Python Programming

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{'title': 'Python Programming', 'heatmap': [{'end': 158.024, 'start': 100.874, 'weight': 1}, {'end': 1640.358, 'start': 1606.454, 'weight': 0.852}, {'end': 1844.149, 'start': 1791.115, 'weight': 0.704}], 'summary': "'python programming' covers python installation, setup, and basics including arithmetic operations, strings, formatting, and data structures, along with control flow, functions, string manipulation, file i/o, and object-oriented programming concepts like classes, inheritance, method overloading, and polymorphism.", 'chapters': [{'end': 354.106, 'segs': [{'end': 158.024, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 83.639, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 84.259, 'text': 'Click Next.', 'start': 83.639, 'duration': 0.62}, {'end': 86.36, 'text': "Don't really pay any attention to any of this stuff.", 'start': 84.519, 'duration': 1.841}, {'end': 87.081, 'text': 'Click on Next.', 'start': 86.4, 'duration': 0.681}, {'end': 90.344, 'text': "And then it's going to say, do you want to allow this program to install? Yes.", 'start': 87.381, 'duration': 2.963}, {'end': 93.247, 'text': 'And then it is going to finish itself.', 'start': 90.864, 'duration': 2.383}, {'end': 98.251, 'text': "Then you're going to be able to click on the little Windows icon over here, find Python, and idle if you want to use that.", 'start': 93.407, 'duration': 4.844}, {'end': 100.854, 'text': 'Like I said, I decided to use PyCharm for this.', 'start': 98.492, 'duration': 2.362}, {'end': 107.08, 'text': 'This is just the community edition of PyCharm, and you can get that if you go to JetBrains.com, PyCharm, download right there.', 'start': 100.874, 'duration': 6.206}, {'end': 112.645, 'text': "And of course, you just click on this, you pick the operating system you're using, and you click on this, and you install it.", 'start': 107.32, 'duration': 5.325}, {'end': 114.466, 'text': "Alright, so now we're inside of PyCharm.", 'start': 112.765, 'duration': 1.701}, {'end': 119.949, 'text': 'One thing you might want to do is come over here and click on Preferences or Open Preferences inside of Windows.', 'start': 114.826, 'duration': 5.123}, {'end': 126.073, 'text': "And then a couple things you're going to need to do is come in and make sure that you have the right interpreter that you're going to use here.", 'start': 120.21, 'duration': 5.863}, {'end': 129.115, 'text': "I'm going to go into Console and click on Python Console.", 'start': 126.293, 'duration': 2.822}, {'end': 134.978, 'text': 'And then make sure that you have the same version of Python that you just installed and you just select it or find it on your computer.', 'start': 129.315, 'duration': 5.663}, {'end': 141.022, 'text': "And then you're also going to want to go to Project Interpreter and also make sure that Python 3.4 is also selected there.", 'start': 135.199, 'duration': 5.823}, {'end': 142.423, 'text': "At least that's what I'm using.", 'start': 141.382, 'duration': 1.041}, {'end': 151.497, 'text': "All right, and here is PyCharm, and I am going to create a new project, and over here I'm going to name it HelloPython.py.", 'start': 142.648, 'duration': 8.849}, {'end': 154.3, 'text': "That's the extension you use for Python applications.", 'start': 151.537, 'duration': 2.763}, {'end': 158.024, 'text': "What we're going to do first off is we're going to import what are called modules,", 'start': 154.32, 'duration': 3.704}], 'summary': 'Installation and setup of pycharm for python development, selecting interpreters and creating a new project.', 'duration': 30.827, 'max_score': 83.639, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA83639.jpg'}, {'end': 254.136, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 222.997, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 225.237, 'text': 'And of course, if we want to print that out, just go like this.', 'start': 222.997, 'duration': 2.24}, {'end': 226.498, 'text': 'And there you can see it printed.', 'start': 225.558, 'duration': 0.94}, {'end': 232.803, 'text': 'A variable has to start with a letter and then it can have numbers or it can have underscores.', 'start': 226.818, 'duration': 5.985}, {'end': 235.245, 'text': "So that's all we're going to have there for variables.", 'start': 233.183, 'duration': 2.062}, {'end': 238.567, 'text': 'And there are five main data types inside of Python.', 'start': 235.565, 'duration': 3.002}, {'end': 245.112, 'text': 'But like I said, we could take name like this and store a number inside of it and no problem would happen.', 'start': 238.587, 'duration': 6.525}, {'end': 247.354, 'text': "But here we're just going to focus on numbers.", 'start': 245.292, 'duration': 2.062}, {'end': 254.136, 'text': "strings, lists, tuples, and I'll explain what those are, and dictionaries or maps, whatever you want to call them.", 'start': 247.774, 'duration': 6.362}], 'summary': 'Introduction to python variables and data types, including strings, lists, tuples, and dictionaries.', 'duration': 31.139, 'max_score': 222.997, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA222997.jpg'}, {'end': 287.273, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 259.017, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 261.939, 'text': 'There are seven different arithmetic operators.', 'start': 259.017, 'duration': 2.922}, {'end': 269.822, 'text': 'You have plus, you have minus, you have multiplication, you have division, you have modulus, which is going to return the remainder of a division.', 'start': 261.978, 'duration': 7.844}, {'end': 275.625, 'text': "You're also going to be able to make exponential calculations with two multiplication signs,", 'start': 270.002, 'duration': 5.623}, {'end': 282.729, 'text': 'and floor division is going to perform a division and then discard the remainder altogether and rotate down.', 'start': 275.625, 'duration': 7.104}, {'end': 287.273, 'text': "So if you have 14.5 as a value, it's going to change that to 14.", 'start': 282.769, 'duration': 4.504}], 'summary': 'Transcript covers seven arithmetic operators, including plus, minus, multiplication, division, modulus, exponential calculations, and floor division.', 'duration': 28.256, 'max_score': 259.017, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA259017.jpg'}, {'end': 350.885, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 323.216, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 326.416, 'text': 'Remember, the multiplication is going to happen first in this situation.', 'start': 323.216, 'duration': 3.2}, {'end': 330.097, 'text': 'And, of course, make sure that you put the braces in here on both sides of this.', 'start': 326.576, 'duration': 3.521}, {'end': 331.837, 'text': 'And also, pay attention here.', 'start': 330.397, 'duration': 1.44}, {'end': 334.158, 'text': 'You can see here we have what is a string.', 'start': 331.857, 'duration': 2.301}, {'end': 335.178, 'text': "It's in between quotes.", 'start': 334.178, 'duration': 1}, {'end': 340.72, 'text': 'And if we would want to perform some arithmetic, we would just put a comma right after that string.', 'start': 335.538, 'duration': 5.182}, {'end': 343.642, 'text': 'We could have a never-ending litany of these different guys in order.', 'start': 340.76, 'duration': 2.882}, {'end': 346.643, 'text': "And if we calculate this, you can see exactly what's going on.", 'start': 343.882, 'duration': 2.761}, {'end': 350.885, 'text': 'Order of operation definitely matters, and you definitely want to use braces any time you can,', 'start': 346.883, 'duration': 4.002}], 'summary': 'Emphasize the importance of using braces in multiplication, order of operations, and string arithmetic.', 'duration': 27.669, 'max_score': 323.216, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA323216.jpg'}], 'start': 0.129, 'title': 'Python installation, setup, basics, and arithmetic operations', 'summary': 'Covers the installation of python 3.4.2 on mac and windows, with detailed steps for each, selecting the right interpreter, and version. it also covers creating a new project, importing modules, handling comments, defining variables, explaining the main data types, discussing seven different arithmetic operators, and the importance of order of operations in python.', 'chapters': [{'end': 142.423, 'start': 0.129, 'title': 'Python installation and setup', 'summary': 'Covers the installation of python 3.4.2 on both mac and windows, with detailed steps for each, including selecting the right interpreter and version for smooth setup.', 'duration': 142.294, 'highlights': ['The tutorial covers the installation of Python 3.4.2 on both Mac and Windows, providing detailed steps for each, ensuring a seamless setup for beginners.', 'Specific instructions for installing Python on Mac are provided, including clicking through the installation process and using PyCharm as the preferred IDE.', 'Detailed steps for installing Python on Windows are outlined, including selecting the normal directory, allowing program installation, and choosing PyCharm as the preferred IDE.', "The importance of selecting the right interpreter and version is emphasized, with specific instructions for ensuring the correct settings in PyCharm's Preferences and Project Interpreter."]}, {'end': 354.106, 'start': 142.648, 'title': 'Python basics and arithmetic operations', 'summary': 'Covers the basics of python, including creating a new project, importing modules, handling comments, defining variables, and explaining the five main data types in python, as well as discussing seven different arithmetic operators and the importance of order of operations in python.', 'duration': 211.458, 'highlights': ['The chapter covers the basics of Python, including creating a new project, importing modules, handling comments, defining variables, and explaining the five main data types in Python.', 'Seven different arithmetic operators are discussed, including plus, minus, multiplication, division, modulus, exponential calculations, and floor division.', 'The importance of order of operations in Python is emphasized, with examples of how different arrangements of arithmetic operations can yield different results.']}], 'duration': 353.977, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA129.jpg', 'highlights': ['The tutorial covers the installation of Python 3.4.2 on both Mac and Windows, providing detailed steps for each, ensuring a seamless setup for beginners.', 'Specific instructions for installing Python on Mac are provided, including clicking through the installation process and using PyCharm as the preferred IDE.', 'Detailed steps for installing Python on Windows are outlined, including selecting the normal directory, allowing program installation, and choosing PyCharm as the preferred IDE.', "The importance of selecting the right interpreter and version is emphasized, with specific instructions for ensuring the correct settings in PyCharm's Preferences and Project Interpreter.", 'The chapter covers the basics of Python, including creating a new project, importing modules, handling comments, defining variables, and explaining the five main data types in Python.', 'Seven different arithmetic operators are discussed, including plus, minus, multiplication, division, modulus, exponential calculations, and floor division.', 'The importance of order of operations in Python is emphasized, with examples of how different arrangements of arithmetic operations can yield different results.']}, {'end': 918.887, 'segs': [{'end': 455.572, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 430.734, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 436.896, 'text': "So inside of quotes, since we're using strings, I'm going to have a percent sign followed by S and then another percent sign.", 'start': 430.734, 'duration': 6.162}, {'end': 440.097, 'text': "And then in here, let's say I want to actually have a quote.", 'start': 437.216, 'duration': 2.881}, {'end': 448.46, 'text': 'So I like the quote like this, and then I could actually pull in the variables with the other string values that I want to use.', 'start': 440.137, 'duration': 8.323}, {'end': 451.348, 'text': "multi-line quote, I'll save, and there you can see.", 'start': 448.885, 'duration': 2.463}, {'end': 452.248, 'text': 'I like the quote.', 'start': 451.588, 'duration': 0.66}, {'end': 455.572, 'text': 'always remember, you are unique, just like everyone else.', 'start': 452.248, 'duration': 3.324}], 'summary': 'Using string formatting with percent s to insert variables into quotes.', 'duration': 24.838, 'max_score': 430.734, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA430734.jpg'}, {'end': 570.112, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 542.374, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 546.277, 'text': "We could then come in here and change the value for that item if we'd like.", 'start': 542.374, 'duration': 3.903}, {'end': 549.182, 'text': 'Again, zero is going to be the index for it.', 'start': 546.561, 'duration': 2.621}, {'end': 550.963, 'text': 'And say green juice.', 'start': 549.682, 'duration': 1.281}, {'end': 552.864, 'text': 'And you can see green juice shows up there now.', 'start': 551.243, 'duration': 1.621}, {'end': 555.205, 'text': "So that's how we would come in and change values.", 'start': 553.104, 'duration': 2.101}, {'end': 559.827, 'text': 'We could also print just a subset of a list, a grocery list.', 'start': 555.485, 'duration': 4.342}, {'end': 566.29, 'text': "So let's say that I want to start with index one and print up to index three, not include index three.", 'start': 559.987, 'duration': 6.303}, {'end': 568.171, 'text': "It's a little bit weird, just something you have to remember.", 'start': 566.31, 'duration': 1.861}, {'end': 570.112, 'text': 'See, tomatoes and potatoes showed up there.', 'start': 568.431, 'duration': 1.681}], 'summary': 'Demonstrating changing and printing values in a list, from index 1 to 3, resulting in showing tomatoes and potatoes.', 'duration': 27.738, 'max_score': 542.374, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA542374.jpg'}, {'end': 715.999, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 687.344, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 691.208, 'text': "And if I want to specifically get rid of whatever's in index four, I'd do that.", 'start': 687.344, 'duration': 3.864}, {'end': 692.69, 'text': 'And we could come in here.', 'start': 691.849, 'duration': 0.841}, {'end': 694.05, 'text': 'Just to see the damage.', 'start': 693.029, 'duration': 1.021}, {'end': 699.132, 'text': 'You can also see that while I was making all these changes to grocery list, they were also affecting the to-do list.', 'start': 694.07, 'duration': 5.062}, {'end': 701.994, 'text': 'Change this to remove instead of from whatever that is.', 'start': 699.412, 'duration': 2.582}, {'end': 704.835, 'text': 'And there you can see all the different changes we made right there.', 'start': 702.294, 'duration': 2.541}, {'end': 709.598, 'text': 'Just like we can combine strings inside of lists, we can also combine lists together.', 'start': 705.015, 'duration': 4.583}, {'end': 711.939, 'text': 'Just go in to-do list two.', 'start': 709.878, 'duration': 2.061}, {'end': 715.999, 'text': 'is equal to other events plus grocery list.', 'start': 712.617, 'duration': 3.382}], 'summary': 'Demonstrates manipulation of lists and combining lists in python.', 'duration': 28.655, 'max_score': 687.344, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA687344.jpg'}], 'start': 354.397, 'title': 'Python strings, formatting, and data structures', 'summary': 'Discusses the use of single and multi-line strings, including escaping quotes and joining strings, and demonstrates different ways of formatting using print. it also covers the basics of string formatting, lists, tuples, and dictionaries in python, including various examples and methods like append, insert, remove, sort, reverse, combining lists, converting tuples, and manipulating dictionaries.', 'chapters': [{'end': 430.514, 'start': 354.397, 'title': 'Python strings and formatting', 'summary': 'Discusses the use of single and multi-line strings in python, including escaping quotes and joining strings, and also demonstrates different ways of formatting using print.', 'duration': 76.117, 'highlights': ['The chapter covers the use of single and multi-line strings, including techniques for escaping quotes and joining strings, as well as the convention of naming variables in Python.', 'Python does not require semicolons at the end of strings, unlike most programming languages.', 'The chapter demonstrates the use of three single quotes for creating a multi-line string.', 'The chapter illustrates the method of joining strings together using the plus operator.', 'Different ways of formatting using print are shown in the chapter.']}, {'end': 918.887, 'start': 430.734, 'title': 'Python data structures', 'summary': 'Covers the basics of string formatting, lists, tuples, and dictionaries in python, including examples and methods like append, insert, remove, sort, reverse, combining lists, converting tuples, and manipulating dictionaries.', 'duration': 488.153, 'highlights': ['The chapter covers the basics of string formatting, lists, tuples, and dictionaries in Python, including examples and methods like append, insert, remove, sort, reverse, combining lists, converting tuples, and manipulating dictionaries. The transcript covers the basics of string formatting, lists, tuples, and dictionaries in Python, explaining methods like append, insert, remove, sort, reverse, combining lists, converting tuples, and manipulating dictionaries.', 'Explaining string formatting and the use of percent sign followed by S to insert variables into a string. Demonstrates the use of percent sign followed by S to insert variables into a string for string formatting.', 'Demonstrating the creation and manipulation of lists, including accessing items by index, changing values, printing subsets, appending items, sorting, reversing, deleting items, and combining lists. Provides examples of creating and manipulating lists, including accessing items by index, changing values, printing subsets, appending items, sorting, reversing, deleting items, and combining lists.', 'Detailing the creation and immutability of tuples, along with methods to convert tuples into lists, determine length, and find minimum and maximum values. Explains the creation and immutability of tuples, along with methods to convert tuples into lists, determine length, and find minimum and maximum values.', 'Explanation of dictionaries, their unique key-value pairs, methods for accessing, deleting, replacing entries, finding length, and getting values by key. Clarifies the concept of dictionaries, their unique key-value pairs, methods for accessing, deleting, replacing entries, finding length, and getting values by key.']}], 'duration': 564.49, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA354397.jpg', 'highlights': ['The chapter covers the basics of string formatting, lists, tuples, and dictionaries in Python, including various examples and methods like append, insert, remove, sort, reverse, combining lists, converting tuples, and manipulating dictionaries.', 'Explaining string formatting and the use of percent sign followed by S to insert variables into a string. Demonstrates the use of percent sign followed by S to insert variables into a string for string formatting.', 'Detailing the creation and immutability of tuples, along with methods to convert tuples into lists, determine length, and find minimum and maximum values.', 'Explanation of dictionaries, their unique key-value pairs, methods for accessing, deleting, replacing entries, finding length, and getting values by key.', 'The chapter covers the use of single and multi-line strings, including techniques for escaping quotes and joining strings, as well as the convention of naming variables in Python.']}, {'end': 1127.259, 'segs': [{'end': 944.23, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 919.068, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 925.277, 'text': 'We could also come in here and get a list of our supervillain keys by just asking for keys.', 'start': 919.068, 'duration': 6.209}, {'end': 929.887, 'text': 'So if you play around with this long enough, you just start to remember these things because the names are just so logical.', 'start': 925.577, 'duration': 4.31}, {'end': 932.372, 'text': "And that's one of the reasons why Python's a great first language.", 'start': 930.087, 'duration': 2.285}, {'end': 938.908, 'text': "If you wanted to get a list of dictionary values, likewise, you're going to go get whatever your dictionary is and say, hey, I want the values.", 'start': 932.585, 'duration': 6.323}, {'end': 941.409, 'text': 'And there you can see everything pops up over here on our screen.', 'start': 939.208, 'duration': 2.201}, {'end': 944.23, 'text': "So that's everything with dictionaries.", 'start': 941.429, 'duration': 2.801}], 'summary': 'Python is a great first language for working with dictionaries and lists.', 'duration': 25.162, 'max_score': 919.068, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA919068.jpg'}, {'end': 1016.908, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 988.952, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 993.457, 'text': "But if you're using PyCharm or some other IDE, More than likely it's going to do that for you.", 'start': 988.952, 'duration': 4.505}, {'end': 998.559, 'text': "So let's say you are old enough to drive is the condition.", 'start': 993.797, 'duration': 4.762}, {'end': 1003.221, 'text': 'So if the age value is greater than 16, then this is going to print to the screen.', 'start': 998.879, 'duration': 4.342}, {'end': 1009.805, 'text': "Else, if they are not, then we'll pop in here, you are not old enough to drive.", 'start': 1003.762, 'duration': 6.043}, {'end': 1012.486, 'text': 'And you can see you are old enough to drive pops up over there.', 'start': 1010.065, 'duration': 2.421}, {'end': 1016.908, 'text': 'Now if you want to check for multiple conditions, this is where lif pops in.', 'start': 1012.786, 'duration': 4.122}], 'summary': 'Using ide can automate coding tasks. conditional statements check age for driving eligibility.', 'duration': 27.956, 'max_score': 988.952, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA988952.jpg'}, {'end': 1060.403, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1035.969, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 1042.974, 'text': "And then finally, if we get the whole way down here, we're going to say print you are not old enough.", 'start': 1035.969, 'duration': 7.005}, {'end': 1047.949, 'text': "And as you can see here, I'm putting single quotes and double quotes in here just as an example that they don't really matter.", 'start': 1043.223, 'duration': 4.726}, {'end': 1049.311, 'text': 'And you can put that down there.', 'start': 1048.329, 'duration': 0.982}, {'end': 1054.919, 'text': 'Now another thing we could do is we can combine conditions with what are called logical operators.', 'start': 1049.612, 'duration': 5.307}, {'end': 1057.602, 'text': 'And logical operators are AND, OR, or NOT.', 'start': 1055.179, 'duration': 2.423}, {'end': 1060.403, 'text': 'those are your different logical operators.', 'start': 1058.342, 'duration': 2.061}], 'summary': 'Python script covers combining conditions with logical operators.', 'duration': 24.434, 'max_score': 1035.969, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA1035969.jpg'}], 'start': 919.068, 'title': 'Python basics and conditional statements', 'summary': 'Covers python basics including dictionaries, conditionals, and conditional statements. it discusses accessing keys and values in dictionaries, introduces if, else, and elif statements, and demonstrates the application of age-related conditions and logical operators with quantifiable examples.', 'chapters': [{'end': 968.481, 'start': 919.068, 'title': 'Python basics: dictionaries and conditionals', 'summary': 'Discusses accessing keys and values in dictionaries in python and introduces the concepts of conditionals using if, else, and elif statements to execute code based on different conditions.', 'duration': 49.413, 'highlights': ['Accessing keys and values in dictionaries allows for easy retrieval of data, making Python a great first language.', 'The if, else, and elif statements in Python are used to perform different actions based on various conditions such as equality, inequality, and comparison.', "Python's logical naming system simplifies the process of remembering key functions and attributes, facilitating ease of use and understanding for beginners."]}, {'end': 1127.259, 'start': 968.822, 'title': 'Python conditional statements', 'summary': 'Discusses the use of whitespace, conditional statements, multiple conditions, and logical operators in python, demonstrating the application of age-related conditions and logical operators with quantifiable examples.', 'duration': 158.437, 'highlights': ['The chapter explains how whitespace is used to group blocks of code inside of Python and emphasizes the importance of maintaining consistent whitespace, particularly for conditional statements and multiple conditions.', 'It demonstrates the use of if-else statements to check for conditions such as age greater than 16 and provides examples of age-related conditions for driving eligibility, including the use of elif for additional conditions.', 'The chapter illustrates the combination of conditions using logical operators like AND, OR, and NOT, exemplifying the use of logical operators to define age-related conditions for celebrating birthdays and demonstrating the application of logical operators with quantifiable examples.']}], 'duration': 208.191, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA919068.jpg', 'highlights': ['Accessing keys and values in dictionaries allows for easy retrieval of data, making Python a great first language.', 'The if, else, and elif statements in Python are used to perform different actions based on various conditions such as equality, inequality, and comparison.', 'The chapter explains how whitespace is used to group blocks of code inside of Python and emphasizes the importance of maintaining consistent whitespace, particularly for conditional statements and multiple conditions.', 'It demonstrates the use of if-else statements to check for conditions such as age greater than 16 and provides examples of age-related conditions for driving eligibility, including the use of elif for additional conditions.', 'The chapter illustrates the combination of conditions using logical operators like AND, OR, and NOT, exemplifying the use of logical operators to define age-related conditions for celebrating birthdays and demonstrating the application of logical operators with quantifiable examples.', "Python's logical naming system simplifies the process of remembering key functions and attributes, facilitating ease of use and understanding for beginners."]}, {'end': 1771.763, 'segs': [{'end': 1213.988, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1182.821, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 1186.624, 'text': 'And basically, looping is just going to allow us to perform an action a set number of times.', 'start': 1182.821, 'duration': 3.803}, {'end': 1191.388, 'text': "And let's say that we want to, and one way of doing that is with a for loop.", 'start': 1187.045, 'duration': 4.343}, {'end': 1192.81, 'text': "There's actually a couple different ways.", 'start': 1191.408, 'duration': 1.402}, {'end': 1196.673, 'text': "So let's say that I wanted to perform something 10 times.", 'start': 1193.17, 'duration': 3.503}, {'end': 1202.077, 'text': "Well, I'm going to say for x in range, and I'm going to put 0 to 10.", 'start': 1197.013, 'duration': 5.064}, {'end': 1208.583, 'text': "In this situation, we're going to start at 0, and we're going to work up to but not to 10, just like we did previously.", 'start': 1202.077, 'duration': 6.506}, {'end': 1213.988, 'text': "So let's say I wanted to do something like print and then X, put a space inside of here.", 'start': 1209.025, 'duration': 4.963}], 'summary': 'Looping allows performing an action a set number of times, like printing a range of 0 to 9 using a for loop in python.', 'duration': 31.167, 'max_score': 1182.821, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA1182821.jpg'}, {'end': 1377.093, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1343.257, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1345.058, 'text': "which is a function that we're getting from that.", 'start': 1343.257, 'duration': 1.801}, {'end': 1348.199, 'text': "And let's say we want to generate numbers from 0 to 99.", 'start': 1345.238, 'duration': 2.961}, {'end': 1348.859, 'text': "That's how you do it.", 'start': 1348.199, 'duration': 0.66}, {'end': 1350.64, 'text': "And then we'll get to the while loop part.", 'start': 1349.099, 'duration': 1.541}, {'end': 1357.743, 'text': "Basically, we're going to say we want to continue to cycle through while random number is not equal to 15.", 'start': 1351.24, 'duration': 6.503}, {'end': 1360.204, 'text': "Again, there's a white space.", 'start': 1357.743, 'duration': 2.461}, {'end': 1362.845, 'text': "And we'll print out random number every single time.", 'start': 1360.644, 'duration': 2.201}, {'end': 1369.368, 'text': "And then, of course, we're going to have random number changed each time and to do that we're just going to use this guy again,", 'start': 1363.085, 'duration': 6.283}, {'end': 1377.093, 'text': 'and there you can see it cycled through a whole bunch of numbers before it actually got to the part where it met 15 and then it jumped out of the loop.', 'start': 1369.368, 'duration': 7.725}], 'summary': 'Generating numbers from 0 to 99 using a while loop until it reaches 15.', 'duration': 33.836, 'max_score': 1343.257, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA1343257.jpg'}, {'end': 1551.894, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1528.441, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 1535.885, 'text': 'And then if you want to return something to the caller of this function, you just type in return and sum num in this situation.', 'start': 1528.441, 'duration': 7.444}, {'end': 1542.148, 'text': "You're going to want to make sure that you define your functions before you call for them to use, or call to use them anyway.", 'start': 1536.125, 'duration': 6.023}, {'end': 1545.129, 'text': 'And if you want to call the function, just call, add number.', 'start': 1542.508, 'duration': 2.621}, {'end': 1546.09, 'text': 'There it is right there.', 'start': 1545.23, 'duration': 0.86}, {'end': 1548.33, 'text': 'And we could type in 1, 4.', 'start': 1546.31, 'duration': 2.02}, {'end': 1551.894, 'text': 'exactly like that, and there you can see five shows up on the right side of the screen.', 'start': 1548.331, 'duration': 3.563}], 'summary': 'The function adds numbers and returns the sum, displaying the result on the screen.', 'duration': 23.453, 'max_score': 1528.441, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA1528441.jpg'}, {'end': 1640.358, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 1606.454, 'weight': 0.852, 'content': [{'end': 1609.937, 'text': "We're going to go standard in and call read line, right like this.", 'start': 1606.454, 'duration': 3.483}, {'end': 1614.26, 'text': 'And then we could do something like print, hello, followed by the name, run it.', 'start': 1610.337, 'duration': 3.923}, {'end': 1615.561, 'text': 'What is your name? Derek.', 'start': 1614.48, 'duration': 1.081}, {'end': 1616.322, 'text': 'Hello, Derek.', 'start': 1615.761, 'duration': 0.561}, {'end': 1617.943, 'text': "And it's just like the computer's talking to you.", 'start': 1616.442, 'duration': 1.501}, {'end': 1622.084, 'text': "Let's take a little bit of a closer look at strings because we've been using them a lot.", 'start': 1618.24, 'duration': 3.844}, {'end': 1624.827, 'text': "Let's define a string called long string.", 'start': 1622.304, 'duration': 2.523}, {'end': 1627.91, 'text': "Let's say that I want to print out the first four characters.", 'start': 1625.027, 'duration': 2.883}, {'end': 1631.434, 'text': 'How I would do it is zero for the zero index and then four.', 'start': 1627.97, 'duration': 3.464}, {'end': 1633.096, 'text': "It's not going to print out the fourth index.", 'start': 1631.454, 'duration': 1.642}, {'end': 1635.197, 'text': 'And you can see, owl pops up.', 'start': 1633.516, 'duration': 1.681}, {'end': 1640.358, 'text': 'If I want to print the last five characters, something a little bit weird here we can do.', 'start': 1635.397, 'duration': 4.961}], 'summary': 'Learning about strings and their manipulation with examples.', 'duration': 33.904, 'max_score': 1606.454, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA1606454.jpg'}, {'end': 1698.42, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1667.37, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 1667.65, 'text': 'There it goes.', 'start': 1667.37, 'duration': 0.28}, {'end': 1668.191, 'text': "I'll be there.", 'start': 1667.691, 'duration': 0.5}, {'end': 1676.4, 'text': "And another way to handle formatting with strings using the print command is let's say that I want to output a character.", 'start': 1668.612, 'duration': 7.788}, {'end': 1679.223, 'text': "I'm going to put a percent sign and a C is my.", 'start': 1676.42, 'duration': 2.803}, {'end': 1681.085, 'text': "Here I'm going to have a string show up.", 'start': 1679.483, 'duration': 1.602}, {'end': 1683.908, 'text': 'Letter and my number.', 'start': 1681.386, 'duration': 2.522}, {'end': 1687.072, 'text': "If I wanted to put a signed integer I'd put percent sign and D.", 'start': 1684.269, 'duration': 2.803}, {'end': 1694.417, 'text': "number is, and here I'm going to say that I want to use a floating-point number or a number with a decimal place,", 'start': 1687.532, 'duration': 6.885}, {'end': 1698.42, 'text': 'and I want to make sure that it has at least five decimal places.', 'start': 1694.417, 'duration': 4.003}], 'summary': 'Introducing formatting with strings using print command to output characters, strings, signed integers, and floating-point numbers with five decimal places.', 'duration': 31.05, 'max_score': 1667.37, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA1667370.jpg'}, {'end': 1750.857, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1702.843, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 1727.416, 'text': "so let's say that I want to say that X is my favorite character and for the string I'm gonna have to put favorite inside of there and number one is favorite number is going to be .14 and make sure you put your brackets around this and then the closing bracket and you can see right there what it did is x is my favorite letter and my number one number is .14 and you can see because I put the five there,", 'start': 1702.843, 'duration': 24.573}, {'end': 1730.659, 'text': "that it prints out five decimal places, even though it didn't exist previous.", 'start': 1727.416, 'duration': 3.243}, {'end': 1739.847, 'text': "another thing we can do get rid of this is if we wanted to capitalize the first letter of a string, let's go long string and capitalize there it is.", 'start': 1731.059, 'duration': 8.788}, {'end': 1744.031, 'text': 'if we want to return the index value of the start of a string,', 'start': 1739.847, 'duration': 4.184}, {'end': 1750.857, 'text': "we could do something like print long string find and if the word we're looking for is floor, Type that in.", 'start': 1744.031, 'duration': 6.826}], 'summary': 'Demonstration of string manipulation and formatting in python, including decimal places and capitalization.', 'duration': 48.014, 'max_score': 1702.843, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA1702843.jpg'}], 'start': 1127.259, 'title': 'Python control flow and functions', 'summary': "Covers python control flow with 'not' operator and conditional statements, along with loops and functions, featuring examples of age comparison and various loop iterations and string manipulations.", 'chapters': [{'end': 1165.864, 'start': 1127.259, 'title': 'Python not operator and conditional statements', 'summary': "Explains the 'not' operator in python and showcases how it is used to create conditional statements, including an example where age equals 30 and the resulting output.", 'duration': 38.605, 'highlights': ["The 'not' operator in Python does the opposite of the condition that comes after it, for example, if age is equal to 30, 'not' would change it into false.", "Conditional statements using 'if', 'else if', and 'else' are demonstrated to showcase how 'not' can be used to create different output based on the conditions.", "An example is provided where when age is changed to 30, the output becomes 'you get a birthday party', demonstrating the functionality of the 'not' operator in a Python program."]}, {'end': 1771.763, 'start': 1166.064, 'title': 'Python loops and functions', 'summary': 'Covers python loops and functions, including for loops, while loops, and defining functions, with examples of iterating through lists, cycling through numbers, working with while loops, creating and calling functions, and manipulating strings, including string slicing, concatenation, formatting, and string methods.', 'duration': 605.699, 'highlights': ['The chapter covers Python loops and functions, including for loops, while loops, and defining functions. This is the main topic of the chapter and provides an overview of what the transcript covers.', 'Iterating through lists and cycling through numbers using for loops is demonstrated, along with examples of creating and cycling through a list of numbers. Provides specific examples of using for loops to iterate through lists and cycle through numbers.', "Working with while loops is explained, including using while loops for cycling through random numbers and traditional iteration, and handling conditions like 'continue' and 'break'. Detailed explanation of working with while loops, including cycling through random numbers and traditional iteration, as well as handling 'continue' and 'break' conditions.", 'The process of defining and calling functions in Python is covered, along with the importance of defining functions before calling them. Focuses on defining and calling functions, emphasizing the importance of defining functions before calling them.', 'Manipulating strings, including string slicing, concatenation, formatting, and string methods, is demonstrated with various examples. Provides examples of manipulating strings, covering string slicing, concatenation, formatting, and string methods.']}], 'duration': 644.504, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA1127259.jpg', 'highlights': ['The chapter covers Python loops and functions, including for loops, while loops, and defining functions.', "Conditional statements using 'if', 'else if', and 'else' are demonstrated to showcase how 'not' can be used to create different output based on the conditions.", "An example is provided where when age is changed to 30, the output becomes 'you get a birthday party', demonstrating the functionality of the 'not' operator in a Python program.", 'Iterating through lists and cycling through numbers using for loops is demonstrated, along with examples of creating and cycling through a list of numbers.', 'Manipulating strings, including string slicing, concatenation, formatting, and string methods, is demonstrated with various examples.', 'The process of defining and calling functions in Python is covered, along with the importance of defining functions before calling them.', "Working with while loops is explained, including using while loops for cycling through random numbers and traditional iteration, and handling conditions like 'continue' and 'break'."]}, {'end': 2079.456, 'segs': [{'end': 1844.149, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 1772.283, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1777.426, 'text': 'and we could come in and replace a specific word with another word, long string.', 'start': 1772.283, 'duration': 5.143}, {'end': 1781.809, 'text': 'replace, say, we want to place the word floor with the word ground.', 'start': 1777.426, 'duration': 4.383}, {'end': 1784.131, 'text': 'there you go, see, floor became ground.', 'start': 1781.809, 'duration': 2.322}, {'end': 1786.992, 'text': "and something else that's useful is if we want to strip white space.", 'start': 1784.131, 'duration': 2.861}, {'end': 1790.895, 'text': "there's no white space in this situation, but if there was, we just type in strip.", 'start': 1786.992, 'duration': 3.903}, {'end': 1797.322, 'text': 'And then, if we wanted to split a string into a list, go long string and split.', 'start': 1791.115, 'duration': 6.207}, {'end': 1803.068, 'text': 'And then what we would put inside of here is how we want those words to be separated, which a space works out great there.', 'start': 1797.582, 'duration': 5.486}, {'end': 1804.089, 'text': 'And quote list.', 'start': 1803.488, 'duration': 0.601}, {'end': 1808.217, 'text': 'And there you can see it took that string and converted it into a nice list.', 'start': 1804.414, 'duration': 3.803}, {'end': 1811.58, 'text': "So that's mainly what you're going to want to do with strings inside of Python.", 'start': 1808.437, 'duration': 3.143}, {'end': 1814.882, 'text': "Now let's look at file IO or input output.", 'start': 1811.62, 'duration': 3.262}, {'end': 1820.046, 'text': "If you want to create as well as open a file, I'm going to call this test file.", 'start': 1814.982, 'duration': 5.064}, {'end': 1822.869, 'text': "You're just going to call open and I'm going to give it a name.", 'start': 1820.066, 'duration': 2.803}, {'end': 1825.531, 'text': "I'm going to call this test.text.", 'start': 1822.909, 'duration': 2.622}, {'end': 1831.076, 'text': "And if I want to be able to write to this file, I'm going to send WB as my command.", 'start': 1825.951, 'duration': 5.125}, {'end': 1834.98, 'text': 'I could then output on the screen the file mode that was being used.', 'start': 1831.316, 'duration': 3.664}, {'end': 1836.581, 'text': "In this situation, it's going to be WB.", 'start': 1835.04, 'duration': 1.541}, {'end': 1838.724, 'text': "I'm just going to test file and mode.", 'start': 1836.862, 'duration': 1.862}, {'end': 1844.149, 'text': "If I forgot it for some reason and I wanted my file's name, I can just type in name and it's going to print that.", 'start': 1839.024, 'duration': 5.125}], 'summary': 'Python string manipulation and file io demonstrated with examples.', 'duration': 39.297, 'max_score': 1772.283, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA1772283.jpg'}, {'end': 1892.189, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1854.378, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 1858.462, 'text': "And then you're going to type in write me to the file.", 'start': 1854.378, 'duration': 4.084}, {'end': 1859.884, 'text': 'Put new line inside of there.', 'start': 1858.702, 'duration': 1.182}, {'end': 1862.266, 'text': "And then after this, you're going to have to type in UTF-8.", 'start': 1859.904, 'duration': 2.362}, {'end': 1866.12, 'text': "About the only odd thing we've seen so far with Python.", 'start': 1863.697, 'duration': 2.423}, {'end': 1869.305, 'text': 'And then finally, if you want to close a file, you just type in close.', 'start': 1866.341, 'duration': 2.964}, {'end': 1872.589, 'text': 'And there you can see WB and test text prints out on the screen.', 'start': 1869.325, 'duration': 3.264}, {'end': 1878.958, 'text': "But you may be asking yourself, well, how do we read information from a file? Well, since we closed the file, we're going to reopen it.", 'start': 1872.749, 'duration': 6.209}, {'end': 1880.32, 'text': 'Equal to open.', 'start': 1879.318, 'duration': 1.002}, {'end': 1883.564, 'text': 'have to tell it which one of those we want to open.', 'start': 1880.703, 'duration': 2.861}, {'end': 1886.166, 'text': 'test text and make sure you type open.', 'start': 1883.564, 'duration': 2.602}, {'end': 1886.826, 'text': "then we're going to tell it.", 'start': 1886.166, 'duration': 0.66}, {'end': 1887.486, 'text': 'the mode here.', 'start': 1886.826, 'duration': 0.66}, {'end': 1892.189, 'text': 'here we want to open it for reading and writing and make sure you put this inside of quotes.', 'start': 1887.486, 'duration': 4.703}], 'summary': 'Python file operations: writing, encoding, closing, reopening for reading and writing.', 'duration': 37.811, 'max_score': 1854.378, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA1854378.jpg'}, {'end': 1941.881, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1914.775, 'weight': 7, 'content': [{'end': 1920.321, 'text': "We just call remove, and then tell it the name of the file we want to delete, and it'll delete it.", 'start': 1914.775, 'duration': 5.546}, {'end': 1924.286, 'text': "All right, so that's the major stuff you need to know for file I.O.", 'start': 1920.341, 'duration': 3.945}, {'end': 1926.008, 'text': "Now let's take a look at objects.", 'start': 1924.326, 'duration': 1.682}, {'end': 1932.553, 'text': 'Now the concept of object-oriented programming allows us to model real-world things using code.', 'start': 1926.488, 'duration': 6.065}, {'end': 1941.881, 'text': 'So, just like every real-world object has attributes like color, height, weight, and every real-world object has abilities like walk, talk and eat,', 'start': 1932.834, 'duration': 9.047}], 'summary': 'Introduction to file i.o. and object-oriented programming', 'duration': 27.106, 'max_score': 1914.775, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA1914775.jpg'}, {'end': 1978.081, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1949.628, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 1957.295, 'text': 'Now how you define these real world objects is you use a class which is a blueprint for creating animals in this situation.', 'start': 1949.628, 'duration': 7.667}, {'end': 1965.523, 'text': "Now let's say we want to create our attributes such as name and none signifies a lack of a value.", 'start': 1957.536, 'duration': 7.987}, {'end': 1967.165, 'text': 'You can have it be whatever you want.', 'start': 1965.743, 'duration': 1.422}, {'end': 1971.736, 'text': "You can put none inside of here or you could have just simple quotes, whatever, I'll use either.", 'start': 1967.205, 'duration': 4.531}, {'end': 1978.081, 'text': "We're then going to say that our animals are all going to have a height, weight, and then it's going to have a sound.", 'start': 1972.017, 'duration': 6.064}], 'summary': 'Using classes as blueprints for creating animals with attributes like name, height, weight, and sound.', 'duration': 28.453, 'max_score': 1949.628, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA1949628.jpg'}, {'end': 2019.727, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1990.21, 'weight': 6, 'content': [{'end': 1993.693, 'text': "And if we want to get those values, we're also going to need to use a function inside of the class.", 'start': 1990.21, 'duration': 3.483}, {'end': 1999.777, 'text': "So for example, if we want to set the name, We're going to do, just like every other function, we're going to type in def for define.", 'start': 1994.073, 'duration': 5.704}, {'end': 2001.778, 'text': "And here I'm going to say set name.", 'start': 2000.077, 'duration': 1.701}, {'end': 2004.019, 'text': 'Self automatically pops inside of there.', 'start': 2002.098, 'duration': 1.921}, {'end': 2010.142, 'text': 'And what self means is it allows an object to refer to itself inside of the class.', 'start': 2004.259, 'duration': 5.883}, {'end': 2015.305, 'text': 'So for example, when I create this class animal, well, no animals exist out in the real world.', 'start': 2010.442, 'duration': 4.863}, {'end': 2019.727, 'text': 'So if I want to refer to an animal object, I need a way to do it.', 'start': 2015.585, 'duration': 4.142}], 'summary': 'Explaining the use of functions and self in a class for object reference.', 'duration': 29.517, 'max_score': 1990.21, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA1990210.jpg'}], 'start': 1772.283, 'title': 'Python string manipulation, file i/o, and object-oriented programming', 'summary': 'Covers string manipulation in python, demonstrating practical examples of replacing specific words, stripping white space, and splitting strings. it also includes file i/o operations such as creating, writing, reading, and deleting files, and introduces object-oriented programming concepts like defining attributes and abilities using classes and functions.', 'chapters': [{'end': 1811.58, 'start': 1772.283, 'title': 'String manipulation in python', 'summary': 'Covers string manipulation in python, including replacing specific words, stripping white space, and splitting strings into lists, demonstrating practical examples of each operation.', 'duration': 39.297, 'highlights': ['The chapter covers practical examples of string manipulation in Python, including replacing specific words, stripping white space, and splitting strings into lists.', "A demonstration of replacing a specific word with another word in a given string, with an example of replacing 'floor' with 'ground'.", 'An explanation of stripping white space from a string, with a practical example provided.', "A demonstration of splitting a string into a list using the 'split' function, with a practical example and the resulting list shown."]}, {'end': 2079.456, 'start': 1811.62, 'title': 'Python file i/o and object-oriented programming', 'summary': 'Covers file input/output operations in python, including creating, writing, reading, and deleting files, as well as the concept of object-oriented programming, including defining attributes and abilities using classes and functions.', 'duration': 267.836, 'highlights': ['The chapter covers file input/output operations in Python, including creating, writing, reading, and deleting files, and also discusses the concept of object-oriented programming.', "To create and open a file for writing, 'open' is used with the file name and 'WB' as the command, followed by writing text to the file using 'write' and closing the file with 'close'.", "To read information from a file, the file needs to be reopened using 'open' and 'r plus' as the mode, followed by reading the data from the file using 'read'.", 'The chapter also explains the concept of object-oriented programming, including defining attributes using variables inside classes and defining abilities using functions, as well as encapsulation for data validation.']}], 'duration': 307.173, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA1772283.jpg', 'highlights': ['The chapter covers practical examples of string manipulation in Python, including replacing specific words, stripping white space, and splitting strings into lists.', 'The chapter covers file input/output operations in Python, including creating, writing, reading, and deleting files, and also discusses the concept of object-oriented programming.', "A demonstration of replacing a specific word with another word in a given string, with an example of replacing 'floor' with 'ground'.", "To create and open a file for writing, 'open' is used with the file name and 'WB' as the command, followed by writing text to the file using 'write' and closing the file with 'close'.", 'An explanation of stripping white space from a string, with a practical example provided.', "To read information from a file, the file needs to be reopened using 'open' and 'r plus' as the mode, followed by reading the data from the file using 'read'.", "A demonstration of splitting a string into a list using the 'split' function, with a practical example and the resulting list shown.", 'The chapter also explains the concept of object-oriented programming, including defining attributes using variables inside classes and defining abilities using functions, as well as encapsulation for data validation.']}, {'end': 2595.083, 'segs': [{'end': 2268.48, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2238.785, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 2239.445, 'text': 'We all make errors.', 'start': 2238.785, 'duration': 0.66}, {'end': 2240.805, 'text': "And now let's check it again.", 'start': 2239.885, 'duration': 0.92}, {'end': 2241.585, 'text': 'Here we go.', 'start': 2241.105, 'duration': 0.48}, {'end': 2244.446, 'text': "Whisker's 33 centimeters tall, 10 kilograms, and says meow.", 'start': 2241.605, 'duration': 2.841}, {'end': 2246.967, 'text': "See? Now we're going to go over something called inheritance.", 'start': 2244.586, 'duration': 2.381}, {'end': 2251.728, 'text': 'And all inheritance means is, whenever you inherit from another class,', 'start': 2247.227, 'duration': 4.501}, {'end': 2257.829, 'text': "that you're automatically going to get all the variables and methods or functions that are created in the class you're inheriting from.", 'start': 2251.728, 'duration': 6.101}, {'end': 2263.275, 'text': "So let's say I want to create a class called dog, and I want to inherit from the animal class.", 'start': 2258.109, 'duration': 5.166}, {'end': 2264.736, 'text': "That's all I need to do, right like that.", 'start': 2263.295, 'duration': 1.441}, {'end': 2268.48, 'text': "And I automatically get every variable and every function that's already in the animal class.", 'start': 2264.756, 'duration': 3.724}], 'summary': 'Introduction to inheritance in programming, with an example of inheriting from an animal class.', 'duration': 29.695, 'max_score': 2238.785, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA2238785.jpg'}, {'end': 2361.471, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2318.887, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 2327.012, 'text': "and then I'm going to follow that by two underscores init and then I'm going to pass in the name, the height, the weight and the sound.", 'start': 2318.887, 'duration': 8.125}, {'end': 2331.155, 'text': 'Another thing I need to do is allow them to set the owner.', 'start': 2327.392, 'duration': 3.763}, {'end': 2334.777, 'text': 'So set owner and owner is going to be passed in here, of course.', 'start': 2331.435, 'duration': 3.342}, {'end': 2339.34, 'text': 'And then I just go self owner is equal to the owner value they passed in.', 'start': 2335.117, 'duration': 4.223}, {'end': 2341.802, 'text': 'Also want to do the same thing to get the owner.', 'start': 2339.6, 'duration': 2.202}, {'end': 2344.603, 'text': 'Just do return self.owner.', 'start': 2342.062, 'duration': 2.541}, {'end': 2348.206, 'text': 'And then I could also come in here and define get type.', 'start': 2344.824, 'duration': 3.382}, {'end': 2350.908, 'text': "Like I said before, in a second, you're going to see what this is for.", 'start': 2348.266, 'duration': 2.642}, {'end': 2354.63, 'text': 'So and have it just print that we are using a dog object.', 'start': 2351.188, 'duration': 3.442}, {'end': 2361.471, 'text': "We can also come in here and overwrite functions on our superclass by let's go and say that we want to change the to string.", 'start': 2355.046, 'duration': 6.425}], 'summary': 'Defining and modifying methods for a dog object', 'duration': 42.584, 'max_score': 2318.887, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA2318887.jpg'}, {'end': 2473.771, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2444.151, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 2444.792, 'text': "So there's how many.", 'start': 2444.151, 'duration': 0.641}, {'end': 2447.355, 'text': "Okay, so that's a way of getting around method overloading.", 'start': 2444.994, 'duration': 2.361}, {'end': 2452.077, 'text': 'This is just one way of saying that we do not require attributes to be sent into our function.', 'start': 2447.435, 'duration': 4.642}, {'end': 2457.039, 'text': "All right, so now that we did all that stuff with our dog, let's create ourselves a dog object.", 'start': 2452.237, 'duration': 4.802}, {'end': 2459.56, 'text': "And let's call him spot and dog.", 'start': 2457.319, 'duration': 2.241}, {'end': 2461.461, 'text': 'And like I said, he has the name spot.', 'start': 2459.78, 'duration': 1.681}, {'end': 2465.983, 'text': '53 centimeters tall, 27 kilograms weight.', 'start': 2461.881, 'duration': 4.102}, {'end': 2467.664, 'text': "Let's say his sound is rough.", 'start': 2466.103, 'duration': 1.561}, {'end': 2469.565, 'text': "And let's say that I am the owner.", 'start': 2467.924, 'duration': 1.641}, {'end': 2470.145, 'text': 'There we go.', 'start': 2469.745, 'duration': 0.4}, {'end': 2473.771, 'text': 'We can come in here and print spot to string.', 'start': 2470.465, 'duration': 3.306}], 'summary': 'Demonstrating object creation with attributes; 53 cm tall, 27 kg weight.', 'duration': 29.62, 'max_score': 2444.151, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA2444151.jpg'}, {'end': 2595.083, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2569.369, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 2574.812, 'text': "And then the final thing, remember I said up here, multiple sounds, and we don't need to necessarily pass in how many.", 'start': 2569.369, 'duration': 5.443}, {'end': 2577.033, 'text': "In this situation, I'll show how that works.", 'start': 2575.192, 'duration': 1.841}, {'end': 2583.637, 'text': "Multiple sounds, and I'll pass in four once, and then the second time, I will pass in nothing.", 'start': 2577.573, 'duration': 6.064}, {'end': 2585.698, 'text': 'And there you can see, rough, rough, rough, rough.', 'start': 2583.877, 'duration': 1.821}, {'end': 2589.92, 'text': "Alright guys, so there's a rundown of the Python programming language, covered as much as I could.", 'start': 2585.838, 'duration': 4.082}, {'end': 2593.202, 'text': 'Hope you guys enjoyed this, and please leave your questions and comments below.', 'start': 2589.98, 'duration': 3.222}, {'end': 2595.083, 'text': 'Otherwise, till next time.', 'start': 2593.962, 'duration': 1.121}], 'summary': 'Demonstrated multiple sounds in python without specifying quantity, showing rough sound four times.', 'duration': 25.714, 'max_score': 2569.369, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA2569369.jpg'}], 'start': 2079.656, 'title': 'Python oop basics', 'summary': 'Covers the basics of python object-oriented programming, including creating classes, inheritance, method overloading, and polymorphism, with examples of creating and using objects, such as cat and dog, and testing polymorphism with animaltesting.', 'chapters': [{'end': 2179.316, 'start': 2079.656, 'title': 'Python class constructors and methods', 'summary': 'Explains the use of constructors to initialize objects and the creation of setters, getters, and polymorphism methods in python, with an emphasis on formatting output using curly braces and the format method.', 'duration': 99.66, 'highlights': ['The chapter explains how to define and use constructors in Python classes, demanding that all values be passed in for initialization.', 'It also covers the creation of setters and getters for different variables, as well as the demonstration of polymorphism using get type method.', 'The chapter shows how to format output using curly braces and the format method to represent information like name, height, weight, and sound of an animal.']}, {'end': 2595.083, 'start': 2179.636, 'title': 'Python oop basics', 'summary': 'Covers the basics of python object-oriented programming, including creating classes, inheritance, method overloading, and polymorphism, with examples of creating and using objects, such as cat and dog, and testing polymorphism with animaltesting.', 'duration': 415.447, 'highlights': ["Class creation and object instantiation The chapter explains creating classes and instantiating objects, with an example of creating a 'cat' object with specific attributes such as name, height, weight, and sound.", "Inheritance and overriding methods The concept of inheritance is covered, demonstrating how a 'dog' class inherits attributes and methods from the 'animal' class and overrides the constructor and methods to add specific attributes like 'owner'.", "Method overloading Method overloading is explained with an example of creating a function 'multiple_sounds' that allows different tasks based on the attributes sent in, showcasing the flexibility of Python OOP.", "Polymorphism and testing Polymorphism is introduced, showing how objects can be referred to as their superclass and have the correct functions called automatically, illustrated with an example of a class 'AnimalTesting' and testing polymorphism with 'cat' and 'dog' objects."]}], 'duration': 515.427, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/N4mEzFDjqtA/pics/N4mEzFDjqtA2079656.jpg', 'highlights': ['The chapter covers the creation of setters and getters for different variables, as well as the demonstration of polymorphism using get type method.', "The chapter explains creating classes and instantiating objects, with an example of creating a 'cat' object with specific attributes such as name, height, weight, and sound.", "Inheritance is covered, demonstrating how a 'dog' class inherits attributes and methods from the 'animal' class and overrides the constructor and methods to add specific attributes like 'owner'.", "Method overloading is explained with an example of creating a function 'multiple_sounds' that allows different tasks based on the attributes sent in, showcasing the flexibility of Python OOP.", 'The chapter shows how to format output using curly braces and the format method to represent information like name, height, weight, and sound of an animal.']}], 'highlights': ['The tutorial covers the installation of Python 3.4.2 on both Mac and Windows, providing detailed steps for each, ensuring a seamless setup for beginners.', 'Specific instructions for installing Python on Mac are provided, including clicking through the installation process and using PyCharm as the preferred IDE.', 'Detailed steps for installing Python on Windows are outlined, including selecting the normal directory, allowing program installation, and choosing PyCharm as the preferred IDE.', "The importance of selecting the right interpreter and version is emphasized, with specific instructions for ensuring the correct settings in PyCharm's Preferences and Project Interpreter.", 'The chapter covers the basics of Python, including creating a new project, importing modules, handling comments, defining variables, and explaining the five main data types in Python.', 'The chapter covers the basics of string formatting, lists, tuples, and dictionaries in Python, including various examples and methods like append, insert, remove, sort, reverse, combining lists, converting tuples, and manipulating dictionaries.', 'The chapter covers practical examples of string manipulation in Python, including replacing specific words, stripping white space, and splitting strings into lists.', 'The chapter covers file input/output operations in Python, including creating, writing, reading, and deleting files, and also discusses the concept of object-oriented programming.', 'The chapter covers Python loops and functions, including for loops, while loops, and defining functions.', 'The if, else, and elif statements in Python are used to perform different actions based on various conditions such as equality, inequality, and comparison.', 'The chapter explains how whitespace is used to group blocks of code inside of Python and emphasizes the importance of maintaining consistent whitespace, particularly for conditional statements and multiple conditions.', 'The chapter illustrates the combination of conditions using logical operators like AND, OR, and NOT, exemplifying the use of logical operators to define age-related conditions for celebrating birthdays and demonstrating the application of logical operators with quantifiable examples.', 'The chapter covers the creation of setters and getters for different variables, as well as the demonstration of polymorphism using get type method.', "The chapter explains creating classes and instantiating objects, with an example of creating a 'cat' object with specific attributes such as name, height, weight, and sound.", "Inheritance is covered, demonstrating how a 'dog' class inherits attributes and methods from the 'animal' class and overrides the constructor and methods to add specific attributes like 'owner'.", "Method overloading is explained with an example of creating a function 'multiple_sounds' that allows different tasks based on the attributes sent in, showcasing the flexibility of Python OOP."]}