AZ-900 Episode 33 | Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure

I've spent over 50 hours reviewing, reading, watching, and reiterating Today's episode. Now I'm finally able to present my latest episode to you about the Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure! it is the best 20-minute high-level overview I could make for this enormous topic. I hope that you will like it! Skills Learned - Describe Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure 🌐 Site: https://marczak.io/az-900/#ep33 Episode Resources - 📚 Study cheat sheet https://marczak.io/az-900/episode-33/cheat-sheet - 🧠 Practice Test https://marczak.io/az-900/episode-33/practice-test Study Guide * Study Guide * Microsoft Learn: Cloud Adoption Framework - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/modules/microsoft-cloud-adoption-framework-for-azure/?WT.mc_id=AZ-MVP-5003556) * Microsoft Azure: Cloud Adoption Framework - https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/cloud-adoption-framework/?WT.mc_id=AZ-MVP-5003556 * Microsoft Documentation: Cloud Adoption Framework - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cloud-adoption-framework/?WT.mc_id=AZ-MVP-5003556 Extra Resources * CAF Tools & Templates - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cloud-adoption-framework/reference/tools-templates?WT.mc_id=AZ-MVP-5003556 Agenda 00:00 Episode introduction 00:38 What is a Cloud Adoption? 00:58 What is a Cloud Adoption? 01:38 Strategy 06:21 Plan 10:33 Ready 12:12 Adopt 16:20 Govern & Manage 18:03 Organize 18:45 CAF in the Docs 19:35 CAF summary ### Want to connect? - Blog https://marczak.io/ - Twitter https://twitter.com/MarczakIO - Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MarczakIO - LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-marczak/ - Site https://azure4everyone.com

{'title': 'AZ-900 Episode 33 | Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure', 'heatmap': [{'end': 329.503, 'start': 269.691, 'weight': 0.741}, {'end': 400.114, 'start': 369.305, 'weight': 1}, {'end': 455.43, 'start': 409.037, 'weight': 0.716}, {'end': 481.404, 'start': 466.255, 'weight': 0.805}, {'end': 649.953, 'start': 628.097, 'weight': 0.891}, {'end': 690.118, 'start': 656.736, 'weight': 0.717}], 'summary': 'Presents the azure cloud adoption framework, detailing its significance in accelerating business, innovation, and value delivery, emphasizing strategies, migration criteria, digital asset rationalization, organization alignment, and stakeholder involvement, while highlighting the importance of documentation and governance for a seamless cloud adoption process.', 'chapters': [{'end': 91.395, 'segs': [{'end': 69.156, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 46.073, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 54.842, 'text': 'And this is done simply because cloud has a lot of things to offer to accelerate your business and allow you to innovate and build solutions faster.', 'start': 46.073, 'duration': 8.769}, {'end': 58.286, 'text': 'therefore provide more value to your customers.', 'start': 55.583, 'duration': 2.703}, {'end': 63.07, 'text': 'And Cloud Adoption Framework is a set of tools, best practices,', 'start': 58.826, 'duration': 4.244}, {'end': 69.156, 'text': 'guidelines and documentation created by Microsoft to help companies like yours with this journey.', 'start': 63.07, 'duration': 6.086}], 'summary': 'Cloud adoption framework accelerates business innovation and provides more value to customers.', 'duration': 23.083, 'max_score': 46.073, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/d6usiB4MKq8/pics/d6usiB4MKq846073.jpg'}], 'start': 0.149, 'title': 'Azure cloud adoption framework', 'summary': 'Covers the cloud adoption framework in the context of azure platform, emphasizing its importance in helping organizations leverage the cloud to accelerate business, innovate, and provide more value to customers.', 'chapters': [{'end': 91.395, 'start': 0.149, 'title': 'Azure cloud adoption framework', 'summary': 'Covers the cloud adoption framework in the context of azure platform, emphasizing its importance in helping organizations leverage the cloud to accelerate business, innovate, and provide more value to customers.', 'duration': 91.246, 'highlights': ['Cloud adoption is a strategic move by organizations to leverage cloud for accelerating business and innovation. Cloud adoption is a strategic move by organizations to leverage cloud for accelerating business and innovation.', 'Cloud Adoption Framework is a set of tools, best practices, guidelines, and documentation created by Microsoft to help companies with the cloud adoption journey. Cloud Adoption Framework is a set of tools, best practices, guidelines, and documentation created by Microsoft to help companies with the cloud adoption journey.', 'The chapter provides an overview of the Cloud Adoption Framework in the context of Azure Platform, emphasizing its importance in helping organizations leverage the cloud to accelerate business, innovate, and provide more value to customers. The chapter provides an overview of the Cloud Adoption Framework in the context of Azure Platform, emphasizing its importance in helping organizations leverage the cloud to accelerate business, innovate, and provide more value to customers.']}], 'duration': 91.246, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/d6usiB4MKq8/pics/d6usiB4MKq8149.jpg', 'highlights': ['Cloud Adoption Framework is a set of tools, best practices, guidelines, and documentation created by Microsoft to help companies with the cloud adoption journey.', 'The chapter provides an overview of the Cloud Adoption Framework in the context of Azure Platform, emphasizing its importance in helping organizations leverage the cloud to accelerate business, innovate, and provide more value to customers.', 'Cloud adoption is a strategic move by organizations to leverage cloud for accelerating business and innovation.']}, {'end': 306.303, 'segs': [{'end': 176.199, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 113.567, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 116.149, 'text': 'The first step in the strategy is called motivations.', 'start': 113.567, 'duration': 2.582}, {'end': 119.77, 'text': 'During this step, you want to answer the question why move?', 'start': 116.689, 'duration': 3.081}, {'end': 129.167, 'text': 'As such, you want to meet with your key stakeholders and executives in your company to document what are the motivations behind the cloud adoption.', 'start': 120.951, 'duration': 8.216}, {'end': 133.688, 'text': 'And to do that, you need to understand what are your motivation triggers.', 'start': 130.205, 'duration': 3.483}, {'end': 138.371, 'text': 'The most common motivation triggers are either migration triggers,', 'start': 134.148, 'duration': 4.223}, {'end': 143.916, 'text': 'so moving your current infrastructure to the cloud so that you can gain some cost savings.', 'start': 138.371, 'duration': 5.545}, {'end': 147.238, 'text': 'you can reduce the complexity of your current infrastructure.', 'start': 143.916, 'duration': 3.322}, {'end': 156.685, 'text': 'Maybe you want to optimize your current operations or increase business agility by having more flexible approach to managing infrastructure.', 'start': 147.678, 'duration': 9.007}, {'end': 159.748, 'text': 'Another motivation trigger is called innovation.', 'start': 157.186, 'duration': 2.562}, {'end': 166.432, 'text': 'In this category, you want to leverage the cloud and its features to provide some improvements to your company.', 'start': 160.388, 'duration': 6.044}, {'end': 171.776, 'text': 'For example, maybe reaching a global scale or improving customer experience.', 'start': 166.533, 'duration': 5.243}, {'end': 176.199, 'text': 'Maybe you want to disrupt new markets or create new products and services.', 'start': 172.176, 'duration': 4.023}], 'summary': 'Identify motivations for cloud adoption, such as cost savings, agility, innovation, and global reach.', 'duration': 62.632, 'max_score': 113.567, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/d6usiB4MKq8/pics/d6usiB4MKq8113567.jpg'}, {'end': 230.306, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 200.313, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 205.437, 'text': 'So what would be your criteria of success that would support your move to the cloud?', 'start': 200.313, 'duration': 5.124}, {'end': 211.418, 'text': 'And this measure has to be a defined, concise, observable outcome for your company.', 'start': 206.357, 'duration': 5.061}, {'end': 220.881, 'text': 'Typical things might include an increase in revenue and profit or a cost reduction, or maybe something more business-oriented,', 'start': 211.859, 'duration': 9.022}, {'end': 223.742, 'text': 'like having a global access and reaching new markets.', 'start': 220.881, 'duration': 2.861}, {'end': 230.306, 'text': 'But it is important that this measure can be calculated and can be observed so that you can define it and track it.', 'start': 224.522, 'duration': 5.784}], 'summary': 'Criteria of success for moving to the cloud should include measurable outcomes like increased revenue, profit, cost reduction, global access, and reaching new markets.', 'duration': 29.993, 'max_score': 200.313, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/d6usiB4MKq8/pics/d6usiB4MKq8200313.jpg'}, {'end': 296.978, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 264.69, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 269.051, 'text': 'So this business justification will use the input from the two previous steps.', 'start': 264.69, 'duration': 4.361}, {'end': 275.112, 'text': 'There are many tools provided by Microsoft that supports you in the process of building this financial model.', 'start': 269.691, 'duration': 5.421}, {'end': 285.954, 'text': 'For example, a person like a chief financial officer in your company might want to use Azure TCO, which stands for Total Cost of Ownership Calculator,', 'start': 275.632, 'duration': 10.322}, {'end': 290.095, 'text': 'to calculate the cost of your current on-premise infrastructure.', 'start': 285.954, 'duration': 4.141}, {'end': 296.978, 'text': 'With Azure Pricing Calculator, you can estimate the monthly cost of Azure infrastructure.', 'start': 290.735, 'duration': 6.243}], 'summary': 'Utilize microsoft tools like azure tco and pricing calculator to assess financial model and infrastructure costs.', 'duration': 32.288, 'max_score': 264.69, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/d6usiB4MKq8/pics/d6usiB4MKq8264690.jpg'}], 'start': 91.916, 'title': 'Cloud adoption strategies', 'summary': 'Introduces the cloud adoption framework, focusing on the strategy stage, which involves identifying motivations, migration triggers, innovation, and aligning organizational goals. it also emphasizes understanding business outcomes, defining success criteria, and justifying the move to the cloud with a focus on return of investment and financial modeling using tools like azure tco and azure pricing calculator.', 'chapters': [{'end': 176.199, 'start': 91.916, 'title': 'Cloud adoption strategy framework', 'summary': "Introduces the cloud adoption framework, outlining the first stage, 'strategy,' which involves identifying motivations behind cloud adoption, such as migration triggers and innovation, to align organizational goals and drive cloud adoption.", 'duration': 84.283, 'highlights': ["The first stage in the Cloud Adoption Framework is 'strategy,' which involves identifying motivations behind cloud adoption by meeting with key stakeholders and executives to document the triggers, with migration triggers and innovation being the most common.", 'Motivation triggers for cloud adoption include migration triggers, aimed at achieving cost savings, reducing infrastructure complexity, optimizing operations, and enhancing business agility, as well as innovation triggers, focused on leveraging cloud features for global scale, improved customer experience, market disruption, and new product development.']}, {'end': 306.303, 'start': 176.9, 'title': 'Moving to the cloud: business considerations', 'summary': 'Emphasizes the importance of understanding business outcomes, defining measurable success criteria, and justifying the move to the cloud with a focus on return of investment and financial modeling using tools like azure tco and azure pricing calculator.', 'duration': 129.403, 'highlights': ['The importance of defining measurable success criteria, such as increase in revenue, profit, cost reduction, global access, and reaching new markets, to support the move to the cloud.', 'Emphasizing the business justification step, including understanding return of investment, creating a financial model that supports motivations and outcomes, and utilizing tools like Azure TCO and Azure Pricing Calculator.', 'Utilizing tools provided by Microsoft, such as Azure TCO, Azure Pricing Calculator, and Azure Cost Management, for calculating the cost of current on-premise infrastructure, estimating monthly cost of Azure infrastructure, and gaining visibility on existing resources and their cost.']}], 'duration': 214.387, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/d6usiB4MKq8/pics/d6usiB4MKq891916.jpg', 'highlights': ['Defining measurable success criteria is crucial for supporting the move to the cloud, including revenue increase and cost reduction.', 'Understanding motivations behind cloud adoption is the first stage in the Cloud Adoption Framework, involving migration and innovation triggers.', 'Utilizing tools like Azure TCO and Azure Pricing Calculator for financial modeling and justifying the move to the cloud.', 'Motivation triggers for cloud adoption include achieving cost savings, reducing infrastructure complexity, and enhancing business agility.', 'Innovation triggers for cloud adoption focus on leveraging cloud features for global scale, improved customer experience, and market disruption.']}, {'end': 563.379, 'segs': [{'end': 369.025, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 306.803, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 313.287, 'text': 'Those three tools that you see here will be covered in more detail in future episodes, but this might be a question on the exam.', 'start': 306.803, 'duration': 6.484}, {'end': 319.45, 'text': 'So make sure to remember that those are the key elements used in the business justification phase.', 'start': 313.587, 'duration': 5.863}, {'end': 325.081, 'text': 'And lastly, as part of this strategy, we want to decide on the first project.', 'start': 320.558, 'duration': 4.523}, {'end': 329.503, 'text': 'This first project will help you align your motivations and technical efforts.', 'start': 325.661, 'duration': 3.842}, {'end': 334.006, 'text': 'And to choose the right first project, you need to follow two criterias.', 'start': 330.043, 'duration': 3.963}, {'end': 337.508, 'text': 'First criteria is so-called business criteria.', 'start': 334.926, 'duration': 2.582}, {'end': 342.09, 'text': 'In here you want to find the project that is, first of all, currently operating,', 'start': 338.008, 'duration': 4.082}, {'end': 346.633, 'text': 'so the project that is currently working in your company and has dedicated owner.', 'start': 342.09, 'duration': 4.543}, {'end': 354.697, 'text': 'But this is very important that this owner and this application has a strong motivation to move to the cloud because it sees its benefits.', 'start': 347.213, 'duration': 7.484}, {'end': 361.741, 'text': 'This is important because the engagement of the owner will be very important across every single step of the process.', 'start': 355.238, 'duration': 6.503}, {'end': 364.863, 'text': 'And additionally, there are technical criteria.', 'start': 362.422, 'duration': 2.441}, {'end': 369.025, 'text': 'You want to find a project that has minimum amount of dependencies and assets.', 'start': 365.183, 'duration': 3.842}], 'summary': 'Key elements for business justification: 3 tools, project selection criteria - business and technical, for successful cloud transition.', 'duration': 62.222, 'max_score': 306.803, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/d6usiB4MKq8/pics/d6usiB4MKq8306803.jpg'}, {'end': 455.43, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 369.305, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 374.829, 'text': 'This is because if you choose a project that is too big, it will take you too long to validate your strategy.', 'start': 369.305, 'duration': 5.524}, {'end': 381.132, 'text': 'In summary, our first stage strategy is about defining business justification and the outcomes.', 'start': 375.785, 'duration': 5.347}, {'end': 384.737, 'text': 'Once this stage is completed, we move to the planning phase.', 'start': 382.114, 'duration': 2.623}, {'end': 389.41, 'text': 'In the planning phase, there are again few steps that we need to follow.', 'start': 385.529, 'duration': 3.881}, {'end': 393.012, 'text': 'The first step is digital estate.', 'start': 390.151, 'duration': 2.861}, {'end': 395.632, 'text': 'This is so-called inventory of assets.', 'start': 393.512, 'duration': 2.12}, {'end': 400.114, 'text': 'You want to review what you currently have in your company and what you should do with it.', 'start': 395.832, 'duration': 4.282}, {'end': 408.417, 'text': "And that decision, that rationalization is so-called decided based on this five R's of rationalization rule.", 'start': 400.734, 'duration': 7.683}, {'end': 414.039, 'text': 'So for each digital asset that you will find in your company, you want to assign one R.', 'start': 409.037, 'duration': 5.002}, {'end': 416.816, 'text': 'First, we have Rehost.', 'start': 415.495, 'duration': 1.321}, {'end': 424.384, 'text': 'Rehost means that we take existing application and we move it to the cloud without any changes.', 'start': 417.637, 'duration': 6.747}, {'end': 430.089, 'text': 'This typically means move existing applications into infrastructure as a service.', 'start': 424.964, 'duration': 5.125}, {'end': 432.992, 'text': 'So deploy this into virtual machine or a container.', 'start': 430.129, 'duration': 2.863}, {'end': 435.534, 'text': 'Another R is for Refactor.', 'start': 433.412, 'duration': 2.122}, {'end': 445.042, 'text': 'So you want to make small changes to your existing application codebase in order to fit it into existing Platform as a Service offerings in Azure.', 'start': 436.195, 'duration': 8.847}, {'end': 452.328, 'text': 'For example, if you have a web application running on a virtual machine and this web application uses SQL Server,', 'start': 445.562, 'duration': 6.766}, {'end': 455.43, 'text': 'Maybe with a little bit changes in your code,', 'start': 452.808, 'duration': 2.622}], 'summary': "Strategy involves defining business justification, outcomes, and rationalizing digital assets using the five r's - rehost and refactor for cloud migration.", 'duration': 47.511, 'max_score': 369.305, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/d6usiB4MKq8/pics/d6usiB4MKq8369305.jpg'}, {'end': 495.057, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 466.255, 'weight': 0.805, 'content': [{'end': 470.918, 'text': 'For the re-architect, you will need to make complex changes to your code base.', 'start': 466.255, 'duration': 4.663}, {'end': 475.06, 'text': 'This is used if you want to introduce new services in your application.', 'start': 471.218, 'duration': 3.842}, {'end': 481.404, 'text': 'For example, we might see that a key vault is very good service in Azure and you want to introduce it in your application.', 'start': 475.14, 'duration': 6.264}, {'end': 487.63, 'text': 'Therefore, you might want to re-architect existing ones to take advantage of those security services in Azure.', 'start': 481.844, 'duration': 5.786}, {'end': 495.057, 'text': 'But another reason for re-architecture is when your application strongly depends on the physical infrastructure in your company,', 'start': 488.25, 'duration': 6.807}], 'summary': 'Re-architect for new services, like key vault in azure, or for dependence on physical infrastructure.', 'duration': 28.802, 'max_score': 466.255, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/d6usiB4MKq8/pics/d6usiB4MKq8466255.jpg'}, {'end': 524.977, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 495.057, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 497.038, 'text': 'so it is incompatible with the cloud.', 'start': 495.057, 'duration': 1.981}, {'end': 503.963, 'text': 'So in short, you use re-architect to implement new features or fix incompatible applications.', 'start': 497.699, 'duration': 6.264}, {'end': 505.905, 'text': 'Another one is rebuild.', 'start': 504.564, 'duration': 1.341}, {'end': 509.887, 'text': 'For this rationale, we create application from scratch.', 'start': 506.465, 'duration': 3.422}, {'end': 511.448, 'text': 'This could be also called new.', 'start': 510.007, 'duration': 1.441}, {'end': 513.95, 'text': 'So we look at existing application.', 'start': 512.208, 'duration': 1.742}, {'end': 519.273, 'text': 'We see that effort of introducing this in the cloud is too big or maybe the code is too old.', 'start': 514.01, 'duration': 5.263}, {'end': 524.977, 'text': 'And we decide to rebuild this from scratch to take full advantage of what cloud has to offer.', 'start': 519.714, 'duration': 5.263}], 'summary': 'Re-architect to fix incompatibility, rebuild for outdated code or big effort.', 'duration': 29.92, 'max_score': 495.057, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/d6usiB4MKq8/pics/d6usiB4MKq8495057.jpg'}], 'start': 306.803, 'title': 'Cloud migration strategy and digital asset rationalization', 'summary': "Discusses the criteria for choosing the first project in cloud migration and outlines the five r's of rationalization for digital assets, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive plan for digital asset management.", 'chapters': [{'end': 393.012, 'start': 306.803, 'title': 'Cloud migration strategy', 'summary': 'Discusses the key elements used in the business justification phase, emphasizing the criteria for choosing the first project, which includes business and technical criteria, to align motivations and technical efforts for cloud migration.', 'duration': 86.209, 'highlights': ['The chapter discusses the key elements used in the business justification phase It emphasizes the importance of understanding the tools used in the business justification phase, crucial for the exam.', 'Criteria for choosing the first project, including business and technical criteria It outlines the importance of aligning motivations and technical efforts, with specific emphasis on the business and technical criteria for selecting the first project.', 'The project should be currently operating with a dedicated owner and strong motivation to move to the cloud Emphasizes the importance of project selection based on current operation, dedicated ownership, and strong motivation for cloud migration.']}, {'end': 563.379, 'start': 393.512, 'title': 'Digital asset rationalization', 'summary': "Outlines the five r's of rationalization for digital assets and their implications, including rehost, refactor, re-architect, rebuild, and replace, and emphasizes the need to review and assign these r's to each digital asset in a company to create a comprehensive plan for digital asset management.", 'duration': 169.867, 'highlights': ["The five R's of rationalization for digital assets are Rehost, Refactor, Re-architect, Rebuild, and Replace. The chapter introduces and emphasizes the five R's of rationalization for digital assets, which are crucial for making decisions about digital asset management.", 'Rehost involves moving existing applications to the cloud without any changes, typically into infrastructure as a service. Rehost is explained as the process of transferring existing applications to the cloud without any alterations, usually into infrastructure as a service, providing insights into the first step of digital asset rationalization.', 'Refactor entails making small changes to the existing application codebase to fit it into existing Platform as a Service offerings in Azure. The concept of Refactor is described as making minor adjustments to the existing application codebase to align it with Platform as a Service offerings in Azure, highlighting the adaptability of applications in the cloud environment.', 'Rebuild involves creating an application from scratch to fully leverage the benefits of the cloud. Rebuild is explained as the process of creating an application from the ground up to maximize the advantages offered by the cloud, providing insights into the scenario where existing applications are deemed incompatible or outdated for cloud migration.', 'Replace focuses on evaluating existing applications and considering software as a service offerings in the cloud that might replace the functionality of the current applications. The concept of Replace is outlined as the assessment of existing applications to determine if cloud-based software as a service offerings can effectively replace their functionality, indicating the importance of exploring alternative solutions in the cloud environment.']}], 'duration': 256.576, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/d6usiB4MKq8/pics/d6usiB4MKq8306803.jpg', 'highlights': ["The five R's of rationalization for digital assets are Rehost, Refactor, Re-architect, Rebuild, and Replace.", 'Criteria for choosing the first project, including business and technical criteria It outlines the importance of aligning motivations and technical efforts, with specific emphasis on the business and technical criteria for selecting the first project.', 'The project should be currently operating with a dedicated owner and strong motivation to move to the cloud Emphasizes the importance of project selection based on current operation, dedicated ownership, and strong motivation for cloud migration.', 'The chapter discusses the key elements used in the business justification phase It emphasizes the importance of understanding the tools used in the business justification phase, crucial for the exam.', 'Rebuild involves creating an application from scratch to fully leverage the benefits of the cloud. Rebuild is explained as the process of creating an application from the ground up to maximize the advantages offered by the cloud, providing insights into the scenario where existing applications are deemed incompatible or outdated for cloud migration.']}, {'end': 1102.23, 'segs': [{'end': 649.953, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 564.2, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 567.321, 'text': 'Next step is initial organization alignment.', 'start': 564.2, 'duration': 3.121}, {'end': 570.742, 'text': 'During this, when the plan is being established,', 'start': 568.041, 'duration': 2.701}, {'end': 579.543, 'text': 'you want to meet with the key stakeholders in your organization to make sure that everyone is aligned and every key person supports this adoption plan.', 'start': 570.742, 'duration': 8.801}, {'end': 585.365, 'text': 'During this step, the alignment of people who will make this plan a reality is very important.', 'start': 580.544, 'duration': 4.821}, {'end': 591.986, 'text': 'It is also a step where you map your people to the capabilities so you know who should be engaged when.', 'start': 585.865, 'duration': 6.121}, {'end': 596.107, 'text': 'And once your organization is aligned, you will create skills readiness plan.', 'start': 592.606, 'duration': 3.501}, {'end': 604.873, 'text': 'During this stage, you want to review your current skill sets in your company and create a plan that will address the gaps.', 'start': 597.008, 'duration': 7.865}, {'end': 611.878, 'text': 'Because in the cloud, you will need to have a lot of new skills in your company across different teams and different people.', 'start': 605.354, 'duration': 6.524}, {'end': 613.96, 'text': 'And this plan will take care of that.', 'start': 612.379, 'duration': 1.581}, {'end': 619.747, 'text': 'And once you do all those things, simply put it into so-called cloud adoption plan.', 'start': 614.56, 'duration': 5.187}, {'end': 627.657, 'text': 'This plan will be used to manage the change across your digital estate, skills, and the organization and the processes.', 'start': 620.327, 'duration': 7.33}, {'end': 633.264, 'text': 'To summarize, in the planning stage, we want to create actionable plan for our cloud adoption.', 'start': 628.097, 'duration': 5.167}, {'end': 636.265, 'text': 'From there, we move to the next stage called ready.', 'start': 633.824, 'duration': 2.441}, {'end': 641.208, 'text': 'So readiness stage is all about preparing your first Azure environment.', 'start': 636.766, 'duration': 4.442}, {'end': 644.13, 'text': 'To do that, you start with Azure setup guide.', 'start': 641.668, 'duration': 2.462}, {'end': 649.953, 'text': 'So you read Azure documentation on how the initial environment should look like.', 'start': 644.61, 'duration': 5.343}], 'summary': 'Initial organization alignment crucial for cloud adoption plan. skills readiness plan to address skill gaps, culminating in cloud adoption plan.', 'duration': 85.753, 'max_score': 564.2, 'thumbnail': ''}, {'end': 690.118, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 656.736, 'weight': 0.717, 'content': [{'end': 663.821, 'text': 'Also at this stage, you will want to choose which type of Azure subscription should you use and which is the best for your company.', 'start': 656.736, 'duration': 7.085}, {'end': 668.664, 'text': 'And once you have everything prepared, you start creating your first Azure environment.', 'start': 664.301, 'duration': 4.363}, {'end': 671.085, 'text': 'This is so-called Azure landing zone.', 'start': 668.944, 'duration': 2.141}, {'end': 673.667, 'text': 'This will be your first Azure environment.', 'start': 671.626, 'duration': 2.041}, {'end': 681.232, 'text': 'It will be completely created out of Microsoft guidelines and it will allow you to set up a code base for future improvements.', 'start': 673.747, 'duration': 7.485}, {'end': 690.118, 'text': 'and advice here is to use infrastructure as a code approach so that everything can be later changed, expanded, updated,', 'start': 682.012, 'duration': 8.106}], 'summary': 'Choose the best azure subscription, create a landing zone following microsoft guidelines, and use infrastructure as code for flexibility.', 'duration': 33.382, 'max_score': 656.736, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/d6usiB4MKq8/pics/d6usiB4MKq8656736.jpg'}, {'end': 972.011, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 945.041, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 952.785, 'text': 'In summary, adopt stage is about implementing existing plan and either migrating or innovating, or maybe both.', 'start': 945.041, 'duration': 7.744}, {'end': 965.007, 'text': 'One thing that I want to note here is that those three stages plan ready and adopt are the key stages that define the cloud adoption according to cloud adoption framework.', 'start': 953.641, 'duration': 11.366}, {'end': 972.011, 'text': 'So, if there will be a question during the exam, what are the three main stages that the cloud adoption helps with?', 'start': 965.648, 'duration': 6.363}], 'summary': 'Cloud adoption involves three key stages: plan, ready, and adopt.', 'duration': 26.97, 'max_score': 945.041, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/d6usiB4MKq8/pics/d6usiB4MKq8945041.jpg'}, {'end': 1076.485, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1055.297, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 1064.119, 'text': 'This is very important because those two need to work together, because you want your environment to be stable, but also you want to control the cost,', 'start': 1055.297, 'duration': 8.822}, {'end': 1068.2, 'text': 'because you want to meet your business commitments as part of your financial model.', 'start': 1064.119, 'duration': 4.081}, {'end': 1076.485, 'text': 'So in summary, governance is about making sure that your environments stay compliant, it will be controlled and secure.', 'start': 1068.86, 'duration': 7.625}], 'summary': 'Governance ensures compliant, controlled, and secure environments for stability and cost control.', 'duration': 21.188, 'max_score': 1055.297, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/d6usiB4MKq8/pics/d6usiB4MKq81055297.jpg'}], 'start': 564.2, 'title': 'Cloud adoption', 'summary': 'Emphasizes the importance of initial organization alignment, creating a skills readiness plan, and establishing a cloud adoption plan. it outlines the key stages of the cloud adoption framework, detailing the steps involved in each stage and emphasizing best practices, compliance, and security.', 'chapters': [{'end': 627.657, 'start': 564.2, 'title': 'Cloud adoption alignment and readiness', 'summary': 'Emphasizes the importance of initial organization alignment with key stakeholders, mapping people to capabilities, creating a skills readiness plan to address skill gaps for cloud adoption, and establishing a cloud adoption plan to manage change across digital estate, skills, organization, and processes.', 'duration': 63.457, 'highlights': ['During initial organization alignment, it is crucial to ensure alignment of key stakeholders and map people to capabilities for successful cloud adoption.', 'Creating a skills readiness plan is essential to address skill gaps for cloud adoption, considering the need for new skills across different teams and people in the cloud environment.', 'Establishing a cloud adoption plan is important for managing change across digital estate, skills, organization, and processes.']}, {'end': 1102.23, 'start': 628.097, 'title': 'Cloud adoption framework', 'summary': 'Outlines the key stages of the cloud adoption framework, including planning, readiness, and adoption. it details the steps involved in each stage, such as creating the first azure environment, migrating projects, and innovating solutions, and emphasizes the importance of following best practices and ensuring compliance and security in governance and management.', 'duration': 474.133, 'highlights': ['The planning stage involves creating an actionable plan for cloud adoption and preparing the first Azure environment in the readiness stage, emphasizing the use of infrastructure as code and adherence to best practices. The planning stage focuses on creating an actionable plan for cloud adoption, while the readiness stage involves preparing the first Azure environment, emphasizing the use of infrastructure as code and adherence to best practices.', 'The adoption stage includes migrating projects and innovating solutions, with emphasis on following best practices, process improvements, and aligning business value with the cloud strategy. The adoption stage includes migrating projects and innovating solutions, with emphasis on following best practices, process improvements, and aligning business value with the cloud strategy.', 'Governance is focused on ensuring compliance, risk control, and security, while management involves ongoing operation and optimization of the environment, emphasizing the need for agility, risk control, and cost management. Governance is focused on ensuring compliance, risk control, and security, while management involves ongoing operation and optimization of the environment, emphasizing the need for agility, risk control, and cost management.']}], 'duration': 538.03, 'thumbnail': '', 'highlights': ['Establishing a cloud adoption plan is important for managing change across digital estate, skills, organization, and processes.', 'Creating a skills readiness plan is essential to address skill gaps for cloud adoption, considering the need for new skills across different teams and people in the cloud environment.', 'During initial organization alignment, it is crucial to ensure alignment of key stakeholders and map people to capabilities for successful cloud adoption.', 'The adoption stage includes migrating projects and innovating solutions, with emphasis on following best practices, process improvements, and aligning business value with the cloud strategy.', 'The planning stage involves creating an actionable plan for cloud adoption and preparing the first Azure environment in the readiness stage, emphasizing the use of infrastructure as code and adherence to best practices.', 'Governance is focused on ensuring compliance, risk control, and security, while management involves ongoing operation and optimization of the environment, emphasizing the need for agility, risk control, and cost management.']}, {'end': 1365.895, 'segs': [{'end': 1148.156, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1103.191, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1109.738, 'text': 'This is because this entire cloud adoption framework will involve a lot of people, a lot of stakeholders, a lot of teams.', 'start': 1103.191, 'duration': 6.547}, {'end': 1113.804, 'text': 'so you need to make sure that everyone knows what to do.', 'start': 1110.823, 'duration': 2.981}, {'end': 1122.947, 'text': 'One of the ways to achieve that is to create this RICI matrix, which stands for responsible, accountable, consulted and informed,', 'start': 1114.264, 'duration': 8.683}, {'end': 1127.008, 'text': 'so that every team knows what to do and when during this entire process.', 'start': 1122.947, 'duration': 4.061}, {'end': 1132.47, 'text': 'In the documentation for Cloud Adoption Framework, every single step is laid out very nicely.', 'start': 1127.408, 'duration': 5.062}, {'end': 1139.232, 'text': "You can scroll through this documentation to find this lifecycle and this diagram that we've been talking about today.", 'start': 1132.85, 'duration': 6.382}, {'end': 1148.156, 'text': 'And notice that for every single stage on this diagram, you will find a section on the left-hand side which goes from the overview,', 'start': 1139.972, 'duration': 8.184}], 'summary': 'Cloud adoption involves many stakeholders. use raci matrix to ensure teams know their responsibilities. the cloud adoption framework documentation provides a detailed lifecycle and diagram for guidance.', 'duration': 44.965, 'max_score': 1103.191, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/d6usiB4MKq8/pics/d6usiB4MKq81103191.jpg'}, {'end': 1195.279, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1169.19, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 1174.834, 'text': 'As soon as you will start adopting the cloud for your company, definitely go back to this document and check it again.', 'start': 1169.19, 'duration': 5.644}, {'end': 1181.113, 'text': 'To summarize, Cloud Adoption Framework is a set of tools, best practices,', 'start': 1175.831, 'duration': 5.282}, {'end': 1189.417, 'text': 'guidelines and documentation prepared by Microsoft to help customers with the cloud adoption process in the context of Azure platform.', 'start': 1181.113, 'duration': 8.304}, {'end': 1192.718, 'text': 'This framework is divided into multiple stages.', 'start': 1189.797, 'duration': 2.921}, {'end': 1195.279, 'text': 'The first stage is called strategy.', 'start': 1193.379, 'duration': 1.9}], 'summary': 'Cloud adoption framework by microsoft aids in azure cloud adoption.', 'duration': 26.089, 'max_score': 1169.19, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/d6usiB4MKq8/pics/d6usiB4MKq81169190.jpg'}, {'end': 1262.239, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1234.612, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 1240.898, 'text': 'This is the point where you start adopting moving to the cloud and either migrate, innovate, or both.', 'start': 1234.612, 'duration': 6.286}, {'end': 1244.121, 'text': 'But make sure to do it based on existing plan.', 'start': 1241.438, 'duration': 2.683}, {'end': 1249.146, 'text': 'So this is simply an implementation of existing plan created in the previous stage.', 'start': 1244.421, 'duration': 4.725}, {'end': 1255.952, 'text': 'As those three stages, plan, ready, and adopt are happening, make sure to govern your Azure environment.', 'start': 1249.967, 'duration': 5.985}, {'end': 1262.239, 'text': 'So align compliance and security standards, but also the tools that will support you in this process.', 'start': 1256.433, 'duration': 5.806}], 'summary': 'Adopt moving to the cloud, align with existing plan, govern azure environment.', 'duration': 27.627, 'max_score': 1234.612, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/d6usiB4MKq8/pics/d6usiB4MKq81234612.jpg'}, {'end': 1365.895, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1279.695, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 1283.599, 'text': 'One of the best ways to implement that is using RACI matrix.', 'start': 1279.695, 'duration': 3.904}, {'end': 1289.705, 'text': "One thing that I didn't mention, because it would have to be on every single slide and every single point,", 'start': 1284.6, 'duration': 5.105}, {'end': 1297.673, 'text': 'is that documentation and proper communication of every single stager is critical requirement for this process.', 'start': 1289.705, 'duration': 7.968}, {'end': 1305.14, 'text': 'So make sure that as you move along, everyone knows what to do and everything is very well documented.', 'start': 1298.373, 'duration': 6.767}, {'end': 1312.263, 'text': 'Lastly, as I mentioned, Microsoft Documentation for Cloud Adoption Framework is a living document.', 'start': 1306.26, 'duration': 6.003}, {'end': 1314.764, 'text': 'That means it will be constantly changing.', 'start': 1312.683, 'duration': 2.081}, {'end': 1326.209, 'text': 'Therefore, if you are going through the cloud adoption process in your company at every stage every now and then make sure to go back there and check if anything has been changed.', 'start': 1315.644, 'duration': 10.565}, {'end': 1333.222, 'text': 'Most of the time, the changes are not because something was bad, but because there were new good practices that were found,', 'start': 1326.997, 'duration': 6.225}, {'end': 1336.344, 'text': 'or maybe new tools that will support you even further.', 'start': 1333.222, 'duration': 3.122}, {'end': 1340.147, 'text': 'So it is only advantages for you to check it out.', 'start': 1337.145, 'duration': 3.002}, {'end': 1345.852, 'text': 'All the materials for this episode can be found on episode 33 on my website.', 'start': 1341.468, 'duration': 4.384}, {'end': 1351.061, 'text': 'But please remember that this episode is just an essence of what cloud adoption really is.', 'start': 1346.377, 'duration': 4.684}, {'end': 1352.803, 'text': "There's plenty more to learn.", 'start': 1351.362, 'duration': 1.441}, {'end': 1358.468, 'text': 'So if your company is migrating to the cloud, definitely check the available documentation and available tools.', 'start': 1353.043, 'duration': 5.425}, {'end': 1363.152, 'text': 'If you like my work, if you like those tutorials, support the channel by subscribing.', 'start': 1358.989, 'duration': 4.163}, {'end': 1365.895, 'text': 'And as always, see you in the next one.', 'start': 1363.773, 'duration': 2.122}], 'summary': "Proper documentation and communication are critical for cloud adoption. microsoft's cloud adoption framework is a living document, constantly changing to incorporate new practices and tools.", 'duration': 86.2, 'max_score': 1279.695, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/d6usiB4MKq8/pics/d6usiB4MKq81279695.jpg'}], 'start': 1103.191, 'title': 'Cloud adoption framework', 'summary': "Emphasizes the significance of rici matrix in stakeholder involvement, comprehensive documentation, and the living document nature of the cloud adoption framework, providing tools, best practices, and guidelines for azure platform adoption. it outlines the azure cloud adoption framework's three key stages and the need for proper governance, management, and organization. additionally, it highlights the importance of regularly checking the microsoft documentation for cloud adoption framework to ensure a seamless cloud adoption process for companies.", 'chapters': [{'end': 1192.718, 'start': 1103.191, 'title': 'Cloud adoption framework overview', 'summary': 'Highlights the importance of the rici matrix for involving stakeholders, emphasizes the comprehensive documentation for the cloud adoption framework, and emphasizes its role as a living document, offering tools, best practices, and guidelines for azure platform adoption.', 'duration': 89.527, 'highlights': ['The RICI matrix (responsible, accountable, consulted, informed) is crucial for involving a lot of people, stakeholders, and teams in the cloud adoption framework.', 'The documentation for Cloud Adoption Framework provides a detailed, living document with high-level overviews, specific points for each stage, links, guidelines, and references to aid with Azure adoption.', 'Cloud Adoption Framework is a set of tools, best practices, guidelines, and documentation by Microsoft to assist customers with the cloud adoption process in the context of Azure platform.']}, {'end': 1305.14, 'start': 1193.379, 'title': 'Azure cloud adoption framework', 'summary': 'Outlines the azure cloud adoption framework, which involves three key stages (strategy, planning, and adoption) and emphasizes the need for proper governance, management, and organization throughout the process.', 'duration': 111.761, 'highlights': ['The chapter outlines the Azure cloud adoption framework, involving strategy, planning, and adoption stages. This provides an overview of the main focus of the transcript and sets the stage for the detailed highlights.', 'Proper governance and management of Azure environment are emphasized during the planning and adoption stages. This emphasizes the importance of governance and management in the cloud adoption process.', 'Documentation and proper communication are critical requirements for the entire process. This highlights the critical need for documentation and communication throughout the cloud adoption framework.']}, {'end': 1365.895, 'start': 1306.26, 'title': 'Benefits of microsoft cloud adoption framework', 'summary': "Discusses the importance of regularly checking the microsoft documentation for cloud adoption framework as it's constantly evolving with new best practices and tools, ensuring a seamless cloud adoption process for companies.", 'duration': 59.635, 'highlights': ['The Microsoft Documentation for Cloud Adoption Framework is a living document, constantly changing with new good practices and tools to support the cloud adoption process for companies.', 'Regularly checking the documentation ensures staying updated with new best practices and tools, providing advantages for companies migrating to the cloud.', 'The episode emphasizes that the materials are just an essence of what cloud adoption really is and encourages companies to explore the available documentation and tools for a comprehensive understanding.', 'The chapter concludes with a call to action, urging viewers to support the channel by subscribing and expressing anticipation for the next episode.']}], 'duration': 262.704, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/d6usiB4MKq8/pics/d6usiB4MKq81103191.jpg', 'highlights': ['The RICI matrix is crucial for involving stakeholders in the cloud adoption framework.', 'The Cloud Adoption Framework provides detailed, living documentation with high-level overviews.', 'Proper governance and management of Azure environment are emphasized during the planning and adoption stages.', 'The Microsoft Documentation for Cloud Adoption Framework is a living document, constantly changing with new good practices and tools.', 'Regularly checking the documentation ensures staying updated with new best practices and tools.', 'Cloud Adoption Framework is a set of tools, best practices, guidelines, and documentation by Microsoft to assist customers with the cloud adoption process.', 'Documentation and proper communication are critical requirements for the entire process.', 'The chapter outlines the Azure cloud adoption framework, involving strategy, planning, and adoption stages.', 'The episode emphasizes that the materials are just an essence of what cloud adoption really is and encourages companies to explore the available documentation and tools for a comprehensive understanding.', 'The chapter concludes with a call to action, urging viewers to support the channel by subscribing and expressing anticipation for the next episode.']}], 'highlights': ['Defining measurable success criteria is crucial for supporting the move to the cloud, including revenue increase and cost reduction.', "The five R's of rationalization for digital assets are Rehost, Refactor, Re-architect, Rebuild, and Replace.", 'Establishing a cloud adoption plan is important for managing change across digital estate, skills, organization, and processes.', 'The RICI matrix is crucial for involving stakeholders in the cloud adoption framework.', 'Understanding motivations behind cloud adoption is the first stage in the Cloud Adoption Framework, involving migration and innovation triggers.', 'Creating a skills readiness plan is essential to address skill gaps for cloud adoption, considering the need for new skills across different teams and people in the cloud environment.', 'The Cloud Adoption Framework provides detailed, living documentation with high-level overviews.', 'Cloud Adoption Framework is a set of tools, best practices, guidelines, and documentation created by Microsoft to help companies with the cloud adoption journey.', 'Cloud adoption is a strategic move by organizations to leverage cloud for accelerating business and innovation.', 'The chapter provides an overview of the Cloud Adoption Framework in the context of Azure Platform, emphasizing its importance in helping organizations leverage the cloud to accelerate business, innovate, and provide more value to customers.']}