Ramesh Joined Citibank as Data Scientist | Data Scientist Interview | Applied AI Course Reviews

Ramesh Joined Citibank as Data Scientist | Data Scientist Interview | Applied AI Course Reviews #datascience #datascienceinterviews #appliedaicourse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The AppliedAICourse attempts to teach students/course-participants some of the core ideas in machine learning, data-science and AI that would help the participants go from a real world business problem to a first cut, working and deployable AI solution to the problem. Our primary focus is to help participants build real world AI solutions using the skills they learn in this course. This course will focus on practical knowledge more than mathematical or theoretical rigor. That doesn't mean that we would water down the content. We will try and balance the theory and practice while giving more preference to the practical and applied aspects of AI as the course name suggests. Through the course, we will work on 20+ case studies of real world AI problems and datasets to help students grasp the practical details of building AI solutions. For each idea/algorithm in AI, we would provide examples to provide the intuition and show how the idea to used in the real world. For more information, please visit: https://www.appliedaicourse.com/ For any queries you can either drop a mail to team@appliedaicourse.com or call us at +91 8106-920-029 or +91 6301-939-583 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/appliedaicourse Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/applied-ai-course

{'title': 'Ramesh Joined Citibank as Data Scientist | Data Scientist Interview | Applied AI Course Reviews', 'heatmap': [{'end': 217.941, 'start': 191.175, 'weight': 0.735}, {'end': 1461.22, 'start': 1435.962, 'weight': 1}], 'summary': 'Ramesh transitioned from mechanical engineering to data science at citibank, secured a job after completing an ai course, and excelled in the interview process through preparation in sql, machine learning, and mathematics, emphasizing the importance of persistence and hard work.', 'chapters': [{'end': 156.93, 'segs': [{'end': 61.039, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 27.535, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 28.856, 'text': "So let's get into the discussion.", 'start': 27.535, 'duration': 1.321}, {'end': 37.508, 'text': 'So could you walk us through your background from the time you graduated in 2016 all the way to your current role.', 'start': 28.936, 'duration': 8.572}, {'end': 44.852, 'text': "You're currently a data scientist at Citibank and you have had your journey where, so we would like to hear about it from you.", 'start': 37.708, 'duration': 7.144}, {'end': 49.454, 'text': "Of course, we at Applied AI course know some of it, because we've been part of that journey,", 'start': 45.552, 'duration': 3.902}, {'end': 51.635, 'text': 'but we would like to hear it from you and learn it from you.', 'start': 49.454, 'duration': 2.181}, {'end': 55.876, 'text': "Yeah, I'm a graduate in mechanical engineering from Vitsalani.", 'start': 52.055, 'duration': 3.821}, {'end': 61.039, 'text': 'So I graduated in 2016 and tried various career options.', 'start': 56.417, 'duration': 4.622}], 'summary': 'The data scientist at citibank graduated in 2016 with a degree in mechanical engineering from vitsalani and explored different career paths.', 'duration': 33.504, 'max_score': 27.535, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TW1JNyQxxZo/pics/TW1JNyQxxZo27535.jpg'}, {'end': 132.256, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 77.068, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 81.491, 'text': 'Okay Around end of 2017, you did a two-month internship in analytics.', 'start': 77.068, 'duration': 4.423}, {'end': 84.372, 'text': 'Yes And you realized that you like analytics, data science? Yes.', 'start': 81.511, 'duration': 2.861}, {'end': 84.973, 'text': 'Yes Yes.', 'start': 84.473, 'duration': 0.5}, {'end': 88.195, 'text': 'Yes There I got to work more on Excel and SQL.', 'start': 85.153, 'duration': 3.042}, {'end': 90.076, 'text': 'Okay So I really liked that.', 'start': 88.695, 'duration': 1.381}, {'end': 93.589, 'text': 'the way people solve analytics problems.', 'start': 90.788, 'duration': 2.801}, {'end': 96.411, 'text': "So I'm more interested in mathematics.", 'start': 94.17, 'duration': 2.241}, {'end': 104.835, 'text': 'So then, when I came to know about data science through few of my friends.', 'start': 97.011, 'duration': 7.824}, {'end': 112.859, 'text': 'so then I started learning, reading blogs, how to start, how to learn, and I watched some YouTube videos.', 'start': 104.835, 'duration': 8.024}, {'end': 119.261, 'text': "All this doesn't give me a clear path to reach where I want to be.", 'start': 114.159, 'duration': 5.102}, {'end': 126.365, 'text': "So that's when I searched on Google for resources to learn complete data science.", 'start': 119.742, 'duration': 6.623}, {'end': 128.586, 'text': 'I came to know about UpGradeAge.', 'start': 127.145, 'duration': 1.441}, {'end': 132.256, 'text': "That's how I joined and I watched your free videos.", 'start': 129.315, 'duration': 2.941}], 'summary': 'Interned in analytics, developed interest in data science, learned from blogs, youtube, then joined upgradeage.', 'duration': 55.188, 'max_score': 77.068, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TW1JNyQxxZo/pics/TW1JNyQxxZo77068.jpg'}], 'start': 5.097, 'title': "Ramesh's data science journey", 'summary': "Discusses ramesh's transition from mechanical engineering to data science at citibank, including his 2017 internship, passion for analytics, and learning data science through upgradeage despite having zero coding knowledge.", 'chapters': [{'end': 156.93, 'start': 5.097, 'title': "Ramesh's data science journey", 'summary': "Discusses ramesh's journey from a mechanical engineering graduate in 2016 to becoming a data scientist at citibank, including his introduction to data science during a 2017 internship, his passion for analytics, and his decision to learn data science through upgradeage despite having zero coding knowledge.", 'duration': 151.833, 'highlights': ["Ramesh's transition from a mechanical engineering graduate in 2016 to a data scientist at Citibank, showcasing his career progression and the relevance of his story to aspiring students.", 'His pivotal 2017 internship in analytics, where he discovered his interest in data science and analytics, emphasizing the impact of practical experience on career choices.', "Ramesh's decision to learn data science despite having zero coding knowledge and his discovery of UpGradeAge as a resource, underlining his determination to pursue a career in data science and his proactive approach to learning.", "The importance of practical exposure in shaping career decisions, demonstrated through Ramesh's experience with analytics during his internship and his subsequent interest in data science.", "Ramesh's proactive approach to learning data science through self-study, including reading blogs, watching YouTube videos, and seeking comprehensive resources like UpGradeAge, highlighting his dedication and resourcefulness in pursuing his career goals."]}], 'duration': 151.833, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TW1JNyQxxZo/pics/TW1JNyQxxZo5097.jpg', 'highlights': ["Ramesh's transition from a mechanical engineering graduate in 2016 to a data scientist at Citibank, showcasing his career progression and the relevance of his story to aspiring students.", 'His pivotal 2017 internship in analytics, where he discovered his interest in data science and analytics, emphasizing the impact of practical experience on career choices.', "The importance of practical exposure in shaping career decisions, demonstrated through Ramesh's experience with analytics during his internship and his subsequent interest in data science.", "Ramesh's decision to learn data science despite having zero coding knowledge and his discovery of UpGradeAge as a resource, underlining his determination to pursue a career in data science and his proactive approach to learning.", "Ramesh's proactive approach to learning data science through self-study, including reading blogs, watching YouTube videos, and seeking comprehensive resources like UpGradeAge, highlighting his dedication and resourcefulness in pursuing his career goals."]}, {'end': 360.084, 'segs': [{'end': 256.689, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 191.175, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 197.5, 'text': 'So at the time I was in a hurry to get a job as soon as possible.', 'start': 191.175, 'duration': 6.325}, {'end': 199.782, 'text': 'Because you are on a break.', 'start': 198.761, 'duration': 1.021}, {'end': 200.943, 'text': 'Yes, yes, yes.', 'start': 200.242, 'duration': 0.701}, {'end': 204.747, 'text': "So I don't want my break to get extended too much.", 'start': 201.303, 'duration': 3.444}, {'end': 212.575, 'text': 'So I completed the whole content by the end of August or mid-September I guess.', 'start': 205.227, 'duration': 7.348}, {'end': 217.941, 'text': 'My approach is I finished the content first and then went for the assignment.', 'start': 213.396, 'duration': 4.545}, {'end': 219.082, 'text': "That's one strategy.", 'start': 218.201, 'duration': 0.881}, {'end': 219.783, 'text': 'Yes, yes.', 'start': 219.402, 'duration': 0.381}, {'end': 231.952, 'text': "I have started doing the assignment submitting and taking the feedback from the uploader team and that's all like I have solved like 15 assignments.", 'start': 221.404, 'duration': 10.548}, {'end': 241.199, 'text': 'For 15 assignments we would have conducted a mock interview and I think I was just reading the mock interview feedback briefly and it seemed to be pretty good.', 'start': 232.412, 'duration': 8.787}, {'end': 245.742, 'text': "So, I think we started referring you for some internships because you had a gap if I'm not wrong.", 'start': 241.719, 'duration': 4.023}, {'end': 246.562, 'text': 'Yes, yes.', 'start': 245.982, 'duration': 0.58}, {'end': 252.386, 'text': "So, since I have that gap, I can't go directly for a full-time job.", 'start': 247.023, 'duration': 5.363}, {'end': 256.689, 'text': "Even I know that I can't expect things to be very smooth.", 'start': 252.806, 'duration': 3.883}], 'summary': 'Completed 15 assignments, received positive mock interview feedback, and started applying for internships due to a career gap.', 'duration': 99.759, 'max_score': 191.175, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TW1JNyQxxZo/pics/TW1JNyQxxZo191175.jpg'}, {'end': 360.084, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 311.089, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 316.33, 'text': 'You got converted from a data science intern to a data scientist at ABI within two and a half, three months.', 'start': 311.089, 'duration': 5.241}, {'end': 317.531, 'text': 'Yes Okay.', 'start': 316.65, 'duration': 0.881}, {'end': 321.792, 'text': 'At ABI, what were you working on, if I may know? So there were two projects.', 'start': 317.791, 'duration': 4.001}, {'end': 328.234, 'text': 'One is related to image processing and another one is a services project.', 'start': 322.832, 'duration': 5.402}, {'end': 341.049, 'text': 'basically a consulting project where, in the image processing project, I used to work more on CNN art picture, advanced resnets, so transfer learning,', 'start': 329.694, 'duration': 11.355}, {'end': 344.914, 'text': 'and there I got to work more with PyTorch.', 'start': 341.049, 'duration': 3.865}, {'end': 355.822, 'text': 'And another project is about predictive modeling stuff where we need to predict the possibility of disease called anemia.', 'start': 345.758, 'duration': 10.064}, {'end': 360.084, 'text': 'So yes, these are the two projects where I work.', 'start': 356.542, 'duration': 3.542}], 'summary': 'Converted from intern to data scientist at abi in under 3 months, worked on image processing and predictive modeling projects.', 'duration': 48.995, 'max_score': 311.089, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TW1JNyQxxZo/pics/TW1JNyQxxZo311089.jpg'}], 'start': 156.93, 'title': 'Ai course and career transition', 'summary': "Covers a learner's journey completing an ai course, solving assignments, and securing a job after a career break, as well as an individual's transition from intern to data scientist, working on image processing and predictive modeling projects at a healthcare startup.", 'chapters': [{'end': 231.952, 'start': 156.93, 'title': 'Applied ai course journey', 'summary': "Highlights a learner's journey after joining an applied ai course in july 2018, including completing the course content by the end of august or mid-september and solving approximately 15 assignments to secure a job after being on a break for two years since graduating with a btech in mechanical engineering in 2016.", 'duration': 75.022, 'highlights': ['The learner joined the Applied AI course in July 2018 after a two-year break since graduating with a BTech in mechanical engineering in 2016.', 'The learner completed the entire course content by the end of August or mid-September 2018, demonstrating a dedicated and efficient approach to learning.', 'The learner solved approximately 15 assignments after completing the course content, showing a proactive and committed attitude towards securing a job.', "The learner's strategy involved completing the course content first before moving on to the assignments, showcasing a structured and methodical learning approach."]}, {'end': 360.084, 'start': 232.412, 'title': 'Journey from intern to data scientist', 'summary': 'Details the journey of an individual from being referred for internships due to a career gap to securing a full-time position at a healthcare startup within two to three months, working on image processing and predictive modeling projects.', 'duration': 127.672, 'highlights': ['Securing full-time position within two to three months The individual was converted from a data science intern to a data scientist at ABI within two and a half, three months.', 'Working on image processing and predictive modeling projects The individual was involved in image processing using CNN, advanced resnets, and transfer learning, as well as predictive modeling for disease diagnosis.', 'Referral for internships due to career gap The individual was referred for internships due to a career gap and the successful completion of assignments, leading to the opportunity at ABI Health.']}], 'duration': 203.154, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TW1JNyQxxZo/pics/TW1JNyQxxZo156930.jpg', 'highlights': ['The learner completed the entire course content by the end of August or mid-September 2018, demonstrating a dedicated and efficient approach to learning.', "The learner's strategy involved completing the course content first before moving on to the assignments, showcasing a structured and methodical learning approach.", 'The learner solved approximately 15 assignments after completing the course content, showing a proactive and committed attitude towards securing a job.', 'The learner joined the Applied AI course in July 2018 after a two-year break since graduating with a BTech in mechanical engineering in 2016.', 'Securing full-time position within two to three months The individual was converted from a data science intern to a data scientist at ABI within two and a half, three months.', 'Working on image processing and predictive modeling projects The individual was involved in image processing using CNN, advanced resnets, and transfer learning, as well as predictive modeling for disease diagnosis.', 'Referral for internships due to career gap The individual was referred for internships due to a career gap and the successful completion of assignments, leading to the opportunity at ABI Health.']}, {'end': 739.341, 'segs': [{'end': 394.278, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 360.424, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 364.366, 'text': 'One is completely deep learning and another one is completely machine learning.', 'start': 360.424, 'duration': 3.942}, {'end': 364.786, 'text': 'Okay, cool.', 'start': 364.386, 'duration': 0.4}, {'end': 367.467, 'text': 'I mean, you got the breadth of experience, which is actually very good.', 'start': 364.846, 'duration': 2.621}, {'end': 372.673, 'text': 'So then I think in the March of 2020, you moved to Citibank as a data scientist.', 'start': 368.067, 'duration': 4.606}, {'end': 374.876, 'text': 'Yes, March 2020.', 'start': 373.114, 'duration': 1.762}, {'end': 381.805, 'text': "And that's certainly a good jump, right? From a startup to a very established finance company is a good jump.", 'start': 374.876, 'duration': 6.929}, {'end': 394.278, 'text': 'I understand that we cannot discuss the specific interview questions themselves because of NDAs that you may have signed.', 'start': 389.497, 'duration': 4.781}], 'summary': 'Candidate transitioned from startup to citibank as data scientist in march 2020.', 'duration': 33.854, 'max_score': 360.424, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TW1JNyQxxZo/pics/TW1JNyQxxZo360424.jpg'}, {'end': 439.644, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 409.62, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 411.161, 'text': 'Just wanted to understand that briefly.', 'start': 409.62, 'duration': 1.541}, {'end': 419.909, 'text': "Yeah Since it's a finance domain, whatever the stuff I have done before CNN, that doesn't work here.", 'start': 411.581, 'duration': 8.328}, {'end': 426.594, 'text': 'They mostly focused on NLP and machine learning time, classical time series analysis stuff.', 'start': 420.689, 'duration': 5.905}, {'end': 427.415, 'text': 'Okay Okay.', 'start': 426.754, 'duration': 0.661}, {'end': 439.644, 'text': 'Yeah So they, in the interview, they asked me mostly like in the first round, they asked me more on SQL round, joins, filtering, group by queries.', 'start': 427.435, 'duration': 12.209}], 'summary': "Candidate's finance domain experience not relevant for nlp and machine learning focus; sql skills tested in interview", 'duration': 30.024, 'max_score': 409.62, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TW1JNyQxxZo/pics/TW1JNyQxxZo409620.jpg'}, {'end': 502.046, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 465.808, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 471.975, 'text': 'Yes In the second round, they mostly focused on basic machine learning stuff.', 'start': 465.808, 'duration': 6.167}, {'end': 482.087, 'text': 'Questions related to decision trees, logistic regression, linear regression, how you optimize, how gradient descent works.', 'start': 473.877, 'duration': 8.21}, {'end': 493.643, 'text': 'Most of the questions are focused on the math behind the algorithm.', 'start': 484.54, 'duration': 9.103}, {'end': 502.046, 'text': "They didn't ask how you code and stuff, but they asked how the algorithm using these optimization techniques.", 'start': 493.723, 'duration': 8.323}], 'summary': 'Second round focused on basic machine learning topics: decision trees, logistic regression, linear regression, optimization, and gradient descent.', 'duration': 36.238, 'max_score': 465.808, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TW1JNyQxxZo/pics/TW1JNyQxxZo465808.jpg'}, {'end': 591.176, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 560.37, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 565.332, 'text': 'So you also mentioned that they focused a lot on time series analysis and NLP.', 'start': 560.37, 'duration': 4.962}, {'end': 571.015, 'text': 'So how hard were these questions? For time series, analysis?', 'start': 565.832, 'duration': 5.183}, {'end': 581.624, 'text': "There are two things classical time series like Arima, which, to be frank, I didn't know at all.", 'start': 572.352, 'duration': 9.272}, {'end': 584.808, 'text': 'I just read some blogs just before the interview.', 'start': 582.284, 'duration': 2.524}, {'end': 591.176, 'text': "But it is fine as far as I know how those things work even though I didn't work prior to them.", 'start': 585.489, 'duration': 5.687}], 'summary': 'Questions focused on time series analysis and nlp, including classical arima model.', 'duration': 30.806, 'max_score': 560.37, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TW1JNyQxxZo/pics/TW1JNyQxxZo560370.jpg'}, {'end': 739.341, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 665.467, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 670.65, 'text': 'So they asked me about how you use bag of words, EFIDF.', 'start': 665.467, 'duration': 5.183}, {'end': 680.825, 'text': 'why, like TF-IDF, is better than bagger force in some case, and they just asked me about did you know attention models?', 'start': 671.55, 'duration': 9.275}, {'end': 682.167, 'text': 'I said like.', 'start': 681.085, 'duration': 1.082}, {'end': 684.97, 'text': 'I have read them, but I have never implemented them.', 'start': 682.788, 'duration': 2.182}, {'end': 686.732, 'text': 'So they are fine with it.', 'start': 685.471, 'duration': 1.261}, {'end': 696.282, 'text': "As far as I know, I don't know it in depth and they didn't go too deep, but whatever you claimed you have done, they would go deep.", 'start': 687.073, 'duration': 9.209}, {'end': 699.666, 'text': 'Did they have something in programming specifically?', 'start': 697.303, 'duration': 2.363}, {'end': 710.401, 'text': 'Since I have one year experience and have a portfolio and projects from a play day and the real time experience that I got from ABA.', 'start': 700.747, 'duration': 9.654}, {'end': 718.164, 'text': "So they didn't ask me to code any stuff, but they do concentrated more on the projects have been the process.", 'start': 710.821, 'duration': 7.343}, {'end': 721.805, 'text': 'But imagine if somebody was a fresher without any prior experience.', 'start': 718.184, 'duration': 3.621}, {'end': 722.865, 'text': 'what happens at city?', 'start': 721.805, 'duration': 1.06}, {'end': 724.125, 'text': 'Do they ask programming rounds??', 'start': 722.905, 'duration': 1.22}, {'end': 733.348, 'text': 'As far as I know, they ask Python basics and SQL queries how to write.', 'start': 725.586, 'duration': 7.762}, {'end': 739.341, 'text': "If you're good with your math and logic, I think as for them, it is fine.", 'start': 734.44, 'duration': 4.901}], 'summary': 'Discussed using bag of words, tf-idf, and attention models. emphasized importance of experience and project work in interview process.', 'duration': 73.874, 'max_score': 665.467, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TW1JNyQxxZo/pics/TW1JNyQxxZo665467.jpg'}], 'start': 360.424, 'title': 'Transition to citibank and data science interview prep', 'summary': 'Discusses transitioning to citibank as a data scientist in march 2020, including interview process with sql, basic machine learning, and mathematics behind algorithms. it also covers data science interview prep, emphasizing time series analysis, nlp, and project-based questions, and the importance of understanding key concepts such as arima, rnn, lstm, tf-idf, and attention models.', 'chapters': [{'end': 560.03, 'start': 360.424, 'title': 'Transition to citibank as a data scientist', 'summary': 'Discusses transitioning to citibank as a data scientist in march 2020, focusing on the interview process, which mainly included sql, basic machine learning, and mathematics behind algorithms.', 'duration': 199.606, 'highlights': ['The interview process at Citibank mainly focused on SQL in the first round, covering topics like joins, filtering, and group by queries.', 'In the second round, the focus shifted to basic machine learning concepts such as decision trees, logistic regression, linear regression, and optimization techniques, emphasizing the math behind the algorithms.', 'Prior experience of close to a year led to deeper exploration of mathematical aspects of machine learning during the interview process.', "The interviewee's systematic approach of preparing notes, including quick referral material, helped in effectively refreshing basics before the interview, contributing to successful outcomes."]}, {'end': 739.341, 'start': 560.37, 'title': 'Data science interview prep', 'summary': 'Discusses a data science interview, focusing on time series analysis, nlp, and project-based questions, emphasizing the importance of understanding key concepts such as arima, rnn, lstm, tf-idf, and attention models.', 'duration': 178.971, 'highlights': ['The interview focused on time series analysis, NLP, and project-based questions, emphasizing understanding concepts such as ARIMA, RNN, LSTM, TF-IDF, and attention models.', 'Emphasis was placed on understanding classical time series concepts like ARIMA and advanced topics such as RNN, LSTM, and solving issues like exploding and vanishing gradients.', 'Specific questions were asked about the use of bag of words, TF-IDF, and attention models in NLP projects, and the importance of understanding their applications.', 'The interviewer did not specifically ask coding questions, but concentrated more on the depth of understanding and the process of the projects completed, indicating the value of project-based experience in the interview process.', 'For candidates with no prior experience, it was mentioned that the interview may include programming rounds focused on Python basics and SQL queries.']}], 'duration': 378.917, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TW1JNyQxxZo/pics/TW1JNyQxxZo360424.jpg', 'highlights': ['Transitioned to Citibank as a data scientist in March 2020, focusing on interview process with SQL, basic machine learning, and mathematics behind algorithms.', 'Interview process at Citibank emphasized SQL, covering topics like joins, filtering, and group by queries in the first round.', 'Second round focused on basic machine learning concepts such as decision trees, logistic regression, linear regression, and optimization techniques, emphasizing the math behind the algorithms.', 'Emphasis on time series analysis, NLP, and project-based questions, understanding concepts such as ARIMA, RNN, LSTM, TF-IDF, and attention models.', 'Importance of understanding classical time series concepts like ARIMA and advanced topics such as RNN, LSTM, and solving issues like exploding and vanishing gradients.', 'Specific questions about the use of bag of words, TF-IDF, and attention models in NLP projects, and the importance of understanding their applications.', 'Value of project-based experience in the interview process, with emphasis on the depth of understanding and the process of completed projects.', 'Mention of potential programming rounds focused on Python basics and SQL queries for candidates with no prior experience.']}, {'end': 1276.61, 'segs': [{'end': 828.914, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 756.793, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 765.838, 'text': "So if recently I have gone through the course again, the curriculum, it's really up to date.", 'start': 756.793, 'duration': 9.045}, {'end': 770.52, 'text': 'I felt bad that these topics would have been there when I was doing the course.', 'start': 765.938, 'duration': 4.582}, {'end': 774.001, 'text': 'In 2018, Transformers and BERT were very new.', 'start': 770.9, 'duration': 3.101}, {'end': 775.641, 'text': 'I learned them on my own.', 'start': 774.541, 'duration': 1.1}, {'end': 779.082, 'text': "I didn't add it to the course because they were untested.", 'start': 775.821, 'duration': 3.261}, {'end': 786.424, 'text': "But apart from that, as far as today's curriculum is concerned, do you think there are some gaps where we can improve?", 'start': 780.423, 'duration': 6.001}, {'end': 793.246, 'text': "I think, as far as the course is concerned, I think it's very much up to date.", 'start': 787.425, 'duration': 5.821}, {'end': 804.256, 'text': 'more details on Sarimax, Arimax and classical statistical stuff can be.', 'start': 797.051, 'duration': 7.205}, {'end': 805.297, 'text': 'Yeah, sure.', 'start': 804.376, 'duration': 0.921}, {'end': 808.479, 'text': 'So we have done a couple of sessions on Arima, etc.', 'start': 805.337, 'duration': 3.142}, {'end': 810.44, 'text': 'But we can extend them.', 'start': 808.619, 'duration': 1.821}, {'end': 814.443, 'text': 'So we have done some sessions on classical time series, which are added to the course.', 'start': 810.7, 'duration': 3.743}, {'end': 822.249, 'text': "But certainly there is like, I mean, we can do a hundred hours of time series analysis itself, right? So we'll certainly conduct one more session.", 'start': 815.003, 'duration': 7.246}, {'end': 827.693, 'text': "We'll take feedback from you, pointers from you so that we can conduct one session based on the pointers that you give us.", 'start': 822.369, 'duration': 5.324}, {'end': 828.914, 'text': 'Yes Okay.', 'start': 828.014, 'duration': 0.9}], 'summary': 'Course curriculum is up-to-date, with potential to improve on time series analysis and new technologies like transformers and bert were not included in 2018.', 'duration': 72.121, 'max_score': 756.793, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TW1JNyQxxZo/pics/TW1JNyQxxZo756793.jpg'}, {'end': 952.34, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 923.754, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 929.477, 'text': 'You mentioned you created all the content in two months, right? Yes, exactly one and a half months.', 'start': 923.754, 'duration': 5.723}, {'end': 937.447, 'text': 'I used to start in the morning around 10.', 'start': 933.404, 'duration': 4.043}, {'end': 942.652, 'text': 'I used to take breaks but I used to spend around 8-10 hours a day.', 'start': 937.447, 'duration': 5.205}, {'end': 945.274, 'text': 'And you finished in one and a half months? Yes.', 'start': 943.172, 'duration': 2.102}, {'end': 948.937, 'text': 'And then you started doing assignments? Yes.', 'start': 945.574, 'duration': 3.363}, {'end': 952.34, 'text': 'So what was your strategy because you came from a non-programming background.', 'start': 949.197, 'duration': 3.143}], 'summary': 'Created all the content in 1.5 months, working 8-10 hours a day, then started assignments', 'duration': 28.586, 'max_score': 923.754, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TW1JNyQxxZo/pics/TW1JNyQxxZo923754.jpg'}, {'end': 1077.807, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1052.512, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 1059.076, 'text': 'So, uh, for Python, I used to break this stuff like, uh, morning, every, every morning, two hours.', 'start': 1052.512, 'duration': 6.564}, {'end': 1061.137, 'text': 'I used to practice Python first.', 'start': 1059.576, 'duration': 1.561}, {'end': 1064.719, 'text': 'Oh, so Python, you are practicing more basic program.', 'start': 1061.677, 'duration': 3.042}, {'end': 1065.34, 'text': 'Yes Yes.', 'start': 1064.879, 'duration': 0.461}, {'end': 1067.941, 'text': 'Yes I used to follow some online blogs.', 'start': 1065.38, 'duration': 2.561}, {'end': 1076.766, 'text': 'I used to spend one and a half hours, two hours every day to practice Python and SQL because these two are most important.', 'start': 1068.642, 'duration': 8.124}, {'end': 1077.807, 'text': 'Most of the interviews.', 'start': 1077.047, 'duration': 0.76}], 'summary': 'Spent 1.5-2 hours daily practicing python and sql, essential for interviews.', 'duration': 25.295, 'max_score': 1052.512, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TW1JNyQxxZo/pics/TW1JNyQxxZo1052512.jpg'}, {'end': 1214.994, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1188.71, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 1194.087, 'text': 'So patient is important and planning and also persistence.', 'start': 1188.71, 'duration': 5.377}, {'end': 1196.069, 'text': 'These three pieces are very important.', 'start': 1194.227, 'duration': 1.842}, {'end': 1201.875, 'text': 'So you said persistence, patience and what is the third? Planning.', 'start': 1196.75, 'duration': 5.125}, {'end': 1210.284, 'text': 'These three are very much important because I followed these three things I could complete the course in such short time.', 'start': 1202.376, 'duration': 7.908}, {'end': 1214.994, 'text': 'And yeah, I know that it was one of the fastest students to complete.', 'start': 1211.272, 'duration': 3.722}], 'summary': 'Persistence, patience, and planning led to completing the course as one of the fastest students.', 'duration': 26.284, 'max_score': 1188.71, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TW1JNyQxxZo/pics/TW1JNyQxxZo1188710.jpg'}], 'start': 739.581, 'title': 'Enhancing financial and ai course curriculum', 'summary': "Discusses updating financial course curriculum with modern topics like transformers and bert, seeking improvement suggestions, and planning to include detailed sessions on sarimax, arimax, and classical statistical analysis. it also covers a student's strategy to complete the applied ai course in one and a half months, emphasizing persistence, patience, and planning for success in the course.", 'chapters': [{'end': 828.914, 'start': 739.581, 'title': 'Enhancing financial course curriculum', 'summary': 'Discusses updating a financial course curriculum with modern topics like transformers and bert, seeking improvement suggestions, and planning to include more detailed sessions on sarimax, arimax, and classical statistical analysis based on feedback.', 'duration': 89.333, 'highlights': ["The curriculum is already up to date with recent topics like Transformers and BERT, although they were not included at the time of the speaker's course in 2018.", 'The chapter discusses the possibility of improving the course by adding more detailed sessions on Sarimax, Arimax, and classical statistical analysis, demonstrating a willingness to incorporate feedback and suggestions.', 'The speaker acknowledges the potential for further enhancing the curriculum by extending sessions on classical time series analysis, indicating a proactive approach to addressing gaps in the course content.']}, {'end': 1276.61, 'start': 828.934, 'title': 'Strategies for completing applied ai course', 'summary': "Discusses a student's strategy to complete the applied ai course in one and a half months, spending 8-10 hours a day, practicing python and sql for 1.5-2 hours daily, and emphasizes the importance of persistence, patience, and planning for success in the course.", 'duration': 447.676, 'highlights': ["The student completed the Applied AI course in one and a half months, spending 8-10 hours a day. The student's completion of the course in a short time frame, dedicating significant daily hours, demonstrates a focused and efficient approach to learning.", "The student practiced Python and SQL for 1.5-2 hours daily, emphasizing their importance for interviews in the field of data science. The student's dedication to practicing essential programming languages reflects a proactive effort to overcome their non-CS background and prepare for interviews.", "The student emphasizes the importance of persistence, patience, and planning as crucial factors for completing the course in a short time frame. The student's emphasis on persistence, patience, and planning highlights the key qualities needed for success in the Applied AI course, providing valuable advice for similar students."]}], 'duration': 537.029, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TW1JNyQxxZo/pics/TW1JNyQxxZo739581.jpg', 'highlights': ["The curriculum is already up to date with recent topics like Transformers and BERT, although they were not included at the time of the speaker's course in 2018.", 'The chapter discusses the possibility of improving the course by adding more detailed sessions on Sarimax, Arimax, and classical statistical analysis, demonstrating a willingness to incorporate feedback and suggestions.', 'The speaker acknowledges the potential for further enhancing the curriculum by extending sessions on classical time series analysis, indicating a proactive approach to addressing gaps in the course content.', "The student completed the Applied AI course in one and a half months, spending 8-10 hours a day. The student's completion of the course in a short time frame, dedicating significant daily hours, demonstrates a focused and efficient approach to learning.", "The student practiced Python and SQL for 1.5-2 hours daily, emphasizing their importance for interviews in the field of data science. The student's dedication to practicing essential programming languages reflects a proactive effort to overcome their non-CS background and prepare for interviews.", "The student emphasizes the importance of persistence, patience, and planning as crucial factors for completing the course in a short time frame. The student's emphasis on persistence, patience, and planning highlights the key qualities needed for success in the Applied AI course, providing valuable advice for similar students."]}, {'end': 1484.944, 'segs': [{'end': 1356.577, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1325.799, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 1327.501, 'text': "I'm happy it's useful for you at your current.", 'start': 1325.799, 'duration': 1.702}, {'end': 1328.122, 'text': 'Yes, yes, yes.', 'start': 1327.521, 'duration': 0.601}, {'end': 1337.204, 'text': 'so, most importantly, how did the I mean I mean the learning set applied a course, whether it is programming or etc.', 'start': 1328.442, 'duration': 8.762}, {'end': 1337.964, 'text': 'what they, what?', 'start': 1337.204, 'duration': 0.76}, {'end': 1340.945, 'text': 'they even helpful in cracking the interviews?', 'start': 1337.964, 'duration': 2.981}, {'end': 1343.285, 'text': 'extremely, because I told you right.', 'start': 1340.945, 'duration': 2.34}, {'end': 1352.152, 'text': 'so whatever the notes I have prepared from your writings on the screen, that itself is a quick referral for the interview.', 'start': 1343.285, 'duration': 8.867}, {'end': 1356.577, 'text': 'So you mentioned that you even used it after almost after a year, even for city.', 'start': 1352.172, 'duration': 4.405}], 'summary': 'Learning set applied course helped in cracking interviews, notes used as quick referral.', 'duration': 30.778, 'max_score': 1325.799, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TW1JNyQxxZo/pics/TW1JNyQxxZo1325799.jpg'}, {'end': 1469.181, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 1435.962, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1443.165, 'text': "But I'm very sure that given your triple P formula, persistence, patience and plan, given this three P, I'm sure you'll go very high.", 'start': 1435.962, 'duration': 7.203}, {'end': 1447.788, 'text': "I heard you're also approached by a top FANG company recently.", 'start': 1443.525, 'duration': 4.263}, {'end': 1450.129, 'text': 'Yesterday itself, I got a call from Amazon.', 'start': 1448.028, 'duration': 2.101}, {'end': 1454.291, 'text': 'Yeah So if you need any help with the interview preparation, do let us know.', 'start': 1450.749, 'duration': 3.542}, {'end': 1456.512, 'text': 'We can conduct a mock interview or two.', 'start': 1454.891, 'duration': 1.621}, {'end': 1461.22, 'text': 'and we can help you on that front and hope you have much again.', 'start': 1457.299, 'duration': 3.921}, {'end': 1462.88, 'text': "i'm not saying leave your job at city.", 'start': 1461.22, 'duration': 1.66}, {'end': 1465.02, 'text': 'you can always grow at city.', 'start': 1462.88, 'duration': 2.14}, {'end': 1469.181, 'text': "there is always a lot of potential to grow there and let's, let's work.", 'start': 1465.02, 'duration': 4.161}], 'summary': 'Encouragement to persist and plan, offers help with interview preparation, mentioned a recent approach by amazon.', 'duration': 56.852, 'max_score': 1435.962, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TW1JNyQxxZo/pics/TW1JNyQxxZo1435962.jpg'}], 'start': 1276.69, 'title': 'Interview success with data science course', 'summary': 'Illustrates how a data science course led to interview success, resulting in a city interview shortlisting and a job offer from a top fang company, highlighting the significance of persistence and hard work.', 'chapters': [{'end': 1484.944, 'start': 1276.69, 'title': 'Interview success with data science course', 'summary': 'Illustrates how a data science course helped a learner in cracking interviews, including being shortlisted for a city interview and receiving a job offer from a top fang company, emphasizing the importance of persistence and hard work.', 'duration': 208.254, 'highlights': ["The data science course was extremely helpful in cracking interviews, as the learner used the notes prepared from the course for quick referrals and found the exact same questions being asked, showcasing the course's practical impact.", "The learner's persistence and hard work led to success, as reflected in being shortlisted for a city interview and receiving a job offer from a top FANG company like Amazon, highlighting the real-world value of the data science course.", 'The instructor offered to conduct mock interviews and provide assistance for interview preparation, emphasizing the ongoing support and mentorship offered by the course, showcasing the commitment to the success of the learners.', "The learner's success story, from taking up an internship to working at one of the top companies in finance as a data scientist, reflects the impact of persistence, patience, and planning, reinforcing the importance of these qualities in achieving career growth."]}], 'duration': 208.254, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TW1JNyQxxZo/pics/TW1JNyQxxZo1276690.jpg', 'highlights': ["The learner's persistence and hard work led to success, as reflected in being shortlisted for a city interview and receiving a job offer from a top FANG company like Amazon, highlighting the real-world value of the data science course.", "The data science course was extremely helpful in cracking interviews, as the learner used the notes prepared from the course for quick referrals and found the exact same questions being asked, showcasing the course's practical impact.", 'The instructor offered to conduct mock interviews and provide assistance for interview preparation, emphasizing the ongoing support and mentorship offered by the course, showcasing the commitment to the success of the learners.', "The learner's success story, from taking up an internship to working at one of the top companies in finance as a data scientist, reflects the impact of persistence, patience, and planning, reinforcing the importance of these qualities in achieving career growth."]}], 'highlights': ["Ramesh's transition from a mechanical engineering graduate to a data scientist at Citibank, showcasing his career progression and relevance to aspiring students.", "Ramesh's proactive approach to learning data science through self-study, including reading blogs, watching YouTube videos, and seeking comprehensive resources like UpGradeAge, highlighting his dedication and resourcefulness in pursuing his career goals.", 'The learner completed the entire course content by the end of August or mid-September 2018, demonstrating a dedicated and efficient approach to learning.', "The learner's strategy involved completing the course content first before moving on to the assignments, showcasing a structured and methodical learning approach.", 'The learner solved approximately 15 assignments after completing the course content, showing a proactive and committed attitude towards securing a job.', 'Transitioned to Citibank as a data scientist in March 2020, focusing on interview process with SQL, basic machine learning, and mathematics behind algorithms.', "The learner's persistence and hard work led to success, as reflected in being shortlisted for a city interview and receiving a job offer from a top FANG company like Amazon, highlighting the real-world value of the data science course.", "The data science course was extremely helpful in cracking interviews, as the learner used the notes prepared from the course for quick referrals and found the exact same questions being asked, showcasing the course's practical impact."]}