnhT3Q/pics/j-ZLDEnhT3Q297678.jpg'}, {'end': 433.999, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 404.518, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 410.841, 'text': 'So one problem here is that I could start to do something weird like well, what if I just said divide by 2?', 'start': 404.518, 'duration': 6.323}, {'end': 414.043, 'text': "That's kind of a strange result, right?", 'start': 410.841, 'duration': 3.202}, {'end': 417.624, 'text': "The thing about it, that's kind of cool, actually a surprising result.", 'start': 414.383, 'duration': 3.241}, {'end': 425.054, 'text': 'The reason why this is confusing, difficult to predict result is remember,', 'start': 418.685, 'duration': 6.369}, {'end': 433.999, 'text': 'the actual color is just this conglomerate of the RGB values into one big integer, so the actual number is somewhat irrelevant.', 'start': 425.054, 'duration': 8.945}], 'summary': 'The rgb values result in surprising and somewhat irrelevant numbers, causing confusion.', 'duration': 29.481, 'max_score': 404.518, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/j-ZLDEnhT3Q/pics/j-ZLDEnhT3Q404518.jpg'}], 'start': 2.495, 'title': 'Image processing techniques', 'summary': 'Discusses methods for image processing, including creating a separate image object for processing, manipulating original image pixels, and reading/drawing frog image pixels onto the window.', 'chapters': [{'end': 114.98, 'start': 2.495, 'title': 'Image processing and pixel manipulation', 'summary': 'Discusses the process of copying pixel values from an image into a processing window, with the potential to manipulate the colors of the pixels, leading to the potential development of image processing algorithms like photoshop.', 'duration': 112.485, 'highlights': ['The process involves understanding how to copy pixel values from an image into a processing window, with the potential to manipulate the colors of the pixels, leading to the potential development of image processing algorithms like Photoshop.', 'The chapter emphasizes the importance of learning to write the function that takes an image and draws it to a given xy by looking at every single pixel value and putting those pixel values into the processing window.', 'The discussion highlights the potential applications of manipulating pixel values, such as making pixels brighter or darker, turning them into black and white, or implementing creative and interesting ideas for image processing.', 'The speaker mentions the possibility of building Photoshop from scratch by understanding the algorithm of looking at pixels, putting them into the window, and manipulating the colors of those pixels in between.']}, {'end': 425.054, 'start': 115.885, 'title': 'Image processing techniques', 'summary': 'Discusses different methods for image processing, including creating a separate image object for processing and drawing, manipulating the pixels of the original image, and reading and drawing the pixels of the frog image onto the window.', 'duration': 309.169, 'highlights': ['Creating a separate image object for processing and drawing Suggests creating a separate image object for processing the pixels of the frog and then drawing it onto the window, which can work nicely for demonstration purposes and retains the purity of the window.', 'Manipulating the pixels of the original image Explains the strategy of manipulating the pixels of the frog image onto itself and then drawing it to the window, highlighting the downside of losing the original frog image after manipulation.', 'Reading and drawing the pixels of the frog image onto the window Demonstrates the process of reading the pixels of the frog image and putting them onto the window, providing a basic method for image processing.']}], 'duration': 422.559, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/j-ZLDEnhT3Q/pics/j-ZLDEnhT3Q2495.jpg', 'highlights': ['The process involves understanding how to copy pixel values from an image into a processing window, with the potential to manipulate the colors of the pixels, leading to the potential development of image processing algorithms like Photoshop.', 'The chapter emphasizes the importance of learning to write the function that takes an image and draws it to a given xy by looking at every single pixel value and putting those pixel values into the processing window.', 'The discussion highlights the potential applications of manipulating pixel values, such as making pixels brighter or darker, turning them into black and white, or implementing creative and interesting ideas for image processing.', 'The speaker mentions the possibility of building Photoshop from scratch by understanding the algorithm of looking at pixels, putting them into the window, and manipulating the colors of those pixels in between.', 'Creating a separate image object for processing and drawing Suggests creating a separate image object for processing the pixels of the frog and then drawing it onto the window, which can work nicely for demonstration purposes and retains the purity of the window.', 'Reading and drawing the pixels of the frog image onto the window Demonstrates the process of reading the pixels of the frog image and putting them onto the window, providing a basic method for image processing.', 'Manipulating the pixels of the original image Explains the strategy of manipulating the pixels of the frog image onto itself and then drawing it to the window, highlighting the downside of losing the original frog image after manipulation.']}, {'end': 767.439, 'segs': [{'end': 457.896, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 425.054, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 433.999, 'text': 'the actual color is just this conglomerate of the RGB values into one big integer, so the actual number is somewhat irrelevant.', 'start': 425.054, 'duration': 8.945}, {'end': 438.321, 'text': 'what we need to do is actually look at the red, green and blue components individually.', 'start': 433.999, 'duration': 4.322}, {'end': 450.707, 'text': 'so what I think might be a good strategy here would be to say give me the red part of the pixel, the green part, the blue part,', 'start': 438.321, 'duration': 12.386}, {'end': 457.896, 'text': 'and then make a new color RGB.', 'start': 453.484, 'duration': 4.412}], 'summary': 'Rgb values combined into one integer, then separated into red, green, and blue components to form new color.', 'duration': 32.842, 'max_score': 425.054, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/j-ZLDEnhT3Q/pics/j-ZLDEnhT3Q425054.jpg'}, {'end': 535.711, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 496.41, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 503.352, 'text': "So you can start to see that once I've done this, I now have the ability to start doing anything I want to those pixels.", 'start': 496.41, 'duration': 6.942}, {'end': 507.934, 'text': 'I could say, like, you know, the blue value times two, which is making it much bluer.', 'start': 503.452, 'duration': 4.482}, {'end': 512.135, 'text': "So this is really, now we're here in the world of image processing.", 'start': 508.234, 'duration': 3.901}, {'end': 520.996, 'text': 'For every single pixel, we are grabbing the RGB components, and we are manipulating those values and drawing the new image.', 'start': 515.491, 'duration': 5.505}, {'end': 523.919, 'text': 'This is essentially what an image filter does.', 'start': 521.418, 'duration': 2.501}, {'end': 531.927, 'text': 'Sell your Instagram now for $2 billion or whatever, and send me a thank you note in the mail or whatever.', 'start': 525.842, 'duration': 6.085}, {'end': 535.711, 'text': 'So this, I would say, is in many ways a good place to stop.', 'start': 532.288, 'duration': 3.423}], 'summary': 'Introduction to image processing and manipulation, using rgb components for filter creation.', 'duration': 39.301, 'max_score': 496.41, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/j-ZLDEnhT3Q/pics/j-ZLDEnhT3Q496410.jpg'}, {'end': 618.065, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 583.402, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 588.644, 'text': "And we can see I'm only doing this weird algorithm to these pixels and not to these pixels.", 'start': 583.402, 'duration': 5.242}, {'end': 593.925, 'text': 'So you can start to do whatever you can kind of imagine in here based on the x and y values.', 'start': 588.884, 'duration': 5.041}, {'end': 598.627, 'text': 'Another idea that I might have for you is to go back to that distance idea.', 'start': 594.926, 'duration': 3.701}, {'end': 611.82, 'text': 'What if I said OK, give me the distance between the center of the window and the xy of that pixel?', 'start': 600.447, 'duration': 11.373}, {'end': 618.065, 'text': 'and now pixels look equals a color.', 'start': 611.82, 'duration': 6.245}], 'summary': 'Algorithm processes pixels based on x and y values, focusing on distance and color.', 'duration': 34.663, 'max_score': 583.402, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/j-ZLDEnhT3Q/pics/j-ZLDEnhT3Q583402.jpg'}, {'end': 669.421, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 645.192, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 652.354, 'text': "So we're using distance here, but perhaps an easier demonstration would be let me just add mouse x to every single pixel color.", 'start': 645.192, 'duration': 7.162}, {'end': 655.415, 'text': "You can see that over here I'm brightening, brightening, brightening, brightening the image.", 'start': 652.614, 'duration': 2.801}, {'end': 659.216, 'text': 'Of course, once all those values get to 255, I have a completely white image.', 'start': 655.455, 'duration': 3.761}, {'end': 662.758, 'text': 'Another way of doing this would be to multiply each color.', 'start': 660.077, 'duration': 2.681}, {'end': 669.421, 'text': "So if I multiply each color times 1.1, I'm making each color 10% brighter.", 'start': 663.078, 'duration': 6.343}], 'summary': 'Demonstrated brightening an image by adding mouse x to pixel color and multiplying each color by 1.1.', 'duration': 24.229, 'max_score': 645.192, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/j-ZLDEnhT3Q/pics/j-ZLDEnhT3Q645192.jpg'}], 'start': 425.054, 'title': 'Manipulating pixel colors in image processing', 'summary': 'Explores manipulating individual rgb components to create new colors and discusses potential applications, such as image filters for platforms like instagram. it also delves into the creative possibilities of altering pixel colors, including spatial orientation-based alterations, brightness adjustments, and dynamic effects based on user interaction.', 'chapters': [{'end': 535.711, 'start': 425.054, 'title': 'Understanding rgb components in image processing', 'summary': 'Explains how to manipulate individual red, green, and blue components of pixels to create new colors in image processing, providing insights into the process and its potential applications, such as creating image filters for platforms like instagram.', 'duration': 110.657, 'highlights': ['Understanding the process of manipulating red, green, and blue components of pixels to create new colors The chapter discusses the strategy of extracting the red, green, and blue components of pixels and creating new colors by manipulating these components.', 'Exploring the potential applications of manipulating pixel components The chapter mentions the ability to create image filters and hints at the potential commercial value of such skills, e.g., selling image filters for platforms like Instagram.', 'Demonstrating the impact of manipulating pixel components on image appearance The chapter illustrates the impact of swapping red and green values and multiplying the blue value, highlighting the potential for significant changes in image appearance through pixel manipulation.']}, {'end': 767.439, 'start': 537.356, 'title': 'Manipulating pixel colors in processing', 'summary': 'Explores the creative possibilities of manipulating pixel colors in processing, including altering pixels based on spatial orientation, adjusting brightness using distance, and creating dynamic effects based on user interaction.', 'duration': 230.083, 'highlights': ['The brightness of a pixel is affected by the magnitude of its color value, demonstrated by adding mouse x to every pixel color and multiplying each color to make it 10% brighter.', 'Using the map function, the distance between the center of the window and the xy of the pixel can be mapped to a range between 0 and 2, allowing for dynamic manipulation of pixel colors based on distance.', 'Manipulating the brightness of every single pixel according to its distance from the mouse creates a flashlight effect, offering dynamic interaction and visual effects based on user input.', 'The chapter emphasizes the creative potential in manipulating pixel colors, encouraging viewers to develop their own ideas for image manipulation in Processing.']}], 'duration': 342.385, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/j-ZLDEnhT3Q/pics/j-ZLDEnhT3Q425054.jpg', 'highlights': ['The chapter emphasizes the creative potential in manipulating pixel colors, encouraging viewers to develop their own ideas for image manipulation in Processing.', 'Understanding the process of manipulating red, green, and blue components of pixels to create new colors The chapter discusses the strategy of extracting the red, green, and blue components of pixels and creating new colors by manipulating these components.', 'Exploring the potential applications of manipulating pixel components The chapter mentions the ability to create image filters and hints at the potential commercial value of such skills, e.g., selling image filters for platforms like Instagram.', 'Using the map function, the distance between the center of the window and the xy of the pixel can be mapped to a range between 0 and 2, allowing for dynamic manipulation of pixel colors based on distance.', 'The brightness of a pixel is affected by the magnitude of its color value, demonstrated by adding mouse x to every pixel color and multiplying each color to make it 10% brighter.']}, {'end': 967.354, 'segs': [{'end': 838.846, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 769.981, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 775.405, 'text': "An interesting, and I'm going to comment this out just so I have access to it later if I'm saving these and putting them somewhere.", 'start': 769.981, 'duration': 5.424}, {'end': 779.348, 'text': 'Something we might know about an image.', 'start': 777.446, 'duration': 1.902}, {'end': 781.39, 'text': 'is the brightness of a pixel.', 'start': 780.129, 'duration': 1.261}, {'end': 788.416, 'text': "So let's say I just get the brightness of the frog's pixel at a given location.", 'start': 781.931, 'duration': 6.485}, {'end': 793.319, 'text': "A threshold filter, something we could do is we could say, let's redraw this image.", 'start': 789.416, 'duration': 3.903}, {'end': 795.721, 'text': "But I'm only going to draw white or black.", 'start': 793.58, 'duration': 2.141}, {'end': 796.582, 'text': "It doesn't matter.", 'start': 796.002, 'duration': 0.58}, {'end': 798.323, 'text': "I'm not going to draw any kind of interesting color.", 'start': 796.822, 'duration': 1.501}, {'end': 799.805, 'text': "I'm not going to draw a gray scale color.", 'start': 798.343, 'duration': 1.462}, {'end': 808.712, 'text': "I'm only ever going to say, make every pixel black.", 'start': 800.125, 'duration': 8.587}, {'end': 810.29, 'text': 'Not every pixel.', 'start': 809.71, 'duration': 0.58}, {'end': 813.172, 'text': 'Make a pixel black or make a pixel white.', 'start': 810.33, 'duration': 2.842}, {'end': 827.701, 'text': "Now, what if I make all the pixels white if the brightness of the frog pixel is greater than 100, but black if it's less than 100? Let's run this.", 'start': 813.712, 'duration': 13.989}, {'end': 830.863, 'text': 'And you can see I sort of see the frog in there.', 'start': 828.081, 'duration': 2.782}, {'end': 832.343, 'text': 'Pixels are white or black.', 'start': 831.163, 'duration': 1.18}, {'end': 834.184, 'text': "And you can see what's the threshold.", 'start': 832.624, 'duration': 1.56}, {'end': 838.846, 'text': "The threshold is 100 if a pixel's is brighter than 100, it's white.", 'start': 834.465, 'duration': 4.381}], 'summary': 'Analyzing image brightness to apply a threshold filter, making pixels white or black based on a brightness threshold of 100.', 'duration': 68.865, 'max_score': 769.981, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/j-ZLDEnhT3Q/pics/j-ZLDEnhT3Q769981.jpg'}, {'end': 878.489, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 856.485, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 865.113, 'text': "So the reason why I point this out to you is this is starting to kind of walk into this area of computer vision that we're going to look at later.", 'start': 856.485, 'duration': 8.628}, {'end': 874.524, 'text': 'If I wanted to find the frog in this image, applying a threshold would allow me to sort of separate out the image into only white or black pixels,', 'start': 865.433, 'duration': 9.091}, {'end': 878.489, 'text': "and maybe I could then get the average location of all the white pixels, and that's about where the frog is.", 'start': 874.524, 'duration': 3.965}], 'summary': 'Introduction to computer vision and image thresholding for locating objects.', 'duration': 22.004, 'max_score': 856.485, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/j-ZLDEnhT3Q/pics/j-ZLDEnhT3Q856485.jpg'}], 'start': 769.981, 'title': 'Image processing', 'summary': 'Discusses image brightness, threshold filtering, and black-and-white conversion based on pixel brightness. it explores using a threshold to separate pixels into white or black and its potential use in computer vision, encouraging the invention of image processing algorithms.', 'chapters': [{'end': 813.172, 'start': 769.981, 'title': 'Image thresholding', 'summary': 'Discusses the concept of image brightness, threshold filtering, and the process of converting an image to black and white based on pixel brightness.', 'duration': 43.191, 'highlights': ['The process involves analyzing the brightness of pixels in an image and applying a threshold filter to redraw the image in black and white.', 'The chapter emphasizes the conversion of pixels to either black or white, disregarding grayscale or color, to achieve the desired threshold effect.']}, {'end': 967.354, 'start': 813.712, 'title': 'Image processing and computer vision', 'summary': 'Explores image processing using a threshold to separate pixels into white or black, enabling the recognition of objects, with a mention of the potential use in computer vision and the encouragement to invent or recreate image processing algorithms.', 'duration': 153.642, 'highlights': ["The thresholding technique is used to separate pixels into white or black based on brightness, with a threshold of 100. This technique is demonstrated by setting pixels to white if their brightness is greater than 100, and to black if it's less, providing a visual representation of the frog image and the threshold.", 'Applying a threshold allows for the separation of an image into only white or black pixels, facilitating the recognition of objects. The application of a threshold in image processing enables the identification and separation of objects based on pixel brightness, simplifying recognition for computer algorithms.', "Encouragement for inventing or recreating image processing algorithms is given, along with the suggestion to explore creating images and manipulating them. The audience is encouraged to develop their own image processing algorithms or recreate existing ones, along with exploring the creation and manipulation of images using functions such as 'create image' and visual transformations like rotation and scaling."]}], 'duration': 197.373, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/j-ZLDEnhT3Q/pics/j-ZLDEnhT3Q769981.jpg', 'highlights': ['The application of a threshold in image processing enables the identification and separation of objects based on pixel brightness, simplifying recognition for computer algorithms.', 'The process involves analyzing the brightness of pixels in an image and applying a threshold filter to redraw the image in black and white.', 'Applying a threshold allows for the separation of an image into only white or black pixels, facilitating the recognition of objects.', 'The chapter emphasizes the conversion of pixels to either black or white, disregarding grayscale or color, to achieve the desired threshold effect.', 'The thresholding technique is used to separate pixels into white or black based on brightness, with a threshold of 100.']}], 'highlights': ['The application of a threshold in image processing enables the identification and separation of objects based on pixel brightness, simplifying recognition for computer algorithms.', 'The process involves analyzing the brightness of pixels in an image and applying a threshold filter to redraw the image in black and white.', 'Applying a threshold allows for the separation of an image into only white or black pixels, facilitating the recognition of objects.', 'The chapter emphasizes the conversion of pixels to either black or white, disregarding grayscale or color, to achieve the desired threshold effect.', 'The thresholding technique is used to separate pixels into white or black based on brightness, with a threshold of 100.', 'Understanding the process of manipulating red, green, and blue components of pixels to create new colors The chapter discusses the strategy of extracting the red, green, and blue components of pixels and creating new colors by manipulating these components.', 'Exploring the potential applications of manipulating pixel components The chapter mentions the ability to create image filters and hints at the potential commercial value of such skills, e.g., selling image filters for platforms like Instagram.', 'Using the map function, the distance between the center of the window and the xy of the pixel can be mapped to a range between 0 and 2, allowing for dynamic manipulation of pixel colors based on distance.', 'The brightness of a pixel is affected by the magnitude of its color value, demonstrated by adding mouse x to every pixel color and multiplying each color to make it 10% brighter.', 'The chapter emphasizes the creative potential in manipulating pixel colors, encouraging viewers to develop their own ideas for image manipulation in Processing.']}