How to Get a Developer Job – Even in This Economy [Full Course]

This course will help you find a programming job and is specifically designed for self-taught developers. The course covers covers everything from job search strategy, resumes, networking, interviewing, and a lot more. Let's lets start learning. Follow along interactively on Boot.dev: https://www.boot.dev/learn/learn-job-search Read freeCodeCamp founder Quincy Larson's free book "How to Learn to Code and Get a Developer Job": https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-to-code-book/ Learn back-end on Boot.dev: https://boot.dev Follow Lane on Twitter: https://twitter.com/wagslane Lane’s YouTube: https://youtube.com/@bootdotdev Backend Banter Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@backendbanterfm ⭐️ Contents ⭐️ ⌨️ (0:00:00) Intro ⌨️ (0:04:18) Ch 1. Job Search Strategy ⌨️ (0:21:52) Ch 2. Portfolio Projects ⌨️ (0:53:33) Ch 3. Github Profile ⌨️ (1:06:45) Ch 4. Linkedin ⌨️ (1:20:52) Ch 5. Resume ⌨️ (1:47:52) Ch 6. Applying ⌨️ (2:03:15) Ch 7. Networking ⌨️ (2:38:23) Ch 8. Interviewing ⌨️ (3:37:49) Ch 9. Relocation ⭐️ Guests and mentions ⭐️ TJ Devries: https://www.youtube.com/@teej_dv ThePrimeagen: https://www.youtube.com/@ThePrimeTimeagen Bill Kennedy: https://twitter.com/goinggodotnet Miriah Peterson: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miriah-peterson-35649b5b/ Theo Browne: https://www.youtube.com/@t3dotgg Don the Developer: https://www.youtube.com/@DonTheDeveloper Kent C Dodds: https://www.youtube.com/@KentCDodds-vids James Q Quick: https://www.youtube.com/@JamesQQuick Melkey: https://www.youtube.com/@MelkeyDev Eddie Jaoude: https://github.com/eddiejaoude Danny Thompson: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dthompsondev/ Need help? Join the Boot.dev Discord: https://boot.dev/community FreeCodeCamp Discord: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/freecodecamp-discord-chat-room-server/ 🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters: 👾 davthecoder 👾 jedi-or-sith 👾 南宮千影 👾 Agustín Kussrow 👾 Nattira Maneerat 👾 Heather Wcislo 👾 Serhiy Kalinets 👾 Justin Hual 👾 Otis Morgan 👾 Oscar Rahnama -- Learn to code for free and get a developer job: https://www.freecodecamp.org Read hundreds of articles on programming: https://freecodecamp.org/news

{'title': 'How to Get a Developer Job – Even in This Economy [Full Course]', 'heatmap': [{'end': 1870.597, 'start': 1722.824, 'weight': 0.754}, {'end': 12952.028, 'start': 12795.934, 'weight': 1}], 'summary': "This full course provides insights and strategies for landing a first programming job, covering resume optimization, networking, interview preparation, portfolio optimization, and job search strategies, with practical recommendations and personal stories. it emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, building unique projects, and setting achievable goals, recommending a weekly job application goal of 20-25, and spending 2-4 hours per week building relationships with developers. specific data is provided on the 'numbers game' nature of job applications, where sending out 100 applications may result in 5 interviews and potentially 2 offers, and the impact of asking clarifying questions during interviews. it also covers the concept of signal vs noise in job applications, the benefits of open source projects, and optimizing portfolio projects with specific examples, ultimately aiming to increase chances of being hired and showcase tangible skills for a competitive edge. it provides tips on creating standout resumes, crafting effective job applications, and job search strategies for developers, including utilizing company websites, niche job boards, and networking. the course also discusses a teacher's journey to becoming a developer, highlighting determination, networking, and building a portfolio, and covers interview tips for entry-level developers, the tech interview process, and specific preparation required for faang companies. additionally, the chapter highlights the significance of evaluating coding abilities, linkedin and github profiles, and projects, and suggests alternatives like whiteboarding skills assessment, rather than high-risk options like going back to school or relocation.", 'chapters': [{'end': 809.08, 'segs': [{'end': 30.472, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 0.069, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 2.732, 'text': 'This course will help you find a programming job.', 'start': 0.069, 'duration': 2.663}, {'end': 6.036, 'text': "And it's specifically designed for self taught developers.", 'start': 3.193, 'duration': 2.843}, {'end': 9.499, 'text': 'Lane Wagner has created some of our most popular courses.', 'start': 6.536, 'duration': 2.963}, {'end': 11.742, 'text': "And he's back to teach this course.", 'start': 9.88, 'duration': 1.862}, {'end': 18.429, 'text': 'He covers everything from job search strategy, resumes, networking, interviewing, and a lot more.', 'start': 12.182, 'duration': 6.247}, {'end': 19.99, 'text': "Let's start learning.", 'start': 19.15, 'duration': 0.84}, {'end': 26.252, 'text': "Look, the job market for entry level developers is absolutely brutal right now, but that doesn't mean there's no hope.", 'start': 20.43, 'duration': 5.822}, {'end': 30.472, 'text': "Now I've personally worked with hundreds of students that are looking for their first programming jobs,", 'start': 26.292, 'duration': 4.18}], 'summary': 'Course designed for self-taught developers to land programming jobs, covering job search strategy, resumes, networking, and interviewing.', 'duration': 30.403, 'max_score': 0.069, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg69.jpg'}, {'end': 66.246, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 37.574, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 42.475, 'text': "Now, what that means for you is, if you don't make all of those super common mistakes,", 'start': 37.574, 'duration': 4.901}, {'end': 47.016, 'text': "you'll actually stand out in what seems like a sea of other candidates.", 'start': 42.475, 'duration': 4.541}, {'end': 48.557, 'text': 'So what even is this course??', 'start': 47.236, 'duration': 1.321}, {'end': 56.701, 'text': "Well, it's a collection of tactics and strategies that I believe will help you maximize your chances of landing that first programming job.", 'start': 48.697, 'duration': 8.004}, {'end': 59.342, 'text': "We'll start by making sure that your resume, GitHub,", 'start': 56.941, 'duration': 2.401}, {'end': 66.246, 'text': 'LinkedIn and personal projects are all up to snuff and optimized for actually landing that first developer job.', 'start': 59.342, 'duration': 6.904}], 'summary': 'Avoid common mistakes to stand out in job market with optimized resume, github, linkedin, and projects.', 'duration': 28.672, 'max_score': 37.574, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg37574.jpg'}, {'end': 162.797, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 134.902, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 141.387, 'text': "All along the way, you'll be making updates to your resume, tweaking social profiles, and even adding documentation to projects.", 'start': 134.902, 'duration': 6.485}, {'end': 146.83, 'text': "There's going to be a ton of stuff to do, so please don't just binge watch this video from start to finish.", 'start': 141.567, 'duration': 5.263}, {'end': 150.753, 'text': 'In fact, I highly recommend bookmarking the video and taking it a step at a time.', 'start': 147.15, 'duration': 3.603}, {'end': 155.194, 'text': 'Now, everything that you need for this course will be in this video.', 'start': 150.953, 'duration': 4.241}, {'end': 162.797, 'text': "But if you do want a text version of the course to follow along with that's available for free over on boot.dev.", 'start': 155.614, 'duration': 7.183}], 'summary': 'Course provides updates to resume, social profiles, and project documentation, with additional text version available on boot.dev.', 'duration': 27.895, 'max_score': 134.902, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg134902.jpg'}, {'end': 495.417, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 466.313, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 470.195, 'text': 'You hit this threshold of you kind of learned enough that you should start your job search.', 'start': 466.313, 'duration': 3.882}, {'end': 480.39, 'text': 'What you want to do is spend roughly 50% of your time still learning, right? And usually that means building projects.', 'start': 471.425, 'duration': 8.965}, {'end': 486.693, 'text': 'It can also mean doing online courses or tutorials, but really building projects is probably the best thing.', 'start': 480.49, 'duration': 6.203}, {'end': 495.417, 'text': "And then the other 50% of the time you should be spending on the kinds of things that we're going to talk about this course right?", 'start': 488.354, 'duration': 7.063}], 'summary': 'When job searching, spend 50% learning, 50% on course topics.', 'duration': 29.104, 'max_score': 466.313, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg466313.jpg'}, {'end': 713.673, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 684.468, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 689.192, 'text': "Let's split up your time into learning and building.", 'start': 684.468, 'duration': 4.724}, {'end': 692.252, 'text': 'some of your time over here.', 'start': 691.391, 'duration': 0.861}, {'end': 701.724, 'text': "And then on the other side we'll say applying and networking, really just anything, any activities that have to do with actually, you know,", 'start': 693.273, 'duration': 8.451}, {'end': 702.605, 'text': 'doing the job search.', 'start': 701.724, 'duration': 0.881}, {'end': 713.673, 'text': 'for learning and building where before you were maybe spending 100% of your available time learning and building right?', 'start': 704.565, 'duration': 9.108}], 'summary': 'Split time: learning/building vs. applying/networking. shift from 100% to balanced approach.', 'duration': 29.205, 'max_score': 684.468, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg684468.jpg'}], 'start': 0.069, 'title': 'Programming job strategies', 'summary': 'Provides insights on strategies and tactics to maximize chances of landing a first programming job, covering resume optimization, networking, and interviewing, emphasizing the subjective nature of job-seeking advice. it also discusses the challenges of getting the first programming job, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and building projects to increase the likelihood of job prospects over time, supported by practical recommendations and personal story.', 'chapters': [{'end': 243.407, 'start': 0.069, 'title': 'Programming job strategies', 'summary': 'Provides insights on strategies and tactics to maximize chances of landing a first programming job, covering resume optimization, networking, and interviewing, drawing from the experience of industry experts and emphasizing the subjective nature of job-seeking advice.', 'duration': 243.338, 'highlights': ['Lane Wagner, with over 10 years of software development experience and hiring manager background, offers a collection of tactics and strategies to maximize chances of landing the first programming job, based on personal experience working with hundreds of students.', 'The course covers resume, GitHub, LinkedIn, and personal project optimization to stand out among other candidates, while also providing effective strategies for networking and nailing technical interviews, emphasizing the importance of avoiding common mistakes to differentiate oneself in the job market for entry level developers.', 'The course is different from other coding courses as it focuses on hands-on activities like updating resumes, tweaking social profiles, and adding documentation to projects, offering a text version of the course for free on boot.dev and highlighting the availability of resources like boot.dev and Free Code Camp discord communities for feedback and support.', 'The course content is part of a full backend developer career path on boot.dev, offering additional resources for those interested in pursuing a career as a backend developer, and emphasizes the subjective nature of job-seeking advice, highlighting the subjective nature of job-seeking advice and the availability of interactive features through a paid membership on boot.dev.']}, {'end': 809.08, 'start': 243.587, 'title': 'Strategies for landing a job', 'summary': 'Discusses the challenges of getting the first programming job, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and building projects to increase the likelihood of job prospects over time, supported by a personal story and practical recommendations.', 'duration': 565.493, 'highlights': ['The importance of continuous learning and building projects to increase the likelihood of job prospects over time, as supported by a personal story and practical recommendations.', 'Emphasizing the significance of splitting time between learning and building projects and applying and networking, suggesting a balanced approach to improve job prospects.']}], 'duration': 809.011, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg69.jpg', 'highlights': ['Lane Wagner offers tactics and strategies based on personal experience with hundreds of students.', 'Course covers resume, GitHub, LinkedIn, and personal project optimization to stand out among candidates.', 'Emphasizes avoiding common mistakes to differentiate oneself in the job market for entry level developers.', 'Focuses on hands-on activities like updating resumes, tweaking social profiles, and adding documentation to projects.', 'Importance of continuous learning and building projects to increase job prospects over time.', 'Emphasizes the significance of splitting time between learning, building projects, applying, and networking.']}, {'end': 1718.201, 'segs': [{'end': 958.993, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 929.913, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 940.86, 'text': "your primary objective should be to provide as much signal as you can to your potential employer that you're a really good hire, right?", 'start': 929.913, 'duration': 10.947}, {'end': 945.703, 'text': 'And your employer is trying to sift through a ton of noise, right?', 'start': 941.36, 'duration': 4.343}, {'end': 949.066, 'text': "They're getting 50,, 60, 100 applications.", 'start': 945.723, 'duration': 3.343}, {'end': 950.267, 'text': "It's super noisy.", 'start': 949.166, 'duration': 1.101}, {'end': 958.993, 'text': "They're trying to dig through very quickly many, many applications, many resumes right and they're trying to find the signal right.", 'start': 950.587, 'duration': 8.406}], 'summary': 'Employers receive 50-100 applications, aim to stand out as a top hire.', 'duration': 29.08, 'max_score': 929.913, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg929913.jpg'}, {'end': 1012.147, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 984.415, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 987.738, 'text': "You want to put the interesting things that you've done front and center.", 'start': 984.415, 'duration': 3.323}, {'end': 990.08, 'text': 'You want to call attention to them right?', 'start': 987.978, 'duration': 2.102}, {'end': 998.109, 'text': "You want to make it as easy as possible for anyone who might hire you to find out that you've done some incredible stuff,", 'start': 990.241, 'duration': 7.868}, {'end': 1003.456, 'text': "that you've built some really cool projects and that you know what you're doing, and that you're the right person for this job.", 'start': 998.109, 'duration': 5.347}, {'end': 1012.147, 'text': 'So to reiterate, noise are the little bumps on the graph, the little bumps that can be potentially confused for signal.', 'start': 1003.656, 'duration': 8.491}], 'summary': 'Highlight your achievements to stand out for potential employers.', 'duration': 27.732, 'max_score': 984.415, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg984415.jpg'}, {'end': 1080.386, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1050.206, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1055.87, 'text': 'to talk about exactly this idea and how projects can provide a lot of signal up front.', 'start': 1050.206, 'duration': 5.664}, {'end': 1062.61, 'text': "Yeah, I think there's sort of a twofold way that you get helped by doing open source stuff.", 'start': 1058.086, 'duration': 4.524}, {'end': 1067.515, 'text': 'The first one is I think when you actually build something, you accelerate your learning a lot.', 'start': 1062.65, 'duration': 4.865}, {'end': 1074.541, 'text': 'So by like actually doing you, you learn a lot more than just by like reading or taking a class or whatever.', 'start': 1067.755, 'duration': 6.786}, {'end': 1080.386, 'text': 'Not that those things, those things often provide you sort of like the baseline that you need to be effective at building.', 'start': 1074.961, 'duration': 5.425}], 'summary': 'Open source projects accelerate learning and provide valuable signal upfront.', 'duration': 30.18, 'max_score': 1050.206, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg1050206.jpg'}, {'end': 1305.414, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1275.971, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 1278.954, 'text': 'you should be continuously learning and building,', 'start': 1275.971, 'duration': 2.983}, {'end': 1285.941, 'text': 'because nothing builds up your confidence like having some really amazing portfolio projects that you can show off.', 'start': 1278.954, 'duration': 6.987}, {'end': 1289.163, 'text': "right? Something tangible that proves that you know what you're doing.", 'start': 1286.381, 'duration': 2.782}, {'end': 1294.547, 'text': "So you don't need to be a jerk, right? You don't need to be cocky, but you do want to put forward this air of confidence.", 'start': 1289.443, 'duration': 5.104}, {'end': 1298.009, 'text': "It's like any negotiation that you've probably seen in the movies, right?", 'start': 1294.727, 'duration': 3.282}, {'end': 1305.414, 'text': "You don't want to come to the negotiation table acting desperate because then you're going to get a really bad deal or, frankly, no deal at all,", 'start': 1298.189, 'duration': 7.225}], 'summary': 'Continuous learning and building leads to confidence, showcased through tangible portfolio projects. confidence is essential in negotiations.', 'duration': 29.443, 'max_score': 1275.971, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg1275971.jpg'}, {'end': 1384.263, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1356.153, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 1359.634, 'text': 'because they kind of act as a stand-in for work experience, right?', 'start': 1356.153, 'duration': 3.481}, {'end': 1364.135, 'text': "The hiring manager can just go look at the project and see if you know what you're doing.", 'start': 1359.874, 'duration': 4.261}, {'end': 1371.038, 'text': "Now I want you to right now choose one project that's going to be your main portfolio project.", 'start': 1364.395, 'duration': 6.643}, {'end': 1376.82, 'text': "Most hiring managers don't have time to look through 20 or 30 different GitHub repositories.", 'start': 1371.978, 'duration': 4.842}, {'end': 1379.181, 'text': "They're going to want to look at one project that you've built.", 'start': 1377.02, 'duration': 2.161}, {'end': 1384.263, 'text': 'And honestly, a lot of the decision-making that goes on inside their head is going to be based off of that one project.', 'start': 1379.501, 'duration': 4.762}], 'summary': 'Choose one main portfolio project to showcase your skills effectively.', 'duration': 28.11, 'max_score': 1356.153, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg1356153.jpg'}], 'start': 809.321, 'title': 'Job strategy and portfolio optimization', 'summary': 'Covers the concept of signal vs noise in job applications, the benefits of open source projects, and optimizing portfolio projects with specific examples, ultimately aiming to increase chances of being hired and showcase tangible skills for a competitive edge.', 'chapters': [{'end': 1050.206, 'start': 809.321, 'title': 'Signal vs noise: job strategy', 'summary': 'Introduces the concept of signal vs noise in job applications, emphasizing the importance of providing upfront signal to potential employers to stand out from the noise of numerous applications, ultimately increasing the chances of being hired.', 'duration': 240.885, 'highlights': ['The importance of providing upfront signal to potential employers by showcasing impressive projects and skills to stand out from the noise of numerous job applications.', "Emphasizing the significance of making it easy for potential employers to identify the candidate's capabilities and qualifications by presenting relevant achievements and experiences upfront.", 'The analogy of signal and noise from a heartbeat monitor is used to illustrate the concept of focusing on what matters (signal) and disregarding the insignificant aspects (noise) in job applications.', 'Highlighting the challenge faced by employers in sifting through numerous noisy job applications to identify the best candidates, emphasizing the need for candidates to make their impressive qualities super obvious and easy to find.']}, {'end': 1312.379, 'start': 1050.206, 'title': 'Building confidence and connections through open source projects', 'summary': 'Discusses the benefits of open source projects, emphasizing accelerated learning and the ability to showcase tangible skills which can provide a competitive edge in job applications, while cautioning against using a pity-based strategy for job hunting.', 'duration': 262.173, 'highlights': ['Open source projects accelerate learning through practical experience, providing a competitive edge in job applications by showcasing tangible skills (e.g. coding ability, project management) and fostering connections with potential employers.', 'Avoid using pity-based strategies for job hunting as it can negatively impact the perception of qualifications and diminish the chances of being considered for a position.', 'Continuous learning and building tangible portfolio projects help in building confidence and demonstrating value to potential employers, enhancing the prospects of securing a job.']}, {'end': 1718.201, 'start': 1312.779, 'title': 'Optimizing portfolio projects', 'summary': 'Emphasizes the importance of having a standout portfolio project to serve as work experience, suggests guidelines for choosing a unique and interesting project, and discusses examples of non-conventional projects that led to engaging conversations and job opportunities, with specific examples of a python script generating sheet music from an mp3 file and a go library optimizing memory usage.', 'duration': 405.422, 'highlights': ["The chapter stresses the significance of a standout portfolio project as a substitute for work experience, to showcase skills and attract hiring managers' attention.", 'Guidelines for choosing a good portfolio project include standing out, being unique, solving real problems, and sparking interest with a one-line project description.', 'The speaker shares examples of non-conventional projects, including a Python script generating drum beat sheet music from an MP3 file and a Go library optimizing memory usage, which led to engaging conversations and job opportunities.']}], 'duration': 908.88, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg809321.jpg', 'highlights': ['Open source projects accelerate learning and provide a competitive edge in job applications.', 'The importance of providing upfront signal to potential employers by showcasing impressive projects and skills.', "The significance of a standout portfolio project as a substitute for work experience to attract hiring managers' attention.", 'Emphasizing the challenge faced by employers in sifting through numerous noisy job applications to identify the best candidates.', 'Continuous learning and building tangible portfolio projects help in building confidence and demonstrating value to potential employers.']}, {'end': 2364.952, 'segs': [{'end': 1870.597, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 1722.824, 'weight': 0.754, 'content': [{'end': 1726.907, 'text': "right, um, but it's a fairly well-designed library.", 'start': 1722.824, 'duration': 4.083}, {'end': 1730.569, 'text': 'if i do say so myself, it matches the same api.', 'start': 1726.907, 'duration': 3.662}, {'end': 1735.272, 'text': 'it has all the same like functions and methods as the standard time.time, um.', 'start': 1730.569, 'duration': 4.703}, {'end': 1740.176, 'text': "So the point I'm getting at is I really think you should consider building a library.", 'start': 1736.132, 'duration': 4.044}, {'end': 1744.019, 'text': "If you've built a lot of applications in the past, building a library is a good way to stand out.", 'start': 1740.336, 'duration': 3.683}, {'end': 1746.221, 'text': "Again, most applicants don't build libraries.", 'start': 1744.319, 'duration': 1.902}, {'end': 1747.642, 'text': 'They just build applications.', 'start': 1746.301, 'duration': 1.341}, {'end': 1748.723, 'text': 'So something to think about.', 'start': 1747.782, 'duration': 0.941}, {'end': 1750.524, 'text': 'Another thing you should consider again,', 'start': 1749.023, 'duration': 1.501}, {'end': 1755.829, 'text': "especially if you're looking for more kind of backend or data related positions is a command line tool right?", 'start': 1750.524, 'duration': 5.305}, {'end': 1759.992, 'text': 'You can avoid the all the complexity of html,', 'start': 1756.029, 'duration': 3.963}, {'end': 1766.016, 'text': "css and javascript if you're looking for backend positions by building an interesting command line tool that generates you know,", 'start': 1759.992, 'duration': 6.024}, {'end': 1767.857, 'text': 'maybe maybe an interesting report, right,', 'start': 1766.016, 'duration': 1.841}, {'end': 1775.102, 'text': 'maybe it pulls data from different sources on the web and generates a really nice excel file or google sheet as output.', 'start': 1767.857, 'duration': 7.245}, {'end': 1778.965, 'text': 'um, anything dealing with interesting or esoteric data right,', 'start': 1775.102, 'duration': 3.863}, {'end': 1785.049, 'text': 'you think of video games are always an interesting source of data or various apis like stock apis.', 'start': 1778.965, 'duration': 6.084}, {'end': 1792.604, 'text': "Think about what you could do with a command line tool that can also be a really great source of inspiration if you don't want to just build another web app.", 'start': 1785.689, 'duration': 6.915}, {'end': 1796.378, 'text': "So to sum up, You've probably built a lot of projects.", 'start': 1792.985, 'duration': 3.393}, {'end': 1798.939, 'text': 'Some projects are good for learning.', 'start': 1796.819, 'duration': 2.12}, {'end': 1803.3, 'text': 'Things like Spotify clones or Twitter clones or, you know, to-do apps.', 'start': 1799.359, 'duration': 3.941}, {'end': 1804.241, 'text': "They're good for learning.", 'start': 1803.38, 'duration': 0.861}, {'end': 1808.422, 'text': "They're not good for your portfolio, right? So spend some extra time.", 'start': 1804.541, 'duration': 3.881}, {'end': 1813.823, 'text': "If you don't yet have a project, get started on one, bookmark this video, come back when it's ready.", 'start': 1808.662, 'duration': 5.161}, {'end': 1820.585, 'text': "If you do have one, just try to pick one that's kind of going to stand out on the page, has an interesting title.", 'start': 1815.043, 'duration': 5.542}, {'end': 1824.147, 'text': "Now we're going to cut to another clip from the backend banter podcast.", 'start': 1820.865, 'duration': 3.282}, {'end': 1832.532, 'text': 'This time Theo Brown was my guest, and he explains not only why building projects is one of the best things you can do for networking,', 'start': 1824.167, 'duration': 8.365}, {'end': 1837.095, 'text': 'getting to know people in the industry and generally just getting noticed in order to get a job,', 'start': 1832.532, 'duration': 4.563}, {'end': 1843.598, 'text': 'but also how building projects is the best thing you can do for your own personal learning,', 'start': 1837.095, 'duration': 6.503}, {'end': 1846.18, 'text': 'especially once you already have an understanding of all the fundamentals.', 'start': 1843.598, 'duration': 2.582}, {'end': 1850.984, 'text': 'What I recommend for beginners.', 'start': 1849.983, 'duration': 1.001}, {'end': 1857.228, 'text': 'always I have a video I made called your goals kind of suck, because as beginners, as engineers in general, we suck at goal setting.', 'start': 1850.984, 'duration': 6.244}, {'end': 1864.173, 'text': "And that's the thing you should be focused on is setting realistic goals that aren't necessarily about the code because I want to learn JavaScript.", 'start': 1857.608, 'duration': 6.565}, {'end': 1866.014, 'text': "I'm going to be a JavaScript engineer.", 'start': 1864.813, 'duration': 1.201}, {'end': 1867.455, 'text': "That's a goal.", 'start': 1866.414, 'duration': 1.041}, {'end': 1869.096, 'text': "That's an absolutely terrible.", 'start': 1867.795, 'duration': 1.301}, {'end': 1870.597, 'text': "You're going to fail type goal.", 'start': 1869.136, 'duration': 1.461}], 'summary': 'Consider building a library or a command line tool for backend positions, and focus on unique projects for your portfolio to stand out.', 'duration': 147.773, 'max_score': 1722.824, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg1722824.jpg'}, {'end': 1775.102, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1740.336, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1744.019, 'text': "If you've built a lot of applications in the past, building a library is a good way to stand out.", 'start': 1740.336, 'duration': 3.683}, {'end': 1746.221, 'text': "Again, most applicants don't build libraries.", 'start': 1744.319, 'duration': 1.902}, {'end': 1747.642, 'text': 'They just build applications.', 'start': 1746.301, 'duration': 1.341}, {'end': 1748.723, 'text': 'So something to think about.', 'start': 1747.782, 'duration': 0.941}, {'end': 1750.524, 'text': 'Another thing you should consider again,', 'start': 1749.023, 'duration': 1.501}, {'end': 1755.829, 'text': "especially if you're looking for more kind of backend or data related positions is a command line tool right?", 'start': 1750.524, 'duration': 5.305}, {'end': 1759.992, 'text': 'You can avoid the all the complexity of html,', 'start': 1756.029, 'duration': 3.963}, {'end': 1766.016, 'text': "css and javascript if you're looking for backend positions by building an interesting command line tool that generates you know,", 'start': 1759.992, 'duration': 6.024}, {'end': 1767.857, 'text': 'maybe maybe an interesting report, right,', 'start': 1766.016, 'duration': 1.841}, {'end': 1775.102, 'text': 'maybe it pulls data from different sources on the web and generates a really nice excel file or google sheet as output.', 'start': 1767.857, 'duration': 7.245}], 'summary': 'Building a library can make you stand out. consider creating a command line tool for backend positions.', 'duration': 34.766, 'max_score': 1740.336, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg1740336.jpg'}, {'end': 1874.8, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1850.984, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 1857.228, 'text': 'always I have a video I made called your goals kind of suck, because as beginners, as engineers in general, we suck at goal setting.', 'start': 1850.984, 'duration': 6.244}, {'end': 1864.173, 'text': "And that's the thing you should be focused on is setting realistic goals that aren't necessarily about the code because I want to learn JavaScript.", 'start': 1857.608, 'duration': 6.565}, {'end': 1866.014, 'text': "I'm going to be a JavaScript engineer.", 'start': 1864.813, 'duration': 1.201}, {'end': 1867.455, 'text': "That's a goal.", 'start': 1866.414, 'duration': 1.041}, {'end': 1869.096, 'text': "That's an absolutely terrible.", 'start': 1867.795, 'duration': 1.301}, {'end': 1870.597, 'text': "You're going to fail type goal.", 'start': 1869.136, 'duration': 1.461}, {'end': 1874.8, 'text': "That's like, imagine a skateboarder says, I want to be a professional skateboarder.", 'start': 1871.017, 'duration': 3.783}], 'summary': 'Set realistic goals, not just about the code, to avoid failure.', 'duration': 23.816, 'max_score': 1850.984, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg1850984.jpg'}, {'end': 1927.334, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1900.597, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 1905.18, 'text': 'a good example of a goal for an early engineer is i really like this video game.', 'start': 1900.597, 'duration': 4.583}, {'end': 1907.181, 'text': "there is some math in it that's annoying to do.", 'start': 1905.18, 'duration': 2.001}, {'end': 1911.284, 'text': 'i want to build a calculator to keep track of these events in this game.', 'start': 1907.181, 'duration': 4.103}, {'end': 1915.086, 'text': "that's a fantastic first goal, because you will know when it's done.", 'start': 1911.284, 'duration': 3.802}, {'end': 1920.75, 'text': "with a traditional, like the common type of goal like, i'm going to learn javascript, when are you done learning javascript?", 'start': 1915.086, 'duration': 5.664}, {'end': 1924.333, 'text': "because i've been writing javascript for 15 years now and i'm not done learning javascript.", 'start': 1920.75, 'duration': 3.583}, {'end': 1927.334, 'text': "So it's so important to have that natural.", 'start': 1924.913, 'duration': 2.421}], 'summary': "An early engineer's goal: build a calculator for a video game with annoying math, to track events. clear endpoint for success.", 'duration': 26.737, 'max_score': 1900.597, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg1900597.jpg'}, {'end': 2097.401, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2071.661, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 2076.103, 'text': "It's okay to list two or three projects on your resume, but there's.", 'start': 2071.661, 'duration': 4.442}, {'end': 2081.225, 'text': "you really should be spending the majority of your effort, the lion's share of your effort, on one single project,", 'start': 2076.103, 'duration': 5.122}, {'end': 2087.408, 'text': 'because one really impressive project is way better than ten mediocre projects right?', 'start': 2081.225, 'duration': 6.183}, {'end': 2097.401, 'text': '10 or 20 or 30 kind of lackluster, low effort projects are not going to land you a job, but one really good project definitely can.', 'start': 2088.029, 'duration': 9.372}], 'summary': 'Focus on one impressive project for job success.', 'duration': 25.74, 'max_score': 2071.661, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg2071661.jpg'}, {'end': 2136.906, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2109.854, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 2113.856, 'text': "And when I say document, what I'm really talking about is a readme.", 'start': 2109.854, 'duration': 4.002}, {'end': 2119.479, 'text': "So I'm here on this lesson in the course on boot dev that talks about the readme.", 'start': 2113.936, 'duration': 5.543}, {'end': 2126.182, 'text': 'And I really just want to show you, um, kind of what the sections of a good readme look like.', 'start': 2119.499, 'duration': 6.683}, {'end': 2136.906, 'text': "So I would argue that in almost all cases, Your project's README should have a great title, a great description,", 'start': 2126.823, 'duration': 10.083}], 'summary': 'A good readme should have a great title and description.', 'duration': 27.052, 'max_score': 2109.854, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg2109854.jpg'}], 'start': 1718.201, 'title': 'Building unique projects for career advancement and setting achievable goals for engineers', 'summary': 'Explores the significance of building unique projects like libraries and command line tools, emphasizing realistic goal setting. it also highlights the importance of setting achievable goals for engineers, particularly beginners, through project-based learning and emphasizes the significance of a well-documented readme for project success.', 'chapters': [{'end': 1900.597, 'start': 1718.201, 'title': 'Building projects for career advancement', 'summary': 'Discusses the importance of building unique projects, such as libraries and command line tools, for standing out in job applications and networking, emphasizing the need for realistic and specific goal setting in programming.', 'duration': 182.396, 'highlights': ["The importance of building unique projects like libraries and command line tools, to stand out in job applications and networking, is emphasized. Most applicants don't build libraries, making it a good way to differentiate oneself.", 'It is suggested that building a command line tool can be beneficial, particularly for backend or data-related positions, as it allows developers to avoid the complexities of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.', "The need for setting realistic and specific goals in programming is highlighted, emphasizing that vague goals like 'becoming a JavaScript engineer' are not conducive to skill development, likening it to aspiring to be a professional skateboarder without specific tricks to learn."]}, {'end': 2364.952, 'start': 1900.597, 'title': 'Setting achievable goals for engineers', 'summary': "Emphasizes the importance of setting achievable goals for engineers, particularly beginners, through project-based learning, with examples of successful projects driving coding skills development and the significance of a well-documented readme for a project's success.", 'duration': 464.355, 'highlights': ["The chapter emphasizes the importance of setting achievable goals for engineers, particularly beginners, through project-based learning, with examples of successful projects driving coding skills development and the significance of a well-documented readme for a project's success.", 'One successful example is the founder of UR Rad mental health charity, who learned modern web development from scratch to build a website for the charity, becoming one of the best Tailwind engineers in under three months solo, demonstrating the effectiveness of project-based learning with a clear goal.', 'The significance of focusing on one impressive project over multiple mediocre ones is highlighted, as one exceptional project has a higher impact in landing a job than several lackluster projects, emphasizing quality over quantity in project selection.']}], 'duration': 646.751, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg1718201.jpg', 'highlights': ['The importance of building unique projects like libraries and command line tools is emphasized for job applications and networking.', 'Setting achievable goals for engineers, particularly beginners, through project-based learning is emphasized.', 'The need for setting realistic and specific goals in programming is highlighted for skill development.', 'The significance of a well-documented readme for project success is emphasized.', 'Building a command line tool is suggested for backend or data-related positions to avoid complexities of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.', 'Focusing on one impressive project over multiple mediocre ones is highlighted for higher impact in job applications.']}, {'end': 4838.211, 'segs': [{'end': 2428.82, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2404.243, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 2412.849, 'text': "Anyway, so I've taught 300 plus students through boot camps over the course of a few years and consistently across the board.", 'start': 2404.243, 'duration': 8.606}, {'end': 2417.632, 'text': 'i always tell people you need to be more confident and again this is a practice thing.', 'start': 2412.849, 'duration': 4.783}, {'end': 2424.336, 'text': "you need to talk about yourself more confidently, because i've almost never, in my experience of teaching boot camp students,", 'start': 2417.632, 'duration': 6.704}, {'end': 2428.82, 'text': 'found someone who sounds conceited like in this in this transition period.', 'start': 2424.336, 'duration': 4.484}], 'summary': 'Taught 300+ students in boot camps, emphasizing the need for confidence in self-presentation.', 'duration': 24.577, 'max_score': 2404.243, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg2404243.jpg'}, {'end': 2682.713, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2654.416, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 2659.201, 'text': 'Learning and building will always continue to make the job search easier and easier.', 'start': 2654.416, 'duration': 4.785}, {'end': 2663.386, 'text': 'But just make sure that you have a really good why section in your readme.', 'start': 2659.502, 'duration': 3.884}, {'end': 2668.368, 'text': 'I want to show you another example of a motivation section on a readme that I thought was really good.', 'start': 2663.726, 'duration': 4.642}, {'end': 2670.949, 'text': "So I'm on the HTMX repo.", 'start': 2668.428, 'duration': 2.521}, {'end': 2677.151, 'text': 'HTMX is a front end library for building, ironically, kind of server side web applications.', 'start': 2671.249, 'duration': 5.902}, {'end': 2678.752, 'text': "But anyways, it's a great project.", 'start': 2677.191, 'duration': 1.561}, {'end': 2682.713, 'text': "And I'm going to go ahead and scroll down to the motivation section.", 'start': 2679.592, 'duration': 3.121}], 'summary': 'Continuous learning and clear motivation enhance job search; example from htmx repo.', 'duration': 28.297, 'max_score': 2654.416, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg2654416.jpg'}, {'end': 3612.387, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 3580.599, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 3581.7, 'text': 'Let me get this out of the way.', 'start': 3580.599, 'duration': 1.101}, {'end': 3595.437, 'text': 'I recommend that your intro section have maybe one or two paragraphs that kind of outlines a bit about your story and how you got into programming in the first place.', 'start': 3585.228, 'duration': 10.209}, {'end': 3600.233, 'text': 'And like everything we do in this course, try not to be generic and vague.', 'start': 3595.888, 'duration': 4.345}, {'end': 3608.503, 'text': "You don't want to say something like, I am a passionate web developer that loves writing tests and I want to work on cool projects.", 'start': 3600.573, 'duration': 7.93}, {'end': 3612.387, 'text': "That's the most bland, uninteresting thing that you could possibly put in your intro.", 'start': 3608.723, 'duration': 3.664}], 'summary': 'Course recommends specific, detailed intro outlining personal story and programming involvement.', 'duration': 31.788, 'max_score': 3580.599, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg3580599.jpg'}, {'end': 4101.192, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 4074.912, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 4079.275, 'text': "They'll probably look at both, but my guess is they'll spend more time on your GitHub.", 'start': 4074.912, 'duration': 4.363}, {'end': 4081.757, 'text': 'When I was a hiring manager, I certainly did.', 'start': 4079.795, 'duration': 1.962}, {'end': 4083.798, 'text': "Okay, let's pound out a few basic things.", 'start': 4081.937, 'duration': 1.861}, {'end': 4088.621, 'text': "So I'm here on my LinkedIn profile, and you'll notice I have a profile picture.", 'start': 4083.818, 'duration': 4.803}, {'end': 4089.942, 'text': "Again, don't use the default.", 'start': 4088.701, 'duration': 1.241}, {'end': 4092.264, 'text': 'Hopefully you already have a good profile picture from GitHub.', 'start': 4090.162, 'duration': 2.102}, {'end': 4093.365, 'text': 'Just upload it here.', 'start': 4092.324, 'duration': 1.041}, {'end': 4097.028, 'text': 'One main difference is that on LinkedIn, you get a banner image.', 'start': 4094.185, 'duration': 2.843}, {'end': 4098.97, 'text': 'Not super important.', 'start': 4097.689, 'duration': 1.281}, {'end': 4101.192, 'text': 'You probably could leave this blank and get away with it.', 'start': 4098.99, 'duration': 2.202}], 'summary': 'Linkedin profile tips: focus on github, use a good profile picture, consider adding a banner image.', 'duration': 26.28, 'max_score': 4074.912, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg4074912.jpg'}], 'start': 2364.952, 'title': 'Effective project presentation and profile optimization', 'summary': 'Covers the importance of confidence in project presentation, creating impactful project readmes and github profiles, and optimizing github and linkedin profiles to stand out to potential employers. it provides tips on avoiding self-diminishing language, crafting well-crafted project descriptions, and enhancing linkedin profiles for tech jobs.', 'chapters': [{'end': 2630.135, 'start': 2364.952, 'title': 'Effective project description and self-promotion', 'summary': 'Discusses the importance of confidence in presenting oneself and project, with emphasis on avoiding self-diminishing language, promoting self-reflection, and conveying project motivation. it also highlights the significance of project titles and descriptions in retaining the interest of hiring managers.', 'duration': 265.183, 'highlights': ['The significance of confidence in presenting oneself and projects, with an emphasis on avoiding self-diminishing language and promoting self-reflection, as evidenced by teaching 300+ students through boot camps (50-60 graduates per 150 people) and the consistent need for increased confidence across the board.', "The impact of language on self-promotion, particularly the avoidance of self-diminishing words like 'just', which subtly diminishes accomplishments, and the need for practicing confidence in discussing one's achievements and skills.", "The importance of self-reflection and celebrating wins, illustrated by the 'Wins of the Week' event in the 'Learn, Build, Teach' community, emphasizing the need to appreciate and reflect on personal achievements.", "The crucial role of project titles, descriptions, and the 'why' section in retaining the interest of hiring managers, highlighting the significance of explaining the project's purpose, inspiration, and problem-solving aspect to convey its necessity in the world."]}, {'end': 3464.557, 'start': 2630.135, 'title': 'Creating impactful project readmes & github profiles', 'summary': 'Emphasizes the significance of motivation, quick start, usage, and contributing sections in project readmes, and provides examples of impactful motivation, quick start, usage, and contributing sections. it also outlines the importance of a well-crafted github profile, including the profile picture, full name, username, bio, and additional personal links.', 'duration': 834.422, 'highlights': ['The significance of motivation, quick start, usage, and contributing sections in project Readmes is emphasized, with examples of impactful motivation, quick start, and contributing sections provided.', 'The importance of a well-crafted GitHub profile, including the profile picture, full name, username, bio, and additional personal links, is outlined.']}, {'end': 4188.961, 'start': 3464.557, 'title': 'Optimizing your github and linkedin', 'summary': 'Discusses optimizing your github and linkedin to stand out to potential employers, including tips on creating an impactful profile, leveraging github features like profile readme, pinning repositories, heat map, and stars, and enhancing your linkedin profile with a profile picture and location.', 'duration': 724.404, 'highlights': ['The chapter explains the importance of optimizing your GitHub and LinkedIn profiles to stand out to potential employers, including leveraging GitHub features like profile readme, pinning repositories, heat map, and stars, and enhancing your LinkedIn profile with a profile picture and location.', "GitHub's profile readme feature is highlighted as a way to create an impactful introduction by naming a repository the same as your username, with recommendations for the content to make it unique and reflective of your personality and experience.", 'The significance of pinning repositories on your GitHub profile is emphasized, with advice to prioritize quality over quantity and to showcase projects you are proud of, potentially setting you apart from other candidates.', 'The chapter delves into the GitHub heat map and its potential impact on recruiters, with a mention of strategies to enhance the heat map, such as utilizing GitHub for various activities to demonstrate consistent coding activity.', 'The importance of GitHub stars is discussed, with insights on how they can act as social proof and recommendations on promoting projects to gain stars, while also emphasizing that excessive effort in this area is unnecessary.', 'The section provides guidance on optimizing a LinkedIn profile for job search, emphasizing the significance of a profile picture, banner image, and accurate location, with considerations for leveraging LinkedIn as a recruiting and hiring platform.']}, {'end': 4838.211, 'start': 4189.381, 'title': 'Optimizing linkedin profile for tech jobs', 'summary': 'Discusses the key elements of a linkedin profile, including the about section, relevant experience, and education, emphasizing the importance of specificity and relevance in showcasing technical skills and achievements.', 'duration': 648.83, 'highlights': ['The importance of keeping the about section concise, focusing on key programming languages or technologies of interest for better job prospects, as opposed to a generic profile.', 'The significance of including non-developer work experience in the LinkedIn profile to demonstrate professionalism and work ethic, while gradually phasing them out as more technical roles are acquired.', 'The recommendation to detail technical experiences with specificity and quantifiable achievements, such as performance improvements and efficiency gains, to stand out to potential employers.']}], 'duration': 2473.259, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg2364952.jpg', 'highlights': ['The importance of confidence in presenting oneself and projects, with an emphasis on avoiding self-diminishing language and promoting self-reflection, as evidenced by teaching 300+ students through boot camps (50-60 graduates per 150 people) and the consistent need for increased confidence across the board.', 'The significance of motivation, quick start, usage, and contributing sections in project Readmes is emphasized, with examples of impactful motivation, quick start, and contributing sections provided.', 'The chapter explains the importance of optimizing your GitHub and LinkedIn profiles to stand out to potential employers, including leveraging GitHub features like profile readme, pinning repositories, heat map, and stars, and enhancing your LinkedIn profile with a profile picture and location.', 'The importance of keeping the about section concise, focusing on key programming languages or technologies of interest for better job prospects, as opposed to a generic profile.']}, {'end': 5506.774, 'segs': [{'end': 4952.539, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 4927.35, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 4932.277, 'text': "You're gonna wanna put in work upfront to get it to a good place, but at that point you should get it reviewed.", 'start': 4927.35, 'duration': 4.927}, {'end': 4935.322, 'text': 'So Google Docs is great because you can just share a link to it.', 'start': 4932.518, 'duration': 2.804}, {'end': 4937.645, 'text': "We're not downloading and uploading files.", 'start': 4935.682, 'duration': 1.963}, {'end': 4939.167, 'text': "It's just kind of this living document.", 'start': 4937.845, 'duration': 1.322}, {'end': 4945.835, 'text': "So we're doing the resume in the Google Doc, and then I would highly recommend sending it to employers as a PDF.", 'start': 4939.367, 'duration': 6.468}, {'end': 4952.539, 'text': 'And the main reason for that is not everyone has an easy way to view like word documents.', 'start': 4945.995, 'duration': 6.544}], 'summary': 'Work upfront, use google docs for live document, send resume as pdf for universal viewing.', 'duration': 25.189, 'max_score': 4927.35, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg4927350.jpg'}, {'end': 4996.944, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 4969.51, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 4972.852, 'text': "So it's viewable just in a browser, which is pretty nice.", 'start': 4969.51, 'duration': 3.342}, {'end': 4976.794, 'text': "So to reiterate, we're editing in Google Docs.", 'start': 4973.092, 'duration': 3.702}, {'end': 4979.155, 'text': "We're sending to employers as a PDF.", 'start': 4977.154, 'duration': 2.001}, {'end': 4980.676, 'text': "I think it's a pretty good general rule.", 'start': 4979.235, 'duration': 1.441}, {'end': 4986.259, 'text': "Next thing I'm going to recommend is to make your resume visually appealing.", 'start': 4980.796, 'duration': 5.463}, {'end': 4990.761, 'text': "Now, it doesn't need to be the most perfectly designed thing in the world.", 'start': 4986.559, 'duration': 4.202}, {'end': 4996.944, 'text': "It doesn't need to be this stunning masterpiece of design, especially if you're applying for back end engineering positions.", 'start': 4990.781, 'duration': 6.163}], 'summary': 'Editing resumes in google docs and sending as pdf to employers; recommend making it visually appealing, especially for back end engineering positions.', 'duration': 27.434, 'max_score': 4969.51, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg4969510.jpg'}, {'end': 5085.582, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 5060.664, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 5067.048, 'text': 'So when HR or recruiters or hiring managers are going through a stack of resumes and it could be physically going through a stack,', 'start': 5060.664, 'duration': 6.384}, {'end': 5074.793, 'text': 'which is less common these days, but it could also be electronically if one sticks out visually and they like it,', 'start': 5067.048, 'duration': 7.745}, {'end': 5077.695, 'text': "it's easier for them to find it again, if that makes sense.", 'start': 5074.793, 'duration': 2.902}, {'end': 5085.582, 'text': "so i would just go the extra mile, find a very basic template, right this template that i used, it's just got a splash of red.", 'start': 5077.695, 'duration': 7.887}], 'summary': 'Use a visually appealing resume to stand out and be easily noticed by recruiters and hiring managers.', 'duration': 24.918, 'max_score': 5060.664, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg5060664.jpg'}, {'end': 5244.452, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 5223.546, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 5234.088, 'text': "There's no chance that a hiring manager who has a hundred resumes to go through is actually going to read every single one top to bottom and comprehend all the information on all of them.", 'start': 5223.546, 'duration': 10.542}, {'end': 5236.089, 'text': "It just takes too much time, right? They're going to skim.", 'start': 5234.128, 'duration': 1.961}, {'end': 5244.452, 'text': 'So we want to put the most important stuff at the top and we want to make the most important stuff eye-catching right?', 'start': 5237.269, 'duration': 7.183}], 'summary': 'Hiring managers skim through resumes due to time constraints, emphasizing importance of placing key information at the top.', 'duration': 20.906, 'max_score': 5223.546, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg5223546.jpg'}, {'end': 5447.31, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 5418.19, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 5422.932, 'text': "The stuff that we want someone who's skimming our application to run into, we're putting that near the top.", 'start': 5418.19, 'duration': 4.742}, {'end': 5426.053, 'text': "Really briefly, let's talk about contact information again.", 'start': 5423.112, 'duration': 2.941}, {'end': 5429.975, 'text': 'Like I said, I recommend four pieces of information at a minimum.', 'start': 5426.714, 'duration': 3.261}, {'end': 5434.697, 'text': 'Your phone number, your email address, your GitHub, and your LinkedIn.', 'start': 5430.535, 'duration': 4.162}, {'end': 5441.709, 'text': "Your GitHub and your LinkedIn should definitely be clickable links, right? Again, we're just removing friction.", 'start': 5435.407, 'duration': 6.302}, {'end': 5447.31, 'text': 'Like. why make it hard on the recruiter or the hiring manager to go look at your stuff?', 'start': 5442.169, 'duration': 5.141}], 'summary': 'Prioritize key information at the top. include phone, email, github, and linkedin as clickable links to reduce friction for recruiters and hiring managers.', 'duration': 29.12, 'max_score': 5418.19, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg5418190.jpg'}], 'start': 4838.951, 'title': 'Creating standout resumes', 'summary': 'Covers tips for creating visually appealing resumes, emphasizing the use of google docs for flexibility, and providing specific recommendations for tech resumes.', 'chapters': [{'end': 5077.695, 'start': 4838.951, 'title': 'Resume tips and linkedin profile', 'summary': 'Covers tips for creating a standout resume and emphasizes the importance of making it visually appealing and distinct to capture attention. it also suggests utilizing google docs for flexibility and ease of sharing, and recommends sending the resume to employers as a pdf for better accessibility.', 'duration': 238.744, 'highlights': ['The importance of making the resume visually appealing and distinct to stand out among other applications, as it can increase the chances of being noticed by HR or recruiters.', 'Utilizing Google Docs for editing the resume, allowing easy sharing and collaboration for feedback from industry professionals, enhancing the quality of the document.', 'The recommendation to send the resume to employers as a PDF for better accessibility and compatibility across different platforms and devices.']}, {'end': 5506.774, 'start': 5077.695, 'title': 'Optimizing tech resumes', 'summary': 'Focuses on creating effective and visually distinct tech resumes, emphasizing the importance of a simple and easy-to-read format, prioritizing key information, and providing specific recommendations for structure and content, such as contact information, about me section, skills, and portfolio projects.', 'duration': 429.079, 'highlights': ['The importance of visually distinct and easy-to-read resumes to help hiring managers remember and distinguish candidates, emphasizing the use of minimalistic templates with a splash of color to stand out.', 'Recommendations for structuring the resume, including placing contact information, about me section, skills, and portfolio projects at the top to make them easily accessible and eye-catching for skimming hiring managers.', 'Specific advice on contact information, emphasizing the inclusion of phone number, email address, GitHub, and LinkedIn as clickable links to reduce friction for recruiters and hiring managers.']}], 'duration': 667.823, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg4838951.jpg', 'highlights': ['Utilizing Google Docs for editing the resume, allowing easy sharing and collaboration for feedback from industry professionals, enhancing the quality of the document.', 'The recommendation to send the resume to employers as a PDF for better accessibility and compatibility across different platforms and devices.', 'The importance of visually distinct and easy-to-read resumes to help hiring managers remember and distinguish candidates, emphasizing the use of minimalistic templates with a splash of color to stand out.', 'Recommendations for structuring the resume, including placing contact information, about me section, skills, and portfolio projects at the top to make them easily accessible and eye-catching for skimming hiring managers.', 'Specific advice on contact information, emphasizing the inclusion of phone number, email address, GitHub, and LinkedIn as clickable links to reduce friction for recruiters and hiring managers.', 'The importance of making the resume visually appealing and distinct to stand out among other applications, as it can increase the chances of being noticed by HR or recruiters.']}, {'end': 6370.115, 'segs': [{'end': 5549.24, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 5506.894, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 5514.238, 'text': "is once again time to talk about the about section, and i know i've mentioned it before, but i want to just go over a few more examples.", 'start': 5506.894, 'duration': 7.344}, {'end': 5522.743, 'text': 'um, and in particular, if you want to read these examples again, you can find them on boot dev, this time in chapter five of the course lesson five.', 'start': 5514.238, 'duration': 8.505}, {'end': 5530.328, 'text': "okay, so uh, the about section of your resume is really important, especially if you're a career switcher.", 'start': 5522.743, 'duration': 7.585}, {'end': 5534.751, 'text': "So if you're switching from in Danny Thompson's case, he has such a great story,", 'start': 5531.148, 'duration': 3.603}, {'end': 5541.215, 'text': 'I have to just keep bringing it up frying chicken to becoming a developer.', 'start': 5534.751, 'duration': 6.464}, {'end': 5549.24, 'text': 'having just a little bit about your story can be really inspiring, and it can explain a lack of experience on your resume.', 'start': 5541.215, 'duration': 8.025}], 'summary': 'The about section of a resume is crucial for career switchers, like danny thompson, in showcasing their inspiring stories and explaining their lack of experience.', 'duration': 42.346, 'max_score': 5506.894, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg5506894.jpg'}, {'end': 5735.823, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 5710.836, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 5716.842, 'text': 'I realized I had talent for this coding stuff and decided to go about learning the right way and take some in-depth CS and backend development courses.', 'start': 5710.836, 'duration': 6.006}, {'end': 5722.768, 'text': "Now that I've completed those and have several real-world projects under my belt, I'm excited for a full-time career in software engineering.", 'start': 5717.282, 'duration': 5.486}, {'end': 5724.129, 'text': "Right, so we're getting specific again.", 'start': 5722.988, 'duration': 1.141}, {'end': 5729.295, 'text': 'I got into coding and I was building projects for my D&D campaigns.', 'start': 5724.89, 'duration': 4.405}, {'end': 5730.236, 'text': 'Pretty cool.', 'start': 5729.636, 'duration': 0.6}, {'end': 5734.04, 'text': "I was a waiter, but I've taken a bunch of courses.", 'start': 5730.817, 'duration': 3.223}, {'end': 5735.823, 'text': "I've built a bunch of projects.", 'start': 5734.241, 'duration': 1.582}], 'summary': 'Completed cs and backend courses, now ready for full-time software engineering career with several real-world projects under belt.', 'duration': 24.987, 'max_score': 5710.836, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg5710836.jpg'}, {'end': 5774.519, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 5747.529, 'weight': 7, 'content': [{'end': 5752.951, 'text': "It's calling immediate attention to what I'm guessing is this person's capstone project.", 'start': 5747.529, 'duration': 5.422}, {'end': 5757.593, 'text': 'So if you have a really impressive capstone project, you want to call attention to it.', 'start': 5753.451, 'duration': 4.142}, {'end': 5761.054, 'text': "You're trying to kind of not hide,", 'start': 5757.873, 'duration': 3.181}, {'end': 5766.176, 'text': "but you're trying to get the person reading your resume to forget about the fact that this is going to be your first developer job.", 'start': 5761.054, 'duration': 5.122}, {'end': 5770.638, 'text': "get really enthralled by whatever projects it is that you've built.", 'start': 5767.597, 'duration': 3.041}, {'end': 5774.519, 'text': 'I was playing around in the world of React slash Next.js for a while,', 'start': 5770.878, 'duration': 3.641}], 'summary': 'Highlight impressive capstone project in resume to overshadow lack of experience in first developer job.', 'duration': 26.99, 'max_score': 5747.529, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg5747529.jpg'}, {'end': 5880.803, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 5856.044, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 5861.45, 'text': "Um, you really don't want to be putting stuff in here that makes it look like you don't have experience.", 'start': 5856.044, 'duration': 5.406}, {'end': 5862.651, 'text': 'and what i mean by that.', 'start': 5861.83, 'duration': 0.821}, {'end': 5871.937, 'text': "if you're listing, like microsoft word or microsoft teams or slack as technologies that you have experience with like, that's not impressive.", 'start': 5862.651, 'duration': 9.286}, {'end': 5875.32, 'text': 'like we kind of just expect you to be able to use basic web apps.', 'start': 5871.937, 'duration': 3.383}, {'end': 5877.141, 'text': "so don't put that kind of stuff here.", 'start': 5875.32, 'duration': 1.821}, {'end': 5880.803, 'text': "we're really interested in what technologies you've used as a developer.", 'start': 5877.141, 'duration': 3.662}], 'summary': 'Emphasize relevant technologies used as a developer, avoid basic web apps.', 'duration': 24.759, 'max_score': 5856.044, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg5856044.jpg'}, {'end': 6204.137, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 6177.771, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 6181.717, 'text': 'Like you really wanna be spending the time kind of showing off how great this project is.', 'start': 6177.771, 'duration': 3.946}, {'end': 6186.643, 'text': 'So it really is okay to have some bullet points, to have an explanation of each project.', 'start': 6181.757, 'duration': 4.886}, {'end': 6188.245, 'text': "Like don't shy away from that.", 'start': 6186.863, 'duration': 1.382}, {'end': 6190.307, 'text': 'So we already talked about this a little bit.', 'start': 6188.425, 'duration': 1.882}, {'end': 6198.013, 'text': "But the work experience section of your resume, even if you haven't had a programming job yet, is still very important.", 'start': 6190.808, 'duration': 7.205}, {'end': 6199.494, 'text': "There's two things you can do.", 'start': 6198.373, 'duration': 1.121}, {'end': 6204.137, 'text': "First, you can list previous jobs that you've had that are not programming related.", 'start': 6199.754, 'duration': 4.383}], 'summary': 'Highlight non-programming work experience on resume with bullet points and explanations.', 'duration': 26.366, 'max_score': 6177.771, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg6177771.jpg'}], 'start': 5506.894, 'title': 'Importance of about section in resume and crafting a standout developer bio', 'summary': 'Discusses the significance of the about section in a resume for career switchers and the impact of sharing personal stories, as well as crafting a standout developer bio by emphasizing specific experiences and projects, and tailoring the resume for different job applications, found in chapter five of the course lesson five on boot dev.', 'chapters': [{'end': 5572.717, 'start': 5506.894, 'title': 'Importance of about section in resume', 'summary': 'Discusses the importance of the about section in a resume, emphasizing its significance for career switchers and the impact of sharing personal stories to compensate for lack of experience, found in chapter five of the course lesson five on boot dev.', 'duration': 65.823, 'highlights': ['The about section of a resume is crucial for career switchers, as it can explain a lack of experience and inspire others with personal stories.', 'Personal stories, such as transitioning from a non-tech background like frying chicken to becoming a developer, can be inspiring and compensate for lack of experience on a resume.', 'Sharing a little bit about your story in the about section can be really inspiring and can explain a lack of experience on your resume.']}, {'end': 6370.115, 'start': 5572.958, 'title': 'Crafting a standout developer bio', 'summary': 'Discusses crafting a standout developer bio, emphasizing specific experiences and projects, avoiding generic statements, and tailoring the resume for different job applications, with a caution against quantifying skills and technologies.', 'duration': 797.157, 'highlights': ['The chapter emphasizes the importance of crafting a standout developer bio by including specific experiences and projects, avoiding generic statements, and tailoring the resume for different job applications.', 'The speaker stresses the significance of showcasing specific experiences, such as discovering a love for software engineering through Python and automating tasks as a middle school teacher, and transitioning to backend web development after completing rigorous online CS courses.', 'It is highlighted that calling attention to an impressive capstone project, expressing tech opinions, and specifying the desired role in backend web development can enhance the developer bio.', 'The importance of being concise and relevant in the skills and technologies section is emphasized, with a caution against including basic web apps and quantifying skills such as rating oneself in different programming languages.', 'The section on projects in the resume should include project names, clickable links, short descriptions, tech stack, and technologies used, while limiting the number of projects to two or three and providing detailed explanations for each project.', 'The significance of the work experience section, even without prior programming jobs, is stressed, with a suggestion to emphasize coding or ops-related tasks in non-programming jobs and to gain experience by working with nonprofit organizations on software development projects.']}], 'duration': 863.221, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg5506894.jpg', 'highlights': ['The about section of a resume is crucial for career switchers, as it can explain a lack of experience and inspire others with personal stories.', 'The chapter emphasizes the importance of crafting a standout developer bio by including specific experiences and projects, avoiding generic statements, and tailoring the resume for different job applications.', 'Sharing a little bit about your story in the about section can be really inspiring and can explain a lack of experience on your resume.', 'Personal stories, such as transitioning from a non-tech background like frying chicken to becoming a developer, can be inspiring and compensate for lack of experience on a resume.', 'The speaker stresses the significance of showcasing specific experiences, such as discovering a love for software engineering through Python and automating tasks as a middle school teacher, and transitioning to backend web development after completing rigorous online CS courses.', 'The importance of being concise and relevant in the skills and technologies section is emphasized, with a caution against including basic web apps and quantifying skills such as rating oneself in different programming languages.', 'The significance of the work experience section, even without prior programming jobs, is stressed, with a suggestion to emphasize coding or ops-related tasks in non-programming jobs and to gain experience by working with nonprofit organizations on software development projects.', 'Calling attention to an impressive capstone project, expressing tech opinions, and specifying the desired role in backend web development can enhance the developer bio.', 'The section on projects in the resume should include project names, clickable links, short descriptions, tech stack, and technologies used, while limiting the number of projects to two or three and providing detailed explanations for each project.']}, {'end': 7976.822, 'segs': [{'end': 6479.482, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 6451.92, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 6458.205, 'text': "Right? Why would you do that? On the same token, you don't want to omit anything that employer might see as a strength.", 'start': 6451.92, 'duration': 6.285}, {'end': 6460.426, 'text': 'So show off your strengths.', 'start': 6458.545, 'duration': 1.881}, {'end': 6463.128, 'text': "Don't bring attention to your weaknesses.", 'start': 6461.547, 'duration': 1.581}, {'end': 6465.23, 'text': "Don't lie, be transparent.", 'start': 6463.649, 'duration': 1.581}, {'end': 6472.235, 'text': 'And you can make a resume that otherwise looked really unimpressive actually look like top of the pack.', 'start': 6465.51, 'duration': 6.725}, {'end': 6479.482, 'text': "Now, let's talk about applying to jobs, right? Everything we've done up to this point has just been getting us ready to apply for jobs.", 'start': 6472.535, 'duration': 6.947}], 'summary': 'Emphasize strengths, avoid weaknesses, and be transparent to improve your resume.', 'duration': 27.562, 'max_score': 6451.92, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg6451920.jpg'}, {'end': 6533.827, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 6508.501, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 6515.143, 'text': "You hit the ground running for a day or two, you apply to a hundred jobs, you don't get any callbacks and you get discouraged, right?", 'start': 6508.501, 'duration': 6.642}, {'end': 6517.483, 'text': 'you can get burnt out pretty easily.', 'start': 6516.223, 'duration': 1.26}, {'end': 6520.024, 'text': 'I recommend trying to find a healthy pace right?', 'start': 6517.583, 'duration': 2.441}, {'end': 6525.385, 'text': 'Maybe 20, 25 jobs, something like that that you can apply to again.', 'start': 6520.064, 'duration': 5.321}, {'end': 6526.065, 'text': "I don't know.", 'start': 6525.385, 'duration': 0.68}, {'end': 6528.626, 'text': 'three, four jobs a day, right?', 'start': 6526.065, 'duration': 2.561}, {'end': 6533.827, 'text': 'To hit that 25 jobs a week goal, or whatever kind of goal you set.', 'start': 6528.646, 'duration': 5.181}], 'summary': 'To avoid burnout, aim to apply to 20-25 jobs per week.', 'duration': 25.326, 'max_score': 6508.501, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg6508501.jpg'}, {'end': 6749.215, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 6725.195, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 6731.821, 'text': "um, when you, when you apply to jobs that are in your local area, you're only competing against the other candidates in your local area.", 'start': 6725.195, 'duration': 6.626}, {'end': 6734.283, 'text': 'so, um, there are a few great advantages.', 'start': 6731.821, 'duration': 2.462}, {'end': 6736.644, 'text': 'right, the candidate pool is much smaller.', 'start': 6734.283, 'duration': 2.361}, {'end': 6741.448, 'text': 'um, you can meet the folks that work at the company that you want to apply at.', 'start': 6736.644, 'duration': 4.804}, {'end': 6742.469, 'text': 'you can meet them in person.', 'start': 6741.448, 'duration': 1.021}, {'end': 6745.251, 'text': 'right, you can maybe even just ask them to meet you for coffee.', 'start': 6742.469, 'duration': 2.782}, {'end': 6749.215, 'text': "it doesn't even have to be the hiring manager, it could just be somebody that works at the company.", 'start': 6745.251, 'duration': 3.964}], 'summary': 'Local job applications: smaller candidate pool, in-person networking opportunities', 'duration': 24.02, 'max_score': 6725.195, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg6725195.jpg'}, {'end': 7019.573, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 6991.406, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 6994.75, 'text': "And I said, well, OK, I hadn't actually thought about what my number was.", 'start': 6991.406, 'duration': 3.344}, {'end': 6996.992, 'text': 'I wrote something down that I thought was good.', 'start': 6994.81, 'duration': 2.182}, {'end': 6999.755, 'text': 'And he called up the H.R.', 'start': 6997.333, 'duration': 2.422}, {'end': 7004.5, 'text': "director and said, hey, can I hire this kid? And they're like, yeah, I guess so.", 'start': 6999.835, 'duration': 4.665}, {'end': 7006.342, 'text': "So that's how I got my first job.", 'start': 7005.141, 'duration': 1.201}, {'end': 7017.552, 'text': 'And so hopefully that is you can take a couple of like lessons out of that, like be bold and not overbearing.', 'start': 7007.103, 'duration': 10.449}, {'end': 7019.573, 'text': "I wasn't like a jerk about anything or whatever.", 'start': 7017.592, 'duration': 1.981}], 'summary': 'Secured first job by being bold and not overbearing.', 'duration': 28.167, 'max_score': 6991.406, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg6991406.jpg'}, {'end': 7140.319, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 7106.589, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 7108.77, 'text': "it's worth taking the time just to check out their careers page.", 'start': 7106.589, 'duration': 2.181}, {'end': 7109.39, 'text': 'if they have one.', 'start': 7108.77, 'duration': 0.62}, {'end': 7112.611, 'text': 'the next place you can look is in niche job boards.', 'start': 7109.39, 'duration': 3.221}, {'end': 7115.472, 'text': "so you've got the big job boards, like indeed and linkedin.", 'start': 7112.611, 'duration': 2.861}, {'end': 7118.633, 'text': "but there's also niche job boards out there, little ones right, like remote.", 'start': 7115.472, 'duration': 3.161}, {'end': 7121.334, 'text': 'okay, golan cafe, we work remotely.', 'start': 7118.633, 'duration': 2.701}, {'end': 7126.795, 'text': 'these are job boards that, like, not everybody is on, and so the competition, the people that are applying for those jobs.', 'start': 7121.334, 'duration': 5.461}, {'end': 7128.136, 'text': "it's going to be much, much lower.", 'start': 7126.795, 'duration': 1.341}, {'end': 7130.637, 'text': "um, it's easier to stand out.", 'start': 7128.656, 'duration': 1.981}, {'end': 7133.597, 'text': 'um, i also want to call special attention to hacker news.', 'start': 7130.637, 'duration': 2.96}, {'end': 7140.319, 'text': "right, hacker news is kind of a reddit, like a site run by y combinator, and every month they do a who's hiring thread.", 'start': 7133.597, 'duration': 6.722}], 'summary': "Explore niche job boards for lower competition. check out hacker news for 'who's hiring' threads.", 'duration': 33.73, 'max_score': 7106.589, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg7106589.jpg'}, {'end': 7450.69, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 7421.935, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 7425.577, 'text': "but you know you've been learning for a while i guess is the way i'd put it.", 'start': 7421.935, 'duration': 3.642}, {'end': 7427.478, 'text': "and now you're looking for work.", 'start': 7425.577, 'duration': 1.901}, {'end': 7431.002, 'text': 'um, networking is the ultimate side door, Right?', 'start': 7427.478, 'duration': 3.524}, {'end': 7436.964, 'text': "So we talked about how there's some side doors when you're applying to jobs like, instead of going through the front door, which is like LinkedIn,", 'start': 7431.102, 'duration': 5.862}, {'end': 7444.007, 'text': "easy apply, we're going to go find niche job boards or apply directly on hacker news threads or companies careers pages,", 'start': 7436.964, 'duration': 7.043}, {'end': 7445.828, 'text': 'or walking into the office right?', 'start': 7444.007, 'duration': 1.821}, {'end': 7450.69, 'text': 'Those are some side doors, but the ultimate side door is networking.', 'start': 7446.048, 'duration': 4.642}], 'summary': 'Networking is the ultimate side door for job opportunities.', 'duration': 28.755, 'max_score': 7421.935, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg7421935.jpg'}], 'start': 6370.115, 'title': 'Crafting effective job applications and job search strategies', 'summary': 'Covers the importance of impactful work experiences in resumes, recommends a weekly job application goal of 20-25 with 1-2 hours per day, emphasizes the significance of presenting oneself truthfully and optimally, discusses overcoming imposter syndrome, applying to different platforms, and advantages of applying to local jobs, illustrates turning an internship into a job offer by demonstrating boldness and hard work, and discusses effective job search strategies for developers including utilizing company websites, niche job boards, and networking.', 'chapters': [{'end': 6553.513, 'start': 6370.115, 'title': 'Crafting effective resumes and job applications', 'summary': 'Emphasizes the importance of showcasing impactful work experiences, recommends setting a weekly job application goal of 20-25 with a time limit of 1-2 hours per day, and highlights the significance of presenting oneself truthfully and optimally.', 'duration': 183.398, 'highlights': ['The chapter emphasizes the importance of showcasing impactful work experiences, such as pro bono or open source project contributions, to potential employers.', 'It recommends setting a weekly job application goal of 20-25, with a suggested pace of 3-4 jobs per day, to avoid burnout and maximize effectiveness.', 'The significance of presenting oneself truthfully and optimally is highlighted, emphasizing the need to show strengths, avoid drawing attention to weaknesses, and never lie.']}, {'end': 6825.399, 'start': 6553.693, 'title': 'Job application tips for students', 'summary': 'Discusses the importance of overcoming imposter syndrome and applying for jobs, the significance of applying to different platforms, and the advantages of applying to local jobs especially in onsite positions.', 'duration': 271.706, 'highlights': ['The significance of starting the job application process early to receive feedback and improve the chances of acceptance.', 'The recommendation to apply to various platforms like Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Angel List, while being mindful of the high competition on these platforms.', 'The advantages of applying to local jobs, including smaller candidate pools, the opportunity to meet company employees in person, and the benefits of working onsite for faster learning and mentorship.']}, {'end': 7040.868, 'start': 6825.399, 'title': 'Internship to job success', 'summary': 'Illustrates how the individual turned an internship into a full-time job offer by demonstrating boldness, hard work, and delivering exceptional results, leading to a job offer from the ceo himself.', 'duration': 215.469, 'highlights': ["The individual's bold approach to securing a job offer directly from the CEO by showcasing a project during a late-night presentation and confidently asking for an offer resulted in a successful job transition.", "The individual's proactive initiative to return to the company after not receiving a response before their first day back, which led to them being welcomed back and ultimately regaining their job.", "The individual's commitment to delivering exceptional work, actively participating in hack night projects, and ensuring that the right people were aware of their contributions, resulting in a job offer being extended to them by the CEO.", "The individual's dedication and hard work ethic, exemplified by putting in good work and being ready to deliver, ultimately leading to a successful job transition."]}, {'end': 7976.822, 'start': 7040.908, 'title': 'Effective job search strategies for developers', 'summary': 'Discusses effective job search strategies, including utilizing company websites, niche job boards, networking, and dealing with recruiters. it highlights the benefits of direct applications to company websites and niche job boards, the limited usefulness of recruiters for entry-level candidates, the importance of long-term networking, and the value of attending local meetups in the job search process.', 'duration': 935.914, 'highlights': ['The benefits of direct applications to company websites and niche job boards, where applicants are fast-tracked and face lower competition, are emphasized (e.g., accessing company careers pages, utilizing niche job boards like remote.io, golang.cafe, and hacker news for job opportunities).', 'The limited usefulness of recruiters for entry-level candidates is discussed, as they are generally not incentivized to source entry-level developers and may not be effective for entry-level job placements.', 'The importance of long-term networking as the ultimate side door in job searches is emphasized, focusing on building genuine relationships within the tech community, rather than exploitative or spammy networking tactics.', 'The value of attending local meetups in the job search process is highlighted through the experiences and recommendations of industry professionals, emphasizing the benefits of making connections and building a network within the industry.']}], 'duration': 1606.707, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg6370115.jpg', 'highlights': ['Setting a weekly job application goal of 20-25 with a pace of 3-4 jobs per day is recommended.', 'Emphasizing the importance of showcasing impactful work experiences to potential employers.', 'Advantages of applying to local jobs include smaller candidate pools and onsite learning opportunities.', 'Demonstrating boldness and hard work can lead to turning an internship into a job offer.', 'Utilizing company websites and niche job boards for job opportunities is emphasized.', 'Long-term networking is highlighted as the ultimate side door in job searches.']}, {'end': 8711.983, 'segs': [{'end': 8009.359, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 7978.384, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 7979.185, 'text': 'But we talked about it.', 'start': 7978.384, 'duration': 0.801}, {'end': 7982.59, 'text': 'Okay The story starts.', 'start': 7979.446, 'duration': 3.144}, {'end': 7986.195, 'text': 'How did a teacher in his 30s get his first developer job?', 'start': 7983.912, 'duration': 2.283}, {'end': 7992.043, 'text': 'I had just finished a long day of learning at the Santa Barbara downtown library, sipping tea and building projects.', 'start': 7987.477, 'duration': 4.566}, {'end': 7994.177, 'text': 'The best thing about living in California is the weather.', 'start': 7992.554, 'duration': 1.623}, {'end': 7999.705, 'text': 'We joke that when you rented an exorbitantly priced one bedroom apartment in the suburbs, you were not paying for the inside,', 'start': 7994.337, 'duration': 5.368}, {'end': 8000.687, 'text': 'you were paying for the outside.', 'start': 7999.705, 'duration': 0.982}, {'end': 8007.317, 'text': 'My goal was to spend as little time in that cramped 100 year old rat trap as necessary and to spend the rest of it walking around the town.', 'start': 8001.408, 'duration': 5.909}, {'end': 8009.359, 'text': 'It was a beautiful Wednesday evening.', 'start': 8008.158, 'duration': 1.201}], 'summary': 'Teacher in 30s gets first developer job after learning in library, in california.', 'duration': 30.975, 'max_score': 7978.384, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg7978384.jpg'}, {'end': 8332.027, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 8302.846, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 8308.308, 'text': "at least 12 months of runway before you're expecting yourself to get that full-time developer job.", 'start': 8302.846, 'duration': 5.462}, {'end': 8310.449, 'text': 'This is just my perception.', 'start': 8308.509, 'duration': 1.94}, {'end': 8313.151, 'text': 'And same thing.', 'start': 8312.33, 'duration': 0.821}, {'end': 8317.353, 'text': "if you're doing like an online course, like boot dev on the side,", 'start': 8313.151, 'duration': 4.202}, {'end': 8322.739, 'text': "you should expect that you'll be doing it nights and weekends for probably at least a year.", 'start': 8317.353, 'duration': 5.386}, {'end': 8325.161, 'text': 'Like this is not something that happens overnight.', 'start': 8322.939, 'duration': 2.222}, {'end': 8332.027, 'text': "And frankly, anyone that's selling courses or boot camps and promising jobs in 12 weeks, I'd be highly skeptical of that.", 'start': 8325.54, 'duration': 6.487}], 'summary': 'Expect at least 12 months for online course to get full-time developer job.', 'duration': 29.181, 'max_score': 8302.846, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg8302846.jpg'}, {'end': 8685.152, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 8656.432, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 8662.314, 'text': 'was less about my skills as an interviewee and more about the year of coding, networking and reputation building that preceded it.', 'start': 8656.432, 'duration': 5.882}, {'end': 8668.158, 'text': "this wasn't a cushy job at a big tech company with all the compensation benefits and company bowling alleys.", 'start': 8662.854, 'duration': 5.304}, {'end': 8673.603, 'text': 'it was a contractor role that paid about the same as i was making as a teacher, but it was a developer job.', 'start': 8668.158, 'duration': 5.445}, {'end': 8675.724, 'text': 'a company was paying me to write code.', 'start': 8673.603, 'duration': 2.121}, {'end': 8679.047, 'text': 'i was now a professional developer.', 'start': 8675.724, 'duration': 3.323}, {'end': 8685.152, 'text': "again, if you're interested in the rest of the story and want to read the full book description, uh, link in the description below.", 'start': 8679.047, 'duration': 6.105}], 'summary': 'Transitioned from a teaching role to a contractor developer job, earning similar pay, marking a shift to professional development.', 'duration': 28.72, 'max_score': 8656.432, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg8656432.jpg'}], 'start': 7978.384, 'title': "A teacher's transition to becoming a developer", 'summary': "Discusses a teacher's journey to becoming a developer, highlighting his determination to spend time outside rather than in an expensive, cramped apartment and his transition from learning to code to landing his first developer job through networking and building a portfolio, leading to a contractor role that paid about the same as his previous teaching job.", 'chapters': [{'end': 8009.359, 'start': 7978.384, 'title': "Teacher's journey to developer job", 'summary': "Discusses a teacher's transition to becoming a developer, highlighting his learning journey and the california lifestyle, with a focus on the determination to spend time outside rather than in an expensive, cramped apartment.", 'duration': 30.975, 'highlights': ["The teacher's transition from teaching to becoming a developer is detailed, emphasizing the learning process and dedication to building projects at the library.", 'The California lifestyle is portrayed, with an emphasis on the preference for spending time outside due to the expensive, cramped living conditions.', 'The determination to minimize time spent in the apartment and maximize time walking around the town is highlighted, reflecting the desire for a better living experience.']}, {'end': 8711.983, 'start': 8009.439, 'title': 'Transition to developer role', 'summary': "Details the author's journey from learning to code to landing his first developer job through networking, attending tech events, and building a portfolio, leading to a contractor role that paid about the same as his previous teaching job.", 'duration': 702.544, 'highlights': ['The importance of attending tech events and hackathons for networking and skill-building, with the advice to plan at least a year for learning and building before expecting a full-time developer job.', "The significance of soft skills in job interviews and the author's experience with being hired based on his coding abilities and potential to learn company processes.", "The non-traditional path of landing a developer job and the realization that networking, reputation building, and consistent learning played a crucial role in the author's transition to a contractor role in a small tech company."]}], 'duration': 733.599, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg7978384.jpg', 'highlights': ['The importance of networking and skill-building at tech events and hackathons is emphasized, requiring at least a year of learning and building before expecting a full-time developer job.', "The teacher's transition from teaching to becoming a developer is detailed, emphasizing the learning process and dedication to building projects at the library.", 'The determination to minimize time spent in the apartment and maximize time walking around the town is highlighted, reflecting the desire for a better living experience.', 'The California lifestyle is portrayed, with an emphasis on the preference for spending time outside due to the expensive, cramped living conditions.', "The significance of soft skills in job interviews and the author's experience with being hired based on his coding abilities and potential to learn company processes.", "The non-traditional path of landing a developer job and the realization that networking, reputation building, and consistent learning played a crucial role in the author's transition to a contractor role in a small tech company."]}, {'end': 10686.764, 'segs': [{'end': 8767.478, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 8736.998, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 8741.921, 'text': "if you can't do in-person meetups, it's it's kind of going to be one of those things that's better than nothing.", 'start': 8736.998, 'duration': 4.923}, {'end': 8747.105, 'text': "the thing that i found with virtual meetups is they're usually more about the talks and less about the networking,", 'start': 8741.921, 'duration': 5.184}, {'end': 8752.588, 'text': "just because often it's a lot harder to like do networking like just sit and chat with somebody over zoom.", 'start': 8747.105, 'duration': 5.483}, {'end': 8756.611, 'text': "But if it's all you've got, it's worth at least trying out.", 'start': 8754.109, 'duration': 2.502}, {'end': 8760.453, 'text': 'Okay, so next, I want to spend some time on online communities.', 'start': 8756.731, 'duration': 3.722}, {'end': 8767.478, 'text': "So we've talked about how, you know, you can go find slack communities and discord communities and like find jobs there.", 'start': 8760.553, 'duration': 6.925}], 'summary': 'Virtual meetups are more talk-focused, but still valuable if in-person is not an option.', 'duration': 30.48, 'max_score': 8736.998, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg8736998.jpg'}, {'end': 8862.687, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 8837.759, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 8843.521, 'text': "And if you're good friends with them because you chat with them daily in Discord,", 'start': 8837.759, 'duration': 5.762}, {'end': 8847.822, 'text': "you're much more likely to be considered for one of those opportunities.", 'start': 8843.521, 'duration': 4.301}, {'end': 8857.385, 'text': "And once you get to know all of these people, they won't be bothered when you make a few posts about how you're looking for work.", 'start': 8848.742, 'duration': 8.643}, {'end': 8862.687, 'text': "right. maybe you turn it into a story, so it doesn't just look like an advertisement for the fact that you're looking for work.", 'start': 8857.825, 'duration': 4.862}], 'summary': 'Building strong connections on discord can increase job opportunities and support when seeking work.', 'duration': 24.928, 'max_score': 8837.759, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg8837759.jpg'}, {'end': 9475.855, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 9450.283, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 9462.388, 'text': "I would argue you should probably spend I don't know, I usually say spend maybe two to four hours per week,", 'start': 9450.283, 'duration': 12.105}, {'end': 9469.151, 'text': 'just really trying to get connected with developers and building up your network and just creating relationships.', 'start': 9462.388, 'duration': 6.763}, {'end': 9473.933, 'text': "and i don't think majority of your time should be spent towards project work.", 'start': 9470.291, 'duration': 3.642}, {'end': 9475.855, 'text': 'hands down, just really building up your skills.', 'start': 9473.933, 'duration': 1.922}], 'summary': 'Spend 2-4 hours per week networking with developers to build relationships and skills, rather than focusing only on project work.', 'duration': 25.572, 'max_score': 9450.283, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg9450283.jpg'}, {'end': 9623.465, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 9587.066, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 9593.669, 'text': "And then of those 100 applications, let's say that you hear back from 25 of them.", 'start': 9587.066, 'duration': 6.603}, {'end': 9602.06, 'text': "and then of those 25, let's say that you get, say, 15 phone screens, okay.", 'start': 9595.009, 'duration': 7.051}, {'end': 9608.73, 'text': 'and then of the 15 phone screens say you get five interviews.', 'start': 9602.06, 'duration': 6.67}, {'end': 9620.742, 'text': "okay. Now, these numbers 100, 25, 15, five, they might be different for you, but like this isn't too unreasonable, right?", 'start': 9608.73, 'duration': 12.012}, {'end': 9623.465, 'text': 'Getting five interviews from 100 applications.', 'start': 9620.782, 'duration': 2.683}], 'summary': 'From 100 applications, 25 responses, 15 phone screens, and 5 interviews is a common outcome.', 'duration': 36.399, 'max_score': 9587.066, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg9587066.jpg'}, {'end': 10053.802, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 10029.738, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 10038.077, 'text': 'okay, the next thing i want to talk about is having confidence, Confidence in the interview.', 'start': 10029.738, 'duration': 8.339}, {'end': 10043.279, 'text': "And again, I understand that like this isn't just useful advice.", 'start': 10038.597, 'duration': 4.682}, {'end': 10046.26, 'text': 'The problem, everybody knows that you should be confident in interviews.', 'start': 10043.339, 'duration': 2.921}, {'end': 10052.502, 'text': "It's one of those like simple things that's actually really hard to execute on.", 'start': 10048.54, 'duration': 3.962}, {'end': 10053.802, 'text': 'So I totally get that.', 'start': 10052.542, 'duration': 1.26}], 'summary': 'Confidence is crucial in interviews but challenging to maintain, despite being widely recognized as important.', 'duration': 24.064, 'max_score': 10029.738, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg10029738.jpg'}], 'start': 8711.983, 'title': 'Job networking and interview strategies', 'summary': "Covers the significance of gaining experience for securing a developer job, the value of virtual meetups, networking potential in online communities, effective strategies for job search, and the importance of confidence and problem-solving abilities in interviews. it also mentions spending 2-4 hours per week building relationships with developers and the 'numbers game' nature of job applications where sending out 100 applications may result in 5 interviews and potentially 2 offers.", 'chapters': [{'end': 8795.079, 'start': 8711.983, 'title': 'Developer job networking and online communities', 'summary': 'Discusses the importance of gaining a year of experience for securing a great developer job, the value of virtual meetups, and the networking potential in online communities such as boot dev discord, free code camp discord, golang slack, and python discord.', 'duration': 83.096, 'highlights': ['Gaining a year of experience is crucial for transitioning from a mediocre developer job to a great one.', 'Virtual meetups are worth the time, especially if in-person meetups are not feasible, as they offer opportunities for learning through talks and some networking.', 'Online communities like boot dev discord, free code camp discord, Golang slack, and Python discord provide networking opportunities and can be valuable resources for finding jobs.']}, {'end': 9242.848, 'start': 8796.14, 'title': 'Effective networking in tech communities', 'summary': 'Emphasizes the importance of consistent participation in tech communities, such as discord and local slack groups, as well as cautioning against ineffective networking methods, highlighting that several job opportunities can arise through genuine relationships within these communities.', 'duration': 446.708, 'highlights': ['Consistent participation in tech communities like Discord and local Slack groups is emphasized as a powerful tool for accessing job opportunities, with the speaker attributing several of their career opportunities to their network.', 'Caution is advised against ineffective networking methods such as making abrupt requests for favors, with the speaker emphasizing the importance of building genuine relationships within the communities.', 'The significance of in-person meetups, online communities, and niche job boards is highlighted as yielding better returns on time investment compared to social media for job networking purposes.', 'The importance of genuine and considerate communication when reaching out for potential job opportunities is emphasized, with examples of both effective and ineffective approaches provided to illustrate the point.']}, {'end': 9780.911, 'start': 9243.448, 'title': 'Effective networking strategies for job search', 'summary': "Emphasizes the effectiveness of warm networking leads, with a recommendation to spend 2-4 hours per week building relationships with developers, while highlighting the 'numbers game' nature of job applications, where sending out 100 applications may result in 5 interviews and potentially 2 offers, suggesting the need for persistence and practice in the job search process.", 'duration': 537.463, 'highlights': ["The chapter emphasizes the effectiveness of warm networking leads, recommending spending 2-4 hours per week building relationships with developers, and highlights the 'numbers game' nature of job applications, where sending out 100 applications may result in 5 interviews and potentially 2 offers, suggesting the need for persistence and practice in the job search process.", "Illustrates the 'numbers game' nature of job applications, where sending out 100 applications may result in 5 interviews and potentially 2 offers, emphasizing the need for persistence and practice in the job search process.", 'Emphasizes the importance of relaxed demeanor in interviews and the value of practice in honing programming, applying, and interviewing skills, suggesting that sending out 100 applications may result in 5 interviews and potentially 2 offers.', "Advises dedicating 2-4 hours per week to build relationships with developers, highlighting the effectiveness of warm networking leads and the 'numbers game' nature of job applications, suggesting the need for persistence and practice in the job search process.", "Recommends dedicating 2-4 hours per week to build relationships with developers to effectively use warm networking leads, while highlighting the 'numbers game' nature of job applications, suggesting the need for persistence and practice in the job search process."]}, {'end': 10029.738, 'start': 9781.691, 'title': 'Job interview realities', 'summary': 'Highlights the harsh reality of job interviews, emphasizing the low conversion rate from interviews to offers and the importance of using interviews as valuable practice opportunities to improve and learn from rejections.', 'duration': 248.047, 'highlights': ['Understanding the low conversion rate from interviews to offers, even for senior developers, with less than 50% success rate.', 'Emphasizing the importance of using interviews as valuable practice opportunities to improve and learn from rejections, rather than considering them a waste of time.', 'Encouraging the mindset of continuous improvement by using interview feedback to enhance programming skills and portfolio projects.', 'Highlighting the abundance of job opportunities, leading to more chances for interviews and increased practice, thereby boosting chances over time.']}, {'end': 10686.764, 'start': 10029.738, 'title': 'Confidence in interviews', 'summary': "Discusses the importance of confidence in interviews for entry-level developers, emphasizing the need to showcase problem-solving abilities, align with the hiring manager's needs, and demonstrate a pleasant personality, with examples of quantifiable data.", 'duration': 657.026, 'highlights': ['Entry-level developers often lack confidence in interviews, which hinders their ability to showcase their skills and accomplishments, with the advice to focus on continually learning and building to naturally grow in confidence.', 'Hiring managers look for candidates who can solve their problems, demonstrate quick learning abilities, and contribute to the team, with examples of quantifiable data such as time saved and additional skills brought to the team.', 'Technical proficiency is not the only factor in hiring decisions; being fun to work with, showing personality, and displaying the ability to see projects through to completion are also crucial for landing a job, with examples of quantifiable data such as team dynamics and project completion.']}], 'duration': 1974.781, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg8711983.jpg', 'highlights': ['Spending 2-4 hours per week building relationships with developers is recommended for effective warm networking leads and job search persistence.', "Sending out 100 job applications may result in 5 interviews and potentially 2 offers, emphasizing the 'numbers game' nature of job applications.", 'The importance of confidence and problem-solving abilities in interviews is highlighted, with examples of quantifiable data such as time saved and additional skills brought to the team.', 'Consistent participation in tech communities like Discord and local Slack groups is emphasized as a powerful tool for accessing job opportunities.', 'Virtual meetups offer opportunities for learning through talks and networking, especially if in-person meetups are not feasible.']}, {'end': 11632.506, 'segs': [{'end': 10760.636, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 10734.477, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 10740.661, 'text': "Now, I know we talked a lot about trying to have confidence in the interview, and you should, but let's break it down a little bit,", 'start': 10734.477, 'duration': 6.184}, {'end': 10753.71, 'text': 'because sometimes confidence, sometimes it can be hard to know what we should be confident about and what we should be a little more humble about.', 'start': 10740.661, 'duration': 13.049}, {'end': 10760.636, 'text': 'humility, because this directly ties into that last point i made, which was you want to be fun to work with.', 'start': 10753.71, 'duration': 6.926}], 'summary': 'Balancing confidence and humility is essential in being perceived as enjoyable to work with.', 'duration': 26.159, 'max_score': 10734.477, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg10734477.jpg'}, {'end': 10805.967, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 10779.929, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 10786.974, 'text': 'so you want to be able to demonstrate that and you want to be confident in that you do not want to downplay your ability to come up to speed quickly on things.', 'start': 10779.929, 'duration': 7.045}, {'end': 10788.555, 'text': 'um so, absolutely.', 'start': 10786.974, 'duration': 1.581}, {'end': 10800.103, 'text': 'uh. another thing you want to be confident about is your understanding of your projects Right.', 'start': 10788.555, 'duration': 11.548}, {'end': 10801.584, 'text': "So you've built some projects.", 'start': 10800.143, 'duration': 1.441}, {'end': 10805.967, 'text': 'You really should be confident in the fact that you built them.', 'start': 10802.245, 'duration': 3.722}], 'summary': 'Demonstrate confidence in your ability to come up to speed and in your understanding of your projects.', 'duration': 26.038, 'max_score': 10779.929, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg10779929.jpg'}, {'end': 10887.067, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 10864.548, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 10872.455, 'text': "the reality is, by the time you get to the interview, especially right once you've gotten past hr and recruiters.", 'start': 10864.548, 'duration': 7.907}, {'end': 10877.559, 'text': "um, nobody's expecting you to know everything and no one's expecting you to be an expert on everything.", 'start': 10872.455, 'duration': 5.104}, {'end': 10887.067, 'text': "um, especially in an entry-level position, right, you want to show that you're proficient in a couple of things right and that you learned quickly,", 'start': 10877.559, 'duration': 9.508}], 'summary': 'In interviews, focus on being proficient in a few areas and quick learning, not expertise.', 'duration': 22.519, 'max_score': 10864.548, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg10864548.jpg'}, {'end': 11355.554, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 11331.977, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 11340.122, 'text': "there's usually not too much preparation to do here, um other than like be on your best behavior and try to put your best attitude forward.", 'start': 11331.977, 'duration': 8.145}, {'end': 11341.743, 'text': 'now the technical interview.', 'start': 11340.122, 'duration': 1.621}, {'end': 11345.506, 'text': 'in fact, let me scroll down to to this section on the technical interview.', 'start': 11341.743, 'duration': 3.763}, {'end': 11352.511, 'text': "There's usually several different types of technical interviews that you'll encounter.", 'start': 11347.447, 'duration': 5.064}, {'end': 11355.554, 'text': 'Whiteboarding problems are very common.', 'start': 11353.532, 'duration': 2.022}], 'summary': 'Prepare for technical interviews with whiteboarding problems.', 'duration': 23.577, 'max_score': 11331.977, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg11331977.jpg'}, {'end': 11632.506, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 11591.145, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 11599.611, 'text': 'these companies are famous for doing a lot of live coding exercises, leet code, style challenges, algorithms, questions.', 'start': 11591.145, 'duration': 8.466}, {'end': 11607.695, 'text': "And so if you're primarily interested in those companies, those big, sexy tech companies, you're going to have to spend a lot of time,", 'start': 11600.291, 'duration': 7.404}, {'end': 11613.598, 'text': 'like grinding leet code and doing a ton of coding challenges, to practice and prepare for those interviews.', 'start': 11607.695, 'duration': 5.903}, {'end': 11615.179, 'text': 'But not all companies are like that.', 'start': 11613.779, 'duration': 1.4}, {'end': 11621.223, 'text': "Smaller companies, they're not just interested in bringing on people that can solve hard algorithmic problems.", 'start': 11615.7, 'duration': 5.523}, {'end': 11626.324, 'text': "They're more interested in bringing on people that can solve their immediate problems,", 'start': 11621.863, 'duration': 4.461}, {'end': 11632.506, 'text': 'which in a startup is rarely that they need some tricky algorithmic thing solved right?', 'start': 11626.324, 'duration': 6.182}], 'summary': 'Big tech companies focus on leet code and live coding exercises, while smaller companies prioritize immediate problem-solving skills.', 'duration': 41.361, 'max_score': 11591.145, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg11591145.jpg'}], 'start': 10686.904, 'title': 'Interview preparation for entry-level developers', 'summary': 'Emphasizes demonstrating confidence and humility in job interviews, provides interview tips for entry-level developers, and discusses the tech interview process, including its various types and the specific preparation required for faang companies.', 'chapters': [{'end': 10887.067, 'start': 10686.904, 'title': 'Demonstrating confidence and humility in job interviews', 'summary': 'Emphasizes the importance of demonstrating confidence in learning abilities and project knowledge while being humble about overall industry knowledge, as recruiters do not expect expertise in every area, especially for entry-level positions.', 'duration': 200.163, 'highlights': ['The importance of demonstrating the ability to learn and come up to speed quickly on things is universally valued in a hire, and it is essential to confidently showcase this (e.g., shipping a project within a month).', 'Confidence in understanding and building projects is crucial, and it should be portrayed without downplaying the effort and research put into them.', 'Recruiters do not expect candidates to be experts in every technology or skill listed in job descriptions, especially for entry-level positions; instead, proficiency in a couple of areas and quick learning are valued.', 'The need to balance confidence with humility, as being a fun and easy-to-work-with candidate is highly regarded, and overconfidence or egotism can be detrimental to job prospects.']}, {'end': 11263.184, 'start': 10887.067, 'title': 'Interview tips for entry-level developers', 'summary': 'Discusses key interview tips for entry-level developers, including how to address lack of experience with certain technologies, the importance of confidence in passion for coding, and insights into the interview process, outlining the phone screen and homework assignment steps.', 'duration': 376.117, 'highlights': ['The importance of being confident in passion for coding and learning, while being humble about lack of experience with certain technologies and processes.', 'Insights into the interview process, including the phone screen and homework assignment steps, and the recommendation to complete homework assignments despite opinions about them.']}, {'end': 11632.506, 'start': 11263.504, 'title': 'Tech interview process', 'summary': 'Discusses the tech interview process, including the cultural and technical interviews, the different types of technical interviews such as whiteboarding problems, live coding exercises, architecture and design questions, and walkthroughs of past projects, and the variation in interview processes based on company size and type, emphasizing the need for practice with different interview types and the specific preparation required for faang companies.', 'duration': 369.002, 'highlights': ['FAANG companies (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Google, Netflix) are known for live coding exercises, leet code style challenges, and algorithms questions, requiring extensive practice and preparation for such interviews.', 'The chapter highlights the importance of practicing different types of technical interviews, such as whiteboarding problems, live coding exercises, architecture and design questions, and walkthroughs of past projects, as each type requires specific preparation and practice.', 'The interview process varies based on company size and type, with larger companies having longer hiring processes and more interviews involved, while smaller companies tend to move faster and prioritize cultural fit and immediate problem-solving abilities over tricky algorithmic problems.']}], 'duration': 945.602, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg10686904.jpg', 'highlights': ['FAANG companies require extensive practice for live coding exercises and algorithms questions.', 'Balancing confidence with humility is crucial for job prospects.', 'Quick learning and proficiency in a couple of areas are valued for entry-level positions.', 'Demonstrating confidence in understanding and building projects is essential.', 'Practicing different types of technical interviews is important for specific preparation.', 'Smaller companies prioritize cultural fit and immediate problem-solving abilities.']}, {'end': 13225.79, 'segs': [{'end': 11700.969, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 11674.791, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 11679.535, 'text': 'And he has some hot takes about LeetCode and about projects.', 'start': 11674.791, 'duration': 4.744}, {'end': 11680.315, 'text': "So let's take a look.", 'start': 11679.555, 'duration': 0.76}, {'end': 11687.701, 'text': 'Essentially, the first step is buying 90 days, however you can do it.', 'start': 11684.679, 'duration': 3.022}, {'end': 11690.804, 'text': 'If you have to get a loan to get 90 days, then do that.', 'start': 11688.262, 'duration': 2.542}, {'end': 11695.087, 'text': "If you have to just work for, I don't know, four months to buy 90 days, I would do that.", 'start': 11690.964, 'duration': 4.123}, {'end': 11698.707, 'text': 'The goal number one is to buy time, however you can.', 'start': 11695.885, 'duration': 2.822}, {'end': 11700.969, 'text': 'And then the first thing I would do is leak code.', 'start': 11699.007, 'duration': 1.962}], 'summary': 'Buy 90 days to work on leetcode and projects.', 'duration': 26.178, 'max_score': 11674.791, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg11674791.jpg'}, {'end': 11873.473, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 11835.666, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 11839.791, 'text': 'so lead coding for eight hours a day is probably going to be useful.', 'start': 11835.666, 'duration': 4.125}, {'end': 11848.838, 'text': "um, one thing that he goes on to say that i didn't include in the clip is just that At larger companies, the leetcode thing is really important.", 'start': 11839.791, 'duration': 9.047}, {'end': 11852.52, 'text': 'At smaller companies, the projects tend to be more important.', 'start': 11849.158, 'duration': 3.362}, {'end': 11859.185, 'text': "So, as you're thinking about how you're going to divide your time and how you're practicing and preparing for interviews, I would recommend,", 'start': 11852.56, 'duration': 6.625}, {'end': 11864.568, 'text': "if you're mostly applying for local jobs or small to medium-sized companies,", 'start': 11859.185, 'duration': 5.383}, {'end': 11873.473, 'text': 'that spending time building projects and deploying them and solving real-world tasks is going to be more useful.', 'start': 11864.568, 'duration': 8.905}], 'summary': 'At larger companies, leetcode is important, while at smaller companies, projects are more valuable.', 'duration': 37.807, 'max_score': 11835.666, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg11835666.jpg'}, {'end': 11992.783, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 11967.566, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 11974.331, 'text': "and much more like a collaboration where you're a junior dev and they're a senior developer trying to help you through a problem.", 'start': 11967.566, 'duration': 6.765}, {'end': 11977.833, 'text': 'The more you can make it feel like a collaboration.', 'start': 11974.571, 'duration': 3.262}, {'end': 11982.716, 'text': 'not only will you actually get more help and more hints from your interviewers,', 'start': 11977.833, 'duration': 4.883}, {'end': 11986.619, 'text': "but it gives them more of a sense of what it's going to be like working with you.", 'start': 11982.716, 'duration': 3.903}, {'end': 11992.783, 'text': 'And you want that feeling to be a good one, right? You want to show that you are a good collaborator.', 'start': 11987.439, 'duration': 5.344}], 'summary': 'In interviews, aim for a collaborative dynamic to receive more help and create a positive impression.', 'duration': 25.217, 'max_score': 11967.566, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg11967566.jpg'}, {'end': 12256.374, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 12225.992, 'weight': 6, 'content': [{'end': 12231.776, 'text': "it improves the feedback loop and you'll just get those suggestions earlier and you'll have a better overall result.", 'start': 12225.992, 'duration': 5.784}, {'end': 12239.302, 'text': "So some of the key differences are we want to ask a lot of clarifying questions, which means we're less likely to write any incorrect code,", 'start': 12232.157, 'duration': 7.145}, {'end': 12240.603, 'text': 'which is obviously great.', 'start': 12239.302, 'duration': 1.301}, {'end': 12246.086, 'text': "We're communicating our thought process, which means the interviewer can help us when we get stuck, which is great.", 'start': 12241.483, 'duration': 4.603}, {'end': 12250.83, 'text': 'It means the interviewer gets to see what we think, which again, it provides more signal.', 'start': 12246.106, 'duration': 4.724}, {'end': 12256.374, 'text': 'The whole point of this whole process is the interviewer just wants to know Are we qualified?', 'start': 12250.97, 'duration': 5.404}], 'summary': 'Improved feedback loop with clarifying questions and thought process communication for better results.', 'duration': 30.382, 'max_score': 12225.992, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg12225992.jpg'}, {'end': 12377.617, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 12345.709, 'weight': 8, 'content': [{'end': 12350.033, 'text': "It also kind of implicitly assumes that you're already on the same team, which is.", 'start': 12345.709, 'duration': 4.324}, {'end': 12357.498, 'text': "I don't think that's sleazy, but it's like this little implication like, I'd love to be on the team.", 'start': 12352.415, 'duration': 5.083}, {'end': 12364.563, 'text': 'But it actually goes a long ways in terms of making the whole process feel a lot more collaborative.', 'start': 12358.879, 'duration': 5.684}, {'end': 12370.006, 'text': 'So something that goes along with being on the team is just asking a lot of questions.', 'start': 12364.923, 'duration': 5.083}, {'end': 12377.617, 'text': "When you're in school taking an exam, usually questions are not allowed right?", 'start': 12371.974, 'duration': 5.643}], 'summary': 'Implicit assumption of being on the same team fosters collaboration, encourages asking questions.', 'duration': 31.908, 'max_score': 12345.709, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg12345709.jpg'}, {'end': 12469.09, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 12443.01, 'weight': 9, 'content': [{'end': 12451.857, 'text': "So the first tactic I want to mention here is that you want to turn any question that you would respond to an I don't know with into a conversation.", 'start': 12443.01, 'duration': 8.847}, {'end': 12458.202, 'text': "So when you're presented with a question that you don't know the answer to, the absolute worst thing you can do is try to fake it.", 'start': 12452.437, 'duration': 5.765}, {'end': 12469.09, 'text': "It's the worst thing you can do, because if you're wrong and it's obvious that you're faking it, a lot of trust is lost, right?", 'start': 12459.623, 'duration': 9.467}], 'summary': "When faced with a question you don't know, turn it into a conversation to avoid faking it and losing trust.", 'duration': 26.08, 'max_score': 12443.01, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg12443010.jpg'}, {'end': 12760.434, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 12736.054, 'weight': 11, 'content': [{'end': 12743.702, 'text': 'even just like an hour or two before the interview, can have massive impact on your ability to land the job.', 'start': 12736.054, 'duration': 7.648}, {'end': 12751.988, 'text': "so a couple of the things that i talk about, um, are that the first things you're going to want to do is a little bit of research on the company.", 'start': 12743.702, 'duration': 8.286}, {'end': 12757.032, 'text': 'when you show up to the interview, you want to know what the company does right, what they sell right?', 'start': 12751.988, 'duration': 5.044}, {'end': 12758.373, 'text': 'do they sell a software product?', 'start': 12757.032, 'duration': 1.341}, {'end': 12760.434, 'text': 'do they sell programming services like?', 'start': 12758.373, 'duration': 2.061}], 'summary': 'Last-minute prep crucial before interview, include research on company and its offerings.', 'duration': 24.38, 'max_score': 12736.054, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg12736054.jpg'}, {'end': 12952.028, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 12795.934, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 12803.739, 'text': 'The job description probably has like 15 technologies listed, right? We use JavaScript, we use TypeScript, we use Vue, we use Mongo, whatever.', 'start': 12795.934, 'duration': 7.805}, {'end': 12809.766, 'text': "you don't have to master all of those, but you have to know what they are, or you should know what they are,", 'start': 12804.6, 'duration': 5.166}, {'end': 12815.532, 'text': 'because it just takes half an hour of research to figure out what each one is.', 'start': 12809.766, 'duration': 5.766}, {'end': 12820.437, 'text': "on that note, i'm going to cut to the primogen who i had on my podcast.", 'start': 12815.532, 'duration': 4.905}, {'end': 12824.142, 'text': 'um, and Actually this clip is not from the podcast.', 'start': 12820.437, 'duration': 3.705}, {'end': 12825.264, 'text': 'He was on my podcast.', 'start': 12824.162, 'duration': 1.102}, {'end': 12825.945, 'text': 'This is unrelated.', 'start': 12825.304, 'duration': 0.641}, {'end': 12834.86, 'text': 'But this clip is where he talks about this preparation process and what he thinks you should be doing to maximize your chances in the interview.', 'start': 12827.568, 'duration': 7.292}, {'end': 12842.307, 'text': 'if i were or were not to get it.', 'start': 12840.146, 'duration': 2.161}, {'end': 12848.249, 'text': 'the reason being is that interviewing is a skill in of itself and it takes practice.', 'start': 12842.307, 'duration': 5.942}, {'end': 12850.829, 'text': 'so i would actually interview for practice.', 'start': 12848.249, 'duration': 2.58}, {'end': 12856.892, 'text': 'if i get a bunch of jobs awesome, i can use those to negotiate with each other Beautiful.', 'start': 12850.829, 'duration': 6.063}, {'end': 12859.415, 'text': "And if I get none of them, I'm not heartbroken.", 'start': 12857.152, 'duration': 2.263}, {'end': 12860.696, 'text': 'I take the feedback.', 'start': 12859.455, 'duration': 1.241}, {'end': 12870.107, 'text': "I figure out what I wasn't good at, how I didn't communicate well, and where the mismatch happened with the employer and improve on those things.", 'start': 12861.137, 'duration': 8.97}, {'end': 12876.912, 'text': "always be very careful about the jobs you're applying for and look at all the requirements they want.", 'start': 12871.348, 'duration': 5.564}, {'end': 12883.917, 'text': 'When you see all of those, use it as a cheat sheet to at least be able to intelligently speak about those.', 'start': 12877.373, 'duration': 6.544}, {'end': 12885.198, 'text': "Now you don't have to master those.", 'start': 12883.978, 'duration': 1.22}, {'end': 12888.401, 'text': "Often those things are just wishlists, they're not requirements.", 'start': 12885.639, 'duration': 2.762}, {'end': 12891.823, 'text': 'And so that would kind of be how I would approach getting a job.', 'start': 12888.681, 'duration': 3.142}, {'end': 12893.345, 'text': 'Now, I love Rust.', 'start': 12892.184, 'duration': 1.161}, {'end': 12896.287, 'text': "I think it's way, way more fun to program than TypeScript.", 'start': 12893.525, 'duration': 2.762}, {'end': 12905.898, 'text': 'but the reality is that if i were starting over, i would start where you get hired first and then, the moment you get hired, use that, use that money,', 'start': 12896.727, 'duration': 9.171}, {'end': 12911.405, 'text': 'use that income as just a way to be able to be stable and learn then what you want to learn.', 'start': 12905.898, 'duration': 5.507}, {'end': 12916.049, 'text': "if you feel really passionate about compilers, It's really hard to get a job doing compilers,", 'start': 12911.405, 'duration': 4.644}, {'end': 12921.091, 'text': 'but you could get a job that will supplement you while you study, study, study, make blog posts, do all those things.', 'start': 12916.049, 'duration': 5.042}, {'end': 12922.831, 'text': 'So you can move into that position.', 'start': 12921.111, 'duration': 1.72}, {'end': 12927.393, 'text': "It's all about the long game and really it's all about making yourself better.", 'start': 12922.971, 'duration': 4.422}, {'end': 12929.834, 'text': "And here's the fun part is you're going to take a job.", 'start': 12927.413, 'duration': 2.421}, {'end': 12931.675, 'text': "You think I won't really like it.", 'start': 12930.214, 'duration': 1.461}, {'end': 12935.116, 'text': 'You might find you actually like something completely different than you thought.', 'start': 12931.735, 'duration': 3.381}, {'end': 12940.66, 'text': "I'm 36 years old and I still keep discovering things I didn't realize I liked to do.", 'start': 12935.416, 'duration': 5.244}, {'end': 12943.221, 'text': 'Just one more thing I want to add on top of what Prime said.', 'start': 12940.76, 'duration': 2.461}, {'end': 12952.028, 'text': 'there was that when I say surface level research on all of the stuff in a job posting, I really mean surface level.', 'start': 12943.221, 'duration': 8.807}], 'summary': 'Job preparation tips: understand tech requirements, practice interviewing, prioritize job opportunity over personal preference, and use jobs as learning opportunities.', 'duration': 156.094, 'max_score': 12795.934, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg12795934.jpg'}, {'end': 13183.216, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 13156.135, 'weight': 13, 'content': [{'end': 13163.139, 'text': "you will learn more and improve faster in your first couple of years at that company if you're onsite.", 'start': 13156.135, 'duration': 7.004}, {'end': 13165.54, 'text': "So that's number one, it's just better for your long-term career.", 'start': 13163.359, 'duration': 2.181}, {'end': 13176.625, 'text': 'I also think that it is generally easier to find an onsite in-person job than it is to find a remote job, again, as an entry-level developer.', 'start': 13166.14, 'duration': 10.485}, {'end': 13183.216, 'text': "this all changes once you're a senior right, and this all is kind of.", 'start': 13177.574, 'duration': 5.642}], 'summary': 'Being onsite in the first years at a company is better for career growth and easier to find as an entry-level developer.', 'duration': 27.081, 'max_score': 13156.135, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg13156135.jpg'}], 'start': 11632.566, 'title': 'Interview and job preparation', 'summary': 'Covers strategies for software engineering preparation, remote job competitiveness, interview tips, and relocation, emphasizing the significance of leetcode challenges, project building, tailored preparation, communication skills, and company research. it recommends dedicating 90 days to intensive leetcode practice, and highlights the impact of asking clarifying questions during interviews, with quantifiable data showing the reduction in likelihood of writing incorrect code.', 'chapters': [{'end': 11789.167, 'start': 11632.566, 'title': 'Software engineering preparation strategy', 'summary': 'Discusses a software engineering preparation strategy, emphasizing the importance of leetcode challenges and project building, with a focus on dedicating 90 days to intensive leetcode practice and daily project development.', 'duration': 156.601, 'highlights': ['Melky emphasizes the importance of dedicating 90 days to intensive LeetCode practice and suggests working 12 hours a day for weeks to achieve this.', 'He stresses the need for consistent daily LeetCode practice, working for 8 hours a day without any days off except for a possible break on Sundays.', 'Melky advocates for building projects using the latest technology stack, mimicking tutorials and courses to gain practical experience in the desired field.']}, {'end': 12074.9, 'start': 11789.748, 'title': 'Remote job preparation', 'summary': 'Highlights the competitiveness of remote jobs, the importance of coding practice for highly competitive roles, and the significance of collaboration during technical interviews, emphasizing the need to tailor preparation based on company size and job type.', 'duration': 285.152, 'highlights': ['The significance of coding practice for highly competitive remote jobs, especially at companies like Twitch and Netflix, is emphasized by Melky, who suggests dedicating eight hours a day to lead coding for effective preparation.', 'The importance of tailoring preparation based on company size and job type is discussed, with an emphasis on project-building and problem-solving for local and small to medium-sized companies, while grinding leetcode is recommended for larger companies.', 'Emphasizing collaboration during technical interviews, the chapter suggests making the interview feel like a collaboration rather than a confrontation, aiming to showcase good collaboration skills and elicit more help and hints from interviewers.']}, {'end': 12696.936, 'start': 12074.9, 'title': 'Interview preparation tips', 'summary': "Emphasizes the importance of asking follow-up questions, writing clear function signatures, communicating thought process, using inclusive language, and turning 'i don't know' responses into conversations to demonstrate problem-solving skills and collaboration, with quantifiable data showing that asking clarifying questions reduces likelihood of writing incorrect code, and emphasizing the need for communication and problem-solving abilities in a developer role.", 'duration': 622.036, 'highlights': ['The chapter emphasizes the importance of asking clarifying questions, which reduces the likelihood of writing incorrect code, as it prompts for feedback and provides more hints, improving the overall result.', "Communicating thought process is crucial, as it showcases problem-solving abilities and provides more signal to the interviewer about the candidate's qualification, which is the main goal of the interview process.", "Using inclusive language like 'we' and 'us' instead of 'you' and 'me' creates a collaborative and friendly interaction, implicitly assuming being on the same team, thereby improving the overall process.", "Turning 'I don't know' responses into conversations demonstrates problem-solving skills and knowledge absorption, making the candidate look smarter and more competent, with specific examples provided to illustrate the approach.", 'The importance of preparing for each individual interview is highlighted, emphasizing the need to take a moment to think and ask follow-up questions, demonstrating thorough problem-solving and critical thinking abilities.']}, {'end': 13225.79, 'start': 12697.376, 'title': 'Interview preparation and relocation', 'summary': 'Discusses the importance of taking job interviews seriously and the impact of preparation, emphasizing the need for research on the company and technologies, as well as the benefits of onsite work for entry-level developers.', 'duration': 528.414, 'highlights': ['The importance of taking job interviews seriously and the impact of preparation, with the suggestion that even an hour or two of preparation can massively impact the ability to land a job.', 'The need for research on the company, including understanding what the company does and the technologies they use, highlighting that this only takes about 15 minutes and shows genuine interest in the position.', 'The benefits of onsite work for entry-level developers, with the belief that it facilitates faster learning and career improvement, as well as the assertion that it is generally easier to find an onsite job as an entry-level developer compared to a remote one.']}], 'duration': 1593.224, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg11632566.jpg', 'highlights': ['Dedicate 90 days to intensive LeetCode practice, working 12 hours a day for weeks.', 'Consistent daily LeetCode practice, working 8 hours a day without any days off.', 'Advocate for building projects using the latest technology stack for practical experience.', 'Dedicate 8 hours a day to lead coding for effective remote job preparation.', 'Tailor preparation based on company size and job type, emphasizing project-building and problem-solving.', 'Emphasize collaboration during technical interviews to showcase good collaboration skills.', 'Asking clarifying questions reduces likelihood of writing incorrect code, improving the result.', 'Communicating thought process showcases problem-solving abilities to the interviewer.', 'Using inclusive language creates a collaborative and friendly interaction.', "Turning 'I don't know' responses into conversations demonstrates problem-solving skills.", 'Preparing for each individual interview demonstrates thorough problem-solving and critical thinking abilities.', 'Even an hour or two of preparation can massively impact the ability to land a job.', 'Research on the company takes about 15 minutes and shows genuine interest in the position.', 'Onsite work facilitates faster learning and career improvement for entry-level developers.']}, {'end': 14385.102, 'segs': [{'end': 13405.507, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 13375.978, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 13380.44, 'text': 'the number of people applying to any individual local job.', 'start': 13375.978, 'duration': 4.462}, {'end': 13392.855, 'text': 'So a job in your city that is not open to remote work is going to have a lower ratio or a lower number of candidates applying for that individual job,', 'start': 13380.52, 'duration': 12.335}, {'end': 13399.361, 'text': 'right?. So if I opened a local job here in American Fork, Utah, I get 20 candidates right?', 'start': 13392.855, 'duration': 6.506}, {'end': 13405.507, 'text': 'If I open it to the world, make it remote, put it up on LinkedIn, I get a thousand candidates right?', 'start': 13399.882, 'duration': 5.625}], 'summary': 'Local job receives 20 applicants, while remote job gets 1000.', 'duration': 29.529, 'max_score': 13375.978, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg13375978.jpg'}, {'end': 13475.821, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 13448.925, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 13456.83, 'text': 'I just want to point out that if you are physically able to work in the office in your city, I would start there,', 'start': 13448.925, 'duration': 7.905}, {'end': 13459.271, 'text': "because I think you're actually going to have better luck.", 'start': 13456.83, 'duration': 2.441}, {'end': 13460.992, 'text': 'The odds are more in your favor.', 'start': 13459.571, 'duration': 1.421}, {'end': 13462.873, 'text': "So let's take a few notes.", 'start': 13461.172, 'duration': 1.701}, {'end': 13470.958, 'text': "The first is, we talked about this, but if you can work in an office, that's what I'd recommend.", 'start': 13464.074, 'duration': 6.884}, {'end': 13475.821, 'text': 'So prefer working in office for your first job.', 'start': 13470.978, 'duration': 4.843}], 'summary': 'Prefer working in office for better job prospects.', 'duration': 26.896, 'max_score': 13448.925, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg13448925.jpg'}, {'end': 13770.734, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 13716.843, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 13719.685, 'text': 'All I would say is, are you sure?', 'start': 13716.843, 'duration': 2.842}, {'end': 13732.876, 'text': "Are you sure there's no like weird jobs at non-sexy tech companies in your local area where you can get some programming experience under your belt while you're still in your kind of entry-level junior phase?", 'start': 13719.785, 'duration': 13.091}, {'end': 13736.119, 'text': "Okay so, once you've looked in your local area,", 'start': 13733.236, 'duration': 2.883}, {'end': 13740.642, 'text': "you feel like you've really spent some time and you're convinced that there just is not opportunity here.", 'start': 13736.119, 'duration': 4.523}, {'end': 13751.979, 'text': 'You basically have two options, right? You can either go remote, You can go remote, or you can look to relocate.', 'start': 13740.682, 'duration': 11.297}, {'end': 13757.709, 'text': 'So going remote in my mind is like your last resort.', 'start': 13753.587, 'duration': 4.122}, {'end': 13760.97, 'text': "If there's no other options, then go remote.", 'start': 13759.009, 'duration': 1.961}, {'end': 13763.871, 'text': 'It is certainly possible to get remote work.', 'start': 13761.75, 'duration': 2.121}, {'end': 13770.054, 'text': "I don't want anyone to claim that I'm saying that it's impossible to find remote work as an entry-level developer.", 'start': 13763.951, 'duration': 6.103}, {'end': 13770.734, 'text': 'You can.', 'start': 13770.314, 'duration': 0.42}], 'summary': 'Consider local job opportunities before going remote or relocating for entry-level programming experience.', 'duration': 53.891, 'max_score': 13716.843, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg13716843.jpg'}, {'end': 13833.421, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 13802.364, 'weight': 6, 'content': [{'end': 13815.83, 'text': 'the other one, obviously, is to search for jobs remotely, be open relocation.', 'start': 13802.364, 'duration': 13.466}, {'end': 13821.074, 'text': 'now, of these two options, obviously option two is less risk.', 'start': 13815.83, 'duration': 5.244}, {'end': 13825.476, 'text': 'right. and so, with with everything i say in this chapter,', 'start': 13821.074, 'duration': 4.402}, {'end': 13830.079, 'text': "i'm really just trying to help you understand some of the pros and the cons of different decisions you can make.", 'start': 13825.476, 'duration': 4.603}, {'end': 13833.421, 'text': "i don't want to prescribe what you should do in your life.", 'start': 13830.079, 'duration': 3.342}], 'summary': 'Consider remote job options to minimize risk and explore relocation opportunities.', 'duration': 31.057, 'max_score': 13802.364, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg13802364.jpg'}, {'end': 13977.465, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 13946.409, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 13948.43, 'text': "it's going to be a little harder than if you were actually in the city.", 'start': 13946.409, 'duration': 2.021}, {'end': 13952.967, 'text': 'Okay, so option one, of course, is to just move.', 'start': 13949.904, 'duration': 3.063}, {'end': 13960.252, 'text': "If you're not in a great place for jobs, just go somewhere where the job market is better and then look for work right?", 'start': 13953.267, 'duration': 6.985}, {'end': 13961.694, 'text': 'And of course that will make it easier.', 'start': 13960.333, 'duration': 1.361}, {'end': 13965.517, 'text': 'You have to figure out what works for you in your life.', 'start': 13962.915, 'duration': 2.602}, {'end': 13968.679, 'text': 'My gut tells me.', 'start': 13967.518, 'duration': 1.161}, {'end': 13972.782, 'text': "Well, let me just give you my experience because, again, I don't want to prescribe advice here.", 'start': 13969.58, 'duration': 3.202}, {'end': 13977.465, 'text': 'When I graduated college, I was married but with no kids.', 'start': 13974.243, 'duration': 3.222}], 'summary': 'Consider relocation for better job opportunities, based on personal experience.', 'duration': 31.056, 'max_score': 13946.409, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg13946409.jpg'}, {'end': 14294.486, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 14253.971, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 14257.953, 'text': "are we sure it wasn't that, like your, linkedin and github profiles are terrible?", 'start': 14253.971, 'duration': 3.982}, {'end': 14262.976, 'text': "are we sure it's not that, like your, projects are really boring and nobody cares about them, right?", 'start': 14257.953, 'duration': 5.023}, {'end': 14268.479, 'text': "are we sure it's not that you fail every whiteboarding test or whiteboarding uh interview that you've ever done,", 'start': 14262.976, 'duration': 5.503}, {'end': 14274.302, 'text': 'like you kind of want to be sure of those things before you do a really high risk thing, right?', 'start': 14268.479, 'duration': 5.823}, {'end': 14281.664, 'text': 'so um, going back to school in your 30s or or doing an expensive boot camp in your 30s, like those things are fairly high risk again.', 'start': 14274.302, 'duration': 7.362}, {'end': 14288.965, 'text': "not that they can't work, but if it were me, i would want to be sure that that's the thing i lack.", 'start': 14281.664, 'duration': 7.301}, {'end': 14294.486, 'text': 'before i take one of those larger risks, and relocation falls into the same category for me.', 'start': 14288.965, 'duration': 5.521}], 'summary': 'Evaluate skills and projects before taking high-risk career steps, like going back to school or relocating.', 'duration': 40.515, 'max_score': 14253.971, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg14253971.jpg'}, {'end': 14364.933, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 14337.81, 'weight': 9, 'content': [{'end': 14342.914, 'text': "There is no correct answer for what's the best way to get a programming job right?", 'start': 14337.81, 'duration': 5.104}, {'end': 14349.119, 'text': 'All there are our opinions and stories and experiences from people who have done it.', 'start': 14343.294, 'duration': 5.825}, {'end': 14352.942, 'text': "And that's what I'm trying to synthesize and share with you here.", 'start': 14349.459, 'duration': 3.483}, {'end': 14354.704, 'text': 'I hope you found this valuable.', 'start': 14353.242, 'duration': 1.462}, {'end': 14361.85, 'text': "Try your best to adjust all the things that we've talked about in this course to your life and apply them to your situation,", 'start': 14355.104, 'duration': 6.746}, {'end': 14364.933, 'text': 'because your situation is different than mine.', 'start': 14361.85, 'duration': 3.083}], 'summary': 'No correct answer for getting a programming job; share opinions and experiences, adjust advice to individual situations.', 'duration': 27.123, 'max_score': 14337.81, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg14337810.jpg'}], 'start': 13227.813, 'title': 'Job search strategies in tech', 'summary': 'Highlights the significance of evaluating coding abilities, linkedin and github profiles, and projects, emphasizing avoiding quick assumptions in job search, and suggests alternatives like whiteboarding skills assessment, rather than high-risk options like going back to school or relocation.', 'chapters': [{'end': 13519.896, 'start': 13227.813, 'title': 'Remote vs local job search', 'summary': 'Emphasizes that while there are more remote job opportunities globally, the competition is significantly higher, making it more favorable to focus on local job searches, especially for entry-level developers.', 'duration': 292.083, 'highlights': ['It may seem easier to get a remote job with a wider reach, but the competition for remote positions is much higher, with potentially a million candidates for 100,000 global jobs.', 'Focusing on local job searches can yield better odds as there are fewer candidates applying for local positions, making it easier to stand out and secure a job.', 'Starting in an office for the first job is recommended as it can increase the likelihood of landing a job and provides more learning opportunities, especially for entry-level developers.', 'Switching to remote work after gaining some experience is considered favorable, but if working in an office is feasible, it is advised to begin with local opportunities.']}, {'end': 13946.409, 'start': 13520.036, 'title': 'Job options in non-tech areas', 'summary': 'Discusses finding programming jobs in non-tech areas, citing personal experience in a small town, and advises exploring local job opportunities before considering remote work or relocation.', 'duration': 426.373, 'highlights': ['Finding job opportunities in non-tech areas, such as small towns, by exploring options at non-tech companies and considering entry-level positions, even if they may not offer high salaries or seem unconventional.', "Exploring remote work as a last resort due to its difficulty for entry-level developers, while emphasizing that it's still a possibility.", 'Considering relocation as an alternative, with the option of searching for jobs remotely and being open to relocation, albeit with lower risk but potential challenges in the hiring process.']}, {'end': 14210.859, 'start': 13946.409, 'title': 'Relocation options for job seekers', 'summary': 'Discusses three relocation options for job seekers, including moving to a better job market, considering the impact of personal circumstances, and applying to fully remote positions, emphasizing the importance of critical process reflection to improve job search likelihood.', 'duration': 264.45, 'highlights': ['Moving to a better job market with more opportunities, such as the transition from St. George to Salt Lake, resulted in easier job prospects and relatively low relocation risk.', 'Considering personal circumstances, such as family and homeownership, when evaluating the feasibility of relocating for job opportunities, highlighting the impact on the level of difficulty and risk involved.', 'Exploring fully remote job opportunities as a viable option only when realistic constraints or limitations make it the sole possibility, emphasizing the necessity of considering individual life circumstances when pursuing this option.']}, {'end': 14385.102, 'start': 14210.859, 'title': 'Job search strategies in tech', 'summary': 'Emphasizes the importance of not making quick assumptions in job search and suggests evaluating coding abilities, linkedin and github profiles, projects, and whiteboarding skills before considering high-risk options like going back to school or relocation.', 'duration': 174.243, 'highlights': ["Before making quick assumptions in a job search, it's crucial to evaluate coding abilities, LinkedIn and GitHub profiles, projects, and whiteboarding skills.", 'Considering expensive options like going back to school or doing a boot camp should be based on a thorough assessment of lacking skills, reducing high-risk decisions.', 'Relocation as a solution for job search should be considered after ensuring that all other factors like LinkedIn, GitHub, and project quality have been optimized.', 'The course provides anecdotes and stories rather than a definitive answer, encouraging individuals to adapt strategies to their unique situations and apply them to their lives.', 'The text version of the course is fully free on boot.dev, with paid memberships required only for interactive features.']}], 'duration': 1157.289, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/6nz8GXjxiHg/pics/6nz8GXjxiHg13227813.jpg', 'highlights': ['Focusing on local job searches can yield better odds due to fewer candidates applying for local positions.', 'Starting in an office for the first job is recommended as it can increase the likelihood of landing a job.', 'Moving to a better job market with more opportunities resulted in easier job prospects and relatively low relocation risk.', 'Before making quick assumptions in a job search, evaluate coding abilities, LinkedIn and GitHub profiles, projects, and whiteboarding skills.', 'Considering expensive options like going back to school or doing a boot camp should be based on a thorough assessment of lacking skills, reducing high-risk decisions.', "Exploring remote work as a last resort due to its difficulty for entry-level developers, while emphasizing that it's still a possibility.", 'Considering relocation as an alternative, with the option of searching for jobs remotely and being open to relocation, albeit with lower risk but potential challenges in the hiring process.', 'Finding job opportunities in non-tech areas, such as small towns, by exploring options at non-tech companies and considering entry-level positions, even if they may not offer high salaries or seem unconventional.', 'Exploring fully remote job opportunities as a viable option only when realistic constraints or limitations make it the sole possibility, emphasizing the necessity of considering individual life circumstances when pursuing this option.', 'The course provides anecdotes and stories rather than a definitive answer, encouraging individuals to adapt strategies to their unique situations and apply them to their lives.']}], 'highlights': ['Lane Wagner offers tactics and strategies based on personal experience with hundreds of students.', 'The recommendation to send the resume to employers as a PDF for better accessibility and compatibility across different platforms and devices.', 'Setting a weekly job application goal of 20-25 with a pace of 3-4 jobs per day is recommended.', 'Spending 2-4 hours per week building relationships with developers is recommended for effective warm networking leads and job search persistence.', 'Dedicate 90 days to intensive LeetCode practice, working 12 hours a day for weeks.', 'Utilizing Google Docs for editing the resume, allowing easy sharing and collaboration for feedback from industry professionals, enhancing the quality of the document.', 'Open source projects accelerate learning and provide a competitive edge in job applications.', 'The importance of confidence in presenting oneself and projects, with an emphasis on avoiding self-diminishing language and promoting self-reflection, as evidenced by teaching 300+ students through boot camps (50-60 graduates per 150 people) and the consistent need for increased confidence across the board.', 'The importance of networking and skill-building at tech events and hackathons is emphasized, requiring at least a year of learning and building before expecting a full-time developer job.', 'FAANG companies require extensive practice for live coding exercises and algorithms questions.']}