Bandwidth Throttling with NetBalancer

Info Level: Beginner Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy Date Created: November 8, 2011 Length of Class: 22 Minutes Tracks Networking Prerequisites Understand basic network concepts Purpose of Class This class teaches students how to use NetBalancer to restrict how much network bandwidth individual applications use on a Windows computer. Chapters Introduction (00:00) Demonstration (05:47) Final Thoughts (16:48) Class Notes Introduction Bandwidth throttling allows you to control how much bandwidth applications of computers use Demonstration NetBalancer allows you to view information such as the connecting IP address or Domain Name, it shows you both speed and amount of data that has been transferred In order to either upload or download files you need some bandwidth in the opposite direction. If you are downloading data you need some upload speed for client/ server communication. Resources NetBalancer https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=XGA9BN4V37QY6

{'title': 'Bandwidth Throttling with NetBalancer', 'heatmap': [{'end': 445.795, 'start': 431.75, 'weight': 0.894}, {'end': 890.247, 'start': 861.142, 'weight': 0.788}], 'summary': 'Tutorial explores bandwidth throttling with netbalancer, covering its impact on network performance, challenges during client migration to the cloud, the use of netbalancer for throttling bandwidth for different network applications, and its role in managing simultaneous bandwidth usage, download speed, priorities, limits, and connections.', 'chapters': [{'end': 170.223, 'segs': [{'end': 70.559, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 23.136, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 31.681, 'text': 'it is a mechanism that is used to restrict how much network bandwidth a certain computer or application on a network will use.', 'start': 23.136, 'duration': 8.545}, {'end': 34.743, 'text': 'The problem with normal TCP IP networking.', 'start': 32.18, 'duration': 2.563}, {'end': 46.968, 'text': 'if one computer tries to connect out on the internet or out somewhere and starts downloading a large amount of information or uploading a large amount of information,', 'start': 35.303, 'duration': 11.665}, {'end': 53.331, 'text': 'that can affect the bandwidth for every other computer or service on that local network.', 'start': 46.968, 'duration': 6.363}, {'end': 62.875, 'text': 'so if you have one person in the office who decides that they are going to illegally, you know download 150 pirated movies, or Well,', 'start': 53.331, 'duration': 9.544}, {'end': 68.658, 'text': 'if they start downloading all of those movies, that can cause problems for the rest of the network.', 'start': 62.875, 'duration': 5.783}, {'end': 70.559, 'text': 'Emails may not be able to work properly.', 'start': 68.798, 'duration': 1.761}], 'summary': 'Bandwidth throttling limits network usage, preventing bandwidth hogging and ensuring proper functioning for all users.', 'duration': 47.423, 'max_score': 23.136, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_JroTSxLjeQ/pics/_JroTSxLjeQ23136.jpg'}, {'end': 149.569, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 121.05, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 131.574, 'text': 'that means that all the other services and computers on that local network are now having a more difficult time being able to upload and download their own data.', 'start': 121.05, 'duration': 10.524}, {'end': 141.902, 'text': 'So back when I started migrating my clients to the cloud three, four years ago, it would be sadly normal.', 'start': 131.994, 'duration': 9.908}, {'end': 149.569, 'text': 'for once we migrated them to the cloud, it would be five days before their internet connection would work properly for them again.', 'start': 141.902, 'duration': 7.667}], 'summary': 'Migrating clients to the cloud caused 5-day internet disruption for local network, affecting data upload and download speeds.', 'duration': 28.519, 'max_score': 121.05, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_JroTSxLjeQ/pics/_JroTSxLjeQ121050.jpg'}], 'start': 5.606, 'title': 'Bandwidth throttling with netbalancer', 'summary': 'Explains bandwidth throttling, its impact on network performance, and challenges faced during client migration to the cloud.', 'chapters': [{'end': 170.223, 'start': 5.606, 'title': 'Bandwidth throttling with netbalancer', 'summary': 'Explains bandwidth throttling as a mechanism used to restrict network bandwidth for certain computers or applications, highlighting the impact on network performance and the challenges faced during client migration to the cloud.', 'duration': 164.617, 'highlights': ['Bandwidth throttling restricts network bandwidth for certain computers or applications Bandwidth throttling is a mechanism used to restrict how much network bandwidth a certain computer or application on a network will use.', 'Impacts of bandwidth throttling on network performance Downloading or uploading large amounts of data can affect the bandwidth for every other computer or service on the local network, causing issues with emails and web surfing.', 'Challenges during client migration to the cloud When migrating clients to the cloud, uploading large amounts of data can cause problems for the entire network, leading to difficulties in internet connection and email reception.']}], 'duration': 164.617, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_JroTSxLjeQ/pics/_JroTSxLjeQ5606.jpg', 'highlights': ['Bandwidth throttling restricts network bandwidth for certain computers or applications.', 'Impacts of bandwidth throttling on network performance: Downloading or uploading large amounts of data can affect the bandwidth for every other computer or service on the local network.', 'Challenges during client migration to the cloud: Uploading large amounts of data can cause problems for the entire network, leading to difficulties in internet connection and email reception.']}, {'end': 487.408, 'segs': [{'end': 194.098, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 170.743, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 178.827, 'text': 'Thankfully, I found this piece of software called NetBalancer that allows me to do bandwidth throttling on the local computer.', 'start': 170.743, 'duration': 8.084}, {'end': 194.098, 'text': "So what NetBalancer allows me to do is I can install it on the local computer and then I can select different network applications and restrict how much upload or download speed they're able to use.", 'start': 179.248, 'duration': 14.85}], 'summary': 'Netbalancer software enables bandwidth throttling for local applications.', 'duration': 23.355, 'max_score': 170.743, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_JroTSxLjeQ/pics/_JroTSxLjeQ170743.jpg'}, {'end': 241.392, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 216.597, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 226.12, 'text': 'Well, what I can do with NetBalancer is I can right click on the FileZilla and then I can say I only want FileZilla to use 30 kilobytes per second.', 'start': 216.597, 'duration': 9.523}, {'end': 231.542, 'text': 'And it will restrict FileZilla to only be able to use that amount of upload speed.', 'start': 226.4, 'duration': 5.142}, {'end': 233.523, 'text': 'So you can do upload or download.', 'start': 231.562, 'duration': 1.961}, {'end': 236.286, 'text': "It's a pretty simple piece of software.", 'start': 234.064, 'duration': 2.222}, {'end': 241.392, 'text': "Again, if you do any kind of web application development, it's very good to use.", 'start': 236.647, 'duration': 4.745}], 'summary': 'Netbalancer allows restricting filezilla to 30 kilobytes per second, useful for web development.', 'duration': 24.795, 'max_score': 216.597, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_JroTSxLjeQ/pics/_JroTSxLjeQ216597.jpg'}, {'end': 295.028, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 267.401, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 272.907, 'text': 'So I literally had like a hundred gigs that had to get uploaded to YouTube.', 'start': 267.401, 'duration': 5.506}, {'end': 275.319, 'text': 'It took a week and a half to do.', 'start': 273.638, 'duration': 1.681}, {'end': 286.624, 'text': "Well, why NetBalancer was nice is if I had simply uploaded all that 100 gigs without NetBalancer again, my email wouldn't have worked very well.", 'start': 275.559, 'duration': 11.065}, {'end': 288.665, 'text': 'trying to surf the internet would have been a pain in the butt.', 'start': 286.624, 'duration': 2.041}, {'end': 295.028, 'text': "Anything, any network service that wasn't uploading would have had a big problem.", 'start': 289.466, 'duration': 5.562}], 'summary': 'Uploading 100 gigs to youtube took a week and a half with netbalancer, which prevented email and internet browsing issues.', 'duration': 27.627, 'max_score': 267.401, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_JroTSxLjeQ/pics/_JroTSxLjeQ267401.jpg'}, {'end': 405.399, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 378.105, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 385.027, 'text': "You only really need the pro version if you're, well, pro, if you're really doing a whole bunch of stuff with your computer or server.", 'start': 378.105, 'duration': 6.922}, {'end': 390.749, 'text': 'So the free version is limited to a maximum of five process, priorities, rules, et cetera.', 'start': 385.507, 'duration': 5.242}, {'end': 396.651, 'text': 'So I think the free version is more than adequate enough for most people.', 'start': 390.829, 'duration': 5.822}, {'end': 399.052, 'text': 'And frankly, it is more than adequate enough for me.', 'start': 396.691, 'duration': 2.361}, {'end': 405.399, 'text': 'So in order to download the free version, you just find the link, and you download the free version.', 'start': 399.574, 'duration': 5.825}], 'summary': 'The free version is limited to 5 processes, priorities, rules, and is adequate for most people.', 'duration': 27.294, 'max_score': 378.105, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_JroTSxLjeQ/pics/_JroTSxLjeQ378105.jpg'}, {'end': 452.198, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 416.248, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 421.793, 'text': 'So once you have downloaded NetBalancer, you get a nice little icon on your desktop that looks like this.', 'start': 416.248, 'duration': 5.545}, {'end': 422.974, 'text': 'It says NetBalancer.', 'start': 421.813, 'duration': 1.161}, {'end': 426.777, 'text': 'And of course, in order to start NetBalancer, you simply double-click it.', 'start': 423.494, 'duration': 3.283}, {'end': 435.031, 'text': 'Once you have double clicked it, you then get a screen like this.', 'start': 431.75, 'duration': 3.281}, {'end': 439.473, 'text': 'So this is very interesting for a number of reasons.', 'start': 435.532, 'duration': 3.941}, {'end': 445.795, 'text': 'Not just the normal reason, you know, we need to see what FileZilla is doing or such.', 'start': 440.994, 'duration': 4.801}, {'end': 452.198, 'text': 'But this will also show you different pieces of software that are using the network that you may not realize.', 'start': 446.216, 'duration': 5.982}], 'summary': 'Netbalancer provides a visual representation of network usage for various software applications, revealing unexpected network activity.', 'duration': 35.95, 'max_score': 416.248, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_JroTSxLjeQ/pics/_JroTSxLjeQ416248.jpg'}], 'start': 170.743, 'title': 'Using netbalancer for bandwidth throttling', 'summary': 'Discusses the use of netbalancer software to throttle bandwidth for different network applications, allowing for control over upload and download speeds, preventing network congestion, and enhancing web application development. additionally, it highlights the use of netbalancer to throttle upload speed for 100 high def videos, improving internet usage and email functionality, and demonstrates the process of downloading and using the free version.', 'chapters': [{'end': 241.392, 'start': 170.743, 'title': 'Netbalancer: bandwidth throttling software', 'summary': 'Discusses the use of netbalancer software to throttle bandwidth for different network applications, allowing for control over upload and download speeds, preventing network congestion, and enhancing web application development.', 'duration': 70.649, 'highlights': ['NetBalancer allows for bandwidth throttling on the local computer, enabling control over the upload and download speeds of different network applications.', 'With NetBalancer, the upload speed for FileZilla can be restricted to 30 kilobytes per second, preventing network congestion and ensuring smooth operation even on low-speed connections like DSL.', 'The software is recommended for web application development, offering simplicity and effectiveness in controlling bandwidth usage.']}, {'end': 487.408, 'start': 241.873, 'title': 'Managing network traffic with netbalancer', 'summary': 'Discusses how netbalancer was used to throttle upload speed for 100 high def videos, improving internet usage and email functionality, and demonstrates how to download and use the free version.', 'duration': 245.535, 'highlights': ['NetBalancer was used to throttle the upload speed of 100 high def videos, taking a week and a half to upload, to improve internet usage and email functionality. The migration of 100 high def videos took a week and a half to upload without NetBalancer, impacting internet and email functionality, demonstrating the need for bandwidth throttling.', 'The free version of NetBalancer is capable enough for most users, limiting up to five processes, priorities, and rules. The free version of NetBalancer is sufficient for most users, limiting to five processes, priorities, and rules, making it more than adequate for typical usage.', 'NetBalancer provides a user-friendly interface to monitor and control network usage of various programs and services. NetBalancer offers a user-friendly interface to monitor and control network usage of different programs and services, aiding in identifying network activities and managing bandwidth.']}], 'duration': 316.665, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_JroTSxLjeQ/pics/_JroTSxLjeQ170743.jpg', 'highlights': ['NetBalancer allows for bandwidth throttling on the local computer, enabling control over the upload and download speeds of different network applications.', 'The software is recommended for web application development, offering simplicity and effectiveness in controlling bandwidth usage.', 'NetBalancer provides a user-friendly interface to monitor and control network usage of various programs and services.', 'With NetBalancer, the upload speed for FileZilla can be restricted to 30 kilobytes per second, preventing network congestion and ensuring smooth operation even on low-speed connections like DSL.', 'The free version of NetBalancer is sufficient for most users, limiting to five processes, priorities, and rules, making it more than adequate for typical usage.', 'NetBalancer was used to throttle the upload speed of 100 high def videos, taking a week and a half to upload, to improve internet usage and email functionality.']}, {'end': 925.944, 'segs': [{'end': 556.189, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 530.176, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 536.977, 'text': "So this is something to keep in mind, is even if you're only technically uploading something you also use download bandwidth.", 'start': 530.176, 'duration': 6.801}, {'end': 540.884, 'text': "If you're downloading something you also use a little bit of upload bandwidth.", 'start': 537.077, 'duration': 3.807}, {'end': 549.588, 'text': "So this is why, If you're using all of your upload bandwidth, let's say using Carbonite, which is an online backup solution,", 'start': 541.265, 'duration': 8.323}, {'end': 556.189, 'text': 'or something like that that is why your download speed might also have problems.', 'start': 549.588, 'duration': 6.601}], 'summary': 'Uploading and downloading use both upload and download bandwidth, affecting speed and performance of online backup solutions like carbonite.', 'duration': 26.013, 'max_score': 530.176, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_JroTSxLjeQ/pics/_JroTSxLjeQ530176.jpg'}, {'end': 693.163, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 664.798, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 669.439, 'text': 'So this is something interesting to see, especially if you think that your system might be getting hacked.', 'start': 664.798, 'duration': 4.641}, {'end': 679.861, 'text': "You can find the service or piece of software that's trying to dump information somewhere out there on the internet and then try to track down and figure out where it's dumping this information to.", 'start': 670.559, 'duration': 9.302}, {'end': 685.782, 'text': "So like I said, with Carbonite, I can see that it's pushing information to this IP address.", 'start': 680.321, 'duration': 5.461}, {'end': 693.163, 'text': 'If I go to FileZilla, I can see that the remote IP is a DNS name.', 'start': 686.182, 'duration': 6.981}], 'summary': 'Identify potential hacking by tracking dumped information to specific ip addresses or dns names.', 'duration': 28.365, 'max_score': 664.798, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_JroTSxLjeQ/pics/_JroTSxLjeQ664798.jpg'}, {'end': 783.628, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 750.746, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 759.671, 'text': 'Well, you can start your piece of software up and then you can look down here and you can see what port has to be opened in order for the software to work.', 'start': 750.746, 'duration': 8.925}, {'end': 765.154, 'text': "So that's how this can be useful beyond simply doing bandwidth throttling.", 'start': 759.751, 'duration': 5.403}, {'end': 771.578, 'text': "So then the final thing, which is easiest, which is why we're here, is bandwidth throttling for these applications.", 'start': 766.034, 'duration': 5.544}, {'end': 783.628, 'text': 'So as we can see here, FileZilla is using 243 kilobits per second, bytes per second upload.', 'start': 772.098, 'duration': 11.53}], 'summary': 'Software identifies port for bandwidth throttling, filezilla uses 243 kilobits/sec upload', 'duration': 32.882, 'max_score': 750.746, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_JroTSxLjeQ/pics/_JroTSxLjeQ750746.jpg'}, {'end': 894.59, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 861.142, 'weight': 0.788, 'content': [{'end': 861.863, 'text': "I don't really like it.", 'start': 861.142, 'duration': 0.721}, {'end': 863.163, 'text': "I don't really think it works that well.", 'start': 861.923, 'duration': 1.24}, {'end': 866.004, 'text': 'So what I do is I go to the limit.', 'start': 863.623, 'duration': 2.381}, {'end': 867.724, 'text': 'So this is download limit.', 'start': 866.224, 'duration': 1.5}, {'end': 869.785, 'text': 'My FileZilla is uploading.', 'start': 868.185, 'duration': 1.6}, {'end': 878.768, 'text': 'So I can go to upload limit, click on this, and then I can give it a specific number for how fast I want it to be able to upload.', 'start': 869.845, 'duration': 8.923}, {'end': 881.189, 'text': 'So it defaults to like 30.', 'start': 879.248, 'duration': 1.941}, {'end': 884.15, 'text': 'So I could say I want 60 kilobytes per second.', 'start': 881.189, 'duration': 2.961}, {'end': 885.41, 'text': 'Now look up here.', 'start': 884.77, 'duration': 0.64}, {'end': 890.247, 'text': "It's 276 right now, right? I hit OK, and now you see it drop.", 'start': 885.49, 'duration': 4.757}, {'end': 894.59, 'text': "And that quickly, it's continuing to upload.", 'start': 890.988, 'duration': 3.602}], 'summary': 'Filezilla upload speed increased from 276 to 60 kilobytes per second.', 'duration': 33.448, 'max_score': 861.142, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_JroTSxLjeQ/pics/_JroTSxLjeQ861142.jpg'}], 'start': 488.008, 'title': 'Bandwidth usage and netbalancer', 'summary': "Discusses simultaneous bandwidth usage, impact on download speed, and managing priorities, limits, and connections. it also explains netbalancer's role in managing software information, enabling bandwidth throttling, and aiding in network security and performance optimization.", 'chapters': [{'end': 619.348, 'start': 488.008, 'title': 'Bandwidth usage and management', 'summary': 'Discusses the simultaneous usage of upload and download bandwidth, the impact of using all upload bandwidth on download speed, and the ability to manage priorities, limits, connections, and resource usage for different applications.', 'duration': 131.34, 'highlights': ['The simultaneous usage of upload and download bandwidth is highlighted, showing that even when only technically uploading, some download bandwidth is also utilized. Simultaneous usage of upload and download bandwidth, impact on resource allocation', 'The potential impact of using all upload bandwidth on download speed is explained, citing examples such as online backup solutions causing problems for download speed. Impact of using all upload bandwidth on download speed, examples of online backup solutions causing issues', 'The ability to change the priority of uploads, set download and upload limits, and manage connections per software is mentioned, providing control over resource allocation for different applications. Priority management, setting limits, controlling connections per software']}, {'end': 925.944, 'start': 619.708, 'title': 'Netbalancer: bandwidth throttling and software information', 'summary': 'Explains how netbalancer allows users to view and manage software information, including remote ip addresses and port numbers, and how it enables bandwidth throttling to regulate upload and download speeds for different applications, aiding in network security and performance optimization.', 'duration': 306.236, 'highlights': ['NetBalancer enables users to view detailed software information such as remote IP addresses, port numbers, protocol type, and connection status, aiding in tracking potential security threats and software behavior. Detailed information about software behavior, including remote IP addresses and port numbers, can help identify potential security threats and unauthorized data transfers.', "NetBalancer's bandwidth throttling feature allows users to regulate upload and download speeds for different applications, contributing to network performance optimization and security management. Bandwidth throttling aids in optimizing network performance and security by allowing users to regulate upload and download speeds for different applications.", 'NetBalancer aids in network security by allowing users to identify and regulate software port usage, particularly beneficial for users of high-powered internet security suites that may block specific ports. NetBalancer assists in network security by enabling users to identify and regulate software port usage, especially for users of high-powered internet security suites.']}], 'duration': 437.936, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_JroTSxLjeQ/pics/_JroTSxLjeQ488008.jpg', 'highlights': ['Simultaneous usage of upload and download bandwidth, impact on resource allocation', 'Priority management, setting limits, controlling connections per software', 'Impact of using all upload bandwidth on download speed, examples of online backup solutions causing issues', 'Detailed information about software behavior, including remote IP addresses and port numbers, can help identify potential security threats and unauthorized data transfers', 'Bandwidth throttling aids in optimizing network performance and security by allowing users to regulate upload and download speeds for different applications', 'NetBalancer assists in network security by enabling users to identify and regulate software port usage, especially for users of high-powered internet security suites']}, {'end': 1298.685, 'segs': [{'end': 953.164, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 925.944, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 934.546, 'text': 'Now at some certain point, depending on what network application you use, if you bring this down too low, you are going to start to have problems.', 'start': 925.944, 'duration': 8.602}, {'end': 939.547, 'text': "Now that's really all there is to the Snap Balancer software.", 'start': 935.946, 'duration': 3.601}, {'end': 946.279, 'text': 'You know, as with everything, there are other options up here, so please feel free to to play with them, but this is the basic.', 'start': 939.567, 'duration': 6.712}, {'end': 947.3, 'text': 'you know how you use it.', 'start': 946.279, 'duration': 1.021}, {'end': 953.164, 'text': 'The only final thing that I would show you is you see this little like bullseye thing here?', 'start': 947.68, 'duration': 5.484}], 'summary': 'Snap balancer software needs careful adjustment to avoid problems.', 'duration': 27.22, 'max_score': 925.944, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_JroTSxLjeQ/pics/_JroTSxLjeQ925944.jpg'}, {'end': 1060.403, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1020.744, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 1025.71, 'text': 'If one of your pieces of networking software is using too much bandwidth, you simply right-click.', 'start': 1020.744, 'duration': 4.966}, {'end': 1027.392, 'text': 'You restrict up or down.', 'start': 1026.05, 'duration': 1.342}, {'end': 1028.973, 'text': "and that's it.", 'start': 1027.933, 'duration': 1.04}, {'end': 1031.974, 'text': 'uh, the big thing to remember is, if you want to stop restricting the bandwidth,', 'start': 1028.973, 'duration': 3.001}, {'end': 1037.678, 'text': 'you just you just click on that little bullseye button and that will reset everything to default again.', 'start': 1031.974, 'duration': 5.704}, {'end': 1038.738, 'text': 'what i like with it?', 'start': 1037.678, 'duration': 1.06}, {'end': 1044.261, 'text': 'not simply the bandwidth throttling, but from a security and just a general network administration standpoint,', 'start': 1038.738, 'duration': 5.523}, {'end': 1051.837, 'text': 'it will show you the all the applications on your computer that are using network bandwidth again WinWord.', 'start': 1044.261, 'duration': 7.576}, {'end': 1054.159, 'text': 'you know Word is using bandwidth some of these things.', 'start': 1051.837, 'duration': 2.322}, {'end': 1060.403, 'text': "You may have a little virus or piece of software and you can see that, hey, look, it's trying to communicate back home.", 'start': 1054.459, 'duration': 5.944}], 'summary': 'Networking software allows bandwidth restriction and application monitoring for security and network administration purposes.', 'duration': 39.659, 'max_score': 1020.744, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_JroTSxLjeQ/pics/_JroTSxLjeQ1020744.jpg'}, {'end': 1225.761, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1189.357, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 1200.685, 'text': "So, if you have multiple computers in your local area network and you need to try to do bandwidth throttling so that they don't choke the entire network and bring it to a screeching halt,", 'start': 1189.357, 'duration': 11.328}, {'end': 1209.811, 'text': 'remember you have to install NetBalancer and configure each computer individually and then think about how much upload or download speed.', 'start': 1200.685, 'duration': 9.126}, {'end': 1212.413, 'text': 'want each individual computer to have.', 'start': 1210.151, 'duration': 2.262}, {'end': 1217.236, 'text': 'if you, if you install it and only configure it on one computer, that is only one computer.', 'start': 1212.413, 'duration': 4.823}, {'end': 1224.42, 'text': 'so so all the applications on that one computer might be hunky-dory and happy, but other computers on the network might still be having problems.', 'start': 1217.236, 'duration': 7.184}, {'end': 1225.761, 'text': "that's something to think about.", 'start': 1224.42, 'duration': 1.341}], 'summary': 'Install netbalancer to configure bandwidth for multiple computers in a local area network to prevent network congestion.', 'duration': 36.404, 'max_score': 1189.357, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_JroTSxLjeQ/pics/_JroTSxLjeQ1189357.jpg'}], 'start': 925.944, 'title': 'Bandwidth throttling', 'summary': 'Covers bandwidth throttling using snap balancer and netbalancer, emphasizing features such as restricting network bandwidth, resetting processes, and analyzing network activity for security. it also highlights the importance of individual computer configuration and the capability of netbalancer to prioritize and regulate bandwidth effectively.', 'chapters': [{'end': 1106.15, 'start': 925.944, 'title': 'Bandwidth throttling and network administration', 'summary': 'Discusses the basic features of the snap balancer software for bandwidth throttling, including its use in restricting network bandwidth for specific applications and its value for security and network administration. it highlights the ability to reset processes to default, restrict bandwidth usage, and analyze network activity for security purposes.', 'duration': 180.206, 'highlights': ['The Snap Balancer software allows users to reset all processes to their default settings, providing a quick solution for network issues.', 'Users can easily restrict the bandwidth usage of specific networking software, ensuring efficient network management.', 'The software enables users to analyze network activity, identify applications using bandwidth, and detect potential security threats such as unauthorized communication attempts.', 'Bandwidth throttling with the Snap Balancer software is especially beneficial for web application development and cloud services, providing a valuable tool for managing online backup and exchange uploading.', 'The ability to view and monitor network activity, including identifying applications using bandwidth and detecting communication attempts, enhances network security and administration.', "The software's feature to identify applications using network bandwidth can help in diagnosing issues caused by conflicting software and aid in troubleshooting network problems."]}, {'end': 1298.685, 'start': 1106.17, 'title': 'Bandwidth throttling with netbalancer', 'summary': 'Discusses bandwidth throttling with netbalancer, emphasizing the importance of configuring each computer individually to prevent network congestion and highlighting the capability of netbalancer to prioritize and regulate bandwidth effectively.', 'duration': 192.515, 'highlights': ['NetBalancer allows prioritization and regulation of bandwidth, providing the capability to give low, normal, or high priority, with the suggestion to use specific numbers for bandwidth throttling. NetBalancer provides the ability to prioritize bandwidth with options for low, normal, or high priority, while recommending the use of specific numbers for effective bandwidth throttling.', 'Emphasizes the importance of configuring each computer individually to prevent network congestion and ensure that applications on different computers do not choke the network. Stresses the significance of configuring each computer individually to prevent network congestion and avoid applications on different computers from choking the network.', 'Discusses the necessity of installing and configuring NetBalancer on each computer in a local area network to implement bandwidth throttling effectively. Explains the need to install and configure NetBalancer on each computer in a local area network to implement effective bandwidth throttling.']}], 'duration': 372.741, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/_JroTSxLjeQ/pics/_JroTSxLjeQ925944.jpg', 'highlights': ['The Snap Balancer software allows users to reset all processes to their default settings, providing a quick solution for network issues.', 'Users can easily restrict the bandwidth usage of specific networking software, ensuring efficient network management.', 'The software enables users to analyze network activity, identify applications using bandwidth, and detect potential security threats such as unauthorized communication attempts.', 'The ability to view and monitor network activity, including identifying applications using bandwidth and detecting communication attempts, enhances network security and administration.', "The software's feature to identify applications using network bandwidth can help in diagnosing issues caused by conflicting software and aid in troubleshooting network problems.", 'NetBalancer allows prioritization and regulation of bandwidth, providing the capability to give low, normal, or high priority, with the suggestion to use specific numbers for bandwidth throttling.', 'Emphasizes the importance of configuring each computer individually to prevent network congestion and ensure that applications on different computers do not choke the network.', 'Discusses the necessity of installing and configuring NetBalancer on each computer in a local area network to implement bandwidth throttling effectively.']}], 'highlights': ['NetBalancer allows for bandwidth throttling on the local computer, enabling control over the upload and download speeds of different network applications.', 'The software is recommended for web application development, offering simplicity and effectiveness in controlling bandwidth usage.', 'NetBalancer provides a user-friendly interface to monitor and control network usage of various programs and services.', 'Bandwidth throttling aids in optimizing network performance and security by allowing users to regulate upload and download speeds for different applications.', 'The ability to view and monitor network activity, including identifying applications using bandwidth and detecting communication attempts, enhances network security and administration.', "The software's feature to identify applications using network bandwidth can help in diagnosing issues caused by conflicting software and aid in troubleshooting network problems.", 'NetBalancer allows prioritization and regulation of bandwidth, providing the capability to give low, normal, or high priority, with the suggestion to use specific numbers for bandwidth throttling.', 'Emphasizes the importance of configuring each computer individually to prevent network congestion and ensure that applications on different computers do not choke the network.', 'NetBalancer was used to throttle the upload speed of 100 high def videos, taking a week and a half to upload, to improve internet usage and email functionality.', 'The Snap Balancer software allows users to reset all processes to their default settings, providing a quick solution for network issues.', 'Users can easily restrict the bandwidth usage of specific networking software, ensuring efficient network management.', 'The software enables users to analyze network activity, identify applications using bandwidth, and detect potential security threats such as unauthorized communication attempts.', 'Detailed information about software behavior, including remote IP addresses and port numbers, can help identify potential security threats and unauthorized data transfers.', 'Bandwidth throttling restricts network bandwidth for certain computers or applications.', 'Impacts of bandwidth throttling on network performance: Downloading or uploading large amounts of data can affect the bandwidth for every other computer or service on the local network.', 'Challenges during client migration to the cloud: Uploading large amounts of data can cause problems for the entire network, leading to difficulties in internet connection and email reception.', 'Simultaneous usage of upload and download bandwidth, impact on resource allocation', 'Priority management, setting limits, controlling connections per software', 'Impact of using all upload bandwidth on download speed, examples of online backup solutions causing issues', 'The free version of NetBalancer is sufficient for most users, limiting to five processes, priorities, and rules, making it more than adequate for typical usage.', 'NetBalancer assists in network security by enabling users to identify and regulate software port usage, especially for users of high-powered internet security suites.', "The software's feature to identify applications using network bandwidth can help in diagnosing issues caused by conflicting software and aid in troubleshooting network problems."]}