Finding A Web Developer Job With No Experience

Finding a job or career in web development or design can be a little overwhelming. In this video I will talk a little bit about preparing and finding a web developer job or web design job without having real-world experience. Well talk about things like... Are You Ready? What Type Of Developer Are You? Resumes Experience Social Media Branding Resources Check Out My Full Courses http://www.traversymedia.com/eduonix-courses/ SLIDE DOWNLOAD - http://www.traversymedia.com/downloads/jobslides.zip SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL WITH A CUP OF COFFEE PER MONTH: http://www.patreon.com/traversymedia ONE TIME DONATIONS: http://www.paypal.me/traversymedia

{'title': 'Finding A Web Developer Job With No Experience', 'heatmap': [{'end': 876.373, 'start': 861.818, 'weight': 1}], 'summary': 'Provides tips for securing a web developer job with no experience by emphasizing the need to showcase skills and knowledge, highlights the significance of an effective resume including video or presentation, skills and projects listing, github linking, and networking strategies for programmers.', 'chapters': [{'end': 279.493, 'segs': [{'end': 59.482, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 16.065, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 22.729, 'text': "so i'm going to give you some tips on things you can do to show an employer that you do have experience in programming,", 'start': 16.065, 'duration': 6.664}, {'end': 24.41, 'text': 'just not working for someone else.', 'start': 22.729, 'duration': 1.681}, {'end': 31.746, 'text': "I'm actually a perfect example of that type of person, because I never finished college.", 'start': 25.24, 'duration': 6.506}, {'end': 37.65, 'text': "I never had an actual job in the industry working for someone else's company, but I have plenty of experience.", 'start': 32.006, 'duration': 5.644}, {'end': 42.054, 'text': 'I could just direct an employer to my YouTube channel and they could see exactly what I do.', 'start': 38.191, 'duration': 3.863}, {'end': 51.837, 'text': "Now, just because I haven't had actual experience Experience working for another company doesn't mean that I don't know what I'm talking about.", 'start': 43.095, 'duration': 8.742}, {'end': 58.502, 'text': "I've seen things and had experiences in this industry that I can share, and I've also done a lot of research on the subject.", 'start': 51.837, 'duration': 6.665}, {'end': 59.482, 'text': 'All right, not to mention.', 'start': 58.502, 'duration': 0.98}], 'summary': 'Tips for showcasing programming skills without traditional experience, exemplified through personal experience and youtube channel.', 'duration': 43.417, 'max_score': 16.065, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ebJ0XBOjowo/pics/ebJ0XBOjowo16065.jpg'}, {'end': 141.416, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 118.732, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 126.1, 'text': 'Alright. so I would say, as long as you know HTML, CSS and a bit of JavaScript and some of the basic programming fundamentals,', 'start': 118.732, 'duration': 7.368}, {'end': 128.823, 'text': "then you're ready to start applying as a front-end developer.", 'start': 126.1, 'duration': 2.723}, {'end': 133.548, 'text': "Alright, so for back-end stuff, I'd suggest that you learn at least one stack.", 'start': 128.842, 'duration': 4.706}, {'end': 141.416, 'text': "So whether it's PHP, MySQL, and the LAMP stack, or Node.js and the MEAN stack, that's plenty to start applying.", 'start': 133.668, 'duration': 7.748}], 'summary': 'Front-end developers need html, css, javascript, and basic programming. back-end developers should learn at least one stack such as php/mysql/lamp or node.js/mean.', 'duration': 22.684, 'max_score': 118.732, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ebJ0XBOjowo/pics/ebJ0XBOjowo118732.jpg'}, {'end': 211.21, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 163.767, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 173.296, 'text': 'After time, I realized that all you need to know is the basic fundamentals of web development, and you can quickly learn almost anything.', 'start': 163.767, 'duration': 9.529}, {'end': 183.151, 'text': "All right and the job that hires you is going to know that you're at an entry level and they're going to give you some leeway for that learning timeframe.", 'start': 174.164, 'duration': 8.987}, {'end': 190.717, 'text': 'All right, so like I said, confidence is important, but you should also know your skill set.', 'start': 183.171, 'duration': 7.546}, {'end': 192.959, 'text': 'You should know what types of jobs to apply for.', 'start': 190.757, 'duration': 2.202}, {'end': 199.004, 'text': "All right, so it's good to know what type of developer or designer you are, and then you can search for the right jobs.", 'start': 193.54, 'duration': 5.464}, {'end': 202.407, 'text': "All right, so there's basically three types of web developers.", 'start': 199.384, 'duration': 3.023}, {'end': 207.649, 'text': 'So the first is a front-end web developer, or sometimes called a web designer.', 'start': 203.027, 'duration': 4.622}, {'end': 211.21, 'text': 'These are people that build UIs and front-end websites.', 'start': 208.189, 'duration': 3.021}], 'summary': 'Basic web development fundamentals can lead to quick learning. important to know your skill set and the type of developer/designer you are.', 'duration': 47.443, 'max_score': 163.767, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ebJ0XBOjowo/pics/ebJ0XBOjowo163767.jpg'}], 'start': 0.998, 'title': 'Securing a web developer job', 'summary': 'Covers tips for getting a web developer job with no experience, emphasizing the need to showcase skills and knowledge to potential employers. it also discusses key skills for front-end and back-end developer jobs, the importance of confidence, and the ongoing learning process in entry-level positions.', 'chapters': [{'end': 81.66, 'start': 0.998, 'title': 'Getting a web developer job with no experience', 'summary': "Discusses tips for getting a web developer job with no field experience, highlighting the importance of showcasing skills and knowledge to potential employers, with the speaker's personal experience as an example.", 'duration': 80.662, 'highlights': ['The speaker provides tips for showing employers programming experience without traditional work experience, using personal experience as an example.', 'The speaker emphasizes the importance of showcasing skills and knowledge to potential employers, citing personal experience as a successful example.', 'The speaker mentions being able to direct employers to their YouTube channel to showcase their skills and knowledge.', 'The speaker shares their personal experience of not having traditional work experience but still having valuable industry experience and knowledge.']}, {'end': 279.493, 'start': 81.66, 'title': 'Web development job tips', 'summary': 'Discusses key skills needed for front-end and back-end developer jobs, including the importance of confidence and the different types of web developers, and emphasizes that learning is ongoing and that entry-level positions allow for learning time.', 'duration': 197.833, 'highlights': ["The importance of confidence is emphasized for entry-level web developers, and it's mentioned that employers provide leeway for learning time. It is highlighted that confidence is crucial for entry-level web developers, with employers offering leeway for learning time.", 'The chapter outlines the key skills needed for front-end and back-end developer jobs, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various stacks such as LAMP and MEAN. The chapter emphasizes the essential skills required for front-end and back-end developer positions, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and different stacks like LAMP and MEAN.', 'The different types of web developers are explained, including front-end developers, server-side programmers, and full stack developers, with an emphasis on the value of full stack developers. The chapter explains the roles of front-end developers, server-side programmers, and full stack developers, highlighting the value of the latter in being able to perform both front-end and back-end tasks.']}], 'duration': 278.495, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ebJ0XBOjowo/pics/ebJ0XBOjowo998.jpg', 'highlights': ['The chapter emphasizes the importance of showcasing skills and knowledge to potential employers, citing personal experience as a successful example.', 'The chapter outlines the key skills needed for front-end and back-end developer jobs, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various stacks such as LAMP and MEAN.', 'The speaker shares their personal experience of not having traditional work experience but still having valuable industry experience and knowledge.', "The importance of confidence is emphasized for entry-level web developers, and it's mentioned that employers provide leeway for learning time.", 'The different types of web developers are explained, including front-end developers, server-side programmers, and full stack developers, with an emphasis on the value of full stack developers.', 'The speaker provides tips for showing employers programming experience without traditional work experience, using personal experience as an example.', 'The speaker mentions being able to direct employers to their YouTube channel to showcase their skills and knowledge.']}, {'end': 741.737, 'segs': [{'end': 362.734, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 302.086, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 305.09, 'text': 'You should have a paper or a physical version,', 'start': 302.086, 'duration': 3.004}, {'end': 311.737, 'text': "but you should also have a web space where you can direct employers to see more information about you and what you've done.", 'start': 305.09, 'duration': 6.647}, {'end': 315.34, 'text': "So if you have a website where you can put this stuff, that's great.", 'start': 312.698, 'duration': 2.642}, {'end': 318.882, 'text': 'If not, go and register a domain name and get something up.', 'start': 315.46, 'duration': 3.422}, {'end': 322.945, 'text': 'It can be one landing page and make it very simple.', 'start': 319.282, 'duration': 3.663}, {'end': 329.709, 'text': "In fact, you do want it to be simple because chances are if you have 10 pages of text, they're not going to take the time to read it.", 'start': 323.625, 'duration': 6.084}, {'end': 331.05, 'text': "They'll simply move on.", 'start': 330.049, 'duration': 1.001}, {'end': 335.874, 'text': 'uh, you want to have some specific information.', 'start': 332.811, 'duration': 3.063}, {'end': 342.16, 'text': "you want a brief introduction of yourself, who you are, where you're from maybe a little bit of background, but not too much.", 'start': 335.874, 'duration': 6.286}, {'end': 345.362, 'text': 'and, like i said, you want to keep this simple, uh.', 'start': 342.16, 'duration': 3.202}, {'end': 351.968, 'text': "now, if it's possible, i would strongly suggest that you make some kind of video And put that at the top of your resume.", 'start': 345.362, 'duration': 6.606}, {'end': 356.75, 'text': "that way, people, they're not just going to read about who you are, But they can actually see it okay.", 'start': 351.968, 'duration': 4.782}, {'end': 358.492, 'text': 'They can see your personality.', 'start': 356.79, 'duration': 1.702}, {'end': 362.734, 'text': "They can see if you're going to, if you're going to mesh well with the other employees at the job.", 'start': 358.492, 'duration': 4.242}], 'summary': 'Create a simple website with brief introduction and video to showcase personality and background for better job prospects.', 'duration': 60.648, 'max_score': 302.086, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ebJ0XBOjowo/pics/ebJ0XBOjowo302086.jpg'}, {'end': 443.552, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 390.83, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 395.613, 'text': 'Any front or back-end languages and frameworks, put those down.', 'start': 390.83, 'duration': 4.783}, {'end': 397.935, 'text': 'Anything that you think you can use in a project.', 'start': 396.094, 'duration': 1.841}, {'end': 404.75, 'text': "I'd suggest including 5-10 projects if possible.", 'start': 400.724, 'duration': 4.026}, {'end': 408.494, 'text': "Obviously, if you haven't done 5-10 projects, you can't.", 'start': 405.571, 'duration': 2.923}, {'end': 413.461, 'text': 'But even if you have your own personal website, stuff like that, you can put.', 'start': 408.915, 'duration': 4.546}, {'end': 418.167, 'text': "And I'm going to go through that in a second, things you can put up as experience.", 'start': 413.801, 'duration': 4.366}, {'end': 423.432, 'text': "I'd also suggest including a link to your GitHub account if you have one.", 'start': 419.267, 'duration': 4.165}, {'end': 430.319, 'text': "Even if you have two or three repositories, or even if you've just pulled from other people's repositories.", 'start': 424.353, 'duration': 5.966}, {'end': 436.406, 'text': "it lets the employer know that you're serious about coding just having a GitHub account.", 'start': 430.319, 'duration': 6.087}, {'end': 438.829, 'text': "This isn't as true for designers.", 'start': 436.426, 'duration': 2.403}, {'end': 443.552, 'text': 'All right, so this is what I would suggest at a bare minimum.', 'start': 440.629, 'duration': 2.923}], 'summary': 'Include 5-10 projects, github link, for coding experience.', 'duration': 52.722, 'max_score': 390.83, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ebJ0XBOjowo/pics/ebJ0XBOjowo390830.jpg'}, {'end': 603.941, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 569.144, 'weight': 6, 'content': [{'end': 571.446, 'text': "So find a project that you're interested in.", 'start': 569.144, 'duration': 2.302}, {'end': 579.771, 'text': 'And if you think you have something to offer, even just starting out, if you want to do some bug testing or improve the documentation,', 'start': 572.026, 'duration': 7.745}, {'end': 582.633, 'text': 'something like that and then work your way up.', 'start': 579.771, 'duration': 2.862}, {'end': 584.033, 'text': 'All right.', 'start': 582.653, 'duration': 1.38}, {'end': 591.318, 'text': 'Now, if you do any of these volunteer work or for family or friends, make sure that you get a good testimonial and feedback.', 'start': 584.113, 'duration': 7.205}, {'end': 593.931, 'text': "Especially if they don't pay you.", 'start': 592.509, 'duration': 1.422}, {'end': 603.941, 'text': "it's a really good reward to give you that feedback that you can put on your website and also if, if employers can contact them for a reference.", 'start': 593.931, 'duration': 10.01}], 'summary': 'Volunteer for projects, gain testimonials, and feedback for references.', 'duration': 34.797, 'max_score': 569.144, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ebJ0XBOjowo/pics/ebJ0XBOjowo569144.jpg'}, {'end': 690.249, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 659.369, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 661.39, 'text': 'Alright, next thing is social media.', 'start': 659.369, 'duration': 2.021}, {'end': 666.012, 'text': 'You want to create professional pages on all of the popular social media websites.', 'start': 661.43, 'duration': 4.582}, {'end': 675.357, 'text': 'You may already have accounts for your friends and your personal life, but I suggest creating one for professional reasons too.', 'start': 666.913, 'duration': 8.444}, {'end': 680.119, 'text': 'So even if you have a regular Facebook account, create a Facebook page, a branded page.', 'start': 675.477, 'duration': 4.642}, {'end': 684.323, 'text': 'You can keep your current profile and just create a new page.', 'start': 681.7, 'duration': 2.623}, {'end': 690.249, 'text': 'So you can create a Twitter account where you can list all of your new projects, stuff like that.', 'start': 684.984, 'duration': 5.265}], 'summary': 'Create professional pages on popular social media sites for professional purposes.', 'duration': 30.88, 'max_score': 659.369, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ebJ0XBOjowo/pics/ebJ0XBOjowo659369.jpg'}], 'start': 280.054, 'title': 'Crafting an effective resume', 'summary': 'Covers the significance of a well-designed resume in various formats, emphasizing the inclusion of video or presentation, skills and projects listing, github linking, personal and volunteer work showcasing, establishing a consistent brand, and maintaining an active professional social media presence.', 'chapters': [{'end': 345.362, 'start': 280.054, 'title': 'Creating an effective resume', 'summary': "Discusses the importance of having a well-designed resume in multiple forms, including a physical version and a web space, to showcase one's skills and experiences to potential employers.", 'duration': 65.308, 'highlights': ["It's important to have a well-designed resume in multiple forms, including a physical version and a web space, to showcase skills and experiences to potential employers.", 'Having a website to display resume information is beneficial, and if not, registering a domain name and creating a simple landing page is recommended.', 'The resume should have specific information and a brief introduction, keeping it simple as lengthy resumes may not be read thoroughly by employers.']}, {'end': 741.737, 'start': 345.362, 'title': 'Optimizing your resume for job applications', 'summary': 'Highlights the importance of including a video or a powerpoint presentation at the top of the resume, listing skills and projects, linking a github account, showcasing personal and volunteer work, creating a consistent brand across multiple platforms, and staying active on professional social media.', 'duration': 396.375, 'highlights': ['Include a video or PowerPoint presentation at the top of the resume to showcase personality and compatibility with potential colleagues. Suggests adding a video or PowerPoint presentation to the resume to provide a personal touch and demonstrate compatibility with colleagues.', 'List all skills, including HTML, CSS, front-end and back-end languages, and frameworks, and include 5-10 projects if possible. Emphasizes the importance of listing all skills, including specific languages and frameworks, and suggests including 5-10 projects in the resume.', 'Link a GitHub account to demonstrate commitment to coding and contribution to open source projects. Advises linking a GitHub account to showcase commitment to coding and potential contribution to open source projects.', 'Showcase personal and volunteer work, including creating websites for family and friends, contributing to open source projects, and seeking testimonials for feedback. Encourages showcasing personal and volunteer work, such as creating websites for family and friends, contributing to open source projects, and obtaining testimonials for feedback.', 'Create a consistent brand across multiple platforms, including choosing a color scheme, creating a logo, and staying active on professional social media. Stresses the importance of creating a consistent brand across various platforms, including selecting a color scheme, considering a logo, and maintaining a professional presence on social media.']}], 'duration': 461.683, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ebJ0XBOjowo/pics/ebJ0XBOjowo280054.jpg', 'highlights': ['Having a website to display resume information is beneficial, and if not, registering a domain name and creating a simple landing page is recommended.', 'Include a video or PowerPoint presentation at the top of the resume to showcase personality and compatibility with potential colleagues.', 'List all skills, including HTML, CSS, front-end and back-end languages, and frameworks, and include 5-10 projects if possible.', 'Link a GitHub account to demonstrate commitment to coding and contribution to open source projects.', 'Create a consistent brand across multiple platforms, including choosing a color scheme, creating a logo, and staying active on professional social media.', 'The resume should have specific information and a brief introduction, keeping it simple as lengthy resumes may not be read thoroughly by employers.', 'Encourages showcasing personal and volunteer work, such as creating websites for family and friends, contributing to open source projects, and obtaining testimonials for feedback.']}, {'end': 1106.105, 'segs': [{'end': 793.865, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 766.274, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 773.645, 'text': 'But with the advancement of technology, now we need to work in big teams and collaborate, have online meetings and so on.', 'start': 766.274, 'duration': 7.371}, {'end': 776.97, 'text': "So you'll have to network a bit to become successful.", 'start': 773.825, 'duration': 3.145}, {'end': 781.72, 'text': 'All right, so the first one is an easy one for people like me.', 'start': 778.479, 'duration': 3.241}, {'end': 785.362, 'text': "Networking online usually doesn't involve face-to-face relations.", 'start': 781.8, 'duration': 3.562}, {'end': 793.865, 'text': 'You can join a group, post some helpful posts and questions, build up a reputation, help people out.', 'start': 786.182, 'duration': 7.683}], 'summary': 'In the digital age, networking online is crucial for collaboration and success, involving joining groups, posting helpful content, and building a reputation.', 'duration': 27.591, 'max_score': 766.274, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ebJ0XBOjowo/pics/ebJ0XBOjowo766274.jpg'}, {'end': 861.778, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 812.116, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 815.859, 'text': 'Another thing that you can do for networking is hackathons.', 'start': 812.116, 'duration': 3.743}, {'end': 820.162, 'text': 'These are a really fun way to get to know people with the same interests as you.', 'start': 815.919, 'duration': 4.243}, {'end': 824.025, 'text': 'You can also win prizes and money and trips, which is also a plus.', 'start': 820.742, 'duration': 3.283}, {'end': 833.692, 'text': "You'll probably be put on a team to code with others, and you'll network, get some good experience.", 'start': 824.986, 'duration': 8.706}, {'end': 841.338, 'text': 'You can search sites like AngelHack, HackerLeague, Hackathon.io, and you can find these hackathons near you.', 'start': 834.353, 'duration': 6.985}, {'end': 844.573, 'text': 'Another one is meetups.', 'start': 843.033, 'duration': 1.54}, {'end': 850.115, 'text': 'Meetups in other communities are a great tool for learning and meeting other programmers.', 'start': 844.633, 'duration': 5.482}, {'end': 858.517, 'text': 'You can find meetups at websites like meetup.com as well as all the social media networks.', 'start': 851.335, 'duration': 7.182}, {'end': 861.778, 'text': 'Another thing you can do is host your own meetup.', 'start': 859.697, 'duration': 2.081}], 'summary': 'Participate in hackathons and meetups to network, code, and gain experience; find events on sites like angelhack and meetup.com.', 'duration': 49.662, 'max_score': 812.116, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ebJ0XBOjowo/pics/ebJ0XBOjowo812116.jpg'}, {'end': 889.317, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 861.818, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 867.099, 'text': 'You can pick a technology that you know about, plan it, find a location, and post it online.', 'start': 861.818, 'duration': 5.281}, {'end': 869.68, 'text': "Even if you get two or three people, it's a start.", 'start': 867.719, 'duration': 1.961}, {'end': 876.373, 'text': 'And then we have conventions and conferences, which are another place you can find developers and employers.', 'start': 871.072, 'duration': 5.301}, {'end': 880.995, 'text': 'Conferences like Node.js Interactive, WebStock, DevNexus.', 'start': 877.394, 'duration': 3.601}, {'end': 885.576, 'text': "There's a ton of them and you can search for the ones near you.", 'start': 881.695, 'duration': 3.881}, {'end': 889.317, 'text': "All right, so you've built up your resume.", 'start': 887.276, 'duration': 2.041}], 'summary': 'Start a tech project, connect at events, build resume.', 'duration': 27.499, 'max_score': 861.818, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ebJ0XBOjowo/pics/ebJ0XBOjowo861818.jpg'}, {'end': 961.366, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 908.045, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 913.569, 'text': 'Anything with the word entry or junior is going to be something you want to look at.', 'start': 908.045, 'duration': 5.524}, {'end': 916.57, 'text': 'Stay away from senior and words like experienced.', 'start': 913.629, 'duration': 2.941}, {'end': 918.712, 'text': "But don't be afraid to apply.", 'start': 917.391, 'duration': 1.321}, {'end': 919.932, 'text': "Applying isn't going to hurt.", 'start': 918.752, 'duration': 1.18}, {'end': 922.214, 'text': 'You want to put yourself out there.', 'start': 920.793, 'duration': 1.421}, {'end': 928.938, 'text': "Alright, so let's take a look at the different types of job websites and resources available.", 'start': 922.234, 'duration': 6.704}, {'end': 932.037, 'text': 'All right, so first we have standard job boards.', 'start': 929.915, 'duration': 2.122}, {'end': 937.542, 'text': "We've all seen them, CareerBuilder, Indeed, Job.com, places like that.", 'start': 932.217, 'duration': 5.325}, {'end': 940.284, 'text': 'Companies post positions and people apply.', 'start': 938.022, 'duration': 2.262}, {'end': 945.308, 'text': 'So these are not only directed at tech jobs or web dev jobs.', 'start': 941.105, 'duration': 4.203}, {'end': 948.191, 'text': 'You can search for any type of jobs at these sites.', 'start': 946.009, 'duration': 2.182}, {'end': 954.857, 'text': 'All right, so employers create accounts, post positions, we apply either on site or at another site.', 'start': 949.012, 'duration': 5.845}, {'end': 956.242, 'text': 'all right.', 'start': 955.882, 'duration': 0.36}, {'end': 961.366, 'text': 'so next we have portfolio or profile based websites.', 'start': 956.242, 'duration': 5.124}], 'summary': 'Focus on entry-level and junior positions. utilize standard job boards like careerbuilder, indeed, and job.com. consider portfolio-based websites for job search.', 'duration': 53.321, 'max_score': 908.045, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ebJ0XBOjowo/pics/ebJ0XBOjowo908045.jpg'}, {'end': 1046.723, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1015.751, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 1020.507, 'text': 'So some examples of these sites would be AngelList, Startuppers, and StartupHire.com.', 'start': 1015.751, 'duration': 4.756}, {'end': 1030.779, 'text': "right lastly we have freelancing web sites and these are a little different because you're not usually applying for a permanent position uh.", 'start': 1022.836, 'duration': 7.943}, {'end': 1038.721, 'text': 'but but to do a single project, and these are sites where people and companies go to post specific projects that they want done.', 'start': 1030.779, 'duration': 7.942}, {'end': 1046.723, 'text': 'all right, it could be a completely custom e-commerce application from scratch for the budget of fifty grand or twenty five dollar,', 'start': 1038.721, 'duration': 8.002}], 'summary': 'Freelancing websites like angellist, startuppers, and startuphire.com offer project-based opportunities, such as creating a custom e-commerce application for budgets ranging from $25 to $50,000.', 'duration': 30.972, 'max_score': 1015.751, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ebJ0XBOjowo/pics/ebJ0XBOjowo1015751.jpg'}], 'start': 743.854, 'title': 'Networking and job search strategies', 'summary': 'Emphasizes the importance of networking for programmers through online networking, hackathons, meetups, and conventions, and discusses job search strategies such as targeting entry-level and junior positions, leveraging portfolio-based websites, and freelancing platforms.', 'chapters': [{'end': 885.576, 'start': 743.854, 'title': 'Networking for programmers', 'summary': 'Highlights the importance of networking for programmers, providing strategies such as online networking, hackathons, meetups, and conventions, emphasizing the shift from solitary work to collaborative teams due to technological advancements.', 'duration': 141.722, 'highlights': ['The importance of networking for programmers due to the shift from solitary work to collaborative teams is emphasized. Networking is crucial as technological advancements require programmers to work in big teams, collaborate, and participate in online meetings.', 'Strategies for online networking, hackathons, meetups, and conventions are provided, offering opportunities to build connections and gain experience. Online networking involves joining groups, posting helpful content, and interacting on platforms like YouTube. Hackathons provide opportunities to meet like-minded individuals, gain experience, and win prizes. Meetups and conventions are highlighted as valuable for learning, meeting other programmers, and connecting with potential employers.', 'Specific platforms and events for networking, such as AngelHack, HackerLeague, Hackathon.io, Node.js Interactive, WebStock, and DevNexus, are mentioned. Platforms like AngelHack, HackerLeague, and Hackathon.io offer opportunities to participate in hackathons. Additionally, specific conferences like Node.js Interactive, WebStock, and DevNexus are highlighted as places to network with developers and potential employers.']}, {'end': 1106.105, 'start': 887.276, 'title': 'Job search strategies', 'summary': 'Discusses job search strategies, including tips on job hunting, types of job websites, and the benefits of freelancing websites, emphasizing the importance of targeting entry-level and junior positions and leveraging portfolio-based websites and freelancing platforms.', 'duration': 218.829, 'highlights': ['Leverage entry-level and junior positions Target roles with words like entry or junior; avoid senior or experienced positions.', 'Explore various types of job websites Standard job boards, portfolio-based websites, startup hire sites, and freelancing websites provide diverse job opportunities.', 'Utilize freelancing websites for experience Starting with small projects can lead to better jobs and valuable experience for resume building.']}], 'duration': 362.251, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ebJ0XBOjowo/pics/ebJ0XBOjowo743854.jpg', 'highlights': ['Networking is crucial due to the shift to collaborative teams and technological advancements.', 'Online networking, hackathons, meetups, and conventions offer opportunities to build connections and gain experience.', 'Specific platforms and events for networking, such as AngelHack, HackerLeague, Hackathon.io, Node.js Interactive, WebStock, and DevNexus, are mentioned.', 'Target entry-level and junior positions for job search strategies.', 'Explore various types of job websites for diverse job opportunities.', 'Utilize freelancing websites for experience and resume building.']}], 'highlights': ["The importance of confidence is emphasized for entry-level web developers, and it's mentioned that employers provide leeway for learning time.", 'The chapter emphasizes the importance of showcasing skills and knowledge to potential employers, citing personal experience as a successful example.', 'The speaker shares their personal experience of not having traditional work experience but still having valuable industry experience and knowledge.', 'The speaker provides tips for showing employers programming experience without traditional work experience, using personal experience as an example.', 'The different types of web developers are explained, including front-end developers, server-side programmers, and full stack developers, with an emphasis on the value of full stack developers.', 'The speaker mentions being able to direct employers to their YouTube channel to showcase their skills and knowledge.', 'Include a video or PowerPoint presentation at the top of the resume to showcase personality and compatibility with potential colleagues.', 'List all skills, including HTML, CSS, front-end and back-end languages, and frameworks, and include 5-10 projects if possible.', 'Link a GitHub account to demonstrate commitment to coding and contribution to open source projects.', 'Encourages showcasing personal and volunteer work, such as creating websites for family and friends, contributing to open source projects, and obtaining testimonials for feedback.', 'Networking is crucial due to the shift to collaborative teams and technological advancements.', 'Online networking, hackathons, meetups, and conventions offer opportunities to build connections and gain experience.', 'Specific platforms and events for networking, such as AngelHack, HackerLeague, Hackathon.io, Node.js Interactive, WebStock, and DevNexus, are mentioned.', 'Target entry-level and junior positions for job search strategies.', 'Explore various types of job websites for diverse job opportunities.', 'Utilize freelancing websites for experience and resume building.']}