What is Apache Solr? | Apache Solr Tutorial for Beginners | Edureka

( Apache Solr Certification Training - https://www.edureka.co/apache-solr-self-paced ) Watch the sample class recording: http://www.edureka.co/apache-solr?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=intro-to-solr Solr is an open source enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project. Its major features include full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, dynamic clustering, database integration, and rich document (e.g., Word, PDF) handling. The topics covered in the video : 1.Solr Introduction 2.Solr : History 3.Solr : Key Features 4.Solr : Architecture 5.Solr Admin UI 6.Solr Schema Hierarchy 7.Solr Core 8.Solr Documents and Fields 9.Solr Indexing Data 10.Solr Analysis 11.Solr Search Process 12.Solr Features 13.Configuring Solr Instances/Core 14.Solr Cloud Introduction 15.Features 16.Architecture 17.Job Trends for Apache Solr Related post: http://www.edureka.co/blog/apache-solr-shedding-some-light/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=intro-to-solr Edureka is a New Age e-learning platform that provides Instructor-Led Live, Online classes for learners who would prefer a hassle free and self paced learning environment, accessible from any part of the world. The topics related to ‘Introduction to Solr' have been covered in our course ‘Apache Solr‘. For more information, please write back to us at sales@edureka.co Call us at US: 1800 275 9730 (toll free) or India: +91-8880862004

{'title': 'What is Apache Solr? | Apache Solr Tutorial for Beginners | Edureka', 'heatmap': [{'end': 583.717, 'start': 506.129, 'weight': 0.804}, {'end': 896.844, 'start': 875.321, 'weight': 0.734}, {'end': 1081.536, 'start': 983.513, 'weight': 0.722}, {'end': 1121.149, 'start': 1091.678, 'weight': 0.783}, {'end': 1168.086, 'start': 1121.629, 'weight': 0.808}, {'end': 1275.761, 'start': 1232.72, 'weight': 0.77}], 'summary': "The tutorial delves into the benefits of using apache solr over lucene, its evolution, scalability, request writers' responsibilities, indexing capabilities, and solar configuration and cloud architecture, offering advanced features like restful apis, support for various document types, and robust platform for high availability and distributed searching.", 'chapters': [{'end': 97.988, 'segs': [{'end': 97.988, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 4.321, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 13.085, 'text': 'So, Solr is nothing but an open source web application built on top of Lucene API libraries, as simple as that.', 'start': 4.321, 'duration': 8.764}, {'end': 19.888, 'text': 'So, whatever the features Lucene offers, Solr provides the same sort of features.', 'start': 14.206, 'duration': 5.682}, {'end': 27.252, 'text': 'On top of it, it provides a lot of other tools and extends and overwrites some of its features as well.', 'start': 20.509, 'duration': 6.743}, {'end': 29.233, 'text': "That's the second.", 'start': 28.612, 'duration': 0.621}, {'end': 33.657, 'text': 'benefit of solar instead of using direct loosing.', 'start': 30.393, 'duration': 3.264}, {'end': 45.329, 'text': 'So the third benefit is sometimes using the core Java APIs will be really challenging because you have to have that Java expertise,', 'start': 34.377, 'duration': 10.952}, {'end': 51.115, 'text': 'and fine tuning the Java for performance and all that stuff would be really challenging.', 'start': 45.329, 'duration': 5.786}, {'end': 63.603, 'text': 'You can use the RESTful APIs, what Solar provides, and use them as a service instead of directly interacting through APIs with the index,', 'start': 52.196, 'duration': 11.407}, {'end': 68.266, 'text': 'which adds lot of interoperability with different frameworks or platforms.', 'start': 63.603, 'duration': 4.663}, {'end': 77.992, 'text': 'So you can interact using RESTful services either over XML or JSON or CSV or binary format or HTTP.', 'start': 68.666, 'duration': 9.326}, {'end': 88.197, 'text': 'So this is the most preferred interaction between the indexed content and the applications,', 'start': 79.346, 'duration': 8.851}, {'end': 93.883, 'text': "so that you don't have to build or write Java code using Lucene API libraries.", 'start': 88.197, 'duration': 5.686}, {'end': 97.988, 'text': 'Fine, so just a quick.', 'start': 96.647, 'duration': 1.341}], 'summary': 'Solr is an open-source web app extending lucene, providing restful apis and interoperability with various formats and platforms.', 'duration': 93.667, 'max_score': 4.321, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE4321.jpg'}], 'start': 4.321, 'title': 'Benefits of solr over lucene', 'summary': 'Highlights the benefits of using solr over lucene, including its provision of similar features, additional tools and interoperability using restful apis, thus eliminating the need for direct interaction with java apis.', 'chapters': [{'end': 97.988, 'start': 4.321, 'title': 'Benefits of solr over lucene', 'summary': 'Highlights the benefits of using solr over lucene, including its provision of similar features, additional tools and interoperability using restful apis, thus eliminating the need for direct interaction with java apis.', 'duration': 93.667, 'highlights': ['Solr provides similar features to Lucene and also extends and overwrites some of its features.', 'Using the RESTful APIs provided by Solr adds a lot of interoperability with different frameworks or platforms, allowing interaction over various formats like XML, JSON, CSV, or binary, thus eliminating the need to write Java code using Lucene API libraries.', "Directly using the core Java APIs for fine-tuning performance can be challenging, and using Solr's RESTful APIs as a service eliminates the need for Java expertise in this area."]}], 'duration': 93.667, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE4321.jpg', 'highlights': ["Using Solr's RESTful APIs adds interoperability with different frameworks, eliminating the need for Java code.", 'Solr provides similar features to Lucene and extends/overwrites some of its features.', "Using Solr's RESTful APIs eliminates the need for Java expertise in fine-tuning performance."]}, {'end': 420.822, 'segs': [{'end': 148.354, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 129.74, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 141.409, 'text': 'so the new versions of Scalar has been re-architected and redesigned to handle huge big data sets so that you can scale it for any imaginably bigger data sets,', 'start': 129.74, 'duration': 11.669}, {'end': 143.771, 'text': 'what you can think of even in petabytes.', 'start': 141.409, 'duration': 2.362}, {'end': 148.354, 'text': "That's the biggest enhancements what you could see after 3.0 releases.", 'start': 144.351, 'duration': 4.003}], 'summary': 'New scalar version re-architected to handle huge big data sets, scaling for petabytes, biggest enhancements after 3.0 releases.', 'duration': 18.614, 'max_score': 129.74, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE129740.jpg'}, {'end': 231.02, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 200.841, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 207.943, 'text': 'which is a much more enhanced and superior platform which can offer you all those kind of features.', 'start': 200.841, 'duration': 7.102}, {'end': 215.311, 'text': "Great, so we'll be seeing just a quick walk through of what we have seen Solr so far.", 'start': 210.188, 'duration': 5.123}, {'end': 222.855, 'text': 'So Solr offers you advanced full text search kind of capability to your applications.', 'start': 215.651, 'duration': 7.204}, {'end': 228.239, 'text': 'So it is web scale platform, you can scale to your web needs.', 'start': 223.616, 'duration': 4.623}, {'end': 231.02, 'text': 'dynamically. it can scale elastically.', 'start': 228.979, 'duration': 2.041}], 'summary': 'Solr is a web scale platform with advanced full text search capability.', 'duration': 30.179, 'max_score': 200.841, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE200841.jpg'}, {'end': 287.747, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 259.375, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 262.378, 'text': 'rather than going and working with the configuration files.', 'start': 259.375, 'duration': 3.003}, {'end': 272.099, 'text': 'So there is a lot of monitoring and scalability aspects which has been enhanced or which has been provided as part of the Solr.', 'start': 263.779, 'duration': 8.32}, {'end': 279.343, 'text': 'So Solr gives you the option of building application search applications with ease.', 'start': 272.139, 'duration': 7.204}, {'end': 287.747, 'text': "So you don't have to worry about the scale problem, you don't have to worry about the minor details of the API, changing the API, all that stuff.", 'start': 279.543, 'duration': 8.204}], 'summary': 'Solr enhances monitoring, scalability, and ease of building search applications.', 'duration': 28.372, 'max_score': 259.375, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE259375.jpg'}, {'end': 330.867, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 305.234, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 316.018, 'text': "So we'll not be covering a lot of details into the architecture just to give the idea about what the solar architecture has got.", 'start': 305.234, 'duration': 10.784}, {'end': 321.556, 'text': 'So on the top the top of the image, you could see the request handlers.', 'start': 316.498, 'duration': 5.058}, {'end': 330.867, 'text': 'so the request handlers is nothing but the incoming request over HTTP or over RESTful services is intercepted by a request handler.', 'start': 321.556, 'duration': 9.311}], 'summary': 'Solar architecture overview: request handlers intercept incoming http/restful requests.', 'duration': 25.633, 'max_score': 305.234, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE305234.jpg'}, {'end': 372.719, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 348.184, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 358.434, 'text': 'select is a request handler or, in simple terms, you can think of like a servlet, which is a servlet which intercept different URL contexts.', 'start': 348.184, 'duration': 10.25}, {'end': 365.517, 'text': 'So, spell is a request handler which will handle the spell checking part kind of a thing.', 'start': 359.395, 'duration': 6.122}, {'end': 367.698, 'text': 'So, there are different request handlers.', 'start': 365.717, 'duration': 1.981}, {'end': 372.719, 'text': 'We have provided a glimpse of it so that you can understand what is a request handler.', 'start': 367.738, 'duration': 4.981}], 'summary': 'Select and spell are request handlers for handling different url contexts and spell checking.', 'duration': 24.535, 'max_score': 348.184, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE348184.jpg'}, {'end': 430.124, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 397.03, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 401.213, 'text': 'if you wanted to use a highlight feature, if you wanted to use the face setting feature,', 'start': 397.03, 'duration': 4.183}, {'end': 408.538, 'text': 'you can use some of these components and these components will be handling those core features or the key features.', 'start': 401.213, 'duration': 7.325}, {'end': 419.662, 'text': 'So once the component handles the incoming request it goes directly into the distributed search where it fetches the records and gives it back.', 'start': 409.239, 'duration': 10.423}, {'end': 420.822, 'text': 'On parallel.', 'start': 420.322, 'duration': 0.5}, {'end': 430.124, 'text': 'you could see there are lot of config things and also schema management, and you can also see request writers.', 'start': 420.822, 'duration': 9.302}], 'summary': 'Components handle core features, fetching records in distributed search on parallel.', 'duration': 33.094, 'max_score': 397.03, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE397030.jpg'}], 'start': 100.205, 'title': 'Evolution of solr and its scalability', 'summary': "Introduces the evolution of solr, covering its scalability, performance enhancement, and advanced full-text search capability, now supporting http, xml, and json interfaces. it also provides an overview of the solar architecture, detailing the request handlers' interception of incoming requests, the configuration of search components, and the handling of core features.", 'chapters': [{'end': 301.032, 'start': 100.205, 'title': 'Evolution of solr and its scalability', 'summary': 'Introduces the evolution of solr from master-slave architecture to handling huge big data sets, covering its scalability and performance enhancement, and its advanced full-text search capability, now supporting http, xml, and json interfaces.', 'duration': 200.827, 'highlights': ['Solr was initially used as a master slave architecture and for limited data sets, but has been re-architected and redesigned to handle huge big data sets, even in petabytes, after 3.0 releases. Initially, Solr was limited to master-slave architecture and small data sets, but after re-architecting, it can now handle huge big data sets, including petabytes, after 3.0 releases.', "The new versions of Solr, particularly 4.0, offer advanced full text search capability, web-scale platform, and scalability to web needs, along with interoperability through HTTP, XML, and JSON interfaces. Solr's newer versions, especially 4.0, provide advanced full text search, web-scale platform, and scalability to web needs, along with interoperability through HTTP, XML, and JSON interfaces.", 'Solr allows building application search applications with ease, providing administrative web application for managing servers, monitoring, and scalability aspects. Solr enables easy building of search applications, offers administrative web application for managing servers, and enhances monitoring and scalability aspects.']}, {'end': 420.822, 'start': 305.234, 'title': 'Solar architecture overview', 'summary': "Provides an overview of the solar architecture, detailing the request handlers' interception of incoming requests, the configuration of search components, and the handling of core features.", 'duration': 115.588, 'highlights': ['The request handlers intercept incoming requests over HTTP or RESTful services, and multiple handlers can be configured or added to handle various tasks.', 'Different request handlers such as admin, select, and spell handle specific tasks like administrative functions, intercepting different URL contexts, and spell checking.', 'Search components like highlighting and facet setting can be configured and used by the request handler to handle core features, such as performing the application needs and fetching records in distributed search.']}], 'duration': 320.617, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE100205.jpg', 'highlights': ['Solr can handle huge big data sets, including petabytes, after 3.0 releases.', 'Newer versions of Solr, especially 4.0, provide advanced full text search, web-scale platform, and scalability to web needs, along with interoperability through HTTP, XML, and JSON interfaces.', 'Solr enables easy building of search applications, offers administrative web application for managing servers, and enhances monitoring and scalability aspects.', 'Request handlers intercept incoming requests over HTTP or RESTful services, and multiple handlers can be configured or added to handle various tasks.', 'Different request handlers such as admin, select, and spell handle specific tasks like administrative functions, intercepting different URL contexts, and spell checking.', 'Search components like highlighting and facet setting can be configured and used by the request handler to handle core features, such as performing the application needs and fetching records in distributed search.']}, {'end': 831.546, 'segs': [{'end': 473.2, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 446.219, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 450.524, 'text': 'so you can use a XML request handler to submit XML content.', 'start': 446.219, 'duration': 4.305}, {'end': 465.714, 'text': 'you can use JSON request writer to process the JSON format of your document or you can use a database import handler to import the data directly from the database tables and write it to the index.', 'start': 450.524, 'duration': 15.19}, {'end': 469.016, 'text': 'So those are the responsibility of the request writers.', 'start': 466.254, 'duration': 2.762}, {'end': 473.2, 'text': 'Or you can even call it as update handler sometimes.', 'start': 470.077, 'duration': 3.123}], 'summary': 'Request handlers process xml, json, and database data for indexing.', 'duration': 26.981, 'max_score': 446.219, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE446219.jpg'}, {'end': 538.403, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 506.129, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 511.651, 'text': 'So I just wanted to quickly show you the demo of the admin UI.', 'start': 506.129, 'duration': 5.522}, {'end': 524.495, 'text': 'so the admin UI provides you the complete management of your solar server, which can be used to configure your configuration files,', 'start': 511.651, 'duration': 12.844}, {'end': 532.238, 'text': 'configure your admin course and configure and manage your indexes itself.', 'start': 524.495, 'duration': 7.743}, {'end': 538.403, 'text': 'indexes is nothing but a database in correlation with the databases terminology.', 'start': 532.238, 'duration': 6.165}], 'summary': 'Admin ui provides complete solar server management: configure files, admin course, and indexes. indexes work as databases.', 'duration': 32.274, 'max_score': 506.129, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE506129.jpg'}, {'end': 583.717, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 506.129, 'weight': 0.804, 'content': [{'end': 511.651, 'text': 'So I just wanted to quickly show you the demo of the admin UI.', 'start': 506.129, 'duration': 5.522}, {'end': 524.495, 'text': 'so the admin UI provides you the complete management of your solar server, which can be used to configure your configuration files,', 'start': 511.651, 'duration': 12.844}, {'end': 532.238, 'text': 'configure your admin course and configure and manage your indexes itself.', 'start': 524.495, 'duration': 7.743}, {'end': 538.403, 'text': 'indexes is nothing but a database in correlation with the databases terminology.', 'start': 532.238, 'duration': 6.165}, {'end': 549.944, 'text': 'fine. in a nutshell, if you wanted to just visualize, how would your solar be looking like?', 'start': 543.962, 'duration': 5.982}, {'end': 553.965, 'text': 'so there can be multiple solar instances running.', 'start': 549.944, 'duration': 4.021}, {'end': 566.17, 'text': 'when I say multiple solar instances, so you can deploy the web application on multiple servers so that each server runs one instance of it.', 'start': 553.965, 'duration': 12.205}, {'end': 570.111, 'text': 'ok, so that is what we call it as a solar instance.', 'start': 566.17, 'duration': 3.941}, {'end': 583.717, 'text': 'so every server or instance can have multiple databases or indexes or cores and interchangeably using databases so that people those who are coming from databases background,', 'start': 570.111, 'duration': 13.606}], 'summary': 'The admin ui manages solar servers, allowing configuration of files, cores, and indexes, which can be deployed on multiple servers.', 'duration': 77.588, 'max_score': 506.129, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE506129.jpg'}, {'end': 808.5, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 787.3, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 796.789, 'text': "So Yahoo is one of the biggest consumers of Lucene and Solr, where it's not for the.", 'start': 787.3, 'duration': 9.489}, {'end': 802.434, 'text': 'They use a different platform and techniques, but most of the applications, like Yahoo Autos or Yahoo Finance,', 'start': 796.789, 'duration': 5.645}, {'end': 808.5, 'text': 'they all use Solr or Lucene in the backend to index the documents and search those documents.', 'start': 802.434, 'duration': 6.066}], 'summary': 'Yahoo uses solr and lucene for indexing and searching documents in applications like yahoo autos and yahoo finance.', 'duration': 21.2, 'max_score': 787.3, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE787300.jpg'}], 'start': 420.822, 'title': 'Request writers and solar server management', 'summary': "Covers different request writers' responsibilities including xml, json, database imports, and query parser interaction. it also explains managing solar server, instances, indexes, and configuration files, with insights into lucene and solr's relevance in major search engines like yahoo.", 'chapters': [{'end': 500.358, 'start': 420.822, 'title': 'Request writers and update handlers', 'summary': 'Explains the different types of request writers and their responsibilities such as handling xml, json, and database imports, as well as the interaction with query parser in the indexing process.', 'duration': 79.536, 'highlights': ['The responsibility of request writers includes handling XML, JSON, and database import requests, as well as updating the index, and sometimes referred to as update handlers.', 'Request writers and update handlers collectively manage the indexing process, while components can interact through a query parser.', 'Request handlers are used for reading documents, while request writers are responsible for updating the index with different forms of request handling.', 'XML request handler can be used to submit XML content, JSON request writer for processing JSON format, and database import handler for importing data from database tables to write to the index.']}, {'end': 831.546, 'start': 506.129, 'title': 'Managing solar server and indexes', 'summary': 'Explains the admin ui for managing solar server, instances, indexes, and configuration files, including the structure of cores and files like schema.xml and solarconfig, with examples of usage and the relevance of lucene and solr in prominent search engines like yahoo.', 'duration': 325.417, 'highlights': ['The admin UI provides complete management of the Solar server, including configuration files, admin cores, and indexes, with the ability to run multiple instances and categorize different departments or applications. The admin UI allows complete management of the Solar server, including configuration files, admin cores, and indexes, with the capability to run multiple instances and categorize different departments or applications.', 'Explaining the structure of cores and files like Schema.xml and SolarConfig, which define the architecture of the core or instance, with examples of usage and the relevance of Lucene and Solr in prominent search engines like Yahoo. The chapter explains the structure of cores and files like Schema.xml and SolarConfig, which define the architecture of the core or instance, with examples of usage and the relevance of Lucene and Solr in prominent search engines like Yahoo.', 'The chapter also discusses the usage of Lucene and Solr in prominent search engines like Yahoo, where Yahoo Autos and Yahoo Finance use Solr or Lucene in the backend to index and search documents. The chapter discusses the usage of Lucene and Solr in prominent search engines like Yahoo, where Yahoo Autos and Yahoo Finance use Solr or Lucene in the backend to index and search documents.']}], 'duration': 410.724, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE420822.jpg', 'highlights': ['Request writers handle XML, JSON, and database import requests, and update the index.', 'Admin UI manages Solar server, configuration files, admin cores, and indexes.', 'Lucene and Solr are relevant in major search engines like Yahoo for indexing and searching documents.']}, {'end': 1236.562, 'segs': [{'end': 903.469, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 875.321, 'weight': 0.734, 'content': [{'end': 878.522, 'text': 'most of the time it will be like a name value base.', 'start': 875.321, 'duration': 3.201}, {'end': 884.223, 'text': 'so if you notice, this will be like a document and list of fields in the field.', 'start': 878.522, 'duration': 5.701}, {'end': 886.724, 'text': 'it is a name and value, name and value.', 'start': 884.223, 'duration': 2.501}, {'end': 896.844, 'text': 'So we have seen that Solr can support multiple request handlers.', 'start': 892.901, 'duration': 3.943}, {'end': 903.469, 'text': 'This is just a quick recap of what type of data you can send it to Solr for indexing and searching.', 'start': 896.924, 'duration': 6.545}], 'summary': 'Solr supports multiple request handlers for indexing and searching data.', 'duration': 28.148, 'max_score': 875.321, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE875321.jpg'}, {'end': 955.734, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 917.019, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 926.986, 'text': 'you can almost use all the metadata type documents or plain text, or XML or JSON to index the data into it.', 'start': 917.019, 'duration': 9.967}, {'end': 934.972, 'text': 'So Solr uses something called Solr cell framework in turn, which uses the Apache ticker,', 'start': 929.148, 'duration': 5.824}, {'end': 941.777, 'text': 'just the way how Lucene supports rich text document analyzing and indexing.', 'start': 934.972, 'duration': 6.805}, {'end': 946.581, 'text': 'you can use Solr to handle all that rich document types as well.', 'start': 941.777, 'duration': 4.804}, {'end': 955.734, 'text': 'So for interacting with Solar.', 'start': 950.449, 'duration': 5.285}], 'summary': 'Solr can index various document types including metadata, plain text, xml, and json, and uses solr cell framework with apache tika for rich text document analysis and indexing.', 'duration': 38.715, 'max_score': 917.019, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE917019.jpg'}, {'end': 1081.536, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 983.513, 'weight': 0.722, 'content': [{'end': 989.156, 'text': 'Srini is keen to understand what is the key differences between Solr and Lucene in simple terms.', 'start': 983.513, 'duration': 5.643}, {'end': 1002.461, 'text': 'Lucene is nothing but a set of API libraries which can be used to create indexes and search indexes to get read and write documents.', 'start': 989.676, 'duration': 12.785}, {'end': 1007.764, 'text': 'If you are building an application, you have to use those libraries and build applications.', 'start': 1002.842, 'duration': 4.922}, {'end': 1020.169, 'text': "Solar is nothing but a web application built using those same Lucene libraries so that you don't have to write code to interact with the index.", 'start': 1008.704, 'duration': 11.465}, {'end': 1025.751, 'text': 'you can use the web APIs or RESTful services to interact with Solar.', 'start': 1020.169, 'duration': 5.582}, {'end': 1027.151, 'text': "in simple terms, that's the difference.", 'start': 1025.751, 'duration': 1.4}, {'end': 1048.771, 'text': 'So since we have seen the Lucene flow of creating indexes and analyzers, so this should be a straightforward self-explanatory thing.', 'start': 1037.082, 'duration': 11.689}, {'end': 1057.377, 'text': 'So the analysis part, again, it can have analyzers and tokenizers and list of filters.', 'start': 1049.271, 'duration': 8.106}, {'end': 1068.053, 'text': 'So all these things can be configured in your configuration file, Solr config file, which can be defined using the XML file,', 'start': 1057.777, 'duration': 10.276}, {'end': 1070.094, 'text': 'and your solar config file looks something like this', 'start': 1068.053, 'duration': 2.041}, {'end': 1081.536, 'text': "So there are a lot of configuration aspects which we'll be talking in detail when we go to this place so that you can get what kind of details you can configure it.", 'start': 1070.594, 'duration': 10.942}], 'summary': 'Lucene provides api libraries for index creation and search, while solr is a web application that simplifies interaction with the index using web apis or restful services.', 'duration': 98.023, 'max_score': 983.513, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE983513.jpg'}, {'end': 1121.149, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 1091.678, 'weight': 0.783, 'content': [{'end': 1094.038, 'text': 'So you can specify all those things here.', 'start': 1091.678, 'duration': 2.36}, {'end': 1105.447, 'text': 'Okay, so just a quick overview and recap of the SOLR search process.', 'start': 1098.402, 'duration': 7.045}, {'end': 1108.669, 'text': 'When you send a request, it goes to a request handler.', 'start': 1105.907, 'duration': 2.762}, {'end': 1115.386, 'text': 'so the request handler can be of any type, like select or admin or spell check.', 'start': 1108.669, 'duration': 6.717}, {'end': 1121.149, 'text': 'based on what you have configured, the request handler sends it to the query parser.', 'start': 1115.386, 'duration': 5.763}], 'summary': 'Solr search process overview: request handler, query parser.', 'duration': 29.471, 'max_score': 1091.678, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE1091678.jpg'}, {'end': 1188.1, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 1121.629, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1130.194, 'text': 'So Solr also has its own search expression, language extended from Lucene.', 'start': 1121.629, 'duration': 8.565}, {'end': 1135.891, 'text': 'using that you can write expressions to query the documents.', 'start': 1130.194, 'duration': 5.697}, {'end': 1141.293, 'text': 'so that is handled by the query parser and the query parser analyzes your syntax.', 'start': 1135.891, 'duration': 5.402}, {'end': 1151.157, 'text': 'if the syntax everything is correct or it follows as per the syntax, then it goes and fetches the document from the index and returns it back.', 'start': 1141.293, 'duration': 9.864}, {'end': 1156.999, 'text': "So that's the high level flow or the process which you can come across in SOLR.", 'start': 1151.857, 'duration': 5.142}, {'end': 1160.381, 'text': 'So apart from what we have seen in Lucene.', 'start': 1158.34, 'duration': 2.041}, {'end': 1164.541, 'text': 'is the API library which Solr uses.', 'start': 1162.438, 'duration': 2.103}, {'end': 1168.086, 'text': 'Solr also extends the same features like Lucene.', 'start': 1164.601, 'duration': 3.485}, {'end': 1178.177, 'text': 'It also provides face editing, highlighting, spell check, query re-ranking and more features which we would have not come across in Lucene,', 'start': 1168.466, 'duration': 9.711}, {'end': 1179.017, 'text': 'so more like this.', 'start': 1178.177, 'duration': 0.84}, {'end': 1188.1, 'text': "So if you're looking for some results or some documents, Solr can recommend you documents more of this sort.", 'start': 1180.317, 'duration': 7.783}], 'summary': 'Solr extends lucene with additional features like spell check and query re-ranking.', 'duration': 29.76, 'max_score': 1121.629, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE1121629.jpg'}], 'start': 838.416, 'title': 'Solr indexing and capabilities', 'summary': 'Covers indexing documents in solr using xml request handler syntax and its capabilities, including support for various document types like csv, word, and pdf, highlighting key differences with lucene and use of web apis and restful services.', 'chapters': [{'end': 886.724, 'start': 838.416, 'title': 'Indexing documents in solr', 'summary': 'Discusses how to envision documents in solr using xml request handler syntax, emphasizing the structure of the documents and the field-value pairs within them.', 'duration': 48.308, 'highlights': ['Using XML request handler to index content in Solr involves following the XML request handler syntax, which includes defining fields with name-value pairs.', 'The documents in Solr are structured as a list of fields with name and value pairs, typically organized in a name-value base format.', 'Envisioning documents in Solr involves understanding the structure of documents and the syntax of the XML request handler for indexing content.']}, {'end': 1236.562, 'start': 892.901, 'title': 'Solr capabilities and key differences', 'summary': "Explains the capabilities of solr, including its support for various document types like csv, word, and pdf, as well as its ability to handle rich document types. it also highlights the key differences between solr and lucene, emphasizing solr's use of web apis and restful services for interaction.", 'duration': 343.661, 'highlights': ['Solr supports various document types like CSV, Word, and PDF for indexing and searching, as well as rich document types using Solr cell framework and Apache Tika. Solr can handle a wide range of document types, including CSV, Word, PDF, and rich document types using Solr cell framework and Apache Tika.', "Solr provides web APIs and RESTful services for interaction, eliminating the need to build custom APIs, in contrast to Lucene's use of API libraries for index creation and search. Solr offers web APIs and RESTful services for interaction, removing the necessity to build custom APIs, unlike Lucene's reliance on API libraries for index creation and search.", 'Solr extends features like faceting, highlighting, spell check, query re-ranking, and recommendation support, which are not present in Lucene. Solr extends features such as faceting, highlighting, spell check, query re-ranking, and recommendation support, distinguishing it from Lucene.']}], 'duration': 398.146, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE838416.jpg', 'highlights': ['Solr extends features such as faceting, highlighting, spell check, query re-ranking, and recommendation support, distinguishing it from Lucene.', "Solr provides web APIs and RESTful services for interaction, removing the necessity to build custom APIs, unlike Lucene's reliance on API libraries for index creation and search.", 'Solr supports various document types like CSV, Word, and PDF for indexing and searching, as well as rich document types using Solr cell framework and Apache Tika.']}, {'end': 1785.285, 'segs': [{'end': 1280.446, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1257.786, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1266.792, 'text': 'Solar.xml is at the entire solar level for the course, how many cores you have, what are the core names, all that details.', 'start': 1257.786, 'duration': 9.006}, {'end': 1275.761, 'text': 'The core properties is for the defining some properties at the core level and schema is at the core data structure level,', 'start': 1267.212, 'duration': 8.549}, {'end': 1278.524, 'text': 'where you can define what field type, what field.', 'start': 1275.761, 'duration': 2.763}, {'end': 1280.446, 'text': 'it is all that aspects.', 'start': 1278.524, 'duration': 1.922}], 'summary': 'Solar.xml covers course details, including core names and properties.', 'duration': 22.66, 'max_score': 1257.786, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE1257786.jpg'}, {'end': 1461.039, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1433.084, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 1443.347, 'text': 'okay, so that way you can have high, high availability with lot of fault tolerance incorporated into the distributed search architecture.', 'start': 1433.084, 'duration': 10.263}, {'end': 1452.078, 'text': 'So, Solar Cloud is nothing but a distributed high available architecture which you can use it for real time applications.', 'start': 1443.427, 'duration': 8.651}, {'end': 1461.039, 'text': 'So this is again a very interesting slide.', 'start': 1456.338, 'duration': 4.701}], 'summary': 'Solar cloud offers high availability and fault tolerance for real-time applications.', 'duration': 27.955, 'max_score': 1433.084, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE1433084.jpg'}, {'end': 1559.692, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1536.552, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 1543.797, 'text': 'or if you have 10 petabytes of data or documents, you can still use SOLR in the SOLR cloud architecture model.', 'start': 1536.552, 'duration': 7.245}, {'end': 1545.178, 'text': "That's what we call it as.", 'start': 1544.217, 'duration': 0.961}, {'end': 1547.96, 'text': 'It can suffice the needs of big data as well.', 'start': 1545.398, 'duration': 2.562}, {'end': 1554.026, 'text': 'Solar new versions is treated as a big data NoSQL database.', 'start': 1549.381, 'duration': 4.645}, {'end': 1559.692, 'text': 'Initially it was not supporting that kind of feature where it can handle a lot of records.', 'start': 1554.286, 'duration': 5.406}], 'summary': 'Solr in solr cloud architecture handles 10 petabytes, serving big data as nosql database.', 'duration': 23.14, 'max_score': 1536.552, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE1536552.jpg'}, {'end': 1733.275, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1697.136, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 1699.719, 'text': 'Where can we find more jobs? Okay.', 'start': 1697.136, 'duration': 2.583}, {'end': 1704.764, 'text': 'So, I think this is a little bit more generic question for Apache Solar.', 'start': 1700.059, 'duration': 4.705}, {'end': 1707.367, 'text': "Okay That's somewhat relevant.", 'start': 1704.884, 'duration': 2.483}, {'end': 1712.536, 'text': 'Yes, I think.', 'start': 1711.874, 'duration': 0.662}, {'end': 1719.012, 'text': 'so I would try to see if it can be accessed or shared.', 'start': 1712.536, 'duration': 6.476}, {'end': 1733.275, 'text': 'Okay, so I think Apache Solar is being used in almost every decent application where it has to have a search feature.', 'start': 1722.352, 'duration': 10.923}], 'summary': 'Apache solar is widely used in applications for search feature.', 'duration': 36.139, 'max_score': 1697.136, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE1697136.jpg'}], 'start': 1236.562, 'title': 'Solar configuration and cloud architecture', 'summary': 'Covers detailed configuration files for solar, including solar.xml and core properties, defining indexing and search components, and discusses solar cloud architecture, providing a robust platform for high availability and distributed searching, suitable for big data needs and real-time applications.', 'chapters': [{'end': 1280.446, 'start': 1236.562, 'title': 'Solar configuration details', 'summary': 'Covers the detailed configuration files for solar, including solar.xml, core properties, and schema, which define the indexing and search components at the core data structure level.', 'duration': 43.884, 'highlights': ['The solar.xml file encompasses the entire solar level for the course, detailing the number of cores and core names.', 'The core properties define specific properties at the core level, impacting the indexing and search components.', 'The schema determines the core data structure level, allowing the definition of field types and fields.']}, {'end': 1785.285, 'start': 1284.013, 'title': 'Solar cloud architecture', 'summary': 'Discusses solar cloud architecture, which provides a robust and fault-tolerant platform for high availability and distributed searching, suitable for big data needs and real-time applications, with opportunities in the job market and adaptability to different technologies.', 'duration': 501.272, 'highlights': ['Solar Cloud architecture provides a robust and fault-tolerant platform for high availability and distributed searching. The architecture transitioned from master-slave to distributed architecture, offering fault tolerance and high availability, suitable for big data needs and real-time applications.', 'Opportunities in the job market for Solar and its adaptability to different technologies. There are significant opportunities in the job market for Solar, and it is adaptable to different technologies, making it a valuable skill to acquire.', 'Solar can handle small to big data needs, from 10 GB to 10 petabytes of data. Solar is capable of handling small and big data needs, from 10 GB to 10 petabytes, making it suitable for various scale applications.', 'Wide usage of Apache Solar in enterprise applications and the job market. Apache Solar is widely used across enterprise applications and in job markets, with a significant demand for its features in various industries.']}], 'duration': 548.723, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/TKcHFpJduOE/pics/TKcHFpJduOE1236562.jpg', 'highlights': ['The solar.xml file details the number of cores and core names.', 'The core properties impact the indexing and search components.', 'The schema allows the definition of field types and fields.', 'Solar Cloud architecture provides a fault-tolerant platform for high availability and distributed searching.', 'Solar can handle small to big data needs, from 10 GB to 10 petabytes of data.', 'Apache Solar is widely used across enterprise applications and in job markets.']}], 'highlights': ['Solr can handle huge big data sets, including petabytes, after 3.0 releases.', "Solr provides web APIs and RESTful services for interaction, removing the necessity to build custom APIs, unlike Lucene's reliance on API libraries for index creation and search.", 'Solr supports various document types like CSV, Word, and PDF for indexing and searching, as well as rich document types using Solr cell framework and Apache Tika.', 'Solar Cloud architecture provides a fault-tolerant platform for high availability and distributed searching.', 'Solr provides similar features to Lucene and extends/overwrites some of its features.', 'Solr extends features such as faceting, highlighting, spell check, query re-ranking, and recommendation support, distinguishing it from Lucene.', "Using Solr's RESTful APIs adds interoperability with different frameworks, eliminating the need for Java code.", 'Solr enables easy building of search applications, offers administrative web application for managing servers, and enhances monitoring and scalability aspects.', 'Solr provides advanced full text search, web-scale platform, and scalability to web needs, along with interoperability through HTTP, XML, and JSON interfaces.', 'The solar.xml file details the number of cores and core names.', 'The core properties impact the indexing and search components.', 'The schema allows the definition of field types and fields.', 'Request handlers intercept incoming requests over HTTP or RESTful services, and multiple handlers can be configured or added to handle various tasks.', 'Different request handlers such as admin, select, and spell handle specific tasks like administrative functions, intercepting different URL contexts, and spell checking.', 'Request writers handle XML, JSON, and database import requests, and update the index.', 'Admin UI manages Solar server, configuration files, admin cores, and indexes.', 'Lucene and Solr are relevant in major search engines like Yahoo for indexing and searching documents.', 'Solar can handle small to big data needs, from 10 GB to 10 petabytes of data.', 'Apache Solar is widely used across enterprise applications and in job markets.', "Using Solr's RESTful APIs eliminates the need for Java expertise in fine-tuning performance."]}