Introduction to MySQL for Website Administrators

Info Level: Beginner Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy Length of Class: 30 Minutes Tracks Web Design Prerequisites Introduction to Website Administration Purpose of Class This class teaches new website administrators to be able to understand MySQL Databases for general administration. This class does not delve deep into database architecture and theory, it just teaches what is needed successfully manage a site that uses MySQL to store and retrieve data. Topics Covered What is a MySQL Database How to Navigate through a MySQL Database using PHPMyAdmin How to export, backup a database How to extract data from a MySQL Database Class Notes Introduction Databases are used to store data. MySQL databases are most commonly used for websites because MySQL is open source and free. Storing Data MySQL Server software manages databases A Database is generally the largest unit for storing data Tables contain information about specific types of data (vendors, employees, parts list) Columns in Tables store specific information (Frist Name, Last Name, ID Number) Rows store Records in a Table (All of an Employees Record, or All Information about a Part Employee Number Last Name First Name Email Address Phone Number 1 Evans Tom ton@gmail.com 444-444-4444 2 Thompson Fred fred@aol.com 555-555-5555- Connecting to the Database Database software allows for Users and Permissions like an Operating System does. If the Database Server is on the SAME server as the Web Server then you connect to the database using LOCALHOST, if not you use the address of the Database Server Working with MySQL You can backup the entire database and restore it by exporting to the SQL format. You can export TABLES into Excel spreadsheets to easily extract data such as site members email addresses.

{'title': 'Introduction to MySQL for Website Administrators', 'heatmap': [{'end': 608.372, 'start': 568.08, 'weight': 1}, {'end': 1547.106, 'start': 1512.566, 'weight': 0.748}], 'summary': 'Introduces mysql databases for website administrators, emphasizing its importance for managing web software like wordpress or drupal. it covers the structure of databases in sql server, database organization using phpmyadmin, mysql database setup and management, and mysql database basics and administration, providing comprehensive guidance for website administrators.', 'chapters': [{'end': 131.34, 'segs': [{'end': 59.573, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 26.249, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 34.616, 'text': "If you're using something like WordPress or Drupal, those pieces of web software use MySQL as their backbone.", 'start': 26.249, 'duration': 8.367}, {'end': 44.083, 'text': 'So in order to really be able to administer them, you have to have at least a decent idea of how to work with MySQL.', 'start': 35.016, 'duration': 9.067}, {'end': 59.573, 'text': 'Databases. just so you have an understanding databases are pieces of software that all they do is store and help you manipulate data pure raw data and information.', 'start': 45.544, 'duration': 14.029}], 'summary': 'Wordpress and drupal rely on mysql. understanding mysql is crucial for administering them.', 'duration': 33.324, 'max_score': 26.249, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I26249.jpg'}, {'end': 131.34, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 81.014, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 87.363, 'text': 'So you can have millions and millions of records in a database and the database is used to keep track of all that.', 'start': 81.014, 'duration': 6.349}, {'end': 94.304, 'text': 'MySQL databases are kind of the default standard for websites.', 'start': 88.3, 'duration': 6.004}, {'end': 103.149, 'text': 'The reason is MySQL is an open source and free database, unlike Oracle databases or Microsoft databases.', 'start': 94.724, 'duration': 8.425}, {'end': 109.292, 'text': 'The reason is is way back when, when MySQL was created,', 'start': 104.15, 'duration': 5.142}, {'end': 116.875, 'text': 'the company decided that their business model would be to give away the software and then charge you out the nose for support.', 'start': 109.292, 'duration': 7.583}, {'end': 124.998, 'text': 'So this meant that the average geek at home could play around with full, full amazing enterprise class software and not pay a dime.', 'start': 117.495, 'duration': 7.503}, {'end': 131.34, 'text': 'But if an enterprise wanted to use a software, they would need support to make sure everything worked 100% of the time.', 'start': 125.458, 'duration': 5.882}], 'summary': 'Mysql is an open source and free database, popular for websites, offering support for enterprise use.', 'duration': 50.326, 'max_score': 81.014, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I81014.jpg'}], 'start': 5.771, 'title': 'Mysql for website admins', 'summary': 'Introduces mysql databases for website administrators, emphasizing its importance for managing web software like wordpress or drupal. it highlights mysql as an open source and free database for website standards.', 'chapters': [{'end': 131.34, 'start': 5.771, 'title': 'Intro to mysql for website admins', 'summary': 'Introduces mysql databases for website administrators, emphasizing the importance of understanding mysql for managing web software like wordpress or drupal, and highlights the significance of mysql as an open source and free database for website standards.', 'duration': 125.569, 'highlights': ['MySQL is essential for managing web software like WordPress or Drupal, emphasizing the importance of understanding MySQL for website administrators. The chapter explains that web software like WordPress or Drupal use MySQL as their backbone, requiring website administrators to have a decent idea of how to work with MySQL.', 'MySQL is an open source and free database, making it the default standard for websites, unlike Oracle or Microsoft databases. The chapter highlights that MySQL is an open source and free database, unlike Oracle or Microsoft databases, making it the default standard for websites.', 'MySQL was created to be given away for free, with the company charging for support, allowing individuals to use the software for free while enterprises required support. The chapter explains that the business model for MySQL was to give away the software for free and charge for support, allowing individuals to use the software for free while enterprises needed support for 100% functionality.']}], 'duration': 125.569, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I5771.jpg', 'highlights': ['MySQL is essential for managing web software like WordPress or Drupal, emphasizing the importance of understanding MySQL for website administrators.', 'MySQL is an open source and free database, making it the default standard for websites, unlike Oracle or Microsoft databases.', 'MySQL was created to be given away for free, with the company charging for support, allowing individuals to use the software for free while enterprises required support.']}, {'end': 493.46, 'segs': [{'end': 193.857, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 133.77, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 142.075, 'text': 'unlike Oracle and Microsoft, which decided basically to charge out the nose for the software and for the support.', 'start': 133.77, 'duration': 8.305}, {'end': 147.597, 'text': "So MySQL is completely free, it's completely open source, and that's why it's become the standard on the web.", 'start': 142.195, 'duration': 5.402}, {'end': 158.847, 'text': 'Like I said before, if you use, very popular pieces of web software like WordPress or Drupal, they use MySQL as their backbone.', 'start': 148.178, 'duration': 10.669}, {'end': 162.451, 'text': "So that's the introduction to this class.", 'start': 159.408, 'duration': 3.043}, {'end': 168.557, 'text': "Give me a second and we'll go into to really understand a little bit about more about how databases work.", 'start': 162.751, 'duration': 5.806}, {'end': 183.81, 'text': 'So as I said, MySQL databases simply, basically just collect data, collect large amounts of pure data.', 'start': 174.744, 'duration': 9.066}, {'end': 193.857, 'text': "So in order to make a MySQL database work, you install the MySQL software onto the computer that's going to be running the MySQL databases.", 'start': 184.511, 'duration': 9.346}], 'summary': 'Mysql is free, open source, and standard on the web, used by popular web software like wordpress and drupal.', 'duration': 60.087, 'max_score': 133.77, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I133770.jpg'}, {'end': 293.755, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 247.498, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 253.184, 'text': 'So, instead of just looking at a little DOS prompt, you can use this piece of software called phpMyAdmin,', 'start': 247.498, 'duration': 5.686}, {'end': 259.971, 'text': 'and it creates nice little pictures and it gives you an interface that looks more like a website,', 'start': 253.824, 'duration': 6.147}, {'end': 267.159, 'text': 'so that you can interact with the database much more easily than having to type in SQL statements all the time.', 'start': 259.971, 'duration': 7.188}, {'end': 276.034, 'text': "So that's one thing to realize when you're dealing with the databases is that really accessing or administering the database.", 'start': 267.719, 'duration': 8.315}, {'end': 280.199, 'text': 'You actually write out SQL statements to the database.', 'start': 276.795, 'duration': 3.404}, {'end': 287.81, 'text': 'How most of us use the MySQL databases is you use a tool called phpMyAdmin and access the database that way.', 'start': 280.4, 'duration': 7.41}, {'end': 293.755, 'text': "Again, if you're using shared hosting, then it's there for you.", 'start': 289.171, 'duration': 4.584}], 'summary': 'Phpmyadmin simplifies database management, providing a user-friendly interface for interacting with mysql databases, accessible on shared hosting.', 'duration': 46.257, 'max_score': 247.498, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I247498.jpg'}, {'end': 365.142, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 319.769, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 327.394, 'text': 'So when you install or somebody else has installed the SQL Server software, then within the SQL Server software, you create a database.', 'start': 319.769, 'duration': 7.625}, {'end': 330.435, 'text': 'The database is the largest container for information.', 'start': 327.614, 'duration': 2.821}, {'end': 339.402, 'text': 'So if you have a WordPress website, all the information for that WordPress website basically is going to be stored within that database.', 'start': 330.695, 'duration': 8.707}, {'end': 342.344, 'text': "If you're using Drupal, all the information will be stored within that database.", 'start': 339.502, 'duration': 2.842}, {'end': 345.947, 'text': 'Within the database, there are multiple tables.', 'start': 342.945, 'duration': 3.002}, {'end': 350.911, 'text': 'So each individual table contains a specific type of information.', 'start': 346.267, 'duration': 4.644}, {'end': 353.073, 'text': "So let's say users.", 'start': 351.331, 'duration': 1.742}, {'end': 360.439, 'text': 'So if you have membership website, there will be one table specifically for users or members.', 'start': 353.393, 'duration': 7.046}, {'end': 365.142, 'text': 'There may be another table if you have classes for classes.', 'start': 360.999, 'duration': 4.143}], 'summary': 'Sql server software creates databases, containing tables for specific information like users or classes.', 'duration': 45.373, 'max_score': 319.769, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I319769.jpg'}, {'end': 419.822, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 392.416, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 399.138, 'text': 'So columns, columns go up to down, rows go left to right, vertical, horizontal.', 'start': 392.416, 'duration': 6.722}, {'end': 404.259, 'text': "Columns tell you what type of information you're collecting.", 'start': 400.718, 'duration': 3.541}, {'end': 408.981, 'text': "So let's say these are your members, so you have a membership website.", 'start': 404.579, 'duration': 4.402}, {'end': 414.058, 'text': 'So the first column is normally the membership number.', 'start': 409.614, 'duration': 4.444}, {'end': 419.822, 'text': "What is their membership ID? The second column would be what is their, let's say, last name.", 'start': 414.258, 'duration': 5.564}], 'summary': 'Explains the structure of a table for collecting member information.', 'duration': 27.406, 'max_score': 392.416, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I392416.jpg'}, {'end': 493.46, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 442.699, 'weight': 6, 'content': [{'end': 448.482, 'text': 'The rows, rows go left to right, are the records.', 'start': 442.699, 'duration': 5.783}, {'end': 450.363, 'text': 'So these are the individual people.', 'start': 448.662, 'duration': 1.701}, {'end': 459.731, 'text': 'So member number one, last name is Thompson, First name is Bob.', 'start': 450.724, 'duration': 9.007}, {'end': 465.035, 'text': 'Email address is bob at aol.com.', 'start': 460.311, 'duration': 4.724}, {'end': 467.937, 'text': 'So this is the first record on this row.', 'start': 465.475, 'duration': 2.462}, {'end': 474.782, 'text': "Member number two, his last name is Fourth, I don't know.", 'start': 469.278, 'duration': 5.504}, {'end': 476.383, 'text': 'First name is Janet.', 'start': 474.842, 'duration': 1.541}, {'end': 482.728, 'text': 'Email address is janet at gmail.com.', 'start': 478.185, 'duration': 4.543}, {'end': 493.46, 'text': 'So columns represent So each individual record.', 'start': 483.749, 'duration': 9.711}], 'summary': 'Transcript: describes records of two members with their names and email addresses.', 'duration': 50.761, 'max_score': 442.699, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I442699.jpg'}], 'start': 133.77, 'title': 'Mysql and sql server databases', 'summary': 'Introduces mysql as a free, open-source standard for web databases, utilized by popular web software like wordpress and drupal, and explains the structure of a database in sql server, including the role of tables, columns, and rows, using examples from wordpress and drupal websites.', 'chapters': [{'end': 319.209, 'start': 133.77, 'title': 'Mysql database introduction', 'summary': 'Introduces mysql as a free, open-source standard for web databases, utilized by popular web software like wordpress and drupal, and accessed through sql statements or phpmyadmin for database administration and interaction.', 'duration': 185.439, 'highlights': ['MySQL is completely free, completely open source, and has become the standard on the web, utilized by popular web software like WordPress and Drupal. MySQL is free and open source, widely used by popular web software like WordPress and Drupal.', 'MySQL databases simply collect large amounts of pure data, and the MySQL software needs to be installed onto the computer running the databases. MySQL databases collect large amounts of pure data, and the MySQL software must be installed on the computer running the databases.', 'Real database administrators interact with MySQL using SQL statements, and phpMyAdmin is commonly used to access the database in a graphical environment. Real database administrators interact with MySQL using SQL statements, and phpMyAdmin is commonly used for graphical access to the database.']}, {'end': 493.46, 'start': 319.769, 'title': 'Understanding sql server and database tables', 'summary': 'Explains the structure of a database in sql server, including the role of tables, columns, and rows, using examples from wordpress and drupal websites, and phpmyadmin as a database management tool.', 'duration': 173.691, 'highlights': ['A database in SQL Server is the largest container for information, storing data for applications like WordPress and Drupal websites. The significance of a database as the primary container for information in SQL Server, storing data for applications like WordPress and Drupal websites.', 'Each table within a database contains specific types of information, such as users, classes, inventory, and vendors. The role of tables within a database, each representing a specific type of information, such as users, classes, inventory, and vendors.', 'Columns in a database table define the type of information being collected, such as membership number, last name, first name, and email address. The function of columns in a database table, defining the type of information being collected, such as membership number, last name, first name, and email address.', 'Rows in a database table represent individual records, with each row containing data for a specific individual, such as membership number, last name, first name, and email address. The significance of rows in a database table, representing individual records with specific data, such as membership number, last name, first name, and email address.', 'The use of phpMyAdmin to view databases, where the layout resembles an Excel spreadsheet with tables, columns, and rows. The utilization of phpMyAdmin as a tool for viewing databases, with a layout resembling an Excel spreadsheet containing tables, columns, and rows.']}], 'duration': 359.69, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I133770.jpg', 'highlights': ['MySQL is completely free, completely open source, and has become the standard on the web, utilized by popular web software like WordPress and Drupal.', 'MySQL databases simply collect large amounts of pure data, and the MySQL software needs to be installed onto the computer running the databases.', 'Real database administrators interact with MySQL using SQL statements, and phpMyAdmin is commonly used to access the database in a graphical environment.', 'A database in SQL Server is the largest container for information, storing data for applications like WordPress and Drupal websites.', 'Each table within a database contains specific types of information, such as users, classes, inventory, and vendors.', 'Columns in a database table define the type of information being collected, such as membership number, last name, first name, and email address.', 'Rows in a database table represent individual records, with each row containing data for a specific individual, such as membership number, last name, first name, and email address.', 'The use of phpMyAdmin to view databases, where the layout resembles an Excel spreadsheet with tables, columns, and rows.']}, {'end': 977.994, 'segs': [{'end': 608.372, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 517.755, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 522.721, 'text': "You're going to use something called phpMyAdmin to access and administer your database.", 'start': 517.755, 'duration': 4.966}, {'end': 531.223, 'text': "When you're in there, when you're in the database, realize that the database is the largest container for information.", 'start': 525.68, 'duration': 5.543}, {'end': 534.285, 'text': 'So all the information for your website should be in one database.', 'start': 531.503, 'duration': 2.782}, {'end': 537.167, 'text': 'That database is made up of multiple tables.', 'start': 534.925, 'duration': 2.242}, {'end': 541.129, 'text': 'Each one of those tables contains certain types of information.', 'start': 537.487, 'duration': 3.642}, {'end': 549.114, 'text': 'Like I said, customers, vendors, inventory, each one of those tables will target a specific thing.', 'start': 541.169, 'duration': 7.945}, {'end': 555.416, 'text': "Within the table, when you're looking at the table, columns represent the type of information that you want.", 'start': 549.794, 'duration': 5.622}, {'end': 559.017, 'text': 'I say last name, first name, email address, whatever.', 'start': 555.896, 'duration': 3.121}, {'end': 563.038, 'text': 'Rows represent the actual records.', 'start': 559.697, 'duration': 3.341}, {'end': 567.6, 'text': 'So member one is ThompsonBob, Bob at AOL.com.', 'start': 563.138, 'duration': 4.462}, {'end': 571.501, 'text': 'Member two is ForthJanet at Janet.email.com.', 'start': 568.08, 'duration': 3.421}, {'end': 579.4, 'text': 'Just keep this in mind, databases get a lot more complicated than this, but right now this is all you really need to understand.', 'start': 573.137, 'duration': 6.263}, {'end': 595.289, 'text': 'Now that you understand basically how a database is structured, we need to talk about how you connect to the database using web software.', 'start': 585.844, 'duration': 9.445}, {'end': 608.372, 'text': 'The first thing that you should understand about databases is databases allow you to have users passwords and privileges just like an entire operating system can.', 'start': 596.684, 'duration': 11.688}], 'summary': 'Phpmyadmin is used to manage a database with multiple tables containing specific types of information, represented by columns and rows.', 'duration': 53.746, 'max_score': 517.755, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I517755.jpg'}, {'end': 619.82, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 596.684, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 608.372, 'text': 'The first thing that you should understand about databases is databases allow you to have users passwords and privileges just like an entire operating system can.', 'start': 596.684, 'duration': 11.688}, {'end': 616.378, 'text': 'So you can give users the ability to administer certain databases or certain tables within databases.', 'start': 608.933, 'duration': 7.445}, {'end': 619.82, 'text': 'They can read things, they can add things, they can delete things.', 'start': 616.718, 'duration': 3.102}], 'summary': 'Databases enable user privileges for administering, reading, adding, and deleting data.', 'duration': 23.136, 'max_score': 596.684, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I596684.jpg'}, {'end': 810.505, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 786.694, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 794.738, 'text': "So I can show you basically how you would interact with a MySQL database if you're using a web hosting provider.", 'start': 786.694, 'duration': 8.044}, {'end': 802.701, 'text': "Like I say, if you're using one-on-one hosting or Bluefish hosting or some other hosting, your panels will look different,", 'start': 795.598, 'duration': 7.103}, {'end': 804.742, 'text': "but they'll basically be the same.", 'start': 802.701, 'duration': 2.041}, {'end': 806.863, 'text': 'Same, same, but different as they say in Thailand.', 'start': 804.962, 'duration': 1.901}, {'end': 810.505, 'text': "So what we'll need to do is we'll need to go down to databases.", 'start': 807.443, 'duration': 3.062}], 'summary': 'Demonstrating interaction with a mysql database for web hosting providers.', 'duration': 23.811, 'max_score': 786.694, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I786694.jpg'}], 'start': 494.001, 'title': 'Database management and connection', 'summary': 'Covers database organization using phpmyadmin, table structure, user privileges, and creating mysql databases via web software, providing step-by-step guidance.', 'chapters': [{'end': 571.501, 'start': 494.001, 'title': 'Database organization and management', 'summary': 'Discusses the organization of databases, emphasizing the use of phpmyadmin for database administration and the structure of tables with columns representing types of information and rows representing actual records.', 'duration': 77.5, 'highlights': ['The database is the largest container for information, containing all the information for a website in one database.', 'Tables within the database are made up of multiple tables, each targeting specific types of information such as customers, vendors, and inventory.', 'Columns within the table represent the type of information, while rows represent the actual records, for example, member one being ThompsonBob with email Bob at AOL.com.']}, {'end': 977.994, 'start': 573.137, 'title': 'Connecting to databases via web software', 'summary': 'Explains the structure of databases, including user privileges and connections to web software, and provides a step-by-step guide for creating and configuring a mysql database through a hosting provider.', 'duration': 404.857, 'highlights': ['Databases allow users to have passwords and privileges similar to an entire operating system, enabling them to administer certain databases or tables with specific permissions. Databases offer user privileges similar to an operating system, allowing users to read, add, or delete data with specific permissions.', "When using web software to connect to a database, it's essential to specify the database's location, especially when the software and database are not on the same server. Specifying the database location is crucial when the software and database are on different servers, such as in shared hosting environments.", 'Step-by-step guidance for creating and configuring a MySQL database through a hosting provider, including the process of creating a database, specifying its name and username, and choosing the MySQL version. The detailed steps for creating and configuring a MySQL database through a hosting provider, including specifying the database name, username, and version.']}], 'duration': 483.993, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I494001.jpg', 'highlights': ['Databases allow users to have passwords and privileges similar to an entire operating system, enabling them to administer certain databases or tables with specific permissions.', 'The database is the largest container for information, containing all the information for a website in one database.', 'Step-by-step guidance for creating and configuring a MySQL database through a hosting provider, including the process of creating a database, specifying its name and username, and choosing the MySQL version.', 'Tables within the database are made up of multiple tables, each targeting specific types of information such as customers, vendors, and inventory.']}, {'end': 1229.874, 'segs': [{'end': 1021.549, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 978.735, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 986.079, 'text': "And if you'll notice, there is a few fields here where you have to put in your database information.", 'start': 978.735, 'duration': 7.344}, {'end': 991.503, 'text': 'So MySQL database username, you would actually write in your username here.', 'start': 986.6, 'duration': 4.903}, {'end': 993.664, 'text': 'You would write in your password.', 'start': 992.163, 'duration': 1.501}, {'end': 1002.773, 'text': 'Down here, the MySQL hostname, this is the location of where your MySQL database is located.', 'start': 994.725, 'duration': 8.048}, {'end': 1009.139, 'text': 'So if your MySQL database is located on the same server that hosts your website, then you put localhost.', 'start': 1002.933, 'duration': 6.206}, {'end': 1016.807, 'text': 'If it is on a different server, then you have to put in the full web address of what that other server is.', 'start': 1009.6, 'duration': 7.207}, {'end': 1019.808, 'text': 'Oh, and then also up here, the DB name.', 'start': 1017.547, 'duration': 2.261}, {'end': 1021.549, 'text': 'This is where you put your database name.', 'start': 1019.928, 'duration': 1.621}], 'summary': 'Tutorial on setting up mysql database with username, password, hostname, and database name.', 'duration': 42.814, 'max_score': 978.735, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I978735.jpg'}, {'end': 1078.671, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1044.665, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1046.548, 'text': "And again, it's not necessarily local host.", 'start': 1044.665, 'duration': 1.883}, {'end': 1048.33, 'text': "You have to make sure you know where it's at.", 'start': 1046.588, 'duration': 1.742}, {'end': 1060.747, 'text': "Now, when your database is up and running, you'll have this little link here that says manage via phpMyAdmin.", 'start': 1051.274, 'duration': 9.473}, {'end': 1070.509, 'text': "So once your database is fully up, you can just click a little link and that'll take you to the phpMyAdmin so you can administer your database.", 'start': 1061.207, 'duration': 9.302}, {'end': 1078.671, 'text': 'I have a database on a different server that will show you how to use since it actually has some information in it.', 'start': 1074.01, 'duration': 4.661}], 'summary': 'Access phpmyadmin link to administer database on different server.', 'duration': 34.006, 'max_score': 1044.665, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I1044665.jpg'}, {'end': 1152.286, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1103.134, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 1105.234, 'text': "So there's an Eli the Computer Guy database.", 'start': 1103.134, 'duration': 2.1}, {'end': 1106.535, 'text': "There's an EMIT database.", 'start': 1105.275, 'duration': 1.26}, {'end': 1108.656, 'text': "There's an ETCG database.", 'start': 1106.555, 'duration': 2.101}, {'end': 1116.959, 'text': "Information Schema, MySQL, and PHP MyAdmin are databases too, but they're all simply for administrative purposes.", 'start': 1109.176, 'duration': 7.783}, {'end': 1118.64, 'text': 'You never, never, never touch them.', 'start': 1116.979, 'duration': 1.661}, {'end': 1123.349, 'text': "Then along the top there's a bunch of different information.", 'start': 1119.682, 'duration': 3.667}, {'end': 1127.918, 'text': 'The big one here is the ability to either import or export.', 'start': 1123.569, 'duration': 4.349}, {'end': 1132.166, 'text': 'So if you want to back up your entire database, you can click on export.', 'start': 1128.198, 'duration': 3.968}, {'end': 1136.896, 'text': 'You go over here, you decide which database you want to back up.', 'start': 1133.274, 'duration': 3.622}, {'end': 1138.998, 'text': 'So you would say like Eli, the computer guy.', 'start': 1137.216, 'duration': 1.782}, {'end': 1145.642, 'text': "And then to make your life easier, if all you're doing is backing up your entire database.", 'start': 1139.638, 'duration': 6.004}, {'end': 1149.664, 'text': 'this is the different format that you can back up your database in.', 'start': 1145.642, 'duration': 4.022}, {'end': 1152.286, 'text': 'I would suggest you always leave it in SQL.', 'start': 1150.164, 'duration': 2.122}], 'summary': 'Several databases including eli the computer guy, emit, and etcg, with options for importing and exporting, plus advice on backing up in sql format.', 'duration': 49.152, 'max_score': 1103.134, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I1103134.jpg'}, {'end': 1229.874, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1180.168, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 1183.71, 'text': 'And then you can say whether or not you want this backup compressed.', 'start': 1180.168, 'duration': 3.542}, {'end': 1187.718, 'text': 'Do you want it zipped, gzipped, or bzipped? And then you hit go.', 'start': 1183.79, 'duration': 3.928}, {'end': 1193.501, 'text': 'And if you hit go, it will then create a backup file of all of your database.', 'start': 1187.918, 'duration': 5.583}, {'end': 1201.227, 'text': "If you need to recover or if you're moving your database from one server to the other, you can just then click go to import.", 'start': 1194.582, 'duration': 6.645}, {'end': 1203.188, 'text': 'You can go to browse.', 'start': 1202.027, 'duration': 1.161}, {'end': 1207.691, 'text': 'You can browse to that SQL backup file that you created.', 'start': 1203.688, 'duration': 4.003}, {'end': 1211.394, 'text': 'And then you hit go and that will import the entire database.', 'start': 1208.111, 'duration': 3.283}, {'end': 1215.957, 'text': "So that's what you would do to basically to back up a database and to import a database.", 'start': 1211.654, 'duration': 4.303}, {'end': 1222.251, 'text': 'Now, if we go over the Eli the Computer Guy database, this is an old database.', 'start': 1216.989, 'duration': 5.262}, {'end': 1229.874, 'text': 'Now we can go in and we can see all the tables that were used for this website.', 'start': 1223.031, 'duration': 6.843}], 'summary': 'Demonstrates database backup and import process with options for compression. also, shows browsing and importing of sql backup file for database recovery or migration.', 'duration': 49.706, 'max_score': 1180.168, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I1180168.jpg'}], 'start': 978.735, 'title': 'Mysql database setup and management', 'summary': 'Covers setting up a mysql database for web software, including specifying username, password, hostname, and database name, and accessing phpmyadmin. it also explains the process of backing up and importing a database, emphasizing the use of sql format and providing instructions on using php myadmin.', 'chapters': [{'end': 1102.793, 'start': 978.735, 'title': 'Setting up mysql database for web software', 'summary': 'Explains the process of setting up a mysql database for web software, including specifying the database username, password, hostname, and database name, and accessing phpmyadmin to administer the database.', 'duration': 124.058, 'highlights': ['The process of setting up a MySQL database for web software involves specifying the database username, password, hostname, and database name.', 'It is crucial to accurately specify the MySQL hostname based on whether the database is located on the same server as the website (localhost) or on a different server (full web address).', 'Accessing phpMyAdmin allows for the administration of the database once it is fully up and running.', 'The databases can be managed and administered through phpMyAdmin, with a visual interface to interact with the database.']}, {'end': 1229.874, 'start': 1103.134, 'title': 'Database backup and import', 'summary': 'Explains the process of backing up and importing a database, emphasizing the importance of using sql format for backups and providing instructions on how to perform these tasks using php myadmin.', 'duration': 126.74, 'highlights': ['The ability to export or import your database is crucial for backing up and moving your data between servers, and it is recommended to use the SQL format for backups.', "When backing up a database using PHP MyAdmin, it is essential to ensure that the 'save as' option is checked to effectively save the database, and the user can choose to compress the backup file by selecting zipped, gzipped, or bzipped formats.", 'In the event of needing to recover or move the database to another server, the process involves using PHP MyAdmin to import the SQL backup file, thus restoring the entire database.', 'Information Schema, MySQL, and PHP MyAdmin are databases used solely for administrative purposes and should not be modified.']}], 'duration': 251.139, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I978735.jpg', 'highlights': ['Accessing phpMyAdmin allows for the administration of the database once it is fully up and running.', 'The databases can be managed and administered through phpMyAdmin, with a visual interface to interact with the database.', 'The process of setting up a MySQL database for web software involves specifying the database username, password, hostname, and database name.', 'It is crucial to accurately specify the MySQL hostname based on whether the database is located on the same server as the website (localhost) or on a different server (full web address).', 'The ability to export or import your database is crucial for backing up and moving your data between servers, and it is recommended to use the SQL format for backups.', "When backing up a database using PHP MyAdmin, it is essential to ensure that the 'save as' option is checked to effectively save the database, and the user can choose to compress the backup file by selecting zipped, gzipped, or bzipped formats.", 'In the event of needing to recover or move the database to another server, the process involves using PHP MyAdmin to import the SQL backup file, thus restoring the entire database.', 'Information Schema, MySQL, and PHP MyAdmin are databases used solely for administrative purposes and should not be modified.']}, {'end': 1714.487, 'segs': [{'end': 1340.789, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1316.427, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 1322.429, 'text': 'But basically, whenever anybody would sign up for a site, or whenever anybody signs up for Everyman IT,', 'start': 1316.427, 'duration': 6.002}, {'end': 1327.3, 'text': 'all of their information gets put into a users table.', 'start': 1324.251, 'duration': 3.049}, {'end': 1334.104, 'text': 'And so this users table Go over here to structure, gives a login, gives a password.', 'start': 1327.561, 'duration': 6.543}, {'end': 1335.805, 'text': 'It takes their email address.', 'start': 1334.304, 'duration': 1.501}, {'end': 1337.186, 'text': 'It takes their web address.', 'start': 1335.845, 'duration': 1.341}, {'end': 1340.789, 'text': 'It takes all of that information and stores it in a single table.', 'start': 1337.686, 'duration': 3.103}], 'summary': 'User information stored in a single table upon site signup.', 'duration': 24.362, 'max_score': 1316.427, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I1316427.jpg'}, {'end': 1392.141, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1365.854, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 1370.835, 'text': 'And then what I want to do now, I want to actually grab the email addresses out of this table.', 'start': 1365.854, 'duration': 4.981}, {'end': 1380.778, 'text': "So if you're on my email list, this is how I put all of your email addresses into my Constant Contact email blast software.", 'start': 1371.155, 'duration': 9.623}, {'end': 1389, 'text': 'Instead of exporting the data as SQL, I actually go up and export the data as Microsoft Excel.', 'start': 1381.458, 'duration': 7.542}, {'end': 1392.141, 'text': 'I go down here, save table as, and I hit go.', 'start': 1390, 'duration': 2.141}], 'summary': 'Email addresses are exported from a table to microsoft excel for use in constant contact email blasts.', 'duration': 26.287, 'max_score': 1365.854, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I1365854.jpg'}, {'end': 1472.579, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1443.8, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 1446.162, 'text': "basic stuff isn't too complicated.", 'start': 1443.8, 'duration': 2.362}, {'end': 1456.448, 'text': "such as, if you want to go down, uh, the wp, if you're using wordpress wp options, contains all the the basic information about how your website runs.", 'start': 1446.162, 'duration': 10.286}, {'end': 1464.553, 'text': "so it actually, this is where you actually put your your website's uh domain name into wordpress to make it work properly.", 'start': 1456.448, 'duration': 8.105}, {'end': 1472.579, 'text': 'this is where you put the administration email address if you want it, posts per rss feed, rss excerpt length.', 'start': 1464.553, 'duration': 8.026}], 'summary': 'Wordpress wp options contain basic website information like domain name and administration email address.', 'duration': 28.779, 'max_score': 1443.8, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I1443800.jpg'}, {'end': 1547.106, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 1512.566, 'weight': 0.748, 'content': [{'end': 1516.648, 'text': 'If you want to delete fields or records entirely, you can click on this X here.', 'start': 1512.566, 'duration': 4.082}, {'end': 1518.628, 'text': "Generally don't do that though.", 'start': 1517.188, 'duration': 1.44}, {'end': 1522.47, 'text': "If you're still new, don't start clicking lots of Xs.", 'start': 1519.309, 'duration': 3.161}, {'end': 1528.672, 'text': "But basically that is, that's the MySQL database for you.", 'start': 1522.97, 'duration': 5.702}, {'end': 1531.493, 'text': "Let's go out to the real world and have some last words.", 'start': 1529.272, 'duration': 2.221}, {'end': 1547.106, 'text': "So what we've gone over today is basically 90 to 95% of all you're ever really going to have to understand about MySQL databases.", 'start': 1537.58, 'duration': 9.526}], 'summary': 'Basic mysql database operations covered, 90-95% understanding achieved.', 'duration': 34.54, 'max_score': 1512.566, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I1512566.jpg'}, {'end': 1608.269, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1562.475, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1571.126, 'text': "I've shown you how to use phpMyAdmin, which is the graphical interface that allows you to go in and administer your MySQL databases.", 'start': 1562.475, 'duration': 8.651}, {'end': 1577.493, 'text': 'Just about everybody in the world uses phpMyAdmin to administer MySQL databases.', 'start': 1572.047, 'duration': 5.446}, {'end': 1586.695, 'text': "So, whether you're using GoDaddy or 1and1.com, or Bluefish or whoever else, Once you click on the little manage panel like, however,", 'start': 1577.513, 'duration': 9.182}, {'end': 1589.837, 'text': 'you get to the button to manage your MySQL databases.', 'start': 1586.695, 'duration': 3.142}, {'end': 1595.62, 'text': 'once you click on that button, you will go to phpMyAdmin and it will look basically like what I showed you today.', 'start': 1589.837, 'duration': 5.783}, {'end': 1603.386, 'text': 'The important things to remember are that how to backup or export your entire database.', 'start': 1596.261, 'duration': 7.125}, {'end': 1605.287, 'text': 'You should do this every once in a while.', 'start': 1604.186, 'duration': 1.101}, {'end': 1608.269, 'text': 'You should do this just as a normal backup procedure is.', 'start': 1605.307, 'duration': 2.962}], 'summary': 'Phpmyadmin is widely used for managing mysql databases; it is important to back up the database regularly.', 'duration': 45.794, 'max_score': 1562.475, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I1562475.jpg'}], 'start': 1229.914, 'title': 'Mysql database basics and administration', 'summary': 'Covers the structure of mysql tables, data extraction, and navigation, along with phpmyadmin usage and server setup, providing a comprehensive understanding for website administrators. key points include managing different tables, exporting data to microsoft excel, and utilizing phpmyadmin for database management and backup.', 'chapters': [{'end': 1510.05, 'start': 1229.914, 'title': 'Understanding mysql database basics', 'summary': 'Discusses the structure of different tables in a mysql database, including ads, posts, and users, and demonstrates how to extract and manipulate data from these tables, such as exporting email addresses to microsoft excel for use in constant contact, with a focus on simplifying database navigation and data extraction.', 'duration': 280.136, 'highlights': ['The users table stores user information, including login, password, email address, and web address, demonstrating the storage of various data types in a single table.', 'The process of exporting user email addresses from the database to Microsoft Excel for use in Constant Contact is explained, showcasing a practical application of data extraction from the MySQL database.', 'The structure of the wp options table in WordPress, containing essential website information such as domain name, administration email address, and rss feed settings, is highlighted, emphasizing the significance of database tables in managing website functionality.', 'The demonstration of editing information in the database, illustrated by changing the administrator email address for the blog, provides a practical insight into database manipulation and management.', 'The overview of different tables in the MySQL database, including access, add, aggregator, posts, and wp users, provides a comprehensive understanding of the diverse data storage within the database.']}, {'end': 1714.487, 'start': 1512.566, 'title': 'Introduction to mysql databases for website administrators', 'summary': 'Covered 90-95% of all you need to understand about mysql databases, emphasizing the use of phpmyadmin for managing and backing up databases, and the importance of correctly setting up mysql server location for web software.', 'duration': 201.921, 'highlights': ['The chapter covered 90-95% of all you need to understand about MySQL databases, emphasizing the use of phpMyAdmin for managing and backing up databases, and the importance of correctly setting up MySQL server location for web software.', 'phpMyAdmin is the graphical interface used by just about everybody in the world to administer MySQL databases.', 'It is important to backup or export the entire database in SQL format for easier re-importation in case of server failure.', 'Understanding the tables and their contents, navigating through and opening individual records in MySQL is recommended for website administrators.', "When setting up web software requiring the use of MySQL, it's crucial to provide the correct location of the MySQL server to avoid installation issues."]}], 'duration': 484.573, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/OF_8XvRLY0I/pics/OF_8XvRLY0I1229914.jpg', 'highlights': ['The chapter covered 90-95% of all you need to understand about MySQL databases, emphasizing the use of phpMyAdmin for managing and backing up databases, and the importance of correctly setting up MySQL server location for web software.', 'The users table stores user information, including login, password, email address, and web address, demonstrating the storage of various data types in a single table.', 'The process of exporting user email addresses from the database to Microsoft Excel for use in Constant Contact is explained, showcasing a practical application of data extraction from the MySQL database.', 'The structure of the wp options table in WordPress, containing essential website information such as domain name, administration email address, and rss feed settings, is highlighted, emphasizing the significance of database tables in managing website functionality.', 'phpMyAdmin is the graphical interface used by just about everybody in the world to administer MySQL databases.']}], 'highlights': ['MySQL is essential for managing web software like WordPress or Drupal, emphasizing the importance of understanding MySQL for website administrators.', 'MySQL is an open source and free database, making it the default standard for websites, unlike Oracle or Microsoft databases.', 'MySQL was created to be given away for free, with the company charging for support, allowing individuals to use the software for free while enterprises required support.', 'MySQL is completely free, completely open source, and has become the standard on the web, utilized by popular web software like WordPress and Drupal.', 'Real database administrators interact with MySQL using SQL statements, and phpMyAdmin is commonly used to access the database in a graphical environment.', 'A database in SQL Server is the largest container for information, storing data for applications like WordPress and Drupal websites.', 'Databases allow users to have passwords and privileges similar to an entire operating system, enabling them to administer certain databases or tables with specific permissions.', 'Step-by-step guidance for creating and configuring a MySQL database through a hosting provider, including the process of creating a database, specifying its name and username, and choosing the MySQL version.', 'Accessing phpMyAdmin allows for the administration of the database once it is fully up and running.', 'The process of setting up a MySQL database for web software involves specifying the database username, password, hostname, and database name.', 'The ability to export or import your database is crucial for backing up and moving your data between servers, and it is recommended to use the SQL format for backups.', 'The chapter covered 90-95% of all you need to understand about MySQL databases, emphasizing the use of phpMyAdmin for managing and backing up databases, and the importance of correctly setting up MySQL server location for web software.', 'The users table stores user information, including login, password, email address, and web address, demonstrating the storage of various data types in a single table.', 'The process of exporting user email addresses from the database to Microsoft Excel for use in Constant Contact is explained, showcasing a practical application of data extraction from the MySQL database.', 'The structure of the wp options table in WordPress, containing essential website information such as domain name, administration email address, and rss feed settings, is highlighted, emphasizing the significance of database tables in managing website functionality.']}