Software Defined Networking (SDN) Introduction

Info Level: Beginner Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy Date Created: May 15, 2013 Length of Class: 25:14 Research Assistance: Tracks Networking Prerequisites Basic Understanding of Networking Purpose of Class This class explains why SDN (Software Defined Networking) is important Class Notes Software defined Networking pulls the Intelligence away from the hardware itself. SDN is to networking as SANs were to Data Storage, and Virtualization has been to Computers. SDN separates Networking into 4 "Planes": Control Plane, Data Plane,Services Plane,Management Plane Data Plane -- Forwards the actual Data Packets and includes what you think of as standard networking equipment Services Plane -- deals with Services such as Firewall Services and pulls them off of the "standard" networking equipment and handles them on "servers". Control Plane -- Controls all of the networking devices on the Data Plane and manages Services that are supported on the Services Plane. Management Plane -- Manages the setup Control Protocol's are used to communicate between the Control Plane and the Data Plane. OpenFlow is a popular Open Source Control Protocol SDN allows for easy Network Traffic Shaping based on current needs. Corrections Lab Setup Used in Demonstration N/A Study Guide Resources http://www.openflow.org/ http://www.juniper.net/us/en/dm/sdn/ http://forums.juniper.net/t5/The-New-Network/Decoding-SDN/ba-p/174651 http://www.cisco.com/web/solutions/trends/open_network_environment/index.html

{'title': 'Software Defined Networking (SDN) Introduction', 'heatmap': [{'end': 609.581, 'start': 539.555, 'weight': 0.926}, {'end': 713.735, 'start': 632.435, 'weight': 0.813}], 'summary': 'Provides an introduction to software defined networking (sdn), discussing its future impact with an expectation of deployment in most environments within the next two to three years. it also covers the evolution of data storage, networking technologies, enhanced security, and networking benefits, emphasizing the need for extensive research before deploying sdn due to lack of standardization and potential risks.', 'chapters': [{'end': 74.089, 'segs': [{'end': 74.089, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 46.272, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 54.817, 'text': "The reality is most of this stuff really won't be deployed into most of your environments, probably for another two or three years.", 'start': 46.272, 'duration': 8.545}, {'end': 61.602, 'text': 'But once it does get deployed into your environment, it is just going to be absolutely awesome.', 'start': 55.137, 'duration': 6.465}, {'end': 74.089, 'text': 'So the idea behind SDN or software defined networking, is the idea of pulling the intelligence of your networking away from the hardware.', 'start': 61.862, 'duration': 12.227}], 'summary': 'Sdn deployment in most environments may take 2-3 years, but will be awesome once implemented.', 'duration': 27.817, 'max_score': 46.272, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/2BJyIIIYU8E/pics/2BJyIIIYU8E46272.jpg'}], 'start': 4.189, 'title': 'Introduction to software defined networking', 'summary': 'Provides an introduction to software defined networking (sdn) and highlights its future impact, expecting deployment in most environments within the next two to three years.', 'chapters': [{'end': 74.089, 'start': 4.189, 'title': 'Introduction to software defined networking', 'summary': 'Introduces software defined networking (sdn), emphasizing its cutting-edge nature and future impact, with the expectation of deployment in most environments within the next two to three years.', 'duration': 69.9, 'highlights': ['SDN is at the bleeding edge, with deployment in most environments expected in two to three years, offering significant future impact.', 'The concept of SDN involves separating the intelligence of networking from the hardware, indicating a fundamental shift in networking technology.']}], 'duration': 69.9, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/2BJyIIIYU8E/pics/2BJyIIIYU8E4189.jpg', 'highlights': ['SDN is at the bleeding edge, with deployment in most environments expected in two to three years, offering significant future impact.', 'The concept of SDN involves separating the intelligence of networking from the hardware, indicating a fundamental shift in networking technology.']}, {'end': 273.15, 'segs': [{'end': 169.346, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 101.022, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 105.844, 'text': 'one box can train contain the access control list, the whole nine yards.', 'start': 101.022, 'duration': 4.822}, {'end': 109.945, 'text': 'if anything, hop into the hard drives, the all that data was gone.', 'start': 105.844, 'duration': 4.101}, {'end': 110.845, 'text': 'it was unusable.', 'start': 109.945, 'duration': 0.9}, {'end': 113.466, 'text': 'if the power supply died, it was gone.', 'start': 110.845, 'duration': 2.621}, {'end': 116.327, 'text': 'basically that that storage device was unusable.', 'start': 113.466, 'duration': 2.861}, {'end': 119.188, 'text': 'then came sans or storage area networks.', 'start': 116.327, 'duration': 2.861}, {'end': 129.556, 'text': 'All of a sudden the physical equipment that stored the data was separated from the control mechanisms that controlled how the data was stored.', 'start': 119.688, 'duration': 9.868}, {'end': 131.157, 'text': "So when you're dealing with SANS,", 'start': 129.795, 'duration': 1.362}, {'end': 140.685, 'text': 'you basically have dumb-ish data storage devices and then some kind of management system that controls where data goes to.', 'start': 131.157, 'duration': 9.528}, {'end': 143.548, 'text': 'when we went to virtualization for computers.', 'start': 141.045, 'duration': 2.503}, {'end': 149.493, 'text': 'Again, originally, the computers were installed onto the hardware, onto the box.', 'start': 143.688, 'duration': 5.805}, {'end': 154.759, 'text': 'If anything happened to a power supply, if anything happened to that box, the entire system went down.', 'start': 149.894, 'duration': 4.865}, {'end': 164.464, 'text': 'Now we have virtualization, So basically all these instances of operating systems can float from different pieces of hardware.', 'start': 155.119, 'duration': 9.345}, {'end': 169.346, 'text': "And as far as the operating system is concerned, it doesn't care where it's at.", 'start': 164.924, 'duration': 4.422}], 'summary': 'Transition from traditional storage to sans and virtualization improved data management and system reliability.', 'duration': 68.324, 'max_score': 101.022, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/2BJyIIIYU8E/pics/2BJyIIIYU8E101022.jpg'}, {'end': 243.128, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 218.191, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 228.02, 'text': 'Well, with SDN or software-defined networking, we are now doing to networking what we have done to data storage and then computers.', 'start': 218.191, 'duration': 9.829}, {'end': 232.302, 'text': 'we are pulling the intelligence off of the hardware.', 'start': 228.02, 'duration': 4.282}, {'end': 243.128, 'text': "we are making the networking equipment dumber, but we're creating a management system to make the overall networking system much more intelligent.", 'start': 232.302, 'duration': 10.826}], 'summary': 'Sdn makes networking equipment dumber but overall system more intelligent', 'duration': 24.937, 'max_score': 218.191, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/2BJyIIIYU8E/pics/2BJyIIIYU8E218191.jpg'}], 'start': 74.369, 'title': 'Evolution of data storage and sdn', 'summary': 'Discusses the evolution of data storage, covering traditional single box systems, sans, and virtualization, enhancing data resilience and hardware flexibility. it also emphasizes the need for software-defined networking to centralize control and enhance overall networking intelligence, providing nuanced infrastructure control from a single panel.', 'chapters': [{'end': 169.346, 'start': 74.369, 'title': 'Evolution of data storage', 'summary': 'Discusses the evolution of data storage, from the traditional single box system to the introduction of sans and virtualization, providing increased data resilience and hardware flexibility.', 'duration': 94.977, 'highlights': ['SANS introduced separation of data storage and control mechanisms, improving data resilience. SANS separated physical equipment storing data from control mechanisms, enhancing data resilience and availability in case of hardware failure.', 'Virtualization allows operating systems to float across different hardware, ensuring system availability and flexibility. Virtualization enables instances of operating systems to move across hardware, enhancing system resilience and flexibility in case of hardware failure.', 'Traditional single box system made data vulnerable to hardware failures, resulting in data loss. In the traditional single box system, hardware failures could lead to complete data loss, making the storage device unusable.']}, {'end': 273.15, 'start': 169.606, 'title': 'Sdn: transforming networking intelligence', 'summary': 'Discusses the evolution of networking equipment, highlighting the need for software-defined networking to centralize control and enhance overall networking intelligence, offering nuanced control of the infrastructure from a single panel.', 'duration': 103.544, 'highlights': ['Software-defined networking (SDN) centralizes control of networking infrastructure, enabling nuanced management from a single panel, reducing the need for individual router and switch configurations.', 'Networking equipment has evolved in terms of speed and throughput, but the underlying intelligence mechanisms have remained largely unchanged since 1999, highlighting the stagnation in traditional networking hardware.', 'The process of separating intelligence from hardware, as seen in SDN, mirrors the transformation that occurred in data storage and computing, emphasizing the trend towards centralized intelligence and management in technology.']}], 'duration': 198.781, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/2BJyIIIYU8E/pics/2BJyIIIYU8E74369.jpg', 'highlights': ['Virtualization enables instances of operating systems to move across hardware, enhancing system resilience and flexibility in case of hardware failure.', 'SANS separated physical equipment storing data from control mechanisms, enhancing data resilience and availability in case of hardware failure.', 'Software-defined networking (SDN) centralizes control of networking infrastructure, enabling nuanced management from a single panel, reducing the need for individual router and switch configurations.', 'The process of separating intelligence from hardware, as seen in SDN, mirrors the transformation that occurred in data storage and computing, emphasizing the trend towards centralized intelligence and management in technology.', 'Traditional single box system made data vulnerable to hardware failures, resulting in data loss.']}, {'end': 943.225, 'segs': [{'end': 306.746, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 273.59, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 276.77, 'text': 'So when we start talking about networking and such.', 'start': 273.59, 'duration': 3.18}, {'end': 281.732, 'text': 'So when we talk about like 1999, back when I was really getting into computers.', 'start': 276.79, 'duration': 4.942}, {'end': 287.053, 'text': 'Back then, all we really cared about was the size of the pipe.', 'start': 282.232, 'duration': 4.821}, {'end': 299.301, 'text': 'Was it 1.5 megabits per second? Was it 8 megabits per second? Was it 5 megabits per second? Back in 1999, essentially we were transferring files.', 'start': 287.513, 'duration': 11.788}, {'end': 306.746, 'text': 'So we were transferring pictures, we were transferring entire video files, we were transferring emails.', 'start': 299.641, 'duration': 7.105}], 'summary': 'In 1999, the focus was on network speed, transferring files, including pictures, videos, and emails.', 'duration': 33.156, 'max_score': 273.59, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/2BJyIIIYU8E/pics/2BJyIIIYU8E273590.jpg'}, {'end': 466.235, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 439.017, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 445.381, 'text': 'So I could say a VoIP packet was more important than an FTP packet.', 'start': 439.017, 'duration': 6.364}, {'end': 455.688, 'text': 'What that means is since the VoIP packet needs less latency, it will be moved down the pipe faster than the FTP packet.', 'start': 445.741, 'duration': 9.947}, {'end': 461.412, 'text': 'So, basically, when we were dealing with RTC real-time communications in about the 2005 timeframe,', 'start': 455.908, 'duration': 5.504}, {'end': 466.235, 'text': 'that is when they really started pushing quality of service, the prioritization of packets.', 'start': 461.412, 'duration': 4.823}], 'summary': 'In 2005, prioritization of voip packets over ftp packets was crucial for real-time communications.', 'duration': 27.218, 'max_score': 439.017, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/2BJyIIIYU8E/pics/2BJyIIIYU8E439017.jpg'}, {'end': 609.581, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 539.555, 'weight': 0.926, 'content': [{'end': 547.236, 'text': 'Well, that is where this SDN or software defined networking comes into play.', 'start': 539.555, 'duration': 7.681}, {'end': 555.678, 'text': 'Now we can dynamically model and shape our traffic depending on what we need to do.', 'start': 547.756, 'duration': 7.922}, {'end': 565.563, 'text': 'So essentially what happens is the big thing is that we separate networking into the control plane and to the data plane.', 'start': 556.258, 'duration': 9.305}, {'end': 577.821, 'text': 'What this means is the data plane is what actually has all the switches and the routers that allow packets to go from point A to point B.', 'start': 567.014, 'duration': 10.807}, {'end': 581.803, 'text': 'So the data plane is the switches, the routers, the bridges, all of that.', 'start': 577.821, 'duration': 3.982}, {'end': 584.225, 'text': 'Well, then the control plane.', 'start': 582.263, 'duration': 1.962}, {'end': 585.385, 'text': 'the control plane,', 'start': 584.225, 'duration': 1.16}, {'end': 603.117, 'text': 'this is a set of management servers that communicate with all of the different networking equipment on the data plane say right at this second how should data move through the data plane?', 'start': 585.385, 'duration': 17.732}, {'end': 609.581, 'text': 'so you can say right at this second all sip traffic should have priority over FTP traffic.', 'start': 603.117, 'duration': 6.464}], 'summary': 'Sdn dynamically shapes traffic, separates control and data planes, allowing prioritization of traffic.', 'duration': 70.026, 'max_score': 539.555, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/2BJyIIIYU8E/pics/2BJyIIIYU8E539555.jpg'}, {'end': 713.735, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 617.166, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 623.01, 'text': 'From a control console you are able to control the entire network at one place.', 'start': 617.166, 'duration': 5.844}, {'end': 626.492, 'text': 'That is why this is so awesome.', 'start': 623.43, 'duration': 3.062}, {'end': 632.435, 'text': "So the big thing with SDN, when we're talking about software-defined networking,", 'start': 626.892, 'duration': 5.543}, {'end': 642.683, 'text': "is that we're separating out the different components of the networking infrastructure so that we can deal with them separately.", 'start': 632.435, 'duration': 10.248}, {'end': 647.267, 'text': 'so the data plane, the data section, is again.', 'start': 642.683, 'duration': 4.584}, {'end': 650.569, 'text': 'this is how we move data from point A to point B.', 'start': 647.267, 'duration': 3.302}, {'end': 656.294, 'text': "so we're dealing with routers, we're dealing with switches, we're dealing with bridges, so on and so forth.", 'start': 650.569, 'duration': 5.725}, {'end': 659.919, 'text': 'you also then have the services plane.', 'start': 656.294, 'duration': 3.625}, {'end': 663.482, 'text': 'The services plane are things like the firewall.', 'start': 660.259, 'duration': 3.223}, {'end': 670.047, 'text': 'What services are there on the network and can you separate them from the physical equipment?', 'start': 663.882, 'duration': 6.165}, {'end': 679.994, 'text': "So again, even right now, if you're dealing with a firewall, that firewall software is sitting on a physical piece of firewall hardware.", 'start': 670.427, 'duration': 9.567}, {'end': 688.46, 'text': 'Well, the question is is, hey, can we have a piece of firewall hardware, but then separate the service, the actual firewall functionality,', 'start': 680.334, 'duration': 8.126}, {'end': 692.762, 'text': 'off to a different server so it can deal with it more efficiently?', 'start': 688.46, 'duration': 4.302}, {'end': 695.384, 'text': 'then you have what is called the control plane.', 'start': 692.762, 'duration': 2.622}, {'end': 702.908, 'text': 'the control plane is the servers that do all the management for the services and the data,', 'start': 695.384, 'duration': 7.524}, {'end': 713.735, 'text': "and then you have something called the management plane and And that is what controls and makes sure all the servers on the control plane function as they're supposed to.", 'start': 702.908, 'duration': 10.827}], 'summary': 'Sdn separates networking components for more efficient control and management.', 'duration': 30.101, 'max_score': 617.166, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/2BJyIIIYU8E/pics/2BJyIIIYU8E617166.jpg'}, {'end': 891.153, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 865.44, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 874.942, 'text': 'So what would be nice is if we had an infrastructure that was created where, again in real time, we could prioritize traffic,', 'start': 865.44, 'duration': 9.502}, {'end': 882.206, 'text': 'so we could simply have a one gigabit per second pipe And instead of sectioning it off for all these different services,', 'start': 874.942, 'duration': 7.264}, {'end': 891.153, 'text': 'we could just say we have this entire pipe that is allocated to us all the time and then, depending upon our current needs,', 'start': 882.206, 'duration': 8.947}], 'summary': 'Proposing infrastructure for prioritizing real-time traffic with a dedicated one gigabit per second pipe.', 'duration': 25.713, 'max_score': 865.44, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/2BJyIIIYU8E/pics/2BJyIIIYU8E865440.jpg'}], 'start': 273.59, 'title': 'Evolution of networking technologies', 'summary': 'Explores the evolution of networking technologies, emphasizing the focus on file transfer speed in 1999 and the introduction of software-defined networking (sdn) in 2011-2013, emphasizing the importance of transfer rates in megabits per second and the need for dynamic traffic shaping and prioritization based on current needs.', 'chapters': [{'end': 327.67, 'start': 273.59, 'title': 'Evolution of networking in 1999', 'summary': 'Discusses the focus on file transfer speed in networking in 1999, emphasizing the importance of transfer rates in megabits per second for various types of files, including pictures, videos, and emails.', 'duration': 54.08, 'highlights': ['The primary concern in networking in 1999 was the speed of file transfer, measured in megabits per second for various types of files.', 'File transfer included pictures, videos, and emails, and the emphasis was on transferring entire files from point A to point B.', "The focus was on the size of the 'pipe' and the speed of transferring entire files, such as 1.5 megabits per second, 8 megabits per second, and 5 megabits per second."]}, {'end': 943.225, 'start': 327.67, 'title': 'Evolution of networking technologies', 'summary': 'Discusses the evolution of networking technologies, from the importance of latency and real-time communication in 2005 to the introduction of software-defined networking (sdn) in 2011-2013, highlighting the need for dynamic traffic shaping and prioritization based on current needs.', 'duration': 615.555, 'highlights': ['Real-time communication in 2005 emphasized the importance of latency and the prioritization of individual packets for efficient communication, moving from simple file transfer to real-time communication (RTC).', 'Introduction of Quality of Service (QoS) in 2005 allowed the prioritization of packets, enabling VoIP packets to have less latency and be moved faster than FTP packets during RTC.', 'The introduction of software-defined networking (SDN) in 2011-2013 aimed to dynamically shape and prioritize traffic based on current needs, separating networking infrastructure components into data plane, services plane, control plane, and management plane for more efficient management.', 'The need for dynamic traffic shaping is exemplified by the scenario where a one gigabit per second pipe is allocated to the network, allowing different services to receive different priorities in real time, which is especially crucial for future requirements like high-definition video streaming.']}], 'duration': 669.635, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/2BJyIIIYU8E/pics/2BJyIIIYU8E273590.jpg', 'highlights': ['The introduction of software-defined networking (SDN) in 2011-2013 aimed to dynamically shape and prioritize traffic based on current needs, separating networking infrastructure components into data plane, services plane, control plane, and management plane for more efficient management.', 'The need for dynamic traffic shaping is exemplified by the scenario where a one gigabit per second pipe is allocated to the network, allowing different services to receive different priorities in real time, which is especially crucial for future requirements like high-definition video streaming.', 'Introduction of Quality of Service (QoS) in 2005 allowed the prioritization of packets, enabling VoIP packets to have less latency and be moved faster than FTP packets during real-time communication (RTC).', 'Real-time communication in 2005 emphasized the importance of latency and the prioritization of individual packets for efficient communication, moving from simple file transfer to real-time communication (RTC).', 'The primary concern in networking in 1999 was the speed of file transfer, measured in megabits per second for various types of files.']}, {'end': 1128.261, 'segs': [{'end': 975.529, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 943.285, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 946.528, 'text': 'Imagine you work in a building with a thousand employees.', 'start': 943.285, 'duration': 3.243}, {'end': 948.629, 'text': 'So a thousand different workstations.', 'start': 946.808, 'duration': 1.821}, {'end': 961.936, 'text': 'Now imagine that some pissed off spouse walks in to that building with a handgun, saying I want to know where my wife is right?', 'start': 949.11, 'duration': 12.826}, {'end': 967.946, 'text': "Well, you know, in the movies all the police come out and he gets shot, and that's bad right?", 'start': 963.544, 'duration': 4.402}, {'end': 975.529, 'text': "Well, in the real world, right in the real world, it's best if employees can basically get out of the building,", 'start': 968.226, 'duration': 7.303}], 'summary': "In a building with a thousand employees, it's important to have an evacuation plan in case of a threat.", 'duration': 32.244, 'max_score': 943.285, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/2BJyIIIYU8E/pics/2BJyIIIYU8E943285.jpg'}, {'end': 1013.765, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 989.634, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1005.661, 'text': 'you could actually stream from your surveillance system to every single device on the network the current location of the intruder and the high definition video of what he is doing at this second.', 'start': 989.634, 'duration': 16.027}, {'end': 1007.342, 'text': "It'll be almost like out of the movie.", 'start': 1005.961, 'duration': 1.381}, {'end': 1011.924, 'text': "So you could see, okay, I see he's around the corner and I see he's looking in the other direction.", 'start': 1007.362, 'duration': 4.562}, {'end': 1013.765, 'text': "So let's run behind him right?", 'start': 1012.164, 'duration': 1.601}], 'summary': "Stream surveillance video to all devices; track intruder's location and actions in real time.", 'duration': 24.131, 'max_score': 989.634, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/2BJyIIIYU8E/pics/2BJyIIIYU8E989634.jpg'}, {'end': 1128.261, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1101.05, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 1116.216, 'text': "Again, with the press of the button you can turn off that video stream and then you can give priority to all the voice over IP traffic so that all the employees in the office can call their loved ones to tell them that they're okay.", 'start': 1101.05, 'duration': 15.166}, {'end': 1119.297, 'text': "That's what software-defined networking allows you to do.", 'start': 1116.556, 'duration': 2.741}, {'end': 1128.261, 'text': 'It allows you to automatically allocate and be able to shape traffic depending upon your current needs.', 'start': 1119.598, 'duration': 8.663}], 'summary': 'Software-defined networking allows automatic traffic allocation and shaping based on current needs.', 'duration': 27.211, 'max_score': 1101.05, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/2BJyIIIYU8E/pics/2BJyIIIYU8E1101050.jpg'}], 'start': 943.285, 'title': 'Enhanced security and networking benefits', 'summary': "Discusses the importance of a video alert system in enhancing building security by streaming intruder's location and high-definition video, as well as the benefits of software-defined networking in efficiently prioritizing and managing network traffic for high-definition video streaming.", 'chapters': [{'end': 1013.765, 'start': 943.285, 'title': 'Enhanced building security system', 'summary': "Discusses the importance of a video alert system in a building with a thousand employees to enhance security by streaming the intruder's location and high-definition video to every device on the network, enabling employees to avoid potential threats.", 'duration': 70.48, 'highlights': ["The importance of a video alert system in enhancing building security by streaming the intruder's location and high-definition video to every device on the network is emphasized. This system can help employees avoid potential threats by providing real-time information about the intruder's location and activities.", 'The scenario of a potential threat in a building with a thousand employees is used to illustrate the need for an effective security measure. The example of a disgruntled individual entering the building with a handgun underscores the urgency of implementing advanced security measures to protect employees.']}, {'end': 1128.261, 'start': 1014.185, 'title': 'Software-defined networking benefits', 'summary': 'Discusses how software-defined networking can efficiently prioritize and allocate bandwidth to enable high-definition video streaming and manage network traffic based on current needs.', 'duration': 114.076, 'highlights': ['Software-defined networking can prioritize high-definition video streaming by shutting off non-essential protocols, allowing efficient bandwidth allocation and preventing network congestion. efficient bandwidth allocation', 'It enables the prioritization of voice over IP traffic in emergency situations, allowing employees to communicate with their loved ones, showcasing its flexibility in shaping traffic depending on current needs. flexibility in shaping traffic', 'SDN allows for the dynamic allocation of network resources to manage and shape traffic, showcasing its capability to adapt to changing network demands. dynamic allocation of network resources']}], 'duration': 184.976, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/2BJyIIIYU8E/pics/2BJyIIIYU8E943285.jpg', 'highlights': ["The importance of a video alert system in enhancing building security by streaming the intruder's location and high-definition video to every device on the network is emphasized.", 'The scenario of a potential threat in a building with a thousand employees is used to illustrate the need for an effective security measure.', 'Software-defined networking can prioritize high-definition video streaming by shutting off non-essential protocols, allowing efficient bandwidth allocation and preventing network congestion.', 'It enables the prioritization of voice over IP traffic in emergency situations, allowing employees to communicate with their loved ones, showcasing its flexibility in shaping traffic depending on current needs.', 'SDN allows for the dynamic allocation of network resources to manage and shape traffic, showcasing its capability to adapt to changing network demands.']}, {'end': 1503.64, 'segs': [{'end': 1173.856, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1130.962, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1135.383, 'text': "I say, guys, if you don't think that's cool, I don't know what is.", 'start': 1130.962, 'duration': 4.421}, {'end': 1141.905, 'text': "So what you do with that, the idea behind all this, again, is you're going to be separating out the networking components to different planes.", 'start': 1135.664, 'duration': 6.241}, {'end': 1150.288, 'text': 'So you have the data plane, which contains all the hardware and the basic mechanisms for being able to forward data from point A to point B.', 'start': 1142.186, 'duration': 8.102}, {'end': 1152.049, 'text': 'You then have the services plane.', 'start': 1150.288, 'duration': 1.761}, {'end': 1155.75, 'text': 'Now, why this is important is because think about firewalls.', 'start': 1152.349, 'duration': 3.401}, {'end': 1159.311, 'text': "Couldn't they work more efficiently if you could cluster them?", 'start': 1156.09, 'duration': 3.221}, {'end': 1167.514, 'text': 'or if you could use the power of Xeon servers in order to do all of the firewall stuff that you want to do?', 'start': 1159.711, 'duration': 7.803}, {'end': 1173.856, 'text': 'Instead of having a firewall and instead of all the CPU and processing power being on that firewall,', 'start': 1168.054, 'duration': 5.802}], 'summary': 'Separate networking components into data plane and services plane for more efficient functioning and better use of resources.', 'duration': 42.894, 'max_score': 1130.962, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/2BJyIIIYU8E/pics/2BJyIIIYU8E1130962.jpg'}, {'end': 1311.601, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1262.282, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 1268.108, 'text': 'So there is a control protocol for how you control all those networking devices.', 'start': 1262.282, 'duration': 5.826}, {'end': 1271.691, 'text': 'So the question then becomes, okay, you have the control plane.', 'start': 1268.488, 'duration': 3.203}, {'end': 1275.235, 'text': 'The control plane is what controls the networking devices.', 'start': 1271.711, 'duration': 3.524}, {'end': 1279.219, 'text': 'But you actually have to communicate with those networking devices right?', 'start': 1275.715, 'duration': 3.504}, {'end': 1286.485, 'text': 'Just like you have routing protocols, just like you have RIP or or open shortest path first a protocol like that.', 'start': 1279.299, 'duration': 7.186}, {'end': 1295.591, 'text': "Well, if you're going to be using a control plane to be able to talk to the data equipment, you're also going to need a protocol to deal with that.", 'start': 1286.805, 'duration': 8.786}, {'end': 1304.998, 'text': "That is called the control protocol, and that's one of the things that's called open flow that you may run into.", 'start': 1295.891, 'duration': 9.107}, {'end': 1311.601, 'text': 'So this is just a basic overview of what software-defined networking is.', 'start': 1305.838, 'duration': 5.763}], 'summary': 'Software-defined networking involves a control protocol, like openflow, to communicate with networking devices.', 'duration': 49.319, 'max_score': 1262.282, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/2BJyIIIYU8E/pics/2BJyIIIYU8E1262282.jpg'}, {'end': 1473.273, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1363.205, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 1369.491, 'text': 'Cisco, Juniper, Alteris, HP, they all think SDN is the future.', 'start': 1363.205, 'duration': 6.286}, {'end': 1378.6, 'text': 'The problem is right here, right now, right this second, all those companies have a different view of the future.', 'start': 1370.012, 'duration': 8.588}, {'end': 1384.362, 'text': 'So, if you decide to go out and start buying equipment, just realize this.', 'start': 1379.08, 'duration': 5.282}, {'end': 1386.382, 'text': 'Again with the voice over IP.', 'start': 1384.422, 'duration': 1.96}, {'end': 1394.525, 'text': 'I remember when everybody was deploying voice over IP and there were a whole bunch of different views of how voice over IP systems should be built.', 'start': 1386.382, 'duration': 8.143}, {'end': 1398.386, 'text': 'And again, as with all things, there were winners and there were losers.', 'start': 1394.925, 'duration': 3.461}, {'end': 1407.673, 'text': 'With SDN right now, just realize that if you go out to start buying equipment for it, There are going to be winners and there are going to be losers.', 'start': 1398.726, 'duration': 8.947}, {'end': 1411.536, 'text': 'Juniper has its own view of how SDN should work.', 'start': 1408.113, 'duration': 3.423}, {'end': 1415.259, 'text': 'Cisco has its view of how SDN should work.', 'start': 1412.097, 'duration': 3.162}, {'end': 1422.886, 'text': 'All of these views at some point in three years, they will solidify around some standardized model.', 'start': 1416.04, 'duration': 6.846}, {'end': 1427.608, 'text': 'But right here, right at the second, they have not solidified around that model.', 'start': 1423.406, 'duration': 4.202}, {'end': 1429.549, 'text': 'So just be careful.', 'start': 1428.048, 'duration': 1.501}, {'end': 1437.293, 'text': 'Make sure you do a lot of research, because this is one of those times that if you buy this equipment and you make the wrong decision,', 'start': 1429.769, 'duration': 7.524}, {'end': 1444.537, 'text': "in two years you may be having to do a very quick refresh cycle because the equipment you have doesn't do what you want it to do.", 'start': 1437.293, 'duration': 7.244}, {'end': 1449.339, 'text': 'So, this was the overall, this was just an introduction to software-defined networking.', 'start': 1445.317, 'duration': 4.022}, {'end': 1458.063, 'text': 'Again, the concept is that you separate the intelligence from the hardware, you separate the services from the hardware.', 'start': 1449.459, 'duration': 8.604}, {'end': 1464.727, 'text': 'The hardware, the routers, the switches, the bridges, the wireless access points become much more dumb.', 'start': 1458.424, 'duration': 6.303}, {'end': 1473.273, 'text': 'Then that control plane, that control system can then control all of those networking devices.', 'start': 1465.447, 'duration': 7.826}], 'summary': 'Sdn is the future, but companies have different views; caution needed in equipment purchase.', 'duration': 110.068, 'max_score': 1363.205, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/2BJyIIIYU8E/pics/2BJyIIIYU8E1363205.jpg'}], 'start': 1130.962, 'title': 'Sdn overview and introduction', 'summary': 'Provides an overview of software-defined networking (sdn), covering key components and benefits such as separating networking components and using powerful servers for services, and urges caution in deploying sdn due to lack of standardization and potential risks, emphasizing the need for extensive research before purchasing equipment.', 'chapters': [{'end': 1311.601, 'start': 1130.962, 'title': 'Software-defined networking overview', 'summary': 'Explains the concept of software-defined networking (sdn) and its key components including data plane, services plane, control plane, and management plane, emphasizing the benefits of separating networking components and using powerful servers for services, and the use of openflow as a control protocol.', 'duration': 180.639, 'highlights': ['SDN components: Data, services, control, and management planes The chapter introduces the concept of SDN and its key components, including data plane, services plane, control plane, and management plane, emphasizing the importance of separating networking components for efficient management.', 'Utilizing powerful servers for firewall services It emphasizes the potential of utilizing powerful servers like Xeon servers to cluster for firewall services, enhancing efficiency and quick processing of packets, thereby improving overall performance.', 'Benefits of control plane in network configuration It discusses the benefits of the control plane, allowing for centralized management of networking equipment and configuration without the need to individually access switches and routers, enhancing efficiency in network configuration.', 'Introduction to OpenFlow as a control protocol The chapter introduces OpenFlow as a control protocol for networking devices, emphasizing the need for a protocol to communicate with the data equipment, thus highlighting its significance in SDN implementation.']}, {'end': 1503.64, 'start': 1312.021, 'title': 'Introduction to software-defined networking', 'summary': 'Discusses the emergence of software-defined networking (sdn) and the need for caution when considering its deployment, emphasizing the lack of standardization among major companies and the potential risks of making wrong decisions, urging extensive research before purchasing equipment.', 'duration': 191.619, 'highlights': ['Major companies like Cisco, Juniper, Alteris, HP consider SDN as the future, but currently have different views on it, necessitating caution when purchasing equipment.', 'The chapter warns about the lack of standardization in SDN, stating that views from various companies will solidify around a standardized model in about three years, indicating the need for careful research before making equipment purchases.', "The concept of SDN involves separating the intelligence and services from the hardware, making networking devices more 'dumb' and controlled by a centralized system, similar to how a server can control multiple computers on a network, presenting the potential benefits of SDN.", 'The instructor emphasizes the significance of extensive research before purchasing SDN equipment to avoid facing the need for a quick refresh cycle in two years due to making wrong decisions, highlighting the potential risks of making ill-informed choices.', 'The chapter compares the current state of SDN to the early stages of voice over IP, where there were winners and losers, indicating the need for caution and thorough research before investing in SDN equipment.']}], 'duration': 372.678, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/2BJyIIIYU8E/pics/2BJyIIIYU8E1130962.jpg', 'highlights': ['Utilizing powerful servers for firewall services It emphasizes the potential of utilizing powerful servers like Xeon servers to cluster for firewall services, enhancing efficiency and quick processing of packets, thereby improving overall performance.', 'Introduction to OpenFlow as a control protocol The chapter introduces OpenFlow as a control protocol for networking devices, emphasizing the need for a protocol to communicate with the data equipment, thus highlighting its significance in SDN implementation.', 'Benefits of control plane in network configuration It discusses the benefits of the control plane, allowing for centralized management of networking equipment and configuration without the need to individually access switches and routers, enhancing efficiency in network configuration.', 'SDN components: Data, services, control, and management planes The chapter introduces the concept of SDN and its key components, including data plane, services plane, control plane, and management plane, emphasizing the importance of separating networking components for efficient management.', "The concept of SDN involves separating the intelligence and services from the hardware, making networking devices more 'dumb' and controlled by a centralized system, similar to how a server can control multiple computers on a network, presenting the potential benefits of SDN.", 'Major companies like Cisco, Juniper, Alteris, HP consider SDN as the future, but currently have different views on it, necessitating caution when purchasing equipment.', 'The chapter warns about the lack of standardization in SDN, stating that views from various companies will solidify around a standardized model in about three years, indicating the need for careful research before making equipment purchases.', 'The instructor emphasizes the significance of extensive research before purchasing SDN equipment to avoid facing the need for a quick refresh cycle in two years due to making wrong decisions, highlighting the potential risks of making ill-informed choices.', 'The chapter compares the current state of SDN to the early stages of voice over IP, where there were winners and losers, indicating the need for caution and thorough research before investing in SDN equipment.']}], 'highlights': ['SDN is at the bleeding edge, with deployment in most environments expected in two to three years, offering significant future impact.', 'The concept of SDN involves separating the intelligence of networking from the hardware, indicating a fundamental shift in networking technology.', 'Virtualization enables instances of operating systems to move across hardware, enhancing system resilience and flexibility in case of hardware failure.', 'SANS separated physical equipment storing data from control mechanisms, enhancing data resilience and availability in case of hardware failure.', 'Software-defined networking (SDN) centralizes control of networking infrastructure, enabling nuanced management from a single panel, reducing the need for individual router and switch configurations.', 'The process of separating intelligence from hardware, as seen in SDN, mirrors the transformation that occurred in data storage and computing, emphasizing the trend towards centralized intelligence and management in technology.', 'The introduction of software-defined networking (SDN) in 2011-2013 aimed to dynamically shape and prioritize traffic based on current needs, separating networking infrastructure components into data plane, services plane, control plane, and management plane for more efficient management.', 'The need for dynamic traffic shaping is exemplified by the scenario where a one gigabit per second pipe is allocated to the network, allowing different services to receive different priorities in real time, which is especially crucial for future requirements like high-definition video streaming.', 'Introduction of Quality of Service (QoS) in 2005 allowed the prioritization of packets, enabling VoIP packets to have less latency and be moved faster than FTP packets during real-time communication (RTC).', "The importance of a video alert system in enhancing building security by streaming the intruder's location and high-definition video to every device on the network is emphasized.", 'Software-defined networking can prioritize high-definition video streaming by shutting off non-essential protocols, allowing efficient bandwidth allocation and preventing network congestion.', 'It enables the prioritization of voice over IP traffic in emergency situations, allowing employees to communicate with their loved ones, showcasing its flexibility in shaping traffic depending on current needs.', 'Utilizing powerful servers for firewall services It emphasizes the potential of utilizing powerful servers like Xeon servers to cluster for firewall services, enhancing efficiency and quick processing of packets, thereby improving overall performance.', 'Introduction to OpenFlow as a control protocol The chapter introduces OpenFlow as a control protocol for networking devices, emphasizing the need for a protocol to communicate with the data equipment, thus highlighting its significance in SDN implementation.', 'Benefits of control plane in network configuration It discusses the benefits of the control plane, allowing for centralized management of networking equipment and configuration without the need to individually access switches and routers, enhancing efficiency in network configuration.', 'SDN components: Data, services, control, and management planes The chapter introduces the concept of SDN and its key components, including data plane, services plane, control plane, and management plane, emphasizing the importance of separating networking components for efficient management.', "The concept of SDN involves separating the intelligence and services from the hardware, making networking devices more 'dumb' and controlled by a centralized system, similar to how a server can control multiple computers on a network, presenting the potential benefits of SDN.", 'Major companies like Cisco, Juniper, Alteris, HP consider SDN as the future, but currently have different views on it, necessitating caution when purchasing equipment.', 'The chapter warns about the lack of standardization in SDN, stating that views from various companies will solidify around a standardized model in about three years, indicating the need for careful research before making equipment purchases.', 'The instructor emphasizes the significance of extensive research before purchasing SDN equipment to avoid facing the need for a quick refresh cycle in two years due to making wrong decisions, highlighting the potential risks of making ill-informed choices.', 'The chapter compares the current state of SDN to the early stages of voice over IP, where there were winners and losers, indicating the need for caution and thorough research before investing in SDN equipment.']}