Introduction to SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol


{'title': 'Introduction to SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol', 'heatmap': [], 'summary': 'Provides a comprehensive introduction to snmp, emphasizing its proactive role in monitoring network devices and enabling preventive maintenance, integration with network management software, real-time monitoring benefits, and its importance in enterprise environments for real-time alerts and monitoring.', 'chapters': [{'end': 219.881, 'segs': [{'end': 56.089, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 5.404, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 11.186, 'text': "Hello again, as you know I'm Eli the Computer Guy over here for EliTheComputerGuy.com and EverymanIT.com.", 'start': 5.404, 'duration': 5.782}, {'end': 17.048, 'text': "Today's class is Introduction to SNMP, Simple Network Management Protocol.", 'start': 11.226, 'duration': 5.822}, {'end': 30.233, 'text': "This protocol allows you to proactively view what's going on on the devices in your network and fix issues before they become major problems.", 'start': 17.489, 'duration': 12.744}, {'end': 39.837, 'text': 'If you are in an environment where you can do proactive maintenance SNMP is a major, major great wonderful thing.', 'start': 30.594, 'duration': 9.243}, {'end': 46.3, 'text': 'SNMP is usually a component used in a larger software package.', 'start': 40.598, 'duration': 5.702}, {'end': 56.089, 'text': 'So if you use something like Spiceworks to monitor your network, or open manager or land view, or one of those pieces of software,', 'start': 46.727, 'duration': 9.362}], 'summary': 'Introduction to snmp for proactive network monitoring and issue prevention.', 'duration': 50.685, 'max_score': 5.404, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ZX-XGQoISHQ/pics/ZX-XGQoISHQ5404.jpg'}, {'end': 147.491, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 119.876, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 124.399, 'text': 'So, the software is going to be some kind of network management software.', 'start': 119.876, 'duration': 4.523}, {'end': 128.64, 'text': 'Again, something like LANview or Spiceworks.', 'start': 124.859, 'duration': 3.781}, {'end': 139.887, 'text': "Basically, this software goes out and it takes a look at the network and can show you what's going on with all of the devices and computers in your network.", 'start': 129.181, 'duration': 10.706}, {'end': 147.491, 'text': "Well, one of the ways it's able to gather information is through SNMP, the Simple Network Management Protocol.", 'start': 140.247, 'duration': 7.244}], 'summary': 'Developing network management software using snmp for device monitoring.', 'duration': 27.615, 'max_score': 119.876, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ZX-XGQoISHQ/pics/ZX-XGQoISHQ119876.jpg'}, {'end': 219.881, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 174.214, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 177.578, 'text': 'you know what ip address it is, what host name it is, etc.', 'start': 174.214, 'duration': 3.364}, {'end': 182.023, 'text': "well, snmp allows you to see what's going on in the computer.", 'start': 177.578, 'duration': 4.445}, {'end': 187.681, 'text': 'it can see how, uh, how much of the hard drive space has been used.', 'start': 182.023, 'duration': 5.658}, {'end': 193.788, 'text': 'it can sit, it can see how much of the cpu is currently being used, etc.', 'start': 187.681, 'duration': 6.107}, {'end': 199.954, 'text': "beyond that, it can actually see what's going on with the hardware on your computer.", 'start': 193.788, 'duration': 6.166}, {'end': 209.715, 'text': "so things like whether or not the fans in the case are working properly, whether they're running at all, whether the memory slot is working properly,", 'start': 199.954, 'duration': 9.761}, {'end': 210.275, 'text': 'et cetera.', 'start': 209.715, 'duration': 0.56}, {'end': 219.881, 'text': 'SNMP, Simple Network Management Protocol, is what is able to send this information back to a management console.', 'start': 210.755, 'duration': 9.126}], 'summary': 'Snmp allows monitoring of ip address, host name, hard drive space, cpu usage, and hardware status, enabling data management.', 'duration': 45.667, 'max_score': 174.214, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ZX-XGQoISHQ/pics/ZX-XGQoISHQ174214.jpg'}], 'start': 5.404, 'title': 'Snmp for network monitoring', 'summary': "Introduces snmp and its importance in proactively monitoring network devices, emphasizing its role in gathering information and enabling proactive maintenance to prevent major problems. it also discusses snmp's integration with network management software like spiceworks and lanview. furthermore, the chapter explains the benefits of using snmp for real-time network monitoring, including the ability to gather real-time information such as cpu usage, hard drive space, and hardware status from devices on the network.", 'chapters': [{'end': 147.491, 'start': 5.404, 'title': 'Introduction to snmp', 'summary': 'Discusses the importance of snmp in proactively monitoring network devices, highlighting its role in gathering information and enabling proactive maintenance for preventing major problems, and its integration with network management software like spiceworks and lanview.', 'duration': 142.087, 'highlights': ['SNMP allows proactive monitoring of network devices for preventing major problems. SNMP protocol enables proactive viewing of network devices and fixing issues before they become major problems.', 'SNMP is a component used in larger software packages like Spiceworks and LANview for gathering information from network devices. SNMP is used as a component in software packages such as Spiceworks and LANview to communicate with network devices and gather information from them.', 'The class explains what SNMP is and how it can be used for proactive maintenance on a network. The class covers the explanation of SNMP and its proactive maintenance capabilities for networks.']}, {'end': 219.881, 'start': 148.471, 'title': 'Snmp for real-time network monitoring', 'summary': 'Explains the benefits of using snmp for real-time network monitoring, including the ability to gather real-time information such as cpu usage, hard drive space, and hardware status from devices on the network.', 'duration': 71.41, 'highlights': ['SNMP allows real-time monitoring of various aspects of network devices, including CPU usage and hard drive space.', 'It can also monitor hardware status such as fan operation and memory slot functionality.', 'SNMP sends gathered information back to a management console for analysis.']}], 'duration': 214.477, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ZX-XGQoISHQ/pics/ZX-XGQoISHQ5404.jpg', 'highlights': ['SNMP protocol enables proactive viewing of network devices and fixing issues before they become major problems.', 'SNMP is used as a component in software packages such as Spiceworks and LANview to communicate with network devices and gather information from them.', 'The class covers the explanation of SNMP and its proactive maintenance capabilities for networks.', 'SNMP allows real-time monitoring of various aspects of network devices, including CPU usage and hard drive space.', 'It can also monitor hardware status such as fan operation and memory slot functionality.', 'SNMP sends gathered information back to a management console for analysis.']}, {'end': 846.772, 'segs': [{'end': 293.981, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 265.176, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 273.502, 'text': "If you've got 200 servers or 1,000 servers, you can't simply walk through and open up every case every day to make sure everything's working right.", 'start': 265.176, 'duration': 8.326}, {'end': 284.754, 'text': 'Well, with SNMP, that information can be sent back to a management console and you can see that there is an issue before it becomes a major problem.', 'start': 273.863, 'duration': 10.891}, {'end': 293.981, 'text': "So if a case fan fails in a server, that's not going to destroy your server, it's just simply the case fan.", 'start': 284.994, 'duration': 8.987}], 'summary': 'Snmp allows monitoring of 200-1,000 servers, preventing major issues from minor failures.', 'duration': 28.805, 'max_score': 265.176, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ZX-XGQoISHQ/pics/ZX-XGQoISHQ265176.jpg'}, {'end': 370.36, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 338.646, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 344.049, 'text': "That's the major use for SNMP is for these preventive maintenance type things.", 'start': 338.646, 'duration': 5.403}, {'end': 355.214, 'text': "You can set alerts for if 80% of somebody's hard drive is used, then send an alert to you to tell you so that you can give them a bigger hard drive.", 'start': 344.409, 'duration': 10.805}, {'end': 357.475, 'text': 'If their CPU is always above 90%,', 'start': 355.554, 'duration': 1.921}, {'end': 370.36, 'text': "they can send an alert to you so you can fix the problem before the user notices there's a problem or before the server or application or whatever fail.", 'start': 357.475, 'duration': 12.885}], 'summary': 'Snmp is used for preventive maintenance, such as setting alerts for 80% hard drive usage and cpu above 90% to take action before issues arise.', 'duration': 31.714, 'max_score': 338.646, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ZX-XGQoISHQ/pics/ZX-XGQoISHQ338646.jpg'}, {'end': 460.145, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 430.159, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 440.627, 'text': 'Then, for all the devices on the network that are using the SNMP software, you will install an agent.', 'start': 430.159, 'duration': 10.468}, {'end': 454.944, 'text': 'So this agent is simply a little piece of software that is able to read information on the device and then send that information back to the management console.', 'start': 442.321, 'duration': 12.623}, {'end': 460.145, 'text': 'Sometimes agents nowadays are already installed onto the device.', 'start': 455.584, 'duration': 4.561}], 'summary': 'Install snmp agents on network devices for monitoring and management.', 'duration': 29.986, 'max_score': 430.159, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ZX-XGQoISHQ/pics/ZX-XGQoISHQ430159.jpg'}, {'end': 565.94, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 531.896, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 547.774, 'text': 'this trap is a way to alert the management console when a rule, So you could say when the hard drive space goes above 80%,', 'start': 531.896, 'duration': 15.878}, {'end': 549.215, 'text': 'alert the management console.', 'start': 547.774, 'duration': 1.441}, {'end': 550.675, 'text': 'That is a trap.', 'start': 549.455, 'duration': 1.22}, {'end': 557.797, 'text': 'Traps are alerts that actually alert the management console when an event happens.', 'start': 550.995, 'duration': 6.802}, {'end': 565.94, 'text': 'So if the CPU fan fails, you can create a trap which will send that information to the management console.', 'start': 558.217, 'duration': 7.723}], 'summary': 'Traps alert management console on system events like hard drive space exceeding 80% or cpu fan failure.', 'duration': 34.044, 'max_score': 531.896, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ZX-XGQoISHQ/pics/ZX-XGQoISHQ531896.jpg'}, {'end': 691.156, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 636.515, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 640.86, 'text': 'So SNMP is a major protocol, just like TCP IP is.', 'start': 636.515, 'duration': 4.345}, {'end': 643.023, 'text': "So it's a major protocol.", 'start': 641.22, 'duration': 1.803}, {'end': 644.945, 'text': "There's a whole bunch of documentation onto it.", 'start': 643.043, 'duration': 1.902}, {'end': 647.528, 'text': "It's built into this larger software.", 'start': 645.446, 'duration': 2.082}, {'end': 652.515, 'text': 'You install the management console, you install the agent, you set traps to send the alerts.', 'start': 647.909, 'duration': 4.606}, {'end': 663.602, 'text': 'A couple of the big things with this if you decide to use software that uses SNMP is that there is an SNMP service on your Windows computer.', 'start': 653.439, 'duration': 10.163}, {'end': 669.764, 'text': 'And if you disable that service, your SNMP software will not work properly.', 'start': 663.762, 'duration': 6.002}, {'end': 680.891, 'text': "So if you install this management software and it's not working been started back a few years ago, in the old XP days,", 'start': 669.824, 'duration': 11.067}, {'end': 688.695, 'text': 'hackers were able to manipulate the SNMP service on Windows computers and cause you all kinds of problems,', 'start': 680.891, 'duration': 7.804}, {'end': 691.156, 'text': 'sending messages and all kinds of nasty stuff.', 'start': 688.695, 'duration': 2.461}], 'summary': 'Snmp is a major protocol for monitoring systems, but disabling its service on windows can cause software to malfunction and create security vulnerabilities.', 'duration': 54.641, 'max_score': 636.515, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ZX-XGQoISHQ/pics/ZX-XGQoISHQ636515.jpg'}], 'start': 220.762, 'title': 'Snmp for network management', 'summary': 'Covers the use of snmp for preventive maintenance in managing servers, setting up snmp for network monitoring, and understanding the concept, setup process, and importance of snmp in enterprise environments for real-time alerts and monitoring.', 'chapters': [{'end': 429.578, 'start': 220.762, 'title': 'Snmp for preventive maintenance', 'summary': 'Discusses the use of snmp for preventive maintenance in managing a large number of servers, such as quickly identifying and resolving issues like a failed case fan to prevent potential damage to the servers or components.', 'duration': 208.816, 'highlights': ['SNMP can be used for preventive maintenance to quickly identify and resolve issues, such as a failed case fan, to prevent potential damage to servers or components.', 'In the enterprise world, a deployment for a new application involved bringing online 200 servers in a week.', 'SNMP allows sending alerts for specific conditions, such as when a case fan fails or when CPU usage is consistently above 90%, enabling proactive problem resolution.', 'The information collected through SNMP is sent back to a management console, allowing for centralized monitoring and decision-making for alerts and actions.', 'SNMP is built into a network monitoring application and requires installation of SNMP management software on a management computer to receive and process alerts from networked computers.']}, {'end': 612.517, 'start': 430.159, 'title': 'Setting up snmp for network monitoring', 'summary': 'Explains how to set up snmp for network monitoring, including installing an agent on devices, configuring traps to alert the management console, and connecting to the agent for real-time monitoring.', 'duration': 182.358, 'highlights': ['Installing an agent involves installing a piece of software on devices that can read information and send it back to the management console.', "SNMP agents may already be built into the hardware, such as in Dell computers and other major vendors' devices.", 'Configuring traps allows for alerts to be sent to the management console when specific rules, like exceeding a certain hard drive space or CPU usage, are met.', 'The management console can connect to the agent to monitor real-time information about the devices on the network.', 'Setting traps enables the management console to receive alerts about specific events, such as CPU fan failure, from the monitored devices.']}, {'end': 846.772, 'start': 612.517, 'title': 'Understanding snmp for network management', 'summary': 'Explains the concept of snmp, its importance in network monitoring, the setup process, potential issues related to snmp service on windows computers, and the significance of using snmp for real-time alerts and monitoring in enterprise environments.', 'duration': 234.255, 'highlights': ['SNMP is a major protocol and is built into larger network monitoring software such as Spiceworks or LandView. SNMP is a major protocol that is built into larger network monitoring software, making it a crucial element for managing network infrastructure.', 'Disabling the SNMP service on Windows computers can cause SNMP software to not function properly. Disabling the SNMP service on Windows computers can lead to SNMP software malfunction, emphasizing the importance of ensuring the service is enabled for proper functionality.', 'SNMP uses networking ports, and firewalls on the network or individual computers may block the required ports for this service, so ensure all ports are open during setup. SNMP uses networking ports, and it is crucial to ensure that firewalls do not block the required ports for this service, as this can affect the proper functioning of SNMP.', 'Installation involves setting up the management console on one computer and the agent software on all monitored computers, and real-time alerts are facilitated by setting traps, with the whole process varying based on the selected software. The installation process includes setting up the management console on one computer, installing the agent software on all monitored computers, and configuring traps for real-time alerts, with the process varying based on the chosen software.', 'Using SNMP for monitoring in enterprise environments is highly beneficial, especially for managing a large number of servers, as it allows for efficient real-time monitoring and alerts for server components. Using SNMP for monitoring in enterprise environments is highly beneficial, especially for managing a large number of servers, as it enables efficient real-time monitoring and alerts for server components, which is particularly valuable when dealing with a significant number of servers.']}], 'duration': 626.01, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ZX-XGQoISHQ/pics/ZX-XGQoISHQ220762.jpg', 'highlights': ['SNMP can be used for preventive maintenance to quickly identify and resolve issues, such as a failed case fan, to prevent potential damage to servers or components.', 'SNMP allows sending alerts for specific conditions, such as when a case fan fails or when CPU usage is consistently above 90%, enabling proactive problem resolution.', 'The information collected through SNMP is sent back to a management console, allowing for centralized monitoring and decision-making for alerts and actions.', 'Installing an agent involves installing a piece of software on devices that can read information and send it back to the management console.', 'Configuring traps allows for alerts to be sent to the management console when specific rules, like exceeding a certain hard drive space or CPU usage, are met.', 'SNMP is a major protocol and is built into larger network monitoring software such as Spiceworks or LandView. SNMP is a major protocol that is built into larger network monitoring software, making it a crucial element for managing network infrastructure.', 'Disabling the SNMP service on Windows computers can cause SNMP software to not function properly. Disabling the SNMP service on Windows computers can lead to SNMP software malfunction, emphasizing the importance of ensuring the service is enabled for proper functionality.', 'Using SNMP for monitoring in enterprise environments is highly beneficial, especially for managing a large number of servers, as it enables efficient real-time monitoring and alerts for server components, which is particularly valuable when dealing with a significant number of servers.']}, {'end': 999.283, 'segs': [{'end': 877.605, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 846.792, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 848.934, 'text': 'It is just absolutely wonderful.', 'start': 846.792, 'duration': 2.142}, {'end': 859.206, 'text': 'If you want to go out, do a Google search on SNMP and you will simply get tons and tons of different software packages that will be available to you.', 'start': 849.415, 'duration': 9.791}, {'end': 864.319, 'text': 'So the SNMP is simply going to be a component of those software packages.', 'start': 859.577, 'duration': 4.742}, {'end': 873.623, 'text': "Some of them are open source, some of them are free, some of them don't cost very much, and some of them are just ridiculously, horribly expensive.", 'start': 864.659, 'duration': 8.964}, {'end': 877.605, 'text': 'Again, in the IT world, it all depends on what you need.', 'start': 874.143, 'duration': 3.462}], 'summary': 'Snmp offers various software packages, including open source and expensive options.', 'duration': 30.813, 'max_score': 846.792, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ZX-XGQoISHQ/pics/ZX-XGQoISHQ846792.jpg'}, {'end': 905.451, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 883.187, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 892.029, 'text': "you might be able to get away with downloading some free SNMP software simply to monitor those PCs and make sure they're working okay.", 'start': 883.187, 'duration': 8.842}, {'end': 898.31, 'text': "if you go into an enterprise environment and you're dealing with, you know, 10,000 20,000 systems,", 'start': 892.029, 'duration': 6.281}, {'end': 905.451, 'text': 'well then it might be worth paying fifty or a hundred dollars per agent for some SNMP software.', 'start': 898.31, 'duration': 7.141}], 'summary': 'Free snmp software for monitoring pcs; $50-100 per agent for enterprise environments with 10,000-20,000 systems.', 'duration': 22.264, 'max_score': 883.187, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ZX-XGQoISHQ/pics/ZX-XGQoISHQ883187.jpg'}, {'end': 959.978, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 932.363, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 937.788, 'text': 'it may not work properly because they may have shut off the services that are required for the SNMP.', 'start': 932.363, 'duration': 5.425}, {'end': 944.735, 'text': 'All you have to do is look in the documentation of the software, see what services have to be started, and then start those services.', 'start': 938.629, 'duration': 6.106}, {'end': 956.355, 'text': 'a little while and then remember, this is also a protocol just like tcpip, simple network management protocol.', 'start': 948.468, 'duration': 7.887}, {'end': 959.978, 'text': 'all networking protocols use different ports.', 'start': 956.355, 'duration': 3.623}], 'summary': 'Snmp services may be shut off, need to start required services from software documentation.', 'duration': 27.615, 'max_score': 932.363, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ZX-XGQoISHQ/pics/ZX-XGQoISHQ932363.jpg'}], 'start': 846.792, 'title': 'Understanding snmp for network management', 'summary': 'Explains snmp as a component of various software packages, highlighting its relevance in different organizational sizes and the need to configure services and ports for effective usage.', 'chapters': [{'end': 999.283, 'start': 846.792, 'title': 'Understanding snmp for network management', 'summary': 'Explains snmp as a component of various software packages, highlighting its relevance in different organizational sizes and the need to configure services and ports for effective usage.', 'duration': 152.491, 'highlights': ['SNMP can be found in various software packages obtained through Google search, including open source, free, and expensive options.', 'The cost of SNMP software depends on organizational needs, with potential savings in larger enterprise environments.', 'Configuring SNMP may require starting specific services and ensuring the use of appropriate ports, as detailed in the software documentation.', 'Disabling necessary services and blocking ports may hinder the functionality of SNMP, necessitating careful configuration and firewall management.']}], 'duration': 152.491, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/ZX-XGQoISHQ/pics/ZX-XGQoISHQ846792.jpg', 'highlights': ['SNMP can be found in various software packages obtained through Google search, including open source, free, and expensive options.', 'The cost of SNMP software depends on organizational needs, with potential savings in larger enterprise environments.', 'Configuring SNMP may require starting specific services and ensuring the use of appropriate ports, as detailed in the software documentation.', 'Disabling necessary services and blocking ports may hinder the functionality of SNMP, necessitating careful configuration and firewall management.']}], 'highlights': ['SNMP protocol enables proactive viewing of network devices and fixing issues before they become major problems.', 'SNMP is used as a component in software packages such as Spiceworks and LANview to communicate with network devices and gather information from them.', 'SNMP allows real-time monitoring of various aspects of network devices, including CPU usage and hard drive space.', 'SNMP can be used for preventive maintenance to quickly identify and resolve issues, such as a failed case fan, to prevent potential damage to servers or components.', 'SNMP allows sending alerts for specific conditions, such as when a case fan fails or when CPU usage is consistently above 90%, enabling proactive problem resolution.', 'Configuring traps allows for alerts to be sent to the management console when specific rules, like exceeding a certain hard drive space or CPU usage, are met.', 'SNMP is a major protocol and is built into larger network monitoring software such as Spiceworks or LandView. SNMP is a major protocol that is built into larger network monitoring software, making it a crucial element for managing network infrastructure.', 'Using SNMP for monitoring in enterprise environments is highly beneficial, especially for managing a large number of servers, as it enables efficient real-time monitoring and alerts for server components, which is particularly valuable when dealing with a significant number of servers.']}