Angular - Node - MongoDB & Express (MEAN) Tutorial for Beginners - Getting Started

Angular 2+ and NodeJS, together with ExpressJS & MongoDB form the very popular MEAN stack! Join the full course now: https://acad.link/mean Join the full Angular course: https://acad.link/angular Exclusive discount also available for our Node.js course: https://acad.link/nodejs Dive into MongoDB too: https://acad.link/mongodb Check out all our other courses: https://academind.com/learn/our-courses Benefit from the many improvements and advantages Angular offers you: Speed, ease of development, highly reactive, awesome support for asynchronous operations, great scalability and more! And combine these advantages with the power of a NodeJS + Express + MongoDB backend! ---------- • Go to https://www.academind.com and subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated and to get exclusive content & discounts • Follow @maxedapps and @academind_real on Twitter • Join our Facebook community on https://www.facebook.com/academindchannel/ See you in the videos! ---------- Academind is your source for online education in the areas of web development, frontend web development, backend web development, programming, coding and data science! No matter if you are looking for a tutorial, a course, a crash course, an introduction, an online tutorial or any related video, we try our best to offer you the content you are looking for. Our topics include Angular, React, Vue, Html, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Redux, Nuxt.js, RxJs, Bootstrap, Laravel, Node.js, Progressive Web Apps (PWA), Ionic, React Native, Regular Expressions (RegEx), Stencil, Power BI, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Firebase or other topics, make sure to have a look at this channel or at academind.com to find the learning resource of your choice!

{'title': 'Angular - Node - MongoDB & Express (MEAN) Tutorial for Beginners - Getting Started', 'heatmap': [{'end': 1499.188, 'start': 1393.536, 'weight': 0.765}, {'end': 3648.193, 'start': 3455.787, 'weight': 0.77}, {'end': 4297.064, 'start': 4199.729, 'weight': 0.814}, {'end': 4483.75, 'start': 4388.651, 'weight': 1}, {'end': 5046.552, 'start': 4854.481, 'weight': 0.934}, {'end': 6260.145, 'start': 6161.387, 'weight': 0.743}, {'end': 6727.85, 'start': 6444.529, 'weight': 0.811}], 'summary': "This tutorial provides a comprehensive course on building mean stack apps, covering angular with node, express, and mongodb, emphasizing mongodb's flexibility and scalability, discussing angular's use of ajax requests, and detailing angular app development with modules and topics. it also introduces an angular node developer course, covers event handling, data output, form styling, component binding, optimization, form handling, lifecycle, and services for enhanced mean stack project development.", 'chapters': [{'end': 125.271, 'segs': [{'end': 52.943, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 24.44, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 27.142, 'text': "on the other hand and we'll also start building this.", 'start': 24.44, 'duration': 2.702}, {'end': 33.186, 'text': 'Would obviously be awesome to welcome you in this course, but this video already should get you started with the mean stack,', 'start': 27.642, 'duration': 5.544}, {'end': 37.149, 'text': 'an awesome technology for building full-stack apps with Angular on the front end.', 'start': 33.186, 'duration': 3.963}, {'end': 48.741, 'text': 'welcome to this course.', 'start': 47.501, 'duration': 1.24}, {'end': 52.943, 'text': "it's really great to have you on board as a student in this course.", 'start': 48.741, 'duration': 4.202}], 'summary': 'Introduction to mean stack for full-stack app development with angular.', 'duration': 28.503, 'max_score': 24.44, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz824440.jpg'}], 'start': 2.295, 'title': 'Building mean stack apps', 'summary': 'Introduces connecting angular with node, express, and mongodb, covering mean stack technology and offering a comprehensive course with features like image upload, pagination, and authentication.', 'chapters': [{'end': 125.271, 'start': 2.295, 'title': 'Building full-stack apps with angular and node', 'summary': 'Introduces how to connect an angular app with a node, express, and mongodb app, covering the mean stack technology and offering a comprehensive course with features including image upload, pagination, and authentication.', 'duration': 122.976, 'highlights': ['The course covers a wide range of features including image upload, pagination, authentication, and authorization, providing a comprehensive understanding of building full-stack Angular applications.', 'The instructor, Max, is a freelance web developer and Udemy instructor with multiple five-star rated courses, offering a great starting point in Angular development.', 'The MEAN stack technology is emphasized, encompassing MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular, and Node, to create a full-stack Angular application, providing a holistic view of the development process.']}], 'duration': 122.976, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz82295.jpg', 'highlights': ['The course covers a wide range of features including image upload, pagination, authentication, and authorization, providing a comprehensive understanding of building full-stack Angular applications.', 'The MEAN stack technology is emphasized, encompassing MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular, and Node, to create a full-stack Angular application, providing a holistic view of the development process.', 'The instructor, Max, is a freelance web developer and Udemy instructor with multiple five-star rated courses, offering a great starting point in Angular development.']}, {'end': 1055.934, 'segs': [{'end': 179.341, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 150.985, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 155.087, 'text': "Let's start by understanding what the mean stack actually means and comprises.", 'start': 150.985, 'duration': 4.102}, {'end': 159.209, 'text': "And let's then add all these cool features I was mentioning step by step.", 'start': 155.467, 'duration': 3.742}, {'end': 170.718, 'text': 'So what does MEAN stand for?', 'start': 168.737, 'duration': 1.981}, {'end': 173.719, 'text': "What are the different components we'll learn about in this course?", 'start': 170.818, 'duration': 2.901}, {'end': 179.341, 'text': 'MEAN comprises a set of four technologies, and this is what it stands for.', 'start': 174.619, 'duration': 4.722}], 'summary': 'The mean stack comprises four technologies and is explained step by step.', 'duration': 28.356, 'max_score': 150.985, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz8150985.jpg'}, {'end': 252.804, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 230.348, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 237.934, 'text': 'and therefore it really has just one job presenting a nice and pleasant interactive and reactive user interface.', 'start': 230.348, 'duration': 7.586}, {'end': 243.158, 'text': "Now, what's the end then? Well, you probably already saw that something is missing.", 'start': 238.835, 'duration': 4.323}, {'end': 247.12, 'text': 'We got a database and we got something running in the browser.', 'start': 243.518, 'duration': 3.602}, {'end': 250.642, 'text': 'But we certainly also need to run some logic on the server.', 'start': 247.4, 'duration': 3.242}, {'end': 252.804, 'text': 'For example, authenticating users.', 'start': 251.103, 'duration': 1.701}], 'summary': 'The goal is to create a pleasant user interface and implement server-side logic, such as user authentication.', 'duration': 22.456, 'max_score': 230.348, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz8230348.jpg'}, {'end': 383.263, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 348.684, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 350.825, 'text': "we wouldn't need javascript for that.", 'start': 348.684, 'duration': 2.141}, {'end': 356.669, 'text': "its job is to update the ui whenever we have new information, let's say, when you created a new post,", 'start': 350.825, 'duration': 5.844}, {'end': 359.772, 'text': 'we want to immediately update the ui to show that new post there.', 'start': 356.669, 'duration': 3.103}, {'end': 367.295, 'text': 'it also is responsible for handling user input, so validating that user input and also sending it to the server,', 'start': 361.012, 'duration': 6.283}, {'end': 369.316, 'text': "because that's the third part it does.", 'start': 367.295, 'duration': 2.021}, {'end': 376.259, 'text': 'it communicates with our backend, so with that node express, mongo combination that seems to be responsible for that.', 'start': 369.316, 'duration': 6.943}, {'end': 383.263, 'text': 'angular provides a mobile app like user experience, because since we handle everything in the browser through javascript,', 'start': 376.259, 'duration': 7.004}], 'summary': 'Javascript updates ui, handles user input, and communicates with backend in an angular app.', 'duration': 34.579, 'max_score': 348.684, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz8348684.jpg'}], 'start': 126.131, 'title': 'Mean stack and mongodb', 'summary': 'Provides an overview of the mean stack, comprising mongodb, express.js, angular, and node.js, and emphasizes the significance of mongodb in the mean stack, highlighting its flexibility, scalability, and integration with node express, and the role of angular in providing highly interactive user interface.', 'chapters': [{'end': 593.43, 'start': 126.131, 'title': 'Mean stack overview', 'summary': 'Provides an overview of the mean stack, comprising mongodb for database, express.js for server-side logic, angular for client-side framework, and node.js for server-side runtime, explaining their roles and interactions in building modern web applications.', 'duration': 467.299, 'highlights': ["Angular is a client-side technology used to render dynamic UI, handle user input, and communicate with the backend, providing a mobile app-like user experience without page reloads. Angular's role in rendering dynamic UI and enabling user input, creating a responsive user experience without page reloads.", "Node.js is utilized for server-side logic, interacting with databases, handling incoming requests, and executing server-side code, serving as an alternative to traditional server-side languages like PHP or Ruby on Rails. Node.js's role in executing server-side logic, interacting with databases, and handling incoming requests, serving as an alternative to traditional server-side languages.", "Express.js, a Node.js framework, simplifies the usage of Node.js, offers additional functionalities, and includes routing for handling different requests to different endpoints, streamlining the development of server-side applications. Express.js's role in simplifying Node.js usage, providing additional functionalities, and handling routing for different endpoints, streamlining server-side application development."]}, {'end': 1055.934, 'start': 593.69, 'title': 'Understanding mongodb and the mean stack', 'summary': 'Explains the significance of mongodb in the mean stack, emphasizing its flexibility, scalability, and integration with node express, while also highlighting the concept of single-page applications and the role of angular in providing a highly interactive user interface.', 'duration': 462.244, 'highlights': ["MongoDB's flexibility and scalability in the MEAN stack MongoDB is highly flexible and scalable, able to handle a large amount of throughput, making it an essential part of the popular MEAN stack. It easily integrates with Node Express and is highly popular due to its flexibility.", 'Benefits of single-page applications with Angular The use of Angular to build a single-page application provides a highly interactive mobile app-like feeling, offering a responsive and fast web page, ultimately delivering a great user experience.', 'Role of Node Express and MongoDB in the MEAN stack Node Express is used for the logic on the server side, while MongoDB serves as the database. The combination of these technologies forms the core of the MEAN stack, providing a comprehensive solution for building web applications.']}], 'duration': 929.803, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz8126131.jpg', 'highlights': ["MongoDB's flexibility and scalability in the MEAN stack, handling a large amount of throughput, making it an essential part of the popular MEAN stack.", "Angular's role in rendering dynamic UI, enabling user input, and creating a responsive user experience without page reloads.", "Node.js's role in executing server-side logic, interacting with databases, and handling incoming requests, serving as an alternative to traditional server-side languages.", "Express.js's role in simplifying Node.js usage, providing additional functionalities, and handling routing for different endpoints, streamlining server-side application development.", 'The use of Angular to build a single-page application provides a highly interactive mobile app-like feeling, offering a responsive and fast web page, ultimately delivering a great user experience.', 'Node Express is used for the logic on the server side, while MongoDB serves as the database, forming the core of the MEAN stack.']}, {'end': 2416.1, 'segs': [{'end': 1082.81, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1056.574, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 1065.519, 'text': 'Well, we exchange requests and responses, and these requests and responses are sent behind the scenes, so-called Ajax requests.', 'start': 1056.574, 'duration': 8.945}, {'end': 1069.941, 'text': 'You might have heard of this before and we use exactly the same pattern in Angular.', 'start': 1065.719, 'duration': 4.222}, {'end': 1076.345, 'text': 'These are requests which can be sent without us needing to reload the page, which is, of course, exactly what we want.', 'start': 1070.461, 'duration': 5.884}, {'end': 1082.81, 'text': 'Therefore, the type of data we exchange is not HTML because we never want HTML code.', 'start': 1077.086, 'duration': 5.724}], 'summary': 'Angular uses ajax requests to exchange data without reloading the page.', 'duration': 26.236, 'max_score': 1056.574, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz81056574.jpg'}, {'end': 1247.563, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1223.506, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 1230.051, 'text': 'so we need it for these two reasons for the node.js code we write for our backend and for the angular build workflow,', 'start': 1223.506, 'duration': 6.545}, {'end': 1233.915, 'text': 'and to learn more about angular and the angular workflow and how it works.', 'start': 1230.051, 'duration': 3.864}, {'end': 1237.317, 'text': 'Definitely check out a course dedicated to Angular,', 'start': 1234.395, 'duration': 2.922}, {'end': 1244.161, 'text': 'because whilst they will cover some Angular basics in this course in general I do expect you to know the very basics about Angular.', 'start': 1237.317, 'duration': 6.844}, {'end': 1247.563, 'text': 'This is not a course for you if you never touched Angular before.', 'start': 1244.381, 'duration': 3.182}], 'summary': 'Need typescript for node.js and angular, recommended to take a dedicated angular course.', 'duration': 24.057, 'max_score': 1223.506, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz81223506.jpg'}, {'end': 1327.456, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1300.14, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 1309.062, 'text': 'We need a lot of tools that compile our code, optimize it, and setting all of that up on our own is pretty cumbersome and error-prone.', 'start': 1300.14, 'duration': 8.922}, {'end': 1318.026, 'text': 'The CLI gives us a project setup where all of that is taken care of and where we can focus on writing our Angular code, our logic.', 'start': 1309.462, 'duration': 8.564}, {'end': 1327.456, 'text': 'the cli is installed like this, and it uses npm, the node package manager, to install the cli tool globally on our machine with this first command.', 'start': 1318.026, 'duration': 9.43}], 'summary': 'The cli automates code compilation, optimization, and setup, allowing developers to focus on writing angular code and logic.', 'duration': 27.316, 'max_score': 1300.14, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz81300140.jpg'}, {'end': 1510.032, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 1393.536, 'weight': 6, 'content': [{'end': 1402.219, 'text': "if you are prompted for it, and thereafter it will download that cli package from npm's repository and and install it on your machine.", 'start': 1393.536, 'duration': 8.683}, {'end': 1406.061, 'text': "This can take a couple of seconds up to minutes and I'll be back once it's done.", 'start': 1402.499, 'duration': 3.562}, {'end': 1410.603, 'text': "So it's done installing and in my case I got some errors in between.", 'start': 1406.581, 'duration': 4.022}, {'end': 1419.448, 'text': "but that's no problem as long as it finishes with some output, where it mentions the package name and version and says updated or added 8,", 'start': 1410.603, 'duration': 8.845}, {'end': 1422.269, 'text': 'or the number can actually differ packages.', 'start': 1419.448, 'duration': 2.821}, {'end': 1424.83, 'text': 'So if you see something like that, it succeeded.', 'start': 1422.349, 'duration': 2.481}, {'end': 1427.292, 'text': 'You may ignore any errors that happened in between.', 'start': 1424.891, 'duration': 2.401}, {'end': 1429.113, 'text': 'It was able to recover from these.', 'start': 1427.592, 'duration': 1.521}, {'end': 1431.933, 'text': 'Now, once this is installed,', 'start': 1430.013, 'duration': 1.92}, {'end': 1440.215, 'text': "we can create a new Angular project with the CLI and we'll add Node and Mongo and Express to that project setup throughout the course.", 'start': 1431.933, 'duration': 8.282}, {'end': 1444.296, 'text': "But let's start with the front end because that is how we can quickly see something on the screen.", 'start': 1440.335, 'duration': 3.961}, {'end': 1450.237, 'text': "So let's create a new project and for that navigate into the folder where you want to create the project.", 'start': 1445.216, 'duration': 5.021}, {'end': 1458.201, 'text': "Once you're in that folder and you can get there with the CD command on your machine, create a new project with ng new.", 'start': 1450.757, 'duration': 7.444}, {'end': 1461.724, 'text': 'that is a command now available due to that cli package.', 'start': 1458.201, 'duration': 3.523}, {'end': 1468.831, 'text': 'ng is basically a command made available by that and then the name of the project and i will name it mean course,', 'start': 1461.724, 'duration': 7.107}, {'end': 1475.397, 'text': "but of course you can pick any name you want, just make sure it's not starting with a number and it's not named test.", 'start': 1468.831, 'duration': 6.566}, {'end': 1477.7, 'text': 'that is forbidden, but anything else is fine.', 'start': 1475.397, 'duration': 2.303}, {'end': 1482.382, 'text': 'mean course should work and once you hit enter it will set up that project.', 'start': 1477.7, 'duration': 4.682}, {'end': 1484.323, 'text': 'it will create a lot of files in there.', 'start': 1482.382, 'duration': 1.941}, {'end': 1487.004, 'text': 'most of them are configuration files for that workflow.', 'start': 1484.323, 'duration': 2.681}, {'end': 1492.305, 'text': "we don't need to worry about them and it will also give us a little dummy app with which we can start.", 'start': 1487.004, 'duration': 5.301}, {'end': 1499.188, 'text': 'it will also install all the dependencies, like the angular framework and other dependencies that framework depends on,', 'start': 1492.305, 'duration': 6.883}, {'end': 1509.412, 'text': 'but also a couple of build or workflow dependencies, so dependencies that compile the typescript code, dependencies that optimize the code,', 'start': 1499.188, 'duration': 10.224}, {'end': 1510.032, 'text': 'things like that.', 'start': 1509.412, 'duration': 0.62}], 'summary': 'Install cli package, create new angular project with node, mongo, and express setup.', 'duration': 23.028, 'max_score': 1393.536, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz81393536.jpg'}, {'end': 1583.962, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1532.587, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 1536.21, 'text': 'This is a development-only server that allows you to preview your application.', 'start': 1532.587, 'duration': 3.623}, {'end': 1543.476, 'text': "Double-clicking on the index.html file won't work, because that will use the file protocol and not the HTTP protocol,", 'start': 1536.89, 'duration': 6.586}, {'end': 1545.898, 'text': 'and therefore many features we need are not enabled.', 'start': 1543.476, 'duration': 2.422}, {'end': 1554.927, 'text': 'And this gives us a real web server running on our machine at this address you see here, http://localhost4200 by default.', 'start': 1546.459, 'duration': 8.468}, {'end': 1559.17, 'text': 'And you can then go to a browser and simply visit localhost4200.', 'start': 1555.727, 'duration': 3.443}, {'end': 1567.95, 'text': 'And on that URL, you should see something like this, some dummy starting page the CLI gives you by default.', 'start': 1561.505, 'duration': 6.445}, {'end': 1572.513, 'text': 'Now with that set up, we of course wanna work on our code.', 'start': 1568.53, 'duration': 3.983}, {'end': 1578.618, 'text': 'And for that, we need some IDE or some advanced text editor that makes that easier.', 'start': 1573.294, 'duration': 5.324}, {'end': 1583.962, 'text': 'Now you can use any IDE you want, like Sublime, Atom, WebStorm.', 'start': 1579.298, 'duration': 4.664}], 'summary': 'Development-only server allows previewing application at http://localhost:4200. various features not enabled with file protocol. choose ide like sublime, atom, webstorm for coding.', 'duration': 51.375, 'max_score': 1532.587, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz81532587.jpg'}, {'end': 1918.965, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 1892.27, 'weight': 7, 'content': [{'end': 1898.274, 'text': 'therefore, if you have a look at that app component html file, you can see what we see on the screen here.', 'start': 1892.27, 'duration': 6.004}, {'end': 1902.856, 'text': 'This is actually the content we see here, with some dynamic content here.', 'start': 1898.894, 'duration': 3.962}, {'end': 1909.38, 'text': "And as I said, I won't dive deeply into all the basics of Angular, but a brief refresher will be given in the next course section.", 'start': 1902.996, 'duration': 6.384}, {'end': 1918.965, 'text': "And if we change this page here and, for example, say our first app and we save that, and ng-serve is still running, that's important.", 'start': 1910.06, 'duration': 8.905}], 'summary': 'The app component html file displays dynamic content, with a brief refresher on angular to be given in the next section.', 'duration': 26.695, 'max_score': 1892.27, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz81892270.jpg'}, {'end': 2380.316, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 2351.095, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 2355.279, 'text': "Now, finally, and that's also important, there is a Q&A section in this course.", 'start': 2351.095, 'duration': 4.184}, {'end': 2364.608, 'text': 'And if you got any course related questions, so questions related to the course source code or some logical question about some concept I taught here,', 'start': 2355.739, 'duration': 8.869}, {'end': 2365.729, 'text': 'please post them there.', 'start': 2364.608, 'duration': 1.121}, {'end': 2368.651, 'text': 'I do read and reply there regularly.', 'start': 2366.269, 'duration': 2.382}, {'end': 2380.316, 'text': 'Now, asking is great, but often you can solve issues on your own by Googling, by comparing code, and you can also help other students.', 'start': 2369.452, 'duration': 10.864}], 'summary': 'Course includes q&a section for asking and solving questions, with regular reading and replying by instructor.', 'duration': 29.221, 'max_score': 2351.095, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz82351095.jpg'}], 'start': 1056.574, 'title': 'Angular development with mean stack', 'summary': "Discusses angular's use of ajax requests for efficient json data exchange, emphasizes the role of node.js in the mean stack, covers project setup, and provides an overview of angular app development with a detailed breakdown of upcoming modules and topics for active participation.", 'chapters': [{'end': 1099.602, 'start': 1056.574, 'title': 'Angular: ajax requests and json data', 'summary': 'Discusses the use of ajax requests in angular to exchange json data, enabling efficient data encoding and presentation without the need to reload the page.', 'duration': 43.028, 'highlights': ['The chapter discusses the use of Ajax requests in Angular to exchange JSON data, enabling efficient data encoding and presentation without the need to reload the page.', 'Ajax requests in Angular allow for the exchange of data without the need to reload the page, aligning with the goal of efficient web development.', 'JSON data format is utilized in Angular for efficient encoding of data like a list of posts, eliminating the need for HTML code.']}, {'end': 1429.113, 'start': 1099.602, 'title': 'Implementing the mean stack', 'summary': 'Explains the importance of node.js in the mean stack, emphasizes the use of angular cli for setting up angular applications, and provides instructions for installing node.js and angular cli.', 'duration': 329.511, 'highlights': ['Node.js is essential for writing server-side logic and for the Angular build workflow, including TypeScript to JavaScript compilation and code bundling and optimization. Node.js is crucial for server-side logic and Angular build workflow, handling TypeScript to JavaScript compilation, code bundling, and optimization.', 'Instructions are provided for downloading and installing the latest version of Node.js from nodejs.org. Guidance is given for downloading and installing the latest version of Node.js from nodejs.org.', 'The significance of Angular CLI in simplifying project setup and focusing on writing Angular code is explained, along with step-by-step instructions for installing it using npm. The importance of Angular CLI in simplifying project setup and focusing on writing Angular code is clarified, with step-by-step instructions for installation using npm.']}, {'end': 1781.124, 'start': 1430.013, 'title': 'Angular project setup & visual studio code', 'summary': 'Covers setting up an angular project with node, mongo, and express using the cli, creating a development-only server for previewing the application, and configuring visual studio code with essential extensions for working with angular.', 'duration': 351.111, 'highlights': ['Setting up an Angular project with Node, Mongo, and Express using the CLI The transcript covers creating a new Angular project with the CLI and adding Node, Mongo, and Express to the project setup throughout the course.', "Creating a development-only server for previewing the application Instructions are provided for setting up a development-only server using the 'ng-serve' command to preview the application, which runs on http://localhost:4200 by default.", "Configuring Visual Studio Code with essential extensions for working with Angular The chapter explains the process of installing Angular Essentials and Material Icon Theme extensions in Visual Studio Code to enhance the IDE's functionality for working with Angular."]}, {'end': 2416.1, 'start': 1781.124, 'title': 'Angular app development overview', 'summary': 'Provides an overview of the folder structure of the angular app, including dependencies, components, and the course roadmap, with a detailed breakdown of the upcoming modules, covering topics such as building the front end, integrating the backend, adding mongodb, image upload, pagination, authentication, authorization, error handling, optimizations, and deployment, while emphasizing the importance of active participation and coding along with the course content.', 'duration': 634.976, 'highlights': ['The chapter provides an overview of the folder structure of the Angular app, including dependencies, components, and the course roadmap, with a detailed breakdown of the upcoming modules, covering topics such as building the front end, integrating the backend, adding MongoDB, image upload, pagination, authentication, authorization, error handling, optimizations, and deployment. Detailed breakdown of the upcoming modules and topics covered in the course.', 'The importance of active participation and coding along with the course content is emphasized, along with the recommendation to use course resources and the Q&A section for enhancing learning. Emphasis on the importance of active participation, coding along, and utilizing course resources for effective learning.', 'The package.json file contains all the dependencies and development-only dependencies of the project, and once MongoDB-related dependencies are added, they will also be listed there. Explanation of the contents and significance of the package.json file.']}], 'duration': 1359.526, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz81056574.jpg', 'highlights': ['Angular uses Ajax requests for efficient JSON data exchange, eliminating page reloads.', 'Node.js is crucial for server-side logic, Angular build workflow, and TypeScript compilation.', 'Angular CLI simplifies project setup and focuses on writing Angular code.', "Instructions for setting up a development-only server using 'ng-serve' are provided.", 'Explanation of installing Angular Essentials and Material Icon Theme extensions in Visual Studio Code.', 'Detailed breakdown of upcoming modules and topics for active participation.', 'Emphasis on the importance of active participation, coding along, and utilizing course resources.', 'Explanation of the contents and significance of the package.json file.']}, {'end': 3703.838, 'segs': [{'end': 3127.822, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 3075.439, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 3079.62, 'text': 'so, as you can see, you can go very granular,', 'start': 3075.439, 'duration': 4.181}, {'end': 3086.061, 'text': 'and you probably already knew that if you worked with angular before and we will go granular in this course too.', 'start': 3079.62, 'duration': 6.441}, {'end': 3090.962, 'text': 'we will build our mean stack application, the front end of it.', 'start': 3086.061, 'duration': 4.901}, {'end': 3094.743, 'text': 'we will build that with a lot of angular components.', 'start': 3090.962, 'duration': 3.781}, {'end': 3099.104, 'text': "so let's get started writing some code and let's dive into that component world.", 'start': 3094.743, 'duration': 4.361}, {'end': 3116.015, 'text': "In this course we'll build an application where users can create posts, can read the posts of other users, edit their own ones, and so on.", 'start': 3107.99, 'duration': 8.025}, {'end': 3117.836, 'text': "So let's start working on that.", 'start': 3116.615, 'duration': 1.221}, {'end': 3124.3, 'text': "And we certainly don't want to handle all that logic in one component only because that would quickly explode in size.", 'start': 3118.136, 'duration': 6.164}, {'end': 3126.541, 'text': 'Theoretically, it would be possible though.', 'start': 3124.76, 'duration': 1.781}, {'end': 3127.822, 'text': "That's important to understand.", 'start': 3126.681, 'duration': 1.141}], 'summary': 'The course will focus on building a mean stack application with a lot of angular components, where users can create, read, and edit posts.', 'duration': 52.383, 'max_score': 3075.439, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz83075439.jpg'}, {'end': 3289.245, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 3260.93, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 3263.431, 'text': "So that's the HTML file belonging to that component.", 'start': 3260.93, 'duration': 2.501}, {'end': 3266.132, 'text': 'And with these two files, we can work with that.', 'start': 3264.031, 'duration': 2.101}, {'end': 3270.975, 'text': 'Now in the TypeScript file, we create a component by simply creating a new class.', 'start': 3266.672, 'duration': 4.303}, {'end': 3272.916, 'text': 'A class is a TypeScript feature.', 'start': 3271.295, 'duration': 1.621}, {'end': 3276.458, 'text': "It's also available in the latest JavaScript versions.", 'start': 3273.456, 'duration': 3.002}, {'end': 3283.542, 'text': 'It essentially allows us to create a blueprint for an object, though we will never create that component object on our own.', 'start': 3276.838, 'duration': 6.704}, {'end': 3289.245, 'text': 'We just give it to Angular and Angular will instantiate it and create it and use it.', 'start': 3283.862, 'duration': 5.383}], 'summary': 'Creating a component in typescript using a class blueprint for angular.', 'duration': 28.315, 'max_score': 3260.93, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz83260930.jpg'}, {'end': 3379.617, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 3352.448, 'weight': 5, 'content': [{'end': 3357.849, 'text': 'which angular then scans for certain features and uses as a component.', 'start': 3352.448, 'duration': 5.401}, {'end': 3364.991, 'text': 'now the component decorator takes some configuration in the form of a javascript object which we pass to it.', 'start': 3357.849, 'duration': 7.142}, {'end': 3368.012, 'text': 'in that object we need to define things like the template.', 'start': 3364.991, 'duration': 3.021}, {'end': 3376.036, 'text': 'So we define a template and if you just use template, you could pass a string in here to write some HTML code here.', 'start': 3368.752, 'duration': 7.284}, {'end': 3379.617, 'text': 'But for longer templates, this is not really something you want to do.', 'start': 3376.536, 'duration': 3.081}], 'summary': 'Angular uses a component decorator with a javascript object for configuration, including defining a template.', 'duration': 27.169, 'max_score': 3352.448, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz83352448.jpg'}, {'end': 3648.193, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 3455.787, 'weight': 0.77, 'content': [{'end': 3464.894, 'text': 'We could go to the app component HTML file, because, remember, all components other than the app component are added to other Angular components,', 'start': 3455.787, 'duration': 9.107}, {'end': 3466.295, 'text': 'not the index HTML file.', 'start': 3464.894, 'duration': 1.401}, {'end': 3471.839, 'text': 'And in the app component HTML file, we could add app post create like that.', 'start': 3467.196, 'duration': 4.643}, {'end': 3476.082, 'text': 'This is now our own HTML tag, our own component being used.', 'start': 3472.579, 'duration': 3.503}, {'end': 3478.863, 'text': "You see my IDE already isn't liking this.", 'start': 3476.802, 'duration': 2.061}, {'end': 3484.507, 'text': 'And if we save that and we go back to the application, we see a blank screen.', 'start': 3479.924, 'duration': 4.583}, {'end': 3493.393, 'text': 'If we now open the developer tools here in the browser, We see that we got an error message that AppPostCreate is not a known element.', 'start': 3484.867, 'duration': 8.526}, {'end': 3496.535, 'text': "The reason for that is that it isn't a known element.", 'start': 3493.993, 'duration': 2.542}, {'end': 3510.025, 'text': "Angular has no way of knowing this because by default Angular and also not the build process it doesn't scan all files in our app folder and try to evaluate if it should be aware of that,", 'start': 3497.176, 'duration': 12.849}, {'end': 3511.326, 'text': 'if that is a component.', 'start': 3510.025, 'duration': 1.301}, {'end': 3518.831, 'text': 'Instead, we explicitly have to register a component if we want to use it, and we do that in an Angular module,', 'start': 3512.086, 'duration': 6.745}, {'end': 3522.053, 'text': 'in the only module we got thus far in the app module.', 'start': 3518.831, 'duration': 3.222}, {'end': 3524.415, 'text': 'There, we add it to declarations.', 'start': 3522.614, 'duration': 1.801}, {'end': 3526.897, 'text': 'And for that, we first of all need to import it.', 'start': 3524.935, 'duration': 1.962}, {'end': 3528.678, 'text': "That's a TypeScript requirement.", 'start': 3527.277, 'duration': 1.401}, {'end': 3533.962, 'text': 'If you use something in another file, you need to tell TypeScript where the code behind it can be found.', 'start': 3528.978, 'duration': 4.984}, {'end': 3542.468, 'text': 'So we want to import something from posts slash post create slash post create component and you omit the extension.', 'start': 3534.702, 'duration': 7.766}, {'end': 3544.71, 'text': "So you don't add .ts here.", 'start': 3542.689, 'duration': 2.021}, {'end': 3549.974, 'text': "Now there's something we want to import is the post create component class.", 'start': 3545.571, 'duration': 4.403}, {'end': 3552.737, 'text': 'So a reference to the class to be precise.', 'start': 3550.635, 'duration': 2.102}, {'end': 3558.583, 'text': 'And we store that in the declarations array here so that now Angular is aware of this.', 'start': 3553.357, 'duration': 5.226}, {'end': 3560.164, 'text': 'And that is all we need to do.', 'start': 3558.983, 'duration': 1.181}, {'end': 3564.249, 'text': 'Now if we save that, you see the post create component here.', 'start': 3560.705, 'duration': 3.544}, {'end': 3571.136, 'text': 'And the errors in the IDE will also go away as soon as you change something in the respective files and then save again.', 'start': 3564.829, 'duration': 6.307}, {'end': 3574.661, 'text': 'So now we get our first component added.', 'start': 3572.659, 'duration': 2.002}, {'end': 3575.422, 'text': "That's nice.", 'start': 3574.801, 'duration': 0.621}, {'end': 3577.544, 'text': "It's not that useful though.", 'start': 3576.303, 'duration': 1.241}, {'end': 3582.769, 'text': 'Would be nice if we could use that component to really well create new posts.', 'start': 3578.024, 'duration': 4.745}, {'end': 3584.831, 'text': "So let's do that in the next lecture.", 'start': 3583.149, 'duration': 1.682}, {'end': 3596.686, 'text': 'We want to create new posts and we got the post create component.', 'start': 3593.564, 'duration': 3.122}, {'end': 3598.668, 'text': 'Thus far, it only got a title.', 'start': 3597.127, 'duration': 1.541}, {'end': 3601.41, 'text': 'Well, what do we need to create new posts?', 'start': 3599.108, 'duration': 2.302}, {'end': 3609.156, 'text': 'As a core minimum, we need an input and we need a button to save that post right?', 'start': 3602.15, 'duration': 7.006}, {'end': 3612.718, 'text': "So let's add both in the template of post create.", 'start': 3609.976, 'duration': 2.742}, {'end': 3620.884, 'text': 'An input, a normal text input, or maybe a text area because we want to be able to enter more text in just one line.', 'start': 3613.018, 'duration': 7.866}, {'end': 3622.586, 'text': "So let's add a text area.", 'start': 3621.325, 'duration': 1.261}, {'end': 3625.067, 'text': "Now, we don't need a name.", 'start': 3623.406, 'duration': 1.661}, {'end': 3627.747, 'text': 'We can omit the ID columns.', 'start': 3625.367, 'duration': 2.38}, {'end': 3628.387, 'text': "We don't need that.", 'start': 3627.767, 'duration': 0.62}, {'end': 3631.288, 'text': "Rows, I'll set this to 6 so that it's a bit smaller.", 'start': 3628.707, 'duration': 2.581}, {'end': 3634.889, 'text': 'And if we save that, we see a text area.', 'start': 3631.308, 'duration': 3.581}, {'end': 3637.51, 'text': "No styles, so it's not that pretty.", 'start': 3635.469, 'duration': 2.041}, {'end': 3639.67, 'text': "We'll come back to the styling soon.", 'start': 3637.95, 'duration': 1.72}, {'end': 3641.131, 'text': "Let's focus on the logic for now.", 'start': 3639.77, 'duration': 1.361}, {'end': 3648.193, 'text': "As I said, we also need a button, so let's add a button below the text area where we say save post like that.", 'start': 3642.071, 'duration': 6.122}], 'summary': 'Register and use a new component in angular by adding it to the declarations array in the app module.', 'duration': 192.406, 'max_score': 3455.787, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz83455787.jpg'}, {'end': 3627.747, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 3597.127, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 3598.668, 'text': 'Thus far, it only got a title.', 'start': 3597.127, 'duration': 1.541}, {'end': 3601.41, 'text': 'Well, what do we need to create new posts?', 'start': 3599.108, 'duration': 2.302}, {'end': 3609.156, 'text': 'As a core minimum, we need an input and we need a button to save that post right?', 'start': 3602.15, 'duration': 7.006}, {'end': 3612.718, 'text': "So let's add both in the template of post create.", 'start': 3609.976, 'duration': 2.742}, {'end': 3620.884, 'text': 'An input, a normal text input, or maybe a text area because we want to be able to enter more text in just one line.', 'start': 3613.018, 'duration': 7.866}, {'end': 3622.586, 'text': "So let's add a text area.", 'start': 3621.325, 'duration': 1.261}, {'end': 3625.067, 'text': "Now, we don't need a name.", 'start': 3623.406, 'duration': 1.661}, {'end': 3627.747, 'text': 'We can omit the ID columns.', 'start': 3625.367, 'duration': 2.38}], 'summary': 'To create new posts, we need an input and a button to save the post. a text area should be added to the template for entering more text.', 'duration': 30.62, 'max_score': 3597.127, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz83597127.jpg'}], 'start': 2417.041, 'title': 'Angular node developer course', 'summary': 'Introduces an angular node developer course covering setting up ide, creating angular project, building a simple messaging app using mean stack, basics of angular and ui initialization, building an angular application, defining modules and components, and creating angular components for a mean stack app.', 'chapters': [{'end': 2491.919, 'start': 2417.041, 'title': 'Angular node developer course overview', 'summary': 'Introduces a course focused on becoming a great angular node developer, covering setting up ide, creating an angular project, and building a simple posting messaging app using the mean stack.', 'duration': 74.878, 'highlights': ['The course focuses on becoming a great Angular node developer. The course aims to help individuals become proficient in Angular and Node development.', 'Building a simple posting messaging app using the MEAN stack. The project involves creating an app where users can create, edit, and delete posts, and view posts of other users in a mini social network.', 'Importance of front end in MEAN stack development. Emphasizes the significance of the front end in rendering and displaying data, providing a quick understanding of the MEAN stack operation.']}, {'end': 2729.406, 'start': 2492.279, 'title': 'Angular basics and ui initialization', 'summary': "Introduces the basics of angular and ui initialization, emphasizing the importance of understanding the folder structure and the angular application's component-based approach, while also highlighting the cli's role in bundling and injecting script files.", 'duration': 237.127, 'highlights': ["The chapter emphasizes the importance of understanding the folder structure and the Angular application's component-based approach, which is crucial for building a course project. ", "The CLI's role in bundling code, adding Angular logic, and injecting script file imports into the index HTML file is highlighted, showcasing its significance in the development process. ", 'The significance of starting with a beautiful UI and providing a brief reintroduction to Angular is mentioned, setting the initial focus for the module. ']}, {'end': 3074.699, 'start': 2729.666, 'title': 'Angular application building', 'summary': 'Explains the process of building an angular application, including defining modules, components, and the bootstrap array, and highlights the importance of thinking in components and the benefits of creating modular, reusable ui building blocks.', 'duration': 345.033, 'highlights': ['Angular application building process The process of building an Angular application involves defining modules, components, and the bootstrap array, which allows Angular to search for the app component in the index.html file.', 'Importance of thinking in components Thinking in components is crucial when working with Angular, as it allows for the creation of small, easily maintainable, and reusable UI building blocks, resulting in a more manageable codebase.', 'Benefits of creating modular, reusable UI building blocks Creating modular UI building blocks in Angular enables easy management of code, potential reusability, and the ability to compose entire pages using independent components.']}, {'end': 3703.838, 'start': 3075.439, 'title': 'Angular component creation', 'summary': 'Covers the creation of angular components for a mean stack application, with a focus on organizing code in subfolders, creating a new post-create component, and adding event binding for listening to user events.', 'duration': 628.399, 'highlights': ["The chapter covers the creation of Angular components for a MEAN stack application The course will involve building a MEAN stack application's front end using multiple Angular components.", 'Organizing code in subfolders The speaker emphasizes the importance of organizing code in subfolders to keep it organized and manageable.', 'Creating a new post-create component The process of creating a new post-create component is explained, with a focus on structuring the files and naming conventions.', 'Adding event binding for listening to user events The concept of event binding in Angular is introduced as a way to listen to events in a declarative manner, enabling the execution of logic upon user interactions.']}], 'duration': 1286.797, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz82417041.jpg', 'highlights': ['The course focuses on becoming a great Angular node developer. Aims to help individuals become proficient in Angular and Node development.', 'Building a simple posting messaging app using the MEAN stack. Involves creating an app where users can create, edit, and delete posts, and view posts of other users in a mini social network.', 'Importance of front end in MEAN stack development. Emphasizes the significance of the front end in rendering and displaying data, providing a quick understanding of the MEAN stack operation.', "The chapter emphasizes the importance of understanding the folder structure and the Angular application's component-based approach, crucial for building a course project.", "The CLI's role in bundling code, adding Angular logic, and injecting script file imports into the index HTML file is highlighted, showcasing its significance in the development process.", 'The process of building an Angular application involves defining modules, components, and the bootstrap array, allowing Angular to search for the app component in the index.html file.', 'Thinking in components is crucial when working with Angular, as it allows for the creation of small, easily maintainable, and reusable UI building blocks, resulting in a more manageable codebase.', 'Creating modular UI building blocks in Angular enables easy management of code, potential reusability, and the ability to compose entire pages using independent components.', "The chapter covers the creation of Angular components for a MEAN stack application. Involves building a MEAN stack application's front end using multiple Angular components.", 'The speaker emphasizes the importance of organizing code in subfolders to keep it organized and manageable.', 'The process of creating a new post-create component is explained, with a focus on structuring the files and naming conventions.', 'The concept of event binding in Angular is introduced as a way to listen to events in a declarative manner, enabling the execution of logic upon user interactions.']}, {'end': 4470.684, 'segs': [{'end': 3874.507, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 3801.017, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 3802.999, 'text': 'We are able to listen to events.', 'start': 3801.017, 'duration': 1.982}, {'end': 3810.206, 'text': "We're not able to get the input we entered here and we're not able to output anything on the screen other than that alert.", 'start': 3803.54, 'duration': 6.666}, {'end': 3812.508, 'text': "These are the things we'll work on next.", 'start': 3810.726, 'duration': 1.782}, {'end': 3826.874, 'text': "So before we come to fetching that user input, let's output a post, let's output some dummy content.", 'start': 3821.192, 'duration': 5.682}, {'end': 3833.837, 'text': "Let's say we have a paragraph there below the button, and here we want to output the content the user entered.", 'start': 3827.434, 'duration': 6.403}, {'end': 3838.118, 'text': "Now for now the user didn't enter anything, so let's set some dummy content.", 'start': 3834.137, 'duration': 3.981}, {'end': 3840.459, 'text': 'For this we need two things.', 'start': 3838.899, 'duration': 1.56}, {'end': 3848.222, 'text': 'We need to set some content in onAddPost, and we need a place to store that content in, which we then can also refer to from the template.', 'start': 3840.919, 'duration': 7.303}, {'end': 3855.229, 'text': 'that store the content in thing is a property, basically a variable in a class.', 'start': 3849.605, 'duration': 5.624}, {'end': 3859.511, 'text': 'You define it without the var, const or let keyword.', 'start': 3855.889, 'duration': 3.622}, {'end': 3868.719, 'text': 'You just add the name in the class here and the name can be anything you like like, for example, new post.', 'start': 3860.072, 'duration': 8.647}, {'end': 3874.507, 'text': "now I'll set this to an empty string by default and then on add post, I will overwrite it.", 'start': 3868.719, 'duration': 5.788}], 'summary': 'Next steps include outputting dummy content and setting up a variable to store user input.', 'duration': 73.49, 'max_score': 3801.017, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz83801017.jpg'}, {'end': 4297.064, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 4199.729, 'weight': 0.814, 'content': [{'end': 4204.952, 'text': 'so this will now just be a reference to the underlying javascript object In onAddPost.', 'start': 4199.729, 'duration': 5.223}, {'end': 4208.934, 'text': 'we can take a look at it by expecting it as an argument.', 'start': 4204.952, 'duration': 3.982}, {'end': 4216.197, 'text': 'So there we get the post input and this will actually be an HTML input.', 'start': 4209.254, 'duration': 6.943}, {'end': 4221.82, 'text': 'We can clearly tell TypeScript to type by adding a colon then HTML text area element.', 'start': 4216.237, 'duration': 5.583}, {'end': 4223.041, 'text': 'That is exactly what it is.', 'start': 4221.86, 'duration': 1.181}, {'end': 4225.883, 'text': 'Now, this just informs TypeScript about the type here.', 'start': 4223.561, 'duration': 2.322}, {'end': 4231.706, 'text': 'This is great because now we get better auto-completion because the IDE knows which kind of type that is.', 'start': 4225.903, 'duration': 5.803}, {'end': 4234.607, 'text': 'But it also helps us write cleaner code.', 'start': 4232.566, 'duration': 2.041}, {'end': 4237.049, 'text': 'But I, of course, only want to do one thing here.', 'start': 4235.168, 'duration': 1.881}, {'end': 4239.791, 'text': 'I want to output the post input like this.', 'start': 4237.069, 'duration': 2.722}, {'end': 4248.256, 'text': 'If we save that and let it reload and have the developer tools open, we see that upon saving, I get this output.', 'start': 4240.711, 'duration': 7.545}, {'end': 4250.778, 'text': "Now, we can't really see what's in there.", 'start': 4248.797, 'duration': 1.981}, {'end': 4252.679, 'text': "We can't really see the JavaScript object.", 'start': 4250.818, 'duration': 1.861}, {'end': 4256.302, 'text': 'We can look into that with console.dir instead of console.log.', 'start': 4253.039, 'duration': 3.263}, {'end': 4264.77, 'text': 'Now if we press save content, we get the text area object and here you see all the properties this specific JavaScript object knows.', 'start': 4257.222, 'duration': 7.548}, {'end': 4266.352, 'text': 'Quite a lot as you can see.', 'start': 4265.21, 'duration': 1.142}, {'end': 4269.495, 'text': 'There also is the value property we bound before.', 'start': 4266.972, 'duration': 2.523}, {'end': 4276.257, 'text': 'now, of course, we cannot just bind the value property, since we got access to it here.', 'start': 4271.115, 'duration': 5.142}, {'end': 4284.06, 'text': 'we can also just use it to extract the content and set the content we entered as a value for new post.', 'start': 4276.257, 'duration': 7.803}, {'end': 4288.802, 'text': 'so we can say post input, dot value to access that value property.', 'start': 4284.06, 'duration': 4.742}, {'end': 4297.064, 'text': 'and now, if we save that, What we can see is that if we enter something here and I hit save post we see something down there.', 'start': 4288.802, 'duration': 8.262}], 'summary': 'Using typescript to type html input, with better auto-completion and cleaner code. extracting and setting content for new post using javascript object properties.', 'duration': 97.335, 'max_score': 4199.729, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz84199729.jpg'}, {'end': 4457.704, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 4424.252, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 4425.653, 'text': "Angular isn't aware of it yet though.", 'start': 4424.252, 'duration': 1.401}, {'end': 4430.214, 'text': 'It is aware once we add it to the imports array in our app module.', 'start': 4426.013, 'duration': 4.201}, {'end': 4435.076, 'text': "Now we're unlocking some forms features and ngModel is one of them.", 'start': 4430.714, 'duration': 4.362}, {'end': 4445.293, 'text': 'So now we can use ng model here and it will automatically update enter value or entered value here with every keystroke.', 'start': 4435.925, 'duration': 9.368}, {'end': 4450.598, 'text': 'And therefore in this new post, we no longer receive the post input here.', 'start': 4445.694, 'duration': 4.904}, {'end': 4457.704, 'text': 'Instead, we simply set new post equal to entered value, this entered value.', 'start': 4451.519, 'duration': 6.185}], 'summary': 'Adding ngmodel to app module unlocks forms features, updating entered value with every keystroke.', 'duration': 33.452, 'max_score': 4424.252, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz84424252.jpg'}], 'start': 3704.358, 'title': 'Angular event handling and data output', 'summary': "Explains how to add event listeners, handle data, and receive user input in an angular component's template. it covers listening to events, outputting content, and fetching user input using local references and two-way binding.", 'chapters': [{'end': 3750.245, 'start': 3704.358, 'title': 'Angular event listening', 'summary': "Explains how to add event listeners in an angular component's template, such as listening to the 'click' event and defining the code to execute within quotation marks.", 'duration': 45.887, 'highlights': ["Adding event listeners in an Angular component's template involves adding parentheses and specifying the event name, such as 'click', without the 'on' prefix.", "Listeners can also be set for events like 'mouse down' and 'mouse enter', and the code to be executed is typically defined within quotation marks.", 'The code to be executed within the template is usually the name of a method from the component class, making the template code more organized and maintainable.']}, {'end': 4470.684, 'start': 3750.925, 'title': 'Angular event handling and data output', 'summary': 'Covers event handling, data output, and user input in angular, including adding event listeners, outputting content using string interpolation and property binding, and fetching user input using local references and two-way binding.', 'duration': 719.759, 'highlights': ['Event listener added to a method in a class to trigger events upon clicking, enabling connection and successful triggering of the event, demonstrating the first step in event handling.', 'Outputting content using string interpolation to display user-entered content and its changes, demonstrating the use of string interpolation as a building block for outputting content.', 'Usage of property binding to bind to the value property of HTML elements, including binding to underlying object properties and outputting data in the template, demonstrating the technique for outputting data in the template.', 'Fetching user input using local references to HTML elements, including passing data to methods and extracting and setting content, showcasing the technique for fetching user input and outputting it in the application.', 'Implementation of two-way binding with ngModel directive to listen to user input, emit data, and store new data in the text area, showcasing the use of two-way binding for setting and reading values in Angular forms.']}], 'duration': 766.326, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz83704358.jpg', 'highlights': ["Adding event listeners in an Angular component's template involves adding parentheses and specifying the event name, such as 'click', without the 'on' prefix.", 'Event listener added to a method in a class to trigger events upon clicking, enabling connection and successful triggering of the event, demonstrating the first step in event handling.', 'Usage of property binding to bind to the value property of HTML elements, including binding to underlying object properties and outputting data in the template, demonstrating the technique for outputting data in the template.', 'Implementation of two-way binding with ngModel directive to listen to user input, emit data, and store new data in the text area, showcasing the use of two-way binding for setting and reading values in Angular forms.', 'Fetching user input using local references to HTML elements, including passing data to methods and extracting and setting content, showcasing the technique for fetching user input and outputting it in the application.', "Listeners can also be set for events like 'mouse down' and 'mouse enter', and the code to be executed is typically defined within quotation marks."]}, {'end': 5236.076, 'segs': [{'end': 4617.509, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 4594.618, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 4603.223, 'text': 'we can see it has a bunch of pre-built components that should give us everything we need to build a nice application to include things like a header,', 'start': 4594.618, 'duration': 8.605}, {'end': 4607.605, 'text': 'include things like our buttons, our inputs, things like that.', 'start': 4603.223, 'duration': 4.382}, {'end': 4609.806, 'text': 'So this is what I want to work with.', 'start': 4608.125, 'duration': 1.681}, {'end': 4612.827, 'text': 'and to add it to our project.', 'start': 4610.646, 'duration': 2.181}, {'end': 4616.489, 'text': "i'll quit my development server for now and i need to install this.", 'start': 4612.827, 'duration': 3.662}, {'end': 4617.509, 'text': "so we'll run npm.", 'start': 4616.489, 'duration': 1.02}], 'summary': 'The pre-built components provide everything to build a complete application, including headers, buttons, and inputs.', 'duration': 22.891, 'max_score': 4594.618, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz84594618.jpg'}, {'end': 4751.427, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 4722.795, 'weight': 6, 'content': [{'end': 4729.879, 'text': 'The CDK is the logic, material is then logic plus styling, and more on that in that series I just mentioned.', 'start': 4722.795, 'duration': 7.084}, {'end': 4733.489, 'text': 'This is included, this is installed as a dependency.', 'start': 4730.52, 'duration': 2.969}, {'end': 4739.103, 'text': 'In the Angular JSON file which configures our project, It also did one thing.', 'start': 4734.191, 'duration': 4.912}, {'end': 4749.947, 'text': 'It added this input here, this style here, which simply includes a default theme of the material design package, indigo pink.', 'start': 4739.363, 'duration': 10.584}, {'end': 4751.427, 'text': "So that's just some colors.", 'start': 4750.167, 'duration': 1.26}], 'summary': 'The cdk is installed as a dependency in angular json file, adding default material design package theme of indigo pink.', 'duration': 28.632, 'max_score': 4722.795, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz84722795.jpg'}, {'end': 4832.702, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 4796.761, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 4801.546, 'text': 'it now imports the browser animations module, a part of the angular framework,', 'start': 4796.761, 'duration': 4.785}, {'end': 4810.614, 'text': "because some of these components provided by angular material use animations and therefore this is included too, And that's basically it.", 'start': 4801.546, 'duration': 9.068}, {'end': 4812.975, 'text': 'You can also see a log of what it did here.', 'start': 4810.774, 'duration': 2.201}, {'end': 4819.357, 'text': 'So it updated package.json, angular.json, app.module, style.css, now also the index.html file.', 'start': 4813.135, 'duration': 6.222}, {'end': 4821.958, 'text': 'There we can see what it did.', 'start': 4820.098, 'duration': 1.86}, {'end': 4832.702, 'text': 'is it included imports to the material icons so that we can use these icons and the Roboto font so that our text actually has the normal material design too?', 'start': 4821.958, 'duration': 10.744}], 'summary': 'Updated angular project with browser animations module, material icons, and roboto font.', 'duration': 35.941, 'max_score': 4796.761, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz84796761.jpg'}, {'end': 5046.552, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 4854.481, 'weight': 0.934, 'content': [{'end': 4858.403, 'text': 'that sounds promising, And what we need is some input.', 'start': 4854.481, 'duration': 3.922}, {'end': 4859.363, 'text': 'right?. We need some inputs.', 'start': 4858.403, 'duration': 0.96}, {'end': 4862.443, 'text': 'We wanna be able to add a text area.', 'start': 4859.723, 'duration': 2.72}, {'end': 4867.585, 'text': 'So we got our input and text area elements, which you can use.', 'start': 4862.503, 'duration': 5.082}, {'end': 4875.666, 'text': 'And here, if we check out that example code, we can also see how such an input is created with the angle material package.', 'start': 4868.965, 'duration': 6.701}, {'end': 4879.487, 'text': 'Essentially, we add this matte input thing to an input element.', 'start': 4876.326, 'duration': 3.161}, {'end': 4883.068, 'text': 'We can ignore that form thing for now.', 'start': 4879.687, 'duration': 3.381}, {'end': 4889.153, 'text': "So let's go back to our project and to use such an input element.", 'start': 4883.968, 'duration': 5.185}, {'end': 4895.679, 'text': 'we need to unlock it because, by default, none of the components provided by angle material is available in our application.', 'start': 4889.153, 'duration': 6.526}, {'end': 4903.947, 'text': "And this is done to save space that our final application is as small as possible and we don't import things which we don't use.", 'start': 4896.2, 'duration': 7.747}, {'end': 4906.87, 'text': 'Now I want to use something, of course.', 'start': 4904.708, 'duration': 2.162}, {'end': 4913.476, 'text': "so let's actually move that import here up to the top to keep all the Angular imports in one place,", 'start': 4906.87, 'duration': 6.606}, {'end': 4923.084, 'text': "and then let's import something from at Angular material, and that's something I want to import here.", 'start': 4913.476, 'duration': 9.608}, {'end': 4925.947, 'text': "It's just a module.", 'start': 4924.105, 'duration': 1.842}, {'end': 4930.531, 'text': "It's the mat input module.", 'start': 4928.409, 'duration': 2.122}, {'end': 4935.451, 'text': 'And we can take that module and add it to the imports array.', 'start': 4931.749, 'duration': 3.702}, {'end': 4939.873, 'text': 'And what this does is it unlocks all the input related components.', 'start': 4935.911, 'duration': 3.962}, {'end': 4947.837, 'text': 'So now we can go back to the post create component HTML file and there the text area we simply add matte input to it.', 'start': 4940.413, 'duration': 7.424}, {'end': 4952.4, 'text': 'This is the selector which turns this into an angle material input.', 'start': 4948.598, 'duration': 3.802}, {'end': 4956.342, 'text': "Now let's save this and I don't see a big difference to you.", 'start': 4952.84, 'duration': 3.502}, {'end': 4966.834, 'text': "Now, the reason why we don't see a difference is that actually all these input components only work in conjunction with another component we have to add as a wrapper,", 'start': 4957.205, 'duration': 9.629}, {'end': 4969.436, 'text': "and that's the mat form field component.", 'start': 4966.834, 'duration': 2.602}, {'end': 4974.887, 'text': "Now that's just another component provided by Angular Material and we put our inputs in there.", 'start': 4970.646, 'duration': 4.241}, {'end': 4978.308, 'text': "Now I said we don't have to worry about that form thing, and we don't.", 'start': 4975.387, 'duration': 2.921}, {'end': 4984.649, 'text': "we won't use a form yet, but this is something we need to add to get a styling that looks better.", 'start': 4978.308, 'duration': 6.341}, {'end': 4990.75, 'text': "So now we can see Angular Material seems to do something, we don't have that ugly input from before.", 'start': 4985.049, 'duration': 5.701}, {'end': 4995.171, 'text': "Now it's also not super pretty yet, but we'll get there.", 'start': 4991.39, 'duration': 3.781}, {'end': 5005.403, 'text': "To turn this into a prettier component, what I'll do is I'll use another component from the angle material framework, and that's the matte card.", 'start': 4995.911, 'duration': 9.492}, {'end': 5010.83, 'text': "So let's add another import in the app module, matte card module.", 'start': 5006.184, 'duration': 4.646}, {'end': 5017.691, 'text': 'Card is a special container, a look you will probably know from other pages.', 'start': 5011.769, 'duration': 5.922}, {'end': 5020.872, 'text': "Let's add the mat-card module to the imports array.", 'start': 5018.311, 'duration': 2.561}, {'end': 5026.953, 'text': "And then in the post create component, I'll wrap my mat form field here with mat-card.", 'start': 5021.392, 'duration': 5.561}, {'end': 5030.775, 'text': 'Now this creates Such a card look.', 'start': 5027.674, 'duration': 3.101}, {'end': 5037.603, 'text': "If I put it in there and we save that, you will see now it's indented a bit more and you see there's a slight shadow below that.", 'start': 5030.896, 'duration': 6.707}, {'end': 5041.647, 'text': "Now we can't see it that well because it's a bit hard to see, it's taking up all the width.", 'start': 5037.863, 'duration': 3.784}, {'end': 5045.391, 'text': "So let's restrict that width by also adding some custom styles to that.", 'start': 5041.988, 'duration': 3.403}, {'end': 5046.552, 'text': 'We can still do that.', 'start': 5045.511, 'duration': 1.041}], 'summary': 'The transcript discusses adding input elements and applying angular material components to improve the styling, including adding mat input and mat form field, and wrapping the input in a mat card for a better look.', 'duration': 192.071, 'max_score': 4854.481, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz84854481.jpg'}, {'end': 4895.679, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 4868.965, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 4875.666, 'text': 'And here, if we check out that example code, we can also see how such an input is created with the angle material package.', 'start': 4868.965, 'duration': 6.701}, {'end': 4879.487, 'text': 'Essentially, we add this matte input thing to an input element.', 'start': 4876.326, 'duration': 3.161}, {'end': 4883.068, 'text': 'We can ignore that form thing for now.', 'start': 4879.687, 'duration': 3.381}, {'end': 4889.153, 'text': "So let's go back to our project and to use such an input element.", 'start': 4883.968, 'duration': 5.185}, {'end': 4895.679, 'text': 'we need to unlock it because, by default, none of the components provided by angle material is available in our application.', 'start': 4889.153, 'duration': 6.526}], 'summary': 'Creating input with angle material package, unlocking components in application.', 'duration': 26.714, 'max_score': 4868.965, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz84868965.jpg'}, {'end': 5155.674, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 5132.856, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 5142.101, 'text': 'However, for this to have an effect, I also need to take the wrapping element, matte foreign field and give that a width of 100%.', 'start': 5132.856, 'duration': 9.245}, {'end': 5147.624, 'text': 'And now if we save that, you see the input is spanning the entire width here.', 'start': 5142.101, 'duration': 5.523}, {'end': 5152.011, 'text': 'And now, when I put my button into the card too.', 'start': 5149.229, 'duration': 2.782}, {'end': 5155.674, 'text': "so I'll take that button, put it below that matte form field,", 'start': 5152.011, 'duration': 3.663}], 'summary': 'Setting the wrapping element to 100% width enables the input to span the entire width, accommodating the button placement below the matte form field.', 'duration': 22.818, 'max_score': 5132.856, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz85132856.jpg'}], 'start': 4471.044, 'title': 'Angular basics, material, and form styling', 'summary': 'Covers core angular template binding features, the significance of understanding basics in mean stack project development, integration of angular material for pre-built components, steps for integrating angular material, adding form components like input, text area, button, and form field, and styling using angular material modules and custom css.', 'chapters': [{'end': 4847.314, 'start': 4471.044, 'title': 'Angular basics and angular material', 'summary': 'Covers the core template binding features of angular, the importance of knowing the basics for building a mean stack project, the use of angular material for pre-built angular components, and the steps to integrate angular material into the project.', 'duration': 376.27, 'highlights': ['The chapter covers the core template binding features of Angular, including event binding, string interpolation, property binding, and two-way binding. The core template binding features of Angular, such as event binding, string interpolation, property binding, and two-way binding, are essential for manipulating components and reacting to user events.', 'The importance of knowing the basics for building a mean stack project is emphasized to avoid getting lost throughout the rest of the course. It is important to have a strong grasp of the basics of Angular to avoid confusion and navigate through the mean stack project effectively.', 'The usage of Angular Material for pre-built Angular components is highlighted, providing a set of components for building a visually appealing application. Angular Material offers pre-built Angular components, allowing developers to focus on core logic while leveraging the pre-built components for styling and functionality.', 'The steps to integrate Angular Material into the project are detailed, including the use of npm to install the necessary dependencies and the additional configurations required. The integration of Angular Material involves npm installation of dependencies, such as Angular Material and Angular CDK, along with configurations for styling and animations.']}, {'end': 5236.076, 'start': 4847.314, 'title': 'Angular material form styling', 'summary': 'Covers adding angular material form components like input, text area, button, and form field to a project, along with styling using angular material modules and custom css, resulting in a visually enhanced and functional form.', 'duration': 388.762, 'highlights': ['Added Angular Material modules to unlock input, text area, button, and form field components, resulting in a visually enhanced form The speaker explains how to unlock and use Angular Material input, text area, button, and form field components by adding the necessary Angular Material modules, resulting in visually enhanced and functional form components.', "Utilized Angular Material's matte card module to create a visually appealing card-look container for the form components The speaker demonstrates the use of Angular Material's matte card module to wrap the form field, resulting in a visually appealing card-look container for the form components.", 'Applied custom CSS to restrict the width and center the form components within the card container The speaker explains the process of adding custom CSS to restrict the width and center the form components within the card container, resulting in a visually improved layout for the form.', "Enhanced the button appearance using Angular Material's matte button module and added a primary color to the button for visual appeal The speaker demonstrates the use of Angular Material's matte button module to enhance the button appearance and adds a primary color to the button for visual appeal, resulting in an improved visual design for the button."]}], 'duration': 765.032, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz84471044.jpg', 'highlights': ['The core template binding features of Angular, such as event binding, string interpolation, property binding, and two-way binding, are essential for manipulating components and reacting to user events.', 'It is important to have a strong grasp of the basics of Angular to avoid confusion and navigate through the mean stack project effectively.', 'Angular Material offers pre-built Angular components, allowing developers to focus on core logic while leveraging the pre-built components for styling and functionality.', 'The integration of Angular Material involves npm installation of dependencies, such as Angular Material and Angular CDK, along with configurations for styling and animations.', 'The speaker explains how to unlock and use Angular Material input, text area, button, and form field components by adding the necessary Angular Material modules, resulting in visually enhanced and functional form components.', "The speaker demonstrates the use of Angular Material's matte card module to wrap the form field, resulting in a visually appealing card-look container for the form components.", 'The speaker explains the process of adding custom CSS to restrict the width and center the form components within the card container, resulting in a visually improved layout for the form.', "The speaker demonstrates the use of Angular Material's matte button module to enhance the button appearance and adds a primary color to the button for visual appeal, resulting in an improved visual design for the button."]}, {'end': 6589.087, 'segs': [{'end': 5448.95, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 5399.071, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 5404.915, 'text': "So we go to declarations in our app module, not imports, because we're not importing another module,", 'start': 5399.071, 'duration': 5.844}, {'end': 5407.557, 'text': "we're just importing another component in our case.", 'start': 5404.915, 'duration': 2.642}, {'end': 5411.16, 'text': 'And there I will add my own component.', 'start': 5408.138, 'duration': 3.022}, {'end': 5419.846, 'text': "So I'll again let my IDE automatically import this and I will just add header component And my IDE adds the import up here.", 'start': 5411.74, 'duration': 8.106}, {'end': 5420.987, 'text': 'This is important.', 'start': 5420.167, 'duration': 0.82}, {'end': 5423.148, 'text': 'So now this is added.', 'start': 5422.148, 'duration': 1}, {'end': 5431.233, 'text': 'Now we can use the header component here and I want to use it in my app component instead of our first app.', 'start': 5423.168, 'duration': 8.065}, {'end': 5435.096, 'text': "I'll add app header like this.", 'start': 5431.574, 'duration': 3.522}, {'end': 5438.765, 'text': "Now with that added here, let's save this.", 'start': 5436.724, 'duration': 2.041}, {'end': 5444.147, 'text': "Let's go back to our application and we get this nice toolbar above the rest of our application.", 'start': 5439.025, 'duration': 5.122}, {'end': 5448.95, 'text': 'Now the card is sitting directly on the edge of the toolbar to change this.', 'start': 5444.808, 'duration': 4.142}], 'summary': 'Adding a header component to the app module and using it in the app component results in a toolbar above the application.', 'duration': 49.879, 'max_score': 5399.071, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz85399071.jpg'}, {'end': 5813.642, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 5726.332, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 5729.193, 'text': "Additionally, I'd also like to restrict the width of that.", 'start': 5726.332, 'duration': 2.861}, {'end': 5735.916, 'text': 'Since I wanna do restrict the width of both the input and this, maybe I wanna restrict the width of the total main content.', 'start': 5729.633, 'duration': 6.283}, {'end': 5741.722, 'text': "So let's go actually to the post create component to the style there.", 'start': 5736.756, 'duration': 4.966}, {'end': 5748.049, 'text': 'And I will not set met card here anymore to have a width of 80%.', 'start': 5742.403, 'duration': 5.646}, {'end': 5751.173, 'text': 'Instead, I go to my app component CSS file.', 'start': 5748.049, 'duration': 3.124}, {'end': 5759.133, 'text': 'And for the main area here, there, I will set a width of 80%.', 'start': 5751.413, 'duration': 7.72}, {'end': 5760.654, 'text': 'and margin auto for now.', 'start': 5759.133, 'duration': 1.521}, {'end': 5764.136, 'text': 'So now both is limited in width and centered.', 'start': 5761.314, 'duration': 2.822}, {'end': 5772.041, 'text': 'Now to have some spacing between our post list component and our post create component, we got multiple ways of achieving this.', 'start': 5764.436, 'duration': 7.605}, {'end': 5776.904, 'text': 'One simple way is to add a margin top to our post list component.', 'start': 5772.821, 'duration': 4.083}, {'end': 5781.166, 'text': 'And we can do this by adding post list component.css here.', 'start': 5777.164, 'duration': 4.002}, {'end': 5796.917, 'text': 'and import this into our post list component by adding style urls here post list component dot css, and in here then target a special selector,', 'start': 5783.127, 'duration': 13.79}, {'end': 5805.984, 'text': 'the host selector, which targets the element itself, so to say, and add a margin top of one rem.', 'start': 5796.917, 'duration': 9.067}, {'end': 5813.642, 'text': 'and if we save that, Nothing changed, because actually all the elements by default are not treated as block level elements.', 'start': 5805.984, 'duration': 7.658}], 'summary': 'Restrict width of components to 80% for a centered layout, and add margin top of one rem to post list component for spacing.', 'duration': 87.31, 'max_score': 5726.332, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz85726332.jpg'}, {'end': 6260.145, 'src': 'heatmap', 'start': 6161.387, 'weight': 0.743, 'content': [{'end': 6172.435, 'text': 'I want to render a paragraph where I say no posts added yet, lowercase p, and I will add ng-if to that too.', 'start': 6161.387, 'duration': 11.048}, {'end': 6180.501, 'text': 'And here I will check if posts length is smaller or equal to zero, then I will render this fallback text.', 'start': 6172.895, 'duration': 7.606}, {'end': 6183.323, 'text': 'this is why we see no posts added yet here.', 'start': 6181.081, 'duration': 2.242}, {'end': 6185.446, 'text': 'now this clearly looks super ugly.', 'start': 6183.323, 'duration': 2.123}, {'end': 6189.21, 'text': 'thankfully we can change this with some built-in css classes.', 'start': 6185.446, 'duration': 3.764}, {'end': 6195.897, 'text': 'you can find more under guides and there using angle material typography.', 'start': 6189.21, 'duration': 6.687}, {'end': 6200.422, 'text': 'here are some classes you can add and there i will add body one as a class.', 'start': 6195.897, 'duration': 4.525}, {'end': 6207.284, 'text': "So here mat, that's always added at the beginning, mat-body1..", 'start': 6201.88, 'duration': 5.404}, {'end': 6211.407, 'text': 'And now if we save that, we got a nicer look.', 'start': 6208.905, 'duration': 2.502}, {'end': 6214.37, 'text': 'Now it has the Roboto font, for example.', 'start': 6211.647, 'duration': 2.723}, {'end': 6222.416, 'text': "And if we want to center this, for example, well, then we can also add another class because I don't want to style all paragraphs.", 'start': 6214.45, 'duration': 7.966}, {'end': 6223.837, 'text': 'I just want to style this paragraph.', 'start': 6222.496, 'duration': 1.341}, {'end': 6227.519, 'text': 'So this will be my info text.', 'start': 6224.297, 'duration': 3.222}, {'end': 6236.765, 'text': 'And I will target this now in my CSS file info text and simply set text align here to center.', 'start': 6228.4, 'duration': 8.365}, {'end': 6241.788, 'text': "And now we're using some structural directives to present a nice user interface.", 'start': 6237.146, 'duration': 4.642}, {'end': 6248.973, 'text': 'Time to be able to finally add some posts and connect the post create component with the post list component.', 'start': 6242.249, 'duration': 6.724}, {'end': 6260.145, 'text': 'So it would be nice if we could add posts right?', 'start': 6257.884, 'duration': 2.261}], 'summary': 'Styling and structural directives added for improved ui, with example of using css classes and conditional rendering.', 'duration': 98.758, 'max_score': 6161.387, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz86161387.jpg'}], 'start': 5236.457, 'title': 'Angular components and data rendering', 'summary': 'Covers adding toolbar and creating a header component, outputting posts, using angular material for expandable panels, dynamic rendering with ng4 directive, and angular posts connection with custom events, focusing on enhancing visual appearance and functionality, and dynamically rendering and connecting components.', 'chapters': [{'end': 5491.099, 'start': 5236.457, 'title': 'Adding toolbar and header component', 'summary': 'Covers the process of adding a toolbar and creating a header component to the angular application, including importing modules, defining component structure, and styling elements, to enhance the visual appearance and functionality of the app.', 'duration': 254.642, 'highlights': ['The process of creating and incorporating a header component and toolbar to enhance the visual appearance of the Angular application is explained. The chapter explains the step-by-step process of creating a header component and incorporating a toolbar to improve the visual appearance of the Angular application.', 'Importing the matToolbar module from Angular Material and utilizing its features to create a customized toolbar is demonstrated. The process of importing the matToolbar module from Angular Material and utilizing its features to create a customized toolbar, including setting color and title, is demonstrated.', 'Styling the main content by wrapping it with the main element and adding margin to create distance between the card and the toolbar is discussed. The chapter discusses styling the main content by wrapping it with the main element and adding margin to create distance between the card and the toolbar, enhancing the visual layout of the application.']}, {'end': 5979.103, 'start': 5491.359, 'title': 'Outputting posts and using angular material', 'summary': 'Covers the process of outputting posts, creating a new component for post list, integrating angular material components for expandable panels, and dynamically looping through posts using ngfor directive.', 'duration': 487.744, 'highlights': ['Creating a new component for post list and adding it to the app module for rendering a list of posts. Creating a separate component for post list to render posts independently. Adding the component to the app module for usage in the app component.', 'Integrating Angular Material expansion panel for collapsible content and using the mat-accordion module for orchestration. Importing the mat-expansion module from Angular Material and integrating it into the post list component HTML for creating expandable panels.', 'Styling the components using CSS and adding spacing between post list and post create components. Applying CSS for limiting the width of components and centering them. Adding margin top to the post list component for spacing between components.', 'Explaining the usage of ngFor directive to dynamically loop through posts and render multiple expansion panels. Describing the purpose of ngFor directive for dynamic rendering of elements. Emphasizing its use for looping through and displaying posts.']}, {'end': 6241.788, 'start': 5979.724, 'title': 'Dynamic rendering with ng4', 'summary': 'Demonstrates how to use the ng4 directive to dynamically render a list of data, including creating expansion panels for different posts and implementing conditional rendering based on the availability of posts.', 'duration': 262.064, 'highlights': ['The ng4 directive is used to dynamically render a list of data, creating expansion panels for different posts. Demonstrates the use of ng4 directive to dynamically render expansion panels for different posts, enabling access to the data through looping logic.', 'Conditional rendering is implemented based on the availability of posts using ng-if structural directive. Illustrates the use of ng-if structural directive to conditionally render the accordion and posts based on the availability of data, with a fallback text if no posts are present.', "CSS classes are utilized to enhance the user interface, including font styling and text centering. Shows the application of built-in CSS classes to improve the appearance of the user interface, including font styling using 'mat-body1' class and centering text using a custom class."]}, {'end': 6589.087, 'start': 6242.249, 'title': 'Angular posts connection', 'summary': 'Covers adding a new input field for the post title, emitting and listening to custom events for post creation, and passing posts to the post list component, focusing on angular core concepts and data binding.', 'duration': 346.838, 'highlights': ['Added a new input field for the post title and implemented two-way binding for the entered title, enhancing the post create component functionality. Added a material input field for the post title, implemented two-way binding for the entered title, and updated the template to use the entered title.', 'Implemented post creation logic, including creating a new JavaScript object for the post with title and content properties, and stored it in a constant, setting the foundation for adding posts. Created a new JavaScript object for the post, stored the entered title and content, and prepared the logic for adding posts.', "Utilized the event emitter to emit a custom event 'post created' in the post create component and added the output decorator to make the event available for the parent component, enabling the passing of data between components. Utilized the event emitter to emit a custom 'post created' event, added the output decorator for the event, and allowed the passing of data between components using event binding."]}], 'duration': 1352.63, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz85236457.jpg', 'highlights': ['Creating a header component and incorporating a toolbar to enhance the visual appearance of the Angular application.', 'Importing the matToolbar module from Angular Material and utilizing its features to create a customized toolbar.', 'Styling the main content by wrapping it with the main element and adding margin to create distance between the card and the toolbar.', 'Creating a new component for post list and adding it to the app module for rendering a list of posts.', 'Integrating Angular Material expansion panel for collapsible content and using the mat-accordion module for orchestration.', 'Explaining the usage of ngFor directive to dynamically loop through posts and render multiple expansion panels.', 'The ng4 directive is used to dynamically render a list of data, creating expansion panels for different posts.', 'Conditional rendering is implemented based on the availability of posts using ng-if structural directive.', 'Added a new input field for the post title and implemented two-way binding for the entered title, enhancing the post create component functionality.', 'Implemented post creation logic, including creating a new JavaScript object for the post with title and content properties.', "Utilized the event emitter to emit a custom event 'post created' in the post create component and added the output decorator to make the event available for the parent component."]}, {'end': 7699.008, 'segs': [{'end': 6971.015, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 6945.185, 'weight': 4, 'content': [{'end': 6950.933, 'text': "We can be very clear about this, and we can even be clear about the data we're going to emit.", 'start': 6945.185, 'duration': 5.748}, {'end': 6961.305, 'text': 'Event emitter is a so-called generic type, which simply means we can pass additional information about which type of data it works with.', 'start': 6951.453, 'duration': 9.852}, {'end': 6968.492, 'text': 'and the event emitter works with data in the sense of it emits data and that data will be a post.', 'start': 6961.305, 'duration': 7.187}, {'end': 6971.015, 'text': 'so we can add lower than greater than signs.', 'start': 6968.492, 'duration': 2.523}], 'summary': 'Event emitter works with post data, emitting clear and specific data types.', 'duration': 25.83, 'max_score': 6945.185, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz86945185.jpg'}, {'end': 7084.927, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 7054.497, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 7061.801, 'text': 'it will automatically create a JavaScript object behind the scenes which represents this form, so to say,', 'start': 7054.497, 'duration': 7.304}, {'end': 7066.903, 'text': 'where we can easily register inputs as controls of which it will keep track of,', 'start': 7061.801, 'duration': 5.102}, {'end': 7075.288, 'text': 'where it will then store the values of these controls and where we can easily add validation to and submit the form and use the value of that form.', 'start': 7066.903, 'duration': 8.385}, {'end': 7084.927, 'text': 'For that, we can get rid of the two-way binding here with this syntax and instead add ngModel like this, so as a directive without any bindings.', 'start': 7076.479, 'duration': 8.448}], 'summary': 'Angularjs creates javascript objects to manage form controls and values without two-way binding.', 'duration': 30.43, 'max_score': 7054.497, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz87054497.jpg'}, {'end': 7201.307, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 7171.455, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 7177.156, 'text': 'We can add a reference to the form and you can name this however you want, like post form.', 'start': 7171.455, 'duration': 5.701}, {'end': 7179.737, 'text': "And now important, you don't just add it like this.", 'start': 7177.797, 'duration': 1.94}, {'end': 7182.798, 'text': 'This would give us access to the HTML element object.', 'start': 7179.977, 'duration': 2.821}, {'end': 7187.899, 'text': 'We can actually assign a value here and that value has to be ng-form.', 'start': 7183.438, 'duration': 4.461}, {'end': 7190.24, 'text': 'now that is a directive.', 'start': 7188.599, 'duration': 1.641}, {'end': 7201.307, 'text': 'angular implicitly attaches to the form element here for us, and what this strange syntax does is it gives us access to this object, this form object,', 'start': 7190.24, 'duration': 11.067}], 'summary': 'Adding a reference to the form using ng-form in angular.', 'duration': 29.852, 'max_score': 7171.455, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz87171455.jpg'}, {'end': 7269.527, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 7241.798, 'weight': 8, 'content': [{'end': 7248.203, 'text': 'On the form, there is a value property and on that value property, we can access things like title.', 'start': 7241.798, 'duration': 6.405}, {'end': 7253.067, 'text': 'So essentially the names we defined here, title and content.', 'start': 7248.663, 'duration': 4.404}, {'end': 7259.539, 'text': 'So form value title gives us the title user entered, form value content gives us the content.', 'start': 7254.195, 'duration': 5.344}, {'end': 7263.583, 'text': "Obviously now it's possible to enter invalid content.", 'start': 7260.6, 'duration': 2.983}, {'end': 7269.527, 'text': 'We can submit an empty form and we add an empty post therefore, clearly not what we want.', 'start': 7263.923, 'duration': 5.604}], 'summary': 'Access and utilize form values to prevent invalid content submission.', 'duration': 27.729, 'max_score': 7241.798, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz87241798.jpg'}, {'end': 7516.945, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 7484.742, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 7486.623, 'text': 'There is an alternative to which I will come back later.', 'start': 7484.742, 'duration': 1.881}, {'end': 7494.907, 'text': 'So template driven forms and a little help of the angle material package when it comes to beautifully handle errors.', 'start': 7487.343, 'duration': 7.564}, {'end': 7509.074, 'text': 'Now one thing I noticed is that I accidentally removed my margin here at the top because I set margin to auto.', 'start': 7503.951, 'duration': 5.123}, {'end': 7516.945, 'text': 'Well, of course, we can fix that by adding one RAM here on the margin to top and bottom actually and then auto to left and right.', 'start': 7509.978, 'duration': 6.967}], 'summary': 'Discussing template driven forms and material package for error handling, addressing margin issue by adding ram.', 'duration': 32.203, 'max_score': 7484.742, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz87484742.jpg'}], 'start': 6590.08, 'title': 'Angular component binding, optimization, and form handling', 'summary': 'Discusses creating property and event binding for post display, implementing models using interfaces for type safety, working with forms, using ngmodel for two-way binding, handling form submission, adding html5 validators, displaying error messages, and centralizing data access using angular material and services.', 'chapters': [{'end': 7004.371, 'start': 6590.08, 'title': 'Angular component binding and optimization', 'summary': 'Discusses creating a chain for property and event binding to pass and display posts, creating models using interfaces for post structure in an angular application, leading to type safety and clear definition of post data, and ensuring consistency and clarity in the code.', 'duration': 414.291, 'highlights': ['Creating a chain for property and event binding to pass and display posts The chapter explains how to make the posts property bindable from outside via property binding, enabling the passing of posts from the parent component and utilizing property binding to set and rename the stored posts for clarity.', 'Creating models using interfaces for post structure in an Angular application The transcript details the creation of a post.model.ts file with a TypeScript interface defining the fields and methods for a post, allowing for type safety and clear definition of post data, and ensuring consistency and clarity in the code.', 'Ensuring consistency and clarity in the code The chapter emphasizes the importance of creating models using interfaces to define how a post looks like in the application, ensuring type safety and clarity in the code, and allowing for easy identification of the data structure in a team environment.']}, {'end': 7263.583, 'start': 7004.371, 'title': 'Angular forms and two-way binding', 'summary': 'Explains how to work with forms in angular, demonstrating the use of form elements, ngmodel for binding input controls, and handling form submission, aiming to simplify the process and enhance user interaction.', 'duration': 259.212, 'highlights': ['Angular Forms and Two-Way Binding The chapter emphasizes the usage of forms in Angular and the transition from two-way binding to form elements, demonstrating a shift in the approach to working with user input.', 'Usage of ngModel for Form Control Demonstrates the implementation of ngModel directive to register input controls to a form, enabling easy access to control values and simplifying form handling.', "Handling Form Submission Explains the process of handling form submissions in Angular, utilizing the 'submit' event to execute specific actions and access form values for further processing."]}, {'end': 7699.008, 'start': 7263.923, 'title': 'Angular form handling with validators and error messages', 'summary': 'Covers adding html5 validators to angular forms, preventing invalid form submission, and using angular material to display error messages, while also introducing the use of services to centralize data access from different components.', 'duration': 435.085, 'highlights': ['Introduction to adding HTML5 validators to Angular forms Demonstrates adding default HTML5 validators to form inputs, such as the required validator and min length validator, and explains how Angular updates the form object to reflect its validity based on these validators.', 'Preventing invalid form submission and displaying error messages using Angular Material Explains how to manually prevent the submission of invalid forms in the on add post function, and demonstrates the addition of beautiful error messages using the mat error component from Angular Material.', 'Introduction to using services in Angular applications Introduces the concept of services as a way to centralize tasks and provide easy access to data from different components without relying on property and event binding, and demonstrates the creation of a posts service class to store and retrieve posts data.']}], 'duration': 1108.928, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz86590080.jpg', 'highlights': ['Creating models using interfaces for post structure in an Angular application The transcript details the creation of a post.model.ts file with a TypeScript interface defining the fields and methods for a post, allowing for type safety and clear definition of post data, and ensuring consistency and clarity in the code.', 'Usage of ngModel for Form Control Demonstrates the implementation of ngModel directive to register input controls to a form, enabling easy access to control values and simplifying form handling.', 'Introduction to using services in Angular applications Introduces the concept of services as a way to centralize tasks and provide easy access to data from different components without relying on property and event binding, and demonstrates the creation of a posts service class to store and retrieve posts data.', "Handling Form Submission Explains the process of handling form submissions in Angular, utilizing the 'submit' event to execute specific actions and access form values for further processing.", 'Introduction to adding HTML5 validators to Angular forms Demonstrates adding default HTML5 validators to form inputs, such as the required validator and min length validator, and explains how Angular updates the form object to reflect its validity based on these validators.', 'Creating a chain for property and event binding to pass and display posts The chapter explains how to make the posts property bindable from outside via property binding, enabling the passing of posts from the parent component and utilizing property binding to set and rename the stored posts for clarity.', 'Angular Forms and Two-Way Binding The chapter emphasizes the usage of forms in Angular and the transition from two-way binding to form elements, demonstrating a shift in the approach to working with user input.', 'Ensuring consistency and clarity in the code The chapter emphasizes the importance of creating models using interfaces to define how a post looks like in the application, ensuring type safety and clarity in the code, and allowing for easy identification of the data structure in a team environment.', 'Preventing invalid form submission and displaying error messages using Angular Material Explains how to manually prevent the submission of invalid forms in the on add post function, and demonstrates the addition of beautiful error messages using the mat error component from Angular Material.']}, {'end': 9337.778, 'segs': [{'end': 7912.308, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 7883.143, 'weight': 0, 'content': [{'end': 7893.166, 'text': "So I'll go up there and import post service from posts dot service like that.", 'start': 7883.143, 'duration': 10.023}, {'end': 7901.048, 'text': 'Now this will actually tell Angular hey, I want to have a post service instance,', 'start': 7895.786, 'duration': 5.262}, {'end': 7905.329, 'text': 'because you set the type and Angular will try its best to give you an instance of the service.', 'start': 7901.048, 'duration': 4.281}, {'end': 7912.308, 'text': 'However, I also want to store this in a property of my class here.', 'start': 7906.029, 'duration': 6.279}], 'summary': 'Import post service from posts.service and store in class property.', 'duration': 29.165, 'max_score': 7883.143, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz87883143.jpg'}, {'end': 7961.176, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 7933.722, 'weight': 2, 'content': [{'end': 7942.227, 'text': 'We can omit all that code and actually get the exact same result by adding a keyword in front of post service.', 'start': 7933.722, 'duration': 8.505}, {'end': 7951.073, 'text': 'The public keyword will automatically create a new property in this component and store the incoming value in that property.', 'start': 7942.427, 'duration': 8.646}, {'end': 7955.875, 'text': "Now that's all nice and Angular will try to fulfill this requirement,", 'start': 7952.014, 'duration': 3.861}, {'end': 7961.176, 'text': "but actually it won't be aware of the posts service because it doesn't scan all your files.", 'start': 7955.875, 'duration': 5.301}], 'summary': 'Using the public keyword will automatically create a new property in the component and store the incoming value in that property.', 'duration': 27.454, 'max_score': 7933.722, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz87933722.jpg'}, {'end': 8189.859, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 8159.931, 'weight': 1, 'content': [{'end': 8161.893, 'text': "So I'll add my constructor here too.", 'start': 8159.931, 'duration': 1.962}, {'end': 8169.021, 'text': 'Use the shortcut to automatically create a property named posts service and add to type post service.', 'start': 8162.814, 'duration': 6.207}, {'end': 8172.993, 'text': 'Import is added automatically by my IDE.', 'start': 8170.672, 'duration': 2.321}, {'end': 8176.014, 'text': "Don't forget these curly braces.", 'start': 8174.213, 'duration': 1.801}, {'end': 8178.835, 'text': 'And now posts service is injected here too.', 'start': 8176.294, 'duration': 2.541}, {'end': 8186.397, 'text': 'Now here, I want to reach out to the post service, not in ngOnInit, but whenever when I created a new post.', 'start': 8179.555, 'duration': 6.842}, {'end': 8189.859, 'text': 'So here, I will actually remove add output.', 'start': 8186.978, 'duration': 2.881}], 'summary': 'Adding constructor, injecting posts service, and removing add output', 'duration': 29.928, 'max_score': 8159.931, 'thumbnail': ''}, {'end': 8799.918, 'src': 'embed', 'start': 8777.43, 'weight': 3, 'content': [{'end': 8785.593, 'text': 'which makes it pretty helpful because we can subscribe to certain updates, changes and push these changes from a totally different place.', 'start': 8777.43, 'duration': 8.163}, {'end': 8787.574, 'text': "Here's more theory on that.", 'start': 8786.273, 'duration': 1.301}, {'end': 8791.555, 'text': 'So we typically think in observables and observers.', 'start': 8787.974, 'duration': 3.581}, {'end': 8799.918, 'text': 'The observer is essentially the thing subscribing to an observable or the thing which establishes the subscription and manages it, you could say.', 'start': 8791.975, 'duration': 7.943}], 'summary': 'Subscribing to updates and changes from different places using observables and observers.', 'duration': 22.488, 'max_score': 8777.43, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz88777430.jpg'}], 'start': 7699.669, 'title': 'Angular lifecycle and services', 'summary': 'Explains using the spread operator in typescript to create true copies of arrays, the importance of making services immutable, implementing getposts and addpost methods, utilizing dependency injection in angular components, using angular lifecycle hooks and an event-driven approach with rxjs, and managing subscriptions in angular to prevent memory leaks and actively manage data streams.', 'chapters': [{'end': 7746.408, 'start': 7699.669, 'title': 'Using spread operator in typescript', 'summary': 'Explains how to create a true copy of an array in typescript using the spread operator, allowing for the creation of a new array with the older objects and ensuring that editing the new array will not affect the original array.', 'duration': 46.739, 'highlights': ['By using the spread operator in TypeScript, a new array can be created with the older objects, ensuring that editing the new array will not affect the original array.', 'This method allows for the creation of a true copy of the array, without affecting the original objects within the array.', 'The spread operator in TypeScript is used by adding square brackets to create a new array and then three dots to take all the elements of another array, ensuring that the original array is not affected by any changes made to the new array.']}, {'end': 8082.464, 'start': 7746.408, 'title': 'Angular service and dependency injection', 'summary': 'Discusses the importance of making services immutable, implementing getposts and addpost methods, and utilizing dependency injection in angular components, emphasizing the significance of providing services at the root level for a single instance throughout the app, and the convenience of using dependency injection in angular components.', 'duration': 336.056, 'highlights': ["The chapter emphasizes the importance of making services immutable, ensuring that the posts array is not directly editable, and creating getPosts and addPost methods. It's a good practice to try to be immutable and not allow people to directly edit the posts array, and the chapter introduces the getPosts and addPost methods for retrieving and adding posts respectively.", 'The discussion covers the process of utilizing dependency injection in Angular components, focusing on the constructor function and the dependency injection system provided by Angular. The chapter explains the usage of the constructor function and the dependency injection system in Angular, where the constructor is called whenever a new instance of the component is created, and the complex dependency injection system of Angular provides the required arguments.', 'The chapter emphasizes the significance of providing services at the root level in Angular, ensuring a single instance throughout the app and avoiding multiple instances with different arrays. It underlines the importance of providing services at the root level, which guarantees a single instance throughout the app, preventing multiple instances with different arrays and ensuring the same instance is injected into components.']}, {'end': 8642.123, 'start': 8082.464, 'title': 'Angular lifecycle hooks and event-driven approach', 'summary': 'Covers the usage of angular lifecycle hooks, specifically focusing on the oninit lifecycle hook, and the implementation of an event-driven approach using the rxjs package. it explains the usage of oninit, the oninit method, and the event-driven approach using the subject from the rxjs package, with a focus on passing data and setting up subscriptions.', 'duration': 559.659, 'highlights': ["The onInit lifecycle hook is used in Angular to automatically execute tasks when a component is created, and it is recommended to perform basic initialization tasks in the onInit method. The onInit lifecycle hook in Angular automatically executes when a component is created, and it's recommended to perform basic initialization tasks in the onInit method.", 'Implementing an event-driven approach using the subject from the RxJS package, allowing the emission and subscription of new values for components interested in receiving the updates. The implementation of an event-driven approach using the subject from the RxJS package enables emission and subscription of new values for components interested in receiving the updates.', "The usage of the subject's next method to emit a new value, as well as setting up subscriptions to listen to emitted values and update components accordingly. The subject's next method is used to emit a new value, and subscriptions are set up to listen to emitted values and update components accordingly."]}, {'end': 9337.778, 'start': 8643.124, 'title': 'Managing subscriptions in angular', 'summary': "Covers the implementation of subscription management in angular, emphasizing the use of ondestroy lifecycle hook to prevent memory leaks and the active management of data streams using observables and subjects, leading to a better understanding of angular's front-end development.", 'duration': 694.654, 'highlights': ['The implementation of subscription management in Angular The chapter discusses the implementation of subscription management in Angular, which includes setting up subscriptions, utilizing the onDestroy lifecycle hook to unsubscribe, and preventing memory leaks.', 'Active management of data streams using observables and subjects The chapter provides a detailed explanation of observables and subjects, emphasizing their role in actively managing data streams, subscribing to updates, emitting data, and preventing memory leaks.', "Emphasis on understanding Angular's front-end development The content emphasizes the importance of understanding observables and subjects in Angular's front-end development, highlighting the efficiency gained by avoiding complex property and event binding chains.", 'Introduction to Node for back-end integration The chapter prepares for the integration of Node.js into the Angular application, setting the stage for transitioning to back-end development and understanding the role of Node.js in the overall application architecture.']}], 'duration': 1638.109, 'thumbnail': 'https://coursnap.oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com/video-capture/1tRLveSyNz8/pics/1tRLveSyNz87699669.jpg', 'highlights': ['Using spread operator in TypeScript to create true copies of arrays', 'Importance of making services immutable and implementing getPosts and addPost methods', 'Utilizing dependency injection in Angular components and emphasizing providing services at the root level', 'Usage of onInit lifecycle hook, event-driven approach with RxJS, and managing subscriptions in Angular']}], 'highlights': ['The course covers a wide range of features including image upload, pagination, authentication, and authorization, providing a comprehensive understanding of building full-stack Angular applications.', 'The MEAN stack technology is emphasized, encompassing MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular, and Node, to create a full-stack Angular application, providing a holistic view of the development process.', "MongoDB's flexibility and scalability in the MEAN stack, handling a large amount of throughput, making it an essential part of the popular MEAN stack.", "Angular's role in rendering dynamic UI, enabling user input, and creating a responsive user experience without page reloads.", "Node.js's role in executing server-side logic, interacting with databases, and handling incoming requests, serving as an alternative to traditional server-side languages.", 'Angular uses Ajax requests for efficient JSON data exchange, eliminating page reloads.', 'The course focuses on becoming a great Angular node developer. Aims to help individuals become proficient in Angular and Node development.', 'The core template binding features of Angular, such as event binding, string interpolation, property binding, and two-way binding, are essential for manipulating components and reacting to user events.', 'Creating models using interfaces for post structure in an Angular application The transcript details the creation of a post.model.ts file with a TypeScript interface defining the fields and methods for a post, allowing for type safety and clear definition of post data, and ensuring consistency and clarity in the code.', 'Using spread operator in TypeScript to create true copies of arrays', 'Utilizing dependency injection in Angular components and emphasizing providing services at the root level', 'Usage of onInit lifecycle hook, event-driven approach with RxJS, and managing subscriptions in Angular']}