Stanford Seminar - IPFS and the Permanent Web

"IPFS and the Permanent Web"- Juan Benet of Protocol Labs About the talk: The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, to complement--and eventually replace--HTTP. It improves the security, performance, operation modes, and data friendliness of the Web. In particular, it yields a powerful new model, where websites and web applications are decoupled from origin servers, are distributed trustlessly through the network, and are encrypted, authenticated, and executed safely. Important properties include: immutable content-addressed graph (merkle dag, git, sfsro) mutable key-addressed name system (sfs-inspired) transport-agnosticism and clean protocol layering files are an abstraction on top of the merkle dag flexible graph data model (both json and xml friendly) clean layering on the web - works with today's browsers. clean layering on unix - can mount the web in the OS FS usable in IoT and other untraditional cases This talk will cover: the major problems plaguing today's web, the architecture of IPFS (how it fits in the network stack, how it is deployed, how the problems are solved) powerful new models for the web (distributed, offline-first, authenticated) examples of important use cases (package managers, OSes, archives) a discussion on open source protocol R & D future research, development, and deployment directions The talk will include a broad look at The IPFS Project, and a discussion on evolving the network stack through open source protocols R & D. Today, IPFS is classified as alpha software, yet it is robust enough to be in use even in production. Most notable related work includes: SFS, BitTorrent, Git, Bitcoin, CCNx/NDN, GNUnet, Freenet, Tahoe-LAFS. About the speaker: Juan Benet created IPFS, Filecoin, and other protocols. He is the founder of Protocol Labs, a company improving how the internet works. He studied Computer Science (Distributed Systems) at Stanford. Support for the Stanford Colloquium on Computer Systems Seminar Series provided by the Stanford Computer Forum. Speaker Abstract and Bio can be found here: http://ee380.stanford.edu/Abstracts/151021.html Colloquium on Computer Systems Seminar Series (EE380) presents the current research in design, implementation, analysis, and use of computer systems. Topics range from integrated circuits to operating systems and programming languages. It is free and open to the public, with new lectures each week. Learn more: http://bit.ly/WinYX5 Explore all Stanford Online courses: https://online.stanford.edu/explore

{'title': 'Stanford Seminar - IPFS and the Permanent Web', 'heatmap': [{'end': 2992.906, 'start': 2904.15, 'weight': 1}], 'summary': 'This seminar explores the future of the web and ipfs, addressing web problems, highlighting the evolution of the internet, emphasizing bandwidth efficiency, discussing challenges in web infrastructure, introducing ipfs protocol, its advantages and merkle data structures, and stressing immutable content and decentralized publishing, while also discussing integrating ipfs with the web and upgrading the internet.', 'chapters': [{'end': 573.785, 'segs': [{'end': 95.538, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 38.532, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 40.053, 'text': 'But really, thank you for having me here.', 'start': 38.532, 'duration': 1.521}, {'end': 48.035, 'text': "I'll at least use the venue to talk about the future of the web because It is really important to get this right.", 'start': 40.654, 'duration': 7.381}, {'end': 59.463, 'text': "We've come to depend on the web more than almost any other technology, at least when it comes to international communications and infrastructure.", 'start': 49.356, 'duration': 10.107}, {'end': 63.605, 'text': 'And it could be in danger.', 'start': 61.884, 'duration': 1.721}, {'end': 68.789, 'text': "At least we're encountering some problems that we should fix.", 'start': 64.206, 'duration': 4.583}, {'end': 70.573, 'text': 'All right.', 'start': 70.233, 'duration': 0.34}, {'end': 85.35, 'text': "so the way I'm going to structure this talk is that I will be giving a pretty comprehensive overview of the problems that brought about Or the problems that IPFS tries to solve.", 'start': 70.573, 'duration': 14.777}, {'end': 88.652, 'text': "Then I'll discuss the protocol in detail.", 'start': 86.411, 'duration': 2.241}, {'end': 90.914, 'text': "I'll actually talk about IPFS in general.", 'start': 88.672, 'duration': 2.242}, {'end': 95.538, 'text': "And then I'll talk about the project from a meta perspective,", 'start': 91.875, 'duration': 3.663}], 'summary': 'Importance of addressing web infrastructure problems and introducing ipfs protocol for future web solutions.', 'duration': 57.006, 'max_score': 38.532, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI38532.jpg'}, {'end': 149.724, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 121.567, 'weight': 7, 'content': [{'end': 126.23, 'text': 'Give way to a discussion around how protocol development should perhaps happen.', 'start': 121.567, 'duration': 4.663}, {'end': 136.816, 'text': 'What are some critical principles when you go about building protocols to make sure that the thing gets adopted? So switching costs is one of them.', 'start': 127.27, 'duration': 9.546}, {'end': 149.724, 'text': "There's a bunch of others that we've had to struggle with and had to think through carefully to make sure that what we make is actually used instead of become part of the pile of cool technology.", 'start': 137.576, 'duration': 12.148}], 'summary': 'Discuss protocol development principles for adoption, considering switching costs and other critical factors.', 'duration': 28.157, 'max_score': 121.567, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI121567.jpg'}, {'end': 260.255, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 232.206, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 234.387, 'text': "So we're matching the interface that people already expect.", 'start': 232.206, 'duration': 2.181}, {'end': 236.069, 'text': 'There will be some things you can do.', 'start': 234.968, 'duration': 1.101}, {'end': 239.21, 'text': 'with some more advanced features.', 'start': 237.99, 'duration': 1.22}, {'end': 247.172, 'text': "But the goal is to get web developers and web application creators to just be able to layer whatever it is they're building today on top of IPFS.", 'start': 239.85, 'duration': 7.322}, {'end': 251.613, 'text': "And just if nobody knows that there's been a switch, then we've won.", 'start': 247.492, 'duration': 4.121}, {'end': 260.255, 'text': 'Because the Internet should be upgraded that way where the end user should never have to think about programs changing or having to install anything else.', 'start': 252.073, 'duration': 8.182}], 'summary': 'Ipfs aims to seamlessly integrate with web development, allowing layering of existing projects, with the goal of a seamless transition for end users.', 'duration': 28.049, 'max_score': 232.206, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI232206.jpg'}, {'end': 305.341, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 276.636, 'weight': 6, 'content': [{'end': 281.922, 'text': 'what eventually turned into the ARPANET, called it the Intergalactic Network.', 'start': 276.636, 'duration': 5.286}, {'end': 287.567, 'text': 'And that just sort of sets the ambition of the original Internet project right?', 'start': 282.763, 'duration': 4.804}, {'end': 292.371, 'text': "We're talking about a network that should operate at an intergalactic scale.", 'start': 287.887, 'duration': 4.484}, {'end': 293.151, 'text': 'And that was the idea.', 'start': 292.431, 'duration': 0.72}, {'end': 299.156, 'text': "Let's take all of these small pieces, all of these networks that are use case specific,", 'start': 293.231, 'duration': 5.925}, {'end': 305.341, 'text': "and bind them together with this overlay network that we're gonna call the intergalactic network.", 'start': 299.156, 'duration': 6.185}], 'summary': 'The original internet project aimed for an intergalactic scale network to bind together small use case-specific networks.', 'duration': 28.705, 'max_score': 276.636, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI276636.jpg'}, {'end': 382.774, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 359.247, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 369.15, 'text': 'And that kind of difference is the same as communicating over distances here on Earth versus communicating over distances to something like Mars.', 'start': 359.247, 'duration': 9.903}, {'end': 377.39, 'text': 'So the claim is that we should be building the Internet and the file distribution system for the Internet, ie the web,', 'start': 370.185, 'duration': 7.205}, {'end': 382.774, 'text': 'in such a way that it should work when we consider cases like interplanetary travel.', 'start': 377.39, 'duration': 5.384}], 'summary': 'Build internet and file system for interplanetary travel', 'duration': 23.527, 'max_score': 359.247, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI359247.jpg'}, {'end': 474.721, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 434.862, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 441.911, 'text': "When we talk about decentralized, these we've now kind of sharded the responsibilities of the center node.", 'start': 434.862, 'duration': 7.049}, {'end': 447.86, 'text': "And we could potentially have a network that's more resilient that perhaps could deal with some failures.", 'start': 442.772, 'duration': 5.088}, {'end': 456.166, 'text': "But still, you don't have full the same level of resiliency that you could get if everything spoke the same protocol.", 'start': 448.401, 'duration': 7.765}, {'end': 461.931, 'text': 'And so in the distributed case, when everything is peer to peer, when everything can talk to everything else,', 'start': 456.947, 'duration': 4.984}, {'end': 468.296, 'text': 'when every single node is running the exact same code or at least is able to speak the same protocol.', 'start': 461.931, 'duration': 6.365}, {'end': 474.721, 'text': "now you're talking about an extremely resilient fabric that you can cut in any, any kind of shape, and the thing should still work.", 'start': 468.296, 'duration': 6.425}], 'summary': 'Decentralized system with peer-to-peer communication ensures high resilience and adaptability.', 'duration': 39.859, 'max_score': 434.862, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI434862.jpg'}], 'start': 11.34, 'title': 'Future of the web and ipfs', 'summary': 'Discusses the importance of addressing web problems, presents ipfs overview and protocol, while introducing it as a protocol to upgrade the web, aiming to match existing interfaces and solve latency issues.', 'chapters': [{'end': 160.494, 'start': 11.34, 'title': 'Future of the web: problems and solutions', 'summary': 'Discusses the importance of addressing the problems facing the web, presents the overview and protocol of ipfs, and shares principles for building open source protocols, emphasizing the need for adoption.', 'duration': 149.154, 'highlights': ['Importance of addressing web problems The speaker emphasizes the critical need to fix the problems encountered by the web, which is heavily relied upon for international communications and infrastructure.', "Overview and protocol of IPFS The chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the problems addressed by IPFS and delves into the protocol in detail, highlighting the project's approach to building open source protocols.", 'Principles for building protocols The speaker shares principles and lessons learned for building systems and developing protocols, stressing the importance of adoption and addressing critical principles during protocol development.']}, {'end': 573.785, 'start': 161.971, 'title': 'Ipfs: the distributed permanent web', 'summary': 'Introduces ipfs as a protocol to upgrade the web, aiming to match existing interfaces, ensure intergalactic scale operability, and solve latency issues, advocating for a more distributed and resilient web.', 'duration': 411.814, 'highlights': ['IPFS aims to upgrade the web by ensuring that the interface remains unchanged, allowing web developers to layer their current applications on top of IPFS seamlessly.', 'The concept of intergalactic scale operability sets the ambition of the original Internet project, aiming to enable communication across vast distances and differing network speeds.', 'The need to consider interplanetary travel and the accompanying latency issues emphasizes the importance of building an Internet and file distribution system that can function across massive distances.', 'The distributed structure of a network, where every node runs the same code or is able to speak the same protocol, results in an extremely resilient fabric that can adapt to various shapes and still function effectively.', 'The current centralized nature of the web raises concerns about resiliency and the need to decentralize the web to ensure that it can scale to the current use cases and remain a remarkable feat of engineering and design.']}], 'duration': 562.445, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI11340.jpg', 'highlights': ['IPFS aims to upgrade the web by maintaining the existing interface for seamless application layering.', 'The distributed structure of a network results in an extremely resilient fabric adaptable to various shapes.', 'The need to consider interplanetary travel and latency issues emphasizes the importance of a functional system across massive distances.', 'The centralized nature of the web raises concerns about resiliency and the need for decentralization.', 'The speaker emphasizes the critical need to fix the problems encountered by the web, heavily relied upon for international communications and infrastructure.', "The chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the problems addressed by IPFS and delves into the protocol in detail, highlighting the project's approach to building open source protocols.", 'The concept of intergalactic scale operability sets the ambition of the original Internet project, aiming to enable communication across vast distances and differing network speeds.', 'Principles and lessons learned for building systems and developing protocols are shared, stressing the importance of adoption and addressing critical principles during protocol development.']}, {'end': 882.901, 'segs': [{'end': 600.959, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 575.859, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 583.529, 'text': 'And again, the great idea was to create this thin waste to try and allow the lower layers of the network to evolve.', 'start': 575.859, 'duration': 7.67}, {'end': 592.24, 'text': 'And also allow the upper layers of the network to evolve separately and only have this very small protocol in between that will mediate how the whole network will grow.', 'start': 583.909, 'duration': 8.331}, {'end': 600.959, 'text': 'But the cool thing about the Internet is that you can just, you can change it and you can make it better by coming up with good ideas.', 'start': 594.153, 'duration': 6.806}], 'summary': 'The network aims to evolve with a thin waste, enabling separate evolution of upper and lower layers.', 'duration': 25.1, 'max_score': 575.859, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI575859.jpg'}, {'end': 635.668, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 612.751, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 623.022, 'text': "Think about how much you use applications that augment your abilities through software that's connected to other software elsewhere.", 'start': 612.751, 'duration': 10.271}, {'end': 631.486, 'text': "And think about how many of those applications were built by people that didn't have the capabilities to just build this massive infrastructure.", 'start': 623.803, 'duration': 7.683}, {'end': 635.668, 'text': 'They just wrote some code and deployed it to you, and now you have it, and now you have a superpower.', 'start': 631.726, 'duration': 3.942}], 'summary': 'Software applications augment abilities, built by people without massive infrastructure, providing superpowers.', 'duration': 22.917, 'max_score': 612.751, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI612751.jpg'}, {'end': 754.342, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 655.175, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 664.578, 'text': 'Where any kind of person, like the quintessential college kids in their dorm room, can come up with the best idea or some great idea,', 'start': 655.175, 'duration': 9.403}, {'end': 670.26, 'text': 'deploy into the network and suddenly build something massive and create tons of value for the world.', 'start': 664.578, 'duration': 5.682}, {'end': 678.583, 'text': 'And then the cycle kind of looks like this, right? You have some research, you then develop it into code, you deploy it, and then people use it.', 'start': 671.997, 'duration': 6.586}, {'end': 687.59, 'text': "And it's in this sequence that sometimes problems happen.", 'start': 678.943, 'duration': 8.647}, {'end': 693.555, 'text': "So there's a ton of research that happens, and when you think about what academia knows,", 'start': 688.391, 'duration': 5.164}, {'end': 696.898, 'text': "we're basically 15 or 20 years ahead of what's deployed and in use today.", 'start': 693.555, 'duration': 3.343}, {'end': 698.399, 'text': 'And that to me is pretty sad.', 'start': 697.398, 'duration': 1.001}, {'end': 709.399, 'text': "What it suggests is that it's really kind of like a lazy development and lazy development process, in that we know what's right to build,", 'start': 700.752, 'duration': 8.647}, {'end': 710.18, 'text': 'just nobody has done it.', 'start': 709.399, 'duration': 0.781}, {'end': 713.703, 'text': 'And in a big way, IPFS is really just an integration of old ideas.', 'start': 710.641, 'duration': 3.062}, {'end': 723.792, 'text': "It's taking good ideas that have been known about for a long time trying to upgrade the current Internet by developing them,", 'start': 714.163, 'duration': 9.629}, {'end': 731.399, 'text': 'making sure that the interfaces make sense, deploying them to the whole network and making them easy to use for developers, programmers and end users.', 'start': 723.792, 'duration': 7.607}, {'end': 735.082, 'text': 'So why does the web matter?', 'start': 733.301, 'duration': 1.781}, {'end': 736.223, 'text': 'So we know about the Internet.', 'start': 735.122, 'duration': 1.101}, {'end': 739.626, 'text': "it's this amazing piece of technology.", 'start': 736.223, 'duration': 3.403}, {'end': 740.828, 'text': 'but what is the web really?', 'start': 739.626, 'duration': 1.202}, {'end': 742.069, 'text': 'How is it different from the Internet?', 'start': 740.868, 'duration': 1.201}, {'end': 752.2, 'text': 'The web is this application platform that allows you to write these pieces of software and put them on this amazing interconnected nervous system.', 'start': 743.675, 'duration': 8.525}, {'end': 754.342, 'text': "And it's what actually gives you the capabilities.", 'start': 752.561, 'duration': 1.781}], 'summary': 'Ipfs integrates old ideas to upgrade the current internet, aiming to bridge the gap between research and deployment, addressing the need for innovation and ease of use.', 'duration': 99.167, 'max_score': 655.175, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI655175.jpg'}, {'end': 817.349, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 792.083, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 800.508, 'text': 'So the, The point is that the properties of the web have vast implications in your capabilities as a human being.', 'start': 792.083, 'duration': 8.425}, {'end': 806.594, 'text': "Which means that if there's some problems with the web, we better fix them because it might mean trouble for people.", 'start': 801.048, 'duration': 5.546}, {'end': 811.299, 'text': 'And lo and behold, there are some problems with the web.', 'start': 808.697, 'duration': 2.602}, {'end': 817.349, 'text': "As I discussed earlier, it's kind of centralized now, and that's a source of problems.", 'start': 812.267, 'duration': 5.082}], 'summary': "The web's centralized nature has implications for human capabilities and needs fixing.", 'duration': 25.266, 'max_score': 792.083, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI792083.jpg'}], 'start': 575.859, 'title': "Internet's evolution and future", 'summary': 'Delves into the evolution of the internet, emphasizing its upgradability and the power of individuals in creating value through software. it also highlights the need for upgrading the internet using ipfs to address its current limitations.', 'chapters': [{'end': 709.399, 'start': 575.859, 'title': 'The evolution of internet technology', 'summary': 'Discusses the evolution of the internet, highlighting its upgradability, the power of individuals to create value through software, and the lag in deployment of research from academia.', 'duration': 133.54, 'highlights': ["The Internet allows individuals to enhance their abilities through software, creating value and giving them a 'superpower'.", 'Academic research is 15-20 years ahead of what is deployed and in use today, indicating a lag in deployment and development process.', "The Internet's design allows for anyone, including college kids, to come up with an idea, deploy it, and create massive value for the world.", 'The Internet is designed to allow the lower and upper layers of the network to evolve separately, mediated by a small protocol in between.']}, {'end': 882.901, 'start': 709.399, 'title': 'The future of the web', 'summary': 'Discusses the importance of the web as an application platform, its current centralized nature, and the limitations of location addressing, emphasizing the need for upgrading the internet using ipfs to solve these problems.', 'duration': 173.502, 'highlights': ['The web is an application platform allowing interconnected software deployment, significantly impacting human capabilities across various life aspects. The web enables the deployment of interconnected software, impacting human capabilities across various aspects of life.', "The current web's centralized nature and limitations of location addressing pose potential problems that need to be addressed for the benefit of people. The centralized nature and limitations of location addressing in the current web pose potential problems that need to be addressed for the benefit of people.", 'IPFS aims to upgrade the internet by integrating old ideas, improving interfaces, deploying to the network, and enhancing accessibility for developers, programmers, and end users. IPFS aims to upgrade the internet by integrating old ideas, improving interfaces, deploying to the network, and enhancing accessibility for developers, programmers, and end users.']}], 'duration': 307.042, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI575859.jpg', 'highlights': ["The Internet allows individuals to enhance their abilities through software, creating value and giving them a 'superpower'.", "The Internet's design allows for anyone, including college kids, to come up with an idea, deploy it, and create massive value for the world.", 'The web is an application platform allowing interconnected software deployment, significantly impacting human capabilities across various life aspects.', "The current web's centralized nature and limitations of location addressing pose potential problems that need to be addressed for the benefit of people.", 'Academic research is 15-20 years ahead of what is deployed and in use today, indicating a lag in deployment and development process.', 'The Internet is designed to allow the lower and upper layers of the network to evolve separately, mediated by a small protocol in between.', 'IPFS aims to upgrade the internet by integrating old ideas, improving interfaces, deploying to the network, and enhancing accessibility for developers, programmers, and end users.', 'The centralized nature and limitations of location addressing in the current web pose potential problems that need to be addressed for the benefit of people.']}, {'end': 1218.495, 'segs': [{'end': 998.34, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 965.092, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 970.019, 'text': 'Something like Gangnam Style has been viewed to the tune of like almost, or over two billion times.', 'start': 965.092, 'duration': 4.927}, {'end': 975.006, 'text': 'And when you, just when you count just the data coming out of Google servers, let alone all the links,', 'start': 970.8, 'duration': 4.206}, {'end': 977.289, 'text': "we're dealing with something close to 500 petabytes of data.", 'start': 975.006, 'duration': 2.283}, {'end': 981.873, 'text': "That's a lot for a video, right? I mean, this is clearly an issue.", 'start': 977.929, 'duration': 3.944}, {'end': 986.155, 'text': "There's no reason we should be moving around all of this data constantly through the network.", 'start': 982.193, 'duration': 3.962}, {'end': 991.997, 'text': 'And I wonder how many of those people actually saw the same video multiple times in the same day through different tabs.', 'start': 986.615, 'duration': 5.382}, {'end': 994.078, 'text': 'that might have caused the content to move again.', 'start': 991.997, 'duration': 2.081}, {'end': 995.379, 'text': 'Caching is not perfect.', 'start': 994.439, 'duration': 0.94}, {'end': 998.34, 'text': 'HTTP caching was sort of invented as a way to deal with this problem.', 'start': 995.839, 'duration': 2.501}], 'summary': 'Gangnam style has been viewed over two billion times, generating close to 500 petabytes of data, highlighting the need for more efficient data management and exploring the limitations of caching.', 'duration': 33.248, 'max_score': 965.092, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI965092.jpg'}, {'end': 1065.297, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1040.773, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 1049.826, 'text': 'In fact, the prices, when you graph the prices decreasing over time, bandwidth is decreasing in price slower than storage.', 'start': 1040.773, 'duration': 9.053}, {'end': 1053.869, 'text': 'What this means is that, in a sense,', 'start': 1051.187, 'duration': 2.682}, {'end': 1062.835, 'text': 'we get this impression that the storage capacity is outpacing the speed at which we can move around data in the network,', 'start': 1053.869, 'duration': 8.966}, {'end': 1065.297, 'text': 'giving us the impression that the network is getting slower.', 'start': 1062.835, 'duration': 2.462}], 'summary': 'Bandwidth prices decreasing slower than storage, causing network to appear slower.', 'duration': 24.524, 'max_score': 1040.773, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI1040772.jpg'}, {'end': 1149.829, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1104.74, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 1109.743, 'text': "all the software that you can deploy suddenly can't reach the end user in the network.", 'start': 1104.74, 'duration': 5.003}, {'end': 1116.21, 'text': "And that's a big issue when you think about the people out there that need the Internet most.", 'start': 1111.388, 'duration': 4.822}, {'end': 1125.255, 'text': "The people that we kind of discuss and say let's go and create all this great software to deploy it and kind of equalize the disparity of wealth across the world.", 'start': 1116.57, 'duration': 8.685}, {'end': 1130.417, 'text': 'And ends up being locked out by stupid issues like latency and bandwidth.', 'start': 1126.295, 'duration': 4.122}, {'end': 1133.979, 'text': 'That should not prevent people from accessing the network.', 'start': 1130.637, 'duration': 3.342}, {'end': 1140.383, 'text': "And recently there was, so there's this huge immigrant crisis right now.", 'start': 1134.759, 'duration': 5.624}, {'end': 1144.485, 'text': "There's a huge refugee crisis in Europe right now.", 'start': 1141.924, 'duration': 2.561}, {'end': 1146.447, 'text': "There's all these camps being set up.", 'start': 1144.505, 'duration': 1.942}, {'end': 1149.829, 'text': "And there's reports that people have food, they have clothes, and so on.", 'start': 1147.027, 'duration': 2.802}], 'summary': 'Software deployment issues hinder internet access for those in need, such as in refugee camps.', 'duration': 45.089, 'max_score': 1104.74, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI1104740.jpg'}, {'end': 1192.169, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1166.228, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 1170.68, 'text': "Latency, of course, is like the bane of computer networks, which is that you can't go faster than the speed of light.", 'start': 1166.228, 'duration': 4.452}, {'end': 1175.245, 'text': 'And so the solution is try and spread the content everywhere.', 'start': 1172.704, 'duration': 2.541}, {'end': 1180.826, 'text': "So here's kind of like the Amazon data centers and the Google data centers spread all over the world to try and get you content faster.", 'start': 1175.265, 'duration': 5.561}, {'end': 1182.646, 'text': "But that's only those companies.", 'start': 1181.406, 'duration': 1.24}, {'end': 1183.947, 'text': 'What about everybody else?', 'start': 1183.046, 'duration': 0.901}, {'end': 1192.169, 'text': 'Everybody else in the network should be able to have capabilities like this, but the design structure of the Internet precludes it.', 'start': 1184.267, 'duration': 7.902}], 'summary': "To reduce latency, major companies spread data centers globally, but the internet's design limits others.", 'duration': 25.941, 'max_score': 1166.228, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI1166228.jpg'}], 'start': 882.901, 'title': 'Bandwidth efficiency and challenges in web content', 'summary': "Delves into the inefficiency of current web content distribution, emphasizing bandwidth wastage due to redundant data transfer with examples of image and video sharing. it also discusses challenges in implementing effective caching solutions. additionally, it highlights bandwidth limitations' impact on internet access, particularly in developing countries, including the refugee crisis in europe and the need for improved global network infrastructure.", 'chapters': [{'end': 1016.432, 'start': 882.901, 'title': 'Bandwidth efficiency in web content', 'summary': 'Discusses the inefficiency of current web content distribution, highlighting the wastage of bandwidth due to redundant data transfer, with examples of image and video sharing, and the challenges in implementing effective caching solutions to address this issue.', 'duration': 133.531, 'highlights': ['Gangnam Style video has been viewed over two billion times, leading to around 500 petabytes of data being transferred, showcasing the significant bandwidth usage for popular online content. The immense popularity of the Gangnam Style video has resulted in a staggering amount of data transfer, approximately 500 petabytes, highlighting the substantial impact of bandwidth usage for widely viewed online content.', 'The inefficiency of HTTP caching, due to its limited effectiveness and security constraints, poses challenges in reducing data transfer and optimizing bandwidth usage in web content distribution. The limitations of HTTP caching, attributed to its inadequate effectiveness and security model constraints, hinder its ability to effectively reduce data transfer and optimize bandwidth usage in web content distribution.', 'The need for restructuring web content distribution to minimize redundant data transfer, particularly for large files like videos, to address the substantial wastage of bandwidth and improve efficiency. There is a necessity to restructure web content distribution to mitigate redundant data transfer, especially for large files such as videos, in order to tackle the significant wastage of bandwidth and enhance overall efficiency in data transmission.']}, {'end': 1218.495, 'start': 1018.619, 'title': 'Bandwidth challenges and internet access', 'summary': 'Highlights the challenges of bandwidth limitations, particularly in developing countries, and their impact on internet access, including the refugee crisis in europe and the need for improved global network infrastructure.', 'duration': 199.876, 'highlights': ['Bandwidth limitations and slow growth impact internet access, especially in developing countries and during crisis situations, such as the refugee crisis in Europe.', 'The disparity between increasing storage capacity and slower bandwidth price reduction creates the perception of a slower network, hindering access to large media and software deployment.', 'The need for improved global network infrastructure to address latency, bandwidth limitations, and offline operation, with a focus on providing equal capabilities for all network users.', 'The impact of bandwidth limitations on crisis situations, such as the inability of refugees to communicate with their loved ones due to lack of bandwidth, highlighting the critical nature of internet access.', 'The importance of addressing bandwidth challenges to ensure equal access to the internet, particularly for those who need it most and to support global software deployment efforts.']}], 'duration': 335.594, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI882901.jpg', 'highlights': ['The immense popularity of the Gangnam Style video has resulted in a staggering amount of data transfer, approximately 500 petabytes, highlighting the substantial impact of bandwidth usage for widely viewed online content.', 'The limitations of HTTP caching, attributed to its inadequate effectiveness and security model constraints, hinder its ability to effectively reduce data transfer and optimize bandwidth usage in web content distribution.', 'There is a necessity to restructure web content distribution to mitigate redundant data transfer, especially for large files such as videos, in order to tackle the significant wastage of bandwidth and enhance overall efficiency in data transmission.', 'Bandwidth limitations and slow growth impact internet access, especially in developing countries and during crisis situations, such as the refugee crisis in Europe.', 'The disparity between increasing storage capacity and slower bandwidth price reduction creates the perception of a slower network, hindering access to large media and software deployment.', 'The need for improved global network infrastructure to address latency, bandwidth limitations, and offline operation, with a focus on providing equal capabilities for all network users.', 'The impact of bandwidth limitations on crisis situations, such as the inability of refugees to communicate with their loved ones due to lack of bandwidth, highlighting the critical nature of internet access.', 'The importance of addressing bandwidth challenges to ensure equal access to the internet, particularly for those who need it most and to support global software deployment efforts.']}, {'end': 1962.881, 'segs': [{'end': 1261.829, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1236.361, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 1243.483, 'text': "smart, conflict-free resolution that allows us to collaborate in real time, and yet we're still moving all the updates to the backbone right?", 'start': 1236.361, 'duration': 7.122}, {'end': 1246.864, 'text': 'This is very silly and it gets worse when you think about the network falling apart.', 'start': 1243.503, 'duration': 3.361}, {'end': 1256.707, 'text': 'So, if our uplink were to fall, uh, to go offline, we lose the capability of working together completely, let alone, um, you know,', 'start': 1247.905, 'duration': 8.802}, {'end': 1261.829, 'text': "we should be able to continue working because we're in the same room, we are in the same portion of the network.", 'start': 1256.707, 'duration': 5.122}], 'summary': 'Need conflict-free, real-time collaboration with reliable network backup.', 'duration': 25.468, 'max_score': 1236.361, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI1236361.jpg'}, {'end': 1401.245, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1357.292, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 1361.614, 'text': 'That is a picture of a data center on fire, or after a fire.', 'start': 1357.292, 'duration': 4.322}, {'end': 1376.184, 'text': 'So things do happen and the web should be able to have an infrastructure that makes it easy for the average web developer to build tools to build applications in a way that will be resilient.', 'start': 1362.114, 'duration': 14.07}, {'end': 1382.231, 'text': 'Basically today, only the major corporations are able to build resiliency against this.', 'start': 1377.906, 'duration': 4.325}, {'end': 1388.631, 'text': "Then there's also other kinds of problems, like human problems around, you know, surprise suppression.", 'start': 1383.746, 'duration': 4.885}, {'end': 1394.177, 'text': 'Egypt kind of woke up one morning to the fact that the government had shut off access to the Internet.', 'start': 1389.552, 'duration': 4.625}, {'end': 1399.023, 'text': 'And now, how could they organize? They had no way of contacting each other.', 'start': 1394.738, 'duration': 4.285}, {'end': 1401.245, 'text': 'All of their communication infrastructure was gone.', 'start': 1399.583, 'duration': 1.662}], 'summary': "Web infrastructure needs to be resilient for all developers; illustrated by egypt's internet shutdown", 'duration': 43.953, 'max_score': 1357.292, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI1357292.jpg'}, {'end': 1673.208, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1645.786, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 1651.569, 'text': 'And this can be a really big problem when you think about all of the important pieces of information that you are storing yourself.', 'start': 1645.786, 'duration': 5.783}, {'end': 1656.712, 'text': 'And as an individual organization, corporation, whatever governments,', 'start': 1652.27, 'duration': 4.442}, {'end': 1662.056, 'text': "think about all the information you're storing on the web and how easily it could be stolen, corrupted, changed under your feed.", 'start': 1656.712, 'duration': 5.344}, {'end': 1665.598, 'text': 'You might discover someday that all of your communications are slightly different.', 'start': 1662.076, 'duration': 3.522}, {'end': 1668.259, 'text': 'Somebody could actually sneak into your email servers and do this.', 'start': 1665.978, 'duration': 2.281}, {'end': 1673.208, 'text': 'And this is kind of the fundamental problem.', 'start': 1671.007, 'duration': 2.201}], 'summary': 'Storing sensitive information on the web can lead to theft, corruption, and alteration, posing a significant risk to individuals and organizations.', 'duration': 27.422, 'max_score': 1645.786, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI1645786.jpg'}, {'end': 1943.635, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1919.218, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1929.381, 'text': 'And why it is warranted to do this whole work, which is to design a new protocol, think about developing it and deploying it,', 'start': 1919.218, 'duration': 10.163}, {'end': 1930.901, 'text': 'to upgrade the web right?', 'start': 1929.381, 'duration': 1.52}, {'end': 1934.082, 'text': "This isn't easy, so why are we spending the time??", 'start': 1930.921, 'duration': 3.161}, {'end': 1936.463, 'text': "It's because of these very, very important problems.", 'start': 1934.102, 'duration': 2.361}, {'end': 1943.635, 'text': "So we're trying to make the web distributed, work offline, be permanent, be safer, move around the content smarter.", 'start': 1937.947, 'duration': 5.688}], 'summary': 'Developing a new protocol to upgrade the web for improved distribution, offline access, permanence, safety, and content mobility.', 'duration': 24.417, 'max_score': 1919.218, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI1919218.jpg'}], 'start': 1218.495, 'title': 'Challenges in web infrastructure and upgrading', 'summary': 'Discusses the inefficiency of moving updates through the backbone, real-time collaboration, and the need for a resilient web infrastructure. it also addresses challenges such as internet shutdowns, censorship, data control issues, and security vulnerabilities, emphasizing the need to upgrade the web for distribution, offline capability, permanence, security, and speed.', 'chapters': [{'end': 1382.231, 'start': 1218.495, 'title': 'Web infrastructure resiliency', 'summary': 'Discusses the inefficiency of moving updates through the backbone, the importance of real-time collaboration, and the need for a resilient web infrastructure to combat network issues, such as latency and disconnection, impacting application functionality.', 'duration': 163.736, 'highlights': ['The inefficiency of moving updates through the backbone and the importance of real-time collaboration The speaker highlights the inefficiency of moving updates through the backbone for collaboration and emphasizes the need for real-time conflict-free resolution to enable efficient collaboration.', 'The impact of network issues on application functionality The speaker discusses the impact of network issues, such as latency and disconnection, on application functionality, citing examples of high latency causing lockouts from websites and emphasizing the need for a resilient web infrastructure to combat such issues.', 'Importance of web infrastructure resiliency for all developers The speaker stresses the importance of web infrastructure resiliency for all developers, highlighting the current limitations that only major corporations are able to build resiliency against network issues and advocating for an infrastructure that enables the average web developer to build resilient applications.']}, {'end': 1962.881, 'start': 1383.746, 'title': 'Challenges of upgrading the web', 'summary': 'Discusses the critical problems of the web, including human problems like internet shutdowns and censorship, the shift of mobile applications away from the web, data control issues, security vulnerabilities, and the impermanence of web content. it emphasizes the need to upgrade the web to address these challenges and make it distributed, offline-capable, permanent, secure, and faster.', 'duration': 579.135, 'highlights': ["The web's critical problems including internet shutdowns, censorship, and the shift of mobile applications away from the web. The chapter highlights the challenges faced by the web, such as internet shutdowns and censorship, as well as the shift of mobile applications away from the web, impacting its ubiquity and accessibility.", 'Data control issues, security vulnerabilities, and impermanence of web content, leading to data control, security breaches, and the loss of web content. The discussion emphasizes the challenges of data control, security vulnerabilities, and the impermanence of web content, which contribute to data control issues, security breaches, and the loss of web content.', 'The importance of upgrading the web to make it distributed, offline-capable, permanent, secure, and faster. The chapter stresses the significance of upgrading the web to make it distributed, offline-capable, permanent, secure, and faster in order to address the critical problems highlighted earlier.']}], 'duration': 744.386, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI1218495.jpg', 'highlights': ['The importance of upgrading the web to make it distributed, offline-capable, permanent, secure, and faster.', 'The inefficiency of moving updates through the backbone and the importance of real-time collaboration.', 'The impact of network issues on application functionality and the need for a resilient web infrastructure.', "The web's critical problems including internet shutdowns, censorship, and the shift of mobile applications away from the web.", 'Data control issues, security vulnerabilities, and impermanence of web content, leading to data control, security breaches, and the loss of web content.', 'Importance of web infrastructure resiliency for all developers.']}, {'end': 2370.497, 'segs': [{'end': 1990.909, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1963.441, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1969.463, 'text': "And so that, if, if we don't focus on that and make it really good, this whole change isn't going to happen.", 'start': 1963.441, 'duration': 6.022}, {'end': 1974.705, 'text': 'Funnily, this whole thing started because I wanted to make things faster anyway.', 'start': 1971.024, 'duration': 3.681}, {'end': 1976.386, 'text': "So it's important to start there.", 'start': 1975.566, 'duration': 0.82}, {'end': 1984.417, 'text': 'All right, so just like HTTP, IPFS is what we call a hypermedia transport protocol.', 'start': 1978.868, 'duration': 5.549}, {'end': 1989.867, 'text': "It's just an algorithm in a program that moves around data with links.", 'start': 1984.858, 'duration': 5.009}, {'end': 1990.909, 'text': "That's it.", 'start': 1990.668, 'duration': 0.241}], 'summary': 'Focusing on improving speed is crucial for successful change, as with ipfs as a hypermedia transport protocol.', 'duration': 27.468, 'max_score': 1963.441, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI1963441.jpg'}, {'end': 2080.418, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2052.772, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 2064.609, 'text': "It's a data structure that changes the web from completely always mutable links to making a distinction between mutable and immutable links.", 'start': 2052.772, 'duration': 11.837}, {'end': 2072.574, 'text': "If you're able to understand when a link is immutable, meaning that the content that you're pointing to has not and will never change,", 'start': 2065.309, 'duration': 7.265}, {'end': 2080.418, 'text': 'then you have a much better possibility to be able to route the content quickly, make caches work, and so on.', 'start': 2072.574, 'duration': 7.844}], 'summary': 'Immutable links improve content routing and caching efficiency on the web.', 'duration': 27.646, 'max_score': 2052.772, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI2052772.jpg'}, {'end': 2148.722, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2103.197, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 2110.902, 'text': 'learn a lot from all the peer to peer protocols out there to try and build a very sophisticated way to move the content as effectively as possible.', 'start': 2103.197, 'duration': 7.705}, {'end': 2119.988, 'text': "But that's able to take in policies from the user in terms of what capabilities the user wants.", 'start': 2111.723, 'duration': 8.265}, {'end': 2125.15, 'text': 'Meaning that sometimes you want things to go fast and sometimes you want privacy.', 'start': 2121.849, 'duration': 3.301}, {'end': 2128.252, 'text': 'And fundamentally, these two are at odds with each other,', 'start': 2125.751, 'duration': 2.501}, {'end': 2133.274, 'text': 'because the way you get privacy in Internet protocols is by doing a whole bunch of wasted work.', 'start': 2128.252, 'duration': 5.022}, {'end': 2135.695, 'text': 'So, oblivious routing protocols, oblivious RAM.', 'start': 2133.494, 'duration': 2.201}, {'end': 2140.376, 'text': 'they all work through doing a whole bunch of expense expensive computations and expensive moving around of data.', 'start': 2135.695, 'duration': 4.681}, {'end': 2148.722, 'text': 'And so you need to be able to dial the transport to understand how you want to move things.', 'start': 2141.937, 'duration': 6.785}], 'summary': 'Developing sophisticated protocols for efficient content transfer while balancing speed and privacy needs.', 'duration': 45.525, 'max_score': 2103.197, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI2103197.jpg'}, {'end': 2200.759, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2173.778, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 2180.664, 'text': "So this is the network stack as we see it, which is that there's on top of IP and so on,", 'start': 2173.778, 'duration': 6.886}, {'end': 2186.168, 'text': 'on top of the transports we have to deal with finding and routing content.', 'start': 2180.664, 'duration': 5.504}, {'end': 2188.89, 'text': 'So we can use DHTs and a whole bunch of other protocols.', 'start': 2186.188, 'duration': 2.702}, {'end': 2196.235, 'text': 'We have to exchange the content, but the central piece is the Merkle DAG, meaning we have to change how we think about data.', 'start': 2189.39, 'duration': 6.845}, {'end': 2200.759, 'text': 'And we have to think through making it possible to do immutable linking.', 'start': 2196.356, 'duration': 4.403}], 'summary': 'The network stack handles routing content using dhts and other protocols, with a central piece being the merkle dag for immutable linking.', 'duration': 26.981, 'max_score': 2173.778, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI2173778.jpg'}, {'end': 2285.488, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2256.546, 'weight': 7, 'content': [{'end': 2263.929, 'text': 'So if IP is the thin waste of the Internet, we see the Merkle DAG as the thin waste of distributed protocols.', 'start': 2256.546, 'duration': 7.383}, {'end': 2266.712, 'text': 'And it turns out that it already is the, the thin waste.', 'start': 2264.589, 'duration': 2.123}, {'end': 2270.697, 'text': "It's just that right now everybody's doing it in different ways with different formats.", 'start': 2266.772, 'duration': 3.925}, {'end': 2274.763, 'text': "And we're just sort of integrating them all into one system so that you can link between them.", 'start': 2271.038, 'duration': 3.725}, {'end': 2285.488, 'text': 'Uh, so we see this as an Internet of Data or an Internet of Data structures, um, where you should be able to build applications,', 'start': 2276.443, 'duration': 9.045}], 'summary': 'The merkle dag is seen as the thin waste of distributed protocols, aiming for an internet of data structures.', 'duration': 28.942, 'max_score': 2256.546, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI2256546.jpg'}], 'start': 1963.441, 'title': 'Ipfs protocol and its advantages', 'summary': "Introduces ipfs as a hypermedia transport protocol, emphasizing the merkle dag, aiming to rebase the web and application stack. it also explores ipfs's approach to content transfer, speed, privacy, and data structure.", 'chapters': [{'end': 2101.706, 'start': 1963.441, 'title': 'Ipfs protocol: changing the web', 'summary': 'Introduces ipfs as a hypermedia transport protocol synthesizing crucial web concepts and emphasizing the merkle dag as the central point, aiming to rebase the entire web and application stack to a smarter transfer protocol.', 'duration': 138.265, 'highlights': ['IPFS as a hypermedia transport protocol synthesizing crucial web concepts IPFS is described as a hypermedia transport protocol that synthesizes a collection of important ideas in web technology.', 'Emphasizing the Merkle DAG as the central point in redefining web and application stack The Merkle DAG is highlighted as the central point of IPFS, aiming to rebase the entire web and application stack to a smarter transfer protocol.', 'Importance of distinguishing between mutable and immutable links for efficient data transfer The chapter emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between mutable and immutable links in order to route content quickly and make caches work effectively.']}, {'end': 2370.497, 'start': 2103.197, 'title': 'Ipfs: a new thin waste of the web', 'summary': 'Explores how ipfs aims to provide a sophisticated way to move content effectively while accommodating user preferences for speed and privacy, utilizing oblivious routing protocols, and leveraging the merkle dag as a core data structure.', 'duration': 267.3, 'highlights': ['IPFS aims to provide a sophisticated way to move content effectively while accommodating user preferences for speed and privacy. IPFS is designed to handle user policies for content movement, balancing the trade-off between speed and privacy.', 'Oblivious routing protocols and oblivious RAM work through doing a whole bunch of expensive computations and moving around of data. Oblivious routing protocols and oblivious RAM involve expensive computations and data movements to achieve privacy in Internet protocols.', 'IPFS layers very cleanly over Tor, allowing it to be used over Tor directly. IPFS can be used over Tor directly, but careful implementation is required to avoid leaking important information like IP addresses.', 'Merkle DAG is a critical piece of the network stack, enabling immutable linking and changing the way data is perceived. Merkle DAG is a critical component that enables immutable linking and requires a shift in the understanding of data.', 'Merkle DAG is seen as the thin waste of distributed protocols, offering a new layer for integrating different protocols into one system. Merkle DAG is considered the thin waste of distributed protocols and serves as a new layer for integrating various protocols into one system.', 'Merkle DAG uses cryptographic hashes to link data, ensuring the security of the network. Merkle DAG uses cryptographic hashes to link data, providing security by preventing the generation of a preimage that gives the same hash.']}], 'duration': 407.056, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI1963441.jpg', 'highlights': ['IPFS as a hypermedia transport protocol synthesizing crucial web concepts', 'Emphasizing the Merkle DAG as the central point in redefining web and application stack', 'Importance of distinguishing between mutable and immutable links for efficient data transfer', 'IPFS aims to provide a sophisticated way to move content effectively while accommodating user preferences for speed and privacy', 'Oblivious routing protocols and oblivious RAM involve expensive computations and data movements to achieve privacy in Internet protocols', 'Merkle DAG is a critical piece of the network stack, enabling immutable linking and changing the way data is perceived', 'Merkle DAG uses cryptographic hashes to link data, ensuring the security of the network', 'Merkle DAG is seen as the thin waste of distributed protocols, offering a new layer for integrating different protocols into one system']}, {'end': 2909.375, 'segs': [{'end': 2417.052, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2388.874, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 2393.155, 'text': 'Because if you change anything, the cryptographic hash changes, and now the link is different.', 'start': 2388.874, 'duration': 4.281}, {'end': 2399.117, 'text': "So a, let's take the web and add Merkle links to them, to it.", 'start': 2395.436, 'duration': 3.681}, {'end': 2403.377, 'text': 'This is the Merkle tree, which is like the first kind of Merkle-ized data structure.', 'start': 2400.077, 'duration': 3.3}, {'end': 2405.678, 'text': 'This is where the idea of a Merkle link came out.', 'start': 2404.098, 'duration': 1.58}, {'end': 2407.887, 'text': 'Git uses them.', 'start': 2407.226, 'duration': 0.661}, {'end': 2409.988, 'text': 'This is why Git works as well as it does.', 'start': 2407.947, 'duration': 2.041}, {'end': 2414.17, 'text': 'Data within the Git version control system is Merkle linked.', 'start': 2411.248, 'duration': 2.922}, {'end': 2417.052, 'text': 'Bitcoin uses it.', 'start': 2416.151, 'duration': 0.901}], 'summary': 'Merkle links are integral to systems like git and bitcoin, ensuring data integrity and security.', 'duration': 28.178, 'max_score': 2388.874, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI2388874.jpg'}, {'end': 2461.056, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2433.241, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 2442.442, 'text': "Whoever said that money doesn't grow on trees, right? So let's take the idealized web and add some Merkle linking, and that's what IPFS is.", 'start': 2433.241, 'duration': 9.201}, {'end': 2449.947, 'text': 'So you can see it as a sort of massive forest of Merkle trees, where any one tree can point to any other tree.', 'start': 2442.962, 'duration': 6.985}, {'end': 2453.991, 'text': 'And you do this by having a common format around how you do the linking.', 'start': 2450.468, 'duration': 3.523}, {'end': 2461.056, 'text': "And for those specific systems that are pre-IPFS, we'll do some, for the big and important ones, we'll try and make them work natively.", 'start': 2454.631, 'duration': 6.425}], 'summary': 'Ipfs creates a massive forest of linked merkle trees for web content distribution.', 'duration': 27.815, 'max_score': 2433.241, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI2433241.jpg'}, {'end': 2521.944, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2490.933, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 2498.714, 'text': "meaning like legal pseudo-legal code that's executing on the Internet, kind of on its own, that is mediating the transfer of property.", 'start': 2490.933, 'duration': 7.781}, {'end': 2500.895, 'text': 'And it all relies on the, this Merkle linking.', 'start': 2499.095, 'duration': 1.8}, {'end': 2509.3, 'text': 'So Ethereum, which is one of these important blockchains that is emerging, which is the one kind of focus on smart contracts,', 'start': 2502.338, 'duration': 6.962}, {'end': 2510.881, 'text': 'is going to be using IPFS already.', 'start': 2509.3, 'duration': 1.581}, {'end': 2512.441, 'text': "So that's exciting.", 'start': 2511.201, 'duration': 1.24}, {'end': 2521.944, 'text': "And to explain why this Merkle linking is so valuable, it's good to think about the CVS or SVN transition into Git.", 'start': 2513.921, 'duration': 8.023}], 'summary': 'Ethereum, a key blockchain, will use ipfs for smart contracts, relying on merkle linking.', 'duration': 31.011, 'max_score': 2490.933, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI2490933.jpg'}, {'end': 2669.645, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2644.873, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 2653.656, 'text': "You're going faster than the speed of light because you're able to move content, sometimes preemptively, or know that content hasn't changed at all.", 'start': 2644.873, 'duration': 8.783}, {'end': 2664.259, 'text': "So you don't have to connect in any way and you can reason about the content you have and not have to waste time or rely on links that may be off.", 'start': 2653.956, 'duration': 10.303}, {'end': 2667.681, 'text': 'So we call this the Merkle DAG.', 'start': 2666.658, 'duration': 1.023}, {'end': 2668.342, 'text': "It's not a great name.", 'start': 2667.741, 'duration': 0.601}, {'end': 2669.645, 'text': "It's kind of hard to say.", 'start': 2668.362, 'duration': 1.283}], 'summary': 'Merkle dag enables faster content movement and reasoning without reliance on links.', 'duration': 24.772, 'max_score': 2644.873, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI2644873.jpg'}, {'end': 2719.463, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2689.667, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 2691.609, 'text': 'And you can even do arbitrary key value stores.', 'start': 2689.667, 'duration': 1.942}, {'end': 2697.073, 'text': "And there's even some people that are building a SQL database on top of IPFS.", 'start': 2692.129, 'duration': 4.944}, {'end': 2700.556, 'text': 'So you could have like full SQL semantics on top of the Merkle DAG.', 'start': 2697.413, 'duration': 3.143}, {'end': 2709.38, 'text': 'Which is kind of cool, right? So how would you go about doing this? Well, you represent a file as a DAG node.', 'start': 2702.098, 'duration': 7.282}, {'end': 2712.141, 'text': 'Big files will be split into multiple nodes.', 'start': 2710.541, 'duration': 1.6}, {'end': 2714.182, 'text': 'And so you can do chunking and duplication right?', 'start': 2712.481, 'duration': 1.701}, {'end': 2719.463, 'text': 'So if you have a massive file or two different files that share a ton of data, you just duplicate it.', 'start': 2714.202, 'duration': 5.261}], 'summary': 'Ipfs allows arbitrary key value stores and potential sql database on top of merkle dag.', 'duration': 29.796, 'max_score': 2689.667, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI2689667.jpg'}, {'end': 2913.219, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2884.899, 'weight': 6, 'content': [{'end': 2889.303, 'text': "But that's really expensive, right? We don't want to be doing mutability across DNS.", 'start': 2884.899, 'duration': 4.404}, {'end': 2892.526, 'text': 'We want sub-millisecond mutability.', 'start': 2890.044, 'duration': 2.482}, {'end': 2895.669, 'text': "This wouldn't work on its own.", 'start': 2893.587, 'duration': 2.082}, {'end': 2903.569, 'text': "So we introduce a new naming system in between, and that's what we call IPNS, so the Interplanetary Name System.", 'start': 2896.923, 'duration': 6.646}, {'end': 2905.912, 'text': "And this is based on David Messier's work.", 'start': 2904.15, 'duration': 1.762}, {'end': 2909.375, 'text': 'The first file system that came up with it was SFS.', 'start': 2906.873, 'duration': 2.502}, {'end': 2913.219, 'text': "And that's as far back as I've traced the idea.", 'start': 2910.676, 'duration': 2.543}], 'summary': 'Introducing ipns for sub-millisecond mutability, based on sfs, not dns.', 'duration': 28.32, 'max_score': 2884.899, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI2884899.jpg'}], 'start': 2371.258, 'title': 'Ipfs and merkle data structures', 'summary': 'Delves into the significance of merkle links in ipfs, its relevance to git and bitcoin, and its role in enabling a distributed, offline-first web, as well as the transition to hyperspeed in the ipfs model through the use of merkle dag, with examples of its applications including bitcoin and blockchains.', 'chapters': [{'end': 2628.59, 'start': 2371.258, 'title': 'Ipfs and merkle links', 'summary': 'Discusses the significance of merkle links in ipfs, its relevance to git and bitcoin, and its role in enabling a distributed, offline-first web through a distributed data structure, emphasizing its value in ensuring continued operation even when disconnected from the network and its adoption by emerging blockchains like ethereum.', 'duration': 257.332, 'highlights': ['Merkle links play a crucial role in IPFS, Git, and Bitcoin, enabling immutability and decentralized linking of data structures. Merkle links are integral to IPFS, Git, and Bitcoin, ensuring immutability and decentralization in linking data structures, which forms the basis for their functionality.', 'The significance of Merkle links lies in their contribution to a distributed, offline-first web, facilitating disconnected operation and communication without reliance on centralized servers. Merkle links enable a distributed, offline-first web, allowing disconnected operation and communication without dependence on centralized servers, thus ensuring continued functionality even when disconnected from the network.', 'Ethereum, an emerging blockchain focusing on smart contracts, is set to utilize IPFS, indicating the growing adoption of IPFS in prominent blockchain systems. The adoption of IPFS by Ethereum, an important blockchain for smart contracts, signifies the increasing integration of IPFS into significant blockchain systems.']}, {'end': 2909.375, 'start': 2629.09, 'title': 'Ipfs and merkle dag', 'summary': 'Discusses the transition to hyperspeed in the model of ipfs through the use of merkle dag, allowing for efficient content retrieval and mutability in the distributed web, with examples of its applications including bitcoin and blockchains.', 'duration': 280.285, 'highlights': ['IPFS enables hyperspeed transition through the use of Merkle DAG, allowing efficient content retrieval and mutability in the distributed web. The transition to hyperspeed in the model of IPFS is achieved through the use of Merkle DAG, enabling efficient content retrieval and mutability in the distributed web.', 'Merkle DAG facilitates preemptive content movement and efficient reasoning about unchanged content, surpassing the speed of light. Merkle DAG allows for preemptive content movement and efficient reasoning about unchanged content, surpassing the speed of light in data transfer.', 'IPFS represents data using Merkle DAG, enabling representation of Unix files, directories, Bitcoin, blockchains, and arbitrary key-value stores. IPFS represents data using Merkle DAG, allowing the representation of various data structures such as Unix files, directories, Bitcoin, blockchains, and arbitrary key-value stores.', 'IPFS introduces IPNS for sub-millisecond mutability, enabling changes in content without relying on expensive DNS mutability. IPFS introduces IPNS for sub-millisecond mutability, allowing changes in content without relying on expensive DNS mutability.']}], 'duration': 538.117, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI2371258.jpg', 'highlights': ['Merkle links are integral to IPFS, Git, and Bitcoin, ensuring immutability and decentralization in linking data structures, which forms the basis for their functionality.', 'Merkle links enable a distributed, offline-first web, allowing disconnected operation and communication without dependence on centralized servers, thus ensuring continued functionality even when disconnected from the network.', 'The adoption of IPFS by Ethereum, an important blockchain for smart contracts, signifies the increasing integration of IPFS into significant blockchain systems.', 'The transition to hyperspeed in the model of IPFS is achieved through the use of Merkle DAG, enabling efficient content retrieval and mutability in the distributed web.', 'Merkle DAG allows for preemptive content movement and efficient reasoning about unchanged content, surpassing the speed of light in data transfer.', 'IPFS represents data using Merkle DAG, allowing the representation of various data structures such as Unix files, directories, Bitcoin, blockchains, and arbitrary key-value stores.', 'IPFS introduces IPNS for sub-millisecond mutability, allowing changes in content without relying on expensive DNS mutability.']}, {'end': 3475.871, 'segs': [{'end': 2944.459, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2910.676, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 2913.219, 'text': "And that's as far back as I've traced the idea.", 'start': 2910.676, 'duration': 2.543}, {'end': 2916.222, 'text': 'It might actually be even older, who knows.', 'start': 2913.239, 'duration': 2.983}, {'end': 2918.104, 'text': 'But the idea is very simple.', 'start': 2917.043, 'duration': 1.061}, {'end': 2920.246, 'text': 'If you want to point to some immutable content,', 'start': 2918.244, 'duration': 2.002}, {'end': 2927.695, 'text': 'You generate a public-private key pair and you take the hash of the public key and hand that out as a reference.', 'start': 2921.348, 'duration': 6.347}, {'end': 2932.961, 'text': 'So when people are going to look up something, it includes the hash of your public key.', 'start': 2928.316, 'duration': 4.645}, {'end': 2937.086, 'text': 'Which means that they can retrieve the public key, and they can check that that is correct.', 'start': 2933.903, 'duration': 3.183}, {'end': 2944.459, 'text': 'The next thing you do is you create a pointer, which has the value that you want to point to, and you sign it with your private key.', 'start': 2937.99, 'duration': 6.469}], 'summary': 'Using public-private key pair to reference content, ensuring its immutability and authenticity.', 'duration': 33.783, 'max_score': 2910.676, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI2910676.jpg'}, {'end': 3118.424, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 3078.078, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 3082.521, 'text': "And that's an important thing because many different organizations trust different kind of cryptographic primitives.", 'start': 3078.078, 'duration': 4.443}, {'end': 3086.803, 'text': "And you can't tell everyone, hey, just use these because that's not going to work.", 'start': 3082.901, 'duration': 3.902}, {'end': 3095.548, 'text': 'So the point here is that we have a whole set of formats that give us interoperability across different crypto systems.', 'start': 3088.524, 'duration': 7.024}, {'end': 3101.492, 'text': "So the hashes here are not SHA-256, they're not SHA-3, they're actually a thing we call multi hash,", 'start': 3095.708, 'duration': 5.784}, {'end': 3107.055, 'text': 'which encodes in the hash itself which function was used to generate the hash so that you can upgrade it over time.', 'start': 3101.492, 'duration': 5.563}, {'end': 3108.696, 'text': 'And you can do the same thing with the keys.', 'start': 3107.435, 'duration': 1.261}, {'end': 3111.798, 'text': 'You can describe what key it was and so on.', 'start': 3108.776, 'duration': 3.022}, {'end': 3118.424, 'text': 'And the hash there, so this gets more into kind of like more esoteric stuff.', 'start': 3112.921, 'duration': 5.503}], 'summary': 'Different cryptographic primitives ensure interoperability across systems using multi-hash encoding for upgradeability.', 'duration': 40.346, 'max_score': 3078.078, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI3078078.jpg'}, {'end': 3182.729, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 3144.419, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 3149.804, 'text': 'you can check the key, you can fetch the parent and you can verify that the signature is correct and you can crawl.', 'start': 3144.419, 'duration': 5.385}, {'end': 3151.625, 'text': 'you can do this all the way with a whole PKI.', 'start': 3149.804, 'duration': 1.821}, {'end': 3160.052, 'text': 'So it, you can use the immutable part of IPFS to distribute the entire PKI, uh, and then from there you can do replication however you want.', 'start': 3152.265, 'duration': 7.787}, {'end': 3166.139, 'text': "That's a whole other, like, how to do revocation and key rotation are really important pieces of this whole thing.", 'start': 3161.053, 'duration': 5.086}, {'end': 3170.004, 'text': "But there's no one answer, nobody has come up with, like, the one right solution.", 'start': 3167.12, 'duration': 2.884}, {'end': 3175.39, 'text': "And it's mostly different camps want to use different things, so we just work with all of them.", 'start': 3170.504, 'duration': 4.886}, {'end': 3177.913, 'text': "That's kind of our, our principle around all of this.", 'start': 3175.831, 'duration': 2.082}, {'end': 3182.729, 'text': "You won't find one solution that's right forever.", 'start': 3179.847, 'duration': 2.882}], 'summary': 'Utilize the immutable part of ipfs to distribute the entire pki for verification and replication, addressing challenges in revocation and key rotation with flexibility and adaptability.', 'duration': 38.31, 'max_score': 3144.419, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI3144419.jpg'}, {'end': 3276.948, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 3254.948, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 3264.016, 'text': 'And that gives you full power to publish into the network without necessarily having to host it yourself and without having to trust any of the people that are hosting the content for you.', 'start': 3254.948, 'duration': 9.068}, {'end': 3270.822, 'text': 'Which buys you those elusive properties, which is that I should be able to create the content and store it all over the network.', 'start': 3264.716, 'duration': 6.106}, {'end': 3273.145, 'text': 'And it should be able to be served all over the network.', 'start': 3271.203, 'duration': 1.942}, {'end': 3276.948, 'text': 'And you should still be able to check that it was truly me who published that content.', 'start': 3273.565, 'duration': 3.383}], 'summary': 'Decentralized publishing allows content storage and serving across the network while ensuring content authenticity.', 'duration': 22, 'max_score': 3254.948, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI3254948.jpg'}, {'end': 3418.711, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 3393.235, 'weight': 6, 'content': [{'end': 3400.699, 'text': "It's a model that goes back to the distributed notion of the web, where the publisher is anybody, where the hoster is anybody,", 'start': 3393.235, 'duration': 7.464}, {'end': 3402.499, 'text': "and where it's completely distributed and peer to peer.", 'start': 3400.699, 'duration': 1.8}, {'end': 3407.562, 'text': 'And so we can have websites that operate entirely on the browser.', 'start': 3403.9, 'duration': 3.662}, {'end': 3411.044, 'text': 'and have no server necessarily.', 'start': 3408.622, 'duration': 2.422}, {'end': 3413.126, 'text': 'Of course, servers are a really good idea.', 'start': 3411.545, 'duration': 1.581}, {'end': 3414.007, 'text': 'It makes things faster.', 'start': 3413.286, 'duration': 0.721}, {'end': 3415.729, 'text': 'But it should only make things faster.', 'start': 3414.407, 'duration': 1.322}, {'end': 3418.711, 'text': 'Or maybe do some critical processing,', 'start': 3416.449, 'duration': 2.262}], 'summary': 'Web model is distributed, peer-to-peer, and can operate without servers, although servers are beneficial for speed and critical processing.', 'duration': 25.476, 'max_score': 3393.235, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI3393235.jpg'}, {'end': 3457.303, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 3432.462, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 3441.466, 'text': "you can start creating legal records and contracts and link all these pieces together and have just this web of data that you're checking,", 'start': 3432.462, 'duration': 9.004}, {'end': 3444.447, 'text': 'not necessarily worrying about the representation of the files themselves.', 'start': 3441.466, 'duration': 2.981}, {'end': 3448.629, 'text': "All right, that's kind of how IPFS works.", 'start': 3446.368, 'duration': 2.261}, {'end': 3453.151, 'text': 'I wanted to say a little bit about how the project is going.', 'start': 3449.369, 'duration': 3.782}, {'end': 3457.303, 'text': "Because there's a whole bunch of ideas and we've, I've kind of just given an overview.", 'start': 3454.099, 'duration': 3.204}], 'summary': 'Ipfs creates web of data for legal records and contracts, with focus on ideas and overview.', 'duration': 24.841, 'max_score': 3432.462, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI3432462.jpg'}], 'start': 2910.676, 'title': 'Immutable content and decentralized publishing', 'summary': 'Discusses using public-private key pairs to create immutable content pointers and generating mutable links for updates, ensuring full mutability and interoperability. it also explains how ipfs enables decentralized content publishing by creating a huge mesh of content separate from hosts and enabling the creation of applications without centralized databases or servers.', 'chapters': [{'end': 3182.729, 'start': 2910.676, 'title': 'Immutable content and mutable pointers', 'summary': 'Discusses the concept of using public-private key pairs to create immutable content pointers and generate mutable links for updates in the network, ensuring full mutability and interoperability across different cryptographic systems.', 'duration': 272.053, 'highlights': ['Using public-private key pairs for creating immutable content pointers and mutable links The concept involves generating a public-private key pair, taking the hash of the public key, and creating a pointer signed with the private key to distribute as a reference, allowing for full mutability and verification.', 'Ensuring interoperability across different cryptographic systems The system is designed to be entirely pluggable with any PKI, allowing organizations to use their preferred cryptographic primitives and formats for interoperability.', 'Utilizing multi hash to encode information in the hash itself for upgradability The use of multi hash allows encoding the hash with the function used to generate it, enabling upgradability over time and interoperability across different cryptographic systems.', 'Distribution of entire PKI using the immutable part of IPFS The entire PKI can be distributed using the immutable part of IPFS, allowing for the inclusion of public key data, pointers to parent keys, and signatures for verification.', 'Supporting different revocation and key rotation methods for interoperability The system acknowledges the need for different revocation and key rotation methods and aims to work with different camps to support all approaches for interoperability.']}, {'end': 3475.871, 'start': 3183.069, 'title': 'Ipfs: decentralized content publishing', 'summary': 'Explains how ipfs enables decentralized content publishing by creating a huge mesh of content separate from hosts, verifying content integrity through immutable and authenticated links, and enabling the creation of applications without centralized databases or servers.', 'duration': 292.802, 'highlights': ["IPFS allows content to be published and served all over the network, with the ability to verify the publisher's identity and ensure data integrity. IPFS enables content to be published and served across the network, allowing verification of the publisher's identity and ensuring data integrity.", 'The system enables the creation of applications without centralized databases or servers, where clients can generate and distribute data locally, ensuring data integrity and encryption. IPFS facilitates the creation of applications without centralized databases or servers, allowing clients to generate and distribute data locally with data integrity and encryption.', 'IPFS provides a distributed and peer-to-peer model for computation, allowing websites to operate entirely on the browser with minimal reliance on servers. IPFS offers a distributed and peer-to-peer model for computation, enabling websites to operate solely on the browser with reduced reliance on servers.']}], 'duration': 565.195, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI2910676.jpg', 'highlights': ['Using public-private key pairs for creating immutable content pointers and mutable links The concept involves generating a public-private key pair, taking the hash of the public key, and creating a pointer signed with the private key to distribute as a reference, allowing for full mutability and verification.', 'Utilizing multi hash to encode information in the hash itself for upgradability The use of multi hash allows encoding the hash with the function used to generate it, enabling upgradability over time and interoperability across different cryptographic systems.', 'Distribution of entire PKI using the immutable part of IPFS The entire PKI can be distributed using the immutable part of IPFS, allowing for the inclusion of public key data, pointers to parent keys, and signatures for verification.', 'Supporting different revocation and key rotation methods for interoperability The system acknowledges the need for different revocation and key rotation methods and aims to work with different camps to support all approaches for interoperability.', "IPFS allows content to be published and served all over the network, with the ability to verify the publisher's identity and ensure data integrity. IPFS enables content to be published and served across the network, allowing verification of the publisher's identity and ensuring data integrity.", 'The system enables the creation of applications without centralized databases or servers, where clients can generate and distribute data locally, ensuring data integrity and encryption. IPFS facilitates the creation of applications without centralized databases or servers, allowing clients to generate and distribute data locally with data integrity and encryption.', 'IPFS provides a distributed and peer-to-peer model for computation, allowing websites to operate entirely on the browser with minimal reliance on servers. IPFS offers a distributed and peer-to-peer model for computation, enabling websites to operate solely on the browser with reduced reliance on servers.', 'Ensuring interoperability across different cryptographic systems The system is designed to be entirely pluggable with any PKI, allowing organizations to use their preferred cryptographic primitives and formats for interoperability.']}, {'end': 4139.56, 'segs': [{'end': 3503.568, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 3476.931, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 3481.274, 'text': "So we're designing the whole thing to, again, interface with the web of today.", 'start': 3476.931, 'duration': 4.343}, {'end': 3492.441, 'text': 'And we have this whole sophisticated adoption plan to make sure that we can migrate to IPFS without having to without the user telling right?', 'start': 3482.015, 'duration': 10.426}, {'end': 3494.362, 'text': 'So the first step, for example,', 'start': 3492.481, 'duration': 1.881}, {'end': 3502.147, 'text': 'is you run some HTTP gateway where you can give people regular HTTP links that will resolve through IPFS and they can pull content,', 'start': 3494.362, 'duration': 7.785}, {'end': 3503.568, 'text': 'and it all kind of works seamlessly.', 'start': 3502.147, 'duration': 1.421}], 'summary': 'Designing system to interface with web, implementing sophisticated adoption plan for seamless migration to ipfs.', 'duration': 26.637, 'max_score': 3476.931, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI3476931.jpg'}, {'end': 3555.81, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 3523.994, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 3526.675, 'text': 'So you ideally want it to be as part of the browser itself.', 'start': 3523.994, 'duration': 2.681}, {'end': 3533.957, 'text': 'And you can do this through either browser extensions, or you can do this by implementing directly in the browser.', 'start': 3527.075, 'duration': 6.882}, {'end': 3541.92, 'text': 'And we are actually working with a browser vendor, a major browser vendor, on implementing IPFS in the browser, which is actually a show of traction.', 'start': 3534.317, 'duration': 7.603}, {'end': 3545.301, 'text': 'This is actually to the point where browser vendors are going, oh, this is really cool.', 'start': 3541.94, 'duration': 3.361}, {'end': 3546.382, 'text': "Let's actually use it.", 'start': 3545.641, 'duration': 0.741}, {'end': 3555.81, 'text': 'And the last case, and this is where we stop, where we are actually kind of extending the web into Unix.', 'start': 3548.524, 'duration': 7.286}], 'summary': 'Working with a major browser vendor to implement ipfs, extending web into unix.', 'duration': 31.816, 'max_score': 3523.994, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI3523994.jpg'}, {'end': 3743.264, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 3692.701, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 3697.444, 'text': 'which created a rift between the browsers and the web and the file system.', 'start': 3692.701, 'duration': 4.743}, {'end': 3703.147, 'text': 'And so maybe by removing that colon, we can bring back the web into Unix and make the whole thing work together.', 'start': 3698.024, 'duration': 5.123}, {'end': 3710.535, 'text': "That's just an example of kind of this principle that we have in the whole project,", 'start': 3705.531, 'duration': 5.004}, {'end': 3719.222, 'text': 'which is to make sure things integrate well and make decisions based on what will cause zero friction of adoption.', 'start': 3710.535, 'duration': 8.687}, {'end': 3722.866, 'text': "And we're really trying to get to that zero friction of use.", 'start': 3719.863, 'duration': 3.003}, {'end': 3728.21, 'text': 'And we seem to have done a good job because a lot of people are now using IPFS.', 'start': 3724.367, 'duration': 3.843}, {'end': 3730.132, 'text': 'So this project is completely open source.', 'start': 3728.43, 'duration': 1.702}, {'end': 3731.273, 'text': 'Anybody can use it.', 'start': 3730.612, 'duration': 0.661}, {'end': 3736.097, 'text': 'We have two implementations, one written in Go, one in JavaScript.', 'start': 3732.794, 'duration': 3.303}, {'end': 3738.86, 'text': 'People are actively running IPFS.', 'start': 3737.499, 'duration': 1.361}, {'end': 3743.264, 'text': "There's between 50 to 100, 000 websites now running on IPFS.", 'start': 3738.92, 'duration': 4.344}], 'summary': 'Ipfs has 50,000-100,000 websites running, aiming for zero friction of use and integration with unix.', 'duration': 50.563, 'max_score': 3692.701, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI3692701.jpg'}, {'end': 3855.691, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 3816.299, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 3821, 'text': 'And they have a pretty huge install base between 100, 000 to, I think, maybe a million users.', 'start': 3816.299, 'duration': 4.701}, {'end': 3822.16, 'text': "I'm not entirely sure.", 'start': 3821.04, 'duration': 1.12}, {'end': 3828.282, 'text': "But they're now going to be shipping IPFS by default, and people are going to be using it.", 'start': 3823.721, 'duration': 4.561}, {'end': 3832.669, 'text': 'Another set of interesting use cases is around package management.', 'start': 3829.406, 'duration': 3.263}, {'end': 3837.394, 'text': 'So Linux made this amazing contribution, or the Linux community had this amazing contribution,', 'start': 3832.729, 'duration': 4.665}, {'end': 3847.143, 'text': "which is let's ship code through this very well cleaned up ecosystem of carefully designed packages and signed and do the whole verification and make it really trivial to install code.", 'start': 3837.394, 'duration': 9.749}, {'end': 3851.869, 'text': 'Turns out that you can put all of those artifacts directly in IPFS.', 'start': 3849.028, 'duration': 2.841}, {'end': 3855.691, 'text': "And if you're in a data center and you need to download a package,", 'start': 3852.63, 'duration': 3.061}], 'summary': 'Ipfs will be shipped to a large user base, with potential use cases in package management and data centers.', 'duration': 39.392, 'max_score': 3816.299, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI3816299.jpg'}, {'end': 4041.264, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 4014.983, 'weight': 7, 'content': [{'end': 4026.07, 'text': 'Right, so yeah, any questions? So again, in short, we are trying to upgrade the entire Internet.', 'start': 4014.983, 'duration': 11.087}, {'end': 4032.936, 'text': 'And our life is really about this whole process of research, development, deployment of protocols.', 'start': 4026.21, 'duration': 6.726}, {'end': 4041.264, 'text': 'And if I were to say one last thing here in this venue, at Stanford, where people are doing so much research for the network.', 'start': 4033.657, 'duration': 7.607}], 'summary': 'Efforts to upgrade the entire internet with focus on research, development, and deployment of protocols at stanford.', 'duration': 26.281, 'max_score': 4014.983, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI4014983.jpg'}], 'start': 3476.931, 'title': 'Integrating ipfs with the web and upgrading the internet', 'summary': 'Discusses integrating ipfs with the web and unix, including an adoption plan, collaboration with a major browser vendor, and extending capabilities into unix, along with the use of ipfs on 50,000 to 100,000 websites, its applications in web hosting, container movement, package management, and distributed web applications, and efforts to upgrade the internet and overcome deployment challenges.', 'chapters': [{'end': 3719.222, 'start': 3476.931, 'title': 'Integrating ipfs with web and unix', 'summary': 'Discusses integrating ipfs with the web, including an adoption plan to migrate seamlessly to ipfs, working with a major browser vendor to implement ipfs in the browser, and extending the web into unix to enable new capabilities.', 'duration': 242.291, 'highlights': ['The chapter explains a sophisticated adoption plan to migrate to IPFS without user intervention, including running an HTTP gateway to resolve regular HTTP links through IPFS, then shipping JavaScript code for a full IPFS node in the browser tab, and ultimately integrating IPFS directly into the browser.', 'It discusses working with a major browser vendor to implement IPFS in the browser, demonstrating notable traction and potential widespread adoption.', 'The chapter highlights the extension of web capabilities into Unix by removing the colon in links, allowing the entire system to be mounted in the Unix file system, enabling new capabilities such as modeling entire file systems and virtual machines as entities in the graph.', 'It emphasizes the focus on integrating IPFS with the existing ecosystem, highlighting the majority of work involved in ensuring seamless interface with the rest of the systems and careful design decisions to eliminate friction of adoption.']}, {'end': 4139.56, 'start': 3719.863, 'title': 'Upgrading internet with ipfs', 'summary': 'Discusses the use of ipfs, with 50,000 to 100,000 websites running on it, along with its applications in web hosting, container movement, package management, and distributed web applications, and the efforts to upgrade the internet and overcome deployment challenges.', 'duration': 419.697, 'highlights': ['IPFS has 50,000 to 100,000 websites running on it. A lot of people are now using IPFS, with between 50,000 to 100,000 websites currently running on it.', 'FreeNAS is bundling IPFS, which has a large install base between 100,000 to a million users. FreeNAS, with a large install base between 100,000 to a million users, is bundling IPFS by default, indicating its increasing usage.', 'IPFS is used for package management, enabling direct artifact access and reducing bandwidth usage. IPFS allows direct access to artifacts for package management, reducing bandwidth usage and enabling faster downloads within a data center.', 'Efforts to upgrade the internet and overcome deployment challenges. The chapter emphasizes the efforts to upgrade the internet and overcome deployment challenges to ensure the successful implementation and usage of innovative ideas and systems.']}], 'duration': 662.629, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/HUVmypx9HGI/pics/HUVmypx9HGI3476931.jpg', 'highlights': ['The chapter discusses a sophisticated adoption plan to migrate to IPFS without user intervention, including running an HTTP gateway to resolve regular HTTP links through IPFS, then shipping JavaScript code for a full IPFS node in the browser tab, and ultimately integrating IPFS directly into the browser.', 'It emphasizes the focus on integrating IPFS with the existing ecosystem, highlighting the majority of work involved in ensuring seamless interface with the rest of the systems and careful design decisions to eliminate friction of adoption.', 'The chapter highlights the extension of web capabilities into Unix by removing the colon in links, allowing the entire system to be mounted in the Unix file system, enabling new capabilities such as modeling entire file systems and virtual machines as entities in the graph.', 'The chapter discusses working with a major browser vendor to implement IPFS in the browser, demonstrating notable traction and potential widespread adoption.', 'IPFS has 50,000 to 100,000 websites running on it. A lot of people are now using IPFS, with between 50,000 to 100,000 websites currently running on it.', 'FreeNAS is bundling IPFS, which has a large install base between 100,000 to a million users. FreeNAS, with a large install base between 100,000 to a million users, is bundling IPFS by default, indicating its increasing usage.', 'IPFS is used for package management, enabling direct artifact access and reducing bandwidth usage.', 'Efforts to upgrade the internet and overcome deployment challenges. The chapter emphasizes the efforts to upgrade the internet and overcome deployment challenges to ensure the successful implementation and usage of innovative ideas and systems.']}], 'highlights': ['IPFS aims to upgrade the web by maintaining the existing interface for seamless application layering.', 'The distributed structure of a network results in an extremely resilient fabric adaptable to various shapes.', 'The need to consider interplanetary travel and latency issues emphasizes the importance of a functional system across massive distances.', 'The centralized nature of the web raises concerns about resiliency and the need for decentralization.', 'The immense popularity of the Gangnam Style video has resulted in a staggering amount of data transfer, approximately 500 petabytes, highlighting the substantial impact of bandwidth usage for widely viewed online content.', 'The limitations of HTTP caching, attributed to its inadequate effectiveness and security model constraints, hinder its ability to effectively reduce data transfer and optimize bandwidth usage in web content distribution.', 'The importance of upgrading the web to make it distributed, offline-capable, permanent, secure, and faster.', 'Merkle links are integral to IPFS, Git, and Bitcoin, ensuring immutability and decentralization in linking data structures, which forms the basis for their functionality.', 'Using public-private key pairs for creating immutable content pointers and mutable links The concept involves generating a public-private key pair, taking the hash of the public key, and creating a pointer signed with the private key to distribute as a reference, allowing for full mutability and verification.', 'The chapter discusses a sophisticated adoption plan to migrate to IPFS without user intervention, including running an HTTP gateway to resolve regular HTTP links through IPFS, then shipping JavaScript code for a full IPFS node in the browser tab, and ultimately integrating IPFS directly into the browser.']}