Linux - Introduction

Find code and diagrams at: https://www.EliTheComputerGuy.com Understanding Linux is a must in the modern world as a technology professional. Whether you’re building IoT projects, or simply managing websites Linux will many times be your go to operating system of choice. What is Linux ? Linux is technically simply the kernel for the GNU/Linux Operating System. GNU is what provides all the functional utility that people associate with an operating system. Most people don’t know how to say “GNU” and don’t care to learn so they just say “Linux”. In the real world technicians will talk about the distribution of Linux they are using such as “Ubuntu, CentOS, or Mint”, or just use “Linux” as a generic term for the servers they are running. Linux is Not Unix GNU stands for “GNU’s Not Unix”. GNU was replicating the look and feel of Unix and so outwardly Unix and Linux appear the same, but the actual code is different. Applications have to be specifically written, or ported, to make them work on either Linux or Unix. Why You Should Learn Linux? Many servers already are running Linux, and IoT projects generally use Linux for their Operating Systems. Linux is very good for specific tasks. Is Linux Hard to Learn? Linux is not hard to learn especially if you start with a GUI shell. One reason Linux has a bad reputation is that even the professional instructors of Linux can be out of touch, and make concepts overly complicated. capitalization does matter in Linux, so many people think they are typing the right commands, and get frustrated when things do not work how they think the should. File, file, filE and FILE are all different files. How to Learn Linux? Ubuntu is the most popular distrobution of Linux and so is a good place to start. You can install Linux into a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox, or put it on an old desktop/laptop. The best way to start learning Linux is to try it, and by starting with a Desktop Version with a GUI it will be easier. There is not a lot to “Linux” itself. The applications make it powerful and complex. Learn the basic tasks and then build your knowledge by testing additional applications. Should you switch to Linux? Institutional Knowledge and confidence is a big issue for corporations. If your company already employees MCSE’s there may not be a business justification to migrate to Linux. The applications you use will drive what Operating System you require. If all you use are SaaS products Linux may be great, but if you need to install specific applications it may be better to stick with Windows or MacOS.

{'title': 'Linux - Introduction', 'heatmap': [{'end': 1615.897, 'start': 1584.947, 'weight': 1}], 'summary': "Introduces the importance of linux for coders, it systems administrators, and iot professionals, discusses the evolution of gnu and linux kernel, emphasizes linux's prevalence in servers and mobile operating systems, explores cost-saving benefits of linux servers, and emphasizes the importance of choosing ubuntu for beginners due to its ease of installation and application compatibility.", 'chapters': [{'end': 290.95, 'segs': [{'end': 25.586, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 0.899, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 8.424, 'text': 'Please go to EliTheComputerGuy.com in order to view schematics, code, and more for the projects that you are learning about.', 'start': 0.899, 'duration': 7.525}, {'end': 10.994, 'text': 'Welcome back.', 'start': 10.393, 'duration': 0.601}, {'end': 15.177, 'text': "So in this video, I'm going to give you a brief introduction of what Linux is.", 'start': 11.034, 'duration': 4.143}, {'end': 20.141, 'text': 'So Linux is a very powerful operating system that many people use in the modern world.', 'start': 15.297, 'duration': 4.844}, {'end': 25.586, 'text': 'This is great for coders to understand or IT systems administrators or IoT folks.', 'start': 20.421, 'duration': 5.165}], 'summary': 'Introduction to linux, a powerful os for coders, it admins, and iot professionals.', 'duration': 24.687, 'max_score': 0.899, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o899.jpg'}, {'end': 118.091, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 94.061, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 102.385, 'text': 'so basically the thing is is back in 1991, this guy, linus torvalds, he created the linux kernel, the linux kernel.', 'start': 94.061, 'duration': 8.324}, {'end': 106.126, 'text': 'so the linux kernel uh, the kernel of an operating system,', 'start': 102.385, 'duration': 3.741}, {'end': 112.889, 'text': 'is the lowest level component of the operating system that basically allows all the communication to happen.', 'start': 106.126, 'duration': 6.763}, {'end': 114.63, 'text': "so so you can't.", 'start': 112.889, 'duration': 1.741}, {'end': 118.091, 'text': "you can't have an operating system without a kernel.", 'start': 114.63, 'duration': 3.461}], 'summary': 'In 1991, linus torvalds created the linux kernel, the essential component of an operating system.', 'duration': 24.03, 'max_score': 94.061, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o94061.jpg'}, {'end': 208.448, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 185.01, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 193.997, 'text': "let's create a free operating system so that people can then use this operating system for telephone switches and water pumps and all kinds of wacky stuff.", 'start': 185.01, 'duration': 8.987}, {'end': 194.898, 'text': 'Again, think about this in 1984.', 'start': 194.038, 'duration': 0.86}, {'end': 199.361, 'text': 'Now, one of the weird things with the GNU project genuinely seems weird,', 'start': 194.898, 'duration': 4.463}, {'end': 208.448, 'text': 'kind of seems butt backwards when you think about it is they essentially created all the code for a GNU operating system other than the kernel,', 'start': 199.361, 'duration': 9.087}], 'summary': 'Gnu project aimed to create a free operating system, except the kernel, for various uses in 1984.', 'duration': 23.438, 'max_score': 185.01, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o185010.jpg'}, {'end': 244.677, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 217.114, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 224.34, 'text': 'So in 91, Linus Torvalds, he actually writes the Linux kernel and then they think oh okay, look,', 'start': 217.114, 'duration': 7.226}, {'end': 232.668, 'text': "we can marry the Linux kernel to the GNU project that we've been doing and then we can have a full-fledged operating system.", 'start': 224.34, 'duration': 8.328}, {'end': 238.513, 'text': 'And so after that point, that is where we get what we think of as Linux today.', 'start': 233.188, 'duration': 5.325}, {'end': 240.254, 'text': 'So again, with file managers and..', 'start': 238.553, 'duration': 1.701}, {'end': 244.677, 'text': 'and file storage systems and all of that kind of stuff.', 'start': 241.355, 'duration': 3.322}], 'summary': 'In 1991, linus torvalds wrote the linux kernel, which was later integrated with the gnu project to form the full-fledged operating system known as linux today.', 'duration': 27.563, 'max_score': 217.114, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o217114.jpg'}], 'start': 0.899, 'title': 'Linux and gnu/linux evolution', 'summary': 'Introduces the importance of linux as an operating system, emphasizing its relevance for coders, it systems administrators, and iot professionals, and discusses the evolution of gnu, the creation of the linux kernel, and the emergence of the gnu linux operating system, highlighting its impact on the development of free operating systems and the importance of branding in the real world.', 'chapters': [{'end': 138.804, 'start': 0.899, 'title': 'Introduction to linux', 'summary': 'Introduces the importance of linux as an operating system and kernel, emphasizing its relevance for coders, it systems administrators, and iot professionals, and explaining the distinction between linux and gnu/linux.', 'duration': 137.905, 'highlights': ['Linux is a powerful operating system used by many in the modern world, important for coders, IT systems administrators, and IoT professionals. Linux is a powerful operating system used by many in the modern world, important for coders, IT systems administrators, and IoT professionals.', 'Linux is both a kernel and an operating system, with the kernel being the lowest level component that allows all communication to happen. Linux is both a kernel and an operating system, with the kernel being the lowest level component that allows all communication to happen.', 'The Linux kernel, created by Linus Torvalds in 1991, is the lowest level component of the operating system that allows all the communication to happen. The Linux kernel, created by Linus Torvalds in 1991, is the lowest level component of the operating system that allows all the communication to happen.']}, {'end': 290.95, 'start': 138.904, 'title': 'Evolution of gnu and linux', 'summary': 'Discusses the evolution of gnu, the creation of the linux kernel, and the emergence of the gnu linux operating system, highlighting its impact on the development of free operating systems and the importance of branding in the real world.', 'duration': 152.046, 'highlights': ["Richard Stallman's GNU project aimed to create a free Unix alternative for industrial tasks, such as telephone switches and water pumps, in 1984. The GNU project aimed to provide a free operating system for industrial purposes in 1984, emphasizing the significance of creating a Unix alternative for tasks like communications routing.", "Linus Torvalds wrote the Linux kernel in 1991, allowing the marriage of the Linux kernel to the GNU project, resulting in the full-fledged Linux operating system. Linus Torvalds' creation of the Linux kernel in 1991 enabled the combination of the Linux kernel with the GNU project, leading to the development of the complete Linux operating system.", "The GNU Linux operating system is technically a combination of GNU with the Linux kernel, emphasizing the importance of branding and the challenge of pronunciation for non-native speakers. The GNU Linux operating system is essentially GNU with the Linux kernel, underscoring the significance of branding and the challenge of pronunciation for non-native speakers when dealing with the acronym 'GNU'."]}], 'duration': 290.051, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o899.jpg', 'highlights': ['Linux is a powerful operating system used by many in the modern world, important for coders, IT systems administrators, and IoT professionals.', 'The Linux kernel, created by Linus Torvalds in 1991, is the lowest level component of the operating system that allows all the communication to happen.', "Richard Stallman's GNU project aimed to create a free Unix alternative for industrial tasks, such as telephone switches and water pumps, in 1984.", 'Linus Torvalds wrote the Linux kernel in 1991, allowing the marriage of the Linux kernel to the GNU project, resulting in the full-fledged Linux operating system.']}, {'end': 599.751, 'segs': [{'end': 332.202, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 290.97, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 295.691, 'text': "You look at GNU and you're like huh, I wonder how I say that.", 'start': 290.97, 'duration': 4.721}, {'end': 300.893, 'text': 'And then you look at Linux, L-I-N-U-X, and you go, oh, I know how to say that.', 'start': 296.152, 'duration': 4.741}, {'end': 305.154, 'text': 'So when somebody goes, oh, what operating system are you working with? You go, Linux.', 'start': 301.393, 'duration': 3.761}, {'end': 313.76, 'text': "And so that's where the operating systems that most of us use today, we call them Linux operating systems.", 'start': 308.078, 'duration': 5.682}, {'end': 318.643, 'text': "We don't think about the GNU part because that was just a horrible piece of branding.", 'start': 313.8, 'duration': 4.843}, {'end': 324.145, 'text': 'Now, a lot of folks in the whole GNU project, they are not happy about this fact.', 'start': 318.663, 'duration': 5.482}, {'end': 332.202, 'text': "And so if you start talking about Linux in i don't know fanboyish type environment, you may get smacked in the nose and people say well,", 'start': 324.205, 'duration': 7.997}], 'summary': 'Gnu project members unhappy with linux branding as most common operating system.', 'duration': 41.232, 'max_score': 290.97, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o290970.jpg'}, {'end': 561.352, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 519.25, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 525.956, 'text': 'it is important to understand that if you have some kind of package, if you have some kind of application that has to run on Unix,', 'start': 519.25, 'duration': 6.706}, {'end': 530.42, 'text': "you can't simply slap that on to a Linux distribution.", 'start': 525.956, 'duration': 4.464}, {'end': 538.929, 'text': "So they are two different operating systems, though in the real world, it's probably not something that's actually going to come up for you.", 'start': 530.781, 'duration': 8.148}, {'end': 547.323, 'text': "So a big question is why should IT professionals learn Linux? Now, it's not as big a question as it used to be.", 'start': 539.878, 'duration': 7.445}, {'end': 556.248, 'text': 'Again, when I got into IT back in 2000, the fact of the matter is most people knew the Microsoft operating systems and very few people knew Linux.', 'start': 547.343, 'duration': 8.905}, {'end': 561.352, 'text': "Linux was one of those cool, fancy things that if you were running web servers, maybe you'd use Linux.", 'start': 556.368, 'duration': 4.984}], 'summary': 'Understanding the differences between unix and linux, and the importance of learning linux for it professionals.', 'duration': 42.102, 'max_score': 519.25, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o519250.jpg'}, {'end': 604.092, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 579.802, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 586.106, 'text': "And a lot of the cloud type platforms, like platforms as a service, those types of things, they're using Linux.", 'start': 579.802, 'duration': 6.304}, {'end': 589.127, 'text': 'Not only that, but now we have Android.', 'start': 586.586, 'duration': 2.541}, {'end': 594.249, 'text': 'So Android, the mobile operating system, that is actually a distribution of Linux.', 'start': 589.147, 'duration': 5.102}, {'end': 599.751, 'text': "So Linux has become more and more prevalent over the years, but you may be sitting there and you're thinking well,", 'start': 594.549, 'duration': 5.202}, {'end': 604.092, 'text': 'if I know how to run a Windows server, why do I need to run Linux servers?', 'start': 599.751, 'duration': 4.341}], 'summary': 'Linux is prevalent in cloud platforms and android, making it essential for server management.', 'duration': 24.29, 'max_score': 579.802, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o579802.jpg'}], 'start': 290.97, 'title': 'Linux operating systems in the real world', 'summary': 'Discusses the pronunciation of gnu and linux, emphasizing the branding perspective and potential backlash from the gnu community. it also explains the real-world perception of linux, its prevalence in servers and mobile operating systems, and its importance for it professionals.', 'chapters': [{'end': 332.202, 'start': 290.97, 'title': 'Understanding linux operating systems', 'summary': 'Discusses the pronunciation of gnu and linux, emphasizing that most users call the operating system linux, stemming from a branding perspective, and highlights the potential backlash from the gnu community for overlooking their contribution.', 'duration': 41.232, 'highlights': ['The majority of users refer to the operating system as Linux due to its easier pronunciation and branding impact.', "Many individuals involved in the GNU project are discontent with the overshadowing of their contribution by the term 'Linux.'", "The difficulty in pronouncing GNU has led to its overshadowing by the more user-friendly term 'Linux.'"]}, {'end': 599.751, 'start': 332.202, 'title': 'Understanding linux in the real world', 'summary': 'Explains the real-world perception of linux, differentiating it from unix, and the increasing prevalence of linux in servers and mobile operating systems, highlighting its importance for it professionals.', 'duration': 267.549, 'highlights': ['Linux is prevalent in servers, with a significant number of web servers and cloud platforms using Linux, along with the mobile operating system Android being a distribution of Linux.', 'Differentiating Linux from Unix is important, as they are two different operating systems, despite the initial creation of GNU Linux as an alternative to Unix.', 'The modern world sees an increasing prevalence of Linux, making it important for IT professionals to learn Linux, especially with its widespread use in servers and mobile operating systems like Android.']}], 'duration': 308.781, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o290970.jpg', 'highlights': ['The majority of users refer to the operating system as Linux due to its easier pronunciation and branding impact.', "Many individuals involved in the GNU project are discontent with the overshadowing of their contribution by the term 'Linux.'", "The difficulty in pronouncing GNU has led to its overshadowing by the more user-friendly term 'Linux.'", 'Linux is prevalent in servers, with a significant number of web servers and cloud platforms using Linux, along with the mobile operating system Android being a distribution of Linux.', 'Differentiating Linux from Unix is important, as they are two different operating systems, despite the initial creation of GNU Linux as an alternative to Unix.', 'The modern world sees an increasing prevalence of Linux, making it important for IT professionals to learn Linux, especially with its widespread use in servers and mobile operating systems like Android.']}, {'end': 1170.265, 'segs': [{'end': 663.688, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 641.102, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 649.944, 'text': "you may have to pay an additional $50, right? You get into a company with a thousand people, that's an additional $50,000 simply for the connections.", 'start': 641.102, 'duration': 8.842}, {'end': 652.545, 'text': "And that's not even including the hardware and all that type of thing.", 'start': 650.024, 'duration': 2.521}, {'end': 659.347, 'text': "And so a lot of people choose to use Linux simply because they don't have to pay those licensing fees.", 'start': 653.265, 'duration': 6.082}, {'end': 663.688, 'text': 'And now, with a lot of the things that servers are being used for.', 'start': 659.827, 'duration': 3.861}], 'summary': 'Using linux can save $50,000 on licensing fees for a company with a thousand people.', 'duration': 22.586, 'max_score': 641.102, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o641102.jpg'}, {'end': 746.473, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 681.139, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 690.764, 'text': 'why do i want to pay 600 for us for a server license plus client access license and everything like that, when i can simply install linux for free?', 'start': 681.139, 'duration': 9.625}, {'end': 698.87, 'text': "so a lot of people just simply decide to go for linux because it's frankly, it's the free, it's reliable, it's robust, it works well.", 'start': 690.764, 'duration': 8.106}, {'end': 703.092, 'text': "so when you're going out there, you're thinking about using linux as an operating system.", 'start': 698.87, 'duration': 4.222}, {'end': 705.094, 'text': 'a lot of people like to use it again for servers.', 'start': 703.092, 'duration': 2.002}, {'end': 712.618, 'text': "if you're using lamp servers, a linux, apache, mysql, php, something along those lines, storage servers are very good for it.", 'start': 705.094, 'duration': 7.524}, {'end': 716.879, 'text': 'so a lot of kind of like those infrastructure type things, those servers.', 'start': 712.618, 'duration': 4.261}, {'end': 725.281, 'text': 'again. so so file storage, file servers, web servers, possibly email servers, those type of things.', 'start': 716.879, 'duration': 8.402}, {'end': 729.502, 'text': "it's very useful to use Linux for, also in the IOT world now.", 'start': 725.281, 'duration': 4.221}, {'end': 732.363, 'text': 'so in the IOT world we start looking at Raspberry Pi.', 'start': 729.502, 'duration': 2.861}, {'end': 739.047, 'text': 'when you start looking at a lot of these very, very small computers, They actually use Linux as the base operating system.', 'start': 732.363, 'duration': 6.684}, {'end': 746.473, 'text': 'So again interesting thing from like a security or hacking perspective, a lot of things like webcams, like a lot of the webcams that you purchase,', 'start': 739.107, 'duration': 7.366}], 'summary': 'Linux is chosen over paid server licenses for its reliability, robustness, and cost-effectiveness, especially for servers and iot devices.', 'duration': 65.334, 'max_score': 681.139, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o681139.jpg'}, {'end': 813.854, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 785.536, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 789.357, 'text': 'I used to be really focused on Microsoft and I used to really like Linux.', 'start': 785.536, 'duration': 3.821}, {'end': 792.718, 'text': 'At this point, as I said, just buy whatever the hell you need.', 'start': 789.417, 'duration': 3.301}, {'end': 796.279, 'text': 'But one of the things is Linux is very good for specific tasks.', 'start': 793.618, 'duration': 2.661}, {'end': 799.94, 'text': 'If you have a DNS server, if you have an FTP server, if you have a DHCP server.', 'start': 796.399, 'duration': 3.541}, {'end': 808.832, 'text': 'If you have a server that is just going to sit there and just do one thing all the time, Linux can be very good for that situation.', 'start': 800.788, 'duration': 8.044}, {'end': 813.854, 'text': 'I do have to say, from a more general standpoint, you may want to go the Microsoft route.', 'start': 809.132, 'duration': 4.722}], 'summary': 'Linux is good for specific server tasks; microsoft is better for general use.', 'duration': 28.318, 'max_score': 785.536, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o785536.jpg'}, {'end': 933.856, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 907.136, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 912.621, 'text': "Again, as somebody who has an MCSE, I've been doing this stuff for 20 years.", 'start': 907.136, 'duration': 5.485}, {'end': 919.808, 'text': 'Linux really is not that difficult, and especially in the modern world, with good, solid GUI interfaces,', 'start': 912.621, 'duration': 7.187}, {'end': 924.152, 'text': 'it is literally no more difficult to be able to administer a Linux server.', 'start': 919.808, 'duration': 4.344}, {'end': 925.909, 'text': 'Then it is a Windows server.', 'start': 924.588, 'duration': 1.321}, {'end': 927.911, 'text': "But then you're sitting there like, well, no, no.", 'start': 925.949, 'duration': 1.962}, {'end': 929.772, 'text': "But that can't be right.", 'start': 928.611, 'duration': 1.161}, {'end': 930.633, 'text': "That can't be right.", 'start': 929.832, 'duration': 0.801}, {'end': 933.856, 'text': "Because I've heard all these things about how difficult it is.", 'start': 931.254, 'duration': 2.602}], 'summary': 'With 20 years of experience, linux server administration is as easy as windows with modern gui interfaces.', 'duration': 26.72, 'max_score': 907.136, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o907136.jpg'}], 'start': 599.751, 'title': 'The benefits of linux servers', 'summary': 'Explores the cost-saving benefits of using linux servers, citing the absence of licensing fees and substantial savings potential for businesses, and discusses the usefulness of linux in iot and server administration, emphasizing its prevalence in small computers and devices like webcams and its suitability for specific server tasks.', 'chapters': [{'end': 725.281, 'start': 599.751, 'title': 'Benefits of using linux servers', 'summary': 'Explores the cost-saving benefits of using linux servers over windows servers, citing the absence of licensing fees and the substantial savings potential for businesses, particularly those with large numbers of client connections.', 'duration': 125.53, 'highlights': ['Linux servers do not require licensing fees, saving businesses substantial costs, especially for client access licenses, which can amount to thousands of dollars for each server. Businesses can save significant costs by opting for Linux servers due to the absence of licensing fees, particularly for client access licenses, which can add up to thousands of dollars per server.', 'Older technology used by servers, such as web servers and database servers, makes Linux an attractive option due to its reliability and cost-effectiveness compared to paying for Windows server licenses and client access licenses. The reliability and cost-effectiveness of Linux servers make them an attractive option for businesses, especially when deploying older technology like web servers and database servers, as it eliminates the need to pay for expensive Windows server licenses and client access licenses.', 'Linux servers are popular for infrastructure-related functions such as storage servers, file servers, web servers, and email servers, providing reliable and robust solutions without the burden of licensing fees. Linux servers are preferred for infrastructure-related functions like storage servers, file servers, web servers, and email servers due to their reliability and robustness, while avoiding the need to pay licensing fees associated with Windows servers.']}, {'end': 1170.265, 'start': 725.281, 'title': 'Benefits of linux in iot and server administration', 'summary': 'Discusses the usefulness of linux in iot, highlighting its prevalence in small computers and devices like webcams, emphasizing its suitability for specific server tasks, and addressing misconceptions about its difficulty and user community.', 'duration': 444.984, 'highlights': ['Linux is widely used in IoT for small computers like Raspberry Pi and devices such as webcams, making it valuable for security and hacking purposes. Linux is the base operating system for many small computers and devices in the IoT world, including webcams and security cameras, making it a valuable target for security and hacking purposes.', 'Linux is well-suited for specific server tasks such as DNS, FTP, and DHCP servers, providing stability and longevity in those environments. Linux is advantageous for specific server tasks, offering stability and longevity, particularly for functions like DNS, FTP, and DHCP servers.', "Misconceptions about the difficulty of learning Linux and the behavior of some Linux enthusiasts are addressed, emphasizing its relative simplicity and practicality for server administration. The chapter addresses misconceptions about Linux's difficulty and the behavior of some Linux enthusiasts, highlighting its relative simplicity and practicality for server administration."]}], 'duration': 570.514, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o599751.jpg', 'highlights': ['Businesses can save significant costs by opting for Linux servers due to the absence of licensing fees, particularly for client access licenses, which can add up to thousands of dollars per server.', 'The reliability and cost-effectiveness of Linux servers make them an attractive option for businesses, especially when deploying older technology like web servers and database servers, as it eliminates the need to pay for expensive Windows server licenses and client access licenses.', 'Linux servers are preferred for infrastructure-related functions like storage servers, file servers, web servers, and email servers due to their reliability and robustness, while avoiding the need to pay licensing fees associated with Windows servers.', 'Linux is the base operating system for many small computers and devices in the IoT world, including webcams and security cameras, making it a valuable target for security and hacking purposes.', 'Linux is advantageous for specific server tasks, offering stability and longevity, particularly for functions like DNS, FTP, and DHCP servers.', "The chapter addresses misconceptions about Linux's difficulty and the behavior of some Linux enthusiasts, highlighting its relative simplicity and practicality for server administration."]}, {'end': 1964.456, 'segs': [{'end': 1221.641, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1196.76, 'weight': 6, 'content': [{'end': 1202.645, 'text': "And so again, one of the issues that people run into when they're learning Linux and they're used to the Windows world.", 'start': 1196.76, 'duration': 5.885}, {'end': 1207.57, 'text': "they're used to just being able to type words, and the capitalization doesn't matter at all.", 'start': 1202.645, 'duration': 4.925}, {'end': 1212.314, 'text': 'So they learn a command and they just go, okay, IP configure, whatever the command is.', 'start': 1208.03, 'duration': 4.284}, {'end': 1215.136, 'text': "And they don't think about capitalization.", 'start': 1213.695, 'duration': 1.441}, {'end': 1221.641, 'text': "And so when they then go to type that into Linux and they don't use the appropriate capitalization and then that fails out,", 'start': 1215.156, 'duration': 6.485}], 'summary': 'Users face issues in linux due to incorrect capitalization of commands.', 'duration': 24.881, 'max_score': 1196.76, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o1196760.jpg'}, {'end': 1287.633, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1259.295, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 1262.376, 'text': "So if you're listening to that, you're thinking, okay, okay, that's not too bad.", 'start': 1259.295, 'duration': 3.081}, {'end': 1265.497, 'text': 'But how do I actually learn Linux?', 'start': 1262.696, 'duration': 2.801}, {'end': 1268.618, 'text': 'I mean, do I have to go to a class or do I have to buy books??', 'start': 1265.517, 'duration': 3.101}, {'end': 1269.478, 'text': 'What do I have to do?', 'start': 1268.778, 'duration': 0.7}, {'end': 1274.08, 'text': 'One of the nice things in the modern world is that Linux is easy to get your hands on.', 'start': 1269.498, 'duration': 4.582}, {'end': 1277.001, 'text': "It's easy to get information about how to use Linux.", 'start': 1274.32, 'duration': 2.681}, {'end': 1283.829, 'text': "And one of the great things now is there's a hell of a lot of hardware out there that you can throw the operating system on,", 'start': 1277.381, 'duration': 6.448}, {'end': 1286.091, 'text': 'or you can simply throw it into a virtual machine.', 'start': 1283.829, 'duration': 2.262}, {'end': 1287.633, 'text': 'Again, this is a big issue.', 'start': 1286.492, 'duration': 1.141}], 'summary': 'Learning linux is easy with abundant resources and hardware options.', 'duration': 28.338, 'max_score': 1259.295, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o1259295.jpg'}, {'end': 1322.187, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1295.342, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1302.829, 'text': 'Now, since you can use VirtualBox, so you can use VirtualBox for virtualization, you install VirtualBox onto your computer.', 'start': 1295.342, 'duration': 7.487}, {'end': 1308.935, 'text': 'So whether you have a Windows computer or a Mac computer, you install VirtualBox on there and then you can install Linux onto that.', 'start': 1302.849, 'duration': 6.086}, {'end': 1314.14, 'text': 'Or you probably have a couple of computers laying around that you have no use for.', 'start': 1309.455, 'duration': 4.685}, {'end': 1315.841, 'text': 'You can throw Linux onto that.', 'start': 1314.56, 'duration': 1.281}, {'end': 1322.187, 'text': 'So one of the nice things now is basically being able to find a place to install Linux should be relatively easy.', 'start': 1316.122, 'duration': 6.065}], 'summary': 'Virtualbox allows easy linux installation on windows or mac computers, and even on spare machines.', 'duration': 26.845, 'max_score': 1295.342, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o1295342.jpg'}, {'end': 1374.036, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1348.412, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 1354.638, 'text': "What I would argue, especially if you're starting, is to go with the Ubuntu distribution of Linux.", 'start': 1348.412, 'duration': 6.226}, {'end': 1359.803, 'text': "This is currently the most popular distribution of Linux, and so especially when you're learning..", 'start': 1354.918, 'duration': 4.885}, {'end': 1363.786, 'text': "when you're learning something it's brand new, you don't know what the hell do you else to use?", 'start': 1360.223, 'duration': 3.563}, {'end': 1367.31, 'text': "anyway, you might as well go with a popular one, especially since it's free.", 'start': 1363.786, 'duration': 3.524}, {'end': 1374.036, 'text': 'so you can go to ubuntu, you can download the, the operating system, and then you can install it onto your computer, your virtual machine.', 'start': 1367.31, 'duration': 6.726}], 'summary': 'Ubuntu is the most popular linux distribution, making it a good choice for beginners, being free and widely used.', 'duration': 25.624, 'max_score': 1348.412, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o1348412.jpg'}, {'end': 1411.895, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1384.665, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 1389.547, 'text': 'they will give you the option many times of the server version or the desktop version.', 'start': 1384.665, 'duration': 4.882}, {'end': 1394.829, 'text': "now it's important to understand that in the linux world they're basically kind of sort of the same thing.", 'start': 1389.547, 'duration': 5.282}, {'end': 1397.39, 'text': "again, we'll talk about a little bit later.", 'start': 1394.829, 'duration': 2.561}, {'end': 1399.63, 'text': "it's not the same as the windows world, right.", 'start': 1397.39, 'duration': 2.24}, {'end': 1401.411, 'text': 'so with windows, uh,', 'start': 1399.63, 'duration': 1.781}, {'end': 1409.554, 'text': 'windows server is more or less an operating system and windows client is an operating system and you can have the client sort of be a server and you can,', 'start': 1401.411, 'duration': 8.143}, {'end': 1411.895, 'text': 'you can do word on a server if you really wanted to.', 'start': 1409.554, 'duration': 2.341}], 'summary': 'In the linux world, the server and desktop versions are essentially the same, unlike in the windows world where they are distinct operating systems.', 'duration': 27.23, 'max_score': 1384.665, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o1384665.jpg'}, {'end': 1615.897, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 1584.947, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 1593.432, 'text': "I will learn how to use Hadoop or I'll learn how to use OpenStack or I'll learn it's an additional thing that gets put onto Linux.", 'start': 1584.947, 'duration': 8.485}, {'end': 1597.515, 'text': 'So think about it from that simple, that core perspective,', 'start': 1593.792, 'duration': 3.723}, {'end': 1602.858, 'text': "and then you're just simply learning about additional applications that you can install onto the server.", 'start': 1597.515, 'duration': 5.343}, {'end': 1605.478, 'text': "If you think about it that way, I think it'll be a lot easier for it.", 'start': 1603.24, 'duration': 2.238}, {'end': 1611.275, 'text': 'when you hear all these great things about linux a lot of people then the final question is going to be well, well,', 'start': 1606.733, 'duration': 4.542}, {'end': 1613.156, 'text': 'should i just migrate to linux now?', 'start': 1611.275, 'duration': 1.881}, {'end': 1615.897, 'text': "why hasn't everybody migrated to linux now?", 'start': 1613.156, 'duration': 2.741}], 'summary': 'Learning about hadoop, openstack, and additional linux applications for server installation.', 'duration': 30.95, 'max_score': 1584.947, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o1584947.jpg'}, {'end': 1643.256, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1615.897, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 1620.999, 'text': "right, if you don't have to pay for client access, licenses and everything else, it's relatively easy to learn.", 'start': 1615.897, 'duration': 5.102}, {'end': 1623.02, 'text': 'everybody should be on linux.', 'start': 1620.999, 'duration': 2.021}, {'end': 1626.841, 'text': 'well, there are a few reasons why not everybody is switching over to linux.', 'start': 1623.02, 'duration': 3.821}, {'end': 1630.283, 'text': 'one of the important reasons is something called institutional knowledge.', 'start': 1626.841, 'duration': 3.442}, {'end': 1637.689, 'text': "so when you're in a company and you have a support staff, So your IT folks, you've got 5 or 10 or 20 IT people.", 'start': 1630.283, 'duration': 7.406}, {'end': 1640.693, 'text': 'The fact of the matter is a lot of these people will be career people.', 'start': 1638.01, 'duration': 2.683}, {'end': 1643.256, 'text': "Again, they'll be 40-year-olds or 50-year-olds.", 'start': 1640.713, 'duration': 2.543}], 'summary': 'Challenges in switching to linux due to institutional knowledge and experienced it staff.', 'duration': 27.359, 'max_score': 1615.897, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o1615897.jpg'}, {'end': 1761.706, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1732.467, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 1733.968, 'text': 'But you have to look and see.', 'start': 1732.467, 'duration': 1.501}, {'end': 1738.111, 'text': 'Do your applications support Linux??', 'start': 1735.869, 'duration': 2.242}, {'end': 1745.197, 'text': "So if you're running specific types of financial accounting software, things like QuickBooks if you're running QuickBooks, will that run on Linux??", 'start': 1738.131, 'duration': 7.066}, {'end': 1749.561, 'text': 'If you have Microsoft Exchange servers, so Exchange servers are their email servers.', 'start': 1745.517, 'duration': 4.044}, {'end': 1751.422, 'text': "Exchange doesn't run on Linux.", 'start': 1749.921, 'duration': 1.501}, {'end': 1754.205, 'text': "If you have SharePoint servers, SharePoint doesn't run on Linux.", 'start': 1751.662, 'duration': 2.543}, {'end': 1761.706, 'text': 'And so one of the things you have to think about is again you have to be thinking about what problems are you solving,', 'start': 1754.585, 'duration': 7.121}], 'summary': 'Consider linux compatibility for financial and email servers.', 'duration': 29.239, 'max_score': 1732.467, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o1732467.jpg'}], 'start': 1170.605, 'title': 'Learning linux and choosing ubuntu', 'summary': 'Emphasizes the importance of capitalization in linux commands, the accessibility of learning resources and hardware for practicing linux, and the benefits of choosing ubuntu as the preferred linux distribution for beginners, highlighting ease of installation, understanding differences between server and desktop versions, and significance of institutional knowledge and application compatibility.', 'chapters': [{'end': 1315.841, 'start': 1170.605, 'title': 'Learning linux: capitalization and access to resources', 'summary': 'Emphasizes the importance of capitalization in linux commands and highlights the accessibility of learning resources and hardware for practicing linux, including the use of virtualbox for virtualization.', 'duration': 145.236, 'highlights': ['Linux capitalization is crucial, unlike in Windows, and can lead to command failure, causing frustration for new learners.', 'Access to learning Linux is now easier with a plethora of hardware options available for installation, including the use of VirtualBox for virtualization.', 'The modern world offers easy access to Linux learning resources without the need for attending classes or purchasing books.']}, {'end': 1964.456, 'start': 1316.122, 'title': 'Choosing and learning ubuntu linux', 'summary': 'Emphasizes the benefits of choosing ubuntu as the preferred linux distribution for beginners, highlighting the ease of installation, the importance of understanding the differences between server and desktop versions, and the significance of institutional knowledge and application compatibility in deciding whether to migrate to linux.', 'duration': 648.334, 'highlights': ['Choosing Ubuntu as the preferred Linux distribution for beginners due to its popularity and free availability. Ubuntu being the most popular distribution of Linux.', 'Emphasizing the importance of understanding the differences between server and desktop versions of Linux, especially for beginners, and recommending the desktop version for a graphical user interface. Highlighting the differences in user interface and functionality between server and desktop versions of Linux.', 'Explaining the impact of institutional knowledge and staff expertise on the decision to migrate or upgrade to Linux in organizations. Highlighting the influence of staff expertise and institutional knowledge on the decision to migrate or upgrade to Linux.', 'Highlighting the significance of application compatibility in the decision to switch to Linux, especially for organizations running specific software like Microsoft Exchange or QuickBooks. Emphasizing the importance of application compatibility, especially for specific software like Microsoft Exchange or QuickBooks.']}], 'duration': 793.851, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/adXEP2SxB9o/pics/adXEP2SxB9o1170605.jpg', 'highlights': ['Access to learning Linux is now easier with a plethora of hardware options available for installation, including the use of VirtualBox for virtualization.', 'The modern world offers easy access to Linux learning resources without the need for attending classes or purchasing books.', 'Choosing Ubuntu as the preferred Linux distribution for beginners due to its popularity and free availability. Ubuntu being the most popular distribution of Linux.', 'Emphasizing the importance of understanding the differences between server and desktop versions of Linux, especially for beginners, and recommending the desktop version for a graphical user interface. Highlighting the differences in user interface and functionality between server and desktop versions of Linux.', 'Highlighting the significance of application compatibility in the decision to switch to Linux, especially for organizations running specific software like Microsoft Exchange or QuickBooks. Emphasizing the importance of application compatibility, especially for specific software like Microsoft Exchange or QuickBooks.', 'Explaining the impact of institutional knowledge and staff expertise on the decision to migrate or upgrade to Linux in organizations. Highlighting the influence of staff expertise and institutional knowledge on the decision to migrate or upgrade to Linux.', 'Linux capitalization is crucial, unlike in Windows, and can lead to command failure, causing frustration for new learners.']}], 'highlights': ['Businesses can save significant costs by opting for Linux servers due to the absence of licensing fees, particularly for client access licenses, which can add up to thousands of dollars per server.', 'Choosing Ubuntu as the preferred Linux distribution for beginners due to its popularity and free availability. Ubuntu being the most popular distribution of Linux.', 'The Linux kernel, created by Linus Torvalds in 1991, is the lowest level component of the operating system that allows all the communication to happen.', 'Linux is prevalent in servers, with a significant number of web servers and cloud platforms using Linux, along with the mobile operating system Android being a distribution of Linux.', 'The modern world sees an increasing prevalence of Linux, making it important for IT professionals to learn Linux, especially with its widespread use in servers and mobile operating systems like Android.']}