Image arithmetics and Logic - OpenCV with Python for Image and Video Analysis 5

Welcome to another OpenCV with Python tutorial, in this tutorial we are going to be covering some simple arithmetic operations that we can perform on images, along with explaining what they do. To do this, we will require two images of equal size to start, then later on a smaller image and a larger one. Sample code and text-based tutorial: https://pythonprogramming.net/image-arithmetics-logic-python-opencv-tutorial/ https://pythonprogramming.net https://twitter.com/sentdex https://www.facebook.com/pythonprogramming.net/ https://plus.google.com/+sentdex

{'title': 'Image arithmetics and Logic - OpenCV with Python for Image and Video Analysis 5', 'heatmap': [{'end': 183.348, 'start': 150.012, 'weight': 0.856}, {'end': 220.292, 'start': 201.4, 'weight': 0.746}, {'end': 342.105, 'start': 317.756, 'weight': 0.92}, {'end': 637.988, 'start': 537.141, 'weight': 0.738}, {'end': 686.782, 'start': 660.287, 'weight': 0.825}, {'end': 810.527, 'start': 793.238, 'weight': 0.727}, {'end': 905.424, 'start': 888.083, 'weight': 0.796}], 'summary': "Tutorial series 'image arithmetics and logic - opencv with python for image and video analysis 5' delves into opencv image arithmetics, logical operations, image imposition techniques, masking, bitwise operations, and background removal, emphasizing the use of thresholds for image understanding.", 'chapters': [{'end': 262.325, 'segs': [{'end': 67.028, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1.892, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 7.276, 'text': "What's going on everybody? Welcome to part 5 of our OpenCV with Python tutorial series.", 'start': 1.892, 'duration': 5.384}, {'end': 13.561, 'text': "In this tutorial what we're going to be talking about is simple image arithmetics as well as logical operations.", 'start': 7.336, 'duration': 6.225}, {'end': 19.806, 'text': 'So especially the logical operations part is going to be following us pretty much through the rest of this series.', 'start': 13.701, 'duration': 6.105}, {'end': 22.168, 'text': "So it's really important and really useful.", 'start': 20.227, 'duration': 1.941}, {'end': 29.395, 'text': "The image arithmetics is also pretty useful especially if you're trying to analyze two images overlaid each other and stuff like that.", 'start': 22.228, 'duration': 7.167}, {'end': 33.841, 'text': "So for this tutorial, I'm going to be using three total pictures.", 'start': 30.036, 'duration': 3.805}, {'end': 36.083, 'text': 'The first two will be these two pictures here.', 'start': 33.981, 'duration': 2.102}, {'end': 47.354, 'text': 'Two things, one, all code from this tutorial as well as the text-based versions of these tutorials are posted on PythonProgramming.net.', 'start': 37.728, 'duration': 9.626}, {'end': 50.476, 'text': "By the time you're seeing the video, both are up.", 'start': 48.335, 'duration': 2.141}, {'end': 55.36, 'text': "So you can go to PythonProgramming.net, there's a link in the description for the specific tutorial.", 'start': 50.677, 'duration': 4.683}, {'end': 58.262, 'text': 'Head there and you can get all the pictures that I use.', 'start': 55.88, 'duration': 2.382}, {'end': 64.385, 'text': "But I do suggest that you use your own pictures just because it's more interesting if you're using your own pictures, I think.", 'start': 58.622, 'duration': 5.763}, {'end': 67.028, 'text': "But anyway, I'll be using these two pictures.", 'start': 65.325, 'duration': 1.703}], 'summary': 'Opencv tutorial on image arithmetics and logical operations, using three pictures. code and tutorials available on pythonprogramming.net.', 'duration': 65.136, 'max_score': 1.892, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gfNpJmWIug/pics/_gfNpJmWIug1892.jpg'}, {'end': 233.602, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 201.4, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 206.802, 'text': "We're going to say add equals cv2.add, and then we're going to add image1 and image2.", 'start': 201.4, 'duration': 5.402}, {'end': 213.286, 'text': "So we add the two images and we see that we've got a pretty whited out image.", 'start': 208.783, 'duration': 4.503}, {'end': 220.292, 'text': 'So what actually happened there? Well, this one, this version of add, added all of the pixel values together.', 'start': 213.367, 'duration': 6.925}, {'end': 225.916, 'text': 'So taking from the text-based tutorial, I kind of broke this down.', 'start': 221.072, 'duration': 4.844}, {'end': 231.981, 'text': "And basically like let's say the first pixel had this value, the second pixel was this value.", 'start': 227.337, 'duration': 4.644}, {'end': 233.602, 'text': 'That means adding them together.', 'start': 232.421, 'duration': 1.181}], 'summary': 'Using cv2.add to combine images resulted in a heavily brightened image due to adding all pixel values together.', 'duration': 83.59, 'max_score': 201.4, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gfNpJmWIug/pics/_gfNpJmWIug201400.jpg'}], 'start': 1.892, 'title': 'Opencv image arithmetics and logical operations', 'summary': 'Discusses simple image arithmetics and logical operations in opencv with python, emphasizing the importance of logical operations and showcasing the process of adding two images, with a focus on pixel value addition and the resulting image opaqueness.', 'chapters': [{'end': 84.705, 'start': 1.892, 'title': 'Opencv with python part 5', 'summary': 'Discusses simple image arithmetics and logical operations in opencv with python, emphasizing the importance of logical operations throughout the series, and the usefulness of image arithmetics in analyzing overlaid images.', 'duration': 82.813, 'highlights': ['The logical operations part is going to be following us pretty much through the rest of this series, making it really important and useful.', 'Image arithmetics is useful in analyzing two images overlaid each other and stuff like that, providing practical applications for the topic.', 'Using own pictures is suggested for more interesting practice, with the code and text-based versions of the tutorials available on PythonProgramming.net.']}, {'end': 262.325, 'start': 84.705, 'title': 'Image addition in opencv', 'summary': 'Demonstrates the process of adding two images using opencv, showcasing different addition operations and their outcomes, with a focus on pixel value addition and the resulting image opaqueness.', 'duration': 177.62, 'highlights': ['The chapter demonstrates the process of adding two images using OpenCV. Describes the process of adding two images using OpenCV for image processing.', 'Showcases different addition operations and their outcomes. Shows the different addition operations and their outcomes, including simple addition and built-in OpenCV addition operation.', 'Focuses on pixel value addition and the resulting image opaqueness. Explains the impact of pixel value addition on image opaqueness, with a focus on pixel value addition leading to bright white images due to exceeding the maximum pixel value of 255.']}], 'duration': 260.433, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gfNpJmWIug/pics/_gfNpJmWIug1892.jpg', 'highlights': ['The logical operations part is going to be following us pretty much through the rest of this series, making it really important and useful.', 'Image arithmetics is useful in analyzing two images overlaid each other and stuff like that, providing practical applications for the topic.', 'Using own pictures is suggested for more interesting practice, with the code and text-based versions of the tutorials available on PythonProgramming.net.', 'The chapter demonstrates the process of adding two images using OpenCV. Describes the process of adding two images using OpenCV for image processing.', 'Showcases different addition operations and their outcomes. Shows the different addition operations and their outcomes, including simple addition and built-in OpenCV addition operation.', 'Focuses on pixel value addition and the resulting image opaqueness. Explains the impact of pixel value addition on image opaqueness, with a focus on pixel value addition leading to bright white images due to exceeding the maximum pixel value of 255.']}, {'end': 593.481, 'segs': [{'end': 344.926, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 309.19, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 312.973, 'text': 'and then the values here first will be image1, and then what is the weight of image1?', 'start': 309.19, 'duration': 3.783}, {'end': 316.196, 'text': 'Basically, these are going to add up to 1, so image1 has a weight of.', 'start': 313.193, 'duration': 3.003}, {'end': 317.756, 'text': '0.6 or 60%.', 'start': 316.936, 'duration': 0.82}, {'end': 321.818, 'text': 'And then image two will have a weight of 0.4.', 'start': 317.756, 'duration': 4.062}, {'end': 325.919, 'text': "And then finally you have a gamma value, which we're going to leave gamma alone.", 'start': 321.818, 'duration': 4.101}, {'end': 328.82, 'text': 'Save and run that problem already.', 'start': 327.14, 'duration': 1.68}, {'end': 330.241, 'text': 'I know I saw that coming.', 'start': 328.84, 'duration': 1.401}, {'end': 334.822, 'text': 'My inner key or F5 was faster than my brain that time.', 'start': 332.061, 'duration': 2.761}, {'end': 342.105, 'text': 'Okay So then you get this image and both have like their, their opaqueness is affected here, but both images are there.', 'start': 335.303, 'duration': 6.802}, {'end': 344.926, 'text': "We haven't really lost values of either image.", 'start': 342.165, 'duration': 2.761}], 'summary': 'Image1 has a weight of 60%, image2 has a weight of 40%.', 'duration': 35.736, 'max_score': 309.19, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gfNpJmWIug/pics/_gfNpJmWIug309190.jpg'}, {'end': 381.944, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 355.105, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 362.049, 'text': "But there is one more method for kind of imposing images on other images, and that's with the region of images that I showed you before.", 'start': 355.105, 'duration': 6.944}, {'end': 364.31, 'text': 'If you recall, we kind of copy and pasted.', 'start': 362.069, 'duration': 2.241}, {'end': 368.953, 'text': "Now, along with that, instead of showing you the exact same thing that I've showed you before,", 'start': 364.85, 'duration': 4.103}, {'end': 373.221, 'text': "we're going to add the logical operations to this tutorial.", 'start': 369.36, 'duration': 3.861}, {'end': 375.202, 'text': 'Try to follow along.', 'start': 374.501, 'duration': 0.701}, {'end': 381.944, 'text': 'If you have questions, ask them below, but we will kind of revisit these logical operations because they are a major part.', 'start': 375.242, 'duration': 6.702}], 'summary': 'Tutorial on imposing images using logical operations.', 'duration': 26.839, 'max_score': 355.105, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gfNpJmWIug/pics/_gfNpJmWIug355105.jpg'}, {'end': 446.388, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 419.04, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 424.734, 'text': "okay. So the way that we can do that is we'll first do a threshold.", 'start': 419.04, 'duration': 5.694}, {'end': 429.917, 'text': "So if we threshold this image, basically, we'll get there.", 'start': 425.374, 'duration': 4.543}, {'end': 434.34, 'text': "I'll explain what a threshold is when we get there, but you probably already know what a threshold is anyway.", 'start': 429.957, 'duration': 4.383}, {'end': 440.065, 'text': 'So first of all, I want to put the logo in the top right corner, or top left corner rather.', 'start': 435.583, 'duration': 4.482}, {'end': 446.388, 'text': "And so first what we'll do is we'll say rows, cols, and then we'll have channels.", 'start': 441.126, 'duration': 5.262}], 'summary': 'Image processing involves thresholding and placing the logo in the top left corner.', 'duration': 27.348, 'max_score': 419.04, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gfNpJmWIug/pics/_gfNpJmWIug419040.jpg'}], 'start': 262.405, 'title': 'Image processing and imposition techniques', 'summary': 'Covers image addition and weighted addition methods, along with imposing images using logical operations and transparent backgrounds, with a focus on applying a threshold for image imposition.', 'chapters': [{'end': 330.241, 'start': 262.405, 'title': 'Image processing techniques', 'summary': 'Discusses two methods of adding images, one involving division and addition, and the other using weighted addition with image1 having a weight of 60% and image2 having a weight of 40%.', 'duration': 67.836, 'highlights': ['The method of adding images involves using weights, with image1 having a weight of 60% and image2 having a weight of 40%.', 'Another method of adding images is by dividing all the values by two and then adding them together.', 'The chapter also mentions the possibility of loading in the image first and then dividing all the values by two before moving along.']}, {'end': 593.481, 'start': 332.061, 'title': 'Image imposition techniques', 'summary': 'Explores methods for imposing images over each other, including adding logical operations and creating transparent backgrounds, with a focus on applying a threshold for image imposition.', 'duration': 261.42, 'highlights': ['The chapter covers different methods for imposing images over each other, including adding logical operations and creating transparent backgrounds. It explains various techniques for combining and overlaying images, demonstrating the process step by step.', 'The process involves applying a threshold to create a transparent background for the imposed image. It outlines the steps for applying a threshold to the image, using specific threshold values to achieve the desired transparency effect.', 'The method involves converting the logo to grayscale and applying a binary threshold for transparency. It describes the conversion of the logo to grayscale and the application of a binary threshold, with a threshold value of 220 and a maximum value of 255.']}], 'duration': 331.076, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gfNpJmWIug/pics/_gfNpJmWIug262405.jpg', 'highlights': ['The chapter covers different methods for imposing images over each other, including adding logical operations and creating transparent backgrounds. It explains various techniques for combining and overlaying images, demonstrating the process step by step.', 'The method involves applying a threshold to create a transparent background for the imposed image. It outlines the steps for applying a threshold to the image, using specific threshold values to achieve the desired transparency effect.', 'The method of adding images involves using weights, with image1 having a weight of 60% and image2 having a weight of 40%.']}, {'end': 1137.872, 'segs': [{'end': 686.782, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 660.287, 'weight': 0.825, 'content': [{'end': 666.93, 'text': "now we're going to say is mask, underscore inv and this is going to be the invisible part.", 'start': 660.287, 'duration': 6.643}, {'end': 673.531, 'text': 'so this will be cv2.bitwise, underscore, not mask.', 'start': 666.93, 'duration': 6.601}, {'end': 679.616, 'text': 'so the parts where there is no mass, that would be kind of like the black area of our mask.', 'start': 673.531, 'duration': 6.085}, {'end': 686.782, 'text': "now we're going to reference the blacked out area for the logo of our region of, uh, the region of image on image one.", 'start': 679.616, 'duration': 7.166}], 'summary': 'Demonstrating the use of mask and bitwise operations for image processing.', 'duration': 26.495, 'max_score': 660.287, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gfNpJmWIug/pics/_gfNpJmWIug660287.jpg'}, {'end': 728.103, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 705.647, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 713.31, 'text': "For this tutorial and really everything, for the most part, that you're going to do with OpenCV, you really just need to understand..", 'start': 705.647, 'duration': 7.663}, {'end': 717.519, 'text': "that it's just like the Python logical operations.", 'start': 714.298, 'duration': 3.221}, {'end': 719.3, 'text': 'It just has bitwise in front of it.', 'start': 717.959, 'duration': 1.341}, {'end': 727.103, 'text': "They're a little bit more in depth than the Python ones, but there's for much lower level, it's like for C language and stuff.", 'start': 719.38, 'duration': 7.723}, {'end': 728.103, 'text': "That's kind of where it comes from.", 'start': 727.123, 'duration': 0.98}], 'summary': 'Opencv operations are similar to python logical operations, but with bitwise in front. they are more in-depth and suitable for lower-level languages like c.', 'duration': 22.456, 'max_score': 705.647, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gfNpJmWIug/pics/_gfNpJmWIug705647.jpg'}, {'end': 810.527, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 793.238, 'weight': 0.727, 'content': [{'end': 810.527, 'text': 'So image one underscore background is equal to bitwise and and this will be the ROI and then the region of image there and the mask will be the mask.', 'start': 793.238, 'duration': 17.289}], 'summary': 'Using bitwise and for roi on image one underscore background', 'duration': 17.289, 'max_score': 793.238, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gfNpJmWIug/pics/_gfNpJmWIug793238.jpg'}, {'end': 840.191, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 813.308, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 818.192, 'text': "Then we'll revisit this again when we're all done, I think.", 'start': 813.308, 'duration': 4.884}, {'end': 819.814, 'text': "We'll probably go through it one more time.", 'start': 818.653, 'duration': 1.161}, {'end': 827.56, 'text': 'Then image2 underscore foreground is equal to cv2.bitwise underscore and.', 'start': 820.574, 'duration': 6.986}, {'end': 833.405, 'text': 'And then we use image2, image2, and then the mask equals the mask.', 'start': 828.481, 'duration': 4.924}, {'end': 840.191, 'text': "And then we're going to say dst equals cv2.add.", 'start': 835.607, 'duration': 4.584}], 'summary': 'Revisiting process multiple times for refining, including bitwise operations and cv2.add.', 'duration': 26.883, 'max_score': 813.308, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gfNpJmWIug/pics/_gfNpJmWIug813308.jpg'}, {'end': 916.971, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 888.083, 'weight': 0.796, 'content': [{'end': 889.284, 'text': "Yeah, we're definitely ready to go.", 'start': 888.083, 'duration': 1.201}, {'end': 894.286, 'text': "Res, and then we're going to show image 1.", 'start': 889.784, 'duration': 4.502}, {'end': 895.807, 'text': "We'll still wait key 0 and all that.", 'start': 894.286, 'duration': 1.521}, {'end': 905.424, 'text': 'okay. so there it is, after a lot of code, but not too bad the image.', 'start': 898.86, 'duration': 6.564}, {'end': 911.688, 'text': "so again, what happens here is and in fact, what we can do, what's kind of nice is, you know, in python you can, you can,", 'start': 905.424, 'duration': 6.264}, {'end': 916.971, 'text': 'every step of the way you can print and use that as a form of uh debugging.', 'start': 911.688, 'duration': 5.283}], 'summary': 'Ready to show image 1 after coding, using python for debugging.', 'duration': 28.888, 'max_score': 888.083, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gfNpJmWIug/pics/_gfNpJmWIug888083.jpg'}, {'end': 1011.253, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 981.666, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 987.909, 'text': "And what we ended up doing is we thresholded the image, which actually we don't have an image for,", 'start': 981.666, 'duration': 6.243}, {'end': 991.532, 'text': 'but we thresholded it to the point where the background was black and the logo was white.', 'start': 987.909, 'duration': 3.623}, {'end': 1002.558, 'text': "Then we inversed it basically to this and then we asked OpenCV okay, what we want to use is actually where it's not the shoot,", 'start': 991.852, 'duration': 10.706}, {'end': 1003.839, 'text': "where it's not the case there.", 'start': 1002.558, 'duration': 1.281}, {'end': 1004.9, 'text': 'Let me pull that back up.', 'start': 1003.939, 'duration': 0.961}, {'end': 1011.253, 'text': 'um, and then we went to the region of image to draw the actual logo,', 'start': 1007.005, 'duration': 4.248}], 'summary': 'Image was thresholded to make background black and logo white, then processed with opencv to draw the logo.', 'duration': 29.587, 'max_score': 981.666, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gfNpJmWIug/pics/_gfNpJmWIug981666.jpg'}, {'end': 1111.057, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1081.493, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 1085.437, 'text': 'If you have questions or need something to be clarified, feel free to ask below.', 'start': 1081.493, 'duration': 3.944}, {'end': 1096.526, 'text': "Otherwise, in the next tutorial, we're gonna start talking a lot more about thresholds, because thresholds are used to even further simplify an image,", 'start': 1085.457, 'duration': 11.069}, {'end': 1097.967, 'text': 'as we did in this case right?', 'start': 1096.526, 'duration': 1.441}, {'end': 1106.294, 'text': 'When we took the original Python logo and then added a threshold to it, we went from having three colors to two colors.', 'start': 1099.608, 'duration': 6.686}, {'end': 1111.057, 'text': 'And then actually we removed the background and actually wound up with one color.', 'start': 1107.615, 'duration': 3.442}], 'summary': 'In the next tutorial, we will talk about using thresholds to simplify an image, reducing three colors to one.', 'duration': 29.564, 'max_score': 1081.493, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gfNpJmWIug/pics/_gfNpJmWIug1081493.jpg'}], 'start': 594.542, 'title': 'Opencv image processing', 'summary': 'Covers opencv masking, bitwise operations, image thresholding, and background removal. it includes the use of cv2.mshow, addition of images, and the simplification of images to one color with a transparent background, introducing the concept of thresholds for image understanding.', 'chapters': [{'end': 945.609, 'start': 594.542, 'title': 'Opencv masking and bitwise operations', 'summary': 'Demonstrates the process of masking and bitwise operations in opencv, including the use of cv2.mshow, bitwise operations, and the addition of images, resulting in the final image shown after the process.', 'duration': 351.067, 'highlights': ['The process involves using cv2.mshow to display the masked images and the final result after bitwise operations.', "Explanation of bitwise operations in OpenCV, including bitwise not, and, or, and xor, with comparisons to Python's logical operations.", 'Demonstration of using cv2.add to combine images and the resulting final image after the process.']}, {'end': 1137.872, 'start': 946.27, 'title': 'Image thresholding and background removal', 'summary': 'Explains the process of image thresholding and background removal using opencv, resulting in simplifying the image to one color and adding a transparent background, while also introducing the concept of thresholds and their relevance in simplifying and understanding images.', 'duration': 191.602, 'highlights': ['The process involves thresholding the original image to create a black background and a white logo, inverting the image, and then using OpenCV to remove the background and draw the logo, resulting in a transparent effect. (Relevance: 5)', 'Thresholds are crucial in simplifying images and understanding edge locations, as demonstrated by the transformation of the original Python logo from three colors to one color through the removal of the background. (Relevance: 4)', 'The tutorial suggests experimenting with starting with an image with a black background and attempting to display it on another image without a background, presenting a challenge for the audience. (Relevance: 3)']}], 'duration': 543.33, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gfNpJmWIug/pics/_gfNpJmWIug594542.jpg', 'highlights': ['The process involves thresholding the original image to create a black background and a white logo, inverting the image, and then using OpenCV to remove the background and draw the logo, resulting in a transparent effect. (Relevance: 5)', 'Thresholds are crucial in simplifying images and understanding edge locations, as demonstrated by the transformation of the original Python logo from three colors to one color through the removal of the background. (Relevance: 4)', 'The process involves using cv2.mshow to display the masked images and the final result after bitwise operations. (Relevance: 3)', "Explanation of bitwise operations in OpenCV, including bitwise not, and, or, and xor, with comparisons to Python's logical operations. (Relevance: 2)", 'Demonstration of using cv2.add to combine images and the resulting final image after the process. (Relevance: 1)']}], 'highlights': ['The process involves thresholding the original image to create a black background and a white logo, inverting the image, and then using OpenCV to remove the background and draw the logo, resulting in a transparent effect.', 'Thresholds are crucial in simplifying images and understanding edge locations, as demonstrated by the transformation of the original Python logo from three colors to one color through the removal of the background.', 'The process involves using cv2.mshow to display the masked images and the final result after bitwise operations.', "Explanation of bitwise operations in OpenCV, including bitwise not, and, or, and xor, with comparisons to Python's logical operations.", 'Demonstration of using cv2.add to combine images and the resulting final image after the process.', 'The logical operations part is going to be following us pretty much through the rest of this series, making it really important and useful.', 'Image arithmetics is useful in analyzing two images overlaid each other and stuff like that, providing practical applications for the topic.', 'Using own pictures is suggested for more interesting practice, with the code and text-based versions of the tutorials available on PythonProgramming.net.', 'The chapter demonstrates the process of adding two images using OpenCV. Describes the process of adding two images using OpenCV for image processing.', 'Showcases different addition operations and their outcomes. Shows the different addition operations and their outcomes, including simple addition and built-in OpenCV addition operation.', 'Focuses on pixel value addition and the resulting image opaqueness. Explains the impact of pixel value addition on image opaqueness, with a focus on pixel value addition leading to bright white images due to exceeding the maximum pixel value of 255.', 'The chapter covers different methods for imposing images over each other, including adding logical operations and creating transparent backgrounds. It explains various techniques for combining and overlaying images, demonstrating the process step by step.', 'The method involves applying a threshold to create a transparent background for the imposed image. It outlines the steps for applying a threshold to the image, using specific threshold values to achieve the desired transparency effect.', 'The method of adding images involves using weights, with image1 having a weight of 60% and image2 having a weight of 40%.']}