Introduction to Linux

Follow the Insanity at: https://www.FailedNormal.com Downloadable Podcasts at: https://failednormal.podbean.com iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/failed-normal/id1349818284?mt=2 Info Level: Beginner Date Created: August 16, 2010 Length of Class: 47 Minutes Tracks Linux Prerequisites None Purpose of Class This class teaches students the basic concepts that they should understand before they start trying to work with Linux. Topics Covered What is Linux Distributions Open Source Licensing Shells Significance of ROOT Importance of Capitalization Server vs. Desktop versions What Linux is best at Class Notes Introduction Linux was created by Linus Torvalds between 1991 and 1994 Linux is not a version of Unix Distributions Once Linux was released to the public numerous institutions created their own versions of the operating system. These different versions are called Distributions, or Distros. Different Distros have different functionality. Open Source software is not necessarily free software Make sure you understand the licensing requirements for your Open Source software before you release it into a Production Environment. Defining The Shell The Shell is the interface you use to interact with the Operating System. Windows uses a GUI (Graphical User Interface) Shell, Linux primarily uses a LUI (Line User Interface) ROOT ROOT is the highest level of anything in the Linux world. ROOT user is the highest level user. The ROOT directory s the highest level directory. Capitalization matters in Linux (HOME is different then home) Server vs. Desktop Versions Server versions of Linux install the bare minimum number of components for the system to function. After installation you will be faced with a blinking cursor. Desktop versions of Linux come prepackaged with a GUI environment and numerous tools and applications. After installation you will be presented with an environment that looks a lot like Windows or the Mac OS. What Linux is really god for? Linux is great for server functionality Linux is still poor for every day desktop functionality for most users.

{'title': 'Introduction to Linux', 'heatmap': [{'end': 635.77, 'start': 602.032, 'weight': 0.864}, {'end': 1303.728, 'start': 1270.979, 'weight': 1}, {'end': 1877.526, 'start': 1846.116, 'weight': 0.818}, {'end': 2370.554, 'start': 2336.87, 'weight': 0.718}], 'summary': 'Introduces essential linux concepts, open source software revenue models, hidden costs of linux server software, system basics, and differences between server and desktop versions, emphasizing the importance of understanding purposes before choosing a distribution and open source licensing to avoid potential costs and consequences of non-compliance.', 'chapters': [{'end': 615.772, 'segs': [{'end': 87.138, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 58.726, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 69.015, 'text': 'where Linux came from and all of the fundamental concepts that you have to understand before you actually start building your own Linux servers and maintaining your own Linux systems.', 'start': 58.726, 'duration': 10.289}, {'end': 74.645, 'text': "So if you give me a second, I'm going to put a few things together and we're going to get into the class Introduction to Linux.", 'start': 69.235, 'duration': 5.41}, {'end': 87.138, 'text': 'So the first thing that we have to talk about in this introduction to Linux class is just about what Linux is and where Linux came from.', 'start': 80.595, 'duration': 6.543}], 'summary': 'Introduction to linux covering fundamental concepts and origins.', 'duration': 28.412, 'max_score': 58.726, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog58726.jpg'}, {'end': 398.608, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 368.314, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 372.859, 'text': 'People in Brazil, Linux is huge in Brazil, they started to create their own type of Linux.', 'start': 368.314, 'duration': 4.545}, {'end': 375.682, 'text': 'So he created the entire operating system.', 'start': 372.919, 'duration': 2.763}, {'end': 384.472, 'text': 'he made the code how he programmed it open source, so anybody could see the code, and then he just gave it out for everybody to start playing with.', 'start': 375.682, 'duration': 8.79}, {'end': 390.118, 'text': 'This in turn created something called distros or distributions.', 'start': 385.192, 'duration': 4.926}, {'end': 393.642, 'text': "So when you go out to download Linux, so you're really excited.", 'start': 390.579, 'duration': 3.063}, {'end': 398.608, 'text': "you want a free operating system, because everybody loves free and Linux is more secure, as we'll talk about later.", 'start': 393.642, 'duration': 4.966}], 'summary': 'In brazil, linux is popular, leading to the creation of a unique open-source operating system, fostering the emergence of distributions, and appealing to users seeking a free and secure option.', 'duration': 30.294, 'max_score': 368.314, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog368314.jpg'}, {'end': 586.38, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 554.847, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 558.268, 'text': "Well, Red Hat Linux, people don't support Ubuntu Linux.", 'start': 554.847, 'duration': 3.421}, {'end': 563.27, 'text': 'See how that all works? So the distributions, like I say, back in 1994, there was one Linux.', 'start': 558.668, 'duration': 4.602}, {'end': 564.65, 'text': 'Linux was Linux.', 'start': 563.81, 'duration': 0.84}, {'end': 567.211, 'text': 'All these people started playing around with Linux.', 'start': 565.431, 'duration': 1.78}, {'end': 570.172, 'text': 'They started creating their own versions of Linux.', 'start': 567.371, 'duration': 2.801}, {'end': 571.633, 'text': 'These became distributions.', 'start': 570.292, 'duration': 1.341}, {'end': 575.354, 'text': 'Every distribution does things its own way.', 'start': 572.173, 'duration': 3.181}, {'end': 577.595, 'text': 'Like I say, Trustix is very secure.', 'start': 575.774, 'duration': 1.821}, {'end': 579.315, 'text': "There's something called DSL Linux.", 'start': 577.675, 'duration': 1.64}, {'end': 580.716, 'text': "It's called damn small Linux.", 'start': 579.375, 'duration': 1.341}, {'end': 586.38, 'text': 'Linux can fit within, the entire operating system can fit within 53 megabytes.', 'start': 582.236, 'duration': 4.144}], 'summary': 'Multiple linux distributions emerged, with dsl linux fitting within 53 megabytes.', 'duration': 31.533, 'max_score': 554.847, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog554847.jpg'}], 'start': 5.233, 'title': 'Introduction to linux concepts', 'summary': 'Covers essential concepts before using linux, emphasizing its uniqueness, impact of open source, and the importance of understanding purposes before choosing a distribution.', 'chapters': [{'end': 41.136, 'start': 5.233, 'title': 'Intro to linux concepts', 'summary': 'Covers the essential concepts to understand before starting to use linux, without demonstrating specific commands or interfaces.', 'duration': 35.903, 'highlights': ['The class provides an overview of the concepts needed before using Linux.', 'No specific commands or interfaces are demonstrated in this class.', 'The instructor emphasizes the importance of understanding Linux concepts before using it.']}, {'end': 615.772, 'start': 41.916, 'title': 'Introduction to linux', 'summary': 'Introduces the fundamental concepts of linux, including its origin, the role of distributions, and the importance of understanding the purpose of the computer before choosing a distribution, emphasizing the uniqueness of linux as an operating system and the impact of open source on its development.', 'duration': 573.856, 'highlights': ['Linux is an operating system that acts as an intermediary between hardware and software, primarily running servers, and was created by Linus Torvalds between 1991 and 1994. Linux is primarily designed for servers and acts as a mediator between hardware and software, set apart from Windows and Mac, and was developed by Linus Torvalds between 1991 and 1994.', 'The concept of distributions in Linux and the need to understand the specific purpose of the computer before choosing a distribution is emphasized. Different distributions of Linux cater to distinct needs, emphasizing the importance of aligning the purpose of the computer with the appropriate distribution.', "The impact of open source on Linux's development, leading to the creation of various distributions and the freedom for individuals to modify the operating system, is highlighted. The open-source nature of Linux allowed for the creation of multiple distributions and enabled individuals to modify the operating system, contributing to its diverse ecosystem."]}], 'duration': 610.539, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog5233.jpg', 'highlights': ["The impact of open source on Linux's development, leading to the creation of various distributions and the freedom for individuals to modify the operating system, is highlighted.", 'The concept of distributions in Linux and the need to understand the specific purpose of the computer before choosing a distribution is emphasized.', 'Linux is an operating system that acts as an intermediary between hardware and software, primarily running servers, and was created by Linus Torvalds between 1991 and 1994.']}, {'end': 1011.115, 'segs': [{'end': 681.148, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 648.155, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 650.416, 'text': "We've talked about this in other licensing classes.", 'start': 648.155, 'duration': 2.261}, {'end': 656.599, 'text': 'But here, once we go into the Linux world, this has to get beat into your head.', 'start': 650.836, 'duration': 5.763}, {'end': 666.862, 'text': 'open source software is not free software, and if you treat all open source software as if it is free you, you are jeopardizing your career.', 'start': 656.599, 'duration': 10.263}, {'end': 668.823, 'text': "you're jeopardizing your company.", 'start': 666.862, 'duration': 1.961}, {'end': 671.424, 'text': "it's it's just bad bad legally.", 'start': 668.823, 'duration': 2.601}, {'end': 681.148, 'text': 'so I just want to go over just just for a minute about open source software and the different ways that open source software vendors get paid.', 'start': 671.424, 'duration': 9.724}], 'summary': 'Open source software is not free; misunderstanding can jeopardize career and company.', 'duration': 32.993, 'max_score': 648.155, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog648155.jpg'}, {'end': 723.183, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 694.918, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 700.462, 'text': 'they provide you with the code so that you can see how the program was written.', 'start': 694.918, 'duration': 5.544}, {'end': 704.985, 'text': 'Because in the programming world programmers sit down, they write code,', 'start': 700.882, 'duration': 4.103}, {'end': 709.809, 'text': 'they throw the code through a compiler that shoots out ones and zeros on the other side.', 'start': 704.985, 'duration': 4.824}, {'end': 718.037, 'text': 'So basically all open source software means, all the very definition of open source software is, is that you are allowed to see the source code.', 'start': 710.109, 'duration': 7.928}, {'end': 723.183, 'text': 'You are allowed to see how the software was actually created.', 'start': 718.057, 'duration': 5.126}], 'summary': 'Open source software allows access to source code for transparency and understanding of how the program was written.', 'duration': 28.265, 'max_score': 694.918, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog694918.jpg'}, {'end': 895.724, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 865.646, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 867.527, 'text': "you're trying to figure out how the software works.", 'start': 865.646, 'duration': 1.881}, {'end': 871.369, 'text': "you want to see if it'll do what your company needs it to do.", 'start': 867.527, 'duration': 3.842}, {'end': 872.01, 'text': 'no problem at all.', 'start': 871.369, 'duration': 0.641}, {'end': 873.211, 'text': 'You have a complete license.', 'start': 872.05, 'duration': 1.161}, {'end': 874.832, 'text': 'The issue.', 'start': 874.031, 'duration': 0.801}, {'end': 879.594, 'text': 'the problem where you can get into, especially with a lot of technicians,', 'start': 874.832, 'duration': 4.762}, {'end': 888.72, 'text': 'is as soon as you take that server and you take it from the test lab and you screw it into a server rack in the production environment.', 'start': 879.594, 'duration': 9.126}, {'end': 892.182, 'text': 'So this is where the commercial business actually starts to use it.', 'start': 888.88, 'duration': 3.302}, {'end': 895.724, 'text': 'As soon as that happens, you now own a licensing fee.', 'start': 892.582, 'duration': 3.142}], 'summary': 'Licensing fee incurred when moving software to production environment.', 'duration': 30.078, 'max_score': 865.646, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog865646.jpg'}, {'end': 948.407, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 908.314, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 913.76, 'text': 'But as soon as you screw that thing into a server rack, then you need to pay money.', 'start': 908.314, 'duration': 5.446}, {'end': 916.362, 'text': 'And like I say, this is something that can really trip people up.', 'start': 913.78, 'duration': 2.582}, {'end': 924.371, 'text': 'The next way, of course, with open source software is that they sell it just like everybody sells software.', 'start': 917.063, 'duration': 7.308}, {'end': 929.655, 'text': 'So basically, if you want the product, you pay them the licensing fee and you buy it.', 'start': 924.411, 'duration': 5.244}, {'end': 934.498, 'text': "Just like if you're dealing with Adobe, just like if you're dealing with Microsoft or QuickBooks, you buy it.", 'start': 929.755, 'duration': 4.743}, {'end': 942.723, 'text': 'The difference with open source software in this model, where you just purchase the software outright, is again, you can still see the source code.', 'start': 934.818, 'duration': 7.905}, {'end': 948.407, 'text': 'So if you buy the Windows operating system or you buy QuickBooks, they are not going to give you the source code.', 'start': 942.803, 'duration': 5.604}], 'summary': 'Open source software allows purchase with accessible source code, unlike proprietary software.', 'duration': 40.093, 'max_score': 908.314, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog908314.jpg'}, {'end': 994.665, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 968.977, 'weight': 6, 'content': [{'end': 973.7, 'text': 'because this is copyrighted or patented, or trademarked, or whatever material.', 'start': 968.977, 'duration': 4.723}, {'end': 978.642, 'text': "although you're allowed to see the code, you may not have rights to modify the code.", 'start': 973.7, 'duration': 4.942}, {'end': 985.031, 'text': 'So you buy the software and you say well, you know, I gave whatever SourceForge or whatever $10,000..', 'start': 978.982, 'duration': 6.049}, {'end': 991.761, 'text': "I see the source code and oh look, on line 400,000 and 50, I don't like what that line of code does.", 'start': 985.031, 'duration': 6.73}, {'end': 994.665, 'text': "I'm going to remove that line of code and insert my own line of code.", 'start': 991.841, 'duration': 2.824}], 'summary': "Access to source code doesn't grant modification rights.", 'duration': 25.688, 'max_score': 968.977, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog968977.jpg'}], 'start': 625.205, 'title': 'Open source software revenue models', 'summary': 'Discusses open source licensing in the linux world, emphasizing that it is not free. it explores revenue models including support-based payment, licensing fees, purchase with source code access, and legal implications of modifying source code.', 'chapters': [{'end': 787.509, 'start': 625.205, 'title': 'Linux and open source licensing', 'summary': 'Highlights the importance of understanding open source licensing in the linux world, emphasizing that open source software is not free and discussing the different ways open source vendors get paid, such as the mysql model.', 'duration': 162.304, 'highlights': ['The chapter emphasizes the importance of understanding open source licensing in the Linux world, stating that open source software is not free.', 'It discusses the original MySQL model, where the database software was given away for free, and revenue was generated through paid support services, such as training, with users allowed to use the software for personal, nonprofit, or commercial purposes.', 'The chapter explains that open source software allows programmers to provide the code so that users can see how the program was written, and outlines the four different ways that open source vendors get paid.']}, {'end': 1011.115, 'start': 787.549, 'title': 'Open source software revenue models', 'summary': 'Explores various revenue models for open source software, including support-based payment, personal use vs. commercial use licensing fees, outright purchase with access to source code, and the potential legal implications of modifying the source code.', 'duration': 223.566, 'highlights': ['Open source software vendors can generate revenue through support-based payment, where the software is completely free and the vendors get paid for support on the product.', 'Differentiating between personal/non-commercial use and commercial use, open source software may require payment for commercial use, with licensing fees ranging from $50,000 to $10,000, posing potential legal and financial risks.', 'In some cases, open source software is sold outright with access to the source code, allowing enterprises to view how the software was written, but caution is needed to understand the rights and limitations in modifying the code.', 'Open source companies may give away the product for free, but the legal implications of modifying the source code need to be carefully considered.']}], 'duration': 385.91, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog625205.jpg', 'highlights': ['Open source software vendors can generate revenue through support-based payment, where the software is completely free and the vendors get paid for support on the product.', 'The chapter explains that open source software allows programmers to provide the code so that users can see how the program was written, and outlines the four different ways that open source vendors get paid.', 'Differentiating between personal/non-commercial use and commercial use, open source software may require payment for commercial use, with licensing fees ranging from $50,000 to $10,000, posing potential legal and financial risks.', 'The chapter emphasizes the importance of understanding open source licensing in the Linux world, stating that open source software is not free.', 'In some cases, open source software is sold outright with access to the source code, allowing enterprises to view how the software was written, but caution is needed to understand the rights and limitations in modifying the code.', 'The chapter discusses the original MySQL model, where the database software was given away for free, and revenue was generated through paid support services, such as training, with users allowed to use the software for personal, nonprofit, or commercial purposes.', 'Open source companies may give away the product for free, but the legal implications of modifying the source code need to be carefully considered.']}, {'end': 1278.946, 'segs': [{'end': 1036.412, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1011.155, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1016.198, 'text': "So you can download the server, you can download the desktop, you can download the appliance, or whatever it is you're downloading.", 'start': 1011.155, 'duration': 5.043}, {'end': 1028.146, 'text': 'The issue is, is that the license states that in order to have the legal right to use the software, you have to pay a reoccurring contract.', 'start': 1016.778, 'duration': 11.368}, {'end': 1036.412, 'text': "So let's say some of the Linux vendors You can download their enterprise class server software for free.", 'start': 1028.627, 'duration': 7.785}], 'summary': 'Linux vendors offer free enterprise class server software, but require payment for legal use.', 'duration': 25.257, 'max_score': 1011.155, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog1011155.jpg'}], 'start': 1011.155, 'title': 'Linux server software and open source licensing', 'summary': 'Discusses the hidden costs of using linux server software, including recurring support contract costs ranging from $100 to $1,000 per year, and emphasizes the importance of understanding open source licensing to avoid potential costs and consequences of non-compliance.', 'chapters': [{'end': 1081.304, 'start': 1011.155, 'title': 'Linux software licensing costs', 'summary': 'Discusses the hidden costs of using linux server software, where although the software can be downloaded for free, a recurring support contract ranging from $100 to $1,000 per year is required for legal usage, hindering adoption for businesses.', 'duration': 70.149, 'highlights': ['Linux server software can be downloaded for free, but a recurring support contract ranging from $100 to $1,000 per year is required for legal usage.', 'Red Hat required a $250 per year subscription contract, hindering the transfer of clients over to Linux.']}, {'end': 1278.946, 'start': 1081.644, 'title': 'Understanding open source licensing', 'summary': 'Emphasizes the importance of understanding open source licensing, which can cause significant damage to a company if not comprehended correctly, including the potential costs and consequences of not adhering to licensing agreements.', 'duration': 197.302, 'highlights': ['The chapter stresses the critical importance of understanding open source licensing, as it can cause massive damage to a company if not comprehended correctly, such as incurring significant costs or facing catastrophic problems if mission-critical systems need to be switched due to licensing requirements.', 'It highlights that open source does not mean free, and while a significant amount of open source software is free, it does not imply that open source software is entirely free, emphasizing the distinction between being able to see the source code and having the right to modify it.', 'The chapter also points out the potential costs associated with open source licensing, such as the need for recurring maintenance contracts, which can significantly increase the overall expenses, making seemingly affordable solutions turn into costly investments, thereby urging careful consideration before implementation.']}], 'duration': 267.791, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog1011155.jpg', 'highlights': ['Recurring support contract for Linux server software ranges from $100 to $1,000 per year.', 'Red Hat requires a $250 per year subscription contract, hindering client transfer to Linux.', 'Understanding open source licensing is critical to avoid significant costs or catastrophic problems.', 'Open source does not imply entirely free software, emphasizing the distinction between viewing and modifying the source code.', 'Recurring maintenance contracts for open source software can significantly increase overall expenses.']}, {'end': 1889.495, 'segs': [{'end': 1338.793, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1303.728, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 1305.47, 'text': 'and then it can cause them problems.', 'start': 1303.728, 'duration': 1.742}, {'end': 1314.177, 'text': 'So the shell of the operating system is the screen that you use to interact with the operating system.', 'start': 1305.65, 'duration': 8.527}, {'end': 1319.26, 'text': "So, if you're thinking about the Windows shell, you know if you have Windows 7,", 'start': 1314.617, 'duration': 4.643}, {'end': 1328.086, 'text': 'the Windows shell is that graphical user interface where you have a little mouse and you go around and you can click on pictures on the, you know,', 'start': 1319.26, 'duration': 8.826}, {'end': 1328.666, 'text': 'on your desktop.', 'start': 1328.086, 'duration': 0.58}, {'end': 1331.848, 'text': 'So you have a desktop, you have folders, you double click on a folder and it opens up.', 'start': 1328.686, 'duration': 3.162}, {'end': 1338.793, 'text': 'So that is a shell, that is called a GUI shell, G-U-I, graphical user interface.', 'start': 1332.289, 'duration': 6.504}], 'summary': 'The shell of the operating system is the screen for user interaction, such as the windows gui shell in windows 7.', 'duration': 35.065, 'max_score': 1303.728, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog1303728.jpg'}, {'end': 1497.36, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1466.995, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 1472.52, 'text': 'And like I say, this whole track is going to be about how to administer and manage Linux.', 'start': 1466.995, 'duration': 5.525}, {'end': 1484.811, 'text': "Now, the next biggest concept that you have to understand when you're going to be using Linux is the concept of root.", 'start': 1478.686, 'duration': 6.125}, {'end': 1492.556, 'text': 'root is probably the biggest or one of the biggest concepts with Linux.', 'start': 1488.493, 'duration': 4.063}, {'end': 1497.36, 'text': 'So root means the highest level of anything.', 'start': 1493.017, 'duration': 4.343}], 'summary': 'Linux admin track emphasizing root concept.', 'duration': 30.365, 'max_score': 1466.995, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog1466995.jpg'}, {'end': 1589.528, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1543.751, 'weight': 6, 'content': [{'end': 1547.354, 'text': 'And the root of the operating system might be C colon backslash.', 'start': 1543.751, 'duration': 3.603}, {'end': 1549.255, 'text': 'So that is the root.', 'start': 1547.494, 'duration': 1.761}, {'end': 1555.101, 'text': 'root can also mean the highest level that a user can get into.', 'start': 1550.356, 'duration': 4.745}, {'end': 1561.607, 'text': 'so, uh, so in um, in linux, uh, users have home folders, right.', 'start': 1555.101, 'duration': 6.506}, {'end': 1563.809, 'text': 'so the home folder holds.', 'start': 1561.607, 'duration': 2.202}, {'end': 1565.13, 'text': 'you know all their stuff.', 'start': 1563.809, 'duration': 1.321}, {'end': 1569.154, 'text': 'uh, you know application settings, documents, pictures, all that kind of stuff.', 'start': 1565.13, 'duration': 4.024}, {'end': 1573.757, 'text': 'So the root of the user would be their home directory.', 'start': 1569.634, 'duration': 4.123}, {'end': 1577.219, 'text': 'The home directory is the highest level for the user.', 'start': 1573.817, 'duration': 3.402}, {'end': 1584.024, 'text': "So the main thing to understand is whenever you're talking about root in Linux, root is the highest level of anything.", 'start': 1577.64, 'duration': 6.384}, {'end': 1589.528, 'text': "If you're talking about the root user, well, there's actually a user account called root,", 'start': 1584.144, 'duration': 5.384}], 'summary': "In linux, 'root' refers to the highest level, including the root of the operating system and the user's home directory.", 'duration': 45.777, 'max_score': 1543.751, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog1543751.jpg'}, {'end': 1796.109, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1770.613, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1776.837, 'text': 'An uppercase letter is different, and it actually is different in how it is encoded than a lowercase letter.', 'start': 1770.613, 'duration': 6.224}, {'end': 1783.522, 'text': 'So this, if these are folders, this is a different folder than this, which is a different folder than this, which is a different folder than this.', 'start': 1777.257, 'duration': 6.265}, {'end': 1791.207, 'text': "One of the places this can cause you a lot of problems and you've probably already seen this with some of the websites you use is.", 'start': 1784.142, 'duration': 7.065}, {'end': 1796.109, 'text': 'this also is true of your username login.', 'start': 1791.207, 'duration': 4.902}], 'summary': 'Uppercase letters are encoded differently than lowercase letters, leading to potential issues with folder names and usernames.', 'duration': 25.496, 'max_score': 1770.613, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog1770613.jpg'}, {'end': 1877.526, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 1846.116, 'weight': 0.818, 'content': [{'end': 1849.277, 'text': "It's just so people are so used to the Windows world where capitalization doesn't matter.", 'start': 1846.116, 'duration': 3.161}, {'end': 1851.158, 'text': 'But in Linux, it does.', 'start': 1849.997, 'duration': 1.161}, {'end': 1853.439, 'text': 'So capitalization matters.', 'start': 1851.438, 'duration': 2.001}, {'end': 1859.921, 'text': "If you type in a username, all uppercase, in order to log in, you're going to have to use all uppercase in order to log in.", 'start': 1853.479, 'duration': 6.442}, {'end': 1861.303, 'text': 'Pretty simple stuff.', 'start': 1860.461, 'duration': 0.842}, {'end': 1866.872, 'text': 'Just remember, capitalization is absolutely and utterly important in the Linux world.', 'start': 1861.463, 'duration': 5.409}, {'end': 1874.363, 'text': "OK, so we've talked about where Linux came from.", 'start': 1872.662, 'duration': 1.701}, {'end': 1875.764, 'text': 'It was created back in 94.', 'start': 1874.383, 'duration': 1.381}, {'end': 1877.526, 'text': "We've talked about distributions.", 'start': 1875.764, 'duration': 1.762}], 'summary': 'In linux, capitalization is crucial for logins; linux was created in 1994.', 'duration': 31.41, 'max_score': 1846.116, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog1846116.jpg'}], 'start': 1278.946, 'title': 'Linux system basics', 'summary': 'Covers the importance of understanding the operating system shell, including gui and lui, emphasizes the significance of the root concept in linux. it also explains the importance of capitalization in the linux world, contrasting it with windows and highlighting its effects on folder names and usernames.', 'chapters': [{'end': 1628.93, 'start': 1278.946, 'title': 'Understanding operating system shell and root in linux', 'summary': 'Covers the importance of understanding the operating system shell, including the graphical user interface (gui) and line user interface (lui), and emphasizes the significance of the root concept in linux, serving as the highest level of user access and system hierarchy.', 'duration': 349.984, 'highlights': ['Understanding the operating system shell is crucial for interacting with the system effectively, with options including graphical user interface (GUI) and line user interface (LUI), which is preferred in Linux, emphasizing the need to be familiar with commands for system operations.', 'The concept of root in Linux is vital, representing the highest level of user access and system hierarchy, enabling significant control over the computer, including the administration and management of the operating system, with root being the highest level user and storage location for the operating system.', "The operating system shell, whether graphical or line user interface, serves as the screen for interacting with the system, highlighting the necessity for users to familiarize themselves with commands, particularly in the case of Linux's preference for the line user interface (LUI), which offers more power than the graphical user interface.", 'The root concept in Linux holds substantial significance, representing the highest level of access and system hierarchy, granting extensive control over the computer, including user account management and system administration, making it crucial for users to comprehend its implications and capabilities.', 'The chapter emphasizes the importance of comprehending the operating system shell, particularly in Linux, and underscores the critical role of the root concept, serving as the highest level of user access and system hierarchy, essential for effectively managing and administering the operating system.']}, {'end': 1889.495, 'start': 1634.929, 'title': 'Linux capitalization matters', 'summary': 'Explains the importance of capitalization in the linux world, contrasting it with windows, where it does not matter, and highlights how it affects folder names and usernames, emphasizing that capitalization is crucial in linux.', 'duration': 254.566, 'highlights': ["In the Linux world, capitalization matters, as uppercase and lowercase letters represent different characters in ASCII text, leading to different folders for names like 'home' with varying capitalization. Comparison of the same folder names in Windows and Linux.", 'Capitalization also affects usernames in Linux, where different capitalization results in distinct usernames, unlike in the Windows world where it does not matter. Explanation of the impact of capitalization on usernames in the Linux world.', 'Highlighting the importance of capitalization in the Linux world, emphasizing that usernames must be entered with the exact capitalization to log in. Explanation of the necessity of using exact username capitalization for login.']}], 'duration': 610.549, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog1278946.jpg', 'highlights': ['Understanding the operating system shell is crucial for interacting with the system effectively, with options including graphical user interface (GUI) and line user interface (LUI), which is preferred in Linux, emphasizing the need to be familiar with commands for system operations.', 'The concept of root in Linux is vital, representing the highest level of user access and system hierarchy, enabling significant control over the computer, including the administration and management of the operating system, with root being the highest level user and storage location for the operating system.', "The operating system shell, whether graphical or line user interface, serves as the screen for interacting with the system, highlighting the necessity for users to familiarize themselves with commands, particularly in the case of Linux's preference for the line user interface (LUI), which offers more power than the graphical user interface.", 'The root concept in Linux holds substantial significance, representing the highest level of access and system hierarchy, granting extensive control over the computer, including user account management and system administration, making it crucial for users to comprehend its implications and capabilities.', 'The chapter emphasizes the importance of comprehending the operating system shell, particularly in Linux, and underscores the critical role of the root concept, serving as the highest level of user access and system hierarchy, essential for effectively managing and administering the operating system.', "In the Linux world, capitalization matters, as uppercase and lowercase letters represent different characters in ASCII text, leading to different folders for names like 'home' with varying capitalization. Comparison of the same folder names in Windows and Linux.", 'Capitalization also affects usernames in Linux, where different capitalization results in distinct usernames, unlike in the Windows world where it does not matter. Explanation of the impact of capitalization on usernames in the Linux world.', 'Highlighting the importance of capitalization in the Linux world, emphasizing that usernames must be entered with the exact capitalization to log in. Explanation of the necessity of using exact username capitalization for login.']}, {'end': 2348.634, 'segs': [{'end': 1956.962, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1932.688, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 1939.331, 'text': "You guys are IT guys, you're aspiring geeks and you say, I don't want the desktop version, I want the server version.", 'start': 1932.688, 'duration': 6.643}, {'end': 1943.639, 'text': 'That might be a mistake, at least at this point in the game.', 'start': 1940.578, 'duration': 3.061}, {'end': 1956.962, 'text': 'The main difference between the server versions and the desktop versions of any of these Linux operating systems is that the server version is a stripped down version of the Linux,', 'start': 1944.159, 'duration': 12.803}], 'summary': 'It guys should reconsider choosing server over desktop versions of linux for now.', 'duration': 24.274, 'max_score': 1932.688, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog1932688.jpg'}, {'end': 2112.388, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2088.324, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 2095.518, 'text': 'from me to you, download and install the desktop version first, because, like I say, if you install the server version,', 'start': 2088.324, 'duration': 7.194}, {'end': 2099.525, 'text': "all you're going to get is a DOS prompt, and if you don't know what to do next, there's nothing to do.", 'start': 2095.518, 'duration': 4.007}, {'end': 2109.227, 'text': "So now that I've been talking about Linux, you may be thinking, wow, this is really exciting.", 'start': 2105.305, 'duration': 3.922}, {'end': 2112.388, 'text': "It's a free operating system as long as you get the right distribution.", 'start': 2109.587, 'duration': 2.801}], 'summary': 'Install desktop version first for linux, a free os with the right distribution.', 'duration': 24.064, 'max_score': 2088.324, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog2088324.jpg'}, {'end': 2252.952, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2218.752, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 2222.638, 'text': 'The only reboot that I did 150 days ago was for some maintenance.', 'start': 2218.752, 'duration': 3.886}, {'end': 2226.199, 'text': 'The way that the Linux operating system is built.', 'start': 2223.218, 'duration': 2.981}, {'end': 2233.502, 'text': "it's not like Windows, where it needs to get rebooted every Tuesday or you have memory leaks and it just crashes.", 'start': 2226.199, 'duration': 7.303}, {'end': 2244.447, 'text': 'Linux, as long as you configure it properly, will just run and it will just do its job day in, day out, day in, day out, day in, day out.', 'start': 2234.163, 'duration': 10.284}, {'end': 2252.952, 'text': 'So the reason I would say that you should look at deploying Linux for yourself or for your clients is for server functionality,', 'start': 2245.107, 'duration': 7.845}], 'summary': 'Linux system rebooted once in 150 days, more stable than windows, suitable for server functionality', 'duration': 34.2, 'max_score': 2218.752, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog2218752.jpg'}], 'start': 1890.256, 'title': 'Linux: server vs. desktop versions', 'summary': 'Emphasizes the differences between linux server and desktop versions, focusing on the stripped-down nature of server versions, the lack of graphical user interface, and the advantages of deploying linux for server functionality such as rock-solid performance, low maintenance, and lack of performance degradation over time.', 'chapters': [{'end': 1998.591, 'start': 1890.256, 'title': 'Linux: server vs. desktop versions', 'summary': 'Emphasizes the difference between server and desktop versions of linux, highlighting the stripped-down nature of server versions and the lack of graphical user interface and automatic tool installation.', 'duration': 108.335, 'highlights': ['The server version of Linux is a stripped-down version without a graphical user interface and many tools for administration, as they expect users installing servers to know what they want installed, emphasizing the need for manual tool installation. This is different from the desktop version, which comes with a graphical user interface and more tools for user convenience.', 'The main difference between the server and desktop versions of Linux is the absence of a graphical user interface and automatic tool installation in the server version, as it is tailored for users who are expected to manually install necessary tools for server administration.', "When choosing between server and desktop versions of Linux, it's important to consider that the server version does not come with a graphical user interface and lacks automatic installation of administration tools, catering to users who are expected to manually install necessary tools and know what they want on the server."]}, {'end': 2087.665, 'start': 1998.591, 'title': 'Linux desktop vs server', 'summary': 'Discusses the differences between linux desktop and server versions, highlighting that desktop versions provide a graphical user interface, while server versions offer minimal applications and a dos prompt, requiring additional installations for management tools.', 'duration': 89.074, 'highlights': ['The desktop versions of Linux distributions provide a graphical user interface right off the bat, resembling Windows or Mac, making it easier for users to understand and use Linux.', 'Server versions offer only a DOS prompt and minimal applications, necessitating additional installations for management tools and applications required to manage a server.', 'Desktop versions come with management tools installed, allowing users to directly boot into a graphical environment and easily figure out how to use it.']}, {'end': 2348.634, 'start': 2088.324, 'title': 'Linux for server functionality', 'summary': 'Discusses the advantages of deploying linux for server functionality, highlighting its rock-solid performance, low maintenance, and lack of performance degradation over time, while cautioning against its use as a desktop operating system due to its quirks and limitations.', 'duration': 260.31, 'highlights': ['Linux servers are incredibly rock solid, running continuously for 150 days without the need for a reboot. The server running the website has been up for 150 days continuously without requiring a reboot, showcasing the exceptional stability of Linux servers.', 'Linux servers do not suffer from performance degradation over time due to updates, in contrast to Windows systems. Unlike Windows systems, Linux servers do not experience performance degradation over time due to updates, ensuring consistent performance as long as it is properly configured.', 'Linux is not recommended as a desktop operating system due to its quirks, limitations, and performance issues. The speaker advises against using Linux as a desktop operating system due to its quirks, limitations, and performance issues, emphasizing the unsuitability of Linux for desktop use.']}], 'duration': 458.378, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog1890256.jpg', 'highlights': ['The server version of Linux is a stripped-down version without a graphical user interface and many tools for administration, as they expect users installing servers to know what they want installed, emphasizing the need for manual tool installation.', 'The desktop versions of Linux distributions provide a graphical user interface right off the bat, resembling Windows or Mac, making it easier for users to understand and use Linux.', 'Linux servers are incredibly rock solid, running continuously for 150 days without the need for a reboot.']}, {'end': 2882.385, 'segs': [{'end': 2374.756, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2348.634, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 2353.536, 'text': 'so Linux is great for servers, kind of crappy for the desktop.', 'start': 2348.634, 'duration': 4.902}, {'end': 2361.401, 'text': 'I would suggest, just one geek to another, really think about using Linux for the server functionality.', 'start': 2354.076, 'duration': 7.325}, {'end': 2370.554, 'text': 'So that was a class introduction to Linux.', 'start': 2367.492, 'duration': 3.062}, {'end': 2374.756, 'text': "We didn't show you any commands or we didn't show you any of that kind of stuff today,", 'start': 2370.574, 'duration': 4.182}], 'summary': 'Linux is recommended for server functionality, not for desktop use.', 'duration': 26.122, 'max_score': 2348.634, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog2348634.jpg'}, {'end': 2458.329, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2423.052, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 2428.375, 'text': 'You know, what happens after you type in the command might be different, but you type in the same commands that you would in Unix.', 'start': 2423.052, 'duration': 5.323}, {'end': 2429.876, 'text': 'But Linux and Unix are different.', 'start': 2428.415, 'duration': 1.461}, {'end': 2433.858, 'text': 'Again, after 1994, he released Linux to the world.', 'start': 2430.296, 'duration': 3.562}, {'end': 2438.361, 'text': 'So, you know, everybody could use it, everybody could play with it, everybody could do whatever it is they wanted to do with it.', 'start': 2433.958, 'duration': 4.403}, {'end': 2445.524, 'text': "So all these computer science geeks, you know, you go out for dates, and you go to the movies, and I don't know, you go play golf.", 'start': 2438.721, 'duration': 6.803}, {'end': 2449.405, 'text': 'Well, these computer science geeks, they go home and program operating systems.', 'start': 2445.804, 'duration': 3.601}, {'end': 2451.426, 'text': 'So they found this wonderful Linux operating system.', 'start': 2449.465, 'duration': 1.961}, {'end': 2453.367, 'text': 'Linus really had done a good job.', 'start': 2451.946, 'duration': 1.421}, {'end': 2458.329, 'text': 'And so they started creating their own versions of Linux, depending on what they wanted it to do.', 'start': 2453.787, 'duration': 4.542}], 'summary': 'Linux was released in 1994, allowing everyone to use and modify it, leading to various versions being created.', 'duration': 35.277, 'max_score': 2423.052, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog2423052.jpg'}, {'end': 2584.472, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2558.053, 'weight': 7, 'content': [{'end': 2563.796, 'text': 'The main thing to remember in the Linux world is, again, created by computer people, computer scientists and computer engineers.', 'start': 2558.053, 'duration': 5.743}, {'end': 2569.64, 'text': 'They prefer to use the line user interface where you actually have to type in commands.', 'start': 2564.796, 'duration': 4.844}, {'end': 2573.523, 'text': "Where you know we've talked about this can cause real problems is most of the time.", 'start': 2569.98, 'duration': 3.543}, {'end': 2581.37, 'text': "if you download the server version of any Linux distribution, you don't get the graphical user interface automatically when you download it.", 'start': 2573.523, 'duration': 7.847}, {'end': 2584.472, 'text': 'So you install the server version and all you get is a little blinking cursor.', 'start': 2581.41, 'duration': 3.062}], 'summary': 'Linux is primarily command-line based, lacking automatic graphical interface in server versions.', 'duration': 26.419, 'max_score': 2558.053, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog2558053.jpg'}, {'end': 2627.86, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2595.902, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 2600.125, 'text': 'So root is the highest level of anything in Linux.', 'start': 2595.902, 'duration': 4.223}, {'end': 2605.169, 'text': 'So the root user is the highest level user in a Linux computer.', 'start': 2600.265, 'duration': 4.904}, {'end': 2608.472, 'text': 'The root user can do anything it wants to the Linux computer.', 'start': 2605.209, 'duration': 3.263}, {'end': 2614.996, 'text': 'The root of the folder or like the root of the operating system is where the operating system is installed.', 'start': 2609.352, 'duration': 5.644}, {'end': 2620.038, 'text': 'So if they say go to the root of the operating system, you will go to whatever folder the operating system is installed in.', 'start': 2615.056, 'duration': 4.982}, {'end': 2621.518, 'text': 'The root of user accounts.', 'start': 2620.078, 'duration': 1.44}, {'end': 2627.86, 'text': 'In Linux, when you create user accounts, they get little folders, home folders, just like you get in Windows.', 'start': 2622.399, 'duration': 5.461}], 'summary': 'The root user in linux has the highest level of access and control over the operating system and user accounts.', 'duration': 31.958, 'max_score': 2595.902, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog2595902.jpg'}, {'end': 2869.521, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2812.291, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 2815.034, 'text': 'I would suggest at least for your clients.', 'start': 2812.291, 'duration': 2.743}, {'end': 2816.355, 'text': "it's awesome for servers.", 'start': 2815.034, 'duration': 1.321}, {'end': 2823.08, 'text': "it's amazing for servers, whether you're dealing with LAMP that means basically a web server whether you're dealing with email servers, file servers,", 'start': 2816.355, 'duration': 6.725}, {'end': 2824.301, 'text': 'backup servers, et cetera.', 'start': 2823.08, 'duration': 1.221}, {'end': 2827.504, 'text': "You really just can't ask for better.", 'start': 2824.962, 'duration': 2.542}, {'end': 2830.708, 'text': 'So that was a class introduction to Linux.', 'start': 2828.084, 'duration': 2.624}, {'end': 2835.495, 'text': 'These are all the basic concepts that you should understand before you start working on Linux.', 'start': 2830.788, 'duration': 4.707}, {'end': 2837.899, 'text': "Our next class, we're going to be installing Linux.", 'start': 2835.616, 'duration': 2.283}, {'end': 2840.463, 'text': "Then past that, we're going to do the basic utilities on Linux.", 'start': 2838.24, 'duration': 2.223}, {'end': 2843.127, 'text': 'Linux is easy.', 'start': 2841.224, 'duration': 1.903}, {'end': 2849.531, 'text': 'Again, as I say with almost all this stuff, it is easy if you take it step by step.', 'start': 2843.988, 'duration': 5.543}, {'end': 2857.715, 'text': "If you buy one of those Linux Bibles that's about that big and you try to figure out how to use Linux using one of those Bibles,", 'start': 2850.291, 'duration': 7.424}, {'end': 2860.797, 'text': "it's going to seem like you need a PhD in order to use Linux.", 'start': 2857.715, 'duration': 3.082}, {'end': 2862.117, 'text': "That's not the case.", 'start': 2861.237, 'duration': 0.88}, {'end': 2864.459, 'text': 'Linux really is pretty simple.', 'start': 2862.398, 'duration': 2.061}, {'end': 2869.521, 'text': 'You just have to chop it down into bite-sized pieces and then, once you understand those little bite-sized pieces, you go.', 'start': 2864.739, 'duration': 4.782}], 'summary': 'Linux is excellent for servers, easy to learn and use with the right approach.', 'duration': 57.23, 'max_score': 2812.291, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog2812291.jpg'}], 'start': 2348.634, 'title': 'Introduction to linux basics and servers', 'summary': 'Provides an introduction to linux as a powerful server solution, emphasizing its history, variations in distributions, and the importance of selecting the right distribution for specific server functionalities. it also introduces the thought process behind becoming professionals in the it field, emphasizes licensing requirements, distinguishes between gui and lui, highlights the significance of the root user in linux, and advocates for linux as an excellent choice for servers due to its stability and performance.', 'chapters': [{'end': 2498.916, 'start': 2348.634, 'title': 'Introduction to linux for servers', 'summary': 'Introduces linux as a powerful server solution, emphasizing its history, the creation by linus torvalds, the variations in distributions, and the importance of selecting the right distribution for specific server functionalities.', 'duration': 150.282, 'highlights': ['Linux is its own kettle of fish. The reason people think that Linux and Unix are similar is simply because when he was coding Linux, He made it so. most of the commands that work in Unix will work in Linux. Linux is distinct from Unix and shares similar commands, emphasizing its uniqueness in the operating system landscape.', "Linus really had done a good job. And so they started creating their own versions of Linux, depending on what they wanted it to do. Linus Torvalds' successful creation of Linux led to the development of various versions tailored for specific functionalities.", "The main thing to understand is when you're thinking about deploying your server to do whatever it is you want it to do, the dist role matters. The choice of distribution is crucial when deploying a server for specific tasks, emphasizing the impact of selecting the right distribution for optimal server performance.", 'We talked about open source. Again, this is a huge, huge, Huge issue. The significance of open source software is emphasized as a major topic in the discussion, showcasing its importance in the context of Linux.']}, {'end': 2882.385, 'start': 2499.236, 'title': 'Introduction to linux basics', 'summary': 'Introduces the thought process behind becoming real professionals in the it field, emphasizes the importance of understanding licensing requirements, distinguishes between gui and lui, highlights the significance of root user in linux, and advocates for linux as an excellent choice for servers due to its stability and performance.', 'duration': 383.149, 'highlights': ['Linux servers can go for years without a reboot, running continuously, offering exceptional stability. Linux servers can run for years without a reboot, showcasing exceptional stability and uptime.', 'Understanding licensing requirements, including open source licensing, is crucial for IT professionals when proposing solutions to executives or CEOs. Emphasizes the importance of understanding licensing requirements, specifically open source licensing, when proposing solutions to executives or CEOs.', 'Root user in Linux possesses the highest level of privileges and control over the system. Explains the significance of the root user in Linux, highlighting its elevated privileges and control over the system.', 'Distinguishing between the server and desktop versions of Linux, with the server version being stripped down to the bare minimum, while the desktop version offers a graphical user interface similar to Windows or Mac OS. Highlights the differences between the server and desktop versions of Linux, emphasizing the minimalistic nature of the server version and the user-friendly graphical interface of the desktop version.']}], 'duration': 533.751, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_gCwCOhMcog/pics/_gCwCOhMcog2348634.jpg', 'highlights': ['The choice of distribution is crucial when deploying a server for specific tasks, emphasizing the impact of selecting the right distribution for optimal server performance.', "Linus Torvalds' successful creation of Linux led to the development of various versions tailored for specific functionalities.", 'The significance of open source software is emphasized as a major topic in the discussion, showcasing its importance in the context of Linux.', 'Linux servers can run for years without a reboot, showcasing exceptional stability and uptime.', 'Emphasizes the importance of understanding licensing requirements, specifically open source licensing, when proposing solutions to executives or CEOs.', 'Explains the significance of the root user in Linux, highlighting its elevated privileges and control over the system.', 'Highlights the differences between the server and desktop versions of Linux, emphasizing the minimalistic nature of the server version and the user-friendly graphical interface of the desktop version.', 'Linux is distinct from Unix and shares similar commands, emphasizing its uniqueness in the operating system landscape.']}], 'highlights': ["The impact of open source on Linux's development, leading to the creation of various distributions and the freedom for individuals to modify the operating system, is highlighted.", 'The concept of distributions in Linux and the need to understand the specific purpose of the computer before choosing a distribution is emphasized.', 'Understanding the operating system shell is crucial for interacting with the system effectively, with options including graphical user interface (GUI) and line user interface (LUI), which is preferred in Linux, emphasizing the need to be familiar with commands for system operations.', 'The concept of root in Linux is vital, representing the highest level of user access and system hierarchy, enabling significant control over the computer, including the administration and management of the operating system, with root being the highest level user and storage location for the operating system.', 'The server version of Linux is a stripped-down version without a graphical user interface and many tools for administration, as they expect users installing servers to know what they want installed, emphasizing the need for manual tool installation.', 'The desktop versions of Linux distributions provide a graphical user interface right off the bat, resembling Windows or Mac, making it easier for users to understand and use Linux.', 'The choice of distribution is crucial when deploying a server for specific tasks, emphasizing the impact of selecting the right distribution for optimal server performance.', 'Linux servers can run for years without a reboot, showcasing exceptional stability and uptime.', 'Understanding open source licensing is critical to avoid significant costs or catastrophic problems.', 'Open source does not imply entirely free software, emphasizing the distinction between viewing and modifying the source code.']}